package org.jetbrains.plugins.ipnb.format; import; import*; import; import; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.project.ProjectUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.Sdk; import com.intellij.openapi.roots.ProjectRootManager; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.text.VersionComparatorUtil; import com.jetbrains.python.packaging.PyPackage; import com.jetbrains.python.packaging.PyPackageUtil; import com.jetbrains.python.sdk.PythonSdkType; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.plugins.ipnb.editor.panels.IpnbEditablePanel; import org.jetbrains.plugins.ipnb.editor.panels.IpnbFilePanel; import org.jetbrains.plugins.ipnb.format.cells.*; import org.jetbrains.plugins.ipnb.format.cells.output.*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class IpnbParser { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(IpnbParser.class); private static final Gson gson = initGson(); private static final List<String> myErrors = new ArrayList<>(); private static final String VALIDATION_ERROR_TEXT = "An invalid notebook may not function properly. The validation error was:"; private static final String VALIDATION_ERROR_TITLE = "Notebook Validation Failed"; @NotNull private static Gson initGson() { final GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().disableHtmlEscaping().registerTypeAdapter(IpnbCellRaw.class, new RawCellAdapter()) .registerTypeAdapter(IpnbFileRaw.class, new FileAdapter()).registerTypeAdapter(CellOutputRaw.class, new OutputsAdapter()) .registerTypeAdapter(OutputDataRaw.class, new OutputDataAdapter()) .registerTypeAdapter(CellOutputRaw.class, new CellOutputDeserializer()) .registerTypeAdapter(OutputDataRaw.class, new OutputDataDeserializer()) .registerTypeAdapter(IpnbCellRaw.class, new CellRawDeserializer()).serializeNulls(); return builder.create(); } @NotNull public static IpnbFile parseIpnbFile(@NotNull final CharSequence fileText, @NotNull final VirtualFile virtualFile) { myErrors.clear(); final String path = virtualFile.getPath(); IpnbFileRaw rawFile = gson.fromJson(fileText.toString(), IpnbFileRaw.class); if (rawFile == null) { int nbformat = isIpythonNewFormat(virtualFile) ? 4 : 3; return new IpnbFile(new HashMap<>(), nbformat, Lists.newArrayList(), path); } List<IpnbCell> cells = new ArrayList<>(); final IpnbWorksheet[] worksheets = rawFile.worksheets; if (worksheets == null) { for (IpnbCellRaw rawCell : rawFile.cells) { cells.add(rawCell.createCell(validateSource(rawCell))); } } else { for (IpnbWorksheet worksheet : worksheets) { final List<IpnbCellRaw> rawCells = worksheet.cells; for (IpnbCellRaw rawCell : rawCells) { cells.add(rawCell.createCell(validateSource(rawCell))); } } } showValidationMessage(); return new IpnbFile(rawFile.metadata, rawFile.nbformat, cells, path); } private static boolean validateSource(IpnbCellRaw cell) { if (cell.source == null && cell.input == null) { final String error = VALIDATION_ERROR_TEXT + "\n" + "\"source\" or \"input\" is required property:\n" + cell; myErrors.add(error); LOG.warn(error); return false; } return true; } private static void showValidationMessage() { if (!myErrors.isEmpty()) { Messages.showWarningDialog(myErrors.get(0), VALIDATION_ERROR_TITLE); } } public static boolean isIpythonNewFormat(@NotNull final VirtualFile virtualFile) { final Project project = ProjectUtil.guessProjectForFile(virtualFile); if (project != null) { final Module module = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getFileIndex().getModuleForFile(virtualFile); if (module != null) { final Sdk sdk = PythonSdkType.findPythonSdk(module); if (sdk != null) { // It should be called first before IpnbConnectionManager#startIpythonServer() final List<PyPackage> packages = PyPackageUtil.refreshAndGetPackagesModally(sdk); final PyPackage ipython = packages != null ? PyPackageUtil.findPackage(packages, "ipython") : null; final PyPackage jupyter = packages != null ? PyPackageUtil.findPackage(packages, "jupyter") : null; if (jupyter == null && ipython != null &&, "3.0") <= 0) { return false; } } } } return true; } @NotNull public static IpnbFile parseIpnbFile(@NotNull Document document, @NotNull final VirtualFile virtualFile) throws IOException { return parseIpnbFile(document.getImmutableCharSequence(), virtualFile); } public static void saveIpnbFile(@NotNull final IpnbFilePanel ipnbPanel) { final String json = newDocumentText(ipnbPanel); if (json == null) return; writeToFile(ipnbPanel.getIpnbFile().getPath(), json); } @Nullable public static String newDocumentText(@NotNull final IpnbFilePanel ipnbPanel) { final IpnbFile ipnbFile = ipnbPanel.getIpnbFile(); if (ipnbFile == null) return null; for (IpnbEditablePanel panel : ipnbPanel.getIpnbPanels()) { if (panel.isModified()) { panel.updateCellSource(); } } final IpnbFileRaw fileRaw = new IpnbFileRaw(); fileRaw.metadata = ipnbFile.getMetadata(); if (ipnbFile.getNbformat() == 4) { for (IpnbCell cell : ipnbFile.getCells()) { fileRaw.cells.add(IpnbCellRaw.fromCell(cell, ipnbFile.getNbformat())); } } else { final IpnbWorksheet worksheet = new IpnbWorksheet(); worksheet.cells.clear(); for (IpnbCell cell : ipnbFile.getCells()) { worksheet.cells.add(IpnbCellRaw.fromCell(cell, ipnbFile.getNbformat())); } fileRaw.worksheets = new IpnbWorksheet[]{worksheet}; } final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); final JsonWriter writer = new JsonWriter(stringWriter); writer.setIndent(" "); gson.toJson(fileRaw, fileRaw.getClass(), writer); return stringWriter.toString() +"\n"; } private static void writeToFile(@NotNull final String path, @NotNull final String json) { final File file = new File(path); try { final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); final OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream, Charset.forName("UTF-8").newEncoder()); try { writer.write(json); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } finally { try { writer.close(); fileOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOG.error(e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static class IpnbFileRaw { IpnbWorksheet[] worksheets; List<IpnbCellRaw> cells = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Object> metadata = new HashMap<>(); int nbformat = 4; int nbformat_minor; } private static class IpnbWorksheet { final List<IpnbCellRaw> cells = new ArrayList<>(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static class IpnbCellRaw { String cell_type; Integer execution_count; Map<String, Object> metadata = new HashMap<>(); Integer level; List<CellOutputRaw> outputs; List<String> source; List<String> input; String language; Integer prompt_number; @Override public String toString() { return new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create().toJson(this); } public static IpnbCellRaw fromCell(@NotNull final IpnbCell cell, int nbformat) { final IpnbCellRaw raw = new IpnbCellRaw(); if (cell instanceof IpnbEditableCell) { raw.metadata = ((IpnbEditableCell)cell).getMetadata(); } if (cell instanceof IpnbMarkdownCell) { raw.cell_type = "markdown"; raw.source = ((IpnbMarkdownCell)cell).getSource(); } else if (cell instanceof IpnbCodeCell) { raw.cell_type = "code"; final ArrayList<CellOutputRaw> outputRaws = new ArrayList<>(); for (IpnbOutputCell outputCell : ((IpnbCodeCell)cell).getCellOutputs()) { outputRaws.add(CellOutputRaw.fromOutput(outputCell, nbformat)); } raw.outputs = outputRaws; final Integer promptNumber = ((IpnbCodeCell)cell).getPromptNumber(); if (nbformat == 4) { raw.execution_count = promptNumber != null && promptNumber >= 0 ? promptNumber : null; raw.source = ((IpnbCodeCell)cell).getSource(); } else { raw.prompt_number = promptNumber != null && promptNumber >= 0 ? promptNumber : null; raw.language = ((IpnbCodeCell)cell).getLanguage(); raw.input = ((IpnbCodeCell)cell).getSource(); } } else if (cell instanceof IpnbRawCell) { raw.cell_type = "raw"; raw.source = ((IpnbRawCell)cell).getSource(); } else if (cell instanceof IpnbHeadingCell) { raw.cell_type = "heading"; raw.source = ((IpnbHeadingCell)cell).getSource(); raw.level = ((IpnbHeadingCell)cell).getLevel(); } return raw; } @Nullable public IpnbCell createCell(boolean isValidSource) { final IpnbCell cell; if (cell_type.equals("markdown")) { cell = new IpnbMarkdownCell(isValidSource ? source : new ArrayList<>(), metadata); } else if (cell_type.equals("code")) { final List<IpnbOutputCell> outputCells = new ArrayList<>(); for (CellOutputRaw outputRaw : outputs) { outputCells.add(outputRaw.createOutput()); } final Integer prompt = prompt_number != null ? prompt_number : execution_count; cell = new IpnbCodeCell(language == null ? "python" : language, input == null ? (isValidSource ? source : new ArrayList<>()) : input, prompt, outputCells, metadata); } else if (cell_type.equals("raw")) { cell = new IpnbRawCell(isValidSource ? source : new ArrayList<>()); } else if (cell_type.equals("heading")) { cell = new IpnbHeadingCell(isValidSource ? source : new ArrayList<>(), level, metadata); } else { cell = null; } return cell; } } private static class CellOutputRaw { String ename; String name; String evalue; OutputDataRaw data; Integer execution_count; String png; String stream; String jpeg; List<String> html; List<String> latex; List<String> svg; Integer prompt_number; List<String> traceback; Map<String, Object> metadata; String output_type; List<String> text; public static CellOutputRaw fromOutput(@NotNull final IpnbOutputCell outputCell, int nbformat) { final CellOutputRaw raw = new CellOutputRaw(); raw.metadata = outputCell.getMetadata(); if (raw.metadata == null && !(outputCell instanceof IpnbStreamOutputCell) && !(outputCell instanceof IpnbErrorOutputCell)) { raw.metadata = new HashMap<>(); } if (outputCell instanceof IpnbPngOutputCell) { if (nbformat == 4) { final OutputDataRaw dataRaw = new OutputDataRaw(); dataRaw.png = ((IpnbPngOutputCell)outputCell).getBase64String(); dataRaw.text = outputCell.getText(); = dataRaw; raw.execution_count = outputCell.getPromptNumber(); raw.output_type = outputCell.getPromptNumber() != null ? "execute_result" : "display_data"; } else { raw.png = ((IpnbPngOutputCell)outputCell).getBase64String(); raw.text = outputCell.getText(); } } else if (outputCell instanceof IpnbSvgOutputCell) { if (nbformat == 4) { final OutputDataRaw dataRaw = new OutputDataRaw(); dataRaw.text = outputCell.getText(); dataRaw.svg = ((IpnbSvgOutputCell)outputCell).getSvg(); = dataRaw; raw.execution_count = outputCell.getPromptNumber(); raw.output_type = outputCell.getPromptNumber() != null ? "execute_result" : "display_data"; } else { raw.svg = ((IpnbSvgOutputCell)outputCell).getSvg(); raw.text = outputCell.getText(); } } else if (outputCell instanceof IpnbJpegOutputCell) { if (nbformat == 4) { final OutputDataRaw dataRaw = new OutputDataRaw(); dataRaw.text = outputCell.getText(); dataRaw.jpeg = Lists.newArrayList(((IpnbJpegOutputCell)outputCell).getBase64String()); = dataRaw; } else { raw.jpeg = ((IpnbJpegOutputCell)outputCell).getBase64String(); raw.text = outputCell.getText(); } } else if (outputCell instanceof IpnbLatexOutputCell) { if (nbformat == 4) { final OutputDataRaw dataRaw = new OutputDataRaw(); dataRaw.text = outputCell.getText(); if (((IpnbLatexOutputCell)outputCell).isMarkdown()) { dataRaw.markdown = ((IpnbLatexOutputCell)outputCell).getLatex(); } else { dataRaw.latex = ((IpnbLatexOutputCell)outputCell).getLatex(); } = dataRaw; raw.execution_count = outputCell.getPromptNumber(); raw.output_type = outputCell.getPromptNumber() != null ? "execute_result" : "display_data"; } else { raw.latex = ((IpnbLatexOutputCell)outputCell).getLatex(); raw.text = outputCell.getText(); raw.prompt_number = outputCell.getPromptNumber(); } } else if (outputCell instanceof IpnbStreamOutputCell) { if (nbformat == 4) { = ((IpnbStreamOutputCell)outputCell).getStream(); } else { = ((IpnbStreamOutputCell)outputCell).getStream(); } raw.text = outputCell.getText(); raw.output_type = "stream"; } else if (outputCell instanceof IpnbHtmlOutputCell) { if (nbformat == 4) { final OutputDataRaw dataRaw = new OutputDataRaw(); dataRaw.html = ((IpnbHtmlOutputCell)outputCell).getHtmls(); dataRaw.text = outputCell.getText(); = dataRaw; raw.execution_count = outputCell.getPromptNumber(); } else { raw.html = ((IpnbHtmlOutputCell)outputCell).getHtmls(); } raw.output_type = nbformat == 4 ? "execute_result" : "pyout"; } else if (outputCell instanceof IpnbErrorOutputCell) { raw.output_type = nbformat == 4 ? "error" : "pyerr"; raw.evalue = ((IpnbErrorOutputCell)outputCell).getEvalue(); raw.ename = ((IpnbErrorOutputCell)outputCell).getEname(); raw.traceback = outputCell.getText(); } else if (outputCell instanceof IpnbOutOutputCell) { if (nbformat == 4) { raw.execution_count = outputCell.getPromptNumber(); raw.output_type = "execute_result"; final OutputDataRaw dataRaw = new OutputDataRaw(); dataRaw.text = outputCell.getText(); = dataRaw; } else { raw.output_type = "pyout"; raw.prompt_number = outputCell.getPromptNumber(); raw.text = outputCell.getText(); } } else { raw.text = outputCell.getText(); } return raw; } public IpnbOutputCell createOutput() { List<String> text = this.text != null ? this.text : data != null ? data.text : Lists.newArrayList(); Integer prompt = execution_count != null ? execution_count : prompt_number; final IpnbOutputCell outputCell; if (png != null || (data != null && data.png != null)) { outputCell = new IpnbPngOutputCell(png == null ? StringUtil.join(data.png) : png, text, prompt, metadata); } else if (jpeg != null || (data != null && data.jpeg != null)) { outputCell = new IpnbJpegOutputCell(jpeg == null ? StringUtil.join(data.jpeg, "") : jpeg, text, prompt, metadata); } else if (svg != null || (data != null && data.svg != null)) { outputCell = new IpnbSvgOutputCell(svg == null ? data.svg : svg, text, prompt, metadata); } else if (html != null || (data != null && data.html != null)) { outputCell = new IpnbHtmlOutputCell(html == null ? data.html : html, text, prompt, metadata); } else if (latex != null || (data != null && data.latex != null)) { outputCell = new IpnbLatexOutputCell(latex == null ? data.latex : latex, false, prompt, text, metadata); } else if (data != null && data.markdown != null) { outputCell = new IpnbLatexOutputCell(data.markdown, true, prompt, text, metadata); } else if (stream != null || name != null) { outputCell = new IpnbStreamOutputCell(stream == null ? name : stream, text, prompt, metadata); } else if ("pyerr".equals(output_type) || "error".equals(output_type)) { outputCell = new IpnbErrorOutputCell(evalue, ename, traceback, prompt, metadata); } else if ("pyout".equals(output_type)) { outputCell = new IpnbOutOutputCell(text, prompt, metadata); } else if ("execute_result".equals(output_type) && data != null) { outputCell = new IpnbOutOutputCell(data.text, prompt, metadata); } else if ("display_data".equals(output_type)) { outputCell = new IpnbPngOutputCell(null, text, prompt, metadata); } else { outputCell = new IpnbOutputCell(text, prompt, metadata); } return outputCell; } } private static class OutputDataRaw { @SerializedName("image/png") String png; @SerializedName("text/html") List<String> html; @SerializedName("image/svg+xml") List<String> svg; @SerializedName("image/jpeg") List<String> jpeg; @SerializedName("text/latex") List<String> latex; @SerializedName("text/plain") List<String> text; @SerializedName("text/markdown") List<String> markdown; } static class RawCellAdapter implements JsonSerializer<IpnbCellRaw> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(IpnbCellRaw cellRaw, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { final JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject.addProperty("cell_type", cellRaw.cell_type); if ("code".equals(cellRaw.cell_type)) { final Integer count = cellRaw.execution_count; if (count == null) { jsonObject.add("execution_count", JsonNull.INSTANCE); } else { jsonObject.addProperty("execution_count", count); } } if (cellRaw.metadata != null) { final JsonElement metadata = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.metadata); jsonObject.add("metadata", metadata); } if (cellRaw.level != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("level", cellRaw.level); } if (cellRaw.outputs != null) { final JsonElement outputs = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.outputs); jsonObject.add("outputs", outputs); } if (cellRaw.source != null) { final JsonElement source = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.source); jsonObject.add("source", source); } if (cellRaw.input != null) { final JsonElement input = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.input); jsonObject.add("input", input); } if (cellRaw.language != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("language", cellRaw.language); } if (cellRaw.prompt_number != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("prompt_number", cellRaw.prompt_number); } return jsonObject; } } static class FileAdapter implements JsonSerializer<IpnbFileRaw> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(IpnbFileRaw fileRaw, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { final JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); if (fileRaw.worksheets != null) { final JsonElement worksheets = gson.toJsonTree(fileRaw.worksheets); jsonObject.add("worksheets", worksheets); } if (fileRaw.cells != null) { final JsonElement cells = gson.toJsonTree(fileRaw.cells); jsonObject.add("cells", cells); } final JsonElement metadata = gson.toJsonTree(fileRaw.metadata); jsonObject.add("metadata", metadata); jsonObject.addProperty("nbformat", fileRaw.nbformat); jsonObject.addProperty("nbformat_minor", fileRaw.nbformat_minor); return jsonObject; } } static class CellRawDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<IpnbCellRaw> { @Override public IpnbCellRaw deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { final JsonObject object = json.getAsJsonObject(); final IpnbCellRaw cellRaw = new IpnbCellRaw(); final JsonElement cell_type = object.get("cell_type"); if (cell_type != null) { cellRaw.cell_type = cell_type.getAsString(); } final JsonElement count = object.get("execution_count"); if (count != null) { cellRaw.execution_count = count.isJsonNull() ? null : count.getAsInt(); } final JsonElement metadata = object.get("metadata"); if (metadata != null) { cellRaw.metadata = gson.fromJson(metadata, Map.class); } final JsonElement level = object.get("level"); if (level != null) { cellRaw.level = level.getAsInt(); } final JsonElement outputsElement = object.get("outputs"); if (outputsElement != null) { final JsonArray outputs = outputsElement.getAsJsonArray(); cellRaw.outputs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (JsonElement output : outputs) { cellRaw.outputs.add(gson.fromJson(output, CellOutputRaw.class)); } } cellRaw.source = getStringOrArray("source", object); cellRaw.input = getStringOrArray("input", object); final JsonElement language = object.get("language"); if (language != null) { cellRaw.language = language.getAsString(); } final JsonElement number = object.get("prompt_number"); if (number != null) { if ("*".equals(number.getAsString())) { cellRaw.prompt_number = null; } else { cellRaw.prompt_number = number.getAsInt(); } } return cellRaw; } } static class OutputDataDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<OutputDataRaw> { @Override public OutputDataRaw deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { final JsonObject object = json.getAsJsonObject(); final OutputDataRaw dataRaw = new OutputDataRaw(); final JsonElement png = object.get("image/png"); if (png instanceof JsonArray) { final JsonArray array = png.getAsJsonArray(); StringBuilder pngString = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i != array.size(); ++i) { pngString.append(array.get(i).getAsString()); } dataRaw.png = pngString.toString(); } else if (png instanceof JsonPrimitive) { dataRaw.png = png.getAsString(); } dataRaw.html = getStringOrArray("text/html", object); dataRaw.svg = getStringOrArray("image/svg+xml", object); dataRaw.jpeg = getStringOrArray("image/jpeg", object); dataRaw.latex = getStringOrArray("text/latex", object); dataRaw.markdown = getStringOrArray("text/markdown", object); dataRaw.text = getStringOrArray("text/plain", object); return dataRaw; } } static class CellOutputDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<CellOutputRaw> { @Override public CellOutputRaw deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { final JsonObject object = json.getAsJsonObject(); final CellOutputRaw cellOutputRaw = new CellOutputRaw(); final JsonElement ename = object.get("ename"); if (ename != null) { cellOutputRaw.ename = ename.getAsString(); } final JsonElement name = object.get("name"); if (name != null) { = name.getAsString(); } final JsonElement evalue = object.get("evalue"); if (evalue != null) { cellOutputRaw.evalue = evalue.getAsString(); } final JsonElement data = object.get("data"); if (data != null) { = gson.fromJson(data, OutputDataRaw.class); } final JsonElement count = object.get("execution_count"); if (count != null) { cellOutputRaw.execution_count = count.getAsInt(); } final JsonElement outputType = object.get("output_type"); if (outputType != null) { cellOutputRaw.output_type = outputType.getAsString(); } final JsonElement png = object.get("png"); if (png != null) { cellOutputRaw.png = png.getAsString(); } final JsonElement stream = object.get("stream"); if (stream != null) { = stream.getAsString(); } final JsonElement jpeg = object.get("jpeg"); if (jpeg != null) { cellOutputRaw.jpeg = jpeg.getAsString(); } cellOutputRaw.html = getStringOrArray("html", object); cellOutputRaw.latex = getStringOrArray("latex", object); cellOutputRaw.svg = getStringOrArray("svg", object); final JsonElement promptNumber = object.get("prompt_number"); if (promptNumber != null) { cellOutputRaw.prompt_number = promptNumber.getAsInt(); } cellOutputRaw.text = getStringOrArray("text", object); cellOutputRaw.traceback = getStringOrArray("traceback", object); final JsonElement metadata = object.get("metadata"); if (metadata != null) { cellOutputRaw.metadata = gson.fromJson(metadata, Map.class); } return cellOutputRaw; } } @Nullable private static ArrayList<String> getStringOrArray(String name, JsonObject object) { final JsonElement jsonElement = object.get(name); final ArrayList<String> strings = Lists.newArrayList(); if (jsonElement == null) return null; if (jsonElement.isJsonArray()) { final JsonArray array = jsonElement.getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement element : array) { strings.add(element.getAsString()); } } else { strings.add(jsonElement.getAsString()); } return strings; } static class OutputsAdapter implements JsonSerializer<CellOutputRaw> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(CellOutputRaw cellRaw, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { final JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); if (cellRaw.ename != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("ename", cellRaw.ename); } if ( != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("name",; } if (cellRaw.evalue != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("evalue", cellRaw.evalue); } if ( != null) { final JsonElement data = gson.toJsonTree(; jsonObject.add("data", data); } if (cellRaw.execution_count != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("execution_count", cellRaw.execution_count); } if (cellRaw.png != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("png", cellRaw.png); } if ( != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("stream",; } if (cellRaw.jpeg != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("jpeg", cellRaw.jpeg); } if (cellRaw.html != null) { final JsonElement html = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.html); jsonObject.add("html", html); } if (cellRaw.latex != null) { final JsonElement latex = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.latex); jsonObject.add("latex", latex); } if (cellRaw.svg != null) { final JsonElement svg = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.svg); jsonObject.add("svg", svg); } if (cellRaw.prompt_number != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("prompt_number", cellRaw.prompt_number); } if (cellRaw.traceback != null) { final JsonElement traceback = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.traceback); jsonObject.add("traceback", traceback); } if (cellRaw.metadata != null) { final JsonElement metadata = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.metadata); jsonObject.add("metadata", metadata); } if (cellRaw.output_type != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("output_type", cellRaw.output_type); } if (cellRaw.text != null) { final JsonElement text = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.text); jsonObject.add("text", text); } return jsonObject; } } static class OutputDataAdapter implements JsonSerializer<OutputDataRaw> { @Override public JsonElement serialize(OutputDataRaw cellRaw, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { final JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); if (cellRaw.png != null) { jsonObject.addProperty("image/png", cellRaw.png); } if (cellRaw.html != null) { final JsonElement html = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.html); jsonObject.add("text/html", html); } if (cellRaw.svg != null) { final JsonElement svg = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.svg); jsonObject.add("image/svg+xml", svg); } if (cellRaw.jpeg != null) { final JsonElement jpeg = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.jpeg); jsonObject.add("image/jpeg", jpeg); } if (cellRaw.latex != null) { final JsonElement latex = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.latex); jsonObject.add("text/latex", latex); } if (cellRaw.markdown != null) { final JsonElement markdown = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.markdown); jsonObject.add("text/markdown", markdown); } if (cellRaw.text != null) { final JsonElement text = gson.toJsonTree(cellRaw.text); jsonObject.add("text/plain", text); } return jsonObject; } } }