package; import; import; import com.intellij.util.xmlb.annotations.Transient; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Implementation of task file which contains task windows for student to type in and * which is visible to student in project view */ public class TaskFile { @Expose public String name; @Expose public String text; private int myIndex = -1; private boolean myUserCreated = false; private boolean myTrackChanges = true; private boolean myTrackLengths = true; private boolean myHighlightErrors = false; @Expose @SerializedName("placeholders") private List<AnswerPlaceholder> myAnswerPlaceholders = new ArrayList<>(); @Transient private Task myTask; public TaskFile() { } public void initTaskFile(final Task task, boolean isRestarted) { setTask(task); final List<AnswerPlaceholder> answerPlaceholders = getAnswerPlaceholders(); for (AnswerPlaceholder answerPlaceholder : answerPlaceholders) { answerPlaceholder.initAnswerPlaceholder(this, isRestarted); } answerPlaceholders.sort(new AnswerPlaceholderComparator()); for (int i = 0; i < answerPlaceholders.size(); i++) { answerPlaceholders.get(i).setIndex(i); } } public List<AnswerPlaceholder> getAnswerPlaceholders() { return myAnswerPlaceholders; } public List<AnswerPlaceholder> getActivePlaceholders() { List<AnswerPlaceholder> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (AnswerPlaceholder placeholder : myAnswerPlaceholders) { if (placeholder.getActiveSubtaskInfo() != null) { result.add(placeholder); } } return result; } public void setAnswerPlaceholders(List<AnswerPlaceholder> answerPlaceholders) { this.myAnswerPlaceholders = answerPlaceholders; } public void addAnswerPlaceholder(AnswerPlaceholder answerPlaceholder) { myAnswerPlaceholders.add(answerPlaceholder); } public int getIndex() { return myIndex; } public void setIndex(int index) { myIndex = index; } @Transient public Task getTask() { return myTask; } @Transient public void setTask(Task task) { myTask = task; } /** * @param offset position in editor * @return answer placeholder located in specified position or null if there is no task window in this position */ @Nullable public AnswerPlaceholder getAnswerPlaceholder(int offset) { return StudyUtils.getAnswerPlaceholder(offset, getActivePlaceholders()); } public boolean isTrackLengths() { return myTrackLengths; } public void setTrackLengths(boolean trackLengths) { myTrackLengths = trackLengths; } public static void copy(@NotNull final TaskFile source, @NotNull final TaskFile target) { List<AnswerPlaceholder> sourceAnswerPlaceholders = source.getActivePlaceholders(); List<AnswerPlaceholder> answerPlaceholdersCopy = new ArrayList<>(sourceAnswerPlaceholders.size()); for (AnswerPlaceholder answerPlaceholder : sourceAnswerPlaceholders) { AnswerPlaceholder answerPlaceholderCopy = new AnswerPlaceholder(); answerPlaceholderCopy.setTaskText(answerPlaceholder.getTaskText()); answerPlaceholderCopy.setOffset(answerPlaceholder.getOffset()); answerPlaceholderCopy.setLength(answerPlaceholder.getLength()); answerPlaceholderCopy.setPossibleAnswer(answerPlaceholder.getPossibleAnswer()); answerPlaceholderCopy.setIndex(answerPlaceholder.getIndex()); answerPlaceholderCopy.setHints(answerPlaceholder.getHints()); final AnswerPlaceholder.MyInitialState state = answerPlaceholder.getInitialState(); if (state != null) { answerPlaceholderCopy.setInitialState(new AnswerPlaceholder.MyInitialState(state.getOffset(), state.getLength())); } answerPlaceholdersCopy.add(answerPlaceholderCopy); } =; target.setAnswerPlaceholders(answerPlaceholdersCopy); } public void setUserCreated(boolean userCreated) { myUserCreated = userCreated; } public boolean isUserCreated() { return myUserCreated; } public boolean isTrackChanges() { return myTrackChanges; } public void setTrackChanges(boolean trackChanges) { myTrackChanges = trackChanges; } public boolean isHighlightErrors() { return myHighlightErrors; } public void setHighlightErrors(boolean highlightErrors) { myHighlightErrors = highlightErrors; } public void sortAnswerPlaceholders() { myAnswerPlaceholders.sort(new AnswerPlaceholderComparator()); for (int i = 0; i < myAnswerPlaceholders.size(); i++) { myAnswerPlaceholders.get(i).setIndex(i); } } public boolean hasFailedPlaceholders() { for (AnswerPlaceholder placeholder : myAnswerPlaceholders) { if (placeholder.getStatus() == StudyStatus.Failed) { return true; } } return false; } }