package org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.ui; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.util.ui.MultiRowFlowPanel; import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; /** * Allows to build controls that show target user text with 'reach info' (e.g. inline icon button). * <p/> * Not thread-safe. * * @author Denis Zhdanov * @since 1/16/12 5:06 PM */ public class RichTextControlBuilder { private static final String RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_START = "{@"; private static final String RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_END = "}"; private final Map<String, RichTextProcessor> myProcessors = new HashMap<>(); private final JPanel myResult = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); private final Collection<JComponent> myComponents = new ArrayList<>(); private Color myForegroundColor; private Color myBackgroundColor; private Font myFont; public RichTextControlBuilder() { myForegroundColor = myResult.getForeground(); myBackgroundColor = myResult.getBackground(); myFont = myResult.getFont(); registerProcessor(new RichTextActionProcessor()); } /** * Defines target text to show by the UI component built by the current builder. * <p/> * The text can be 'reach', i.e. contain text like '{@value #RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_START}key data{@value #RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_END}'. * Then 'data' will be delivered to the {@link RichTextProcessor} registered for the * {@link RichTextProcessor#getKey() target key}. {@link RichTextProcessor#process(String) Returned component} (if any) will be * shown within the resulting UI control. * <p/> * For example, there is a predefined {@link RichTextActionProcessor} that resolves references to the actions (shows its icon at * the resulting component). * * @param text target text to show by the resulting control * @throws IllegalArgumentException if given text is malformed */ public void setText(@NotNull String text) throws IllegalArgumentException { myResult.removeAll(); myComponents.clear(); List<JComponent> rowComponents = new ArrayList<>(); RichTextProcessor metaDataProcessor = null; StringBuilder metaTokenData = new StringBuilder(); boolean ignoreNext = false; for (String s : StringUtil.tokenize(new StringTokenizer(text, " \n", true))) { if (ignoreNext || s.isEmpty()) { ignoreNext = false; continue; } if (metaDataProcessor != null) { // Inside meta-token. final int i = s.indexOf(RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_END); if (i >= 0) { // Meta-token ends within the current string. metaTokenData.append(s.substring(0, i)); final JComponent component = metaDataProcessor.process(metaTokenData.toString()); if (component != null) { rowComponents.add(component); } metaTokenData.setLength(0); metaDataProcessor = null; if (i + RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_END.length() < s.length()) { s = s.substring(i + RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_END.length()); } else { continue; } } else { // Meta-token data continues here. metaTokenData.append(s); continue; } } final int start = s.indexOf(RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_START); // Check if meta data starts here. if (start >= 0) { if (start + RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_START.length() >= s.length()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Invalid rich text detected. Meta data key is assumed to directly follow '%s' (no white spaces between them). " + "Given text: '%s'", RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_START, text)); } // Define meta-key end offset. int end = s.indexOf(RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_END); boolean metaDataComplete = true; if (end < start) { end = s.length(); metaDataComplete = false; } String metaKey = s.substring(start + RICH_TEXT_TOKEN_START.length(), end); metaDataProcessor = myProcessors.get(metaKey); if (metaDataProcessor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "No processor is registered for the meta-key '%s' (processors are available only for these keys - %s). Rich text: '%s'", metaKey, myProcessors.keySet(), text )); } // There is a possible case like {@key}. We can complete meta-processing here than. if (metaDataComplete) { final JComponent component = metaDataProcessor.process(""); if (component != null) { rowComponents.add(component); } metaDataProcessor = null; if (end < s.length()) { // Handle situation like '{@key}text', i.e. there is no white space between the meta-data and the text that follows it. s = s.substring(end); } else { continue; } } else { ignoreNext = true; continue; } } if (s.contains("\n")) { addRow(rowComponents); rowComponents.clear(); } else { final JLabel label = new JLabel(s); label.setForeground(myForegroundColor); label.setBackground(myBackgroundColor); label.setFont(myFont); rowComponents.add(label); } } if (!rowComponents.isEmpty()) { addRow(rowComponents); } } public void setForegroundColor(@NotNull Color foregroundColor) { myForegroundColor = foregroundColor; } public void setBackgroundColor(@NotNull Color backgroundColor) { myBackgroundColor = backgroundColor; } public void setFont(@NotNull Font font) { myFont = font; } /** * Registers given processor within the current builder, i.e. it will be * {@link RichTextProcessor#process(String) asked to process} meta data for the * {@link RichTextProcessor#getKey target key} (if any). * * @param processor processor to register */ public void registerProcessor(@NotNull RichTextProcessor processor) { myProcessors.put(processor.getKey(), processor); } /** * @return component built within the provided information */ @NotNull public JComponent build() { for (JComponent component : myComponents) { component.setForeground(myForegroundColor); component.setBackground(myBackgroundColor); component.setFont(myFont); } myResult.setForeground(myForegroundColor); myResult.setBackground(myBackgroundColor); myResult.setFont(myFont); GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); constraints.weighty = 1; constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.VERTICAL; myResult.add(Box.createVerticalStrut(1), constraints); return myResult; } private void addRow(@NotNull Collection<JComponent> rowComponents) { JPanel row = new MultiRowFlowPanel(FlowLayout.CENTER, getGapToUse(0), getGapToUse(3)); row.setBackground(myBackgroundColor); myComponents.add(row); if (rowComponents.isEmpty()) { row.add(new JLabel(" ")); } else { for (JComponent component : rowComponents) { row.add(component); } } GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; constraints.weightx = 1; constraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; = 3; myResult.add(row, constraints); } private static int getGapToUse(int gap) { // There is a problem with flow layout controls paint under Alloy LAF - it looks like it doesn't take given gaps into consideration. // Alloy LAF sources are closed, so we use this dirty hack here. return UIUtil.isUnderAlloyLookAndFeel() ? gap - 4 : gap; } /** * Encapsulates functionality for showing particular {@link RichTextControlBuilder#setText(String) rich text}. */ public interface RichTextProcessor { /** * @return flavor of the rich text that can be managed by the current processor */ @NotNull String getKey(); /** * Callback that receives target rich text data and returns UI control that represents it. * <p/> * For example, it can receive action id and return action's icon button. * * @param text target rich text * @return UI control that represents given rich text in a way specific to the current processor (if any) */ @Nullable JComponent process(@NotNull String text); } }