/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.util; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.util.containers.SoftHashMap; import com.intellij.util.containers.SoftKeySoftValueHashMap; import gnu.trove.THashMap; import gnu.trove.THashSet; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly; import java.util.*; /** * There are moments when a computation A requires the result of computation B, which in turn requires C, which (unexpectedly) requires A. * If there are no other ways to solve it, it helps to track all the computations in the thread stack and return some default value when * asked to compute A for the second time. {@link RecursionGuard#doPreventingRecursion(Object, boolean, Computable)} does precisely this. * * It's quite useful to cache some computation results to avoid performance problems. But not everyone realises that in the above situation it's * incorrect to cache the results of B and C, because they all are based on the default incomplete result of the A calculation. If the actual * computation sequence were C->A->B->C, the result of the outer C most probably wouldn't be the same as in A->B->C->A, where it depends on * the null A result directly. The natural wish is that the program with cache enabled has the same results as the one without cache. In the above * situation the result of C would depend on the order of invocations of C and A, which can be hardly predictable in multi-threaded environments. * * Therefore if you use any kind of cache, it probably would make your program safer to cache only when it's safe to do this. See * {@link RecursionGuard#markStack()} and {@link RecursionGuard.StackStamp#mayCacheNow()} * for the advice. * * @see RecursionGuard * @see RecursionGuard.StackStamp * @author peter */ @SuppressWarnings({"UtilityClassWithoutPrivateConstructor"}) public class RecursionManager { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.openapi.util.RecursionManager"); private static final Object NULL = new Object(); private static final ThreadLocal<CalculationStack> ourStack = new ThreadLocal<CalculationStack>() { @Override protected CalculationStack initialValue() { return new CalculationStack(); } }; private static boolean ourAssertOnPrevention; /** * @see RecursionGuard#doPreventingRecursion(Object, boolean, Computable) */ @SuppressWarnings("JavaDoc") @Nullable public static <T> T doPreventingRecursion(@NotNull Object key, boolean memoize, Computable<T> computation) { return createGuard(computation.getClass().getName()).doPreventingRecursion(key, memoize, computation); } /** * @param id just some string to separate different recursion prevention policies from each other * @return a helper object which allow you to perform reentrancy-safe computations and check whether caching will be safe. */ public static RecursionGuard createGuard(@NonNls final String id) { return new RecursionGuard() { @Override public <T> T doPreventingRecursion(@NotNull Object key, boolean memoize, @NotNull Computable<T> computation) { MyKey realKey = new MyKey(id, key, true); final CalculationStack stack = ourStack.get(); if (stack.checkReentrancy(realKey)) { if (ourAssertOnPrevention) { throw new AssertionError("Endless recursion prevention occurred"); } return null; } if (memoize) { Object o = stack.getMemoizedValue(realKey); if (o != null) { SoftKeySoftValueHashMap<MyKey, Object> map = stack.intermediateCache.get(realKey); if (map != null) { for (MyKey noCacheUntil : map.keySet()) { stack.prohibitResultCaching(noCacheUntil); } } //noinspection unchecked return o == NULL ? null : (T)o; } } realKey = new MyKey(id, key, false); final int sizeBefore = stack.progressMap.size(); stack.beforeComputation(realKey); final int sizeAfter = stack.progressMap.size(); int startStamp = stack.memoizationStamp; try { T result = computation.compute(); if (memoize) { stack.maybeMemoize(realKey, result == null ? NULL : result, startStamp); } return result; } finally { try { stack.afterComputation(realKey, sizeBefore, sizeAfter); } catch (Throwable e) { //noinspection ThrowFromFinallyBlock throw new RuntimeException("Throwable in afterComputation", e); } stack.checkDepth("4"); } } @NotNull @Override public StackStamp markStack() { final int stamp = ourStack.get().reentrancyCount; return new StackStamp() { @Override public boolean mayCacheNow() { return stamp == ourStack.get().reentrancyCount; } }; } @NotNull @Override public List<Object> currentStack() { ArrayList<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(); LinkedHashMap<MyKey, Integer> map = ourStack.get().progressMap; for (MyKey pair : map.keySet()) { if (pair.guardId.equals(id)) { result.add(pair.userObject); } } return result; } @Override public void prohibitResultCaching(@NotNull Object since) { MyKey realKey = new MyKey(id, since, false); final CalculationStack stack = ourStack.get(); stack.enableMemoization(realKey, stack.prohibitResultCaching(realKey)); stack.memoizationStamp++; } }; } private static class MyKey { final String guardId; final Object userObject; private final int myHashCode; private final boolean myCallEquals; public MyKey(String guardId, @NotNull Object userObject, boolean mayCallEquals) { this.guardId = guardId; this.userObject = userObject; // remember user object hashCode to ensure our internal maps consistency myHashCode = guardId.hashCode() * 31 + userObject.hashCode(); myCallEquals = mayCallEquals; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof MyKey && guardId.equals(((MyKey)obj).guardId))) return false; if (userObject == ((MyKey)obj).userObject) { return true; } if (myCallEquals || ((MyKey)obj).myCallEquals) { return userObject.equals(((MyKey)obj).userObject); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return myHashCode; } } private static class CalculationStack { private int reentrancyCount; private int memoizationStamp; private int depth; private final LinkedHashMap<MyKey, Integer> progressMap = new LinkedHashMap<MyKey, Integer>(); private final Set<MyKey> toMemoize = new THashSet<MyKey>(); private final THashMap<MyKey, MyKey> key2ReentrancyDuringItsCalculation = new THashMap<MyKey, MyKey>(); private final SoftHashMap<MyKey, SoftKeySoftValueHashMap<MyKey, Object>> intermediateCache = new SoftHashMap<MyKey, SoftKeySoftValueHashMap<MyKey, Object>>(); private int enters = 0; private int exits = 0; boolean checkReentrancy(MyKey realKey) { if (progressMap.containsKey(realKey)) { enableMemoization(realKey, prohibitResultCaching(realKey)); return true; } return false; } @Nullable Object getMemoizedValue(MyKey realKey) { SoftKeySoftValueHashMap<MyKey, Object> map = intermediateCache.get(realKey); if (map == null) return null; if (depth == 0) { throw new AssertionError("Memoized values with empty stack"); } for (MyKey key : map.keySet()) { final Object result = map.get(key); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } final void beforeComputation(MyKey realKey) { enters++; if (progressMap.isEmpty()) { assert reentrancyCount == 0 : "Non-zero stamp with empty stack: " + reentrancyCount; } checkDepth("1"); int sizeBefore = progressMap.size(); progressMap.put(realKey, reentrancyCount); depth++; checkDepth("2"); int sizeAfter = progressMap.size(); if (sizeAfter != sizeBefore + 1) { LOG.error("Key doesn't lead to the map size increase: " + sizeBefore + " " + sizeAfter + " " + realKey.userObject); } } final void maybeMemoize(MyKey realKey, @NotNull Object result, int startStamp) { if (memoizationStamp == startStamp && toMemoize.contains(realKey)) { SoftKeySoftValueHashMap<MyKey, Object> map = intermediateCache.get(realKey); if (map == null) { intermediateCache.put(realKey, map = new SoftKeySoftValueHashMap<MyKey, Object>()); } final MyKey reentered = key2ReentrancyDuringItsCalculation.get(realKey); assert reentered != null; map.put(reentered, result); } } final void afterComputation(MyKey realKey, int sizeBefore, int sizeAfter) { exits++; if (sizeAfter != progressMap.size()) { LOG.error("Map size changed: " + progressMap.size() + " " + sizeAfter + " " + realKey.userObject); } if (depth != progressMap.size()) { LOG.error("Inconsistent depth after computation; depth=" + depth + "; map=" + progressMap); } Integer value = progressMap.remove(realKey); depth--; toMemoize.remove(realKey); key2ReentrancyDuringItsCalculation.remove(realKey); if (depth == 0) { intermediateCache.clear(); if (!key2ReentrancyDuringItsCalculation.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("non-empty key2ReentrancyDuringItsCalculation: " + new HashMap<MyKey, MyKey>(key2ReentrancyDuringItsCalculation)); } if (!toMemoize.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("non-empty toMemoize: " + new HashSet<MyKey>(toMemoize)); } } if (sizeBefore != progressMap.size()) { LOG.error("Map size doesn't decrease: " + progressMap.size() + " " + sizeBefore + " " + realKey.userObject); } reentrancyCount = value; checkZero(); } private void enableMemoization(MyKey realKey, Set<MyKey> loop) { toMemoize.addAll(loop); List<MyKey> stack = new ArrayList<MyKey>(progressMap.keySet()); for (MyKey key : loop) { final MyKey existing = key2ReentrancyDuringItsCalculation.get(key); if (existing == null || stack.indexOf(realKey) >= stack.indexOf(key)) { key2ReentrancyDuringItsCalculation.put(key, realKey); } } } private Set<MyKey> prohibitResultCaching(MyKey realKey) { reentrancyCount++; if (!checkZero()) { throw new AssertionError("zero1"); } Set<MyKey> loop = new THashSet<MyKey>(); boolean inLoop = false; for (Map.Entry<MyKey, Integer> entry: progressMap.entrySet()) { if (inLoop) { entry.setValue(reentrancyCount); loop.add(entry.getKey()); } else if (entry.getKey().equals(realKey)) { inLoop = true; } } if (!checkZero()) { throw new AssertionError("zero2"); } return loop; } private void checkDepth(String s) { int oldDepth = depth; if (oldDepth != progressMap.size()) { depth = progressMap.size(); throw new AssertionError("_Inconsistent depth " + s + "; depth=" + oldDepth + "; enters=" + enters + "; exits=" + exits + "; map=" + progressMap); } } private boolean checkZero() { if (!progressMap.isEmpty() && !new Integer(0).equals(progressMap.get(progressMap.keySet().iterator().next()))) { LOG.error("Prisoner Zero has escaped: " + progressMap + "; value=" + progressMap.get(progressMap.keySet().iterator().next())); return false; } return true; } } @TestOnly public static void assertOnRecursionPrevention(@NotNull Disposable parentDisposable) { ourAssertOnPrevention = true; Disposer.register(parentDisposable, new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { //noinspection AssignmentToStaticFieldFromInstanceMethod ourAssertOnPrevention = false; } }); } }