/* * Copyright 2000-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.lang.ant.config.impl; import com.intellij.lang.ant.AntSupport; import com.intellij.lang.ant.config.*; import com.intellij.lang.ant.dom.*; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ReadAction; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFileSystemItem; import com.intellij.psi.PsiManager; import com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiCachedValueImpl; import com.intellij.psi.util.CachedValue; import com.intellij.psi.util.CachedValueProvider; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiModificationTracker; import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import one.util.streamex.StreamEx; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.*; public class AntBuildModelImpl implements AntBuildModelBase { private final AntBuildFile myFile; private final CachedValue<List<AntBuildTargetBase>> myTargets; public AntBuildModelImpl(final AntBuildFile buildFile) { myFile = buildFile; final Project project = myFile.getProject(); myTargets = new PsiCachedValueImpl<>(PsiManager.getInstance(project), () -> { final Pair<List<AntBuildTargetBase>, Collection<Object>> result = getTargetListImpl(this); final Collection<Object> deps = result.getSecond(); return CachedValueProvider.Result.create(result.getFirst(), ArrayUtil.toObjectArray(deps)); }); } @Nullable public String getDefaultTargetName() { final AntDomProject antDomProject = getAntProject(); if (antDomProject != null) { return antDomProject.getDefaultTarget().getRawText(); } return ""; } @Nullable public String getName() { final AntDomProject project = getAntProject(); return project != null? project.getName().getRawText() : null; } public AntBuildTarget[] getTargets() { final List<AntBuildTargetBase> list = getTargetsList(); return list.toArray(new AntBuildTargetBase[list.size()]); } public AntBuildTarget[] getFilteredTargets() { final List<AntBuildTargetBase> filtered = new ArrayList<>(); for (final AntBuildTargetBase buildTarget : getTargetsList()) { if (myFile.isTargetVisible(buildTarget)) { filtered.add(buildTarget); } } return (filtered.size() == 0) ? AntBuildTargetBase.EMPTY_ARRAY : filtered.toArray(new AntBuildTargetBase[filtered.size()]); } @Nullable public String getDefaultTargetActionId() { if (getDefaultTargetName() == null) { return null; } final String modelName = getName(); if (modelName == null || modelName.trim().length() == 0) { return null; } return AntConfiguration.getActionIdPrefix(getBuildFile().getProject()) + modelName; } public AntBuildFileBase getBuildFile() { return (AntBuildFileBase)myFile; } @Nullable public AntBuildTargetBase findTarget(final String name) { return ReadAction.compute(() -> findTargetImpl(name, AntBuildModelImpl.this)); } @Nullable public BuildTask findTask(final String targetName, final String taskName) { final AntBuildTargetBase buildTarget = findTarget(targetName); return (buildTarget == null) ? null : buildTarget.findTask(taskName); } public AntDomProject getAntProject() { return AntSupport.getAntDomProject(getBuildFile().getAntFile()); } public boolean hasTargetWithActionId(final String id) { return StreamEx.of(getTargetsList()).map(AntBuildTargetBase::getActionId).has(id); } private List<AntBuildTargetBase> getTargetsList() { return ReadAction.compute(() -> myTargets.getValue()); } @Nullable private static AntBuildTargetBase findTargetImpl(final String name, final AntBuildModelImpl model) { final List<AntBuildTargetBase> buildTargetBases = model.myTargets.getValue(); for (AntBuildTargetBase targetBase : buildTargetBases) { if (Comparing.strEqual(targetBase.getName(), name)) { return targetBase; } } return null; } // todo: return list of dependent psi files as well private static Pair<List<AntBuildTargetBase>, Collection<Object>> getTargetListImpl(final AntBuildModelBase model) { final List<AntBuildTargetBase> list = new ArrayList<>(); final Set<Object> dependencies = new HashSet<>(); final AntDomProject project = model.getAntProject(); if (project != null) { final AntBuildFile buildFile = model.getBuildFile(); final XmlFile xmlFile = buildFile.getAntFile(); dependencies.add(xmlFile != null? xmlFile : PsiModificationTracker.MODIFICATION_COUNT); final VirtualFile sourceFile = buildFile.getVirtualFile(); new Object() { private boolean myIsImported = false; private final Set<VirtualFile> myProcessed = new HashSet<>(); private AntDomTarget myDefaultTarget = null; private void fillTargets(List<AntBuildTargetBase> list, AntBuildModelBase model, AntDomProject project, VirtualFile sourceFile) { if (myProcessed.contains(sourceFile)) { return; } myProcessed.add(sourceFile); if (!myIsImported) { final TargetResolver.Result result = project.getDefaultTarget().getValue(); if (result != null) { final Pair<AntDomTarget,String> targetWithName = result.getResolvedTarget(project.getDefaultTarget().getRawText()); myDefaultTarget = targetWithName != null? targetWithName.getFirst() : null; } } for (final AntDomTarget target : project.getDeclaredTargets()) { list.add(new AntBuildTargetImpl(target, model, sourceFile, myIsImported, target.equals(myDefaultTarget))); } myIsImported = true; final Iterable<AntDomIncludingDirective> allIncludes = ContainerUtil.concat((Iterable<AntDomImport>)project.getDeclaredImports(), (Iterable<? extends AntDomInclude>)project.getDeclaredIncludes()); for (AntDomIncludingDirective incl : allIncludes) { final PsiFileSystemItem includedFile = incl.getFile().getValue(); if (includedFile instanceof PsiFile) { final PsiFile included = includedFile.getContainingFile().getOriginalFile(); dependencies.add(included); final AntDomProject includedProject = AntSupport.getAntDomProject((PsiFile)includedFile); if (includedProject != null) { fillTargets(list, model, includedProject, included.getVirtualFile()); } } else { if (includedFile == null) { // if not resolved yet, it's possible that the file will be created later, // thus we need to recalculate the cached value dependencies.add(PsiModificationTracker.JAVA_STRUCTURE_MODIFICATION_COUNT); } } } } }.fillTargets(list, model, project, sourceFile); } if (dependencies.isEmpty()) { dependencies.add(PsiModificationTracker.MODIFICATION_COUNT); } return new Pair<>(list, dependencies); } }