package gdsc.smlm.ij.frc; import java.awt.Rectangle; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well19937c; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathArrays; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.test.BaseTimingTask; import gdsc.core.test.TimingService; import gdsc.core.utils.DoubleEquality; import gdsc.smlm.ij.results.IJImagePeakResults; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; public class FRCTest { @Test public void canComputeSine() { int steps = 1000; double delta = 2 * Math.PI / steps; for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { double a = i * delta; double cosA = Math.cos(a); double e = Math.sin(a); double o = FRC.getSine(a, cosA); //System.out.printf("%f %f ?= %f\n", a, e, o); Assert.assertTrue(DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(o, e, 1e-6, 1e-10)); } } @Test public void canComputeMirrored() { // Sample lines through an image to create a structure. int size = 1024; double[][] data = new double[size * 2][]; RandomGenerator r = new Well19937c(30051977); for (int x = 0, y = 0, y2 = size, i = 0; x < size; x++, y++, y2--) { data[i++] = new double[] { x + r.nextGaussian() * 5, y + r.nextGaussian() * 5 }; data[i++] = new double[] { x + r.nextGaussian() * 5, y2 + r.nextGaussian() * 5 }; } // Create 2 images Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, size, size); IJImagePeakResults i1 = createImage(bounds); IJImagePeakResults i2 = createImage(bounds); int[] indices = Utils.newArray(data.length, 0, 1); MathArrays.shuffle(indices, r); for (int i : indices) { IJImagePeakResults image = i1; i1 = i2; i2 = image; image.add((float) data[i][0], (float) data[i][1], 1); } i1.end(); i2.end(); ImageProcessor ip1 = i1.getImagePlus().getProcessor(); ImageProcessor ip2 = i2.getImagePlus().getProcessor(); // Test FRC frc = new FRC(); FloatProcessor[] fft1, fft2; fft1 = frc.getComplexFFT(ip1); fft2 = frc.getComplexFFT(ip2); float[] dataA1 = (float[]) fft1[0].getPixels(); float[] dataB1 = (float[]) fft1[1].getPixels(); float[] dataA2 = (float[]) fft2[0].getPixels(); float[] dataB2 = (float[]) fft2[1].getPixels(); float[] numeratorE = new float[dataA1.length]; float[] absFFT1E = new float[dataA1.length]; float[] absFFT2E = new float[dataA1.length]; FRC.compute(numeratorE, absFFT1E, absFFT2E, dataA1, dataB1, dataA2, dataB2); Assert.assertTrue("numeratorE", FRC.checkSymmetry(numeratorE, size)); Assert.assertTrue("absFFT1E", FRC.checkSymmetry(absFFT1E, size)); Assert.assertTrue("absFFT2E", FRC.checkSymmetry(absFFT2E, size)); float[] numeratorA = new float[dataA1.length]; float[] absFFT1A = new float[dataA1.length]; float[] absFFT2A = new float[dataA1.length]; FRC.computeMirrored(size, numeratorA, absFFT1A, absFFT2A, dataA1, dataB1, dataA2, dataB2); //for (int y=0, i=0; y<size; y++) // for (int x=0; x<size; x++, i++) // { // System.out.printf("[%d,%d = %d] %f ?= %f\n", x, y, i, numeratorE[i], numeratorA[i]); // } Assert.assertArrayEquals("numerator", numeratorE, numeratorA, 0); Assert.assertArrayEquals("absFFT1", absFFT1E, absFFT1A, 0); Assert.assertArrayEquals("absFFT2", absFFT2E, absFFT2A, 0); FRC.computeMirroredFast(size, numeratorA, absFFT1A, absFFT2A, dataA1, dataB1, dataA2, dataB2); // Check this. for (int y=1; y<size; y++) for (int x=1, i=y*size+1; x<size; x++, i++) { Assert.assertEquals("numerator", numeratorE[i], numeratorA[i], 0); Assert.assertEquals("absFFT1", absFFT1E[i], absFFT1A[i], 0); Assert.assertEquals("absFFT2", absFFT2E[i], absFFT2A[i], 0); } } private IJImagePeakResults createImage(Rectangle bounds) { IJImagePeakResults i1 = new IJImagePeakResults("1", bounds, 1); i1.setDisplayImage(false); i1.begin(); return i1; } private abstract class MyTimingTask extends BaseTimingTask { public MyTimingTask(String name) { super(name); } public int getSize() { return 1; } public Object getData(int i) { return null; } } @Test public void computeSineIsFaster() { int steps = 100000; double delta = 2 * Math.PI / steps; final double[] a = new double[steps + 1]; final double[] cosA = new double[steps + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= steps; i++) { a[i] = i * delta; cosA[i] = Math.cos(a[i]); } TimingService ts = new TimingService(100); ts.execute(new MyTimingTask("sin") { public Object run(Object data) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) d += Math.sin(a[i]); return d; } }); ts.execute(new MyTimingTask("FastMath.sin") { public Object run(Object data) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) d += FastMath.sin(a[i]); return d; } }); ts.execute(new MyTimingTask("getSine") { public Object run(Object data) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) d += FRC.getSine(a[i], cosA[i]); return d; } }); ts.repeat(ts.getSize());; } @Test public void computeMirroredIsFaster() { // Sample lines through an image to create a structure. final int size = 2048; double[][] data = new double[size * 2][]; RandomGenerator r = new Well19937c(30051977); for (int x = 0, y = 0, y2 = size, i = 0; x < size; x++, y++, y2--) { data[i++] = new double[] { x + r.nextGaussian() * 5, y + r.nextGaussian() * 5 }; data[i++] = new double[] { x + r.nextGaussian() * 5, y2 + r.nextGaussian() * 5 }; } // Create 2 images Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, size, size); IJImagePeakResults i1 = createImage(bounds); IJImagePeakResults i2 = createImage(bounds); int[] indices = Utils.newArray(data.length, 0, 1); MathArrays.shuffle(indices, r); for (int i : indices) { IJImagePeakResults image = i1; i1 = i2; i2 = image; image.add((float) data[i][0], (float) data[i][1], 1); } i1.end(); i2.end(); ImageProcessor ip1 = i1.getImagePlus().getProcessor(); ImageProcessor ip2 = i2.getImagePlus().getProcessor(); // Test FRC frc = new FRC(); FloatProcessor[] fft1, fft2; fft1 = frc.getComplexFFT(ip1); fft2 = frc.getComplexFFT(ip2); final float[] dataA1 = (float[]) fft1[0].getPixels(); final float[] dataB1 = (float[]) fft1[1].getPixels(); final float[] dataA2 = (float[]) fft2[0].getPixels(); final float[] dataB2 = (float[]) fft2[1].getPixels(); final float[] numerator = new float[dataA1.length]; final float[] absFFT1 = new float[dataA1.length]; final float[] absFFT2 = new float[dataA1.length]; TimingService ts = new TimingService(10); ts.execute(new MyTimingTask("compute") { public Object run(Object data) { FRC.compute(numerator, absFFT1, absFFT2, dataA1, dataB1, dataA2, dataB2); return null; } }); ts.execute(new MyTimingTask("computeMirrored") { public Object run(Object data) { FRC.computeMirrored(size, numerator, absFFT1, absFFT2, dataA1, dataB1, dataA2, dataB2); return null; } }); ts.execute(new MyTimingTask("computeMirroredFast") { public Object run(Object data) { FRC.computeMirroredFast(size, numerator, absFFT1, absFFT2, dataA1, dataB1, dataA2, dataB2); return null; } }); ts.repeat(ts.getSize());; } }