package gdsc.smlm.filters; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import gdsc.core.utils.MedianWindowDLLFloat; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Computes the block median for each point within the array. * <p> * block algorithm sweeps the entire (2n+1)*(2n+1) region around each pixel. * <p> * Note: Due to lack of small dimension checking the routines will fail if maxx or maxy are less than 2. All routines * are OK for 3x3 images and larger. */ public class MedianFilter implements Cloneable { private float[] floatDataBuffer = null; private int nAbove, nBelow, half; private float guess; private float[] aboveBuf = null, belowBuf = null; /** * Compute the block median within a 2n+1 size block around each point. * Only pixels with a full block are processed. Pixels within border regions * are unchanged. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data * @param n * The block size */ public void blockMedianInternal(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy, final int n) { if (n == 1) blockMedian3x3Internal(data, maxx, maxy); else blockMedianNxNInternal(data, maxx, maxy, n); } /** * Compute the block median within a 2n+1 size block around each point. * Only pixels with a full block are processed. Pixels within border regions * are unchanged. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data * @param n * The block size */ public void blockMedianNxNInternal(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy, final int n) { final int blockSize = 2 * n + 1; if (maxx < blockSize || maxy < blockSize) return; float[] newData = floatBuffer(floatDataBuffer, data.length); int[] offset = new int[blockSize * blockSize - 1]; for (int y = -n, d = 0; y <= n; y++) for (int x = -n; x <= n; x++) if (x != 0 || y != 0) { offset[d] = maxx * y + x; d++; } init(offset.length + 1, data[n * maxx + n]); for (int y = n; y < maxy - n; y++) { int index = y * maxx + n; for (int x = n; x < maxx - n; x++, index++) { reset(); add(data[index]); // Sweep neighbourhood - // No check for boundaries as this should be an internal sweep. for (int offset_d : offset) { add(data[index + offset_d]); } newData[index] = getMedian(); } } // Copy back for (int y = n; y < maxy - n; y++) { int index = y * maxx + n; for (int x = n; x < maxx - n; x++, index++) { data[index] = newData[index]; } } } /** * Compute the block median within a 3x3 size block around each point. * Only pixels with a full block are processed. Pixels within border regions * are unchanged. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data */ public void blockMedian3x3Internal(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy) { float[] newData = floatBuffer(floatDataBuffer, data.length); init(9, data[maxx + 1]); // Boundary control final int xlimit = maxx - 1; final int ylimit = maxy - 1; for (int y = 1; y < ylimit; y++) { int index1 = y * maxx + 1; int index0 = index1 - maxx; int index2 = index1 + maxx; for (int x = 1; x < xlimit; x++) { reset(); add(data[index0 - 1]); add(data[index0]); add(data[index0 + 1]); add(data[index1 - 1]); add(data[index1]); add(data[index1 + 1]); add(data[index2 - 1]); add(data[index2]); add(data[index2 + 1]); newData[index1] = getMedian(); index0++; index1++; index2++; } } // Copy back for (int y = 1; y < ylimit; y++) { int index = y * maxx + 1; for (int x = 1; x < xlimit; x++, index++) { data[index] = newData[index]; } } } /** * Initialise the median buffers * * @param size * The total number of values to add (should be odd) * @param guess * The guess for the median */ private void init(int size, float guess) { if (aboveBuf == null || aboveBuf.length < size) { aboveBuf = new float[size]; belowBuf = new float[size]; } half = size / 2; } /** * Reset the median buffer counters */ private void reset() { nAbove = nBelow = 0; } /** * Add a value * * @param v */ private void add(float v) { if (v > guess) { aboveBuf[nAbove++] = v; } else if (v < guess) { belowBuf[nBelow++] = v; } } /** * Get median of values * * @param half * Half of the size of values (round to int). * @return The median */ private float getMedian() { if (nAbove > half) guess = findNthLowestNumber(aboveBuf, nAbove, nAbove - half - 1); else if (nBelow > half) guess = findNthLowestNumber(belowBuf, nBelow, half); // Debug if (nAbove + nBelow == 2 * half + 1) { float[] values = new float[nAbove + nBelow]; for (int i = 0; i < nAbove; i++) values[i] = aboveBuf[i]; for (int i = 0, j = nAbove; i < nBelow; i++, j++) values[j] = belowBuf[i]; Arrays.sort(values); if (values[half] != guess) System.out.printf("Mistake: %f != %f\n", values[half], guess); } return guess; } /** * Find the n-th lowest number in part of an array. * <p> * Copied from ij.plugins.filters.RankFilters. * * @param buf * The input array. Only values 0 ... bufLength are read. <code>buf</code> will be modified. * @param bufLength * Number of values in <code>buf</code> that should be read * @param n * which value should be found; n=0 for the lowest, n=bufLength-1 for the highest * @return the value */ private final static float findNthLowestNumber(float[] buf, int bufLength, int n) { // Hoare's find, algorithm, based on // Contributed by Heinz Klar int i, j; int l = 0; int m = bufLength - 1; float med = buf[n]; while (l < m) { i = l; j = m; do { while (buf[i] < med) i++; while (med < buf[j]) j--; float dum = buf[j]; buf[j] = buf[i]; buf[i] = dum; i++; j--; } while ((j >= n) && (i <= n)); if (j < n) l = i; if (n < i) m = j; med = buf[n]; } return med; } private float[] floatBuffer(float[] buffer, int size) { if (buffer == null || buffer.length < size) { buffer = new float[size]; } return buffer; } /** * Compute the block median within a 2n+1 size block around each point. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data * @param n * The block size */ public void blockMedian(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy, final int n) { if (n == 1) blockMedian3x3(data, maxx, maxy); else blockMedianNxN(data, maxx, maxy, n); } /** * Compute the block median within a 2n+1 size block around each point. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data * @param n * The block size */ public void blockMedianNxN(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy, final int n) { final int length = maxx * maxy; float[] newData = floatBuffer(floatDataBuffer, length); // Boundary control final int xwidth = FastMath.min(n, maxx - 1); final int ywidth = FastMath.min(n, maxy - 1); final int xlimit = maxx - xwidth; final int ylimit = maxy - ywidth; int[] offset = new int[(2 * xwidth + 1) * (2 * ywidth + 1) - 1]; int[] xoffset = new int[offset.length]; int[] yoffset = new int[offset.length]; for (int y = -ywidth, d = 0; y <= ywidth; y++) for (int x = -xwidth; x <= xwidth; x++) if (x != 0 || y != 0) { offset[d] = maxx * y + x; xoffset[d] = x; yoffset[d] = y; d++; } init(offset.length + 1, data[0]); int index = 0; for (int y = 0; y < maxy; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < maxx; x++, index++) { reset(); add(data[index]); // Flag to indicate this pixels has a complete (2n+1) neighbourhood boolean isInnerXY = (y >= ywidth && y < ylimit) && (x >= xwidth && x < xlimit); // Sweep neighbourhood if (isInnerXY) { for (int offset_d : offset) { add(data[index + offset_d]); } } else { for (int d = offset.length; d-- > 0;) { // Get the pixel with boundary checking int yy = y + yoffset[d]; int xx = x + xoffset[d]; if (xx <= 0) xx = 0; else if (xx >= maxx) xx = maxx - 1; if (yy <= 0) yy = 0; else if (yy >= maxy) yy = maxy - 1; add(data[xx + yy * maxx]); } } newData[index] = getMedian(); } } // Copy back System.arraycopy(newData, 0, data, 0, length); } /** * Compute the block median within a 3x3 size block around each point. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data */ public void blockMedian3x3(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy) { final int length = maxx * maxy; float[] newData = floatBuffer(floatDataBuffer, length); init(9, data[maxx + 1]); // Boundary control final int xlimit = maxx - 1; final int ylimit = maxy - 1; int[] xoffset = new int[] { -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1 }; int[] yoffset = new int[] { -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; for (int y = 0; y < maxy; y++) { int index1 = y * maxx; int index0 = index1 - maxx; int index2 = index1 + maxx; final boolean isInnerY = (y > 0 && y < ylimit); for (int x = 0; x < maxx; x++) { reset(); add(data[index1]); // Sweep neighbourhood if (isInnerY && (x > 0 && x < xlimit)) { add(data[index0 - 1]); add(data[index0]); add(data[index0 + 1]); add(data[index1 - 1]); add(data[index1 + 1]); add(data[index2 - 1]); add(data[index2]); add(data[index2 + 1]); } else { for (int d = xoffset.length; d-- > 0;) { // Get the pixel with boundary checking int yy = y + yoffset[d]; int xx = x + xoffset[d]; if (yy < 0) yy = 0; else if (yy == maxy) yy = ylimit; if (xx < 0) add(data[yy * maxx]); else if (xx == maxx) add(data[xlimit + yy * maxx]); else add(data[xx + yy * maxx]); } } newData[index1] = getMedian(); index0++; index1++; index2++; } } // Copy back System.arraycopy(newData, 0, data, 0, length); } /** * Compute the rolling median within a 2n+1 size rolling around each point. * Only pixels with a full block are processed. Pixels within border regions * are unchanged. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data * @param n * The rolling size */ public void rollingMedianInternal(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy, final int n) { if (n == 1) rollingMedian3x3Internal(data, maxx, maxy); else rollingMedianNxNInternal(data, maxx, maxy, n); } /** * Compute the rolling median within a 2n+1 size rolling around each point. * Only pixels with a full block are processed. Pixels within border regions * are unchanged. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data * @param n * The rolling size */ public void rollingMedianNxNInternal(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy, final int n) { final int blockSize = 2 * n + 1; if (maxx < blockSize || maxy < blockSize) return; final int length = maxx * maxy; float[] newData = floatBuffer(floatDataBuffer, length); // Hold the pointers to the image data for nY rows final int[] p = new int[blockSize]; // Buffer to hold the initial region final float[] values = new float[blockSize * blockSize]; for (int y = n; y < maxy - n; y++) { // Set up the pointers to the image data at x=0, y=? int i = 0; for (int yy = y - n; yy <= y + n; yy++) { p[i] = maxx * yy; // zero the first column of the region values[i++] = 0; } // Fill the initial region for (int x = -n; x < n; x++) { for (int d = 0; d < p.length; d++) { values[i++] = data[p[d]++]; } } // Initialise the rolling window MedianWindowDLLFloat window = new MedianWindowDLLFloat(values); // For each position up to the limit, add the next column and increment int index = y * maxx + n; for (int x = n; x < maxx - n; x++) { for (int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) window.add(data[p[j]++]); newData[index++] = window.getMedian(); } } // Copy back for (int y = n; y < maxy - n; y++) { int index = y * maxx + n; for (int x = n; x < maxx - n; x++, index++) { data[index] = newData[index]; } } } /** * Compute the rolling median within a 3x3 size rolling around each point. * Only pixels with a full block are processed. Pixels within border regions * are unchanged. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data */ public void rollingMedian3x3Internal(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy) { final int length = maxx * maxy; float[] newData = floatBuffer(floatDataBuffer, length); // Boundary control final int xlimit = maxx - 1; final int ylimit = maxy - 1; // Buffer to hold the initial region final float[] values = new float[9]; for (int y = 1; y < ylimit; y++) { int p1 = y * maxx; int p0 = p1 - maxx; int p2 = p1 + maxx; int i = 0; values[i++] = 0; values[i++] = 0; values[i++] = 0; values[i++] = data[p0++]; values[i++] = data[p1++]; values[i++] = data[p2++]; values[i++] = data[p0++]; values[i++] = data[p1++]; values[i++] = data[p2++]; // Initialise the rolling window MedianWindowDLLFloat window = new MedianWindowDLLFloat(values); // For each position up to the limit, add the next column and increment int index = p1 - 1; for (int x = 1; x < xlimit; x++) { window.add(data[p0++]); window.add(data[p1++]); window.add(data[p2++]); newData[index++] = window.getMedian(); } } // Copy back for (int y = 1; y < ylimit; y++) { int index = y * maxx + 1; for (int x = 1; x < xlimit; x++, index++) { data[index] = newData[index]; } } } /** * Compute the rolling median within a 2n+1 size rolling around each point. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data * @param n * The rolling size */ public void rollingMedian(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy, final int n) { if (n == 1) rollingMedian3x3(data, maxx, maxy); else rollingMedianNxN(data, maxx, maxy, n); } /** * Compute the rolling median within a 2n+1 size rolling around each point. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data * @param n * The rolling size */ public void rollingMedianNxN(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy, final int n) { final int length = maxx * maxy; float[] newData = floatBuffer(floatDataBuffer, length); // Boundary control final int xwidth = FastMath.min(n, maxx - 1); final int ywidth = FastMath.min(n, maxy - 1); final int xlimit = maxx - xwidth - 1; // The size of the region final int nX = (2 * xwidth + 1); final int nY = (2 * ywidth + 1); // Hold the pointers to the image data for nY rows final int[] p = new int[nY]; // Buffer to hold the initial region final float[] values = new float[nX * nY]; int index = 0; for (int y = 0; y < maxy; y++) { // Set up the pointers to the image data at x=0, y=? int i = 0; for (int yy = y - ywidth; yy <= y + ywidth; yy++) { if (yy < 0) p[i] = 0; else if (yy >= maxy) p[i] = length - maxx; else p[i] = maxx * yy; // zero the first column of the region values[i++] = 0; } // Fill the initial region // The columns below x==0 use x=0 for (int x = -xwidth; x < 0; x++) { for (int pos : p) values[i++] = data[pos]; } // The remaining columns increment. Do not include x==xwidth for (int x = 0; x < xwidth; x++) { for (int d = 0; d < p.length; d++) { values[i++] = data[p[d]++]; } } // Initialise the rolling window MedianWindowDLLFloat window = new MedianWindowDLLFloat(values); // For each position up to the limit, add the next column and increment for (int x = 0; x < xlimit; x++) { for (int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) window.add(data[p[j]++]); newData[index++] = window.getMedian(); } // Add the last column but do not increment for (int x = xlimit; x < maxx; x++) { for (int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) window.add(data[p[j]]); newData[index++] = window.getMedian(); } } // Copy back System.arraycopy(newData, 0, data, 0, length); } /** * Compute the rolling median within a 3x3 size rolling around each point. * <p> * Note: the input data is destructively modified * * @param data * The input/output data (packed in YX order) * @param maxx * The width of the data * @param maxy * The height of the data */ public void rollingMedian3x3(float[] data, final int maxx, final int maxy) { final int length = maxx * maxy; float[] newData = floatBuffer(floatDataBuffer, length); // Boundary control final int xlimit = maxx - 2; final int ylimit = maxy - 1; // Buffer to hold the initial region final float[] values = new float[9]; int index = 0; for (int y = 0; y < maxy; y++) { // Set up the pointers to the image data at x=0, y=? int i = 0; int p1 = maxx * y; int p0 = (y > 0) ? p1 - maxx : p1; int p2 = (y < ylimit) ? p1 + maxx : p1; values[i++] = 0; values[i++] = 0; values[i++] = 0; // Fill the initial region // The columns below x==0 use x=0 values[i++] = data[p0]; values[i++] = data[p1]; values[i++] = data[p2]; // The remaining columns increment. Do not include x==xwidth values[i++] = data[p0++]; values[i++] = data[p1++]; values[i++] = data[p2++]; // Initialise the rolling window MedianWindowDLLFloat window = new MedianWindowDLLFloat(values); // For each position up to the limit, add the next column and increment for (int x = 0; x < xlimit; x++) { window.add(data[p0++]); window.add(data[p1++]); window.add(data[p2++]); newData[index++] = window.getMedian(); } // Add the last column but do not increment for (int x = xlimit; x < maxx; x++) { window.add(data[p0]); window.add(data[p1]); window.add(data[p2]); newData[index++] = window.getMedian(); } } // Copy back System.arraycopy(newData, 0, data, 0, length); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ public MedianFilter clone() { try { MedianFilter o = (MedianFilter) super.clone(); o.floatDataBuffer = null; o.aboveBuf = o.belowBuf = null; return o; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // Ignore } return null; } }