package gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Checkbox; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.TextArea; import java.awt.TextField; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LinearInterpolator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LoessInterpolator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well44497b; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.CombinatoricsUtils; import gdsc.core.ij.BufferedTextWindow; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress; import gdsc.core.match.ClassificationResult; import gdsc.core.match.Coordinate; import gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult; import gdsc.core.match.FractionalAssignment; import gdsc.core.match.MatchResult; import gdsc.core.utils.Maths; import gdsc.core.utils.RampedScore; import gdsc.core.utils.Settings; import gdsc.core.utils.StoredData; import gdsc.core.utils.StoredDataStatistics; import gdsc.core.utils.UnicodeReader; import gdsc.smlm.engine.FitEngineConfiguration; import gdsc.smlm.engine.ResultGridManager; import gdsc.smlm.filters.MaximaSpotFilter; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitConfiguration; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.Gaussian2DFunction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.BenchmarkSpotFit.FilterCandidates; import gdsc.smlm.ij.results.ResultsImageSampler; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.FilterSettings; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.GlobalSettings; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.SettingsManager; import gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults; import gdsc.smlm.results.PeakResult; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.BasePreprocessedPeakResult; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.CoordinateStore; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.CoordinateStoreFactory; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.DirectFilter; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.Filter; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.FilterScore; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.FilterSet; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.FilterType; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.GridCoordinateStore; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.FractionScoreStore; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFitResult; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFitResults; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.ParameterType; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PeakFractionalAssignment; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.ResultAssignment; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.XStreamWrapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gdsc.smlm.utils.XmlUtils; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntObjectProcedure; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImageListener; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.Macro; import ij.Prefs; import ij.gui.DialogListener; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.ImageWindow; import ij.gui.NonBlockingGenericDialog; import ij.gui.Overlay; import ij.gui.Plot2; import ij.gui.PlotWindow; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.plugin.WindowOrganiser; import ij.plugin.frame.Recorder; import ij.text.TextWindow; /** * Run different filtering methods on a set of benchmark fitting results outputting performance statistics on the * success of the filter. The fitting results are generated by the BenchmarkSpotFit plugin. * <p> * Filtering is done using e.g. SNR threshold, Precision thresholds, etc. The statistics reported are shown in a table, * e.g. precision, Jaccard, F-score. */ public class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis implements PlugIn, FitnessFunction<FilterScore>, TrackProgress, FractionScoreStore, FullScoreFunction<FilterScore> { private static final String TITLE = "Benchmark Filter Analysis"; private static TextWindow resultsWindow = null; private static TextWindow summaryWindow = null; private static TextWindow sensitivityWindow = null; private static TextWindow gaWindow = null; private static TextWindow componentAnalysisWindow = null; private static int failCount = 1; private static int minFailCount = 0; private static int maxFailCount = 10; // This can be used during filtering. // However the min filter is not used to determine if candidates are valid (that is the primary filter). // It is used to store poor estimates during fitting. So we can set it to null. private static final DirectFilter minimalFilter = null; private static double sResidualsThreshold = 0.3; private static double minResidualsThreshold = 0.1; private static double maxResidualsThreshold = 0.6; private double residualsThreshold = 1; // Disabled private static double duplicateDistance = 0; private static double minDuplicateDistance = 0; private static double maxDuplicateDistance = 5; private static boolean reset = true; private static boolean showResultsTable = false; private static boolean showSummaryTable = true; private static boolean clearTables = false; private static final String KEY_FILTER_FILENAME = "gdsc.filteranalysis.filterfilename"; private static final String KEY_FILTERSET_FILENAME = "gdsc.filteranalysis.filtersetfilename"; private static final String KEY_TEMPLATE_FILENAME = "gdsc.filteranalysis.templatefilename"; private static String filterFilename = Prefs.get(KEY_FILTER_FILENAME, ""); private static String filterSetFilename = Prefs.get(KEY_FILTERSET_FILENAME, ""); private static String templateFilename = Prefs.get(KEY_TEMPLATE_FILENAME, ""); private static int summaryTopN = 0; private static double summaryDepth = 500; private static int plotTopN = 0; private static boolean saveBestFilter = false; private static boolean saveTemplate = false; private static boolean calculateSensitivity = false; private static double delta = 0.1; private static int criteriaIndex; private static double criteriaLimit = 0.95; double minCriteria = 0; private boolean invertCriteria = false; private static int scoreIndex; private boolean invertScore = false; private static double upperMatchDistance = 100; private static double partialMatchDistance = 33; static double distanceInPixels; static double lowerDistanceInPixels; private static double upperSignalFactor = 100; private static double partialSignalFactor = 50; static double signalFactor; static double lowerSignalFactor; private static boolean depthRecallAnalysis = true; private static boolean scoreAnalysis = true; private final static String[] COMPONENT_ANALYSIS = { "None", "Best Ranked", "Ranked", "Best All", "All" }; private static int componentAnalysis = 3; private final static String[] EVOLVE = { "None", "Genetic Algorithm", "Range Search", "Enrichment Search", "Step Search" }; private static int evolve = 0; private static boolean repeatEvolve = false; private static int rangeSearchWidth = 2; private static double rangeSearchReduce = 0.3; private static int maxIterations = 30; private static int refinementMode = SearchSpace.RefinementMode.SINGLE_DIMENSION.ordinal(); private static int enrichmentSamples = 5000; private static int seedSize = 5000; private static double enrichmentFraction = 0.2; private static double enrichmentPadding = 0.1; private final static String[] SEARCH = { "Range Search", "Enrichment Search", "Step Search", "Enumerate" }; private static int searchParam = 3; private static boolean repeatSearch = false; private static int pRangeSearchWidth = 2; private static double pRangeSearchReduce = 0.3; private static int pMaxIterations = 30; private static int pRefinementMode = SearchSpace.RefinementMode.MULTI_DIMENSION.ordinal(); private static int pEnrichmentSamples = 500; private static int pSeedSize = 500; private static double pEnrichmentFraction = 0.2; private static double pEnrichmentPadding = 0.1; private static int pConvergedCount = 2; private static TIntObjectHashMap<boolean[]> searchRangeMap = new TIntObjectHashMap<boolean[]>(); private static TIntObjectHashMap<double[]> stepSizeMap = new TIntObjectHashMap<double[]>(); private static boolean showTP = false; private static boolean showFP = false; private static boolean showFN = false; private static int populationSize = 5000; private static int failureLimit = 5; private static double tolerance = 1e-4; private static int convergedCount = 2; private static double crossoverRate = 1; private static double meanChildren = 2; private static double mutationRate = 1; private static double selectionFraction = 0.2; private static boolean rampedSelection = true; private static boolean saveOption = false; private static double iterationScoreTolerance = 1e-4; private static double iterationFilterTolerance = 1e-3; private static boolean iterationCompareResults = false; private static double iterationCompareDistance = 0.1; private static int iterationMaxIterations = 10; private static double iterationMinRangeReduction = 0.2; private static int iterationMinRangeReductionIteration = 5; private static boolean iterationConvergeBeforeRefit = false; // For the template example private static int nNo = 2, nLow = 4, nHigh = 4; private static String resultsTitle; private String resultsPrefix, resultsPrefix2, limitFailCount; private static String resultsPrefix3, limitRange; private static ArrayList<NamedPlot> plots = new ArrayList<NamedPlot>(); private static HashMap<String, ComplexFilterScore> bestFilter = new HashMap<String, ComplexFilterScore>(); private static LinkedList<String> bestFilterOrder = new LinkedList<String>(); private static HashMap<String, ComplexFilterScore> iterBestFilter = null; private static boolean reUseFilters = true; private static boolean expandFilters = false; private static String oldFilename = ""; private static long lastModified = 0; private static List<FilterSet> filterList = null; static int lastId = 0; private static TIntObjectHashMap<IdPeakResult[]> actualCoordinates = null; private static MultiPathFitResults[] resultsList = null; //private static MultiPathFitResults[] clonedResultsList = null; private static int matches; private static int fittedResults; private static int totalResults; private static int notDuplicateCount; private static int newResultCount; private static int maxUniqueId = 0; private static int nActual; private static StoredData depthStats, depthFitStats; private static StoredDataStatistics signalFactorStats, distanceStats; private boolean isHeadless; private boolean debug; private CoordinateStore coordinateStore = null; // Used to tile plot windows private WindowOrganiser wo = new WindowOrganiser(); public class CustomFractionalAssignment extends PeakFractionalAssignment { public final double d; public final PeakResult peak; public CustomFractionalAssignment(int targetId, int predictedId, double distance, double score, double d, PreprocessedPeakResult spot, PeakResult peak) { super(targetId, predictedId, distance, score, spot); this.d = d; this.peak = peak; } public double getSignalFactor() { return BenchmarkSpotFit.getSignalFactor(peakResult.getSignal(), peak.getSignal()); } } public class CustomResultAssignment extends ResultAssignment { public final double d; public final PeakResult peak; public CustomResultAssignment(int targetId, double distance, double score, double d, PeakResult peak) { super(targetId, distance, score); this.d = d; this.peak = peak; } @Override public FractionalAssignment toFractionalAssignment(int predictedId, PreprocessedPeakResult spot) { return new CustomFractionalAssignment(targetId, predictedId, distance, score, d, spot, peak); } } private class IdPeakResult extends PeakResult { final int id; final int uniqueId; public IdPeakResult(int id, int uniqueId, PeakResult result) { super(result.getFrame(), result.origX, result.origY, result.origValue, result.error, result.noise, result.params, null); = id; this.uniqueId = uniqueId; } } private class Job { final int frame; final FilterCandidates candidates; Job(int frame, FilterCandidates candidates) { this.frame = frame; this.candidates = candidates; } } /** * Used to allow multi-threading of the scoring the fit results */ private class FitResultsWorker implements Runnable { volatile boolean finished = false; final BlockingQueue<Job> jobs; final List<MultiPathFitResults> results; final double matchDistance; final RampedScore distanceScore; final RampedScore signalScore; final AtomicInteger uniqueId; int matches = 0; int total = 0; int included = 0; int includedActual = 0; int notDuplicateCount = 0; int newResultCount = 0; StoredData depthStats, depthFitStats; StoredDataStatistics signalFactorStats, distanceStats; private final boolean checkBorder; final float border; final float xlimit; final float ylimit; final CoordinateStore coordinateStore; public FitResultsWorker(BlockingQueue<Job> jobs, List<MultiPathFitResults> syncResults, double matchDistance, RampedScore distanceScore, RampedScore signalScore, AtomicInteger uniqueId, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { = jobs; this.results = syncResults; this.matchDistance = matchDistance; this.distanceScore = distanceScore; this.signalScore = signalScore; this.uniqueId = uniqueId; this.coordinateStore = coordinateStore; depthStats = new StoredData(); depthFitStats = new StoredData(); signalFactorStats = new StoredDataStatistics(); distanceStats = new StoredDataStatistics(); checkBorder = (BenchmarkSpotFilter.lastAnalysisBorder != null && BenchmarkSpotFilter.lastAnalysisBorder.x != 0); if (checkBorder) { final Rectangle lastAnalysisBorder = BenchmarkSpotFilter.lastAnalysisBorder; border = lastAnalysisBorder.x; xlimit = lastAnalysisBorder.x + lastAnalysisBorder.width; ylimit = lastAnalysisBorder.y + lastAnalysisBorder.height; } else border = xlimit = ylimit = 0; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { try { while (true) { Job job = jobs.take(); if (job == null || job.candidates == null) break; if (!finished) // Only run jobs when not finished. This allows the queue to be emptied. run(job); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { finished = true; } } private void run(Job job) { if (Utils.isInterrupted()) { finished = true; return; } showProgress(); final int frame = job.frame; final FilterCandidates result = job.candidates; depthStats.add(result.zPosition); IdPeakResult[] actual = getCoordinates(actualCoordinates, frame); final int nActual = actual.length; final boolean[] matched = new boolean[nActual]; actual = filterUsingBorder(actual); // We could use distanceInPixels for the resolution. Using a bigger size may allow the // different fit locations to be inthe same cell and so the grid manager can use it's cache. final double resolution = 2 * distanceInPixels; final ResultGridManager resultGrid = new ResultGridManager(actual, resolution); final MultiPathFitResult[] multiPathFitResults = new MultiPathFitResult[result.fitResult.length]; int size = 0; coordinateStore.clear(); // TODO - support a multi-pass filter. // The results are in order they were fit. // For a single pass fitter this will be in order of candidate ranking. // For a multi pass fitter this will be in order of candidate ranking, then repeat. for (int index = 0; index < multiPathFitResults.length; index++) { final MultiPathFitResult fitResult = result.fitResult[index].copy(true); // Score the results. Do in order of those likely to be in the same position // thus the grid manager can cache the neighbours boolean fitted = score(index, 1, fitResult.getSingleFitResult(), resultGrid, matched); fitted |= score(index, 2, fitResult.getDoubletFitResult(), resultGrid, matched); fitted |= score(index, 3, fitResult.getMultiFitResult(), resultGrid, matched); fitted |= score(index, 4, fitResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult(), resultGrid, matched); coordinateStore.flush(); // XXX - comment out while debugging if (fitted) multiPathFitResults[size++] = fitResult; } // Count number of results that had a match for (int i = 0; i < matched.length; i++) if (matched[i]) matches++; included += size; includedActual += actual.length; total += multiPathFitResults.length; results.add(new MultiPathFitResults(frame, Arrays.copyOf(multiPathFitResults, size), result.spots.length, nActual)); } /** * Score the new results in the fit result. * * @param n * the n * @param set * the set * @param fitResult * the fit result * @param resultGrid * the result grid * @param matched * array of actual results that have been matched * @return true, if the fit status was ok */ private boolean score(int n, int set, final gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFitResult.FitResult fitResult, final ResultGridManager resultGrid, final boolean[] matched) { if (fitResult != null && fitResult.status == 0) { // Get the new results for (int i = 0; i < fitResult.results.length; i++) { final BasePreprocessedPeakResult peak = (BasePreprocessedPeakResult) fitResult.results[i]; peak.setAssignments(null); peak.setIgnore(false); // Note: We cannot remove bad candidates as we do not know what the minimum filter will be. // Instead this is done when we create a subset for scoring. if (!peak.isNewResult()) continue; peak.uniqueId = uniqueId.incrementAndGet(); if (checkBorder && outsideBorder(peak, border, xlimit, ylimit)) { // Leave the spot in as it is used when picking the results. // Flag to ignore from scoring. peak.setIgnore(true); continue; } // Flag if it is possible to be a duplicate final boolean notDuplicate = !coordinateStore.contains(peak.getX(), peak.getY()); if (notDuplicate) notDuplicateCount++; newResultCount++; peak.setNotDuplicate(notDuplicate); coordinateStore.addToQueue(peak.getX(), peak.getY()); // Compare to actual results // We do this using the ResultGridManager to generate a sublist to score against final PeakResult[] actual = resultGrid.getPeakResultNeighbours((int) peak.getX(), (int) peak.getY()); if (actual.length == 0) continue; final ArrayList<ResultAssignment> assignments = new ArrayList<ResultAssignment>(actual.length); for (int j = 0; j < actual.length; j++) { final double d2 = actual[j].distance2(peak.getX(), peak.getY()); if (d2 <= matchDistance) { double d = Math.sqrt(d2); // Score ... double score = distanceScore.score(d); if (score != 0) { final double signalFactor = BenchmarkSpotFit.getSignalFactor(peak.getSignal(), actual[j].getSignal()); if (signalScore != null) { score *= signalScore.score(Math.abs(signalFactor)); if (score == 0) continue; } final int id = ((IdPeakResult) actual[j]).id; // Invert for the ranking (i.e. low is best) double distance = 1 - score; // Ensure a perfect match can still be ranked ... closest first if (distance == 0) { distance -= (matchDistance - d2); } // Store distance in nm d *= simulationParameters.a; assignments.add(new CustomResultAssignment(id, distance, score, d, actual[j])); // Accumulate for each actual result if (!matched[id]) { matched[id] = true; // Depth is stored in the error field depthFitStats.add(actual[j].error); } // Accumulate for all possible matches signalFactorStats.add(signalFactor); distanceStats.add(d); } } } // Save if (!assignments.isEmpty()) { final ResultAssignment[] tmp = new ResultAssignment[assignments.size()]; assignments.toArray(tmp); // Sort here to speed up a later sort of merged assignment arrays Arrays.sort(tmp); peak.setAssignments(tmp); } } return (fitResult.results.length != 0); } return false; } } // Store the best filter scores private class FilterResult { final double score; final int failCount; final double residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance; final ComplexFilterScore filterScore; public FilterResult(int failCount, double residualsThreshold, double duplicateDistance, ComplexFilterScore filterScore) { this.score = filterScore.score; this.failCount = failCount; this.residualsThreshold = residualsThreshold; this.duplicateDistance = duplicateDistance; this.filterScore = filterScore; } DirectFilter getFilter() { return filterScore.getFilter(); } } private static ArrayList<FilterResult> scores = new ArrayList<FilterResult>(); private static String[] COLUMNS = { // Scores using integer scoring "TP", "FP", "FN", "Precision", "Recall", "F1", "Jaccard", // Scores using fractional scoring "fTP", "fFP", "fFN", "fPrecision", "fRecall", "fF1", "fJaccard", }; private static boolean[] showColumns; private boolean requireIntegerResults; static { showColumns = new boolean[COLUMNS.length]; Arrays.fill(showColumns, true); //showColumns[0] = false; // nP // Use the precision as criteria to ensure a set confidence on results labelled as true criteriaIndex = COLUMNS.length - 4; // Score using Jaccard scoreIndex = COLUMNS.length - 1; if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(templateFilename)) { String currentUsersHomeDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); templateFilename = currentUsersHomeDir + File.separator + "gdsc.smlm" + File.separator + "template"; } } private CreateData.SimulationParameters simulationParameters; private MemoryPeakResults results; private boolean extraOptions; public BenchmarkFilterAnalysis() { isHeadless = java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.PlugIn#run(java.lang.String) */ public void run(String arg) { SMLMUsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); simulationParameters = CreateData.simulationParameters; if (simulationParameters == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No benchmark spot parameters in memory"); return; } results = CreateData.getResults(); if (results == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No benchmark results in memory"); return; } // Iterative optimisation: [Fit; Optimise] x N if ("iterate".equals(arg)) { iterate(); return; } if (invalidBenchmarkSpotFitResults(false)) return; extraOptions = Utils.isExtraOptions(); // For now do not provide an option, just debug debug = true; //extraOptions if (!loadFitResults()) return; // Score a given filter if ("score".equals(arg)) { score(); return; } // Score a given filter if ("parameters".equals(arg)) { optimiseParameters(); return; } optimiseFilter(); } private boolean invalidBenchmarkSpotFitResults(boolean silent) { if (BenchmarkSpotFit.fitResults == null) { if (!silent) IJ.error(TITLE, "No benchmark fitting results in memory"); return true; } if (BenchmarkSpotFit.lastId != { if (!silent) IJ.error(TITLE, "Update the benchmark spot fitting for the latest simulation"); return true; } if (BenchmarkSpotFit.lastFilterId != { if (!silent) IJ.error(TITLE, "Update the benchmark spot fitting for the latest filter"); return true; } return false; } private boolean loadFitResults() { resultsList = readResults(); if (resultsList == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No results could be loaded"); return false; } return true; } private void iterate() { // If this is run again immediately then provide options for reporting the results if (iterBestFilter != null && iterBestFilter == bestFilter) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.enableYesNoCancel(); gd.addMessage("Iteration results are held in memory.\n \nReport these results?"); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; if (gd.wasOKed()) { reportIterationResults(); return; } } // Show this dialog first so we can run fully automated after interactive dialogs // TODO - collect this in the iteration dialog if (!showIterationDialog()) return; // Total the time from the interactive plugins long time = 0; // Run the benchmark fit once interactively, keep the instance BenchmarkSpotFit fit = new BenchmarkSpotFit(); // Provide ability to skip this step if the fitting has already been done. // It must have been done with the default multi-path filter for consistency // when re-optimising with different settings (i.e. do not start from a filter // than has been optimised before) if (fit.resetMultiPathFilter() || invalidBenchmarkSpotFitResults(true)) {; if (!fit.finished) // The plugin did not complete return; resetParametersFromFitting(); } if (invalidBenchmarkSpotFitResults(false)) return; if (BenchmarkSpotFit.stopWatch != null) time += BenchmarkSpotFit.stopWatch.getTime(); // Run filter analysis once interactively if (!loadFitResults()) return; // Collect parameters for optimising the parameters if (!showDialog(FLAG_OPTIMISE_FILTER | FLAG_OPTIMISE_PARAMS)) return; // Load filters from file List<FilterSet> filterSets = readFilterSets(); if (filterSets == null || filterSets.isEmpty()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No filters specified"); return; } ComplexFilterScore current = analyse(filterSets); if (current == null) return; time += filterAnalysisStopWatch.getTime(); current = analyseParameters(current); if (current == null) return; time += parameterAnalysisStopWatch.getTime(); // Time the non-interactive plugins as a continuous section iterationStopWatch = StopWatch.createStarted(); // Remove the previous iteration results iterBestFilter = null; Utils.log(TITLE + " Iterating ..."); IterationConvergenceChecker checker = new IterationConvergenceChecker(current); // Iterate ... boolean outerConverged = false; int outerIteration = 1; double outerRangeReduction = 1; while (!outerConverged) { if (iterationConvergeBeforeRefit) { // Optional inner loop so that the non-filter and filter parameters converge // before a refit boolean innerConverged = false; int innerIteration = 0; double innerRangeReduction = 1; if (iterationMinRangeReduction < 1) { // Linear interpolate down to the min range reduction innerRangeReduction = Maths.max(iterationMinRangeReduction, Maths.interpolateY(0, 1, iterationMinRangeReductionIteration, iterationMinRangeReduction, innerIteration++)); // This would make the range too small... //innerRangeReduction *= outerRangeReduction; } while (!innerConverged) { ComplexFilterScore previous = current; // Re-use the filters as the user may be loading a custom set. current = analyse(filterSets, current, innerRangeReduction); if (current == null) break; double[] previousParameters = createParameters(); current = analyseParameters(current, innerRangeReduction); if (current == null) return; double[] currentParameters = createParameters(); innerConverged = checker.converged("Filter", previous, current, previousParameters, currentParameters); } // Check if we can continue (e.g. not max iterations or escape pressed) if (!checker.canContinue) break; } // Do the fit (using the current optimum filter), residualsThreshold, failCount, duplicateDistance); if (invalidBenchmarkSpotFitResults(false)) return; if (!loadFitResults()) return; // Reduce the range over which the filter parameters are searched. Note that this range // is centred around the current optimum. if (iterationMinRangeReduction < 1) { // Linear interpolate down to the min range reduction outerRangeReduction = Maths.max(iterationMinRangeReduction, Maths.interpolateY(0, 1, iterationMinRangeReductionIteration, iterationMinRangeReduction, outerIteration++)); } // Optimise the filter again. ComplexFilterScore previous = current; // Re-use the filters as the user may be loading a custom set. current = analyse(filterSets, current, outerRangeReduction); if (current == null) break; double[] previousParameters = createParameters(); current = analyseParameters(current, outerRangeReduction); if (current == null) return; double[] currentParameters = createParameters(); outerConverged = checker.converged("Fit+Filter", previous, current, previousParameters, currentParameters); } if (current != null) //if (converged) { // Set-up the plugin so that it can be run again (in iterative mode) // and the results reported for the top filter. // If the user runs the non-iterative mode then the results will be lost. iterBestFilter = bestFilter; } time += iterationStopWatch.getTime(); IJ.log("Iteration analysis time : " + DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(time)); IJ.showStatus("Finished"); } private void resetParametersFromFitting() { failCount = BenchmarkSpotFit.config.getFailuresLimit(); duplicateDistance = BenchmarkSpotFit.fitConfig.getDuplicateDistance(); residualsThreshold = sResidualsThreshold = (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) ? BenchmarkSpotFit.multiFilter.residualsThreshold : 1; } private double[] createParameters() { return new double[] { failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance }; } private void reportIterationResults() { residualsThreshold = sResidualsThreshold; if (!showReportDialog()) return; reportResults(false); } private static DirectFilter scoreFilter = null; private static int scoreFailCount = 0; private static double scoreResidualsThreshold = 0; private static double scoreDuplicateDistance = -1; /** * Score a single multi-path filter and report the results. This is used for testing changes to the filter * parameters. */ private void score() { // Show dialog to allow the user to change the settings. if (!showScoreDialog()) return; // Set the variables used for scoring. Note: these are used throughout the plugin in various // methods so it is easier to just set them here and reset them later than pass the score // versions through to every method. double[] stash = createParameters(); failCount = scoreFailCount; residualsThreshold = scoreResidualsThreshold; duplicateDistance = scoreDuplicateDistance; // Create a dummy result, the filter will be rescored in reportResults(...) FilterScoreResult sr = new FilterScoreResult(0, 0, scoreFilter, ""); ComplexFilterScore newFilterScore = new ComplexFilterScore(sr, null, "", 0, "", 0); // Report to summary window reportResults(true, newFilterScore); // Reset the variable used for scoring failCount = (int) stash[0]; residualsThreshold = stash[1]; duplicateDistance = stash[2]; } private void getScoreFilter() { if (scoreFilter == null) { // Reset to default only on first run if (scoreDuplicateDistance == -1) { scoreFailCount = failCount; scoreDuplicateDistance = duplicateDistance; scoreResidualsThreshold = residualsThreshold; } // Use the best result if we have one FilterResult r = getBestResult(); if (r != null) { scoreFilter = r.getFilter(); scoreFailCount = r.failCount; scoreResidualsThreshold = r.residualsThreshold; } else { // Default to the fit config settings FitConfiguration tmp = new FitConfiguration(); tmp.setPrecisionUsingBackground(true); // So we get a MultiFilter2 scoreFilter = tmp.getDefaultSmartFilter(); } } } private void optimiseFilter() { if (!showDialog(FLAG_OPTIMISE_FILTER)) return; // Load filters from file List<FilterSet> filterSets = readFilterSets(); if (filterSets == null || filterSets.isEmpty()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No filters specified"); return; } analyse(filterSets); IJ.showStatus("Finished"); } private void optimiseParameters() { FilterResult fr = getBestResult(); if (fr == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No filter scores in memory"); return; } if (!showDialog(FLAG_OPTIMISE_PARAMS)) return; analyseParameters(false, fr.filterScore, 0); IJ.showStatus("Finished"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<FilterSet> readFilterSets() { if (extraOptions && BenchmarkSpotFit.multiFilter != null) { IDirectFilter f = BenchmarkSpotFit.multiFilter.getFilter(); if (f instanceof DirectFilter) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Use an identical filter to " + BenchmarkSpotFit.TITLE); gd.enableYesNoCancel(); gd.hideCancelButton(); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasOKed()) { setLastFile(null); List<FilterSet> filterSets = new ArrayList<FilterSet>(1); List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(1); filters.add((DirectFilter) f); FilterSet filterSet = new FilterSet(filters); filterSets.add(filterSet); resetParametersFromFitting(); createResultsPrefix2(); return filterSets; } } } GlobalSettings gs = SettingsManager.loadSettings(); FilterSettings filterSettings = gs.getFilterSettings(); String filename = Utils.getFilename("Filter_File", filterSettings.filterSetFilename); if (filename != null) { IJ.showStatus("Reading filters ..."); filterSettings.filterSetFilename = filename; // Allow the filters to be cached if (isSameFile(filename)) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.hideCancelButton(); gd.addMessage("The same filter file was selected."); gd.addCheckbox("Re-use_filters", reUseFilters); gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasCanceled()) { if ((reUseFilters = gd.getNextBoolean())) { SettingsManager.saveSettings(gs); return filterList; } } } BufferedReader input = null; setLastFile(null); try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filename); input = new BufferedReader(new UnicodeReader(fis, null)); Object o = XStreamWrapper.getInstance().fromXML(input); if (o != null && o instanceof List<?>) { SettingsManager.saveSettings(gs); List<FilterSet> filterSets = (List<FilterSet>) o; if (containsStandardFilters(filterSets)) { IJ.log("Filter sets must contain 'Direct' filters"); return null; } // Check they are not empty lists List<FilterSet> filterSets2 = new LinkedList<FilterSet>(); for (FilterSet filterSet : filterSets) { if (filterSet.size() != 0) { filterSets2.add(filterSet); } else { IJ.log("Filter set empty: " + filterSet.getName()); } } if (filterSets2.isEmpty()) { IJ.log("All Filter sets are empty"); return null; } // Maintain the same list type filterSets.clear(); filterSets.addAll(filterSets2); filterList = filterSets; // Option to enumerate filters expandFilters(); setLastFile(filename); return filterList; } IJ.log("No filter sets defined in the specified file: " + filename); } catch (Exception e) { IJ.log("Unable to load the filter sets from file: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } IJ.showStatus(""); } } return null; } private boolean containsStandardFilters(List<FilterSet> filterSets) { for (FilterSet filterSet : filterSets) { for (Filter f : filterSet.getFilters()) { if (f.getFilterType() == FilterType.STANDARD) return true; } } return false; } /** * If filters have been provided in FiltersSets of 3 then expand the filters into a set assuming the three represent * min:max:increment. */ private void expandFilters() { // Do not clear these when reading a new set of filters. // The filters may be the same with slight modifications and so it is useful to keep the last settings. //searchRangeMap.clear(); //stepSizeMap.clear(); long[] expanded = new long[filterList.size()]; String[] name = new String[expanded.length]; int c = 0; boolean doIt = false; for (FilterSet filterSet : filterList) { if (filterSet.size() == 3 && filterSet.allSameType()) { name[c] = filterSet.getName(); // Check we have min:max:increment by counting the combinations Filter f1 = filterSet.getFilters().get(0); Filter f2 = filterSet.getFilters().get(1); Filter f3 = filterSet.getFilters().get(2); int n = f1.getNumberOfParameters(); double[] parameters = new double[n]; double[] parameters2 = new double[n]; double[] increment = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { parameters[i] = f1.getParameterValue(i); parameters2[i] = f2.getParameterValue(i); increment[i] = f3.getParameterValue(i); } long combinations = countCombinations(parameters, parameters2, increment); if (combinations > 1) { expanded[c] = combinations; doIt = true; } } c++; } if (!doIt) return; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.hideCancelButton(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("The filter file contains potential triples of min:max:increment.\n \n"); for (c = 0; c < expanded.length; c++) { if (expanded[c] > 0) { sb.append("Expand set [").append((c + 1)).append("]"); if (!Utils.isNullOrEmpty(name[c])) sb.append(" ").append(name[c]); sb.append(" to ").append(expanded[c]).append(" filters\n"); } } gd.addMessage(sb.toString()); gd.addCheckbox("Expand_filters", expandFilters); gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasCanceled()) { if (!(expandFilters = gd.getNextBoolean())) return; } IJ.showStatus("Expanding filters ..."); List<FilterSet> filterList2 = new ArrayList<FilterSet>(filterList.size()); for (FilterSet filterSet : filterList) { c = filterList2.size(); if (expanded[c] == 0) { filterList2.add(filterSet); continue; } Filter f1 = filterSet.getFilters().get(0); Filter f2 = filterSet.getFilters().get(1); Filter f3 = filterSet.getFilters().get(2); final int n = f1.getNumberOfParameters(); double[] parameters = new double[n]; double[] parameters2 = new double[n]; double[] increment = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { parameters[i] = f1.getParameterValue(i); parameters2[i] = f2.getParameterValue(i); increment[i] = f3.getParameterValue(i); } List<Filter> list = expandFilters(f1, parameters, parameters2, increment); filterList2.add(new FilterSet(filterSet.getName(), list)); } IJ.showStatus(""); filterList = filterList2; Utils.log("Expanded input to %d filters in %s", countFilters(filterList), Utils.pleural(filterList.size(), "set")); } /** * Count combinations. Set the increment for any parameter not expanded to zero. * * @param parameters * the parameters * @param parameters2 * the parameters 2 * @param increment * the increment * @return the combinations */ private static long countCombinations(double[] parameters, double[] parameters2, double[] increment) { final int n = parameters.length; long combinations = 1; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { final double inc = increment[i]; increment[i] = 0; if (Double.isNaN(inc) || Double.isInfinite(inc)) continue; if (Double.isNaN(parameters[i]) || Double.isInfinite(parameters[i])) continue; if (Double.isNaN(parameters2[i]) || Double.isInfinite(parameters2[i])) continue; if (parameters[i] > parameters2[i]) continue; increment[i] = inc; final double min = parameters[i]; final double max = parameters2[i]; final double max2 = max + inc; long extra = 1; // Check the current value is less than the max or (to avoid small round-off error) // that the current value is closer to the max than the next value after the max. for (double value = min + inc; value < max || value - max < max2 - value; value += inc) { extra++; } combinations *= extra; } return combinations; } /** * Expand filters. Set the increment for any parameter not expanded to zero. Set the input parameters array to the * lower bounds. Set the input parameters2 array to the upper bounds. * <p> * If a parameter is not expanded since the increment is Infinity the parameter is disabled. If it was not expanded * for any other reason (increment is zero, NaN values, etc) the weakest parameter of the two input array is used * and set as the lower and upper bounds. * * @param baseFilter * the base filter * @param parameters * the parameters * @param parameters2 * the parameters 2 * @param increment * the increment * @return the list */ private static List<Filter> expandFilters(Filter baseFilter, double[] parameters, double[] parameters2, double[] increment) { final int n = baseFilter.getNumberOfParameters(); if (parameters.length < n || parameters2.length < n || increment.length < n) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Input arrays must be at least the length of the number of parameters"); double[] increment2 = increment.clone(); int capacity = (int) countCombinations(parameters, parameters2, increment); ArrayList<Filter> list = new ArrayList<Filter>(capacity); // Initialise with a filter set at the minimum for each parameter. // Get the weakest parameters for those not expanded. Filter f1 = baseFilter.create(parameters); final double[] p = parameters2.clone(); f1.weakestParameters(p); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (increment[i] == 0) // Disable if Infinite increment, otherwise use the weakest parameter parameters[i] = parameters2[i] = (Double.isInfinite(increment2[i])) ? baseFilter.getDisabledParameterValue(i) : p[i]; } f1 = baseFilter.create(parameters); list.add(f1); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (increment[i] == 0) continue; final double min = parameters[i]; final double max = parameters2[i]; final double inc = increment[i]; final double max2 = max + inc; // Set the upper bounds for the output and store the expansion params final StoredDataStatistics stats = new StoredDataStatistics(10); for (double value = min + inc; value < max || value - max < max2 - value; value += inc) { parameters2[i] = value; stats.add(value); } final double[] values = stats.getValues(); final ArrayList<Filter> list2 = new ArrayList<Filter>((values.length + 1) * list.size()); for (int k = 0; k < list.size(); k++) { final Filter f = list.get(k); // Copy params of the filter for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) p[j] = f.getParameterValue(j); for (int l = 0; l < values.length; l++) { p[i] = values[l]; list2.add(f.create(p)); } } list.addAll(list2); } // Sort the filters Collections.sort(list); return list; } public boolean isSameFile(String filename) { if (filterList == null) return false; if (filename.equals(oldFilename)) { try { File f = new File(filename); if (lastModified == f.lastModified()) { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { } } return false; } private void setLastFile(String filename) { oldFilename = filename; if (oldFilename != null) { try { File f = new File(filename); lastModified = f.lastModified(); } catch (Exception e) { lastModified = 0; } } } private static Settings lastReadResultsSettings; private static double lastDuplicateDistance = -1; private MultiPathFitResults[] readResults() { boolean update = resultsList == null; // XXX set to true when debugging if (lastId != BenchmarkSpotFit.fitResultsId) { if (lastId == 0) { // Copy the settings from the fitter if this is the first run failCount = BenchmarkSpotFit.config.getFailuresLimit(); duplicateDistance = BenchmarkSpotFit.fitConfig.getDuplicateDistance(); sResidualsThreshold = (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) ? BenchmarkSpotFit.multiFilter.residualsThreshold : 1; } lastId = BenchmarkSpotFit.fitResultsId; update = true; actualCoordinates = getCoordinates(results.getResults()); } Settings settings = new Settings(partialMatchDistance, upperMatchDistance, partialSignalFactor, upperSignalFactor); boolean equalScoreSettings = settings.equals(lastReadResultsSettings); if (update || !equalScoreSettings || lastDuplicateDistance != duplicateDistance) { IJ.showStatus("Reading results ..."); // Only cache results for the same score analysis settings. // This functionality is for choosing the optimum filter for the given scoring metric. if (!equalScoreSettings) scores.clear(); lastReadResultsSettings = settings; lastDuplicateDistance = duplicateDistance; depthStats = null; depthFitStats = null; signalFactorStats = null; distanceStats = null; matches = 0; fittedResults = 0; totalResults = 0; notDuplicateCount = 0; newResultCount = 0; maxUniqueId = 0; nActual = 0; // -=-=-=- // The scoring is designed to find the best fitter+filter combination for the given spot candidates. // The ideal combination would correctly fit+pick all the candidate positions that are close to a // localisation. // // Use the following scoring scheme for all candidates: // // Candidates // +----------------------------------------+ // | Actual matches | // | +-----------+ TN | // | | FN | | // | | +---------- | // | | | TP | | Fitted | // | +-----------+ | spots | // | | FP | | // | +---------+ | // +----------------------------------------+ // // Candidates = All the spot candidates // Actual matches = Any spot candidate or fitted spot candidate that matches a localisation // Fitted spots = Any spot candidate that was successfully fitted // // TP = A spot candidate that was fitted and matches a localisation and is accepted // FP = A spot candidate that was fitted but does not match a localisation and is accepted // FN = A spot candidate that failed to be fitted but matches a localisation // = A spot candidate that was fitted and matches a localisation and is rejected // TN = A spot candidate that failed to be fitted and does not match a localisation // = A spot candidate that was fitted and does not match a localisation and is rejected // // When fitting only produces one result it is possible to compute the TN score. // Since unfitted candidates can only be TN or FN we could accumulate these scores and cache them. // This was the old method of benchmarking single spot fitting and allowed more scores to be // computed. // // When fitting produces multiple results then we have to score each fit result against all possible // actual results and keep a record of the scores. These can then be assessed when the specific // results have been chosen by result filtering. // // Using a distance ramped scoring function the degree of match can be varied from 0 to 1. // Using a signal-factor ramped scoring function the degree of fitted can be varied from 0 to 1. // When using ramped scoring functions the fractional allocation of scores using the above scheme // is performed, i.e. candidates are treated as if they both match and unmatch. This results in // an equivalent to multiple analysis using different thresholds and averaging of the scores. // // The totals TP+FP+TN+FN must equal the number of spot candidates. This allows different fitting // methods to be compared since the total number of candidates is the same. // // Precision = TP / (TP+FP) : This is always valid as a minimum criteria score // Recall = TP / (TP+FN) : This is valid between different fitting methods since a method that // fits more spots will have a potentially lower FN // Jaccard = TP / (TP+FN+FP) : This is valid between fitting methods // // -=-=-=- // As an alternative scoring system, different fitting methods can be compared using the same TP // value but calculating FN = localisations - TP and FP as Positives - TP. This creates a score // against the original number of simulated molecules using everything that was passed through the // filter (Positives). This score is comparable when a different spot candidate filter has been used // and the total number of candidates is different, e.g. Mean filtering vs. Gaussian filtering // -=-=-=- final RampedScore distanceScore = new RampedScore( BenchmarkSpotFit.distanceInPixels * partialMatchDistance / 100.0, BenchmarkSpotFit.distanceInPixels * upperMatchDistance / 100.0); lowerDistanceInPixels = distanceScore.lower; distanceInPixels = distanceScore.upper; final double matchDistance = distanceInPixels * distanceInPixels; resultsPrefix3 = "\t" + Utils.rounded(distanceScore.lower * simulationParameters.a) + "\t" + Utils.rounded(distanceScore.upper * simulationParameters.a); limitRange = ", d=" + Utils.rounded(distanceScore.lower * simulationParameters.a) + "-" + Utils.rounded(distanceScore.upper * simulationParameters.a); // Signal factor must be greater than 1 final RampedScore signalScore; if (BenchmarkSpotFit.signalFactor > 0 && upperSignalFactor > 0) { signalScore = new RampedScore(BenchmarkSpotFit.signalFactor * partialSignalFactor / 100.0, BenchmarkSpotFit.signalFactor * upperSignalFactor / 100.0); lowerSignalFactor = signalScore.lower; signalFactor = signalScore.upper; resultsPrefix3 += "\t" + Utils.rounded(signalScore.lower) + "\t" + Utils.rounded(signalScore.upper); limitRange += ", s=" + Utils.rounded(signalScore.lower) + "-" + Utils.rounded(signalScore.upper); } else { signalScore = null; resultsPrefix3 += "\t0\t0"; lowerSignalFactor = signalFactor = 0; } // Store all the results final ArrayList<MultiPathFitResults> results = new ArrayList<MultiPathFitResults>( BenchmarkSpotFit.fitResults.size()); final List<MultiPathFitResults> syncResults = Collections.synchronizedList(results); // This could be multi-threaded ... final int nThreads = getThreads(BenchmarkSpotFit.fitResults.size()); final BlockingQueue<Job> jobs = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Job>(nThreads * 2); final List<FitResultsWorker> workers = new LinkedList<FitResultsWorker>(); final List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>(); final AtomicInteger uniqueId = new AtomicInteger(); CoordinateStore coordinateStore = createCoordinateStore(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { final FitResultsWorker worker = new FitResultsWorker(jobs, syncResults, matchDistance, distanceScore, signalScore, uniqueId, coordinateStore.newInstance()); final Thread t = new Thread(worker); workers.add(worker); threads.add(t); t.start(); } totalProgress = BenchmarkSpotFit.fitResults.size(); stepProgress = Utils.getProgressInterval(totalProgress); progress = 0; BenchmarkSpotFit.fitResults.forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure<FilterCandidates>() { public boolean execute(int a, FilterCandidates b) { put(jobs, new Job(a, b)); return true; } }); // Finish all the worker threads by passing in a null job for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { put(jobs, new Job(0, null)); } // Wait for all to finish for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { try { threads.get(i).join(); FitResultsWorker worker = workers.get(i); matches += worker.matches; fittedResults += worker.included; totalResults +=; notDuplicateCount += worker.notDuplicateCount; newResultCount += worker.newResultCount; nActual += worker.includedActual; if (i == 0) { depthStats = worker.depthStats; depthFitStats = worker.depthFitStats; signalFactorStats = worker.signalFactorStats; distanceStats = worker.distanceStats; } else { depthStats.add(worker.depthStats); depthFitStats.add(worker.depthFitStats); signalFactorStats.add(worker.signalFactorStats); distanceStats.add(worker.distanceStats); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } threads.clear(); IJ.showProgress(1); IJ.showStatus(""); maxUniqueId = uniqueId.get(); resultsList = results.toArray(new MultiPathFitResults[results.size()]); Arrays.sort(resultsList, new Comparator<MultiPathFitResults>() { public int compare(MultiPathFitResults o1, MultiPathFitResults o2) { return o1.frame - o2.frame; } }); } // In case a previous run was interrupted if (resultsList != null) { MultiPathFilter.resetValidationFlag(resultsList); } return resultsList; } private TIntObjectHashMap<IdPeakResult[]> getCoordinates(List<PeakResult> list) { final TIntObjectHashMap<IdPeakResult[]> coords = new TIntObjectHashMap<IdPeakResult[]>(); if (list.size() > 0) { // Do not use HashMap directly to build the coords object since there // will be many calls to getEntry(). Instead sort the results and use // a new list for each time point Collections.sort(list); int last = -1; int id = 0; int uniqueId = 0; ArrayList<PeakResult> tmp = new ArrayList<PeakResult>(); // Add the results to the lists for (PeakResult p : list) { if (last != p.getFrame()) { if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { coords.put(last, tmp.toArray(new IdPeakResult[tmp.size()])); } id = 0; tmp.clear(); } last = p.getFrame(); tmp.add(new IdPeakResult(id++, uniqueId++, p)); } if (!tmp.isEmpty()) { coords.put(last, tmp.toArray(new IdPeakResult[tmp.size()])); } } return coords; } private static IdPeakResult[] EMPTY = new IdPeakResult[0]; private static IdPeakResult[] getCoordinates(TIntObjectHashMap<IdPeakResult[]> coords, Integer t) { final IdPeakResult[] tmp = coords.get(t); return (tmp == null) ? EMPTY : tmp; } private static final int FLAG_OPTIMISE_FILTER = 1; private static final int FLAG_OPTIMISE_PARAMS = 2; private boolean showDialog(int optimiseParameters) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addHelp(About.HELP_URL); boolean showOptimiseFilter = (optimiseParameters & FLAG_OPTIMISE_FILTER) != 0; boolean showOptimiseParams = (optimiseParameters & FLAG_OPTIMISE_PARAMS) != 0; addSimulationData(gd); // TODO - Make minimal filter configurable? gd.addSlider("Fail_count", 0, 20, failCount); if (showOptimiseParams) { gd.addNumericField("Min_fail_count", minFailCount, 0); gd.addNumericField("Max_fail_count", maxFailCount, 0); } if (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) { gd.addSlider("Residuals_threshold", 0.01, 1, sResidualsThreshold); if (showOptimiseParams) { gd.addNumericField("Min_residuals_threshold", minResidualsThreshold, 2); gd.addNumericField("Max_residuals_threshold", maxResidualsThreshold, 2); } } gd.addNumericField("Duplicate_distance", duplicateDistance, 2); if (showOptimiseParams) { gd.addNumericField("Min_duplicate_distance", minDuplicateDistance, 2); gd.addNumericField("Max_duplicate_distance", maxDuplicateDistance, 2); } gd.addCheckbox("Reset", reset); gd.addCheckbox("Show_table", showResultsTable); gd.addCheckbox("Show_summary", showSummaryTable); gd.addCheckbox("Clear_tables", clearTables); gd.addSlider("Summary_top_n", 0, 20, summaryTopN); gd.addNumericField("Summary_depth (nm)", summaryDepth, 0); gd.addSlider("Plot_top_n", 0, 20, plotTopN); gd.addCheckbox("Save_best_filter", saveBestFilter); gd.addCheckbox("Save_template", saveTemplate); gd.addCheckbox("Calculate_sensitivity", calculateSensitivity); gd.addSlider("Delta", 0.01, 1, delta); gd.addMessage("Match scoring"); Component discardLabel = gd.getMessage(); gd.addChoice("Criteria", COLUMNS, COLUMNS[criteriaIndex]); gd.addNumericField("Criteria_limit", criteriaLimit, 4); gd.addChoice("Score", COLUMNS, COLUMNS[scoreIndex]); gd.addMessage(String.format("Fitting match distance = %s nm; signal factor = %s", Utils.rounded(BenchmarkSpotFit.distanceInPixels * simulationParameters.a), Utils.rounded(BenchmarkSpotFit.signalFactor))); gd.addSlider("Upper_match_distance (%)", 0, 100, upperMatchDistance); gd.addSlider("Partial_match_distance (%)", 0, 100, partialMatchDistance); gd.addSlider("Upper_signal_factor (%)", 0, 100, upperSignalFactor); gd.addSlider("Partial_signal_factor (%)", 0, 100, partialSignalFactor); if (!simulationParameters.fixedDepth) gd.addCheckbox("Depth_recall_analysis", depthRecallAnalysis); gd.addCheckbox("Score_analysis", scoreAnalysis); gd.addChoice("Component_analysis", COMPONENT_ANALYSIS, COMPONENT_ANALYSIS[componentAnalysis]); if (showOptimiseFilter) { gd.addChoice("Evolve", EVOLVE, EVOLVE[evolve]); gd.addCheckbox("Repeat_evolve", repeatEvolve); } if (showOptimiseParams) { gd.addChoice("Search", SEARCH, SEARCH[searchParam]); gd.addCheckbox("Repeat_search", repeatSearch); } gd.addStringField("Title", resultsTitle, 20); String[] labels = { "Show_TP", "Show_FP", "Show_FN" }; gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 3, labels, new boolean[] { showTP, showFP, showFN }); if (gd.getLayout() != null) { GridBagLayout grid = (GridBagLayout) gd.getLayout(); int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0; int lastY = -1, rowCount = 0; for (Component comp : gd.getComponents()) { // Check if this should be the second major column if (comp == discardLabel) { xOffset += 2; yOffset -= rowCount; } // Reposition the field GridBagConstraints c = grid.getConstraints(comp); if (lastY != c.gridy) rowCount++; lastY = c.gridy; c.gridx = c.gridx + xOffset; c.gridy = c.gridy + yOffset; c.insets.left = c.insets.left + 10 * xOffset; = 0; c.insets.bottom = 0; grid.setConstraints(comp, c); } if (IJ.isLinux()) gd.setBackground(new Color(238, 238, 238)); } gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled() || !readDialog(gd, optimiseParameters)) return false; if (!selectTableColumns()) return false; // We may have to read the results again if the ranking option has changed. // Also we must read the results with the maximum duplicate distance we may encounter. final double dd = duplicateDistance; if (showOptimiseParams) duplicateDistance = maxDuplicateDistance; readResults(); duplicateDistance = dd; return true; } private void addSimulationData(GenericDialog gd) { double signal = simulationParameters.minSignal; if (simulationParameters.maxSignal > signal) { signal += simulationParameters.maxSignal; signal *= 0.5; } double pSignal = CreateData.getPrecisionN(simulationParameters.a, simulationParameters.s, signal, simulationParameters.b2, simulationParameters.emCCD); double pLSE = PeakResult.getPrecisionX(simulationParameters.a, simulationParameters.s, signal, simulationParameters.b2, simulationParameters.emCCD); double pMLE = PeakResult.getMLPrecisionX(simulationParameters.a, simulationParameters.s, signal, simulationParameters.b2, simulationParameters.emCCD); String msg = String.format( "Fit %d/%d results, %d True-Positives, %d unique\nExpected signal = %.3f +/- %.3f\nExpected X precision = %.3f (LSE), %.3f (MLE)\nNot duplicates : %d / %d (%.2f%%)", fittedResults, totalResults, matches, maxUniqueId, signal, pSignal, pLSE, pMLE, notDuplicateCount, newResultCount, (100.0 * notDuplicateCount) / newResultCount); FilterResult best = getBestResult(); if (best != null) { msg += String.format("\nCurrent Best=%s, FailCount=%d", Utils.rounded(best.score), best.failCount); } gd.addMessage(msg); } private boolean selectTableColumns() { if (showResultsTable || showSummaryTable) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addHelp(About.HELP_URL); gd.addMessage("Select the results:"); for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS.length; i++) gd.addCheckbox(COLUMNS[i], showColumns[i]); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS.length; i++) showColumns[i] = gd.getNextBoolean(); requireIntegerResults = false; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (showColumns[i]) { requireIntegerResults = true; break; } } } return true; } private boolean readDialog(GenericDialog gd, int optimiseParameters) { boolean showOptimiseFilter = (optimiseParameters & FLAG_OPTIMISE_FILTER) != 0; boolean showOptimiseParams = (optimiseParameters & FLAG_OPTIMISE_PARAMS) != 0; failCount = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); if (showOptimiseParams) { minFailCount = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); maxFailCount = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); } if (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) { // Round to the precision of the min/max residualsThreshold = sResidualsThreshold = Maths.round(Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()), 4); if (showOptimiseParams) { minResidualsThreshold = Maths.round(Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()), 4); maxResidualsThreshold = Maths.round(Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()), 4); } } duplicateDistance = Maths.round(Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()), 4); if (showOptimiseParams) { minDuplicateDistance = Maths.round(Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()), 4); maxDuplicateDistance = Maths.round(Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()), 4); } reset = gd.getNextBoolean(); showResultsTable = gd.getNextBoolean(); showSummaryTable = gd.getNextBoolean(); clearTables = gd.getNextBoolean(); summaryTopN = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); summaryDepth = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); plotTopN = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); saveBestFilter = gd.getNextBoolean(); saveTemplate = gd.getNextBoolean(); calculateSensitivity = gd.getNextBoolean(); delta = gd.getNextNumber(); criteriaIndex = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); criteriaLimit = gd.getNextNumber(); scoreIndex = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); upperMatchDistance = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); partialMatchDistance = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); upperSignalFactor = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); partialSignalFactor = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); if (!simulationParameters.fixedDepth) depthRecallAnalysis = gd.getNextBoolean(); scoreAnalysis = gd.getNextBoolean(); componentAnalysis = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); if (showOptimiseFilter) { evolve = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); repeatEvolve = gd.getNextBoolean(); } if (showOptimiseParams) { searchParam = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); repeatSearch = gd.getNextBoolean(); } resultsTitle = gd.getNextString(); showTP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFN = gd.getNextBoolean(); resultsPrefix = BenchmarkSpotFit.resultPrefix + "\t" + resultsTitle + "\t"; createResultsPrefix2(); // Check there is one output if (!showResultsTable && !showSummaryTable && !calculateSensitivity && plotTopN < 1 && !saveBestFilter) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No output selected"); return false; } // Check arguments try { Parameters.isAboveZero("Delta", delta); Parameters.isBelow("Delta", delta, 1); Parameters.isAboveZero("Upper match distance", upperMatchDistance); if (partialMatchDistance > upperMatchDistance) partialMatchDistance = upperMatchDistance; if (partialSignalFactor > upperSignalFactor) partialSignalFactor = upperSignalFactor; if (showOptimiseParams) { Parameters.isEqualOrBelow("Fail count", failCount, maxFailCount); Parameters.isEqualOrAbove("Fail count", failCount, minFailCount); if (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) { Parameters.isEqualOrBelow("Residuals threshold", sResidualsThreshold, maxResidualsThreshold); Parameters.isEqualOrAbove("Residuals threshold", sResidualsThreshold, minResidualsThreshold); } Parameters.isEqualOrBelow("Duplicate distance", duplicateDistance, maxDuplicateDistance); Parameters.isEqualOrAbove("Duplicate distance", duplicateDistance, minDuplicateDistance); } //Parameters.isEqualOrBelow("Partial match distance", partialMatchDistance, upperMatchDistance); //Parameters.isEqualOrBelow("Partial signal factor", partialSignalFactor, upperSignalFactor); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, e.getMessage()); return false; } invertCriteria = requiresInversion(criteriaIndex); minCriteria = (invertCriteria) ? -criteriaLimit : criteriaLimit; invertScore = requiresInversion(scoreIndex); return !gd.invalidNumber(); } private void createResultsPrefix2() { createResultsPrefix2(failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance); } private void createResultsPrefix2(int failCount, double residualsThreshold, double duplicateDistance) { resultsPrefix2 = buildResultsPrefix2(failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance); if (!Utils.isNullOrEmpty(resultsTitle)) limitFailCount = resultsTitle + ", "; else limitFailCount = ""; limitFailCount += "f=" + failCount; limitFailCount += ", r=" + Utils.rounded(residualsThreshold); } private static String buildResultsPrefix2(int failCount, double residualsThreshold, double duplicateDistance) { return "\t" + failCount + "\t" + Utils.rounded(residualsThreshold) + "\t" + Utils.rounded(duplicateDistance); } private boolean showIterationDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Iterate ").append(BenchmarkSpotFit.TITLE).append(" & ").append(TITLE).append(".\n"); sb.append(BenchmarkSpotFit.TITLE).append(" will be run once interactively if results cannot be loaded.\n"); sb.append(TITLE).append(" will be run once interactively to obtain settings.\n \n"); sb.append("Configure the convergence criteria for iteration:"); gd.addMessage(sb.toString()); gd.addNumericField("Score_Tolerance", iterationScoreTolerance, -1); gd.addNumericField("Filter_Tolerance", iterationFilterTolerance, -1); gd.addCheckbox("Compare_Results", iterationCompareResults); gd.addNumericField("Compare_Distance", iterationCompareDistance, 2); gd.addNumericField("Iter_Max_Iterations", iterationMaxIterations, 0); gd.addMessage("Configure how the parameter range is updated per iteration:"); gd.addSlider("Min_range_reduction", 0, 1, iterationMinRangeReduction); gd.addSlider("Min_range_reduction_iteration", 1, 10, iterationMinRangeReductionIteration); gd.addCheckbox("Converge_before_refit", iterationConvergeBeforeRefit); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; iterationScoreTolerance = gd.getNextNumber(); iterationFilterTolerance = gd.getNextNumber(); iterationCompareResults = gd.getNextBoolean(); iterationCompareDistance = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); iterationMaxIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); iterationMinRangeReduction = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); iterationMinRangeReductionIteration = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); iterationConvergeBeforeRefit = gd.getNextBoolean(); return true; } private boolean showReportDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addHelp(About.HELP_URL); addSimulationData(gd); gd.addCheckbox("Show_table", showResultsTable); gd.addCheckbox("Show_summary", showSummaryTable); gd.addCheckbox("Clear_tables", clearTables); gd.addSlider("Summary_top_n", 0, 20, summaryTopN); gd.addCheckbox("Save_best_filter", saveBestFilter); gd.addCheckbox("Save_template", saveTemplate); gd.addCheckbox("Calculate_sensitivity", calculateSensitivity); gd.addSlider("Delta", 0.01, 1, delta); if (!simulationParameters.fixedDepth) gd.addCheckbox("Depth_recall_analysis", depthRecallAnalysis); gd.addCheckbox("Score_analysis", scoreAnalysis); gd.addChoice("Component_analysis", COMPONENT_ANALYSIS, COMPONENT_ANALYSIS[componentAnalysis]); gd.addStringField("Title", resultsTitle, 20); String[] labels = { "Show_TP", "Show_FP", "Show_FN" }; gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 3, labels, new boolean[] { showTP, showFP, showFN }); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; showResultsTable = gd.getNextBoolean(); showSummaryTable = gd.getNextBoolean(); clearTables = gd.getNextBoolean(); summaryTopN = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); saveBestFilter = gd.getNextBoolean(); saveTemplate = gd.getNextBoolean(); calculateSensitivity = gd.getNextBoolean(); delta = gd.getNextNumber(); if (!simulationParameters.fixedDepth) depthRecallAnalysis = gd.getNextBoolean(); scoreAnalysis = gd.getNextBoolean(); componentAnalysis = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); resultsTitle = gd.getNextString(); showTP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFN = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (gd.invalidNumber()) return false; resultsPrefix = BenchmarkSpotFit.resultPrefix + "\t" + resultsTitle + "\t"; createResultsPrefix2(); // Check there is one output if (!showResultsTable && !showSummaryTable && !calculateSensitivity && !saveBestFilter && !saveTemplate) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No output selected"); return false; } // Check arguments try { Parameters.isAboveZero("Delta", delta); Parameters.isBelow("Delta", delta, 1); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, e.getMessage()); return false; } if (!selectTableColumns()) return false; return true; } private boolean showScoreDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addHelp(About.HELP_URL); addSimulationData(gd); // Get the last scored filter or default to the best filter getScoreFilter(); gd.addSlider("Fail_count", 0, 20, scoreFailCount); if (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) gd.addSlider("Residuals_threshold", 0.01, 1, scoreResidualsThreshold); gd.addNumericField("Duplicate_distance", scoreDuplicateDistance, 2); gd.addTextAreas(XmlUtils.convertQuotes(scoreFilter.toXML()), null, 6, 60); gd.addCheckbox("Reset_filter", false); //gd.addCheckbox("Show_table", showResultsTable); gd.addCheckbox("Show_summary", showSummaryTable); gd.addCheckbox("Clear_tables", clearTables); //gd.addSlider("Summary_top_n", 0, 20, summaryTopN); gd.addCheckbox("Save_best_filter", saveBestFilter); gd.addCheckbox("Save_template", saveTemplate); gd.addCheckbox("Calculate_sensitivity", calculateSensitivity); gd.addSlider("Delta", 0.01, 1, delta); if (!simulationParameters.fixedDepth) gd.addCheckbox("Depth_recall_analysis", depthRecallAnalysis); gd.addCheckbox("Score_analysis", scoreAnalysis); gd.addChoice("Component_analysis", COMPONENT_ANALYSIS, COMPONENT_ANALYSIS[componentAnalysis]); gd.addStringField("Title", resultsTitle, 20); String[] labels = { "Show_TP", "Show_FP", "Show_FN" }; gd.addCheckboxGroup(1, 3, labels, new boolean[] { showTP, showFP, showFN }); // Dialog to have a reset checkbox. This reverts back to the default. if (Utils.isShowGenericDialog()) { final Checkbox cb = (Checkbox) (gd.getCheckboxes().get(0)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Vector<TextField> v = gd.getNumericFields(); final TextArea ta = gd.getTextArea1(); cb.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (cb.getState()) { scoreFilter = null; getScoreFilter(); int i = 0; v.get(i++).setText(Integer.toString(scoreFailCount)); if (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) v.get(i++).setText(Double.toString(scoreResidualsThreshold)); v.get(i++).setText(Double.toString(scoreDuplicateDistance)); ta.setText(XmlUtils.convertQuotes(scoreFilter.toXML())); } } }); } gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; scoreFailCount = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); if (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) scoreResidualsThreshold = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); scoreDuplicateDistance = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); String xml = gd.getNextText(); try { scoreFilter = (DirectFilter) DirectFilter.fromXML(xml); } catch (Exception e) { scoreFilter = null; getScoreFilter(); } boolean reset = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (reset) { scoreFilter = null; getScoreFilter(); } //showResultsTable = gd.getNextBoolean(); showSummaryTable = gd.getNextBoolean(); clearTables = gd.getNextBoolean(); //summaryTopN = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); saveBestFilter = gd.getNextBoolean(); saveTemplate = gd.getNextBoolean(); calculateSensitivity = gd.getNextBoolean(); delta = gd.getNextNumber(); if (!simulationParameters.fixedDepth) depthRecallAnalysis = gd.getNextBoolean(); scoreAnalysis = gd.getNextBoolean(); componentAnalysis = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); resultsTitle = gd.getNextString(); showTP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFN = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (gd.invalidNumber()) return false; resultsPrefix = BenchmarkSpotFit.resultPrefix + "\t" + resultsTitle + "\t"; createResultsPrefix2(scoreFailCount, scoreResidualsThreshold, scoreDuplicateDistance); // Check there is one output if (!showSummaryTable && !calculateSensitivity && !saveBestFilter && !saveTemplate) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No output selected"); return false; } // Check arguments try { Parameters.isAboveZero("Delta", delta); Parameters.isBelow("Delta", delta, 1); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, e.getMessage()); return false; } if (!selectTableColumns()) return false; return true; } private static Settings lastAnalyseSettings = null; private static Settings lastAnalyseParametersSettings = null; /** * Run different filtering methods on a set of labelled peak results outputting performance statistics on the * success of the filter to an ImageJ table. * <p> * For each filter set a plot is shown of the score verses the filter value, thus filters should be provided in * ascending numerical order otherwise they are sorted. * * @param filterSets * the filter sets * @param optimum * the optimum * @param rangeReduction * the range reduction * @return the best filter */ private ComplexFilterScore analyse(List<FilterSet> filterSets, ComplexFilterScore optimum, double rangeReduction) { return analyse(filterSets, true, optimum, rangeReduction); } /** * Run different filtering methods on a set of labelled peak results outputting performance statistics on the * success of the filter to an ImageJ table. * <p> * For each filter set a plot is shown of the score verses the filter value, thus filters should be provided in * ascending numerical order otherwise they are sorted. * * @param filterSets * the filter sets * @return the best filter */ private ComplexFilterScore analyse(List<FilterSet> filterSets) { return analyse(filterSets, false, null, 0); } /** * Run different filtering methods on a set of labelled peak results outputting performance statistics on the * success of the filter to an ImageJ table. * <p> * For each filter set a plot is shown of the score verses the filter value, thus filters should be provided in * ascending numerical order otherwise they are sorted. * * @param filterSets * the filter sets * @param iterative * the iterative * @param optimum * the optimum * @param rangeReduction * the range reduction * @return the best filter */ private ComplexFilterScore analyse(List<FilterSet> filterSets, boolean iterative, ComplexFilterScore optimum, double rangeReduction) { // Non-zero modes are used for the iterative optimisation which require new results boolean newResults = iterative; if (optimum != null) { // Non-interactive re-run when iterating scores.clear(); runAnalysis(filterSets, optimum, rangeReduction); if (Utils.isInterrupted()) return null; } else { // Interactive run, this may be the first run during iterative optimisation if (reset) scores.clear(); createResultsWindow(); boolean debugSpeed = false; // Only repeat analysis if necessary double evolveSetting = evolve; if (evolve == 1) // The delta effects the step size for the Genetic Algorithm evolveSetting *= delta; Settings settings = new Settings(filterSets, resultsList, failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance, plotTopN, summaryDepth, criteriaIndex, criteriaLimit, scoreIndex, evolveSetting); boolean equalSettings = settings.equals(lastAnalyseSettings); if (debugSpeed || !equalSettings || (evolve != 0 && repeatEvolve)) { newResults = true; lastAnalyseSettings = settings; runAnalysis(filterSets); if (Utils.isInterrupted()) return null; } } return reportResults(newResults); } /** * Run the optimum filter on a set of labelled peak results using various parameter settings outputting performance * statistics on the success of the filter to an ImageJ table. * * @param optimum * the optimum * @return the best filter */ private ComplexFilterScore analyseParameters(ComplexFilterScore optimum) { return analyseParameters(false, optimum, 0); } /** * Run the optimum filter on a set of labelled peak results using various parameter settings outputting performance * statistics on the success of the filter to an ImageJ table. * * @param optimum * the optimum * @param rangeReduction * the range reduction * @return the best filter */ private ComplexFilterScore analyseParameters(ComplexFilterScore optimum, double rangeReduction) { return analyseParameters(true, optimum, rangeReduction); } /** * Run the optimum filter on a set of labelled peak results using various parameter settings outputting performance * statistics on the success of the filter to an ImageJ table. * * @param iterative * the iterative * @param optimum * the optimum * @param rangeReduction * the range reduction * @return the best filter */ private ComplexFilterScore analyseParameters(boolean iterative, ComplexFilterScore optimum, double rangeReduction) { // Non-zero modes are used for the iterative optimisation which require new results boolean newResults = iterative; if (!iterative) { // Interactive run, this may be the first run during iterative optimisation //if (reset) // scores.clear(); createResultsWindow(); // Only repeat analysis if necessary double min = minResidualsThreshold; double max = maxResidualsThreshold; if (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) { min = max = 0; } Settings settings = new Settings(optimum, resultsList, failCount, minFailCount, maxFailCount, residualsThreshold, min, max, duplicateDistance, minDuplicateDistance, maxDuplicateDistance, summaryDepth, criteriaIndex, criteriaLimit, scoreIndex, searchParam); if (repeatSearch || !settings.equals(lastAnalyseParametersSettings)) { newResults = true; lastAnalyseParametersSettings = settings; } } if (newResults) { optimum = runParameterAnalysis(iterative, optimum, rangeReduction); if (optimum == null || Utils.isInterrupted()) return null; } return reportResults(newResults, optimum); } private ComplexFilterScore reportResults(boolean newResults) { return reportResults(newResults, new ArrayList<ComplexFilterScore>(bestFilter.values())); } private ComplexFilterScore reportResults(boolean newResults, ComplexFilterScore optimum) { List<ComplexFilterScore> filters = new ArrayList<ComplexFilterScore>(1); filters.add(optimum); return reportResults(newResults, filters); } private ComplexFilterScore reportResults(boolean newResults, List<ComplexFilterScore> filters) { if (filters.isEmpty()) { IJ.log("Warning: No filters pass the criteria"); return null; } getCoordinateStore(); Collections.sort(filters); FractionClassificationResult topFilterClassificationResult = null; ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> topFilterResults = null; String topFilterSummary = null; if (showSummaryTable || saveTemplate) { createSummaryWindow(); int n = 0; final double range = (summaryDepth / simulationParameters.a) * 0.5; int np = 0; for (double depth : depthStats) { if (Math.abs(depth) < range) np++; } for (ComplexFilterScore fs : filters) { final ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> list = new ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]>( resultsList.length); final FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(fs.getFilter(), minimalFilter, resultsList, list, coordinateStore); final StringBuilder sb = createResult(fs.getFilter(), r); if (topFilterResults == null) { topFilterResults = list; topFilterClassificationResult = r; } // Show the recall at the specified depth. Sum the distance and signal factor of all scored spots. int scored = 0; double tp = 0, d = 0, sf = 0, rmsd = 0; SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression(false); for (FractionalAssignment[] assignments : list) { if (assignments == null) continue; for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) { final CustomFractionalAssignment c = (CustomFractionalAssignment) assignments[i]; if (Math.abs(c.peak.error) <= range) tp += c.getScore(); d += c.d; sf += c.getSignalFactor(); rmsd += c.d * c.d; regression.addData(c.peakResult.getSignal(), c.peak.getSignal()); } scored += assignments.length; } final double slope = regression.getSlope(); sb.append('\t'); sb.append(Utils.rounded((double) tp / np)).append('\t'); sb.append(Utils.rounded(d / scored)).append('\t'); sb.append(Utils.rounded(sf / scored)).append('\t'); sb.append(Utils.rounded(Math.sqrt(rmsd / scored))).append('\t'); sb.append(Utils.rounded(slope)).append('\t'); if (fs.atLimit() != null) sb.append(fs.atLimit()); String text = sb.toString(); if (topFilterSummary == null) { topFilterSummary = text; if (!showSummaryTable) break; } if (fs.time != 0) { sb.append('\t'); sb.append(fs.algorithm); sb.append('\t'); sb.append(org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(fs.time)); } else sb.append("\t\t"); if (fs.paramTime != 0) { sb.append('\t'); sb.append(fs.getParamAlgorithm()); sb.append('\t'); sb.append(org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils.formatDurationHMS(fs.paramTime)); } else sb.append("\t\t"); text = sb.toString(); if (isHeadless) IJ.log(text); else summaryWindow.append(text); n++; if (summaryTopN > 0 && n >= summaryTopN) break; } // Add a spacer to the summary table if we have multiple results if (n > 1 && showSummaryTable) { if (isHeadless) IJ.log(""); else summaryWindow.append(""); } } DirectFilter bestFilter = filters.get(0).getFilter(); if (saveBestFilter) saveFilter(bestFilter); if (topFilterClassificationResult == null) { topFilterResults = new ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]>(resultsList.length); topFilterClassificationResult = scoreFilter(bestFilter, minimalFilter, resultsList, topFilterResults, coordinateStore); } if (newResults || scores.isEmpty()) { scores.add(new FilterResult(failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance, filters.get(0))); } if (saveTemplate) saveTemplate(topFilterSummary); showPlots(); calculateSensitivity(); topFilterResults = depthAnalysis(topFilterResults, bestFilter); topFilterResults = scoreAnalysis(topFilterResults, bestFilter); componentAnalysis(topFilterClassificationResult, filters.get(0)); PreprocessedPeakResult[] filterResults = null; if (isShowOverlay()) filterResults = showOverlay(topFilterResults, bestFilter); saveResults(filterResults, bestFilter); wo.tile(); return filters.get(0); } private void runAnalysis(List<FilterSet> filterSets) { runAnalysis(filterSets, null, 0); } private void runAnalysis(List<FilterSet> filterSets, ComplexFilterScore optimum, double rangeReduction) { plots.clear(); plots.ensureCapacity(plotTopN); bestFilter.clear(); bestFilterOrder.clear(); getCoordinateStore(); filterAnalysisStopWatch = StopWatch.createStarted(); IJ.showStatus("Analysing filters ..."); int setNumber = 0; DirectFilter currentOptimum = (optimum != null) ? optimum.r.filter : null; for (FilterSet filterSet : filterSets) { setNumber++; if (filterAnalysis(filterSet, setNumber, currentOptimum, rangeReduction) < 0) break; } filterAnalysisStopWatch.stop(); IJ.showProgress(1); IJ.showStatus(""); final String timeString = filterAnalysisStopWatch.toString(); IJ.log("Filter analysis time : " + timeString); } /** * Run the optimum filter on a set of labelled peak results using various parameter settings outputting performance * statistics on the success of the filter to an ImageJ table. * <p> * If a new optimum is found the class level static parameters are updated. * * @param nonInteractive * True if non interactive * @param optimum * the optimum * @param rangeReduction * the range reduction * @return the best filter */ private ComplexFilterScore runParameterAnalysis(boolean nonInteractive, ComplexFilterScore optimum, double rangeReduction) { parameterAnalysisStopWatch = StopWatch.createStarted(); IJ.showStatus("Analysing parameters ..."); optimum = parameterAnalysis(nonInteractive, optimum, rangeReduction); parameterAnalysisStopWatch.stop(); IJ.showProgress(1); IJ.showStatus(""); final String timeString = parameterAnalysisStopWatch.toString(); IJ.log("Parameter analysis time : " + timeString); return optimum; } private CoordinateStore getCoordinateStore() { if (coordinateStore == null) coordinateStore = createCoordinateStore(); return coordinateStore; } private int countFilters(List<FilterSet> filterSets) { int count = 0; for (FilterSet filterSet : filterSets) count += filterSet.size(); return count; } private void showPlots() { if (plots.isEmpty()) return; // Display the top N plots int[] list = new int[plots.size()]; int i = 0; for (NamedPlot p : plots) { Plot2 plot = new Plot2(, p.xAxisName, COLUMNS[scoreIndex], p.xValues, p.yValues); plot.setLimits(p.xValues[0], p.xValues[p.xValues.length - 1], 0, 1); plot.setColor(Color.RED); plot.draw(); plot.setColor(Color.BLUE); plot.addPoints(p.xValues, p.yValues, Plot2.CROSS); PlotWindow plotWindow = Utils.display(, plot); list[i++] = plotWindow.getImagePlus().getID(); } new WindowOrganiser().tileWindows(list); } private void calculateSensitivity() { if (!calculateSensitivity) return; if (!bestFilter.isEmpty()) { IJ.showStatus("Calculating sensitivity ..."); createSensitivityWindow(); int currentIndex = 0; for (String type : bestFilterOrder) { IJ.showProgress(currentIndex++, bestFilter.size()); DirectFilter filter = bestFilter.get(type).getFilter(); FractionClassificationResult s = scoreFilter(filter, minimalFilter, resultsList, coordinateStore); s = getOriginalScore(s); String message = type + "\t\t\t" + Utils.rounded(s.getJaccard(), 4) + "\t\t" + Utils.rounded(s.getPrecision(), 4) + "\t\t" + Utils.rounded(s.getRecall(), 4); if (isHeadless) { IJ.log(message); } else { sensitivityWindow.append(message); } // List all the parameters that can be adjusted. final int parameters = filter.getNumberOfParameters(); for (int index = 0; index < parameters; index++) { // For each parameter compute as upward + downward delta and get the average gradient DirectFilter higher = (DirectFilter) filter.adjustParameter(index, delta); DirectFilter lower = (DirectFilter) filter.adjustParameter(index, -delta); FractionClassificationResult sHigher = scoreFilter(higher, minimalFilter, resultsList, coordinateStore); sHigher = getOriginalScore(sHigher); FractionClassificationResult sLower = scoreFilter(lower, minimalFilter, resultsList, coordinateStore); sLower = getOriginalScore(sLower); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\t").append(filter.getParameterName(index)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(filter.getParameterValue(index), 4)).append("\t"); double dx1 = higher.getParameterValue(index) - filter.getParameterValue(index); double dx2 = filter.getParameterValue(index) - lower.getParameterValue(index); addSensitivityScore(sb, s.getJaccard(), sHigher.getJaccard(), sLower.getJaccard(), dx1, dx2); addSensitivityScore(sb, s.getPrecision(), sHigher.getPrecision(), sLower.getPrecision(), dx1, dx2); addSensitivityScore(sb, s.getRecall(), sHigher.getRecall(), sLower.getRecall(), dx1, dx2); if (isHeadless) { IJ.log(sb.toString()); } else { sensitivityWindow.append(sb.toString()); } } } String message = "-=-=-=-"; if (isHeadless) { IJ.log(message); } else { sensitivityWindow.append(message); } IJ.showProgress(1); IJ.showStatus(""); } } private void addSensitivityScore(StringBuilder sb, double s, double s1, double s2, double dx1, double dx2) { // Use absolute in case this is not a local maximum. We are mainly interested in how // flat the curve is at this point in relation to parameter changes. double abs = 0, dydx = 0; int count = 0; if (dx1 > 0) { double abs1 = Math.abs(s - s1); double dydx1 = abs1 / dx1; abs += abs1; dydx += dydx1; count++; } if (dx2 > 0) { double abs2 = Math.abs(s - s2); double dydx2 = abs2 / dx2; abs += abs2; dydx += dydx2; count++; } double relativeSensitivity = 0, sensitivity = 0; if (count != 0) { relativeSensitivity = abs / count; sensitivity = dydx / count; } sb.append(Utils.rounded(relativeSensitivity, 4)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(sensitivity, 4)).append("\t"); } private void createResultsWindow() { if (!showResultsTable) return; if (isHeadless) { IJ.log(createResultsHeader(false)); } else { if (resultsWindow == null || !resultsWindow.isShowing()) { String header = createResultsHeader(false); resultsWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Results", header, "", 900, 300); } if (clearTables) resultsWindow.getTextPanel().clear(); } } private void createSummaryWindow() { if (!showSummaryTable) return; if (isHeadless) { IJ.log(createResultsHeader(true)); } else { if (summaryWindow == null || !summaryWindow.isShowing()) { String header = createResultsHeader(true); summaryWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Summary", header, "", 900, 300); } if (clearTables) summaryWindow.getTextPanel().clear(); } } private void createGAWindow() { if (isHeadless) { String header = createResultsHeader(false); header += "\tIteration"; IJ.log(header); } else { if (gaWindow == null || !gaWindow.isShowing()) { String header = createResultsHeader(false); header += "\tIteration"; gaWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Evolution", header, "", 900, 300); } if (clearTables) gaWindow.getTextPanel().clear(); } } private void createComponentAnalysisWindow() { if (isHeadless) { IJ.log(createComponentAnalysisHeader()); } else { if (componentAnalysisWindow == null || !componentAnalysisWindow.isShowing()) { String header = createComponentAnalysisHeader(); componentAnalysisWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Component Analysis", header, "", 900, 300); } if (clearTables) componentAnalysisWindow.getTextPanel().clear(); } } private String createComponentAnalysisHeader() { String header = createResultsHeader(false); header += "\tSize\tName\tValue\tLimit\t% Criteria\t% Score\tTime\tOverlap P\tOverlap R\tOverlap J\tNames"; return header; } private void addToComponentAnalysisWindow(ComplexFilterScore filterScore, ComplexFilterScore bestFilterScore, String[] names) { final FilterScoreResult result = filterScore.r; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(result.text); sb.append('\t').append(filterScore.size); final int index = filterScore.index; if (index != -1) { sb.append('\t').append(names[index]); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(filterScore.getFilter().getParameterValue(index))); sb.append('\t'); if (bestFilterScore.atLimit != null) sb.append(bestFilterScore.atLimit(index)); } else { // Broken sb.append("\t\t"); } sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(100.0 * result.criteria / bestFilterScore.criteria)); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(100.0 * result.score / bestFilterScore.score)); sb.append('\t').append(filterScore.time); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(filterScore.r2.getPrecision())); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(filterScore.r2.getRecall())); sb.append('\t').append(Utils.rounded(filterScore.r2.getJaccard())); sb.append('\t'); for (int i = 0; i < filterScore.combinations.length; i++) { if (i != 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(names[filterScore.combinations[i]]); } final String text = sb.toString(); if (isHeadless) { IJ.log(text); } else { componentAnalysisWindow.append(text); } } private String createResultsHeader(boolean summary) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(BenchmarkSpotFit.tablePrefix); sb.append("\tTitle\tName\tFail\tRes\tDup D\tLower D (nm)\tUpper D (nm)\tLower factor\tUpper factor"); for (int i = 0; i < COLUMNS.length; i++) if (showColumns[i]) sb.append("\t").append(COLUMNS[i]); if (summary) sb.append("\tDepth Recall\tDistance\tSignal Factor\tRMSD\tSlope\tAt limit\tEvolve\tTime\tSearch\tTime"); return sb.toString(); } private void createSensitivityWindow() { if (isHeadless) { IJ.log(createSensitivityHeader()); } else { if (sensitivityWindow == null || !sensitivityWindow.isShowing()) { String header = createSensitivityHeader(); sensitivityWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Sensitivity", header, "", 900, 300); } } } private String createSensitivityHeader() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Filter\t"); sb.append("Param\t"); sb.append("Value\t"); sb.append("J Sensitivity (delta)\t"); sb.append("J Sensitivity (unit)\t"); sb.append("P Sensitivity (delta)\t"); sb.append("P Sensitivity (unit)\t"); sb.append("R Sensitivity (delta)\t"); sb.append("R Sensitivity (unit)\t"); return sb.toString(); } private int filterAnalysis(FilterSet filterSet, int setNumber, DirectFilter currentOptimum, double rangeReduction) { // Check if the filters are the same so allowing optimisation final boolean allSameType = filterSet.allSameType(); this.ga_resultsList = resultsList; Chromosome<FilterScore> best = null; String algorithm = ""; // All the search algorithms use search dimensions. // Create search dimensions if needed (these are used for testing if the optimum is at the limit). ss_filter = null; ss_lower = null; ss_upper = null; FixedDimension[] originalDimensions = null; boolean rangeInput = false; boolean[] disabled = null; double[][] seed = null; boolean nonInteractive = false; if (allSameType) { // There should always be 1 filter ss_filter = (DirectFilter) filterSet.getFilters().get(0); int n = ss_filter.getNumberOfParameters(); // Option to configure a range rangeInput = filterSet.getName().contains("Range"); double[] range = new double[n]; if (rangeInput && filterSet.size() == 4) { originalDimensions = new FixedDimension[n]; // This is used as min/lower/upper/max final Filter minF = ss_filter; final Filter lowerF = filterSet.getFilters().get(1); final Filter upperF = filterSet.getFilters().get(2); final Filter maxF = filterSet.getFilters().get(3); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double min = minF.getParameterValue(i); double lower = lowerF.getParameterValue(i); double upper = upperF.getParameterValue(i); range[i] = upper - lower; double max = maxF.getParameterValue(i); double minIncrement = ss_filter.getParameterIncrement(i); try { originalDimensions[i] = new FixedDimension(min, max, minIncrement, lower, upper); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Utils.log(TITLE + " : Unable to configure dimension [%d] %s: " + e.getMessage(), i, ss_filter.getParameterName(i)); originalDimensions = null; rangeInput = false; break; } } } if (rangeInput && (filterSet.size() == 3 || filterSet.size() == 2)) { originalDimensions = new FixedDimension[n]; // This is used as lower/upper[/increment] final Filter lowerF = ss_filter; final Filter upperF = filterSet.getFilters().get(1); // final Filter incF = filterSet.getFilters().get(2); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Do not disable if the increment is not set. This is left to the user to decide. // if (incF.getParameterValue(i) == incF.getDisabledParameterValue(i) || // Double.isInfinite(incF.getParameterValue(i))) // { // // Not enabled // dimensions[i] = new SearchDimension(incF.getDisabledParameterValue(i)); // continue; // } double lower = lowerF.getParameterValue(i); double upper = upperF.getParameterValue(i); range[i] = upper - lower; ParameterType type = ss_filter.getParameterType(i); double min = BenchmarkSpotFit.getMin(type); double max = BenchmarkSpotFit.getMax(type); double minIncrement = ss_filter.getParameterIncrement(i); try { originalDimensions[i] = new FixedDimension(min, max, minIncrement, lower, upper); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Utils.log(TITLE + " : Unable to configure dimension [%d] %s: " + e.getMessage(), i, ss_filter.getParameterName(i)); originalDimensions = null; rangeInput = false; break; } } } // Get the dimensions from the filters if (originalDimensions == null) { originalDimensions = new FixedDimension[n]; // Allow inputing a filter set (e.g. saved from previous optimisation) // Find the limits in the current scores final double[] lower = ss_filter.getParameters().clone(); final double[] upper = lower.clone(); // Allow the SearchSpace algorithms to be seeded with an initial population // for the first evaluation of the optimum. This is done when the input filter // set is not a range. seed = new double[filterSet.size()][]; int c = 0; for (Filter f : filterSet.getFilters()) { final double[] point = f.getParameters(); seed[c++] = point; for (int j = 0; j < lower.length; j++) { if (lower[j] > point[j]) lower[j] = point[j]; if (upper[j] < point[j]) upper[j] = point[j]; } } // Get the search dimensions from the data. // Min/max must be set using values from BenchmarkSpotFit. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (lower[i] == upper[i]) { // Not enabled originalDimensions[i] = new FixedDimension(lower[i]); continue; } ParameterType type = ss_filter.getParameterType(i); double min = BenchmarkSpotFit.getMin(type); double max = BenchmarkSpotFit.getMax(type); double minIncrement = ss_filter.getParameterIncrement(i); if (min > lower[i]) min = lower[i]; if (max < upper[i]) max = upper[i]; try { originalDimensions[i] = new FixedDimension(min, max, minIncrement, lower[i], upper[i]); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Utils.log(TITLE + " : Unable to configure dimension [%d] %s: " + e.getMessage(), i, ss_filter.getParameterName(i)); originalDimensions = null; break; } } if (originalDimensions == null) { // Failed to work out the dimensions. No optimisation will be possible. // Sort so that the filters are in a nice order for reporting filterSet.sort(); // This will not be used when the dimensions are null seed = null; } } if (originalDimensions != null) { // Use the current optimum if we are doing a range optimisation if (currentOptimum != null && rangeInput && currentOptimum.getType().equals(ss_filter.getType()) && evolve != 0) { // Suppress dialogs and use the current settings nonInteractive = true; double[] p = currentOptimum.getParameters(); // If the optimum is that same filter type as the filter set, and we are using // a search method then centre the dimensions on the optimum. // Note: // Enrichment search and GA just use the upper and lower bounds to seed the population // These can use FixedDimension and we add the current optimum to the seed. // Range search uses SearchDimension and we must centre on the optimum after creation. for (int i = 0; i < originalDimensions.length; i++) { double centre = p[i]; double r = 0; if (originalDimensions[i].isActive()) { // Set the range around the centre. // This uses the range for each param when we read the filters. r = range[i]; // Optionally reduce the width of the dimensions. if (rangeReduction > 0 && rangeReduction < 1) r *= rangeReduction; } double lower = centre - r * 0.5; double upper = centre + r * 0.5; originalDimensions[i] = originalDimensions[i].create(lower, upper); } } // Store the dimensions so we can do an 'at limit' check disabled = new boolean[originalDimensions.length]; ss_lower = new double[originalDimensions.length]; ss_upper = new double[originalDimensions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < disabled.length; i++) { disabled[i] = !originalDimensions[i].isActive(); ss_lower[i] = originalDimensions[i].lower; ss_upper[i] = originalDimensions[i].upper; } } } else { // Sort so that the filters are in a nice order for reporting filterSet.sort(); } analysisStopWatch = StopWatch.createStarted(); if (evolve == 1 && originalDimensions != null) { // Collect parameters for the genetic algorithm pauseFilterTimer(); // Remember the step size settings double[] stepSize = stepSizeMap.get(setNumber); if (stepSize == null || stepSize.length != ss_filter.length()) { stepSize = ss_filter.mutationStepRange().clone(); for (int j = 0; j < stepSize.length; j++) stepSize[j] *= delta; // See if the same number of parameters have been optimised in other algorithms boolean[] enabled = searchRangeMap.get(setNumber); if (enabled != null && enabled.length == stepSize.length) { for (int j = 0; j < stepSize.length; j++) if (!enabled[j]) stepSize[j] *= -1; } } GenericDialog gd = null; int[] indices = ss_filter.getChromosomeParameters(); boolean runAlgorithm = nonInteractive; if (!nonInteractive) { // Ask the user for the mutation step parameters. gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); String prefix = setNumber + "_"; gd.addMessage("Configure the genetic algorithm for [" + setNumber + "] " + filterSet.getName()); gd.addNumericField(prefix + "Population_size", populationSize, 0); gd.addNumericField(prefix + "Failure_limit", failureLimit, 0); gd.addNumericField(prefix + "Tolerance", tolerance, -1); gd.addNumericField(prefix + "Converged_count", convergedCount, 0); gd.addSlider(prefix + "Mutation_rate", 0.05, 1, mutationRate); gd.addSlider(prefix + "Crossover_rate", 0.05, 1, crossoverRate); gd.addSlider(prefix + "Mean_children", 0.05, 3, meanChildren); gd.addSlider(prefix + "Selection_fraction", 0.05, 0.5, selectionFraction); gd.addCheckbox(prefix + "Ramped_selection", rampedSelection); gd.addCheckbox(prefix + "Save_option", saveOption); gd.addMessage("Configure the step size for each parameter"); for (int j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) { // Do not mutate parameters that were not expanded, i.e. the input did not vary them. final double step = (originalDimensions[indices[j]].isActive()) ? stepSize[j] : 0; gd.addNumericField(getDialogName(prefix, ss_filter, indices[j]), step, 2); } gd.showDialog(); runAlgorithm = !gd.wasCanceled(); } if (runAlgorithm) { // Used to create random sample FixedDimension[] dimensions = Arrays.copyOf(originalDimensions, originalDimensions.length); if (!nonInteractive) { populationSize = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); if (populationSize < 10) populationSize = 10; failureLimit = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); tolerance = gd.getNextNumber(); convergedCount = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); // Allow negatives mutationRate = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); crossoverRate = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); meanChildren = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); selectionFraction = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); rampedSelection = gd.getNextBoolean(); saveOption = gd.getNextBoolean(); for (int j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) { stepSize[j] = gd.getNextNumber(); } // Store for repeat analysis stepSizeMap.put(setNumber, stepSize); } for (int j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) { // Disable values with a negative step size. // A zero step size will keep the parameter but prevent range mutation. if (stepSize[j] < 0) { dimensions[indices[j]] = new FixedDimension(ss_filter.getDisabledParameterValue(indices[j])); disabled[indices[j]] = true; } } // // Reset negatives to zero // stepSize = stepSize.clone(); // for (int j = 0; j < stepSize.length; j++) // if (stepSize[j] < 0) // stepSize[j] = 0; // Create the genetic algorithm RandomDataGenerator random = new RandomDataGenerator(new Well44497b()); SimpleMutator<FilterScore> mutator = new SimpleMutator<FilterScore>(random, mutationRate); // Override the settings with the step length, a min of zero and the configured upper double[] upper = ss_filter.upperLimit(); mutator.overrideChromosomeSettings(stepSize, new double[stepSize.length], upper); Recombiner<FilterScore> recombiner = new SimpleRecombiner<FilterScore>(random, crossoverRate, meanChildren); SelectionStrategy<FilterScore> selectionStrategy; // If the initial population is huge ensure that the first selection culls to the correct size final int selectionMax = (int) (selectionFraction * populationSize); if (rampedSelection) selectionStrategy = new RampedSelectionStrategy<FilterScore>(random, selectionFraction, selectionMax); else selectionStrategy = new SimpleSelectionStrategy<FilterScore>(random, selectionFraction, selectionMax); ToleranceChecker<FilterScore> ga_checker = new InterruptChecker(tolerance, tolerance * 1e-3, convergedCount); // Create new random filters if the population is initially below the population size List<Filter> filters = filterSet.getFilters(); if (filterSet.size() < populationSize) { filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(populationSize); // Add the existing filters if they are not a range input file if (!rangeInput) filters.addAll(filterSet.getFilters()); // Add current optimum to seed if (nonInteractive) filters.add(currentOptimum); // The GA does not use the min interval grid so sample without rounding double[][] sample = SearchSpace.sampleWithoutRounding(dimensions, populationSize - filters.size(), null); filters.addAll(searchSpaceToFilters(sample)); } ga_population = new Population<FilterScore>(filters); ga_population.setPopulationSize(populationSize); ga_population.setFailureLimit(failureLimit); selectionStrategy.setTracker(this); // Evolve algorithm = EVOLVE[evolve]; ga_statusPrefix = algorithm + " [" + setNumber + "] " + filterSet.getName() + " ... "; ga_iteration = 0; ga_population.setTracker(this); createGAWindow(); resumeFilterTimer(); best = ga_population.evolve(mutator, recombiner, this, selectionStrategy, ga_checker); if (best != null) { // In case optimisation was stopped IJ.resetEscape(); // The GA may produce coordinates off the min interval grid best = enumerateMinInterval(best, stepSize, indices); // Now update the filter set for final assessment filterSet = new FilterSet(filterSet.getName(), populationToFilters(ga_population.getIndividuals())); // Option to save the filters if (saveOption) saveFilterSet(filterSet, setNumber, !nonInteractive); } } else resumeFilterTimer(); } if ((evolve == 2 || evolve == 4) && originalDimensions != null) { // Collect parameters for the range search algorithm pauseFilterTimer(); boolean isStepSearch = evolve == 4; // The step search should use a multi-dimension refinement and no range reduction SearchSpace.RefinementMode myRefinementMode = SearchSpace.RefinementMode.MULTI_DIMENSION; // Remember the enabled settings boolean[] enabled = searchRangeMap.get(setNumber); int n = ss_filter.getNumberOfParameters(); if (enabled == null || enabled.length != n) { enabled = new boolean[n]; Arrays.fill(enabled, true); // See if the same number of parameters have been optimised in other algorithms double[] stepSize = stepSizeMap.get(setNumber); if (stepSize != null && enabled.length == stepSize.length) { for (int j = 0; j < stepSize.length; j++) if (stepSize[j] < 0) enabled[j] = false; } } GenericDialog gd = null; boolean runAlgorithm = nonInteractive; if (!nonInteractive) { // Ask the user for the search parameters. gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); String prefix = setNumber + "_"; gd.addMessage("Configure the " + EVOLVE[evolve] + " algorithm for [" + setNumber + "] " + filterSet.getName()); gd.addSlider(prefix + "Width", 1, 5, rangeSearchWidth); if (!isStepSearch) { gd.addCheckbox(prefix + "Save_option", saveOption); gd.addNumericField(prefix + "Max_iterations", maxIterations, 0); String[] modes = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) SearchSpace.RefinementMode.values()); gd.addSlider(prefix + "Reduce", 0.01, 0.99, rangeSearchReduce); gd.addChoice("Refinement", modes, modes[refinementMode]); } gd.addNumericField(prefix + "Seed_size", seedSize, 0); // Add choice of fields to optimise for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) gd.addCheckbox(getDialogName(prefix, ss_filter, i), enabled[i]); gd.showDialog(); runAlgorithm = !gd.wasCanceled(); } if (runAlgorithm) { SearchDimension[] dimensions = new SearchDimension[n]; if (!nonInteractive) { rangeSearchWidth = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); if (!isStepSearch) { saveOption = gd.getNextBoolean(); maxIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); refinementMode = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); rangeSearchReduce = gd.getNextNumber(); } seedSize = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) enabled[i] = gd.getNextBoolean(); searchRangeMap.put(setNumber, enabled); } if (!isStepSearch) myRefinementMode = SearchSpace.RefinementMode.values()[refinementMode]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (enabled[i]) { try { dimensions[i] = originalDimensions[i].create(rangeSearchWidth); dimensions[i].setPad(true); // Prevent range reduction so that the step search just does a single refinement step dimensions[i].setReduceFactor((isStepSearch) ? 1 : rangeSearchReduce); // Centre on current optimum if (nonInteractive) dimensions[i].setCentre(currentOptimum.getParameterValue(i)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, String.format("Unable to configure dimension [%d] %s: " + e.getMessage(), i, ss_filter.getParameterName(i))); return -1; } } else { dimensions[i] = new SearchDimension(ss_filter.getDisabledParameterValue(i)); } } for (int i = 0; i < disabled.length; i++) disabled[i] = !dimensions[i].active; // Check the number of combinations is OK long combinations = SearchSpace.countCombinations(dimensions); if (!nonInteractive && combinations > 10000) { gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage( String.format("%d combinations for the configured dimensions.\n \nClick 'Yes' to optimise.", combinations)); gd.enableYesNoCancel(); gd.hideCancelButton(); gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasOKed()) { combinations = 0; } } if (combinations == 0) { resumeFilterTimer(); } else { algorithm = EVOLVE[evolve] + " " + rangeSearchWidth; ga_statusPrefix = algorithm + " [" + setNumber + "] " + filterSet.getName() + " ... "; ga_iteration = 0; es_optimum = null; SearchSpace ss = new SearchSpace(); ss.setTracker(this); if (seedSize > 0) { double[][] sample; // Add current optimum to seed if (nonInteractive) { sample = new double[1][]; sample[0] = currentOptimum.getParameters(); seed = merge(seed, sample); } int size = (seed == null) ? 0 : seed.length; // Sample without rounding as the seed will be rounded sample = SearchSpace.sampleWithoutRounding(dimensions, seedSize - size, null); seed = merge(seed, sample); } // Note: If we have an optimum and we are not seeding this should not matter as the dimensions // have been centred on the current optimum ss.seed(seed); ConvergenceChecker<FilterScore> checker = new InterruptConvergenceChecker(0, 0, maxIterations); createGAWindow(); resumeFilterTimer(); SearchResult<FilterScore> optimum =, this, checker, myRefinementMode); if (optimum != null) { // In case optimisation was stopped IJ.resetEscape(); best = ((SimpleFilterScore) optimum.score).r.filter; if (seedSize > 0) { // Not required as the search now respects the min interval // The optimum may be off grid if it was from the seed //best = enumerateMinInterval(best, enabled); } // Now update the filter set for final assessment filterSet = new FilterSet(filterSet.getName(), searchSpaceToFilters((DirectFilter) best, ss.getSearchSpace())); // Option to save the filters if (saveOption) saveFilterSet(filterSet, setNumber, !nonInteractive); } } } else resumeFilterTimer(); } if (evolve == 3 && originalDimensions != null) { // Collect parameters for the enrichment search algorithm pauseFilterTimer(); boolean[] enabled = searchRangeMap.get(setNumber); int n = ss_filter.getNumberOfParameters(); if (enabled == null || enabled.length != n) { enabled = new boolean[n]; Arrays.fill(enabled, true); // See if the same number of parameters have been optimised in other algorithms double[] stepSize = stepSizeMap.get(setNumber); if (stepSize != null && enabled.length == stepSize.length) { for (int j = 0; j < stepSize.length; j++) if (stepSize[j] < 0) enabled[j] = false; } } GenericDialog gd = null; boolean runAlgorithm = nonInteractive; if (!nonInteractive) { // Ask the user for the search parameters. gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); String prefix = setNumber + "_"; gd.addMessage( "Configure the enrichment search algorithm for [" + setNumber + "] " + filterSet.getName()); gd.addCheckbox(prefix + "Save_option", saveOption); gd.addNumericField(prefix + "Max_iterations", maxIterations, 0); gd.addNumericField(prefix + "Converged_count", convergedCount, 0); gd.addNumericField(prefix + "Samples", enrichmentSamples, 0); gd.addSlider(prefix + "Fraction", 0.01, 0.99, enrichmentFraction); gd.addSlider(prefix + "Padding", 0, 0.99, enrichmentPadding); // Add choice of fields to optimise for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) gd.addCheckbox(getDialogName(prefix, ss_filter, i), enabled[i]); gd.showDialog(); runAlgorithm = !gd.wasCanceled(); } if (runAlgorithm) { FixedDimension[] dimensions = Arrays.copyOf(originalDimensions, originalDimensions.length); if (!nonInteractive) { saveOption = gd.getNextBoolean(); maxIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); convergedCount = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); enrichmentSamples = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); enrichmentFraction = gd.getNextNumber(); enrichmentPadding = gd.getNextNumber(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) enabled[i] = gd.getNextBoolean(); searchRangeMap.put(setNumber, enabled); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!enabled[i]) dimensions[i] = new FixedDimension(ss_filter.getDisabledParameterValue(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < disabled.length; i++) disabled[i] = !dimensions[i].active; algorithm = EVOLVE[evolve]; ga_statusPrefix = algorithm + " [" + setNumber + "] " + filterSet.getName() + " ... "; ga_iteration = 0; es_optimum = null; SearchSpace ss = new SearchSpace(); ss.setTracker(this); // Add current optimum to seed if (nonInteractive) { double[][] sample = new double[1][]; sample[0] = currentOptimum.getParameters(); seed = merge(seed, sample); } ss.seed(seed); ConvergenceChecker<FilterScore> checker = new InterruptConvergenceChecker(0, 0, maxIterations, convergedCount); createGAWindow(); resumeFilterTimer(); SearchResult<FilterScore> optimum = ss.enrichmentSearch(dimensions, this, checker, enrichmentSamples, enrichmentFraction, enrichmentPadding); if (optimum != null) { // In case optimisation was stopped IJ.resetEscape(); best = ((SimpleFilterScore) optimum.score).r.filter; // Not required as the search now respects the min interval // Enumerate on the min interval to produce the final filter //best = enumerateMinInterval(best, enabled); // Now update the filter set for final assessment filterSet = new FilterSet(filterSet.getName(), searchSpaceToFilters((DirectFilter) best, ss.getSearchSpace())); // Option to save the filters if (saveOption) saveFilterSet(filterSet, setNumber, !nonInteractive); } } else resumeFilterTimer(); } IJ.showStatus("Analysing [" + setNumber + "] " + filterSet.getName() + " ..."); // Do not support plotting if we used optimisation double[] xValues = (best != null || isHeadless || (plotTopN == 0)) ? null : new double[filterSet.size()]; double[] yValues = (xValues == null) ? null : new double[xValues.length]; SimpleFilterScore max = null; // Final evaluation does not need to assess all the filters if we have run optimisation. // It can just assess the top 1 required for the summary. if (best != null) { // Only assess the top 1 filter for the summary List<Filter> list = new ArrayList<Filter>(); list.add((DirectFilter) best); filterSet = new FilterSet(filterSet.getName(), list); } // Score the filters and report the results if configured. FilterScoreResult[] scoreResults = scoreFilters(setUncomputedStrength(filterSet), showResultsTable); if (scoreResults == null) return -1; analysisStopWatch.stop(); for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) { final FilterScoreResult scoreResult = scoreResults[index]; if (xValues != null) { xValues[index] = scoreResult.filter.getNumericalValue(); yValues[index] = scoreResult.score; } final SimpleFilterScore result = new SimpleFilterScore(scoreResult, allSameType, scoreResult.criteria >= minCriteria); if (result.compareTo(max) < 0) { max = result; } } if (showResultsTable) { BufferedTextWindow tw = null; if (resultsWindow != null) { tw = new BufferedTextWindow(resultsWindow); tw.setIncrement(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) addToResultsWindow(tw, scoreResults[index].text); if (resultsWindow != null) resultsWindow.getTextPanel().updateDisplay(); } // Check the top filter against the limits of the original dimensions char[] atLimit = null; if (allSameType && originalDimensions != null) { DirectFilter filter = max.r.filter; int[] indices = filter.getChromosomeParameters(); atLimit = new char[indices.length]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); for (int j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) { atLimit[j] = ComplexFilterScore.WITHIN; final int p = indices[j]; if (disabled[p]) continue; final double value = filter.getParameterValue(p); double lowerLimit = originalDimensions[p].getLower(); double upperLimit = originalDimensions[p].getUpper(); int c1 =, lowerLimit); if (c1 <= 0) { atLimit[j] = ComplexFilterScore.FLOOR; sb.append(" : ").append(filter.getParameterName(p)).append(' ').append(atLimit[j]).append('[') .append(Utils.rounded(value)); if (c1 == -1) { atLimit[j] = ComplexFilterScore.BELOW; sb.append("<").append(Utils.rounded(lowerLimit)); } sb.append("]"); } else { int c2 =, upperLimit); if (c2 >= 0) { atLimit[j] = ComplexFilterScore.CEIL; sb.append(" : ").append(filter.getParameterName(p)).append(' ').append(atLimit[j]).append('[') .append(Utils.rounded(value)); if (c2 == 1) { atLimit[j] = ComplexFilterScore.ABOVE; sb.append(">").append(Utils.rounded(upperLimit)); } sb.append("]"); } } } if (sb.length() > 0) { if (max.criteriaPassed) { Utils.log("Warning: Top filter (%s @ %s|%s) [%s] at the limit of the expanded range%s", filter.getName(), Utils.rounded((invertScore) ? -max.score : max.score), Utils.rounded((invertCriteria) ? -minCriteria : minCriteria), limitFailCount + limitRange, sb.toString()); } else { Utils.log("Warning: Top filter (%s @ -|%s) [%s] at the limit of the expanded range%s", filter.getName(), Utils.rounded((invertCriteria) ? -max.criteria : max.criteria), limitFailCount + limitRange, sb.toString()); } } } // Note that max should never be null since this method is not run with an empty filter set // We may have no filters that pass the criteria String type = max.r.filter.getType(); if (!max.criteriaPassed) { Utils.log("Warning: Filter does not pass the criteria: %s : Best = %s using %s", type, Utils.rounded((invertCriteria) ? -max.criteria : max.criteria), max.r.filter.getName()); return 0; } boolean allowDuplicates = true; // This could be an option? // XXX - Commented out the requirement to be the same type to store for later analysis. // This may break the code, however I think that all filter sets should be able to have a best filter // irrespective of whether they were the same type or not. //if (allSameType) //{ ComplexFilterScore newFilterScore = new ComplexFilterScore(max.r, atLimit, algorithm, analysisStopWatch.getTime(), "", 0); addBestFilter(type, allowDuplicates, newFilterScore); //} // Add spacer at end of each result set if (isHeadless) { if (showResultsTable && filterSet.size() > 1) IJ.log(""); } else { if (showResultsTable && filterSet.size() > 1) resultsWindow.append(""); if (plotTopN > 0 && xValues != null) { // Check the xValues are unique. Since the filters have been sorted by their // numeric value we only need to compare adjacent entries. boolean unique = true; for (int ii = 0; ii < xValues.length - 1; ii++) { if (xValues[ii] == xValues[ii + 1]) { unique = false; break; } } String xAxisName = filterSet.getValueName(); if (unique) { // Check the values all refer to the same property for (Filter filter : filterSet.getFilters()) { if (!xAxisName.equals(filter.getNumericalValueName())) { unique = false; break; } } } if (!unique) { // If not unique then renumber them and use an arbitrary label xAxisName = "Filter"; for (int ii = 0; ii < xValues.length; ii++) xValues[ii] = ii + 1; } String title = filterSet.getName(); // Check if a previous filter set had the same name, update if necessary NamedPlot p = getNamedPlot(title); if (p == null) plots.add(new NamedPlot(title, xAxisName, xValues, yValues)); else p.updateValues(xAxisName, xValues, yValues); if (plots.size() > plotTopN) { Collections.sort(plots); p = plots.remove(plots.size() - 1); } } } return 0; } private void addBestFilter(String type, boolean allowDuplicates, ComplexFilterScore newFilterScore) { ComplexFilterScore filterScore = bestFilter.get(type); if (filterScore != null) { if (allowDuplicates) { // Duplicate type: create a unique key // Start at 2 to show it is the second one of the same type int n = 2; while (bestFilter.containsKey(type + n)) n++; type += n; bestFilter.put(type, newFilterScore); bestFilterOrder.add(type); } else { // Replace (even if the same so that the latest results settings are stored) if (newFilterScore.compareTo(filterScore) <= 0) { bestFilter.put(type, newFilterScore); //filterScore.update(max.r, atLimit, algorithm, filterSetStopWatch.getTime()); } } } else { bestFilter.put(type, newFilterScore); bestFilterOrder.add(type); } } private double[][] merge(double[][] seed, double[][] sample) { if (seed == null) { seed = sample; } else if (sample != null) { // Merge ArrayList<double[]> merged = new ArrayList<double[]>(sample.length + seed.length); merged.addAll(Arrays.asList(seed)); merged.addAll(Arrays.asList(sample)); seed = merged.toArray(new double[merged.size()][]); } return seed; } /** * Enumerate on the min interval to convert an off grid result to one on the grid. * * @param best * The optimum * @param stepSize * Array specifying the step size for each of the parameter indices * @param indices * Array specifying which parameter indices to search * @return The optimum on the min interval grid */ private Chromosome<FilterScore> enumerateMinInterval(Chromosome<FilterScore> best, double[] stepSize, int[] indices) { boolean[] enabled = new boolean[stepSize.length]; for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { int j = indices[i]; enabled[j] = stepSize[j] > 0; } return enumerateMinInterval(best, enabled, indices); } /** * Enumerate on the min interval to convert an off grid result to one on the grid * * @param best * The optimum * @param enabled * Array specifying which parameters are enabled * @return The optimum on the min interval grid */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Chromosome<FilterScore> enumerateMinInterval(Chromosome<FilterScore> best, boolean[] enabled) { return enumerateMinInterval(best, enabled, Utils.newArray(enabled.length, 0, 1)); } /** * Enumerate on the min interval to convert an off grid result to one on the grid * * @param best * The optimum * @param enabled * Array specifying which parameters are enabled * @param indices * Array specifying which parameter indices to search * @return The optimum on the min interval grid */ private Chromosome<FilterScore> enumerateMinInterval(Chromosome<FilterScore> best, boolean[] enabled, int[] indices) { // Enumerate on the min interval to produce the final filter ss_filter = (DirectFilter) best; es_optimum = null; SearchDimension[] dimensions2 = new SearchDimension[ss_filter.getNumberOfParameters()]; for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { int j = indices[i]; if (enabled[j]) { double minIncrement = ss_filter.getParameterIncrement(j); try { double value = ss_filter.getParameterValue(j); double max = Maths.ceil(value, minIncrement); double min = Maths.floor(value, minIncrement); dimensions2[i] = new SearchDimension(min, max, minIncrement, 1); dimensions2[i].setCentre(value); dimensions2[i].setIncrement(minIncrement); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, String.format("Unable to configure dimension [%d] %s: " + e.getMessage(), j, ss_filter.getParameterName(j))); dimensions2 = null; break; } } } if (dimensions2 != null) { // Add dimensions that have been missed for (int i = 0; i < dimensions2.length; i++) if (dimensions2[i] == null) dimensions2[i] = new SearchDimension(ss_filter.getParameterValue(i)); SearchSpace ss = new SearchSpace(); ss.setTracker(this); SearchResult<FilterScore> optimum = ss.findOptimum(dimensions2, this); if (optimum != null) { best = ((SimpleFilterScore) optimum.score).r.filter; } } return best; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private double[] enumerateMinInterval(double[] point, String[] names, FixedDimension[] originalDimensions) { p_optimum = null; SearchDimension[] dimensions2 = new SearchDimension[originalDimensions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions2.length; i++) { if (originalDimensions[i].isActive()) { double minIncrement = originalDimensions[i].minIncrement; try { double value = point[i]; double max = Maths.ceil(value, minIncrement); double min = Maths.floor(value, minIncrement); dimensions2[i] = new SearchDimension(min, max, minIncrement, 1); dimensions2[i].setCentre(value); dimensions2[i].setIncrement(minIncrement); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, String.format("Unable to configure dimension [%d] %s: " + e.getMessage(), i, names[i])); dimensions2 = null; break; } } else dimensions2[i] = new SearchDimension(point[i]); } if (dimensions2 != null) { SearchSpace ss = new SearchSpace(); ss.setTracker(this); SearchResult<FilterScore> optimum = ss.findOptimum(dimensions2, new ParameterScoreFunction()); if (optimum != null) { point = optimum.point; } } return point; } /** * Run the optimum filter on a set of labelled peak results using various parameter settings outputting performance * statistics on the success of the filter to an ImageJ table. * <p> * If a new optimum is found the class level static parameters are updated. * * @param nonInteractive * True if non interactive * @param currentOptimum * the optimum * @param rangeReduction * the range reduction * @return the best filter */ private ComplexFilterScore parameterAnalysis(boolean nonInteractive, ComplexFilterScore currentOptimum, double rangeReduction) { this.ga_resultsList = resultsList; String algorithm = ""; // All the search algorithms use search dimensions. ss_filter = currentOptimum.r.filter; FixedDimension[] originalDimensions = new FixedDimension[3]; double[] point = createParameters(); String[] names = { "Fail count", "Residuals threshold", "Duplicate distance" }; { // Local scope for i int i = 0; try { originalDimensions[i++] = new FixedDimension(minFailCount, maxFailCount, 1); // TODO - let the min intervals be configured, maybe via extra options if (BenchmarkSpotFit.computeDoublets) originalDimensions[i++] = new FixedDimension(minResidualsThreshold, maxResidualsThreshold, 0.05); else originalDimensions[i++] = new FixedDimension(1, 1, 0.05); originalDimensions[i++] = new FixedDimension(minDuplicateDistance, maxDuplicateDistance, 0.5); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Utils.log(TITLE + " : Unable to configure dimension [%d] %s: " + e.getMessage(), i, names[i]); return null; } } // Check for a search boolean active = false; for (int i = 0; i < originalDimensions.length; i++) { if (originalDimensions[i].isActive()) { active = true; break; } } if (!active) { Utils.log(TITLE + " : No search range"); return currentOptimum; } // Optionally use a reduced range (this is used for iteration) if (rangeReduction > 0 && rangeReduction < 1) { // Suppress dialogs and use the current settings nonInteractive = true; for (int i = 0; i < originalDimensions.length; i++) { double centre = point[i]; double r = 0; if (originalDimensions[i].isActive()) { r = (originalDimensions[i].max - originalDimensions[i].min) * rangeReduction; } double lower = centre - r * 0.5; double upper = centre + r * 0.5; originalDimensions[i] = originalDimensions[i].create(lower, upper); } } analysisStopWatch = StopWatch.createStarted(); SearchResult<FilterScore> optimum = null; // Store this for later debugging if (searchParam == 0 || searchParam == 2) { // Collect parameters for the range search algorithm pauseParameterTimer(); boolean isStepSearch = searchParam == 2; // The step search should use a multi-dimension refinement and no range reduction SearchSpace.RefinementMode myRefinementMode = SearchSpace.RefinementMode.MULTI_DIMENSION; GenericDialog gd = null; boolean runAlgorithm = nonInteractive; if (!nonInteractive) { // Ask the user for the search parameters. gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Configure the " + SEARCH[searchParam] + " algorithm for " + ss_filter.getType()); gd.addSlider("Width", 1, 5, pRangeSearchWidth); if (!isStepSearch) { gd.addNumericField("Max_iterations", pMaxIterations, 0); String[] modes = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) SearchSpace.RefinementMode.values()); gd.addSlider("Reduce", 0.01, 0.99, pRangeSearchReduce); gd.addChoice("Refinement", modes, modes[pRefinementMode]); } gd.addNumericField("Seed_size", pSeedSize, 0); gd.showDialog(); runAlgorithm = !gd.wasCanceled(); } if (runAlgorithm) { SearchDimension[] dimensions = new SearchDimension[originalDimensions.length]; if (!nonInteractive) { pRangeSearchWidth = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); if (!isStepSearch) { pMaxIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); pRangeSearchReduce = gd.getNextNumber(); pRefinementMode = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); } pSeedSize = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); } if (!isStepSearch) myRefinementMode = SearchSpace.RefinementMode.values()[pRefinementMode]; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) { if (originalDimensions[i].isActive()) { try { dimensions[i] = originalDimensions[i].create(pRangeSearchWidth); dimensions[i].setPad(true); // Prevent range reduction so that the step search just does a single refinement step dimensions[i].setReduceFactor((isStepSearch) ? 1 : pRangeSearchReduce); // Centre on current optimum dimensions[i].setCentre(point[i]); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, String.format("Unable to configure dimension [%d] %s: " + e.getMessage(), i, names[i])); return null; } } else { dimensions[i] = new SearchDimension(point[i]); } } // Check the number of combinations is OK long combinations = SearchSpace.countCombinations(dimensions); if (!nonInteractive && combinations > 10000) { gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage( String.format("%d combinations for the configured dimensions.\n \nClick 'Yes' to optimise.", combinations)); gd.enableYesNoCancel(); gd.hideCancelButton(); gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasOKed()) { combinations = 0; } } if (combinations == 0) { resumeParameterTimer(); } else { algorithm = SEARCH[searchParam] + " " + pRangeSearchWidth; ga_statusPrefix = algorithm + " " + ss_filter.getName() + " ... "; ga_iteration = 0; p_optimum = null; SearchSpace ss = new SearchSpace(); ss.setTracker(this); if (pSeedSize > 0) { // Add current optimum to seed // Note: If we have an optimum and we are not seeding this should not matter as the dimensions // have been centred on the current optimum double[][] seed = new double[1][]; seed[0] = point; // Sample without rounding as the seed will be rounded double[][] sample = SearchSpace.sampleWithoutRounding(dimensions, pSeedSize - 1, null); ss.seed(merge(sample, seed)); } ConvergenceChecker<FilterScore> checker = new InterruptConvergenceChecker(0, 0, pMaxIterations); createGAWindow(); resumeParameterTimer(); optimum =, new ParameterScoreFunction(), checker, myRefinementMode); if (optimum != null) { // In case optimisation was stopped IJ.resetEscape(); // Now update the parameters for final assessment point = optimum.point; // Not required as the seed in now rounded //if (pSeedSize > 0) //{ // // The optimum may be off grid if it was from the seed // point = enumerateMinInterval(point, names, originalDimensions); //} } } } else resumeParameterTimer(); } if (searchParam == 1) { // Collect parameters for the enrichment search algorithm pauseParameterTimer(); GenericDialog gd = null; boolean runAlgorithm = nonInteractive; if (!nonInteractive) { // Ask the user for the search parameters. gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Configure the " + SEARCH[searchParam] + " algorithm for " + ss_filter.getType()); gd.addNumericField("Max_iterations", pMaxIterations, 0); gd.addNumericField("Converged_count", pConvergedCount, 0); gd.addNumericField("Samples", pEnrichmentSamples, 0); gd.addSlider("Fraction", 0.01, 0.99, pEnrichmentFraction); gd.addSlider("Padding", 0, 0.99, pEnrichmentPadding); gd.showDialog(); runAlgorithm = !gd.wasCanceled(); } if (runAlgorithm) { FixedDimension[] dimensions = Arrays.copyOf(originalDimensions, originalDimensions.length); if (!nonInteractive) { pMaxIterations = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); pConvergedCount = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); pEnrichmentSamples = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); pEnrichmentFraction = gd.getNextNumber(); pEnrichmentPadding = gd.getNextNumber(); } algorithm = SEARCH[searchParam]; ga_statusPrefix = algorithm + " " + ss_filter.getName() + " ... "; ga_iteration = 0; p_optimum = null; SearchSpace ss = new SearchSpace(); ss.setTracker(this); // Add current optimum to seed double[][] seed = new double[1][]; seed[0] = point; ss.seed(seed); ConvergenceChecker<FilterScore> checker = new InterruptConvergenceChecker(0, 0, pMaxIterations, pConvergedCount); createGAWindow(); resumeParameterTimer(); optimum = ss.enrichmentSearch(dimensions, new ParameterScoreFunction(), checker, pEnrichmentSamples, pEnrichmentFraction, pEnrichmentPadding); if (optimum != null) { // In case optimisation was stopped IJ.resetEscape(); point = optimum.point; // Not required as the search now respects the min interval // Enumerate on the min interval to produce the final filter //point = enumerateMinInterval(point, names, originalDimensions); } } else resumeParameterTimer(); } if (searchParam == 3) { // Collect parameters for the enumeration search algorithm pauseParameterTimer(); SearchDimension[] dimensions = new SearchDimension[originalDimensions.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) { if (originalDimensions[i].isActive()) { try { dimensions[i] = originalDimensions[i].create(0); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, String.format("Unable to configure dimension [%d] %s: " + e.getMessage(), i, names[i])); return null; } } else { dimensions[i] = new SearchDimension(point[i]); } } GenericDialog gd = null; long combinations = SearchSpace.countCombinations(dimensions); if (!nonInteractive && combinations > 2000) { gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage(String.format( "%d combinations for the configured dimensions.\n \nClick 'Yes' to optimise.", combinations)); gd.enableYesNoCancel(); gd.hideCancelButton(); gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasOKed()) { combinations = 0; } } if (combinations == 0) { resumeParameterTimer(); } else { algorithm = SEARCH[searchParam]; ga_statusPrefix = algorithm + " " + ss_filter.getName() + " ... "; ga_iteration = 0; p_optimum = null; SearchSpace ss = new SearchSpace(); ss.setTracker(this); createGAWindow(); resumeParameterTimer(); optimum = ss.findOptimum(dimensions, new ParameterScoreFunction()); if (optimum != null) { // In case optimisation was stopped IJ.resetEscape(); // Now update the parameters for final assessment point = optimum.point; } } } IJ.showStatus("Analysing " + ss_filter.getName() + " ..."); // Update the parameters using the optimum failCount = (int) Math.round(point[0]); residualsThreshold = sResidualsThreshold = point[1]; duplicateDistance = point[2]; // Refresh the coordinate store if (coordinateStore == null || duplicateDistance != coordinateStore.getResolution()) { coordinateStore = createCoordinateStore(); } createResultsPrefix2(); // (Re) Score the filter. // TODO - check this is now OK. Maybe remove the enumeration on the min interval grid // If scoring of filter here is different to scoring in the optimisation routine it is probably an ss_filter.clone() issue, // i.e. multi-threading use of the filter clone is not working. // Or it could be that the optimisation produced params off the min-interval grid FilterScoreResult scoreResult = scoreFilter(ss_filter); if (optimum != null) { if (scoreResult.score != optimum.score.score && scoreResult.criteria != optimum.score.criteria) { ParameterScoreResult r = scoreFilter((DirectFilter) ss_filter.clone(), minimalFilter, failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance, createCoordinateStore(duplicateDistance), false); System.out.printf("Weird re- score of the filter: %f!=%f or %f!=%f (%f:%f)\n", scoreResult.score, optimum.score.score, scoreResult.criteria, optimum.score.criteria, r.score, r.criteria); } } SimpleFilterScore max = new SimpleFilterScore(scoreResult, true, scoreResult.criteria >= minCriteria); analysisStopWatch.stop(); if (showResultsTable) { BufferedTextWindow tw = null; if (resultsWindow != null) tw = new BufferedTextWindow(resultsWindow); addToResultsWindow(tw, scoreResult.text); if (resultsWindow != null) resultsWindow.getTextPanel().updateDisplay(); } // Check the top result against the limits of the original dimensions StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); for (int j = 0; j < originalDimensions.length; j++) { if (!originalDimensions[j].isActive()) continue; final double value = point[j]; double lowerLimit = originalDimensions[j].getLower(); double upperLimit = originalDimensions[j].getUpper(); int c1 =, lowerLimit); if (c1 <= 0) { sb.append(" : ").append(names[j]).append(' ').append(ComplexFilterScore.FLOOR).append('[') .append(Utils.rounded(value)); if (c1 == -1) { sb.append("<").append(Utils.rounded(lowerLimit)); } sb.append("]"); } else { int c2 =, upperLimit); if (c2 >= 0) { sb.append(" : ").append(names[j]).append(' ').append(ComplexFilterScore.CEIL).append('[') .append(Utils.rounded(value)); if (c2 == 1) { sb.append(">").append(Utils.rounded(upperLimit)); } sb.append("]"); } } } if (sb.length() > 0) { if (max.criteriaPassed) { Utils.log("Warning: Top filter (%s @ %s|%s) [%s] at the limit of the expanded range%s", ss_filter.getName(), Utils.rounded((invertScore) ? -max.score : max.score), Utils.rounded((invertCriteria) ? -minCriteria : minCriteria), limitFailCount + limitRange, sb.toString()); } else { Utils.log("Warning: Top filter (%s @ -|%s) [%s] at the limit of the expanded range%s", ss_filter.getName(), Utils.rounded((invertCriteria) ? -max.criteria : max.criteria), limitFailCount + limitRange, sb.toString()); } } // We may have no filters that pass the criteria String type = max.r.filter.getType(); if (!max.criteriaPassed) { Utils.log("Warning: Filter does not pass the criteria: %s : Best = %s using %s", type, Utils.rounded((invertCriteria) ? -max.criteria : max.criteria), max.r.filter.getName()); return null; } // Update without duplicates boolean allowDuplicates = false; // Re-use the atLimit and algorithm for the input optimum ComplexFilterScore newFilterScore = new ComplexFilterScore(max.r, currentOptimum.atLimit, currentOptimum.algorithm, currentOptimum.time, algorithm, analysisStopWatch.getTime()); addBestFilter(type, allowDuplicates, newFilterScore); // Add spacer at end of each result set if (isHeadless) { if (showResultsTable) IJ.log(""); } else { if (showResultsTable) resultsWindow.append(""); } if (newFilterScore.compareTo(currentOptimum) <= 0) return newFilterScore; else { // Update the algorithm and time currentOptimum.paramAlgorithm = algorithm; currentOptimum.paramTime = analysisStopWatch.getTime(); } return currentOptimum; } private static StopWatch filterAnalysisStopWatch; private static StopWatch parameterAnalysisStopWatch; private StopWatch analysisStopWatch; private StopWatch iterationStopWatch; private void pauseFilterTimer() { filterAnalysisStopWatch.suspend(); analysisStopWatch.suspend(); if (iterationStopWatch != null) iterationStopWatch.suspend(); } private void resumeFilterTimer() { filterAnalysisStopWatch.resume(); analysisStopWatch.resume(); if (iterationStopWatch != null) iterationStopWatch.resume(); } private void pauseParameterTimer() { parameterAnalysisStopWatch.suspend(); analysisStopWatch.suspend(); if (iterationStopWatch != null) iterationStopWatch.suspend(); } private void resumeParameterTimer() { parameterAnalysisStopWatch.resume(); analysisStopWatch.resume(); if (iterationStopWatch != null) iterationStopWatch.resume(); } private void addToResultsWindow(BufferedTextWindow tw, final String text) { if (text != null) { if (isHeadless) { IJ.log(text); } else { tw.append(text); } } } /** * When the two filters have equal scores, select the filter using the filter parameters * * @param filter1 * @param filter2 * @return The chosen filter (the one with the strongest parameters) */ public Filter selectFilter(Filter filter1, Filter filter2) { return (filter2.weakest(filter1) < 0) ? filter1 : filter2; } private String getDialogName(String prefix, Filter filter, int index) { ParameterType type = filter.getParameterType(index); String parameterName = prefix + type.shortName.replace(" ", "_"); if ( == type.shortName) // A pointer compare is OK here as the constructor will use the same string return parameterName; return parameterName + " (" + + ")"; } private double getCriteria(FractionClassificationResult s) { return getScore(s, criteriaIndex, invertCriteria); } private double getScore(FractionClassificationResult s) { return getScore(s, scoreIndex, invertScore); } private double getScore(FractionClassificationResult s, final int index, final boolean invert) { final double score = getScore(s, index); return (invert) ? -score : score; } private double getScore(FractionClassificationResult r, final int index) { // This order must match the COLUMNS order switch (index) { case 0: return r.getPositives(); case 1: return r.getNegatives(); case 2: return nActual - r.getPositives(); case 3: return createIntegerResult(r).getPrecision(); case 4: return createIntegerResult(r).getRecall(); case 5: return createIntegerResult(r).getF1Score(); case 6: return createIntegerResult(r).getJaccard(); case 7: return r.getTP(); case 8: return r.getFP(); case 9: return r.getFN(); case 10: return r.getPrecision(); case 11: return r.getRecall(); case 12: return r.getF1Score(); case 13: return r.getJaccard(); } return 0; } private boolean requiresInversion(final int index) { switch (index) { case 1: // FP case 2: // FN case 8: // fFP case 9: // fFN return true; default: return false; } } private NamedPlot getNamedPlot(String title) { for (NamedPlot p : plots) if ( return p; return null; } private double getMaximum(double[] values) { double max = values[0]; for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i] > max) { max = values[i]; } } return max; } /** * Score the filter using the results list and the configured fail count. * * @param filter * the filter * @param minFilter * the min filter * @param resultsList * the results list * @param coordinateStore * the coordinate store * @return The score */ private FractionClassificationResult scoreFilter(DirectFilter filter, DirectFilter minFilter, MultiPathFitResults[] resultsList, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { return scoreFilter(filter, minFilter, resultsList, null, coordinateStore); } private FractionScoreStore scoreStore = null; /** * Score the filter using the results list and the configured fail count. * * @param filter * the filter * @param minFilter * the min filter * @param resultsList * the results list * @param allAssignments * all the assignments * @param coordinateStore * the coordinate store * @return The score */ private FractionClassificationResult scoreFilter(DirectFilter filter, DirectFilter minFilter, MultiPathFitResults[] resultsList, List<FractionalAssignment[]> allAssignments, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { final MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter = createMPF(filter, minFilter); //multiPathFilter.setDebugFile("/tmp/fractionScoreSubset.txt"); // Note: We always use the subset method since fail counts have been accumulated when we read in the results. return multiPathFilter.fractionScoreSubset(resultsList, failCount, nActual, allAssignments, scoreStore, coordinateStore); } private MultiPathFilter createMPF(DirectFilter filter, DirectFilter minFilter) { return new MultiPathFilter(filter, minFilter, residualsThreshold); } /** * Score the filter using the results list and the configured fail count. * * @param filter * the filter * @param resultsList * the results list * @param allAssignments * all the assignments * @return The score */ private ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> getAssignments(DirectFilter filter) { final MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter = createMPF(filter, minimalFilter); ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> allAssignments = new ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]>(resultsList.length); multiPathFilter.fractionScoreSubset(resultsList, failCount, nActual, allAssignments, null, coordinateStore); return allAssignments; } public StringBuilder createResult(DirectFilter filter, FractionClassificationResult r) { return createResult(filter, r, resultsPrefix2); } public StringBuilder createResult(DirectFilter filter, FractionClassificationResult r, String resultsPrefix2) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(resultsPrefix); sb.append(filter.getName()).append(resultsPrefix2).append(resultsPrefix3); int i = 0; // TODO - Fix the scores that we show since we no longer have TN results // We could set: // TN as any candidate that does not match a true result. // FN as any candidate that does match a true result (that is not matched by any fit result) // To do this properly would require that we store all the matches of candidates to the data. // These can then be totalled up given the candidates that have not been used to create a positive. // Integer results final ClassificationResult r2 = (requireIntegerResults) ? createIntegerResult(r) : null; add(sb, r2.getTP(), i++); add(sb, r2.getFP(), i++); add(sb, r2.getFN(), i++); add(sb, r2.getPrecision(), i++); add(sb, r2.getRecall(), i++); add(sb, r2.getF1Score(), i++); add(sb, r2.getJaccard(), i++); addCount(sb, r.getTP(), i++); addCount(sb, r.getFP(), i++); addCount(sb, r.getFN(), i++); add(sb, r.getPrecision(), i++); add(sb, r.getRecall(), i++); add(sb, r.getF1Score(), i++); add(sb, r.getJaccard(), i++); return sb; } private ClassificationResult createIntegerResult(FractionClassificationResult r) { return new ClassificationResult(r.getPositives(), r.getNegatives(), 0, nActual - r.getPositives()); } private FractionClassificationResult getOriginalScore(FractionClassificationResult r) { throw new RuntimeException("fix this"); // // Score the fitting results against the original simulated data: // // TP are all fit results that can be matched to a spot // // FP are all fit results that cannot be matched to a spot // // FN are the number of missed spots // // Note: We cannot calculate TN since this is the number of fit candidates that are // // filtered after fitting that do not match a spot or were not fitted. // final double fp = r.getPositives() - r.getTP(); // final double fn = nActual - r.getTP(); // return new FractionClassificationResult(r.getTP(), fp, 0, fn); } private static void add(StringBuilder sb, int value) { sb.append('\t').append(value); } private static void add(StringBuilder sb, String value) { sb.append('\t').append(value); } private static void add(StringBuilder sb, int value, int i) { if (showColumns[i]) add(sb, value); } private static void addCount(StringBuilder sb, double value, int i) { if (showColumns[i]) { // Check if the double holds an integer count if ((int) value == value) { sb.append('\t').append((int) value); } else { // Otherwise add the counts using at least 2 dp if (value > 100) sb.append('\t').append(IJ.d2s(value)); else add(sb, Utils.rounded(value)); } } } private static void add(StringBuilder sb, double value, int i) { if (showColumns[i]) add(sb, Utils.rounded(value)); } private void saveFilter(DirectFilter filter) { // Save the filter to file String filename = getFilename("Best_Filter_File", filterFilename); if (filename != null) { filterFilename = filename; Prefs.set(KEY_FILTER_FILENAME, filename); List<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(1); filters.add(filter); FilterSet filterSet = new FilterSet(filter.getName(), filters); List<FilterSet> list = new ArrayList<FilterSet>(1); list.add(filterSet); saveFilterSet(filterSet, filename); } } static String getFilename(String title, String filename) { filename = Utils.getFilename(title, filename); // Use XML extension if (filename != null) filename = Utils.replaceExtension(filename, ".xml"); return filename; } private static void saveFilterSet(FilterSet filterSet, String filename) { OutputStreamWriter out = null; try { List<FilterSet> list = new ArrayList<FilterSet>(1); list.add(filterSet); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); out = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8"); // Use the instance so we can catch the exception out.write(XmlUtils.prettyPrintXml(XStreamWrapper.getInstance().toXML(list))); } catch (Exception e) { IJ.log("Unable to save the filter sets to file: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } } } } /** * Save the filter set to a file prompted from the user. * <p> * If non-interactive then the last filename will be used. This will overwrite existing files if multiple filter * sets are used. * * @param filterSet * the filter set * @param setNumber * the set number * @param interactive * Set to true to prompt the user */ private void saveFilterSet(FilterSet filterSet, int setNumber, boolean interactive) { pauseFilterTimer(); if (interactive) { String filename = getFilename("Filter_set_" + setNumber, filterSetFilename); if (filename != null) { filterSetFilename = filename; Prefs.set(KEY_FILTERSET_FILENAME, filename); saveFilterSet(filterSet, filename); } } else // Add support for multiple filter sets saveFilterSet(filterSet, filterSetFilename); resumeFilterTimer(); } private static ResultsImageSampler sampler; /** * Save PeakFit configuration template using the current benchmark settings. * * @param topFilterSummary */ private void saveTemplate(String topFilterSummary) { FitEngineConfiguration config = new FitEngineConfiguration(new FitConfiguration()); if (!updateAllConfiguration(config, true)) { IJ.log("Unable to create the template configuration"); return; } // Remove the PSF width to make the template generic config.getFitConfiguration().setInitialPeakStdDev(0); String filename = getFilename("Template_File", templateFilename); if (filename != null) { templateFilename = filename; Prefs.set(KEY_TEMPLATE_FILENAME, filename); GlobalSettings settings = new GlobalSettings(); settings.setNotes(getNotes(topFilterSummary)); settings.setFitEngineConfiguration(config); if (!SettingsManager.saveSettings(settings, filename, true)) { IJ.log("Unable to save the template configuration"); return; } // Save some random frames from the test image data ImagePlus imp = CreateData.getImage(); if (imp == null) return; // Get the number of frames final ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack(); if (sampler == null || sampler.getResults() != results) { sampler = new ResultsImageSampler(results, stack, 32); sampler.analyse(); } if (!sampler.isValid()) return; // Iteratively show the example until the user is happy. // Yes = OK, No = Repeat, Cancel = Do not save String keyNo = "nNo"; String keyLow = "nLower"; String keyHigh = "nHigher"; if (Utils.isMacro()) { // Collect the options if running in a macro String options = Macro.getOptions(); nNo = Integer.parseInt(Macro.getValue(options, keyNo, Integer.toString(nNo))); nLow = Integer.parseInt(Macro.getValue(options, keyLow, Integer.toString(nLow))); nHigh = Integer.parseInt(Macro.getValue(options, keyHigh, Integer.toString(nHigh))); } else { if (nLow + nHigh == 0) nLow = nHigh = 1; } final ImagePlus[] out = new ImagePlus[1]; out[0] = sampler.getSample(nNo, nLow, nHigh); if (!Utils.isMacro()) { // Show the template results final ConfigurationTemplate configTemplate = new ConfigurationTemplate(); // Interactively show the sample image data final boolean[] close = new boolean[1]; final ImagePlus[] outImp = new ImagePlus[1]; if (out[0] != null) { outImp[0] = display(out[0]); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) { close[0] = true; // Zoom a bit ImageWindow iw = outImp[0].getWindow(); for (int i = 7; i-- > 0 && Math.max(iw.getWidth(), iw.getHeight()) < 512;) { iw.getCanvas().zoomIn(0, 0); } } configTemplate.createResults(outImp[0]); } // TODO - fix this when a second sample is made as the results are not updated. ImageListener listener = new ImageListener() { public void imageOpened(ImagePlus imp) { } public void imageClosed(ImagePlus imp) { } public void imageUpdated(ImagePlus imp) { if (imp != null && imp == outImp[0]) { configTemplate.updateResults(imp.getCurrentSlice()); } } }; ImagePlus.addImageListener(listener); // For the dialog String msg = String.format( "Showing image data for the template example.\n \nSample Frames:\nEmpty = %d\nLower density = %d\nHigher density = %d\n", sampler.getNumberOfEmptySamples(), sampler.getNumberOfLowDensitySamples(), sampler.getNumberOfHighDensitySamples()); // Turn off the recorder when the dialog is showing boolean record = Recorder.record; Recorder.record = false; NonBlockingGenericDialog gd = new NonBlockingGenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage(msg); //gd.enableYesNoCancel(" Save ", " Resample "); gd.addSlider(keyNo, 0, 10, nNo); gd.addSlider(keyLow, 0, 10, nLow); gd.addSlider(keyHigh, 0, 10, nHigh); gd.addDialogListener(new DialogListener() { public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) { // If the event is null then this is the final call when the // dialog has been closed. We ignore this to prevent generating a // image the user has not seen. if (e == null) return true; nNo = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); nLow = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); nHigh = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); out[0] = sampler.getSample(nNo, nLow, nHigh); if (out[0] != null) { outImp[0] = display(out[0]); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) { close[0] = true; // Zoom a bit ImageWindow iw = outImp[0].getWindow(); for (int i = 7; i-- > 0 && Math.max(iw.getWidth(), iw.getHeight()) < 512;) { iw.getCanvas().zoomIn(0, 0); } } configTemplate.createResults(outImp[0]); } return true; } }); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { out[0] = null; nNo = nLow = nHigh = 0; // For the recorder } if (close[0]) { // Because closing the image sets the stack pixels array to null if (out[0] != null) out[0] = out[0].duplicate(); outImp[0].close(); } configTemplate.closeResults(); ImagePlus.removeImageListener(listener); if (record) { Recorder.record = true; Recorder.recordOption(keyNo, Integer.toString(nNo)); Recorder.recordOption(keyLow, Integer.toString(nLow)); Recorder.recordOption(keyHigh, Integer.toString(nHigh)); } } if (out[0] == null) return; ImagePlus example = out[0]; filename = Utils.replaceExtension(filename, ".tif");, filename); } } private ImagePlus display(ImagePlus example) { final String title = "Template Example"; // Update the example image example.setTitle(title); // Display as a new image. This is so we can close it later. return ConfigurationTemplate.displayTemplate(title, example); } private String getNotes(String topFilterSummary) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Benchmark template\n"); if (!Utils.isNullOrEmpty(resultsTitle)) addField(sb, "Filter Analysis Title", resultsTitle); // Add create data settings. // Just add the columns and the data from the summary window final String header = createResultsHeader(true); addField(sb, "Filter Analysis Summary Fields", header); addField(sb, "Filter Analysis Summary Values", topFilterSummary); // Now pick out key values... addKeyFields(sb, header, topFilterSummary, new String[] { "Molecules", "Density", "SNR", "s (nm)", "a (nm)", "Lower D", "Upper D", "Lower factor", "Upper factor" }); // Add any other settings that may be useful in the template addField(sb, "Created", getCurrentTimeStamp()); return sb.toString(); } static void addField(StringBuilder sb, String field, String value) { sb.append(field).append(": ").append(value).append('\n'); } static void addKeyFields(StringBuilder sb, String header, String summary, String[] fields) { String[] labels = header.split("\t"); String[] values = summary.split("\t"); for (String field : fields) { for (int i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) { if (labels[i].startsWith(field)) { addField(sb, labels[i], values[i]); break; } } } } static String getCurrentTimeStamp() { SimpleDateFormat sdfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date now = new Date(); String strDate = sdfDate.format(now); return strDate; } /** * Depth analysis. * * @param allAssignments * The assignments generated from running the filter (or null) * @param filter * the filter * @return the assignments */ private ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> depthAnalysis(ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> allAssignments, DirectFilter filter) { // TODO : This analysis ignores the partial match distance. // Use the score for each result to get a weighted histogram. if (!depthRecallAnalysis || simulationParameters.fixedDepth) return null; // Build a histogram of the number of spots at different depths final double[] depths = depthStats.getValues(); double[] limits = Maths.limits(depths); //final int bins = Math.max(10, nActual / 100); //final int bins = Utils.getBinsSturges(depths.length); final int bins = Utils.getBinsSqrt(depths.length); double[][] h1 = Utils.calcHistogram(depths, limits[0], limits[1], bins); double[][] h2 = Utils.calcHistogram(depthFitStats.getValues(), limits[0], limits[1], bins); // To get the number of TP at each depth will require that the filter is run // manually to get the results that pass. if (allAssignments == null) allAssignments = getAssignments(filter); double[] depths2 = new double[results.size()]; int count = 0; for (FractionalAssignment[] assignments : allAssignments) { if (assignments == null) continue; for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) { final CustomFractionalAssignment c = (CustomFractionalAssignment) assignments[i]; depths2[count++] = c.peak.error; } } depths2 = Arrays.copyOf(depths2, count); // Build a histogram using the same limits double[][] h3 = Utils.calcHistogram(depths2, limits[0], limits[1], bins); // Convert pixel depth to nm for (int i = 0; i < h1[0].length; i++) h1[0][i] *= simulationParameters.a; limits[0] *= simulationParameters.a; limits[1] *= simulationParameters.a; // Produce a histogram of the number of spots at each depth String title1 = TITLE + " Depth Histogram"; Plot2 plot1 = new Plot2(title1, "Depth (nm)", "Frequency"); plot1.setLimits(limits[0], limits[1], 0, Maths.max(h1[1])); plot1.setColor(; plot1.addPoints(h1[0], h1[1], Plot2.BAR); plot1.addLabel(0, 0, "Black = Spots; Blue = Fitted; Red = Filtered"); plot1.setColor(; plot1.addPoints(h1[0], h2[1], Plot2.BAR); plot1.setColor(; plot1.addPoints(h1[0], h3[1], Plot2.BAR); plot1.setColor(Color.magenta); PlotWindow pw1 = Utils.display(title1, plot1); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) wo.add(pw1); // Interpolate final double halfBinWidth = (h1[0][1] - h1[0][0]) * 0.5; // Remove final value of the histogram as this is at the upper limit of the range (i.e. count zero) h1[0] = Arrays.copyOf(h1[0], h1[0].length - 1); h1[1] = Arrays.copyOf(h1[1], h1[0].length); h2[1] = Arrays.copyOf(h2[1], h1[0].length); h3[1] = Arrays.copyOf(h3[1], h1[0].length); // TODO : Fix the smoothing since LOESS sometimes does not work. // Perhaps allow configuration of the number of histogram bins and the smoothing bandwidth. // Use minimum of 3 points for smoothing // Ensure we use at least x% of data double bandwidth = Math.max(3.0 / h1[0].length, 0.15); LoessInterpolator loess = new LoessInterpolator(bandwidth, 1); PolynomialSplineFunction spline1 = loess.interpolate(h1[0], h1[1]); PolynomialSplineFunction spline2 = loess.interpolate(h1[0], h2[1]); PolynomialSplineFunction spline3 = loess.interpolate(h1[0], h3[1]); // Use a second interpolator in case the LOESS fails LinearInterpolator lin = new LinearInterpolator(); PolynomialSplineFunction spline1b = lin.interpolate(h1[0], h1[1]); PolynomialSplineFunction spline2b = lin.interpolate(h1[0], h2[1]); PolynomialSplineFunction spline3b = lin.interpolate(h1[0], h3[1]); // Increase the number of points to show a smooth curve double[] points = new double[bins * 5]; limits = Maths.limits(h1[0]); final double interval = (limits[1] - limits[0]) / (points.length - 1); double[] v = new double[points.length]; double[] v2 = new double[points.length]; double[] v3 = new double[points.length]; for (int i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) { points[i] = limits[0] + i * interval; v[i] = getSplineValue(spline1, spline1b, points[i]); v2[i] = getSplineValue(spline2, spline2b, points[i]); v3[i] = getSplineValue(spline3, spline3b, points[i]); points[i] += halfBinWidth; } // Final point on the limit of the spline range int ii = points.length - 1; v[ii] = getSplineValue(spline1, spline1b, limits[1]); v2[ii] = getSplineValue(spline2, spline2b, limits[1]); v3[ii] = getSplineValue(spline3, spline3b, limits[1]); points[ii] = limits[1] + halfBinWidth; // Calculate recall for (int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { v2[i] = v2[i] / v[i]; v3[i] = v3[i] / v[i]; } final double halfSummaryDepth = summaryDepth * 0.5; String title2 = TITLE + " Depth Histogram (normalised)"; Plot2 plot2 = new Plot2(title2, "Depth (nm)", "Recall"); plot2.setLimits(limits[0] + halfBinWidth, limits[1] + halfBinWidth, 0, Maths.min(1, Maths.max(v2))); plot2.setColor(; plot2.addLabel(0, 0, "Blue = Fitted; Red = Filtered"); plot2.setColor(; plot2.addPoints(points, v2, Plot2.LINE); plot2.setColor(; plot2.addPoints(points, v3, Plot2.LINE); plot2.setColor(Color.magenta); if (-halfSummaryDepth - halfBinWidth >= limits[0]) { plot2.drawLine(-halfSummaryDepth, 0, -halfSummaryDepth, getSplineValue(spline3, spline3b, -halfSummaryDepth - halfBinWidth) / getSplineValue(spline1, spline1b, -halfSummaryDepth - halfBinWidth)); } if (halfSummaryDepth - halfBinWidth <= limits[1]) { plot2.drawLine(halfSummaryDepth, 0, halfSummaryDepth, getSplineValue(spline3, spline3b, halfSummaryDepth - halfBinWidth) / getSplineValue(spline1, spline1b, halfSummaryDepth - halfBinWidth)); } PlotWindow pw2 = Utils.display(title2, plot2); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) wo.add(pw2); return allAssignments; } private double getSplineValue(PolynomialSplineFunction spline, PolynomialSplineFunction spline2, double x) { double y = spline.value(x); if (Double.isNaN(y)) y = spline2.value(x); return y; } /** * Score analysis. * * @param allAssignments * The assignments generated from running the filter (or null) * @param filter * the filter * @return the assignments */ private ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> scoreAnalysis(ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> allAssignments, DirectFilter filter) { if (!scoreAnalysis) return null; // Build a histogram of the fitted spots that were available to be scored double[] signal = signalFactorStats.getValues(); double[] distance = distanceStats.getValues(); double[] limits1; if (BenchmarkSpotFit.signalFactor > 0 && upperSignalFactor > 0) { double range = BenchmarkSpotFit.signalFactor * upperSignalFactor / 100.0; limits1 = new double[] { -range, range }; } else { limits1 = Maths.limits(signal); // Prevent the auto-range being too big final double bound = 3; if (limits1[0] < -bound) limits1[0] = -bound; if (limits1[1] > bound) limits1[1] = bound; } double[] limits2; if (BenchmarkSpotFit.distanceInPixels > 0 && upperMatchDistance > 0) { double range = simulationParameters.a * BenchmarkSpotFit.distanceInPixels * upperMatchDistance / 100.0; limits2 = new double[] { 0, range }; } else { limits2 = Maths.limits(distance); } //final int bins = Math.max(10, nActual / 100); //final int bins = Utils.getBinsSturges(signal.length); final int bins = Utils.getBinsSqrt(signal.length); double[][] h1 = Utils.calcHistogram(signal, limits1[0], limits1[1], bins); double[][] h2 = Utils.calcHistogram(distance, limits2[0], limits2[1], bins); // Run the filter manually to get the results that pass. if (allAssignments == null) allAssignments = getAssignments(filter); double[] signal2 = new double[results.size()]; double[] distance2 = new double[results.size()]; int count = 0; double sumSignal = 0, sumDistance = 0; for (FractionalAssignment[] assignments : allAssignments) { if (assignments == null) continue; for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) { final CustomFractionalAssignment c = (CustomFractionalAssignment) assignments[i]; sumDistance += distance2[count] = c.d; sumSignal += signal2[count] = c.getSignalFactor(); count++; } } signal2 = Arrays.copyOf(signal2, count); distance2 = Arrays.copyOf(distance2, count); // Build a histogram using the same limits double[][] h1b = Utils.calcHistogram(signal2, limits1[0], limits1[1], bins); double[][] h2b = Utils.calcHistogram(distance2, limits2[0], limits2[1], bins); // Since the distance and signal factor are computed for all fits (single, multi, doublet) // there will be far more of them so we normalise and just plot the histogram profile. double s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s1b = 0, s2b = 0; for (int i = 0; i < h1b[0].length; i++) { s1 += h1[1][i]; s2 += h2[1][i]; s1b += h1b[1][i]; s2b += h2b[1][i]; } for (int i = 0; i < h1b[0].length; i++) { h1[1][i] /= s1; h2[1][i] /= s2; h1b[1][i] /= s1b; h2b[1][i] /= s2b; } // Draw distance histogram first String title2 = TITLE + " Distance Histogram"; Plot2 plot2 = new Plot2(title2, "Distance (nm)", "Frequency"); plot2.setLimits(limits2[0], limits2[1], 0, Maths.maxDefault(Maths.max(h2[1]), h2b[1])); plot2.setColor(; plot2.addLabel(0, 0, String.format("Blue = Fitted (%s); Red = Filtered (%s)", Utils.rounded(distanceStats.getMean()), Utils.rounded(sumDistance / count))); plot2.setColor(; plot2.addPoints(h2[0], h2[1], Plot2.BAR); plot2.setColor(; plot2.addPoints(h2b[0], h2b[1], Plot2.BAR); PlotWindow pw2 = Utils.display(title2, plot2); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) wo.add(pw2); // Draw signal factor histogram String title1 = TITLE + " Signal Factor Histogram"; Plot2 plot1 = new Plot2(title1, "Signal Factor", "Frequency"); plot1.setLimits(limits1[0], limits1[1], 0, Maths.maxDefault(Maths.max(h1[1]), h1b[1])); plot1.setColor(; plot1.addLabel(0, 0, String.format("Blue = Fitted (%s); Red = Filtered (%s)", Utils.rounded(signalFactorStats.getMean()), Utils.rounded(sumSignal / count))); plot1.setColor(; plot1.addPoints(h1[0], h1[1], Plot2.BAR); plot1.setColor(; plot1.addPoints(h1b[0], h1b[1], Plot2.BAR); PlotWindow pw1 = Utils.display(title1, plot1); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) wo.add(pw1); return allAssignments; } private void componentAnalysis(FractionClassificationResult bestResult, ComplexFilterScore bestFilterScore) { if (componentAnalysis == 0) return; createComponentAnalysisWindow(); final DirectFilter bestFilter = bestFilterScore.getFilter(); final String[] names = getNames(bestFilter); // Skip disabled parameters int nParams = bestFilter.getNumberOfParameters(); final boolean[] enable = new boolean[nParams]; int[] map = new int[nParams]; for (int n = 0, i = 0; n < map.length; n++) { if (bestFilter.getParameterValue(n) == bestFilter.getDisabledParameterValue(n)) { enable[n] = true; // Mark to ignore nParams--; } else { map[i++] = n; } } // Score the best filter just so we have the unique Ids of the results score(bestFilter, -1, nParams, null, null, null, 0); final int[] uniqueIds1 = uniqueIds; final int uniqueIdCount1 = uniqueIdCount; // Limit to 12 params == 4095 combinations (this is the max for two multi filters combined) if (componentAnalysis >= 3 && nParams <= 12) { // Enumeration of combinations long count = countCombinations(nParams); // Enumerate all combinations ComplexFilterScore[] scores = new ComplexFilterScore[(int) count]; int j = 0; for (int k = 1; k <= nParams; k++) { Iterator<int[]> it = CombinatoricsUtils.combinationsIterator(nParams, k); while (it.hasNext()) { final int[] combinations =; final boolean[] enable2 = enable.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { combinations[i] = map[combinations[i]]; enable2[combinations[i]] = true; } final DirectFilter f = (DirectFilter) bestFilter.create(enable2); scores[j++] = score(f, 0, k, combinations, enable2, uniqueIds1, uniqueIdCount1); } } // Report Arrays.sort(scores, new FilterScoreCompararor()); int lastSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { if (componentAnalysis == 3) { if (lastSize == scores[i].size) // Only add the best result for each size continue; lastSize = scores[i].size; } // Find the last component that was added if (scores[i].size == 1) { scores[i].index = scores[i].combinations[0]; } else { // For each size k, find the best result with k-1 components and set the add index appropriately int add = -1; int target = -1; for (int l = 0; l < enable.length; l++) if (scores[i].enable[l]) target++; final int size1 = scores[i].size - 1; for (int ii = 0; ii < i; ii++) { if (scores[ii].size < size1) continue; if (scores[ii].size > size1) break; // Broken // Count matches. It must be 1 less than the current result int matches = 0; for (int l = 0; l < enable.length; l++) { if (scores[i].enable[l] && scores[ii].enable[l]) matches++; } if (matches == target) { // Find the additional parameter added for (int l = 0; l < enable.length; l++) { if (scores[i].enable[l]) { if (scores[ii].enable[l]) continue; add = l; break; } } break; } } scores[i].index = add; } addToComponentAnalysisWindow(scores[i], bestFilterScore, names); } return; } // Preserve the option to output the best or all results if we fell through from above final int myComponentAnalysis = (componentAnalysis >= 3) ? componentAnalysis - 2 : componentAnalysis; // Progressively add components until all are the same as the input bestFilter int enabled = 0; int[] previousCombinations = new int[0]; for (int ii = 0; ii < nParams; ii++) { // Create a set of filters by enabling each component that is not currently enabled. ComplexFilterScore[] scores = new ComplexFilterScore[nParams - enabled]; int k = enabled + 1; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < nParams; i++) { int n = map[i]; if (enable[n]) continue; enable[n] = true; final DirectFilter f = (DirectFilter) bestFilter.create(enable); enable[n] = false; final int[] combinations = new int[k]; System.arraycopy(previousCombinations, 0, combinations, 0, previousCombinations.length); combinations[k - 1] = n; Arrays.sort(combinations); scores[j++] = score(f, n, k, combinations, null, uniqueIds1, uniqueIdCount1); } // Rank them Arrays.sort(scores); for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { addToComponentAnalysisWindow(scores[i], bestFilterScore, names); if (myComponentAnalysis == 1) // Only add the best result break; } // Flag the best component added enable[scores[0].index] = true; enabled++; previousCombinations = scores[0].combinations; } } private ComplexFilterScore score(DirectFilter f, int i, int size, int[] combinations, boolean[] enable, int[] uniqueIds1, int uniqueIdCount1) { setupFractionScoreStore(); // Score them long time = System.nanoTime(); FilterScoreResult r = scoreFilter(f); time = System.nanoTime() - time; endFractionScoreStore(); ClassificationResult r2 = null; if (uniqueIds1 != null) { // Build an overlap between the results created by this filter and the best filter. // Note that the overlap may be very low given the number of different ways we can generate // fit results (i.e. it is not as simple as just single-fitting on each candidate) // To do this we assign a unique ID to each possible result. // The two sets can be compared to produce a Precision, Recall, Jaccard, etc. // PreprocessedPeakResult will need an additional mutable Id field. // Sort by Id then iterate through both arrays concurrently counting the matching Ids. int[] uniqueIds2 = uniqueIds; int uniqueIdCount2 = uniqueIdCount; int tp = 0, fp = 0, fn = 0; // Compare Ids (must be sorted in ascending order) int i1 = 0, i2 = 0; while (i1 < uniqueIdCount1 && i2 < uniqueIdCount2) { final int result = uniqueIds1[i1] - uniqueIds2[i2]; if (result > 0) { i2++; fp++; } else if (result < 0) { i1++; fn++; } i1++; i2++; tp++; } // Count the remaining ids fn += (uniqueIdCount1 - i1); fp += (uniqueIdCount2 - i2); r2 = new ClassificationResult(tp, fp, 0, fn); } // These scores are used when the same filter type so set allSameType to true return new ComplexFilterScore(r, true, i, time, r2, size, combinations, enable); } private String[] getNames(DirectFilter bestFilter) { int nParams = bestFilter.getNumberOfParameters(); final String[] names = new String[nParams]; for (int n = 0; n < nParams; n++) { String name = bestFilter.getParameterName(n); String uniqueName = name; int i = 1; // Avoid duplicates while (contains(names, n, uniqueName)) uniqueName = name + (++i); names[n] = uniqueName; } return names; } private boolean contains(String[] names, int n, String uniqueName) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (names[i].equals(uniqueName)) return true; return false; } private long countCombinations(int n) { return (long) Math.pow(2, n) - 1; // This returns the same as (2^n)-1 //long total = 0; //for (int k = 1; k <= n; k++) // total += CombinatoricsUtils.binomialCoefficient(n, k); //return total; } private int[] uniqueIds = null; private int uniqueIdCount = 0; private void setupFractionScoreStore() { scoreStore = this; uniqueIds = new int[maxUniqueId]; uniqueIdCount = 0; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.FractionScoreStore#add(int) */ public void add(int uniqueId) { // Store the Id of each result uniqueIds[uniqueIdCount++] = uniqueId; } private void endFractionScoreStore() { scoreStore = null; if (uniqueIdCount != 0) Arrays.sort(uniqueIds, 0, uniqueIdCount); } private static class FilterScoreCompararor implements Comparator<ComplexFilterScore> { public int compare(ComplexFilterScore o1, ComplexFilterScore o2) { // Sort by size, smallest first final int result = o1.size - o2.size; if (result != 0) return result; return o1.compareTo(o2); } } public class ComplexFilterScore extends SimpleFilterScore { final static char WITHIN = '-'; final static char BELOW = '<'; final static char FLOOR = 'L'; final static char ABOVE = '>'; final static char CEIL = 'U'; int index; final ClassificationResult r2; final int size; final int[] combinations; final boolean[] enable; char[] atLimit; String algorithm; long time; String paramAlgorithm; long paramTime; private ComplexFilterScore(FilterScoreResult r, boolean allSameType, char[] atLimit, int index, long time, ClassificationResult r2, int size, int[] combinations, boolean[] enable) { super(r, allSameType, r.criteria >= minCriteria); this.index = index; this.time = time; this.r2 = r2; this.size = size; this.combinations = combinations; this.enable = enable; this.atLimit = atLimit; } public ComplexFilterScore(FilterScoreResult r, boolean allSameType, int index, long time, ClassificationResult r2, int size, int[] combinations, boolean[] enable) { this(r, allSameType, null, index, time, r2, size, combinations, enable); } public ComplexFilterScore(FilterScoreResult r, char[] atLimit, String algorithm, long time, String paramAlgorithm, long paramTime) { // This may be used in comparisons of different type so set allSameType to false this(r, false, atLimit, 0, time, null, 0, null, null); this.algorithm = algorithm; this.paramAlgorithm = paramAlgorithm; this.paramTime = paramTime; } public DirectFilter getFilter() { return r.filter; } public boolean isAtLimit() { if (atLimit != null) for (int i = 0; i < atLimit.length; i++) if (atLimit[i] != WITHIN) return true; return false; } public char atLimit(int i) { return atLimit[i]; } public String atLimitString(int i) { switch (atLimit[i]) { case BELOW: return "<"; case ABOVE: return ">"; case CEIL: return "\u2309"; case FLOOR: return "\u230A"; case WITHIN: return "-"; } return ""; } public char[] atLimit() { return atLimit; } public String atLimitString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < atLimit.length; i++) sb.append(atLimitString(i)); return sb.toString(); } String getParamAlgorithm() { return (paramAlgorithm == null) ? "" : paramAlgorithm; } } public class NamedPlot implements Comparable<NamedPlot> { String name, xAxisName; double[] xValues, yValues; double score; public NamedPlot(String name, String xAxisName, double[] xValues, double[] yValues) { = name; updateValues(xAxisName, xValues, yValues); } public void updateValues(String xAxisName, double[] xValues, double[] yValues) { this.xAxisName = xAxisName; this.xValues = xValues; this.yValues = yValues; this.score = getMaximum(yValues); } public int compareTo(NamedPlot o) { if (score > o.score) return -1; if (score < o.score) return 1; return 0; } } /** * Allow the genetic algorithm to be stopped using the escape key */ private class InterruptChecker extends ToleranceChecker<FilterScore> { final int convergedCount; int count = 0; public InterruptChecker(double relative, double absolute, int convergedCount) { super(relative, absolute); this.convergedCount = convergedCount; } @Override public boolean converged(Chromosome<FilterScore> previous, Chromosome<FilterScore> current) { if (super.converged(previous, current)) count++; else count = 0; // Allow no convergence except when escape is pressed if (convergedCount >= 0 && count > convergedCount) return true; if (IJ.escapePressed()) { Utils.log("STOPPED " + ga_statusPrefix); IJ.resetEscape(); // Allow the plugin to continue processing return true; } return false; } @Override protected boolean converged(FilterScore previous, FilterScore current) { // Check the score only if both have criteria achieved if (current.criteriaPassed) { if (previous.criteriaPassed) return converged(previous.score, current.score); return false; } if (previous.criteriaPassed) // This should not happen as current should be better than previous return false; return converged(previous.criteria, current.criteria); } } /** * Allow the range search to be stopped using the escape key */ private class InterruptConvergenceChecker extends ConvergenceToleranceChecker<FilterScore> { /** * The number of times it must have already converged before convergence is achieved. */ final int convergedCount; int count = 0; public InterruptConvergenceChecker(double relative, double absolute, int maxIterations) { super(relative, absolute, false, false, maxIterations); this.convergedCount = 0; } /** * Instantiates a new interrupt convergence checker. * * @param relative * the relative * @param absolute * the absolute * @param maxIterations * the max iterations * @param convergedCount * The number of times it must have already converged before convergence is achieved. Set to negative * to disable point coordinate comparison. */ public InterruptConvergenceChecker(double relative, double absolute, int maxIterations, int convergedCount) { super(relative, absolute, false, convergedCount >= 0, maxIterations); this.convergedCount = Math.max(0, convergedCount); } /** * Instantiates a new interrupt convergence checker. * * @param relative * the relative * @param absolute * the absolute * @param checkScore * the check score * @param checkSequence * the check sequence * @param maxIterations * the max iterations */ public InterruptConvergenceChecker(double relative, double absolute, boolean checkScore, boolean checkSequence, int maxIterations) { super(relative, absolute, checkScore, checkSequence, maxIterations); this.convergedCount = 0; } @Override protected void noConvergenceCriteria() { // Ignore this as we can stop using interrupt } @Override public boolean converged(SearchResult<FilterScore> previous, SearchResult<FilterScore> current) { if (super.converged(previous, current)) { // Max iterations is a hard limit even if we have a converged count configured if (maxIterations != 0 && getIterations() >= maxIterations) return true; count++; } else count = 0; // Note: if the converged count was negative then no convergence can be achieved // using the point coordinates as this is disabled. So the code only reaches here with // a count of zero, effectively skipping this as it is always false. if (count > convergedCount) return true; // Stop if interrupted if (IJ.escapePressed()) { Utils.log("STOPPED " + ga_statusPrefix); IJ.resetEscape(); // Allow the plugin to continue processing return true; } return false; } } /** * Configure the convergence for iterative optimisation */ private class IterationConvergenceChecker { InterruptChecker scoreChecker = null; InterruptConvergenceChecker filterChecker = null; TIntObjectHashMap<ArrayList<Coordinate>> previousResults = null; boolean canContinue = true; public IterationConvergenceChecker(FilterScore current) { // We have two different relative thresholds so use 2 convergence checkers, // one for the score and one for the filter sequence scoreChecker = new InterruptChecker(iterationScoreTolerance, iterationScoreTolerance * 1e-3, 0); filterChecker = new InterruptConvergenceChecker(iterationFilterTolerance, iterationFilterTolerance * 1e-3, false, true, iterationMaxIterations); if (iterationCompareResults) { previousResults = getResults(current); } } private TIntObjectHashMap<ArrayList<Coordinate>> getResults(FilterScore current) { return ResultsMatchCalculator .getCoordinates(createResults(null, (DirectFilter) current.filter, false).getResults()); } public boolean converged(String prefix, FilterScore previous, FilterScore current, double[] previousParameters, double[] currentParameters) { // Stop if interrupted if (IJ.escapePressed()) { Utils.log("STOPPED"); // Do not reset escape // IJ.resetEscape(); canContinue = false; return true; } // Must converge on the non-filter parameters if (!converged(previousParameters, currentParameters)) { if (iterationCompareResults) previousResults = getResults(current); return false; } SearchResult<FilterScore> p = new SearchResult<FilterScore>(previous.filter.getParameters(), previous); SearchResult<FilterScore> c = new SearchResult<FilterScore>(current.filter.getParameters(), current); if (filterChecker.converged(p, c)) { logConvergence(prefix, "filter parameters"); return true; } // Directly call the method with the scores if (scoreChecker.converged(p.score, c.score)) { logConvergence(prefix, "score"); return true; } if (iterationCompareResults) { TIntObjectHashMap<ArrayList<Coordinate>> currentResults = getResults(current); MatchResult r = ResultsMatchCalculator.compareCoordinates(currentResults, previousResults, iterationCompareDistance); if (r.getJaccard() == 1) { logConvergence(prefix, "results coordinates"); return true; } previousResults = currentResults; } return false; } private boolean converged(double[] previousParameters, double[] currentParameters) { for (int i = 0; i < previousParameters.length; i++) if (previousParameters[i] != currentParameters[i]) return false; return true; } private void logConvergence(String prefix, String component) { if (iterationMaxIterations != 0 && getIterations() >= iterationMaxIterations) { component = "iterations"; canContinue = false; } Utils.log(prefix + " converged on " + component); } public int getIterations() { return filterChecker.getIterations(); } } // Used to implement the FitnessFunction interface private String ga_statusPrefix = ""; private Population<FilterScore> ga_population; // Used to set the strength on a filter private double[] ss_lower, ss_upper; /** * Sets the strength on all the filters. * * @param filterSet * the filter set * @return the filter set */ private FilterSet setStrength(FilterSet filterSet) { if (ss_lower != null) { for (Filter f : filterSet.getFilters()) { final DirectFilter df = (DirectFilter) f; df.setStrength(df.computeStrength(ss_lower, ss_upper)); } } return filterSet; } /** * Sets the strength on all the filters if not computed. * * @param filterSet * the filter set * @return the filter set */ private FilterSet setUncomputedStrength(FilterSet filterSet) { if (ss_lower != null) { for (Filter f : filterSet.getFilters()) { final DirectFilter df = (DirectFilter) f; if (Float.isNaN(df.getStrength())) df.setStrength(df.computeStrength(ss_lower, ss_upper)); } } return filterSet; } // Used for the scoring of filter sets private MultiPathFitResults[] ga_resultsList = null; private MultiPathFitResults[] ga_resultsListToScore = null; private boolean ga_subset; private int ga_iteration; private DirectFilter ss_filter; private FilterScoreResult[] ga_scoreResults = null; private int ga_scoreIndex = 0; private class ScoreJob { final DirectFilter filter; final int index; ScoreJob(DirectFilter filter, int index) { this.filter = filter; this.index = index; } } private class ParameterScoreJob { final double[] point; final int index; ParameterScoreJob(double[] point, int index) { this.point = point; this.index = index; } } /** * Used to allow multi-threading of the scoring the filters */ private class ScoreWorker implements Runnable { volatile boolean finished = false; final BlockingQueue<ScoreJob> jobs; final FilterScoreResult[] scoreResults; final boolean createTextResult; final DirectFilter minFilter; final CoordinateStore coordinateStore; public ScoreWorker(BlockingQueue<ScoreJob> jobs, FilterScoreResult[] scoreResults, boolean createTextResult, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { = jobs; this.scoreResults = scoreResults; this.createTextResult = createTextResult; this.minFilter = (minimalFilter != null) ? (DirectFilter) minimalFilter.clone() : null; this.coordinateStore = coordinateStore; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { try { while (true) { ScoreJob job = jobs.take(); if (job == null || job.index == -1) break; if (!finished) // Only run jobs when not finished. This allows the queue to be emptied. run(job); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { finished = true; } } private void run(ScoreJob job) { if (Utils.isInterrupted()) { finished = true; return; } showProgress(); // Directly write to the result array, this is thread safe scoreResults[job.index] = scoreFilter(job.filter, minFilter, createTextResult, coordinateStore); } } /** * Used to allow multi-threading of the scoring the filters */ private class ParameterScoreWorker implements Runnable { volatile boolean finished = false; final BlockingQueue<ParameterScoreJob> jobs; final ParameterScoreResult[] scoreResults; final boolean createTextResult; final DirectFilter filter; final DirectFilter minFilter; final GridCoordinateStore gridCoordinateStore; public ParameterScoreWorker(BlockingQueue<ParameterScoreJob> jobs, ParameterScoreResult[] scoreResults, boolean createTextResult) { = jobs; this.scoreResults = scoreResults; this.createTextResult = createTextResult; this.filter = (DirectFilter) ss_filter.clone(); this.minFilter = (minimalFilter != null) ? (DirectFilter) minimalFilter.clone() : null; int[] bounds = getBounds(); this.gridCoordinateStore = new GridCoordinateStore(bounds[0], bounds[1], 0); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { try { while (true) { ParameterScoreJob job = jobs.take(); if (job == null || job.index == -1) break; if (!finished) // Only run jobs when not finished. This allows the queue to be emptied. run(job); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { finished = true; } } private void run(ParameterScoreJob job) { if (Utils.isInterrupted()) { finished = true; return; } showProgress(); final double[] point = job.point; int failCount = (int) Math.round(point[0]); double residualsThreshold = point[1]; double duplicateDistance = point[2]; CoordinateStore coordinateStore2; // Re-use gridCoordinateStore.changeResolution(duplicateDistance); coordinateStore2 = gridCoordinateStore; // New //coordinateStore2 = new GridCoordinateStore(bounds[0], bounds[1], duplicateDistance); // From factory //coordinateStore2 = createCoordinateStore(duplicateDistance); // Directly write to the result array, this is thread safe scoreResults[job.index] = scoreFilter(filter, minFilter, failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance, coordinateStore2, createTextResult); // Allow debugging the score // if (failCount == 3 && DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(residualsThreshold, 0.35, 0, 0.01) && // DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(duplicateDistance, 2.5, 0, 0.01)) // { // System.out.printf("%s @ %s : %d %f %f \n", Double.toString(scoreResults[job.index].score), // Double.toString(scoreResults[job.index].criteria), failCount, residualsThreshold, // duplicateDistance); // } } } /** The total progress. */ int progress, stepProgress, totalProgress; /** * Show progress. */ private synchronized void showProgress() { if (progress % stepProgress == 0) { if (Utils.showStatus("Scoring Filter: " + progress + " / " + totalProgress)) IJ.showProgress(progress, totalProgress); } progress++; } private FilterScoreResult[] scoreFilters(FilterSet filterSet, boolean createTextResult) { if (filterSet.size() == 0) return null; initialiseScoring(filterSet); FilterScoreResult[] scoreResults = new FilterScoreResult[filterSet.size()]; if (scoreResults.length == 1) { // No need to multi-thread this scoreResults[0] = scoreFilter((DirectFilter) filterSet.getFilters().get(0), minimalFilter, createTextResult, coordinateStore); } else { // Multi-thread score all the result final int nThreads = getThreads(scoreResults.length); final BlockingQueue<ScoreJob> jobs = new ArrayBlockingQueue<ScoreJob>(nThreads * 2); final List<ScoreWorker> workers = new LinkedList<ScoreWorker>(); final List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { final ScoreWorker worker = new ScoreWorker(jobs, scoreResults, createTextResult, (coordinateStore == null) ? null : coordinateStore.newInstance()); final Thread t = new Thread(worker); workers.add(worker); threads.add(t); t.start(); } int index = 0; totalProgress = scoreResults.length; stepProgress = Utils.getProgressInterval(totalProgress); progress = 0; for (Filter filter : filterSet.getFilters()) { if (IJ.escapePressed()) break; put(jobs, new ScoreJob((DirectFilter) filter, index++)); } // Finish all the worker threads by passing in a null job for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { put(jobs, new ScoreJob(null, -1)); } // Wait for all to finish for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { try { threads.get(i).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } threads.clear(); IJ.showProgress(1); // In case the threads were interrupted if (Utils.isInterrupted()) scoreResults = null; } finishScoring(); return scoreResults; } private static int getThreads(int length) { return Math.max(1, Math.min(Prefs.getThreads(), length)); } private <T> void put(BlockingQueue<T> jobs, T job) { try { jobs.put(job); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected interruption", e); } } /** * Score filters. * * @param points * the points (must be sorted by duplicate distance) * @param createTextResult * set to true to create the text result * @return the score results */ private ParameterScoreResult[] scoreFilters(double[][] points, boolean createTextResult) { if (points == null || points.length == 0) return null; ga_resultsListToScore = ga_resultsList; ga_subset = false; ParameterScoreResult[] scoreResults = new ParameterScoreResult[points.length]; if (scoreResults.length == 1) { // No need to multi-thread this int failCount = (int) Math.round(points[0][0]); double residualsThreshold = points[0][1]; double duplicateDistance = points[0][2]; scoreResults[0] = scoreFilter(ss_filter, minimalFilter, failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance, createCoordinateStore(duplicateDistance), createTextResult); } else { // Multi-thread score all the result final int nThreads = getThreads(scoreResults.length); final BlockingQueue<ParameterScoreJob> jobs = new ArrayBlockingQueue<ParameterScoreJob>(nThreads * 2); final List<ParameterScoreWorker> workers = new LinkedList<ParameterScoreWorker>(); final List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { final ParameterScoreWorker worker = new ParameterScoreWorker(jobs, scoreResults, createTextResult); final Thread t = new Thread(worker); workers.add(worker); threads.add(t); t.start(); } totalProgress = scoreResults.length; stepProgress = Utils.getProgressInterval(totalProgress); progress = 0; for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if (IJ.escapePressed()) break; put(jobs, new ParameterScoreJob(points[i], i)); } // Finish all the worker threads by passing in a null job for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { put(jobs, new ParameterScoreJob(null, -1)); } // Wait for all to finish for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { try { threads.get(i).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } threads.clear(); IJ.showProgress(1); // In case the threads were interrupted if (Utils.isInterrupted()) scoreResults = null; } finishScoring(); return scoreResults; } /** * Initialise the results list used for scoring the filters. This is shared with the genetic algorithm. * * @param filterSet * the filter set */ private void initialiseScoring(FilterSet filterSet) { // Initialise with the candidate true and false negative scores ga_resultsListToScore = ga_resultsList; ga_subset = false; if (filterSet.size() < 2) return; if (filterSet.allSameType() && debug) { // Would there be a speed increase if the results list were partitioned into multiple sets // by filtering with not just the weakest but a step set of weaker and weaker filters. // This could be done using, e.g. precision, to partition the filters into a range. // // Plot the cumulative histogram of precision for the filters in the set. // try // { // StoredDataStatistics stats = new StoredDataStatistics(filterSet.size()); // for (Filter f : filterSet.getFilters()) // { // IMultiFilter f2 = (IMultiFilter) f; // stats.add(f2.getPrecision()); // } // double[][] h1 = Maths.cumulativeHistogram(stats.getValues(), false); // String title = TITLE + " Cumul Precision"; // Plot2 plot = new Plot2(title, "Precision", "Frequency"); // // Find limits // double[] xlimit = Maths.limits(h1[0]); // plot.setLimits(xlimit[0] - 1, xlimit[1] + 1, 0, Maths.max(h1[1]) * 1.05); // plot.addPoints(h1[0], h1[1], Plot2.BAR); // Utils.display(title, plot); // } // catch (ClassCastException e) // { // // } // Debug the limits of all parameters final double[] lower = filterSet.getFilters().get(0).getParameters().clone(); final double[] upper = lower.clone(); for (Filter f : filterSet.getFilters()) { final double[] point = f.getParameters(); for (int j = 0; j < lower.length; j++) { if (lower[j] > point[j]) lower[j] = point[j]; if (upper[j] < point[j]) upper[j] = point[j]; } } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Scoring ("); sb.append(filterSet.size()).append("):"); for (int j = 0; j < lower.length; j++) { sb.append(' ').append(Utils.rounded(lower[j])).append('-').append(Utils.rounded(upper[j])); } Utils.log(sb.toString()); } Filter weakest = filterSet.createWeakestFilter(); if (weakest != null) { ga_subset = true; ga_resultsListToScore = createMPF((DirectFilter) weakest, minimalFilter).filterSubset(ga_resultsList, failCount, true); //MultiPathFilter.resetValidationFlag(ga_resultsListToScore); //ga_resultsListToScore = ga_resultsList; //System.out.printf("Weakest %d => %d : %s\n", count(ga_resultsList), count(ga_resultsListToScore), // weakest.getName()); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int count(MultiPathFitResults[] list) { int c = 0; for (MultiPathFitResults r : list) c += r.getNumberOfResults(); return c; } private FilterScoreResult scoreFilter(DirectFilter filter, DirectFilter minFilter, boolean createTextResult, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(filter, minFilter, ga_resultsListToScore, coordinateStore); // // DEBUG - Test if the two methods produce the same results // FractionClassificationResult r2 = scoreFilter(filter, minFilter, BenchmarkFilterAnalysis.clonedResultsList); // if (!gdsc.core.utils.DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(r.getTP(), r2.getTP(), 1e-6, 1e-10) || // !gdsc.core.utils.DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(r.getFP(), r2.getFP(), 1e-6, 1e-10) || // !gdsc.core.utils.DoubleEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(r.getFN(), r2.getFN(), 1e-6, 1e-10)) // { // System.out.printf("TP %f != %f, FP %f != %f, FN %f != %f : %s\n", r.getTP(), r2.getTP(), r.getFP(), // r2.getFP(), r.getFN(), r2.getFN(), filter.getName()); // // // // Debug // // MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter = createMPF(filter, minFilter); // // multiPathFilter.setDebugFile("/tmp/1.txt"); // // multiPathFilter.fractionScoreSubset(ga_resultsListToScore, failCount, nActual, null); // // multiPathFilter = createMPF(filter, minFilter); // // multiPathFilter.setDebugFile("/tmp/2.txt"); // // multiPathFilter.fractionScoreSubset(BenchmarkFilterAnalysis.clonedResultsList, failCount, // // nActual, null); // } // else // { // //System.out.println("Matched scores"); // } final double score = getScore(r); final double criteria = getCriteria(r); // Show the result if it achieves the criteria limit final String text = (createTextResult && criteria >= minCriteria) ? createResult(filter, r).toString() : null; return new FilterScoreResult(score, criteria, filter, text); } private FilterScoreResult scoreFilter(DirectFilter filter) { final FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(filter, minimalFilter, resultsList, coordinateStore); final double score = getScore(r); final double criteria = getCriteria(r); // Create the score output final String text = createResult(filter, r).toString(); return new FilterScoreResult(score, criteria, filter, text); } private ParameterScoreResult scoreFilter(DirectFilter filter, DirectFilter minFilter, int failCount, double residualsThreshold, double duplicateDistance, CoordinateStore coordinateStore, boolean createTextResult) { final MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter = new MultiPathFilter(filter, minFilter, residualsThreshold); final FractionClassificationResult r = multiPathFilter.fractionScoreSubset(ga_resultsListToScore, failCount, nActual, null, null, coordinateStore); final double score = getScore(r); final double criteria = getCriteria(r); // Create the score output final String text = (createTextResult && criteria >= minCriteria) ? createResult(filter, r, buildResultsPrefix2(failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance)) .toString() : null; double[] parameters = new double[] { failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance }; return new ParameterScoreResult(score, criteria, parameters, text); } /** * Finish scoring and reset the subset * * @param filterSet * the filter set */ private void finishScoring() { if (ga_subset) { // Reset the validation flag MultiPathFilter.resetValidationFlag(ga_resultsListToScore); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ public void initialise(List<? extends Chromosome<FilterScore>> individuals) { ga_iteration++; ga_scoreIndex = 0; ga_scoreResults = scoreFilters(setStrength(new FilterSet(populationToFilters(individuals))), false); } private ArrayList<Filter> populationToFilters(List<? extends Chromosome<FilterScore>> individuals) { ArrayList<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(individuals.size()); for (Chromosome<FilterScore> c : individuals) filters.add((DirectFilter) c); return filters; } private List<Filter> searchSpaceToFilters(double[][] searchSpace) { return searchSpaceToFilters(null, searchSpace); } private List<Filter> searchSpaceToFilters(DirectFilter f, double[][] searchSpace) { final int size = ((searchSpace == null) ? 0 : searchSpace.length) + ((f == null) ? 0 : 1); ArrayList<Filter> filters = new ArrayList<Filter>(size); if (f != null) filters.add(f); if (searchSpace != null) for (int i = 0; i < searchSpace.length; i++) filters.add((DirectFilter) ss_filter.create(searchSpace[i])); return filters; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ public FilterScore fitness(Chromosome<FilterScore> chromosome) { // In case the user aborted with Escape if (ga_scoreResults == null) return null; // Assume that fitness will be called in the order of the individuals passed to the initialise function. final FilterScoreResult scoreResult = ga_scoreResults[ga_scoreIndex++]; // Set this to null and it will be removed at the next population selection if (scoreResult.score == 0) return null; return new SimpleFilterScore(scoreResult, true, scoreResult.criteria >= minCriteria); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ public void shutdown() { // Report the score for the best filter List<? extends Chromosome<FilterScore>> individuals = ga_population.getIndividuals(); FilterScore max = null; for (Chromosome<FilterScore> c : individuals) { final FilterScore f = c.getFitness(); if (f != null && f.compareTo(max) < 0) { max = f; } } if (max == null) return; DirectFilter filter = (DirectFilter) ((SimpleFilterScore) max).filter; // This filter may not have been part of the scored subset so use the entire results set for reporting FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(filter, minimalFilter, ga_resultsList, coordinateStore); final StringBuilder text = createResult(filter, r); add(text, ga_iteration); gaWindow.append(text.toString()); } private SimpleFilterScore es_optimum = null; private SimpleParameterScore p_optimum = null; private class ParameterScoreFunction implements FullScoreFunction<FilterScore> { public SearchResult<FilterScore> findOptimum(double[][] points) { ga_iteration++; SimpleParameterScore max = p_optimum; // Sort points to allow the CoordinateStore to be reused with the same duplicate distance Arrays.sort(points, new Comparator<double[]>() { public int compare(double[] o1, double[] o2) { return[2], o2[2]); } }); final ParameterScoreResult[] scoreResults = scoreFilters(points, showResultsTable); if (scoreResults == null) return null; for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) { final ParameterScoreResult scoreResult = scoreResults[index]; final SimpleParameterScore result = new SimpleParameterScore(ss_filter, scoreResult, scoreResult.criteria >= minCriteria); if (result.compareTo(max) < 0) { max = result; } } if (showResultsTable) { BufferedTextWindow tw = null; if (resultsWindow != null) { tw = new BufferedTextWindow(resultsWindow); tw.setIncrement(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) addToResultsWindow(tw, scoreResults[index].text); if (resultsWindow != null) resultsWindow.getTextPanel().updateDisplay(); } p_optimum = max; // Add the best filter to the table // This filter may not have been part of the scored subset so use the entire results set for reporting double[] parameters = max.r.parameters; int failCount = (int) Math.round(parameters[0]); double residualsThreshold = parameters[1]; double duplicateDistance = parameters[2]; //System.out.println(Arrays.toString(parameters)); final MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter = new MultiPathFilter(ss_filter, minimalFilter, residualsThreshold); final FractionClassificationResult r = multiPathFilter.fractionScoreSubset(ga_resultsListToScore, failCount, nActual, null, null, createCoordinateStore(duplicateDistance)); final StringBuilder text = createResult(ss_filter, r, buildResultsPrefix2(failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance)); add(text, ga_iteration); gaWindow.append(text.toString()); return new SearchResult<FilterScore>(parameters, max); } public SearchResult<FilterScore>[] score(double[][] points) { ga_iteration++; SimpleParameterScore max = p_optimum; // Sort points to allow the CoordinateStore to be reused with the same duplicate distance Arrays.sort(points, new Comparator<double[]>() { public int compare(double[] o1, double[] o2) { return[2], o2[2]); } }); final ParameterScoreResult[] scoreResults = scoreFilters(points, showResultsTable); if (scoreResults == null) return null; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SearchResult<FilterScore>[] scores = new SearchResult[scoreResults.length]; for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) { final ParameterScoreResult scoreResult = scoreResults[index]; final SimpleParameterScore result = new SimpleParameterScore(ss_filter, scoreResult, scoreResult.criteria >= minCriteria); if (result.compareTo(max) < 0) { max = result; } scores[index] = new SearchResult<FilterScore>(points[index], result); } if (showResultsTable) { BufferedTextWindow tw = null; if (resultsWindow != null) { tw = new BufferedTextWindow(resultsWindow); tw.setIncrement(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) addToResultsWindow(tw, scoreResults[index].text); if (resultsWindow != null) resultsWindow.getTextPanel().updateDisplay(); } p_optimum = max; // Add the best filter to the table // This filter may not have been part of the scored subset so use the entire results set for reporting double[] parameters = max.r.parameters; int failCount = (int) Math.round(parameters[0]); double residualsThreshold = parameters[1]; double duplicateDistance = parameters[2]; final MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter = new MultiPathFilter(ss_filter, minimalFilter, residualsThreshold); final FractionClassificationResult r = multiPathFilter.fractionScoreSubset(ga_resultsListToScore, failCount, nActual, null, null, createCoordinateStore(duplicateDistance)); final StringBuilder text = createResult(ss_filter, r, buildResultsPrefix2(failCount, residualsThreshold, duplicateDistance)); add(text, ga_iteration); gaWindow.append(text.toString()); return scores; } public SearchResult<FilterScore>[] cut(SearchResult<FilterScore>[] scores, int size) { return ScoreFunctionHelper.cut(scores, size); } } private static int compare(final double d1, final double d2) { if (d1 < d2) return -1; if (d1 > d2) return 1; return 0; } public SearchResult<FilterScore> findOptimum(double[][] points) { ga_iteration++; SimpleFilterScore max = es_optimum; final FilterScoreResult[] scoreResults = scoreFilters(setStrength(new FilterSet(searchSpaceToFilters(points))), false); if (scoreResults == null) return null; for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) { final FilterScoreResult scoreResult = scoreResults[index]; final SimpleFilterScore result = new SimpleFilterScore(scoreResult, true, scoreResult.criteria >= minCriteria); if (result.compareTo(max) < 0) { max = result; } } es_optimum = max; // Add the best filter to the table // This filter may not have been part of the scored subset so use the entire results set for reporting DirectFilter filter = max.r.filter; FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(filter, minimalFilter, ga_resultsList, coordinateStore); final StringBuilder text = createResult(filter, r); add(text, ga_iteration); gaWindow.append(text.toString()); return new SearchResult<FilterScore>(filter.getParameters(), max); } public SearchResult<FilterScore>[] score(double[][] points) { ga_iteration++; SimpleFilterScore max = es_optimum; final FilterScoreResult[] scoreResults = scoreFilters(setStrength(new FilterSet(searchSpaceToFilters(points))), false); if (scoreResults == null) return null; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") SearchResult<FilterScore>[] scores = new SearchResult[scoreResults.length]; for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) { final FilterScoreResult scoreResult = scoreResults[index]; final SimpleFilterScore result = new SimpleFilterScore(scoreResult, true, scoreResult.criteria >= minCriteria); if (result.compareTo(max) < 0) { max = result; } scores[index] = new SearchResult<FilterScore>(result.r.filter.getParameters(), result); } es_optimum = max; // Add the best filter to the table // This filter may not have been part of the scored subset so use the entire results set for reporting DirectFilter filter = max.r.filter; FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(filter, minimalFilter, ga_resultsList, coordinateStore); final StringBuilder text = createResult(filter, r); add(text, ga_iteration); gaWindow.append(text.toString()); return scores; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see[], int) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public SearchResult<FilterScore>[] cut(SearchResult<FilterScore>[] scores, int size) { // Do a full sort and truncation //return ScoreFunctionHelper.cut(scores, size); // Split the list into those that pass the criteria and those that do not SearchResult<FilterScore>[] passList = new SearchResult[scores.length]; SearchResult<FilterScore>[] failList = new SearchResult[scores.length]; int pass = 0; int fail = 0; for (int i = 0; i < scores.length; i++) { // Ignore this if (scores[i].score.score == 0) continue; if (scores[i].score.criteriaPassed) passList[pass++] = scores[i]; else failList[fail++] = scores[i]; } // If those that pass are bigger than size then sort that list and return. if (pass >= size) return ScoreFunctionHelper.cut(Arrays.copyOf(passList, pass), size); // Sort the fail list Arrays.sort(failList, 0, fail); // Find the top score and put it first. if (pass != 0) { int best = 0; for (int i = 1; i < pass; i++) { if (passList[i].compareTo(passList[best]) < 0) best = i; } final SearchResult<FilterScore> tmp = passList[best]; passList[best] = passList[0]; passList[0] = tmp; } // Combine the lists. Account for removing zero scores (i.e. pass+fail<=size) size = Math.min(size, pass + fail); System.arraycopy(failList, 0, passList, pass, size - pass); return Arrays.copyOf(passList, size); } private double limit = 0; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress#progress(double) */ public void progress(double fraction) { if (fraction == 1) { // Reset limit = 0; IJ.showProgress(fraction); return; } // Show only 2% changes if (fraction < limit) return; limit = fraction + 0.02; IJ.showProgress(fraction); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress#progress(long, long) */ public void progress(long position, long total) { progress((double) position / total); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress#incrementProgress(double) */ public void incrementProgress(double fraction) { // Ignore } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress#log(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[]) */ public void log(String format, Object... args) { // Ignore } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress#status(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[]) */ public void status(String format, Object... args) { IJ.showStatus(ga_statusPrefix + String.format(format, args)); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress#isEnded() */ public boolean isEnded() { // Ignore return false; } /** * Updates the given configuration using the latest settings used in benchmarking spot filters, fitting and * filtering. * * @param config * the configuration * @param useLatest * Use the latest best filter. Otherwise use the highest scoring. * @return true, if successful */ public static boolean updateAllConfiguration(FitEngineConfiguration config, boolean useLatest) { // Do this first as it sets the initial SD if (!updateAllConfiguration(config)) return false; if (!updateConfiguration(config, useLatest)) return false; return true; } /** * Updates the given configuration using the latest settings used in benchmarking spot filters and fitting. * * @param config * the configuration * @return true, if successful */ private static boolean updateAllConfiguration(FitEngineConfiguration config) { // Do this first as it sets the initial SD if (!BenchmarkSpotFit.updateConfiguration(config)) return false; if (!BenchmarkSpotFilter.updateConfiguration(config)) return false; return true; } /** * Updates the given configuration using the latest settings used in benchmarking filtering. The residuals threshold * will be copied only if the input FitConfiguration has isComputeResiduals() set to true. * * @param config * the configuration * @param useLatest * Use the latest best filter. Otherwise use the highest scoring. * @return true, if successful */ public static boolean updateConfiguration(FitEngineConfiguration config, boolean useLatest) { if (scores.isEmpty()) return false; FilterResult best; if (useLatest) { best = scores.get(scores.size() - 1); } else { best = getBestResult(); } // New smart filter support final FitConfiguration fitConfig = config.getFitConfiguration(); fitConfig.setDirectFilter(best.getFilter()); if (fitConfig.isComputeResiduals()) { config.setResidualsThreshold(best.residualsThreshold); fitConfig.setComputeResiduals(true); } else { config.setResidualsThreshold(1); fitConfig.setComputeResiduals(false); } // Note: // We leave the simple filter settings alone. These may be enabled as well, e.g. by the BenchmarkSpotFit plugin // We could set the fail count range dynamically using a window around the best filter config.setFailuresLimit(best.failCount); fitConfig.setDuplicateDistance(best.duplicateDistance); return true; } private static FilterResult getBestResult() { if (!scores.isEmpty()) { // Clone so we can sort the list by fail count @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<FilterResult> scores2 = (ArrayList<FilterResult>) scores.clone(); Collections.sort(scores2, new Comparator<FilterResult>() { public int compare(FilterResult o1, FilterResult o2) { return o1.failCount - o2.failCount; } }); int maxi = 0; double max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < scores2.size(); i++) { double score = scores2.get(i).score; if (max >= score) continue; // Round this so that small differences are ignored. // This should favour filters with lower fail count. double diff = Maths.round(score - max, 3); if (diff <= 0) continue; max = score; maxi = i; } return scores2.get(maxi); } return null; } private boolean isShowOverlay() { return (showTP || showFP || showFN); } /** * Abstract class to allow the array storage to be reused */ private abstract class CustomTIntObjectProcedure implements TIntObjectProcedure<IdPeakResult[]> { float[] x, y, x2, y2; CustomTIntObjectProcedure(float[] x, float[] y, float[] x2, float[] y2) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; } } /** * Show overlay. * * @param allAssignments * The assignments generated from running the filter (or null) * @param filter * the filter * @return The results from running the filter (or null) */ private PreprocessedPeakResult[] showOverlay(ArrayList<FractionalAssignment[]> allAssignments, DirectFilter filter) { ImagePlus imp = CreateData.getImage(); if (imp == null) return null; // Run the filter manually to get the results that pass. if (allAssignments == null) allAssignments = getAssignments(filter); final Overlay o = new Overlay(); // Do TP final TIntHashSet actual = new TIntHashSet(); final TIntHashSet predicted = new TIntHashSet(); //int tp = 0, fp = 0, fn = 0; for (FractionalAssignment[] assignments : allAssignments) { if (assignments == null || assignments.length == 0) continue; float[] tx = null, ty = null; int t = 0; //tp += assignments.length; if (showTP) { tx = new float[assignments.length]; ty = new float[assignments.length]; } int frame = 0; for (int i = 0; i < assignments.length; i++) { CustomFractionalAssignment c = (CustomFractionalAssignment) assignments[i]; IdPeakResult peak = (IdPeakResult) c.peak; BasePreprocessedPeakResult spot = (BasePreprocessedPeakResult) c.peakResult; actual.add(peak.uniqueId); predicted.add(spot.getUniqueId()); frame = spot.getFrame(); if (showTP) { tx[t] = spot.getX(); ty[t++] = spot.getY(); } } if (showTP) SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(frame, o, tx, ty, t,; } float[] x = new float[10]; float[] y = new float[x.length]; float[] x2 = new float[10]; float[] y2 = new float[x2.length]; // Do FP (all remaining results that are not a TP) PreprocessedPeakResult[] filterResults = null; if (showFP) { final MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter = createMPF(filter, minimalFilter); //multiPathFilter.setDebugFile("/tmp/filter.txt"); filterResults = filterResults(multiPathFilter); int frame = 0; int c = 0; int c2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < filterResults.length; i++) { if (frame != filterResults[i].getFrame()) { if (c != 0) SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(frame, o, x, y, c,; if (c2 != 0) SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(frame, o, x2, y2, c2, Color.magenta); c = c2 = 0; } frame = filterResults[i].getFrame(); if (predicted.contains(filterResults[i].getUniqueId())) continue; if (filterResults[i].ignore()) { if (x2.length == c2) { x2 = Arrays.copyOf(x2, c2 * 2); y2 = Arrays.copyOf(y2, c2 * 2); } x2[c2] = filterResults[i].getX(); y2[c2++] = filterResults[i].getY(); } else { if (x.length == c) { x = Arrays.copyOf(x, c * 2); y = Arrays.copyOf(y, c * 2); } x[c] = filterResults[i].getX(); y[c++] = filterResults[i].getY(); } } //fp += c; if (c != 0) SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(frame, o, x, y, c,; if (c2 != 0) SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(frame, o, x2, y2, c2, Color.magenta); } // Do TN (all remaining peaks that have not been matched) if (showFN) { final boolean checkBorder = (BenchmarkSpotFilter.lastAnalysisBorder != null && BenchmarkSpotFilter.lastAnalysisBorder.x != 0); final float border, xlimit, ylimit; if (checkBorder) { final Rectangle lastAnalysisBorder = BenchmarkSpotFilter.lastAnalysisBorder; border = lastAnalysisBorder.x; xlimit = lastAnalysisBorder.x + lastAnalysisBorder.width; ylimit = lastAnalysisBorder.y + lastAnalysisBorder.height; } else border = xlimit = ylimit = 0; // Add the results to the lists actualCoordinates.forEachEntry(new CustomTIntObjectProcedure(x, y, x2, y2) { public boolean execute(int frame, IdPeakResult[] results) { int c = 0, c2 = 0; if (x.length <= results.length) { x = new float[results.length]; y = new float[results.length]; } if (x2.length <= results.length) { x2 = new float[results.length]; y2 = new float[results.length]; } for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { // Ignore those that were matched by TP if (actual.contains(results[i].uniqueId)) continue; if (checkBorder && outsideBorder(results[i], border, xlimit, ylimit)) { x2[c2] = results[i].getXPosition(); y2[c2++] = results[i].getYPosition(); } else { x[c] = results[i].getXPosition(); y[c++] = results[i].getYPosition(); } } //fn += c; if (c != 0) SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(frame, o, x, y, c, Color.yellow); if (c2 != 0) SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(frame, o, x2, y2, c2,; return true; } }); } //System.out.printf("TP=%d, FP=%d, FN=%d, N=%d (%d)\n", tp, fp, fn, tp + fn, results.size()); imp.setOverlay(o); return filterResults; } /** * Filter using border. * * @param results * the results * @return the results that are inside the border */ private IdPeakResult[] filterUsingBorder(IdPeakResult[] results) { // Respect the border used in BenchmarkSpotFilter? if (BenchmarkSpotFilter.lastAnalysisBorder == null || BenchmarkSpotFilter.lastAnalysisBorder.x == 0) return results; // Just implement a hard border // Note: This is mainly relevant when loading in simulated ground truth data. // The simulations performed by Create Data already use a border when doing a // random distribution. final Rectangle lastAnalysisBorder = BenchmarkSpotFilter.lastAnalysisBorder; final float border = lastAnalysisBorder.x; final float xlimit = lastAnalysisBorder.x + lastAnalysisBorder.width; final float ylimit = lastAnalysisBorder.y + lastAnalysisBorder.height; IdPeakResult[] results2 = new IdPeakResult[results.length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { final IdPeakResult p = results[i]; if (outsideBorder(p, border, xlimit, ylimit)) continue; results2[j++] = p; } if (j < results.length) { //System.out.printf("Removed %d\n", results.length - j); return Arrays.copyOf(results2, j); } return results; } /** * Check if the result is outside border. * * @param p * the result * @param border * the border * @param xlimit * the xlimit * @param ylimit * the ylimit * @return true, if outside the border (should be ignored) */ private boolean outsideBorder(PeakResult p, final float border, final float xlimit, final float ylimit) { // Respect the border used in BenchmarkSpotFilter? // Just implement a hard border if (p.getXPosition() < border || p.getXPosition() > xlimit || p.getYPosition() < border || p.getYPosition() > ylimit) return true; return false; } /** * Check if the result is outside border. * * @param p * the result * @param border * the border * @param xlimit * the xlimit * @param ylimit * the ylimit * @return true, if outside the border (should be ignored) */ private boolean outsideBorder(BasePreprocessedPeakResult p, final float border, final float xlimit, final float ylimit) { // Respect the border used in BenchmarkSpotFilter? // Just implement a hard border if (p.getX() < border || p.getX() > xlimit || p.getY() < border || p.getY() > ylimit) return true; return false; } /** * Save the results to memory. * * @param filterResults * The results from running the filter (or null) * @param filter * the filter */ private void saveResults(PreprocessedPeakResult[] filterResults, DirectFilter filter) { MemoryPeakResults results = createResults(filterResults, filter, true); MemoryPeakResults.addResults(results); } /** * Create peak results. * * @param filterResults * The results from running the filter (or null) * @param filter * the filter */ private MemoryPeakResults createResults(PreprocessedPeakResult[] filterResults, DirectFilter filter, boolean withBorder) { if (filterResults == null) { final MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter = createMPF(filter, minimalFilter); //multiPathFilter.setDebugFile("/tmp/filter.txt"); filterResults = filterResults(multiPathFilter); } MemoryPeakResults results = new MemoryPeakResults(); results.copySettings(this.results); results.setName(TITLE); if (withBorder) { // To produce the same results as the PeakFit plugin we must implement the border // functionality used in the FitWorker. This respects the border of the spot filter. FitEngineConfiguration config = new FitEngineConfiguration(new FitConfiguration()); updateAllConfiguration(config); MaximaSpotFilter spotFilter = config.createSpotFilter(true); final int border = spotFilter.getBorder(); int[] bounds = getBounds(); final int borderLimitX = bounds[0] - border; final int borderLimitY = bounds[1] - border; for (PreprocessedPeakResult spot : filterResults) { if (spot.getX() > border && spot.getX() < borderLimitX && spot.getY() > border && spot.getY() < borderLimitY) { double[] p = spot.toGaussian2DParameters(); float[] params = new float[p.length]; for (int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) params[j] = (float) p[j]; int frame = spot.getFrame(); int origX = (int) p[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]; int origY = (int) p[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]; results.addf(frame, origX, origY, 0, 0, spot.getNoise(), params, null); } } } else { for (PreprocessedPeakResult spot : filterResults) { double[] p = spot.toGaussian2DParameters(); float[] params = new float[p.length]; for (int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) params[j] = (float) p[j]; int frame = spot.getFrame(); int origX = (int) p[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]; int origY = (int) p[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]; results.addf(frame, origX, origY, 0, 0, spot.getNoise(), params, null); } } return results; } private PreprocessedPeakResult[] filterResults(final MultiPathFilter multiPathFilter) { return multiPathFilter.filter(resultsList, failCount, true, coordinateStore); } private CoordinateStore createCoordinateStore() { return createCoordinateStore(duplicateDistance); } private CoordinateStore createCoordinateStore(double duplicateDistance) { int[] bounds = getBounds(); return CoordinateStoreFactory.create(bounds[0], bounds[1], duplicateDistance); } private int[] bounds; private int[] getBounds() { if (bounds == null) bounds = createBounds(); return bounds; } private synchronized int[] createBounds() { if (bounds == null) { ImagePlus imp = CreateData.getImage(); if (imp != null) { return new int[] { imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight() }; } Rectangle bounds = results.getBounds(true); int maxx = bounds.x + bounds.width; int maxy = bounds.y + bounds.height; return new int[] { maxx, maxy }; } return bounds; } }