package gdsc.smlm.ij.frc; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LoessInterpolator; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.jtransforms.fft.FloatFFT_2D; import gdsc.core.logging.NullTrackProgress; import gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress; import gdsc.core.math.RadialStatistics; import gdsc.core.utils.FloatEquality; import gdsc.core.utils.Maths; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import ij.ImageStack; import ij.process.FHT2; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; /** * Compute the Fourier Ring Correlation, a measure of the resolution of a microscopy image. * <p> * Adapted by Alex Herbert from the FIRE (Fourier Image REsolution) plugin produced as part of the paper:<br> * Niewenhuizen, et al (2013). Measuring image resolution in optical nanoscopy. Nature Methods, 10, 557<br> * * * @author Alex Herbert * @author Bernd Rieger, */ public class FRC { private static boolean JTRANSFORMS; static { try { int size = 8; FloatFFT_2D fft = new FloatFFT_2D(size, size); float[] data = new float[size * size * 2]; fft.realForwardFull(data); JTRANSFORMS = true; } catch (Throwable t) { JTRANSFORMS = false; } } /** * Specify the method to create the FRC threshold curve. The intersection between the observed curve and the * threshold curve determines the resolution. */ public enum ThresholdMethod { //@formatter:off FIXED_1_OVER_7{ public String getName() { return "Fixed 1/7"; }}, HALF_BIT{ public String getName() { return "Half-bit"; }}, ONE_BIT{ public String getName() { return "One-bit"; }}, TWO_BIT{ public String getName() { return "Two-bit"; }}, ONE_SIGMA{ public String getName() { return "One sigma"; }}, TWO_SIGMA{ public String getName() { return "Two sigma"; }}, THREE_SIGMA{ public String getName() { return "Three sigma"; }}, FOUR_SIGMA{ public String getName() { return "Four sigma"; }}; //@formatter:on @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } /** * Gets the name. * * @return the name */ abstract public String getName(); }; /** * Specify the sampling method to compute the Fourier Ring Correlation. */ public enum SamplingMethod { //@formatter:off /** * Compute using all pixels from radius n (inclusive) to n+1 (exclusive) assigned to ring n. * This does not require interpolation. */ RADIAL_SUM{ public String getName() { return "Radial Sum"; }}, /** * Compute using sampled points on a circle circumference of radius n for each ring. * Values are computed using interpolation of the surrounding pixels. The number of points * on the circumference can be controlled using the perimeter sampling factor. */ INTERPOLATED_CIRCLE{ public String getName() { return "Interpolated Circle"; }}; //@formatter:on @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } /** * Gets the name. * * @return the name */ abstract public String getName(); } /** * Specify the method used to compute the Fourier transform */ public enum FourierMethod { //@formatter:off /** * Use the JTransforms Java library */ JTRANSFORMS{ public String getName() { return "JTransforms"; }}, /** * Use ImageJ's Fast Hartley Transform */ FHT{ public String getName() { return "FHT"; }}; //@formatter:on @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } /** * Gets the name. * * @return the name */ abstract public String getName(); } /** * Contains the result of a single ring from the Fourier Ring Correlation (FRC) between two images. */ public static class FRCCurveResult implements Cloneable { /** The radius of the ring. */ private final int radius; /** The number of samples on the ring. */ private final int nSamples; private final double numerator, sum1, sum2, denominator; /** The correlation. */ private double correlation; private FRCCurveResult(int radius, int nSamples, double sum0, double sum1, double sum2) { this.radius = radius; this.nSamples = nSamples; this.numerator = sum0; this.sum1 = sum1; this.sum2 = sum2; denominator = Math.sqrt(sum1 * sum2); setCorrelation(numerator / denominator); } /** * Gets the radius of the ring. * * @return the radius */ public int getRadius() { return radius; } /** * Gets the number of samples taken from the ring used to compute the correlation. * * @return the number of samples */ public int getNumberOfSamples() { return nSamples; } /** * Gets the correlation (the normalised conjugate multiple of the two FFT images). This is the numerator divided * by the denominator. * * @return the correlation */ public double getCorrelation() { return correlation; } private void setCorrelation(double correlation) { this.correlation = Maths.clip(-1, 1, correlation); } /** * Gets the numerator of the correlation. This is the sum of the conjugate multiple of the FFT of input image 1 * and 2. * * @return the numerator */ public double getNumerator() { return numerator; } /** * Gets the denominator of the correlation. * <p> * Note: the denominator is Math.sqrt(sum1*sum2) * * @return the denominator */ public double getDenominator() { return denominator; } /** * Gets the sum of the absolute FFT of input image 1. * * @return the sum */ public double getSum1() { return sum1; } /** * Gets the sum of the absolute FFT of input image 2. * * @return the sum */ public double getSum2() { return sum2; } @Override public FRCCurveResult clone() { try { return (FRCCurveResult) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return null; // This should not happen } } } /** * Contains the result of computing all the rings of the Fourier Ring Correlation (FRC) between two images. */ public static class FRCCurve implements Cloneable { /** The nm per pixel for the super-resolution images */ final public double nmPerPixel; /** The size of the field of view in the Fourier image (named L) */ final public int fieldOfView; /** The mean of the first input image after application of the Tukey window taper. */ final public double mean1; /** The mean of the second input image after application of the Tukey window taper. */ final public double mean2; private FRCCurveResult[] results; private FRCCurve(double nmPerPixel, int fieldOfView, double mean1, double mean2, FRCCurveResult[] results) { this.nmPerPixel = nmPerPixel; this.fieldOfView = fieldOfView; this.mean1 = mean1; this.mean2 = mean2; this.results = results; } /** * Gets the FRC curve result. * * @param index * the index * @return the FRC curve result */ public FRCCurveResult get(int index) { return results[index]; } /** * Gets the number of results. * * @return the size */ public int getSize() { return results.length; } /** * Return a deep copy of this curve. * * @return the copy */ public FRCCurve copy() { // Let the Java framework copy the primatives FRCCurve curve = this.clone(); // Clone the curve entries curve.results = new FRCCurveResult[results.length]; for (int i = results.length; i-- > 0;) curve.results[i] = results[i].clone(); return curve; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ @Override protected FRCCurve clone() { try { return (FRCCurve) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { return null; // This should not happen } } /** * Gets the radius values for each ring. * * @return the radius values */ public double[] getRadiusValues() { double[] values = new double[getSize()]; for (int i = values.length; i-- > 0;) values[i] = get(i).getRadius(); return values; } /** * Gets the correlation values for each ring. * * @return the correlation values */ public double[] getCorrelationValues() { double[] values = new double[getSize()]; for (int i = values.length; i-- > 0;) values[i] = get(i).getCorrelation(); return values; } } /** * Contains the Fourier Image Resolution (FIRE) result computed from the intersection of the FRC curve and a * threshold curve */ public static class FIREResult { /** The fire number (in nm). */ final public double fireNumber; /** The correlation. */ final public double correlation; private FIREResult(double fireNumber, double correlation) { this.fireNumber = fireNumber; this.correlation = correlation; } } // Properties controlling the algorithm /** * Depending on the sampling method, the correlation is computed using interpolated values from intervals around the * circle circumference. The number of samples for half the circle is computed as: Pi * radius * sampling factor. */ private double perimeterSamplingFactor = 1; /** * Gets the perimeter sampling factor. * * @return the perimeter sampling factor */ public double getPerimeterSamplingFactor() { return perimeterSamplingFactor; } /** * Sets the perimeter sampling factor. * <p> * Depending on the sampling method, the correlation is computed using interpolated values from intervals around the * circle circumference. The number of samples for half the circle is computed as: Pi * radius * sampling factor. * * @param perimeterSamplingFactor * the new perimeter sampling factor */ public void setPerimeterSamplingFactor(double perimeterSamplingFactor) { if (perimeterSamplingFactor <= 0) perimeterSamplingFactor = 1; this.perimeterSamplingFactor = perimeterSamplingFactor; } /** * Control the method for generating the Fourier circle. * <p> * The correlation is computed using intervals around the circle circumference of the Fourier transform. * <p> * Note in the case of using interpolated pixels on the perimeter the Fourier image is 2-fold radially symmetric and * so the calculation can use only half the circle for speed. */ private SamplingMethod samplingMethod = SamplingMethod.RADIAL_SUM; /** * Gets the sampling method. * * @return the sampling method */ public SamplingMethod getSamplingMethod() { return samplingMethod; } /** * Control the method for generating the Fourier circle. * <p> * The correlation is computed using intervals around the circle circumference of the Fourier transform. The radial * sum does not use interpolation but instead assigns all pixels at radius r to the interval n<=r<n+1 for all n * from 0 to the max radius. * <p> * Note in the case of using interpolated pixels on the perimeter the Fourier image is 2-fold radially symmetric and * so the calculation can use only half the circle for speed. * * @param * samplingMethod * the new sampling method */ public void setSamplingMethod(SamplingMethod samplingMethod) { if (samplingMethod == null) samplingMethod = SamplingMethod.RADIAL_SUM; this.samplingMethod = samplingMethod; } private FourierMethod fourierMethod = FourierMethod.JTRANSFORMS; /** * Gets the fourier method. * * @return the fourier method */ public FourierMethod getFourierMethod() { return fourierMethod; } /** * Sets the fourier method. * * @param fourierMethod * the new fourier method */ public void setFourierMethod(FourierMethod fourierMethod) { this.fourierMethod = fourierMethod; } /** Used to track the progess within {@link #calculateFrcCurve(ImageProcessor, ImageProcessor)}. */ public TrackProgress progress = null; private TrackProgress getTrackProgress() { if (progress == null) return new NullTrackProgress(); return progress; } private static final double THIRD = 1.0 / 3.0; private static final double LAST_THIRD = 1.0 - 2 * THIRD; /** * Calculate the Fourier Ring Correlation curve for two images. * * @param ip1 * The first image * @param ip2 * The second image * @param nmPerPixel * the nm per pixel for the super-resolution images * @return the FRC curve */ public FRCCurve calculateFrcCurve(ImageProcessor ip1, ImageProcessor ip2, double nmPerPixel) { // Allow a progress tracker to be input TrackProgress progess = getTrackProgress(); progess.incrementProgress(0); progess.status("Calculating complex FFT images..."); // Pad images to the same size if different final int maxWidth = FastMath.max(ip1.getWidth(), ip2.getWidth()); final int maxHeight = FastMath.max(ip1.getHeight(), ip2.getHeight()); if (FastMath.max(maxWidth, maxHeight) > MAX_SIZE) { progess.status("Error calculating FRC curve..."); progess.incrementProgress(1); return null; } final int fieldOfView = FastMath.max(maxWidth, maxHeight); ip1 = pad(ip1, maxWidth, maxHeight); ip2 = pad(ip2, maxWidth, maxHeight); // The mean of each image after applying the taper double mean1, mean2; // Real and imaginary components float[] re1 = null, im1, re2, im2; // Do the first image ip1 = getSquareTaperedImage(ip1); mean1 = taperedImageMean; final int size = ip1.getWidth(); if (JTRANSFORMS && fourierMethod == FourierMethod.JTRANSFORMS) { // Speed up by reusing the FFT object which performs pre-computation float[] data = new float[size * size * 2]; FloatFFT_2D fft = new FloatFFT_2D(size, size); FHT2 fht = new FHT2(); // For quadrant swap float[] pixels = (float[]) ip1.getPixels(); System.arraycopy(pixels, 0, data, 0, pixels.length); fft.realForwardFull(data); // Get the data re1 = pixels; im1 = new float[pixels.length]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < data.length; j++) { re1[j] = data[i++]; im1[j] = data[i++]; } fht.swapQuadrants(new FloatProcessor(size, size, re1)); fht.swapQuadrants(new FloatProcessor(size, size, im1)); progess.incrementProgress(THIRD); ip2 = getSquareTaperedImage(ip2); mean2 = taperedImageMean; pixels = (float[]) ip2.getPixels(); System.arraycopy(pixels, 0, data, 0, pixels.length); for (int i = pixels.length; i < data.length; i++) data[i] = 0; fft.realForwardFull(data); // Get the data re2 = pixels; im2 = new float[pixels.length]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < data.length; j++) { re2[j] = data[i++]; im2[j] = data[i++]; } fht.swapQuadrants(new FloatProcessor(size, size, re2)); fht.swapQuadrants(new FloatProcessor(size, size, im2)); progess.incrementProgress(THIRD); } else { // Simple implementation. This is left for testing. //FloatProcessor[] fft = getComplexFFT(ip1); //mean1 = taperedImageMean; //re1 = (float[]) fft[0].getPixels(); //im1 = (float[]) fft[1].getPixels(); //progess.incrementProgress(THIRD); // //fft = getComplexFFT(ip2); //mean2 = taperedImageMean; //re2 = (float[]) fft[0].getPixels(); //im2 = (float[]) fft[1].getPixels(); //progess.incrementProgress(THIRD); // Speed up by reusing the FHT object which performs pre-computation FHT2 fht = new FHT2(); fht.setShowProgress(false); float[] f1 = (float[]) ip1.getPixels(); fht.rc2DFHT(f1, false, size); FHT2 fht1 = new FHT2(ip1, true); FloatProcessor[] fft = getProcessors(fht1.getComplexTransform2()); re1 = (float[]) fft[0].getPixels(); im1 = (float[]) fft[1].getPixels(); progess.incrementProgress(THIRD); ip2 = getSquareTaperedImage(ip2); mean2 = taperedImageMean; float[] f2 = (float[]) ip2.getPixels(); fht.rc2DFHT(f2, false, size); FHT2 fht2 = new FHT2(ip2, true); fft = getProcessors(fht2.getComplexTransform2()); re2 = (float[]) fft[0].getPixels(); im2 = (float[]) fft[1].getPixels(); progess.incrementProgress(THIRD); } progess.status("Preparing FRC curve calculation..."); final int centre = size / 2; // In-line for speed float[] conjMult = new float[re1.length]; float[] absFFT1 = new float[re1.length]; float[] absFFT2 = new float[re1.length]; // Normalise the FFT to the field of view, i.e. normalise by 1/sqrt(N) for each dimension final double norm = 1.0 / fieldOfView; for (int i = 0; i < re1.length; i++) { re1[i] *= norm; im1[i] *= norm; re2[i] *= norm; im2[i] *= norm; } boolean basic = false; if (basic) { compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2); } else { computeMirroredFast(size, conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2); } progess.status("Calculating FRC curve..."); final int max = centre - 1; FRCCurveResult[] results = new FRCCurveResult[max]; if (samplingMethod == SamplingMethod.INTERPOLATED_CIRCLE) { // Set the results for the centre pixel int cx = size * centre + centre; results[0] = new FRCCurveResult(0, 1, conjMult[cx], absFFT1[cx], absFFT2[cx]); float[][] images = new float[][] { conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2 }; for (int radius = 1; radius < max; radius++) { // Inline the calculation for speed double sum0 = 0; double sum1 = 0; double sum2 = 0; // Note: The image has 2-fold radial symmetry. So we only need to sample // angles from 0-pi. To sample the perimeter at pixel intervals we need // pi*r samples. So the angle step is max_angle / samples == pi / (pi*r) == 1 / r. // The number of samples is increased using the sampling factor. final double angleStep = 1 / (perimeterSamplingFactor * radius); double angle = 0; int numSum = 0; while (angle < Math.PI) { double cosA = FastMath.cos(angle); double x = centre + radius * cosA; //double sinA = FastMath.sin(angle); double sinA = getSine(angle, cosA); double y = centre + radius * sinA; double[] values = getInterpolatedValues(x, y, images, size); sum0 += values[0]; sum1 += values[1]; sum2 += values[2]; numSum++; angle += angleStep; } results[radius] = new FRCCurveResult(radius, numSum, sum0, sum1, sum2); } } else { // Compute the radial sum as per the DIP image Matlab toolbox double[][] sum = RadialStatistics.radialSumAndCount(size, conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2); for (int radius = 0; radius < max; radius++) { results[radius] = new FRCCurveResult(radius, (int) sum[3][radius], sum[0][radius], sum[1][radius], sum[2][radius]); } } progess.incrementProgress(LAST_THIRD); progess.status("Finished calculating FRC curve..."); return new FRCCurve(nmPerPixel, fieldOfView, mean1, mean2, results); } // Package level to allow JUnit test static void compute(float[] conjMult, float[] absFFT1, float[] absFFT2, float[] re1, float[] im1, float[] re2, float[] im2) { for (int i = re1.length; i-- > 0;) { compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2, i); } } // Package level to allow JUnit test static void computeMirrored(int size, float[] conjMult, float[] absFFT1, float[] absFFT2, float[] re1, float[] im1, float[] re2, float[] im2) { // Note: Since this is symmetric around the centre we could compute half of it. // This is non-trivial since the centre is greater than half of the image, i.e. // not (size-1)/2; // So we compute up to the centre and copy back to the other half but must not miss // the edge pixels. final int centre = size / 2; // Do the first row, This is not mirrored int i = 0; while (i < size) { compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2, i++); } // Compute remaining rows up to the centre. These are mirrored int j = conjMult.length - 1; for (int y = 1; y < centre; y++) { // The first entry in each row is not mirrored so compute and increment i compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2, i++); for (int x = 1; x < size; x++, i++, j--) { compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2, i); // Mirror conjMult[j] = conjMult[i]; absFFT1[j] = absFFT1[i]; absFFT2[j] = absFFT2[i]; } // The last entry in each reverse row is not mirrored so compute and decrement j compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2, j--); } // Do the centre row. This is mirrored with itself compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2, i++); for (int x = 1; x <= centre; x++, i++, j--) { compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2, i); // Mirror conjMult[j] = conjMult[i]; absFFT1[j] = absFFT1[i]; absFFT2[j] = absFFT2[i]; } } // Package level to allow JUnit test static void computeMirroredFast(int size, float[] conjMult, float[] absFFT1, float[] absFFT2, float[] re1, float[] im1, float[] re2, float[] im2) { // The same as computeMirrored but ignores the pixels that are not a mirror since // these are not used in the FRC calculation. // Note: Since this is symmetric around the centre we could compute half of it. // This is non-trivial since the centre is greater than half of the image, i.e. // not (size-1)/2; // So we compute up to the centre and copy back to the other half. final int centre = size / 2; // Ignore the first row since this is not mirrored int i = size; // Compute remaining rows up to the centre. These are mirrored int j = conjMult.length - 1; for (int y = 1; y < centre; y++) { // The first entry in each row is not mirrored so just increment i i++; for (int x = 1; x < size; x++, i++, j--) { compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2, i); // Mirror conjMult[j] = conjMult[i]; absFFT1[j] = absFFT1[i]; absFFT2[j] = absFFT2[i]; } // The last entry in each reverse row is not mirrored so just decrement j j--; } // Do the centre row. This is mirrored with itself i++; for (int x = 1; x <= centre; x++, i++, j--) { compute(conjMult, absFFT1, absFFT2, re1, im1, re2, im2, i); // Mirror conjMult[j] = conjMult[i]; absFFT1[j] = absFFT1[i]; absFFT2[j] = absFFT2[i]; } } private static void compute(float[] conjMult, float[] absFFT1, float[] absFFT2, float[] re1, float[] im1, float[] re2, float[] im2, int i) { final float re1i = re1[i]; final float im1i = im1[i]; final float re2i = re2[i]; final float im2i = im2[i]; conjMult[i] = re1i * re2i + im1i * im2i; absFFT1[i] = re1i * re1i + im1i * im1i; absFFT2[i] = re2i * re2i + im2i * im2i; } static boolean checkSymmetry(float[] data, int size) { // Symmetry is around the centre int centre = size / 2; float maxRelativeError = 1e-10f, maxAbsoluteError = 1e-16f; int error = 0; for (int y = centre, y2 = centre; y >= 0 && y2 < size; y--, y2++) { for (int x = centre, x2 = centre, i = size * y + x, j = size * y2 + x2; x >= 0 && x2 < size; x--, x2++, i--, j++) { if (data[i] != data[j] || !FloatEquality.almostEqualRelativeOrAbsolute(data[i], data[j], maxRelativeError, maxAbsoluteError)) { //System.out.printf("[%d] %f != [%d] %f\n", i, data[i], j, data[j]); if (--error < 0) { //gdsc.core.ij.Utils.display("check", new FloatProcessor(size, size, data)); return false; } } } } return true; } /** * Gets the sine of the angle given the cosine value. * * @param angle * the angle (in radians between 0 and 2*pi) * @param cosA * the cosine of the angle * @return the sine */ public static double getSine(double angle, double cosA) { return Math.sqrt(1 - (cosA * cosA)) * ((angle > Math.PI) ? -1 : 1); // Place in correct domain } private ImageProcessor pad(ImageProcessor ip, int width, int height) { if (ip.getWidth() != width || ip.getHeight() != height) { ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.createProcessor(width, height); ip2.insert(ip, 0, 0); return ip2; } return ip; } /** * Convert an image into a Fourier image with real and imaginary parts * * @param ip * The image * @return the real and imaginary parts */ public FloatProcessor[] getComplexFFT(ImageProcessor ip) { FloatProcessor taperedDataImage = getSquareTaperedImage(ip); FHT2 fht = new FHT2(taperedDataImage); fht.setShowProgress(false); fht.transform(); ImageStack stack1 = fht.getComplexTransform(); return getProcessors(stack1); } private FloatProcessor[] getProcessors(ImageStack stack1) { FloatProcessor[] ret = new FloatProcessor[2]; ret[0] = ((FloatProcessor) stack1.getProcessor(1)); ret[1] = ((FloatProcessor) stack1.getProcessor(2)); return ret; } /** Max size for Fourier images. Must be a power of 2 that is smalled that Math.sqrt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) */ private static final int MAX_SIZE = 32768; /** * Returns the closest power-of-two number greater than or equal to x. * <p> * Copied from the JTransforms library class edu.emory.mathcs.utils.ConcurrencyUtils. * * * @param x * @return the closest power-of-two number greater than or equal to x */ public static int nextPow2(int x) { if (x < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("x must be greater or equal 1"); if ((x & (x - 1)) == 0) { return x; // x is already a power-of-two number } x |= (x >>> 1); x |= (x >>> 2); x |= (x >>> 4); x |= (x >>> 8); x |= (x >>> 16); x |= (x >>> 32); return x + 1; } private double taperedImageMean; /** * Applies a Tukey window function to the image and then pads it to the next square size power of two. * * @param dataImage * @return The square tapered image */ public FloatProcessor getSquareTaperedImage(ImageProcessor dataImage) { taperedImageMean = 0; final int size = FastMath.max(dataImage.getWidth(), dataImage.getHeight()); if (size > MAX_SIZE) return null; // Too large so error // Use a Tukey window function float[] taperX = getWindowFunctionX(dataImage.getWidth()); float[] taperY = getWindowFunctionY(dataImage.getHeight()); // Pad to a power of 2 final int newSize = nextPow2(size); dataImage = dataImage.toFloat(0, null); float[] data = (float[]) dataImage.getPixels(); float[] pixels = new float[newSize * newSize]; // Note that the limits at 0 and size-1 the taper is zero so this can be ignored final int maxy_1 = dataImage.getHeight() - 1; final int maxx_1 = dataImage.getWidth() - 1; final int oldWidth = dataImage.getWidth(); for (int y = 1; y < maxy_1; y++) { final float yTmp = taperY[y]; for (int x = 1, i = y * oldWidth + 1, ii = y * newSize + 1; x < maxx_1; x++, i++, ii++) { float v = data[i] * taperX[x] * yTmp; taperedImageMean += v; pixels[ii] = v; } } // Take the mean over the non-padded image size taperedImageMean /= (dataImage.getPixelCount()); return new FloatProcessor(newSize, newSize, pixels, null); } // Cache the Tukey window function. // Using methods to check the length should make it thread safe since we create an instance reference // to an array of the correct length. private static float[] taperX = new float[0], taperY = new float[0]; private static float[] getWindowFunctionX(int size) { float[] taper = getWindowFunction(taperX, size); taperX = taper; return taper; } private static float[] getWindowFunctionY(int size) { float[] taper = getWindowFunction(taperY, size); taperY = taper; return taper; } private static float[] getWindowFunction(float[] taper, int size) { if (taper.length != size) { // Re-use cached values taper = check(taperX, size); if (taper != null) return taper; taper = check(taperY, size); if (taper != null) return taper; taper = getTukeyWindowFunction(size); } return taper; } private static float[] check(float[] taper, int size) { return (taper.length == size) ? taper : null; } private static float[] getTukeyWindowFunction(int size) { float[] taper = new float[size]; //// Original code. This created a non-symmetric window //final int boundary = size / 8; //final int upperBoundary = size - boundary; //for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) //{ // if ((i < boundary) || (i >= upperBoundary)) // { // final double d = Math.sin(12.566370614359172D * i / size); // taper[i] = (float) (d * d); // } // else // { // taper[i] = 1; // } //} // New optimised code. This matches ImageWindow.tukey(size, 0.25) final int boundary = size / 8; final int middle = size / 2; final double FOUR_PI_OVER_SIZE = 12.566370614359172D / (size - 1); { int i = 1, j = size - 2; while (i <= boundary) { final double d = Math.sin(FOUR_PI_OVER_SIZE * i); taper[i++] = taper[j--] = (float) (d * d); } while (i <= middle) { taper[i++] = taper[j--] = 1f; } } //// Use the GDSC ImageWindow class: //// FRC has Image width / Width of edge region = 8 so use alpha 0.25. //double[] w = gdsc.core.utils.ImageWindow.tukey(size, 0.25); //for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) //{ // System.out.printf("[%d] %f %f\n", i, w[i], taper[i]); // taper[i] = (float) w[i]; //} return taper; } /** * Adapted from ij.process.ImageProcessor.getInterpolatedValue(int,int). * <p> * Removed bounds checking and compute multiple values at the same time for multiple images. * * @param x * @param y * @return */ private double[] getInterpolatedValues(final double x, final double y, float[][] images, final int maxx) { final int xbase = (int) x; final int ybase = (int) y; double xFraction = x - xbase; double yFraction = y - ybase; if (xFraction < 0.0) xFraction = 0.0; if (yFraction < 0.0) yFraction = 0.0; final int lowerLeftIndex = ybase * maxx + xbase; final int lowerRightIndex = lowerLeftIndex + 1; final int upperLeftIndex = lowerLeftIndex + maxx; final int upperRightIndex = upperLeftIndex + 1; final int noImages = 3; //images.length; double[] values = new double[noImages]; for (int i = 0; i < noImages; i++) { final float[] image = images[i]; final double lowerLeft = image[lowerLeftIndex]; final double lowerRight = image[lowerRightIndex]; final double upperRight = image[upperLeftIndex]; final double upperLeft = image[upperRightIndex]; final double upperAverage = upperLeft + xFraction * (upperRight - upperLeft); final double lowerAverage = lowerLeft + xFraction * (lowerRight - lowerLeft); values[i] = lowerAverage + yFraction * (upperAverage - lowerAverage); } return values; } /** * Perform LOESS smoothing on the FRC curve. * <p> * The correlation values are smoothed using a LOESS interpolation with the given parameters. If smoothing fails the * original curve values are returned. If successful then the input curve is optionally copied and updated with the * smoothed correlation. * * @param frcCurve * the frc curve * @param bandwidth * the bandwidth * @param robustness * the robustness * @param inPlace * Set to true to modify the correlation in place (do not create a copy) * @return A new FRC curve */ private static FRCCurve getSmoothedCurve(FRCCurve frcCurve, double bandwidth, int robustness, boolean inPlace) { double[] xVals = new double[frcCurve.getSize()]; double[] yVals = new double[frcCurve.getSize()]; for (int i = 0; i < frcCurve.getSize(); i++) { xVals[i] = frcCurve.get(i).getRadius(); yVals[i] = frcCurve.get(i).getCorrelation(); } double[] ySmoothed = new double[frcCurve.getSize()]; try { LoessInterpolator loess = new LoessInterpolator(bandwidth, robustness); ySmoothed = loess.smooth(xVals, yVals); if (!inPlace) frcCurve = frcCurve.copy(); for (int i = 0; i < frcCurve.getSize(); i++) frcCurve.get(i).setCorrelation(ySmoothed[i]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return frcCurve; } /** * Perform LOESS smoothing on the FRC curve * <p> * | * The correlation values are smoothed using a LOESS interpolation with bandwidth of 0.0707 and robustness of 0. * If smoothing fails the original curve values are returned. If successful then the input curve is optionally * copied and updated with the smoothed correlation. * * @param frcCurve * the frc curve * @param inPlace * Set to true to modify the correlation in place (do not create a copy) * @return A new FRC curve */ public static FRCCurve getSmoothedCurve(FRCCurve frcCurve, boolean inPlace) { double bandwidth = 0.0707; int robustness = 0; return getSmoothedCurve(frcCurve, bandwidth, robustness, inPlace); } private final static double TWO_PI = 2.0 * Math.PI; /** * Calculate the curve representing the minimum correlation required to distinguish two images for each * resolution * in the input FRC curve. * * @param frcCurve * @param thresholdMethod * @return The threshold curve representing the threshold for each input spatial frequency */ public static double[] calculateThresholdCurve(FRCCurve frcCurve, ThresholdMethod thresholdMethod) { double[] threshold = new double[frcCurve.getSize()]; // ADH: // Half-Bit and 3 Sigma are explained in Supp section 5.4. However this is based on // Heel, et al (2005) which gives a better explanation so I have updated using their // equations. // Equation S.84 has an error compared to equation (13) in Heel. In fact equation (17) // from Heel is what should be implemented for Half-bit. // Note: The original code used frcCurve.get(i)[2] which holds the number of samples that // were taken from the circle. This makes the curve dependent on the number of samples // taken (e.g. half-circle/full-circle with different sampling factors). // To make the curve sampling independent I assume 2*pi*r samples were taken. // See: Heel, M. v. & Schatz, M. Fourier shell correlation threshold criteria. J. Struct. Bio. 151, 250–262 (2005). // Fourier Shell Radius: // This is set to 1 for r==0 in Heel double nr = 1; int sigma = 0; // For the N-sigma methods switch (thresholdMethod) { // This is first as it is the most commonly used case FIXED_1_OVER_7: Arrays.fill(threshold, 1.0 / 7.0); break; // Note: The bit curve approach unity when r==0, i.e. nr=1 case HALF_BIT: // This is actually equation (17) from Heel: calculateBitCurve(threshold, 0.5); break; case ONE_BIT: // This is equation (14) from Heel: calculateBitCurve(threshold, 1); break; case TWO_BIT: calculateBitCurve(threshold, 2); break; // We use fall through here to increment sigma to the appropriate level. case FOUR_SIGMA: sigma++; case THREE_SIGMA: sigma++; case TWO_SIGMA: sigma++; case ONE_SIGMA: sigma++; for (int i = 0; i < threshold.length; i++, nr = TWO_PI * i) { // Note: frcCurve.get(i)[2] holds the number of samples that were taken from the circle. //threshold[i] = (3.0 / Math.sqrt(frcCurve.get(i)[2] / 2.0)); // Heel, Equation (2): // We actually want to know the number of pixels contained in the Fourier shell of radius r. // We can compute this assuming we sampled the full circle 2*pi*r. threshold[i] = sigma / Math.sqrt(nr / 2.0); } break; default: Arrays.fill(threshold, 1.0 / 7.0); } return threshold; } /** * Compute the threshold curve for the given number of bits * * @param threshold * @param bits */ private static void calculateBitCurve(final double[] threshold, double bits) { // This is adapted from equation (13) from Heel // See: Heel, M. v. & Schatz, M. Fourier shell correlation threshold criteria. J. Struct. Bio. 151, 250–262 (2005). // Approach unity when r -> 0: threshold[0] = 1; // Find the SNR in each half of the dataset: // "because the total reconstruction, being the sum of the two half-data // set reconstructions, will have twice the SNR value of each of the half // data sets" // Eq. (15) = log2(SNR+1) = n-bits final double snr = (Math.pow(2, bits) - 1) / 2; final double snr1 = snr + 1; final double twoRootSnr = 2 * Math.sqrt(snr); final double twoRootSnr1 = twoRootSnr + 1; // Sense check: // 1/2-bit is equation (17) from Heel: // snr = 0.2071, twoRootSnr = 0.9102 // 1-bit is equation (14) from Heel: // snr = 0.5, twoRootSnr = 1.4142 for (int i = 1; i < threshold.length; i++) { // nr = number of samples in Fourier circle = 2*pi*r final double sqrtNr = Math.sqrt(TWO_PI * i); threshold[i] = ((snr + twoRootSnr1 / sqrtNr) / (snr1 + twoRootSnr / sqrtNr)); } } /** * Computes the crossing points of the FRC curve and the threshold curve. The intersections can be used to * determine * the image resolution using {@link #getCorrectIntersection(ArrayList, ThresholdMethod)} * * @param frcCurve * @param thresholdCurve * @param max * The maximum number of intersections to compute * @return The crossing points */ public static double[][] getIntersections(FRCCurve frcCurve, double[] thresholdCurve, int max) { if (frcCurve.getSize() != thresholdCurve.length) { System.err.println("Error: Unable to calculate FRC curve intersections due to input length mismatch."); return null; } double[][] intersections = new double[Math.min(max, frcCurve.getSize() - 1)][]; int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i < frcCurve.getSize(); i++) { // // // x1,y1 x4,y4 // ** ++ // ** ++ // **++ P(x,y) // ++ ** // ++ ** // ++ ** // x3,y3 ** // x2,y2 final double y1 = frcCurve.get(i - 1).getCorrelation(); final double y2 = frcCurve.get(i).getCorrelation(); final double y3 = thresholdCurve[i - 1]; final double y4 = thresholdCurve[i]; // Check if they cross if (!((y3 >= y1 && y4 < y2) || (y1 >= y3 && y2 < y4))) { continue; } final double x1 = frcCurve.get(i - 1).getRadius(); final double x2 = frcCurve.get(i).getRadius(); final double x3 = x1; final double x4 = x2; final double x1_x2 = x1 - x2; final double x3_x4 = x3 - x4; final double y1_y2 = y1 - y2; final double y3_y4 = y3 - y4; // Check if lines are parallel if (x1_x2 * y3_y4 - y1_y2 * x3_x4 == 0) { if (y1 == y3) // The lines are the same intersections[count++] = new double[] { x1, y1 }; } else { // Find intersection double px = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * x3_x4 - x1_x2 * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / (x1_x2 * y3_y4 - y1_y2 * x3_x4); //double px = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / // ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4)); //double py = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)) / // ((x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4)); // Check if the intersection is within the two points // Q. Is this necessary given the intersection check above? if (px >= x1 && px < x2) { double py = Maths.interpolateY(x1, y3, x2, y4, px); intersections[count++] = new double[] { px, py }; } } if (count >= max) break; } return Arrays.copyOf(intersections, count); } /** * Get the correction intersection representing the image resolution. The intersection chosen depends on the * method used to calculate the threshold curve using {@link #calculateThresholdCurve(double[][], ThresholdMethod)} * <p> * The intersection corresponds the lowest spatial frequency at which there is no significant correlation * between the images. * * @param intersections * @param thresholdMethod * @return The intersection (or null if no crossings) */ public static double[] getCorrectIntersection(double[][] intersections, ThresholdMethod thresholdMethod) { if (intersections == null || intersections.length == 0) return null; int pos = 0; switch (thresholdMethod) { case FIXED_1_OVER_7: // always use the first intersection break; // The N-sigma curves are above 1 at close to zero spatial frequency. // The bit curves are 1 at zero spatial frequency. // This means that any FRC curve starting around 1 (due to smoothing) // may cross the line twice. // If so the second crossing is the one that is desired. default: if (intersections.length == 2) { // Choose the intersection. Just discard an intersection with a correlation above 0.9 if (intersections[0][1] > 0.9) pos++; } } return intersections[pos]; } /** * Utility function that calculates the Fourier Image Resolution (FIRE) number using the provided images. * * @param ip1 * the first image * @param ip2 * the second image * @param nmPerPixel * the nm per pixel * @param thresholdMethod * the threshold method * @return The FIRE number (in pixels) and the correlation */ public double calculateFireNumber(ImageProcessor ip1, ImageProcessor ip2, double nmPerPixel, ThresholdMethod thresholdMethod) { FRCCurve frcCurve = calculateFrcCurve(ip1, ip2, nmPerPixel); if (frcCurve == null) return Double.NaN; return calculateFireNumber(frcCurve, thresholdMethod); } /** * Utility function that calculates the Fourier Image Resolution (FIRE) number using the provided FRC curve * data. * * @param frcCurve * the frc curve * @param thresholdMethod * the threshold method * @return The FIRE number (in pixels) */ public static double calculateFireNumber(FRCCurve frcCurve, ThresholdMethod thresholdMethod) { FIREResult result = calculateFire(frcCurve, thresholdMethod); if (result == null) return Double.NaN; return result.fireNumber; } /** * Utility function that calculates the Fourier Image Resolution (FIRE) number using the provided images. * * @param ip1 * the first image * @param ip2 * the second image * @param nmPerPixel * the nm per pixel * @param thresholdMethod * the method * @return The FIRE result (null if computation failed) */ public FIREResult calculateFire(ImageProcessor ip1, ImageProcessor ip2, double nmPerPixel, ThresholdMethod thresholdMethod) { FRCCurve frcCurve = calculateFrcCurve(ip1, ip2, nmPerPixel); if (frcCurve == null) return null; frcCurve = getSmoothedCurve(frcCurve, false); return calculateFire(frcCurve, thresholdMethod); } /** * Utility function that calculates the Fourier Image Resolution (FIRE) number using the provided FRC curve * data. * * @param frcCurve * the frc curve * @param thresholdMethod * the threshold method * @return The FIRE result (null if computation failed) */ public static FIREResult calculateFire(FRCCurve frcCurve, ThresholdMethod thresholdMethod) { double[] thresholdCurve = calculateThresholdCurve(frcCurve, thresholdMethod); double[][] intersections = getIntersections(frcCurve, thresholdCurve, 2); if (intersections != null && intersections.length != 0) { double[] intersection = getCorrectIntersection(intersections, thresholdMethod); double fireNumber = frcCurve.fieldOfView / intersection[0]; return new FIREResult(frcCurve.nmPerPixel * fireNumber, intersection[1]); } else { // Edge case where the entire curve has a correlation of 1. // This happens when the two split images are the same, e.g. comparing a dataset to itself. if (perfect(frcCurve)) return new FIREResult(0, 1); } return null; } private static boolean perfect(FRCCurve frcCurve) { for (int i = 0; i < frcCurve.getSize(); i++) { if (frcCurve.get(i).getCorrelation() != 1) return false; } return true; } /** * Apply spurious correlation correction using the Q-factor. Follows the method described in Niewenhuizen, et al * (2013), on-line methods. This method computes a value that is subtracted from the numerator of the FRC and * added to the denominator of the FRC before computing the correlation. The correlation in the FRC curve will be * updated. The sums of the FRC curve are unchanged. * <p> * The localisation precision is input in units of nm. This is converted using the nmPerPixel stored in the FRC * curve object into units of super-resolution pixels. * <p> * The correlation can be reset by calling this method with a Q-value of zero. * <p> * Note: Spurious correlation correction is only useful when computing the resolution of a single set of * localisations split into two images. In this case the same emitter can be present in both images leading to * spurious contribution to the correlation. Correction can be omitted providing the number of emitters is * sufficiently high and the sample has spectral signal content at the computed resolution for the uncorrected * curve (see Niewenhuizen, et al (2013), Nature Methods, 10, 557, Supplementary Material p.22). * * @param frcCurve * the frc curve * @param qValue * the q value * @param mean * the mean of the Gaussian localisation precision (in units of nm) * @param sigma * the width of the Gaussian localisation precision (in units of nm) */ public static void applyQCorrection(FRCCurve frcCurve, double qValue, double mean, double sigma) { if (qValue <= 0) { // Reset the correlation for (int i = 1; i < frcCurve.getSize(); i++) frcCurve.get(i).setCorrelation(frcCurve.get(i).getNumerator() / frcCurve.get(i).getDenominator()); return; } // q must be in pixel units double[] q = computeQ(frcCurve, false); // H(q) is the factor in the correlation averages related to the localization // uncertainties that depends on the mean and width of the // distribution of localization uncertainties double[] hq = computeHq(q, mean / frcCurve.nmPerPixel, sigma / frcCurve.nmPerPixel); // Precompute Q normalisation double qNorm = (1 / frcCurve.mean1 + 1 / frcCurve.mean2); qValue /= qNorm; // Subtract the average residual correlation from the numerator and add to the denominator for (int i = 1; i < frcCurve.getSize(); i++) { // The numerator and denominator are computed using the radial sum. // Convert this to the radial mean by dividing by the number of samples. int n = frcCurve.get(i).getNumberOfSamples(); double numerator = frcCurve.get(i).getNumerator() / n; double denominator = frcCurve.get(i).getDenominator() / n; // Matlab code provided by Bernd Reiger computes the residual as: // Q/Qnorm*sinc(q).^2.*exp(-4*pi^2*sigma_mean^2*q.^2./(1+8*pi^2*sigma_std^2*q.^2))./sqrt(1+8*pi^2*sigma_std^2*q.^2); // Qnorm = (1/mean1+1/mean2); // Matlab sinc is sin(pi*x) / pi*x double sinc_q = sinc(Math.PI * q[i]); double residual = qValue * sinc_q * sinc_q * hq[i]; frcCurve.get(i).setCorrelation((numerator - residual) / (denominator + residual)); } } private static double sinc(double x) { return Math.sin(x) / x; } /** * Compute q. This is defined as 1/L, 2/L, ..., for all the spatial frequencies in the FRC curve where L is the * size of the field of view. This is converted to nm using the pixel size of the input image. * * @param frcCurve * the frc curve * @param nmPerPixel * the nm per pixel in the images used to compute the FRC curve * @return the q array (in nm^-1) */ private static double[] computeQ(FRCCurve frcCurve, double nmPerPixel) { final double L = frcCurve.fieldOfView; double[] q = new double[frcCurve.getSize()]; double conversion = 1.0 / (L * nmPerPixel); for (int i = 0; i < q.length; i++) { q[i] = frcCurve.get(i).radius * conversion; } return q; } /** * Compute q. This is defined as 1/L, 2/L, ..., for all the spatial frequencies in the FRC curve where L is the * size of the field of view. This is optionally converted to nm using the pixel size units in the FRC curve. * * @param frcCurve * the frc curve * @param useUnits * Set to true to convert the pixel units to nm * @return the q array */ public static double[] computeQ(FRCCurve frcCurve, boolean useUnits) { return computeQ(frcCurve, (useUnits) ? frcCurve.nmPerPixel : 1); } /** * Compute the localization PDF factor H(q) for all q. This is the integral of the distribution function of the * localisation uncertainty. It is assumed to Gaussian with the specified mean and width. * * @param q * the q array * @param mean * the mean of the Gaussian (in units of super-resolution pixels) * @param sigma * the width of the Gaussian (in units of super-resolution pixels) * @return the Hq array */ public static double[] computeHq(double[] q, double mean, double sigma) { // H(q) is the factor in the correlation averages related to the localization // uncertainties that depends on the mean and width of the // distribution of localization uncertainties double[] hq = new double[q.length]; final double four_pi2 = 4 * Math.PI * Math.PI; double eight_pi2_s2 = 2 * four_pi2 * sigma * sigma; hq[0] = 1; for (int i = 1; i < q.length; i++) { double q2 = q[i] * q[i]; double d = 1 + eight_pi2_s2 * q2; hq[i] = FastMath.exp((-four_pi2 * mean * mean * q2) / d) / Math.sqrt(d); } return hq; } }