package gdsc.smlm.fitting; import gdsc.core.logging.Logger; import gdsc.core.match.FractionalAssignment; import gdsc.core.utils.Maths; import gdsc.core.utils.NotImplementedException; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.ApacheLVMFitter; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.BaseFunctionSolver; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.BoundedNonLinearFit; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.MaximumLikelihoodFitter; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.MaximumLikelihoodFitter.SearchMethod; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.NonLinearFit; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.StoppingCriteria; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.stop.ErrorStoppingCriteria; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.stop.GaussianStoppingCriteria; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.stop.ParameterStoppingCriteria; import gdsc.smlm.function.NoiseModel; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.Gaussian2DFunction; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.GaussianFunctionFactory; import gdsc.smlm.results.PeakResult; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.BasePreprocessedPeakResult; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.BasePreprocessedPeakResult.ResultType; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.DirectFilter; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.FilterType; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiFilter; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiFilter2; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult; /** * Specifies the fitting configuration for Gaussian fitting */ public class FitConfiguration implements Cloneable, IDirectFilter { private FitCriteria fitCriteria; private Logger log = null; private double delta = 0.0001; private double initialAngle = 0; // Radians private double initialSD0 = 1; private double initialSD1 = 1; private boolean computeDeviations = false; private FitSolver fitSolver; private int minIterations = 0; private int maxIterations = 20; private int significantDigits = 5; private FitFunction fitFunction; private int flags; private boolean backgroundFitting = true; private boolean notSignalFitting = false; private double coordinateShift = 1; private double shiftFactor = 1; private int fitRegionWidth = 0, fitRegionHeight = 0; private double coordinateOffset = 0.5; private double signalThreshold = 0; private double signalStrength = 0; private double minPhotons = 30; private double precisionThreshold = 1600; // == 40nm * 40nm; private boolean precisionUsingBackground = false; private double nmPerPixel = 0; private double gain = 0; private boolean emCCD = true; private boolean modelCamera = false; private double noise = 0; private double minWidthFactor = 0.5; private double widthFactor = 2; private double lambda = 10; private boolean computeResiduals = true; private double duplicateDistance = 0.5; private double bias = 0; private double readNoise = 0; private double amplification = 0; private int maxFunctionEvaluations; private SearchMethod searchMethod; private boolean gradientLineMinimisation = false; private double relativeThreshold = 1e-6; private double absoluteThreshold = 1e-16; // Options for the bounded LVM private boolean useClamping = false; private boolean useDynamicClamping = false; private double[] clampValues; private int nClampPeaks; private static double[] defaultClampValues; static { defaultClampValues = new double[7]; // Taken from the 3D-DAO-STORM paper: // (Babcock et al. 2012) A high-density 3D localization algorithm for stochastic optical // reconstruction microscopy. Optical Nanoscopy. 2012 1:6 // DOI: 10.1186/2192-2853-1-6 // Page 3 // Note: It is not clear if the background/signal are in ADUs or photons. I assume photons. defaultClampValues[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = 100; defaultClampValues[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = 1000; defaultClampValues[Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE] = Math.PI; defaultClampValues[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = 1; defaultClampValues[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = 1; defaultClampValues[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = 3; defaultClampValues[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = 3; } private StoppingCriteria stoppingCriteria = null; private Gaussian2DFunction gaussianFunction = null; private NoiseModel noiseModel = null; private BaseFunctionSolver functionSolver = null; private DynamicPeakResult dynamicPeakResult = new DynamicPeakResult(); // Flag to indicate simple filtering is enabled //private boolean simpleFilter = true; // Support using a smart filter and disabling the simple filtering private boolean disableSimpleFilter = false; private boolean smartFilter = false; private String smartFilterXML = ""; private DirectFilter directFilter = null; private int filterResult = 0; private boolean widthEnabled; private float offset; /** * Default constructor */ public FitConfiguration() { initialiseState(); } /** * Creates the appropriate stopping criteria and Gaussian function for the configuration * * @param npeaks * The number of peaks to fit * @param maxx * The width of the XY data * @param maxx * The height of the XY data * @param params * The Gaussian parameters */ public void initialise(int npeaks, int maxx, int maxy, double[] params) { // Check if the Gaussian function is invalid if (gaussianFunction != null && (gaussianFunction.getNPeaks() != npeaks || gaussianFunction.getMaxX() != maxx || gaussianFunction.getMaxY() != maxy)) { // The gaussian function cannot be reused. // Do not call invalidate as it also invalidates the solver and we can re-use that. //invalidateGaussianFunction(); gaussianFunction = null; } if (gaussianFunction == null) { // TODO : See if this works ... // We can update the function solver with the new function so do not invalidate the solver //invalidateFunctionSolver(); gaussianFunction = createGaussianFunction(npeaks, maxx, maxy, params); } if (stoppingCriteria == null) { // Requires a new function solver invalidateFunctionSolver(); stoppingCriteria = createStoppingCriteria(gaussianFunction, params); } } /** * Creates the appropriate stopping criteria for the configuration * * @param func * The Gaussian function * @param params * The Gaussian parameters * @return The stopping criteria */ public StoppingCriteria createStoppingCriteria(Gaussian2DFunction func, double[] params) { StoppingCriteria stoppingCriteria; if (fitCriteria == FitCriteria.PARAMETERS) { ParameterStoppingCriteria sc = new ParameterStoppingCriteria(func); sc.setSignificantDigits(significantDigits); addPeakRestrictions(func, sc, params); stoppingCriteria = sc; } else if (fitCriteria == FitCriteria.COORDINATES) { GaussianStoppingCriteria sc = new GaussianStoppingCriteria(func); sc.setDelta(delta); addPeakRestrictions(func, sc, params); stoppingCriteria = sc; } else { ErrorStoppingCriteria sc = new ErrorStoppingCriteria(); sc.setSignificantDigits(significantDigits); sc.setAvoidPlateau(fitCriteria == FitCriteria.LEAST_SQUARED_PLUS); stoppingCriteria = sc; } // Removed to reduce verbosity of logging output //stoppingCriteria.setLog(log); stoppingCriteria.setMinimumIterations(minIterations); stoppingCriteria.setMaximumIterations(maxIterations); return stoppingCriteria; } /** * Add restrictions on peak during fitting * * @param func * @param sc */ protected void addPeakRestrictions(Gaussian2DFunction func, GaussianStoppingCriteria sc, double[] params) { // TODO - Check if it is worth using this to stop fitting early or simply do it at the end. sc.setMinimumSignal(0); // We could also set min and max positions and widths } /** * Creates the appropriate 2D Gaussian function for the configuration * * @param npeaks * The number of peaks to fit * @param maxx * The width of the XY data * @param maxx * The height of the XY data * @param params * The Gaussian parameters * @return The function */ public Gaussian2DFunction createGaussianFunction(int npeaks, int maxx, int maxy, double[] params) { final int flags = getFunctionFlags(); Gaussian2DFunction f = GaussianFunctionFactory.create2D(npeaks, maxx, maxy, flags, null); //f.initialise(params); return f; } /** * Gets the function flags used for the GaussianFunctionFactory. * * @return the function flags */ public int getFunctionFlags() { int flags = this.flags; if (isBackgroundFitting()) flags |= GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_BACKGROUND; if (isNotSignalFitting()) // Remove signal fitting (on by default) flags &= ~GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIGNAL; return flags; } /** * @param fitCriteria * the fit criteria to set */ public void setFitCriteria(int fitCriteria) { if (fitCriteria >= 0 && fitCriteria < FitCriteria.values().length) { setFitCriteria(FitCriteria.values()[fitCriteria]); } } /** * @param fitCriteria * the fit criteria to set */ public void setFitCriteria(FitCriteria fitCriteria) { invalidateStoppingCriteria(); this.fitCriteria = fitCriteria; } /** * @return the fit criteria */ public FitCriteria getFitCriteria() { return fitCriteria; } /** * @param log * the log to set. Used to output fit evaluations for each iteration */ public void setLog(Logger log) { this.log = log; } /** * @return the log */ public Logger getLog() { return log; } /** * @param delta * the delta to set for the fitting criteria */ public void setDelta(double delta) { invalidateStoppingCriteria(); = delta; } /** * @return the delta */ public double getDelta() { return delta; } /** * @param initialAngle * the initialAngle to set (in radians) */ public void setInitialAngle(double initialAngle) { this.initialAngle = initialAngle; } /** * @param initialAngle * the initialAngle to set (in degrees) */ public void setInitialAngleD(double initialAngle) { this.initialAngle = (double) (initialAngle * Math.PI / 180.0); } /** * @return the initialAngle (in radians) */ public double getInitialAngle() { return initialAngle; } /** * @return the initialAngle (in degrees) */ public double getInitialAngleD() { return (double) (initialAngle * 180.0 / Math.PI); } /** * @param initialPeakStdDev * An estimate for the peak standard deviation used to initialise the fit for all dimensions */ public void setInitialPeakStdDev(double initialPeakStdDev) { setInitialPeakStdDev0(initialPeakStdDev); setInitialPeakStdDev1(initialPeakStdDev); } /** * Set an estimate for the peak standard deviation used to initialise the fit for dimension 0 * <p> * Setting this will update the value in {@link #getCoordinateShift()} * * @param initialPeakStdDev0 * An estimate for the peak standard deviation used to initialise the fit for dimension 0 */ public void setInitialPeakStdDev0(double initialPeakStdDev0) { this.initialSD0 = initialPeakStdDev0; updateCoordinateShift(); } /** * @return An estimate for the peak standard deviation used to initialise the fit for dimension 0 */ public double getInitialPeakStdDev0() { return initialSD0; } /** * Set an estimate for the peak standard deviation used to initialise the fit for dimension 1 * <p> * Setting this will update the value in {@link #getCoordinateShift()} * * @param initialPeakStdDev1 * An estimate for the peak standard deviation used to initialise the fit for dimension 1 */ public void setInitialPeakStdDev1(double initialPeakStdDev1) { this.initialSD1 = initialPeakStdDev1; updateCoordinateShift(); } /** * @return An estimate for the peak standard deviation used to initialise the fit for dimension 1 */ public double getInitialPeakStdDev1() { return initialSD1; } /** * @param computeDeviations * True if computing the parameter deviations */ public void setComputeDeviations(boolean computeDeviations) { this.computeDeviations = computeDeviations; } /** * @return True if computing the parameter deviations */ public boolean isComputeDeviations() { return computeDeviations; } /** * @return the fit solver used to fit the point spread function (PSF) */ public FitSolver getFitSolver() { return fitSolver; } /** * @param fitSolver * the fit solver to use to fit the point spread function (PSF) */ public void setFitSolver(FitSolver fitSolver) { this.fitSolver = fitSolver; } /** * @param fitSolver * the fit solver to use to fit the point spread function (PSF) */ public void setFitSolver(int fitSolver) { if (fitSolver >= 0 && fitSolver < FitSolver.values().length) { setFitSolver(FitSolver.values()[fitSolver]); } } /** * @param minIterations * the minIterations to set */ public void setMinIterations(int minIterations) { invalidateStoppingCriteria(); this.minIterations = minIterations; } /** * @return the minIterations */ public int getMinIterations() { return minIterations; } /** * @param maxIterations * the maxIterations to set */ public void setMaxIterations(int maxIterations) { invalidateStoppingCriteria(); invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.maxIterations = maxIterations; } /** * @return the maxIterations */ public int getMaxIterations() { return maxIterations; } /** * @param significantDigits * the significant digits for computing if the parameters have changed * @see gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitCriteria */ public void setSignificantDigits(int significantDigits) { invalidateStoppingCriteria(); this.significantDigits = significantDigits; } /** * @return the significant digits for computing if the parameters have changed */ public int getSignificantDigits() { return significantDigits; } /** * @param backgroundFitting * True if fitting the background */ public void setBackgroundFitting(boolean backgroundFitting) { invalidateGaussianFunction(); this.backgroundFitting = backgroundFitting; } /** * @return True if fitting the background */ public boolean isBackgroundFitting() { return backgroundFitting; } /** * Use this to turn off fitting of the signal. This should be used with caution. The setting only applies to fixed * width fitting and can be used to benchmark position accuracy when fitting signals of known strength. * * @param noSignalFitting * True if not fitting the signal */ public void setNotSignalFitting(boolean noSignalFitting) { invalidateGaussianFunction(); this.notSignalFitting = noSignalFitting; } /** * @return True if not fitting the signal. The setting only applies to fixed width fitting */ public boolean isNotSignalFitting() { return notSignalFitting; } /** * @return True if fitting an elliptical peak (with an angle parameter) */ public boolean isAngleFitting() { return (flags & GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_ANGLE) != 0; } /** * @return True if fitting the peak width in dimension 0 */ public boolean isWidth0Fitting() { return (flags & GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_X_WIDTH) != 0; } /** * @return True if fitting the peak width in dimension 1 */ public boolean isWidth1Fitting() { return (flags & GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_Y_WIDTH) != 0; } /** * @param fitFunction * the fitting function to use */ public void setFitFunction(int fitFunction) { if (fitFunction >= 0 && fitFunction < FitFunction.values().length) { setFitFunction(FitFunction.values()[fitFunction]); } } /** * @param fitFunction * the fitting function to use */ public void setFitFunction(FitFunction fitFunction) { invalidateGaussianFunction(); this.fitFunction = fitFunction; switch (fitFunction) { case CIRCULAR: flags = GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_CIRCLE; break; case FIXED: flags = GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_FIXED; break; case FREE_CIRCULAR: flags = GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_FREE_CIRCLE; break; case FREE: flags = GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_ELLIPTICAL; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown fitting function"); } } /** * @return the fitting function */ public FitFunction getFitFunction() { return fitFunction; } // /** // * @param fitValidation // * True if fit should be validated with {@link #validatePeak(int, double[], double[])} // */ // public void setFitValidation(boolean fitValidation) // { // } /** * @return True if fit should be validated with {@link #validatePeak(int, double[], double[])} */ public boolean isFitValidation() { return isDirectFilter() || isRegionValidation() || !isDisableSimpleFilter(); } /** * Set the maximum absolute coordinate shift for a good fit. This is also set when calling * {@link #setCoordinateShiftFactor(double)} or any of the standard deviations, e.g. * {@link #setInitialPeakStdDev(double)}. If these are set then the coordinate shift will change. * * @param coordinateShift * The maximum absolute coordinate shift for a good fit */ public void setCoordinateShift(double coordinateShift) { this.coordinateShift = coordinateShift; } /** * @return The maximum absolute coordinate shift for a good fit */ public double getCoordinateShift() { return coordinateShift; } /** * Set the maximum absolute coordinate shift for a good fit, relative to the largest peak width. * Set to zero to disable. * <p> * Setting this will update the value in {@link #getCoordinateShift()} * * @param shiftFactor * The maximum absolute coordinate shift for a good fit, relative to the largest peak width */ public void setCoordinateShiftFactor(double shiftFactor) { this.shiftFactor = (shiftFactor > 0) ? shiftFactor : 0; // Reset to zero for disabled values this.shiftFactor = getCoordinateShiftFactor(); updateCoordinateShift(); } private void updateCoordinateShift() { if (shiftFactor > 0) { final double widthMax = Maths.max(initialSD0, initialSD1); if (widthMax > 0) { setCoordinateShift(shiftFactor * widthMax); return; } } setCoordinateShift(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } /** * @return the coordinateShift relative the the largest peak width */ public double getCoordinateShiftFactor() { if (shiftFactor == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return 0; return shiftFactor; } /** * Set the size of the fit region. Any coordinate outside the region will fail fit validation (see * {@link #validatePeak(int, double[], double[])}). Set to zero to disable. * <p> * Note: it is assumed that the coordinates of the peak are relative to the fit region of size NxN. Coordinates are * offset by the amount defined by {@link #setCoordinateOffset(double)}. * * @param fitRegionWidth * the fit region width * @param fitRegionHeight * the fit region height * @param coordinateOffset * the coordinate offset when validating the coordinates are within the fit window */ public void setFitRegion(int fitRegionWidth, int fitRegionHeight, double coordinateOffset) { this.fitRegionWidth = Math.max(0, fitRegionWidth); this.fitRegionHeight = Math.max(0, fitRegionHeight); this.coordinateOffset = coordinateOffset; } /** * @return the width of the fit region used for validation */ public int getFitRegionWidth() { return fitRegionWidth; } private boolean isRegionValidation() { return fitRegionWidth != 0; } /** * @return the height of the fit region used for validation */ public int getFitRegionHeight() { return fitRegionHeight; } /** * @return the coordinate offset when validating the coordinates are within the fit window */ public double getCoordinateOffset() { return coordinateOffset; } /** * @param signalStrength * The signal strength. Used to determine the signal strength for a good fit (signalThreshold = * max(gain x minPhotons, noise x signalStrength). */ public void setSignalStrength(double signalStrength) { this.signalStrength = signalStrength; setSignalThreshold(); } /** * @return the signal strength */ public double getSignalStrength() { return signalStrength; } /** * @return The minimum number of photons */ public double getMinPhotons() { return minPhotons; } /** * @param minPhotons * The minimum number of photons. Used to determine the signal strength for a good fit (signalThreshold = * max(gain x minPhotons, noise x signalStrength). */ public void setMinPhotons(double minPhotons) { this.minPhotons = minPhotons; setSignalThreshold(); } /** * @return the precision threshold. Used to determine if the peak is a good fit. Requires that the image is * calibrated */ public double getPrecisionThreshold() { return (precisionThreshold > 0) ? Math.sqrt(precisionThreshold) : 0; } /** * @param precisionThreshold * the precisionThreshold to set */ public void setPrecisionThreshold(double precisionThreshold) { // Store the squared threshold this.precisionThreshold = precisionThreshold * precisionThreshold; } /** * @return True if calculating the precision using the fitted background */ public boolean isPrecisionUsingBackground() { return precisionUsingBackground; } /** * Set to true to calculate the precision using the fitted background. Set to false to use the configured noise * (which may not be reflective of the noise at the fit location). Using false will be consistent with results * analysis performed using a global estimated noise. * * @param precisionUsingBackground * True if calculating the precision using the fitted background */ public void setPrecisionUsingBackground(boolean precisionUsingBackground) { this.precisionUsingBackground = precisionUsingBackground; } /** * @param noise * The image noise. Used to determine the signal strength for a good fit (signalThreshold = * max(gain x minPhotons, noise x signalStrength). */ public void setNoise(double noise) { this.noise = noise; setSignalThreshold(); } /** * @return the image noise */ public double getNoise() { return noise; } private void setSignalThreshold() { signalThreshold = Math.max(noise * signalStrength, minPhotons * gain); } /** * @param widthFactor * The factor difference allowed between widths for a good fit */ public void setWidthFactor(double widthFactor) { if (widthFactor > 1) { this.widthFactor = widthFactor; } else { this.widthFactor = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } } /** * @return the widthFactor (or zero if not configured) */ public double getWidthFactor() { return (widthFactor == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) ? 0 : widthFactor; } /** * @param minWidthFactor * The minimum factor difference allowed between widths for a good fit */ public void setMinWidthFactor(double minWidthFactor) { if (minWidthFactor < 1 && minWidthFactor > 0) { this.minWidthFactor = minWidthFactor; } else { this.minWidthFactor = 0; } } /** * @return the minWidthFactor */ public double getMinWidthFactor() { return minWidthFactor; } /** * @return the stoppingCriteria */ public StoppingCriteria getStoppingCriteria() { return stoppingCriteria; } /** * Call this when a property changes that will change the stopping criteria */ private void invalidateStoppingCriteria() { stoppingCriteria = null; } /** * @return the gaussianFunction */ public Gaussian2DFunction getGaussianFunction() { return gaussianFunction; } /** * Call this when a property changes that will change the Gaussian function */ private void invalidateGaussianFunction() { gaussianFunction = null; invalidateFunctionSolver(); } /** * @return the result */ public FitStatus getValidationResult() { return result; } /** * @return Data associated with the validation result */ public Object getValidationData() { return statusData; } private FitStatus setValidationResult(FitStatus newResult, Object data) { result = newResult; statusData = data; return result; } private FitStatus result; private Object statusData; /** * Check peaks to see if the fit was sensible * * @param nPeaks * The number of peaks * @param initialParams * The initial peak parameters * @param params * The fitted peak parameters * @return True if the fit fails the criteria */ public FitStatus validateFit(int nPeaks, double[] initialParams, double[] params) { for (int n = 0; n < nPeaks; n++) { validatePeak(n, initialParams, params); if (result != FitStatus.OK) break; } return result; } /** * Check peak to see if the fit was sensible. Assumes a single peak. * * @param initialParams * The initial peak parameters * @param params * The fitted peak parameters * @return True if the fit fails the criteria */ public FitStatus validateFit(double[] initialParams, double[] params) { return validatePeak(0, initialParams, params); } /** * Check peak to see if the fit was sensible * * @param n * The peak number * @param initialParams * The initial peak parameters * @param params * The fitted peak parameters * @return True if the fit fails the criteria */ public FitStatus validatePeak(int n, double[] initialParams, double[] params) { if (isDirectFilter()) { // Always specify a new result and we have no local background or offset PreprocessedPeakResult peak = createPreprocessedPeakResult(0, n, initialParams, params, 0, ResultType.NEW, 0, 0, false); if (directFilter.accept(peak)) return setValidationResult(FitStatus.OK, null); if (log != null) {"Bad peak %d: %s", peak.getId(), DirectFilter.getStatusMessage(peak, directFilter.getResult())); } if (DirectFilter.anySet(directFilter.getResult(), V_X_SD_FACTOR | V_Y_SD_FACTOR)) { return setValidationResult(FitStatus.WIDTH_DIVERGED, null); } // At the moment we do not get any other validation data return setValidationResult(FitStatus.FAILED_SMART_FILTER, null); } // Check if outside the fit window. // TODO - Make this configurable per peak. At the moment we only use this in BenchmarkSpotFit where // additional peaks will be neighbours. In the future we may want to control this better. if (isRegionValidation()) { final int offset = n * 6; final double x = params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION + offset] + coordinateOffset; final double y = params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION + offset] + coordinateOffset; if (x <= 0 || x >= fitRegionWidth || y <= 0 || y >= fitRegionHeight) { if (log != null) {"Bad peak %d: Coordinates outside fit region (x=%g,y=%g) <> %d,%d", n, x, y, fitRegionWidth, fitRegionHeight); } return setValidationResult(FitStatus.OUTSIDE_FIT_REGION, new double[] { x, y, fitRegionWidth, fitRegionHeight }); } } if (isDisableSimpleFilter()) return setValidationResult(FitStatus.OK, null); final int offset = n * 6; // Check spot movement final double xShift = params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION + offset] - initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION + offset]; final double yShift = params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION + offset] - initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION + offset]; final double maxShift = coordinateShift; if (Math.abs(xShift) > maxShift || Math.abs(yShift) > maxShift) { if (log != null) {"Bad peak %d: Fitted coordinates moved (x=%g,y=%g) > %g", n, xShift, yShift, maxShift); } return setValidationResult(FitStatus.COORDINATES_MOVED, new double[] { xShift, yShift }); } // Check signal threshold final double signal = params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL + offset]; // Compare the signal to the desired signal strength if (signal < signalThreshold) { if (log != null) {"Bad peak %d: Insufficient signal %g (SNR=%g)\n", n, signal / ((gain > 0) ? gain : 1), signal / noise); } //if (params.length == 7) // Single peak // System.out.printf("Bad peak %d: Insufficient signal (%gx)\n", n, signal / noise); return setValidationResult(FitStatus.INSUFFICIENT_SIGNAL, signal); } // Check widths if (isWidth0Fitting()) { boolean badWidth = false; double xFactor = 0, yFactor = 0; xFactor = params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD + offset] / initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD + offset]; badWidth = (xFactor > widthFactor || xFactor < minWidthFactor); // Always do this (even if badWidth=true) since we need the factor for the return value if (isWidth1Fitting()) { yFactor = params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD + offset] / initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD + offset]; badWidth = (yFactor > widthFactor || yFactor < minWidthFactor); } else { yFactor = xFactor; } if (badWidth) { if (log != null) {"Bad peak %d: Fitted width diverged (x=%gx,y=%gx)\n", n, xFactor, yFactor); } return setValidationResult(FitStatus.WIDTH_DIVERGED, new double[] { xFactor, yFactor }); } } // Check precision if (precisionThreshold > 0 && nmPerPixel > 0 && gain > 0) { final double sd = (params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD + offset] + params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD + offset]) * 0.5; final double variance = getVariance(params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND], signal, sd, this.precisionUsingBackground); if (variance > precisionThreshold) { final double precision = Math.sqrt(variance); if (log != null) {"Bad peak %d: Insufficient precision (%gx)\n", n, precision); } return setValidationResult(FitStatus.INSUFFICIENT_PRECISION, precision); } } return setValidationResult(FitStatus.OK, null); } /** * Get the localisation variance for fitting a spot with the specified parameters given the configuration (fit * solver, precision using background, gain, nm per pixel). * <p> * We can calculate the precision using the estimated noise for the image or using the expected number * of background photons at the location. * * @param localBackground * The background * @param signal * The signal (in ADUs) * @param sd * The spot standard deviation * @param precisionUsingBackground * calculate the precision using expected number of background photons at the location * @return The localisation variance */ public double getVariance(double localBackground, final double signal, final double sd, boolean precisionUsingBackground) { double variance = 0; if (precisionUsingBackground) { // Check using the formula which uses the estimated background. // This allows for better filtering when the background is variable, e.g. when imaging cells. if (fitSolver == FitSolver.MLE) { try { // This may be slow due to the integration required within the formula. variance = PeakResult.getMLVarianceX(nmPerPixel, nmPerPixel * sd, signal / gain, Math.max(0, localBackground - bias) / gain, emCCD); } catch (Exception e) { // Catch all exceptions. They are likely to be a TooManyIterationsException and other // problems with the integration variance = PeakResult.getVarianceX(nmPerPixel, nmPerPixel * sd, signal / gain, Math.max(0, localBackground - bias) / gain, emCCD); } } else { variance = PeakResult.getVarianceX(nmPerPixel, nmPerPixel * sd, signal / gain, Math.max(0, localBackground - bias) / gain, emCCD); } } else { if (fitSolver == FitSolver.MLE) { try { // This may be slow due to the integration required within the formula. variance = PeakResult.getMLVariance(nmPerPixel, nmPerPixel * sd, signal / gain, noise / gain, emCCD); } catch (Exception e) { // Catch all exceptions. They are likely to be a TooManyIterationsException and other // problems with the integration variance = PeakResult.getVariance(nmPerPixel, nmPerPixel * sd, signal / gain, noise / gain, emCCD); } } else { variance = PeakResult.getVariance(nmPerPixel, nmPerPixel * sd, signal / gain, noise / gain, emCCD); } } return variance; } /** * An object that can return the results in a formatted state for the multi-path filter */ private class DynamicPeakResult implements PreprocessedPeakResult { int id, candidateId; int offset; double[] initialParams; double[] params; double localBackground; boolean existingResult; boolean newResult; float offsetx; float offsety; double var, var2; DynamicPeakResult(int candidateId, int n, double[] initialParams, double[] params, double localBackground, ResultType resultType, float offsetx, float offsety) { setParameters(candidateId, n, initialParams, params, localBackground, resultType, offsetx, offsety); } DynamicPeakResult() { var = var2 = -1; } /** * Sets the parameters. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @param n * The peak number * @param initialParams * The initial peak parameters * @param params * The fitted peak parameters * @param localBackground * the local background * @param resultType * the result type * @param offsetx * the offsetx * @param offsety * the offsety */ void setParameters(int candidateId, int n, double[] initialParams, double[] params, double localBackground, ResultType resultType, float offsetx, float offsety) { = n; this.candidateId = candidateId; offset = n * 6; this.initialParams = initialParams; this.params = params; this.localBackground = localBackground; this.existingResult = resultType == ResultType.EXISTING; this.newResult = resultType == ResultType.NEW; this.offsetx = offsetx; this.offsety = offsety; var = var2 = -1; } public int getFrame() { // Not implemented return 0; } public int getUniqueId() { // In the future we may want to use this so throw an exception so we notice throw new NotImplementedException("Unique Id not available"); } public int getId() { return id; } public int getCandidateId() { return candidateId; } public float getSignal() { return (float) params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL + offset]; } public float getPhotons() { return (float) (params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL + offset] / FitConfiguration.this.gain); } public float getSNR() { return (float) (params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL + offset] / getNoise()); } public float getNoise() { // Comment this out to use the configured local background. // If uncommented then the background will be either the local background or the fitted background. final double localBackground = getLocalBackground(); return (float) ((localBackground > bias) ? PeakResult.localBackgroundToNoise(localBackground - bias, gain, emCCD) : FitConfiguration.this.noise); } private double getLocalBackground() { return (localBackground > 0) ? localBackground : params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]; } public double getLocationVariance() { // We do not use the local background to set as zero if (var == -1) var = FitConfiguration.this.getVariance(0, params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL + offset], getSD(), false); return var; } public double getLocationVariance2() { if (var2 == -1) var2 = FitConfiguration.this.getVariance(getLocalBackground(), params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL + offset], getSD(), true); return var2; } public float getSD() { return (float) PeakResult.getSD(params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD + offset], params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD + offset]); } public float getBackground() { return (float) params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]; } public float getAmplitude() { return (float) (params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL + offset] / (2 * Math.PI * params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD + offset] * params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD + offset])); } public float getAngle() { return (float) params[Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE + offset]; } public float getX() { return (float) params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION + offset] + offsetx; } public float getY() { return (float) params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION + offset] + offsety; } public float getXRelativeShift2() { final double d = (params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION + offset] - initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION + offset]) / initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD + offset]; return (float) (d * d); } public float getYRelativeShift2() { final double d = (params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION + offset] - initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION + offset]) / initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD + offset]; return (float) (d * d); } public float getXSD() { return (float) params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD + offset]; } public float getYSD() { return (float) params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD + offset]; } public float getXSDFactor() { return (float) (params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD + offset] / initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD + offset]); } public float getYSDFactor() { return (float) (params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD + offset] / initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD + offset]); } public boolean isExistingResult() { return existingResult; } public boolean isNewResult() { return newResult; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult#getAssignments(int) */ public FractionalAssignment[] getAssignments(int predictedId) { return null; } public double[] toGaussian2DParameters() { final double[] p = new double[7]; p[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]; System.arraycopy(params, 1 + offset, p, 1, 6); p[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] += offsetx; p[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] += offsety; return p; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult#setValidationResult(int) */ public void setValidationResult(int result) { throw new NotImplementedException("The validation result should not be set on a dynamic result"); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult#getValidationResult() */ public int getValidationResult() { throw new NotImplementedException("The validation result should not be set on a dynamic result"); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult#ignore() */ public boolean ignore() { return false; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult#isNotDuplicate() */ public boolean isNotDuplicate() { return false; } } /** * Create a dynamic object that can return the results in a formatted state for the multi-path filter. * <p> * The result is dynamic in that it computes the values just-in-time using the input array data. * <p> * The result can be a recycled object that is associated with this fit configuration, or a new object. If using the * recycled object then a second call to this method will replace the array data on all references to the object. If * using a new object then this method can be called again with new data and the old reference is still valid. * <p> * Note: All returned objects will be linked with this fit configuration. Thus changing properties such as the gain, * noise or settings for computing the variance will result in changes to the values returned by the * PreprocessedPeakResult. * <p> * Note: XY position may be wrong if the input parameters have not been updated with an offset from fitting a * sub-region. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @param n * The peak number * @param initialParams * The initial peak parameters * @param params * The fitted peak parameters * @param localBackground * the local background * @param resultType * the result type * @param offsetx * the offsetx to adjust the x-position * @param offsety * the offsety to adjust the y-position * @return A preprocessed peak result */ public PreprocessedPeakResult createDynamicPreprocessedPeakResult(int candidateId, int n, double[] initialParams, double[] params, double localBackground, ResultType resultType, float offsetx, float offsety) { return createPreprocessedPeakResult(candidateId, n, initialParams, params, localBackground, resultType, offsetx, offsety, true); } /** * Create a dynamic object that can return the results in a formatted state for the multi-path filter. * <p> * The result is dynamic in that it computes the values just-in-time using the input array data. * <p> * The result can be a recycled object that is associated with this fit configuration, or a new object. If using the * recycled object then a second call to this method will replace the array data on all references to the object. If * using a new object then this method can be called again with new data and the old reference is still valid. * <p> * Note: All returned objects will be linked with this fit configuration. Thus changing properties such as the gain, * noise or settings for computing the variance will result in changes to the values returned by the * PreprocessedPeakResult. * <p> * Note: XY position may be wrong if the input parameters have not been updated with an offset from fitting a * sub-region. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @param n * The peak number * @param initialParams * The initial peak parameters * @param params * The fitted peak parameters * @param localBackground * the local background * @param resultType * the result type * @param offsetx * the offsetx to adjust the x-position * @param offsety * the offsety to adjust the y-position * @param newObject * Set to true to create a new object, the default uses the object associated with this fit configuration * @return A preprocessed peak result */ private PreprocessedPeakResult createPreprocessedPeakResult(int candidateId, int n, double[] initialParams, double[] params, double localBackground, ResultType resultType, float offsetx, float offsety, boolean newObject) { if (newObject) return new DynamicPeakResult(candidateId, n, initialParams, params, localBackground, resultType, offsetx, offsety); dynamicPeakResult.setParameters(candidateId, n, initialParams, params, localBackground, resultType, offsetx, offsety); return dynamicPeakResult; } /** * Create an object that can return the results in a formatted state for the multi-path filter. * <p> * The result is fixed in that it computes the values on construction using the input array data. * <p> * If a local background is provided then it is used instead of the fitted background. The local background can be * computed if a multi-peak fit has been performed since the background will be the global background, The local * background for a peak will be the global background plus the contribution of all the other peaks in the local * region around the peak of interest. * <p> * The local background will be used to estimate the noise in the local region (as photon shot noise) if it is above * the bias. * * @param frame * the frame * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @param n * The peak number * @param initialParameters * the initial parameters * @param parameters * the parameters * @param localBackground * the local background (set to negative to use the fitted background instead) * @param resultType * the result type * @param offsetx * the offsetx to adjust the x-position * @param offsety * the offsety to adjust the y-position * @return A preprocessed peak result */ public BasePreprocessedPeakResult createPreprocessedPeakResult(int frame, int candidateId, int n, double[] initialParameters, double[] parameters, double localBackground, ResultType resultType, float offsetx, float offsety) { final int offset = n * 6; final double signal = parameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]; final double photons = (parameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] / getGain()); final double b = (localBackground > 0) ? localBackground : parameters[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]; final double angle = parameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE]; final double x = parameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] + offsetx; final double y = parameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] + offsety; final double x0 = initialParameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] + offsetx; final double y0 = initialParameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] + offsety; final double xsd = parameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD]; final double ysd = parameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]; final double xsd0 = initialParameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD]; final double ysd0 = initialParameters[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]; final double variance = getVariance(0, signal, PeakResult.getSD(xsd, ysd), false); final double variance2 = getVariance(b, signal, PeakResult.getSD(xsd, ysd), true); // Q. Should noise be the local background or the estimate from the whole image? // This uses the local background if specified or the estimate from the whole image //final double noise = (localBackground > bias) // ? PeakResult.localBackgroundToNoise(localBackground - bias, this.gain, this.emCCD) : this.noise; // This uses the local fitted background to estimate the noise final double noise = (b > bias) ? PeakResult.localBackgroundToNoise(b - bias, this.gain, this.emCCD) : this.noise; return new BasePreprocessedPeakResult(frame, n, candidateId, signal, photons, noise, b, angle, x, y, x0, y0, xsd, ysd, xsd0, ysd0, variance, variance2, resultType); } /** * @param lambda * the lambda to start the Levenberg-Marquardt fitting process */ public void setLambda(double lambda) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.lambda = lambda; } /** * @return the lambda */ public double getLambda() { return lambda; } /** * @return the computeResiduals */ public boolean isComputeResiduals() { return computeResiduals; } /** * @param computeResiduals * Set to true to compute the residuals */ public void setComputeResiduals(boolean computeResiduals) { this.computeResiduals = computeResiduals; } /** * @param duplicateDistance * The distance within which spots are considered duplicates */ public void setDuplicateDistance(final double duplicateDistance) { this.duplicateDistance = duplicateDistance; } /** * @return The distance within which spots are considered duplicates */ public double getDuplicateDistance() { return duplicateDistance; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ public FitConfiguration clone() { try { FitConfiguration f = (FitConfiguration) super.clone(); // Ensure the object reference is passed through. // All other fields are primitives and so should be copied by Object.clone(). f.log = log; // Reset instance specific objects f.stoppingCriteria = null; f.gaussianFunction = null; f.noiseModel = null; f.functionSolver = null; f.setValidationResult(null, null); f.dynamicPeakResult = new DynamicPeakResult(); return f; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // Ignore } return null; } /** * Ensure that the internal state of the object is initialised. This is used after deserialisation since some state * is not saved but restored from other property values. */ public void initialiseState() { // Initialise objects that cannot be null if (fitCriteria == null) fitCriteria = FitCriteria.LEAST_SQUARED_ERROR; if (fitSolver == null) fitSolver = FitSolver.LVM; if (fitFunction == null) fitFunction = FitFunction.CIRCULAR; if (searchMethod == null) searchMethod = SearchMethod.POWELL; if (maxFunctionEvaluations == 0) maxFunctionEvaluations = 2000; if (initialSD0 == 0) initialSD0 = 1; if (initialSD1 == 0) initialSD1 = 1; if (shiftFactor == 0) setCoordinateShiftFactor(1); if (dynamicPeakResult == null) dynamicPeakResult = new DynamicPeakResult(); setNoise(noise); setFitFunction(fitFunction); invalidateFunctionSolver(); } /** * @return the nmPerPixel */ public double getNmPerPixel() { return nmPerPixel; } /** * @param nmPerPixel * the nm per pixel scale to use when evaluating a fitted peak's localisation precision */ public void setNmPerPixel(double nmPerPixel) { this.nmPerPixel = nmPerPixel; } /** * @return the gain */ public double getGain() { return gain; } /** * @param gain * the gain to use when evaluating a fitted peak's localisation precision. Also used to determine the * signal threshold (signalThreshold = max(gain x minPhotons, noise x signalStrength) */ public void setGain(double gain) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.gain = Math.abs(gain); setSignalThreshold(); } /** * @return True if using an EM-CCD camera */ public boolean isEmCCD() { return emCCD; } /** * Specify if an EM-CCD camera is used. This is relevant when validating results using the localisation precision. * * @param emCCD * Set to true if using an EM-CCD camera */ public void setEmCCD(boolean emCCD) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.emCCD = emCCD; } /** * @return True if modelling the camera noise during maximum likelihood fitting */ public boolean isModelCamera() { return modelCamera; } /** * Specify if the camera noise should be modelled during maximum likelihood fitting. If true then the read noise * must be set. If the EmCCD property is true then the gain must also be set. * * @param modelCamera * Set to true to model the camera */ public void setModelCamera(boolean modelCamera) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.modelCamera = modelCamera; } /** * @return the noise model */ public NoiseModel getNoiseModel() { return noiseModel; } /** * Set the noise model for the fitted function * * @param noiseModel * the noise model */ public void setNoiseModel(NoiseModel noiseModel) { invalidateGaussianFunction(); this.noiseModel = noiseModel; } /** * @return the camera bias (used for maximum likelihood estimation) */ public double getBias() { return bias; } /** * @param bias * the camera bias (used for maximum likelihood estimation to evaluate the correct value of the * observed count) */ public void setBias(double bias) { this.bias = bias; } /** * @return the camera read noise (used for maximum likelihood estimation) */ public double getReadNoise() { return readNoise; } /** * @param readNoise * the camera read noise (used for maximum likelihood estimation) */ public void setReadNoise(double readNoise) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.readNoise = readNoise; } /** * @return The amplification [ADUs/electron] (used for maximum likelihood estimation) */ public double getAmplification() { return amplification; } /** * @param amplification * The amplification [ADUs/electron] (used for maximum likelihood estimation) */ public void setAmplification(double amplification) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.amplification = amplification; } /** * @return Set to true if the bias should be removed from the data before fitting, e.g. for maximum likelihood * estimation. */ public boolean isRemoveBiasBeforeFitting() { return fitSolver == FitSolver.MLE || isApplyGainBeforeFitting(); } /** * @return Set to true if the gain should be removed from the data and parameter estimate before fiting, e.g. for * the LVM implementation of maximum likelihood estimation of Poisson data. */ public boolean isApplyGainBeforeFitting() { return fitSolver == FitSolver.LVM_MLE; } /** * Checks if is maximum likelihood fitting. * * @return true, if is maximum likelihood fitting */ public boolean isMaximumLikelihoodFitting() { return isRemoveBiasBeforeFitting(); } /** * @return the maximum number of function evaluations for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator */ public int getMaxFunctionEvaluations() { return maxFunctionEvaluations; } /** * @param maxFunctionEvaluations * the maximum number of function evaluations for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator */ public void setMaxFunctionEvaluations(int maxFunctionEvaluations) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.maxFunctionEvaluations = maxFunctionEvaluations; } /** * @return the search for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator */ public SearchMethod getSearchMethod() { return searchMethod; } /** * @param searchMethod * the search for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator */ public void setSearchMethod(int searchMethod) { if (searchMethod >= 0 && searchMethod < SearchMethod.values().length) { setSearchMethod(SearchMethod.values()[searchMethod]); } } /** * @param searchMethod * the search for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator */ public void setSearchMethod(SearchMethod searchMethod) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.searchMethod = searchMethod; } /** * This setting applies to the conjugate gradient method of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator * * @return the gradientLineMinimisation True if using the gradient for line minimisation */ public boolean isGradientLineMinimisation() { return gradientLineMinimisation; } /** * This setting applies to the conjugate gradient method of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator * * @param gradientLineMinimisation * Set to true to use the gradient for line minimisation */ public void setGradientLineMinimisation(boolean gradientLineMinimisation) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.gradientLineMinimisation = gradientLineMinimisation; } /** * @return the relative threshold for convergence in the Maximum Likelihood Estimator */ public double getRelativeThreshold() { return relativeThreshold; } /** * @param relativeThreshold * the relative threshold for convergence in the Maximum Likelihood Estimator */ public void setRelativeThreshold(double relativeThreshold) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.relativeThreshold = relativeThreshold; } /** * @return the absolute threshold for convergence in the Maximum Likelihood Estimator */ public double getAbsoluteThreshold() { return absoluteThreshold; } /** * @param absoluteThreshold * the absolute threshold for convergence in the Maximum Likelihood Estimator */ public void setAbsoluteThreshold(double absoluteThreshold) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.absoluteThreshold = absoluteThreshold; } /** * @return The function solver for the current configuration */ public FunctionSolver getFunctionSolver() { if (functionSolver == null || gaussianFunction == null) { // The function solver was invalidated so create a new one functionSolver = createFunctionSolver(); } else { // Update with the solver with the latest function. functionSolver.setGradientFunction(gaussianFunction); // Note: We must carefully update anything that depends on the function. if (useClamping && functionSolver instanceof BoundedNonLinearFit) { // We have to update the clamping. // Note this code is only executed if the clamp settings have not changed // (since changes to those settings invalidate the solver) and the // function settings have not changed (since that invalidates the function // and the solver). // All that is different is the number of peaks in the function. if (gaussianFunction.getNPeaks() > nClampPeaks) setClampValues((BoundedNonLinearFit) functionSolver); } } return functionSolver; } /** * Call this when a property changes that will change the function solver */ private void invalidateFunctionSolver() { functionSolver = null; } private BaseFunctionSolver createFunctionSolver() { if (gaussianFunction == null) { // Other code may want to call getFunctionSolver() to see if exceptions are thrown // so create a dummy function so we can return a function solver. gaussianFunction = createGaussianFunction(1, 1, 1, null); } // Remove noise model gaussianFunction.setNoiseModel(null); NonLinearFit nlinfit; switch (fitSolver) { case MLE: // Only the Poisson likelihood function supports gradients if (searchMethod.usesGradients() && modelCamera) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "The derivative based search method '%s' can only be used with the " + "'%s' likelihood function, i.e. no model camera noise", searchMethod, MaximumLikelihoodFitter.LikelihoodFunction.POISSON)); } MaximumLikelihoodFitter fitter = new MaximumLikelihoodFitter(gaussianFunction); fitter.setRelativeThreshold(relativeThreshold); fitter.setAbsoluteThreshold(absoluteThreshold); fitter.setMaxEvaluations(maxFunctionEvaluations); fitter.setMaxIterations(maxIterations); fitter.setSearchMethod(searchMethod); fitter.setGradientLineMinimisation(gradientLineMinimisation); // Specify the likelihood function to use if (modelCamera) { // Set the camera read noise fitter.setSigma(readNoise); if (emCCD) { // EMCCD = Poisson+Gamma+Gaussian fitter.setLikelihoodFunction(MaximumLikelihoodFitter.LikelihoodFunction.POISSON_GAMMA_GAUSSIAN); } else { // CCD = Poisson+Gaussian fitter.setLikelihoodFunction(MaximumLikelihoodFitter.LikelihoodFunction.POISSON_GAUSSIAN); } } else { fitter.setLikelihoodFunction(MaximumLikelihoodFitter.LikelihoodFunction.POISSON); } // All models use the amplification gain (i.e. how many ADUs/electron) if (amplification <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The amplification is required for the " + fitSolver.getName()); } fitter.setAlpha(1.0 / amplification); // TODO - Configure better stopping criteria ... return fitter; case BOUNDED_LVM_WEIGHTED: gaussianFunction.setNoiseModel(getNoiseModel()); case BOUNDED_LVM: case LVM_MLE: if (fitSolver == FitSolver.LVM_MLE && gain <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The gain is required for the " + fitSolver.getName()); } BoundedNonLinearFit bnlinfit = new BoundedNonLinearFit(gaussianFunction, getStoppingCriteria()); if (useClamping) setClampValues(bnlinfit); nlinfit = bnlinfit; break; case LVM_QUASI_NEWTON: // This only works with a Gaussian2DFunction if (gaussianFunction instanceof Gaussian2DFunction) { ApacheLVMFitter apacheNLinFit = new ApacheLVMFitter((Gaussian2DFunction) gaussianFunction); apacheNLinFit.setMaxEvaluations(maxIterations); // TODO - Configure stopping criteria ... return apacheNLinFit; } // else fall through to default LVM fitter case LVM_WEIGHTED: case LVM: default: // Only set the weighting function if necessary if (fitSolver == FitSolver.LVM_WEIGHTED) gaussianFunction.setNoiseModel(getNoiseModel()); nlinfit = new NonLinearFit(gaussianFunction, getStoppingCriteria()); } nlinfit.setInitialLambda(getLambda()); if (fitSolver == FitSolver.LVM_MLE) { nlinfit.setMLE(true); } return nlinfit; } private void setClampValues(BoundedNonLinearFit bnlinfit) { double[] clamp = getClampValues(); // The units are photons. This is OK for the LVM MLE but not for the LVM. if (fitSolver != FitSolver.LVM_MLE) { if (gain <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "When using clamping the gain is required for the " + fitSolver.getName()); } clamp = clamp.clone(); clamp[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] *= gain; clamp[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] *= gain; } nClampPeaks = gaussianFunction.getNPeaks(); double[] clampValues = new double[1 + 6 * nClampPeaks]; clampValues[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = clamp[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]; for (int i = 0; i < nClampPeaks; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++) clampValues[i + j] = clamp[j]; } bnlinfit.setClampValues(clampValues); bnlinfit.setDynamicClamp(useDynamicClamping); } /** * @return True if simple filtering is disabled */ public boolean isDisableSimpleFilter() { return disableSimpleFilter; } /** * @param Set * to true to diable simple filtering during validation */ public void setDisableSimpleFilter(boolean disableSimpleFilter) { this.disableSimpleFilter = disableSimpleFilter; } /** * @return True if filtering should use the configured smart filter */ public boolean isSmartFilter() { return smartFilter; } /** * @param smartFilter * True if filtering should use the configured smart filter */ public void setSmartFilter(boolean smartFilter) { this.smartFilter = smartFilter; } /** * Checks if smart filter is enabled and a valid filter is present. * * @return true, if is direct filtering is enabled. */ public boolean isDirectFilter() { return smartFilter && directFilter != null; } /** * @return the smart filter XML */ public String getSmartFilterXML() { return smartFilterXML; } /** * This returns the representation of this object as a smart filter. This ignores any current smart filter and * only uses the standard filtering settings. * * @return the smart filter if using this object as a smart filter. */ public DirectFilter getDefaultSmartFilter() { double signal = getMinPhotons(); float snr = (float) getSignalStrength(); double minWidth = getMinWidthFactor(); double maxWidth = getWidthFactor(); double shift = getCoordinateShiftFactor(); double eshift = 0; double precision = getPrecisionThreshold(); DirectFilter f = (isPrecisionUsingBackground()) ? new MultiFilter2(signal, snr, minWidth, maxWidth, shift, eshift, precision) : new MultiFilter(signal, snr, minWidth, maxWidth, shift, eshift, precision); return f; } /** * This returns the XML representation of this object as a smart fitler. This ignores any current smart filter and * only uses the standard filtering settings. * * @return the smart filter XML if using this object as a smart filter. */ public String getDefaultSmartFilterXML() { return getDefaultSmartFilter().toXML(); } /** * @param smartFilterXML * the smart filter XML to set */ public void setSmartFilterXML(String smartFilterXML) { this.smartFilterXML = smartFilterXML; } /** * Sets the direct filter. This changes the smart filter flag to true and updates the smart filter XML. * * @param directFilter * the new direct filter */ public void setDirectFilter(DirectFilter directFilter) { this.directFilter = directFilter; this.smartFilter = directFilter != null; if (smartFilter) { smartFilterXML = directFilter.toXML(); } else { smartFilterXML = ""; } } /** * Gets the smart filter name, if a smart filter exists * * @return the smart filter name */ public String getSmartFilterName() { if (directFilter != null) { return directFilter.getName(); } return ""; } /** * Gets the smart filter, if a smart filter exists. A clone is returned. * * @return the smart filter (or null) */ public DirectFilter getSmartFilter() { if (directFilter != null) { return (DirectFilter) directFilter.clone(); } return null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter#setup() */ public void setup() { setup(0); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter#setup(int) */ public void setup(int flags) { if (directFilter != null) { //if (flags == 0) // directFilter.setup(); //else directFilter.setup(flags); } else { widthEnabled = !DirectFilter.areSet(flags, DirectFilter.NO_WIDTH); offset = (float) ((shiftFactor > 0) ? shiftFactor * shiftFactor : Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter#accept(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult) */ public boolean accept(PreprocessedPeakResult peak) { return (filterResult = validate(peak)) == 0; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter#validate(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult) */ public int validate(PreprocessedPeakResult peak) { final int flags = doValidate(peak); if (log == null) return flags; // Log the error if (flags != 0)"Bad peak %d (%.1f,%.1f) [%d]: %s", peak.getCandidateId(), peak.getX(), peak.getY(), peak.getId(), DirectFilter.getStatusMessage(peak, flags)); return flags; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter#validate(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.PreprocessedPeakResult) */ public int doValidate(PreprocessedPeakResult peak) { if (directFilter != null) return directFilter.validate(peak); // Do filtering if (peak.getPhotons() < minPhotons) return V_PHOTONS; if (peak.getSNR() < this.signalStrength) return V_SNR; if (widthEnabled) { if (peak.getXSDFactor() > widthFactor || peak.getXSDFactor() < minWidthFactor) return V_X_SD_FACTOR; } if (peak.getXRelativeShift2() > offset) return V_X_RELATIVE_SHIFT; if (peak.getYRelativeShift2() > offset) return V_Y_RELATIVE_SHIFT; // Do not support Euclidian shift //if (peak.getXRelativeShift2() + peak.getYRelativeShift2() > offset) // return V_X_RELATIVE_SHIFT | V_Y_RELATIVE_SHIFT; final double p = (precisionUsingBackground) ? peak.getLocationVariance2() : peak.getLocationVariance(); if (p > precisionThreshold) return V_LOCATION_VARIANCE; return 0; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter#getFilterType() */ public FilterType getFilterType() { return FilterType.DIRECT; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter#getResult() */ public int getResult() { return filterResult; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.IDirectFilter#copy() */ public IDirectFilter copy() { return (IDirectFilter) clone(); } /** * @return Set to true to clamp the parameter update to a maximum value */ public boolean isUseClamping() { return useClamping; } /** * Set to true to clamp the parameter update to a maximum value * * @param useClamping * Set to true to clamp the parameter update to a maximum value */ public void setUseClamping(boolean useClamping) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.useClamping = useClamping; } /** * @return Set to true to update the clamp values when the parameter update direction changes */ public boolean isUseDynamicClamping() { return useDynamicClamping; } /** * Set to true to update the clamp values when the parameter update direction changes * * @param useDynamicClamping * Set to true to update the clamp values when the parameter update direction changes */ public void setUseDynamicClamping(boolean useDynamicClamping) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); this.useDynamicClamping = useDynamicClamping; } /** * @return the clampValues */ private double[] getClampValues() { if (clampValues == null) clampValues = defaultClampValues.clone(); return clampValues; } /** * @return The clamp value for the background */ public double getClampBackground() { return getClampValues()[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]; } /** * Sets the clamp value for the background * * @param value * the new clamp value */ public void setClampBackground(double value) { updateClampValue(Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND, value); } /** * @return The clamp value for the signal */ public double getClampSignal() { return getClampValues()[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]; } /** * Sets the clamp value for the signal * * @param value * the new clamp value */ public void setClampSignal(double value) { updateClampValue(Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL, value); } /** * @return The clamp value for the angle */ public double getClampAngle() { return getClampValues()[Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE]; } /** * Sets the clamp value for the angle * * @param value * the new clamp value */ public void setClampAngle(double value) { updateClampValue(Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE, value); } /** * @return The clamp value for the x position */ public double getClampX() { return getClampValues()[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]; } /** * Sets the clamp value for the x position * * @param value * the new clamp value */ public void setClampX(double value) { updateClampValue(Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION, value); } /** * @return The clamp value for the y position */ public double getClampY() { return getClampValues()[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]; } /** * Sets the clamp value for the y position * * @param value * the new clamp value */ public void setClampY(double value) { updateClampValue(Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION, value); } /** * @return The clamp value for the x sd */ public double getClampXSD() { return getClampValues()[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD]; } /** * Sets the clamp value for the x sd * * @param value * the new clamp value */ public void setClampXSD(double value) { updateClampValue(Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD, value); } /** * @return The clamp value for the y sd */ public double getClampYSD() { return getClampValues()[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]; } /** * Sets the clamp value for the y sd * * @param value * the new clamp value */ public void setClampYSD(double value) { updateClampValue(Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD, value); } private void updateClampValue(int index, double value) { invalidateFunctionSolver(); getClampValues()[index] = value; } }