package gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.SplineInterpolator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import gdsc.core.clustering.Cluster; import gdsc.core.clustering.ClusterPoint; import gdsc.core.clustering.ClusteringAlgorithm; import gdsc.core.clustering.ClusteringEngine; import gdsc.core.ij.IJTrackProgress; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.utils.Statistics; import gdsc.core.utils.StoredDataStatistics; import gdsc.smlm.engine.DataFilter; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import gdsc.smlm.engine.DataFilterType; import gdsc.smlm.engine.FitEngine; import gdsc.smlm.engine.FitEngineConfiguration; import gdsc.smlm.engine.FitParameters; import gdsc.smlm.engine.FitQueue; import gdsc.smlm.engine.ParameterisedFitJob; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitConfiguration; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitCriteria; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitFunction; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitResult; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitSolver; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitStatus; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.Gaussian2DFunction; import gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.ResultsManager.InputSource; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.ClusteringSettings; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.ClusteringSettings.OptimiserPlot; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.ClusteringSettings.TimeUnit; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.GlobalSettings; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.SettingsManager; import gdsc.smlm.results.Cluster.CentroidMethod; import gdsc.smlm.results.FilePeakResults; import gdsc.smlm.results.ImageSource; import gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults; import gdsc.smlm.results.PeakResult; import gdsc.smlm.results.Trace; import gdsc.smlm.results.TraceManager; import gdsc.smlm.utils.XmlUtils; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.Prefs; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.PolygonRoi; import ij.measure.Calibration; import ij.plugin.LutLoader; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.plugin.WindowOrganiser; import ij.process.FloatProcessor; import ij.text.TextWindow; /** * Run a tracing algorithm on the peak results to trace molecules across the frames. */ public class TraceMolecules implements PlugIn { private String TITLE = "Trace or Cluster Molecules"; private String outputName; private static double MIN_BLINKING_RATE = 1; // Should never be <= 0 private static String inputOption = ""; private static boolean inputDebugMode = true; private static boolean inputOptimiseBlinkingRate = false; private static boolean fitOnlyCentroid = false; private static float distanceThreshold = 1; private static float expansionFactor = 2; private static boolean debugFailures = false; private static String header = null; private static TextWindow summaryTable = null; private static final String[] NAMES = new String[] { "Total Signal", "Signal/Frame", "Blinks", "t-On (s)", "t-Off (s)", "Total t-On (s)", "Total t-Off (s)" }; private static final String[] FILENAMES = new String[] { "total_signal", "signal_per_frame", "blinks", "t_on", "t_off", "total_t_on", "total_t_off" }; private static boolean[] displayHistograms = new boolean[NAMES.length]; static { for (int i = 0; i < displayHistograms.length; i++) displayHistograms[i] = true; } private static final int TOTAL_SIGNAL = 0; private static final int SIGNAL_PER_FRAME = 1; private static final int BLINKS = 2; private static final int T_ON = 3; private static final int T_OFF = 4; private static final int TOTAL_T_ON = 5; private static final int TOTAL_T_OFF = 6; private static boolean[] integerDisplay; static { integerDisplay = new boolean[NAMES.length]; integerDisplay[BLINKS] = true; // Times are now in fractions of seconds //integerDisplay[T_ON] = true; //integerDisplay[T_OFF] = true; //integerDisplay[TOTAL_T_ON] = true; //integerDisplay[TOTAL_T_OFF] = true; } private static boolean[] alwaysRemoveOutliers; static { alwaysRemoveOutliers = new boolean[NAMES.length]; alwaysRemoveOutliers[TOTAL_SIGNAL] = false; } private static String filename = ""; private GlobalSettings globalSettings; private ClusteringSettings settings; private MemoryPeakResults results; // Store exposure time in seconds private double exposureTime = 0; // Used for the plotting private double[] dThresholds; private int[] tThresholds; private ArrayList<double[]> zeroCrossingPoints; private FloatProcessor fp; private Calibration cal; // Store the pixel value for the first plotted result private int origX, origY; private boolean debugMode = false, altKeyDown, optimiseBlinkingRate = false; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.PlugIn#run(java.lang.String) */ public void run(String arg) { SMLMUsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); if (MemoryPeakResults.isMemoryEmpty()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No localisations in memory"); return; } altKeyDown = Utils.isExtraOptions(); Trace[] traces = null; int totalFiltered = 0; if ("cluster".equals(arg)) { // --=-=-=-=-=- // Clustering // --=-=-=-=-=- outputName = "Cluster"; if (!showClusterDialog()) return; ClusteringEngine engine = new ClusteringEngine(Prefs.getThreads(), settings.getClusteringAlgorithm(), new IJTrackProgress()); if (settings.splitPulses) { engine.setPulseInterval(settings.pulseInterval); if (settings.getTimeUnit() == TimeUnit.FRAME) { if (settings.getTimeThreshold() > settings.pulseInterval) { settings.setTimeThreshold(settings.pulseInterval); } } else { if (timeInFrames(settings) > settings.pulseInterval) { settings.setTimeThreshold(settings.pulseInterval * exposureTime); } } } ArrayList<Cluster> clusters = engine.findClusters(convertToClusterPoints(), settings.distanceThreshold / results.getCalibration().getNmPerPixel(), timeInFrames(settings)); if (clusters == null) { Utils.log("Aborted"); return; } traces = convertToTraces(clusters); } else { // --=-=-=-=-=- // Tracing // --=-=-=-=-=- outputName = "Trace"; if (!showDialog()) return; TraceManager manager = new TraceManager(results); manager.setTraceMode(settings.getTraceMode()); manager.setActivationFrameInterval(settings.pulseInterval); manager.setActivationFrameWindow(settings.pulseWindow); manager.setDistanceExclusion(settings.distanceExclusion / results.getCalibration().getNmPerPixel()); if (settings.optimise) { // Optimise before configuring for a pulse interval runOptimiser(manager); } if (settings.splitPulses) { manager.setPulseInterval(settings.pulseInterval); if (settings.getTimeUnit() == TimeUnit.FRAME) { if (settings.getTimeThreshold() > settings.pulseInterval) { settings.setTimeThreshold(settings.pulseInterval); } } else { if (timeInFrames(settings) > settings.pulseInterval) { settings.setTimeThreshold(settings.pulseInterval * exposureTime); } } } manager.setTracker(new IJTrackProgress()); manager.traceMolecules(settings.distanceThreshold / results.getCalibration().getNmPerPixel(), timeInFrames(settings)); traces = manager.getTraces(); totalFiltered = manager.getTotalFiltered(); } // --=-=-=-=-=- // Results processing // --=-=-=-=-=- outputName += (outputName.endsWith("e") ? "" : "e") + "d"; saveResults(results, traces, outputName); // Save singles + single localisations in a trace saveCentroidResults(results, getSingles(traces), outputName + " Singles"); Trace[] multiTraces = getTraces(traces); saveResults(results, multiTraces, outputName + " Multi"); // Save centroids outputName += " Centroids"; MemoryPeakResults tracedResults = saveCentroidResults(results, traces, outputName); // Save traces separately saveCentroidResults(results, multiTraces, outputName + " Multi"); // Sort traces by time to assist the results source in extracting frames sequentially. // Do this before saving to assist in debugging using the saved traces file. sortByTime(traces); if (settings.saveTraces) saveTraces(traces); summarise(traces, totalFiltered, settings.distanceThreshold, timeInSeconds(settings)); IJ.showStatus(String.format("%d localisations => %d traces (%d filtered)", results.size(), tracedResults.size(), totalFiltered)); // Provide option to refit the traces as single peaks and save to memory if (settings.refitOption) fitTraces(results, traces); } private List<ClusterPoint> convertToClusterPoints() { return convertToClusterPoints(results.getResults()); } /** * Convert a list of peak results into points for the clustering engine * * @param peakResults * @return */ public static List<ClusterPoint> convertToClusterPoints(List<PeakResult> peakResults) { ArrayList<ClusterPoint> points = new ArrayList<ClusterPoint>(peakResults.size()); int id = 0; for (PeakResult p : peakResults) points.add(ClusterPoint.newTimeClusterPoint(id++, p.getXPosition(), p.getYPosition(), p.getSignal(), p.getFrame(), p.getEndFrame())); return points; } private Trace[] convertToTraces(ArrayList<Cluster> clusters) { return convertToTraces(results.getResults(), clusters); } /** * Convert the clusters from the clustering engine into traces composed of the original list of peak results * * @param peakResults * @param clusters * @return */ public static Trace[] convertToTraces(List<PeakResult> peakResults, ArrayList<Cluster> clusters) { Trace[] traces = new Trace[clusters.size()]; int i = 0; for (Cluster cluster : clusters) { Trace trace = new Trace(); trace.setId(i + 1); for (ClusterPoint point = cluster.head; point != null; point = { // The point Id was the position in the original results array trace.add(peakResults.get(; } traces[i++] = trace; } return traces; } /** * Sort traces by time * * @param traces */ static void sortByTime(Trace[] traces) { for (Trace t : traces) t.sort(); Arrays.sort(traces, new Comparator<Trace>() { public int compare(Trace o1, Trace o2) { return o1.getHead().getFrame() - o2.getHead().getFrame(); } }); } static MemoryPeakResults saveResults(MemoryPeakResults sourceResults, Trace[] traces, String name) { MemoryPeakResults tracedResults = TraceManager.convertToPeakResults(sourceResults, traces); tracedResults.setName(sourceResults.getName() + " " + name); MemoryPeakResults.addResults(tracedResults); return tracedResults; } static MemoryPeakResults saveCentroidResults(MemoryPeakResults sourceResults, Trace[] traces, String name) { MemoryPeakResults tracedResults = TraceManager.convertToCentroidPeakResults(sourceResults, traces); tracedResults.setName(sourceResults.getName() + " " + name); MemoryPeakResults.addResults(tracedResults); return tracedResults; } private Trace[] getSingles(Trace[] traces) { ArrayList<Trace> result = new ArrayList<Trace>(); for (Trace t : traces) if (t.size() == 1) result.add(t); return result.toArray(new Trace[result.size()]); } private Trace[] getTraces(Trace[] traces) { ArrayList<Trace> result = new ArrayList<Trace>(); for (Trace t : traces) if (t.size() != 1) result.add(t); return result.toArray(new Trace[result.size()]); } private void saveTraces(Trace[] traces) { filename = saveTraces(results, traces, createSettingsComment(), filename, 0); } /** * Save the traces to the file. A File open dialog is presented and the selected filename returned. * <p> * If the id is above zero then the file open dialog title will have the id appended and the filename is searched * for .[0-9]+. and it is replaced with .id. * * @param sourceResults * @param traces * @param comment * @param filename * The initial filename * @param id * The traces id (used if above 0) * @return The select filename (or null) */ static String saveTraces(MemoryPeakResults sourceResults, Trace[] traces, String comment, String filename, int id) { IJ.showStatus("Saving traces"); String title = "Traces_File"; if (id > 0) { title += id; String regex = "\\.[0-9]+\\."; if (filename.matches(regex)) filename.replaceAll(regex, "." + (id) + "."); else Utils.replaceExtension(filename, id + ".xls"); } filename = Utils.getFilename(title, filename); if (filename != null) { filename = Utils.replaceExtension(filename, "xls"); boolean showDeviations = (traces.length > 0 && traces[0].getHead().paramsStdDev != null); // Assume that are results are from a single frame but store the trace ID FilePeakResults traceResults = new FilePeakResults(filename, showDeviations, false, true); traceResults.copySettings(sourceResults); traceResults.begin(); if (!traceResults.isActive()) { IJ.error("Failed to write to file: " + filename); } else { traceResults.addComment(comment); for (Trace trace : traces) traceResults.addTrace(trace); traceResults.end(); } } IJ.showStatus(""); return filename; } private String createSettingsComment() { return String.format("Molecule tracing : distance-threshold = %f : time-threshold = %f (%d frames)", settings.distanceThreshold, timeInSeconds(settings), timeInFrames(settings)); } private void summarise(Trace[] traces, int filtered, double dThreshold, double tThreshold) { IJ.showStatus("Calculating summary ..."); // Create summary table createSummaryTable(); Statistics[] stats = new Statistics[NAMES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { stats[i] = (settings.showHistograms || settings.saveTraceData) ? new StoredDataStatistics() : new Statistics(); } int singles = 0; for (Trace trace : traces) { int nBlinks = trace.getNBlinks() - 1; stats[BLINKS].add(nBlinks); int[] onTimes = trace.getOnTimes(); int[] offTimes = trace.getOffTimes(); double tOn = 0; for (int t : onTimes) { stats[T_ON].add(t * exposureTime); tOn += t * exposureTime; } stats[TOTAL_T_ON].add(tOn); if (offTimes != null) { double tOff = 0; for (int t : offTimes) { stats[T_OFF].add(t * exposureTime); tOff += t * exposureTime; } stats[TOTAL_T_OFF].add(tOff); } final double signal = trace.getSignal() / results.getGain(); stats[TOTAL_SIGNAL].add(signal); stats[SIGNAL_PER_FRAME].add(signal / trace.size()); if (trace.size() == 1) singles++; } // Add to the summary table StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(results.getName()).append("\t"); sb.append(outputName.equals("Cluster") ? settings.getClusteringAlgorithm() : settings.getTraceMode()) .append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(exposureTime * 1000, 3)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(dThreshold, 3)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(tThreshold, 3)); if (settings.splitPulses) sb.append(" *"); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(timeInFrames2(tThreshold)).append("\t"); sb.append(traces.length).append("\t"); sb.append(filtered).append("\t"); sb.append(singles).append("\t"); sb.append(traces.length - singles).append("\t"); for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { sb.append(Utils.rounded(stats[i].getMean(), 3)).append("\t"); } if (java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { IJ.log(sb.toString()); return; } else { summaryTable.append(sb.toString()); } if (settings.showHistograms) { IJ.showStatus("Calculating histograms ..."); int[] idList = new int[NAMES.length]; int count = 0; boolean requireRetile = false; for (int i = 0; i < NAMES.length; i++) { if (displayHistograms[i]) { idList[count++] = Utils.showHistogram(TITLE, (StoredDataStatistics) stats[i], NAMES[i], (integerDisplay[i]) ? 1 : 0, (settings.removeOutliers || alwaysRemoveOutliers[i]) ? 2 : 0, settings.histogramBins); requireRetile = requireRetile || Utils.isNewWindow(); } } if (count > 0 && requireRetile) { idList = Arrays.copyOf(idList, count); new WindowOrganiser().tileWindows(idList); } } if (settings.saveTraceData) { saveTraceData(stats); } IJ.showStatus(""); } private void createSummaryTable() { if (java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) { if (header == null) { header = createHeader(); IJ.log(header); } } else { if (summaryTable == null || !summaryTable.isVisible()) { summaryTable = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Data Summary", createHeader(), "", 800, 300); summaryTable.setVisible(true); } } } private String createHeader() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "Dataset\tAlgorithm\tExposure time (ms)\tD-threshold (nm)\tT-threshold (s)\t(Frames)\tMolecules\tFiltered\tSingles\tClusters"); for (int i = 0; i < NAMES.length; i++) { sb.append("\t").append(NAMES[i]); } return sb.toString(); } private void saveTraceData(Statistics[] stats) { // Get the directory IJ.showStatus("Saving trace data"); String directory = Utils.getDirectory("Trace_data_directory", settings.traceDataDirectory); if (directory != null) { settings.traceDataDirectory = directory; SettingsManager.saveSettings(globalSettings); for (int i = 0; i < NAMES.length; i++) saveTraceData((StoredDataStatistics) stats[i], NAMES[i], FILENAMES[i]); } IJ.showStatus(""); } private void saveTraceData(StoredDataStatistics s, String name, String fileSuffix) { BufferedWriter file = null; try { file = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(settings.traceDataDirectory + TITLE + "." + fileSuffix + ".txt")); file.append(name); file.newLine(); for (double d : s.getValues()) { file.append(Utils.rounded(d, 4)); file.newLine(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Q. Add better handling of errors? e.printStackTrace(); IJ.log("Failed to save trace data to results directory: " + settings.traceDataDirectory); } finally { if (file != null) { try { file.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private boolean showDialog() { TITLE = outputName + " Molecules"; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addHelp(About.HELP_URL); ResultsManager.addInput(gd, inputOption, InputSource.MEMORY); globalSettings = SettingsManager.loadSettings(); settings = globalSettings.getClusteringSettings(); gd.addNumericField("Distance_Threshold (nm)", settings.distanceThreshold, 2); gd.addNumericField("Distance_Exclusion (nm)", settings.distanceExclusion, 2); gd.addNumericField("Time_Threshold", settings.getTimeThreshold(), 2); String[] timeUnits = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) ClusteringSettings.TimeUnit.values()); gd.addChoice("Time_unit", timeUnits, timeUnits[settings.getTimeUnit().ordinal()]); String[] traceModes = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) TraceManager.TraceMode.values()); gd.addChoice("Trace_mode", traceModes, traceModes[settings.getTraceMode().ordinal()]); gd.addNumericField("Pulse_interval (frames)", settings.pulseInterval, 0); gd.addNumericField("Pulse_window (frames)", settings.pulseWindow, 0); gd.addCheckbox("Split_pulses", settings.splitPulses); gd.addCheckbox("Optimise", settings.optimise); gd.addCheckbox("Save_traces", settings.saveTraces); gd.addCheckbox("Show_histograms", settings.showHistograms); gd.addCheckbox("Save_trace_data", settings.saveTraceData); gd.addCheckbox("Refit_option", settings.refitOption); if (altKeyDown) { gd.addCheckbox("Debug", inputDebugMode); } gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled() || !readDialog(gd)) return false; // Update the settings SettingsManager.saveSettings(globalSettings); // Load the results results = ResultsManager.loadInputResults(inputOption, true); if (results == null || results.size() == 0) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No results could be loaded"); IJ.showStatus(""); return false; } // Store exposure time in seconds exposureTime = results.getCalibration().getExposureTime() / 1000; return true; } private boolean readDialog(GenericDialog gd) { inputOption = ResultsManager.getInputSource(gd); settings.distanceThreshold = gd.getNextNumber(); settings.distanceExclusion = gd.getNextNumber(); settings.setTimeThreshold(gd.getNextNumber()); settings.setTimeUnit(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); settings.setTraceMode(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); settings.pulseInterval = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); settings.pulseWindow = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); settings.splitPulses = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.optimise = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.saveTraces = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.showHistograms = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.saveTraceData = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.refitOption = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (altKeyDown) { debugMode = inputDebugMode = gd.getNextBoolean(); } if (gd.invalidNumber()) return false; if (settings.showHistograms) { gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Select the histograms to display"); gd.addCheckbox("Remove_outliers", settings.removeOutliers); gd.addNumericField("Histogram_bins", settings.histogramBins, 0); for (int i = 0; i < displayHistograms.length; i++) gd.addCheckbox(NAMES[i].replace(' ', '_'), displayHistograms[i]); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; settings.removeOutliers = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.histogramBins = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); for (int i = 0; i < displayHistograms.length; i++) displayHistograms[i] = gd.getNextBoolean(); } // Check arguments try { Parameters.isAboveZero("Distance threshold", settings.distanceThreshold); Parameters.isAboveZero("Time threshold", settings.getTimeThreshold()); Parameters.isPositive("Pulse interval", settings.pulseInterval); Parameters.isPositive("Pulse window", settings.pulseWindow); Parameters.isAboveZero("Histogram bins", settings.histogramBins); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } private boolean showClusterDialog() { TITLE = outputName + " Molecules"; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addHelp(About.HELP_URL); ResultsManager.addInput(gd, inputOption, InputSource.MEMORY); globalSettings = SettingsManager.loadSettings(); settings = globalSettings.getClusteringSettings(); gd.addNumericField("Distance_Threshold (nm)", settings.distanceThreshold, 2); gd.addNumericField("Time_Threshold", settings.getTimeThreshold(), 2); String[] timeUnits = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) ClusteringSettings.TimeUnit.values()); gd.addChoice("Time_unit", timeUnits, timeUnits[settings.getTimeUnit().ordinal()]); String[] algorithm = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) ClusteringAlgorithm.values()); gd.addChoice("Clustering_algorithm", algorithm, algorithm[settings.getClusteringAlgorithm().ordinal()]); gd.addNumericField("Pulse_interval (frames)", settings.pulseInterval, 0); gd.addCheckbox("Split_pulses", settings.splitPulses); gd.addCheckbox("Save_clusters", settings.saveTraces); gd.addCheckbox("Show_histograms", settings.showHistograms); gd.addCheckbox("Save_cluster_data", settings.saveTraceData); gd.addCheckbox("Refit_option", settings.refitOption); if (altKeyDown) { gd.addCheckbox("Debug", inputDebugMode); } gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled() || !readClusterDialog(gd)) return false; // Update the settings SettingsManager.saveSettings(globalSettings); // Load the results results = ResultsManager.loadInputResults(inputOption, true); if (results == null || results.size() == 0) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No results could be loaded"); IJ.showStatus(""); return false; } // Store exposure time in seconds exposureTime = results.getCalibration().getExposureTime() / 1000; return true; } private boolean readClusterDialog(GenericDialog gd) { inputOption = ResultsManager.getInputSource(gd); settings.distanceThreshold = gd.getNextNumber(); settings.setTimeThreshold(gd.getNextNumber()); settings.setTimeUnit(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); settings.setClusteringAlgorithm(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); settings.pulseInterval = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); settings.splitPulses = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.saveTraces = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.showHistograms = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.saveTraceData = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.refitOption = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (altKeyDown) { debugMode = inputDebugMode = gd.getNextBoolean(); } if (gd.invalidNumber()) return false; if (settings.showHistograms) { gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Select the histograms to display"); gd.addCheckbox("Remove_outliers", settings.removeOutliers); gd.addNumericField("Histogram_bins", settings.histogramBins, 0); for (int i = 0; i < displayHistograms.length; i++) gd.addCheckbox(NAMES[i].replace(' ', '_'), displayHistograms[i]); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; settings.removeOutliers = gd.getNextBoolean(); settings.histogramBins = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); for (int i = 0; i < displayHistograms.length; i++) displayHistograms[i] = gd.getNextBoolean(); } // Check arguments try { Parameters.isAboveZero("Distance threshold", settings.distanceThreshold); if (settings.getClusteringAlgorithm() == ClusteringAlgorithm.CENTROID_LINKAGE_DISTANCE_PRIORITY || settings.getClusteringAlgorithm() == ClusteringAlgorithm.CENTROID_LINKAGE_TIME_PRIORITY) { Parameters.isAboveZero("Time threshold", settings.getTimeThreshold()); Parameters.isPositive("Pulse interval", settings.pulseInterval); } Parameters.isAboveZero("Histogram bins", settings.histogramBins); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, e.getMessage()); return false; } return true; } private void runOptimiser(TraceManager manager) { // Get an estimate of the number of molecules without blinking SummaryStatistics stats = new SummaryStatistics(); final double nmPerPixel = this.results.getNmPerPixel(); final double gain = this.results.getGain(); final boolean emCCD = this.results.isEMCCD(); for (PeakResult result : this.results.getResults()) stats.addValue(result.getPrecision(nmPerPixel, gain, emCCD)); // Use twice the precision to get the initial distance threshold // Use 2.5x sigma as per the PC-PALM protocol in Sengupta, et al (2013) Nature Protocols 8, 345 double dEstimate = stats.getMean() * 2.5 / nmPerPixel; int n = manager.traceMolecules(dEstimate, 1); //for (double d : new double[] { 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 }) // System.out.printf("d=%.2f, estimate=%d\n", d, // manager.traceMolecules(stats.getMean() * d / this.results.getNmPerPixel(), 1)); if (!getParameters(n, dEstimate)) return; // TODO - Convert the distance threshold to use nm instead of pixels? List<double[]> results = runTracing(manager, settings.minDistanceThreshold, settings.maxDistanceThreshold, settings.minTimeThreshold, settings.maxTimeThreshold, settings.optimiserSteps); // Compute fractional difference from the true value: // Use blinking rate directly or the estimated number of molecules double nReference; int statistic; if (optimiseBlinkingRate) { nReference = settings.blinkingRate; statistic = 3; IJ.log(String.format("Estimating blinking rate: %.2f", nReference)); } else { nReference = n / settings.blinkingRate; statistic = 2; IJ.log(String.format("Estimating number of molecules: %d / %.2f = %.2f", n, settings.blinkingRate, nReference)); } for (double[] result : results) { //System.out.printf("%g %g = %g\n", result[0], result[1], result[2]); if (optimiseBlinkingRate) result[2] = (nReference - result[statistic]) / nReference; else result[2] = (result[statistic] - nReference) / nReference; } // Locate the optimal parameters with a fit of the zero contour boolean found = findOptimalParameters(results); createPlotResults(results); if (!found) return; // Make fractional difference absolute so that lowest is best for (double[] result : results) result[2] = Math.abs(result[2]); // Set the optimal thresholds using the lowest value double[] best = new double[] { 0, 0, Double.MAX_VALUE }; for (double[] result : results) if (best[2] > result[2]) best = result; settings.distanceThreshold = best[0]; // The optimiser works using frames so convert back to the correct units double convert = (settings.getTimeUnit() == TimeUnit.SECOND) ? exposureTime : 1; settings.setTimeThreshold(settings.getTimeThreshold() * convert); IJ.log(String.format("Optimal fractional difference @ D-threshold=%g, T-threshold=%f (%d frames)", settings.distanceThreshold, timeInSeconds(settings), timeInFrames(settings))); SettingsManager.saveSettings(globalSettings); } private boolean getParameters(int n, double d) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE + " Optimiser"); String msg = String.format("Estimate %d molecules at d=%f, t=1", n, d); IJ.log(msg); gd.addMessage(msg); gd.addNumericField("Min_Distance_Threshold (px)", settings.minDistanceThreshold, 2); gd.addNumericField("Max_Distance_Threshold (px)", settings.maxDistanceThreshold, 2); gd.addNumericField("Min_Time_Threshold (frames)", settings.minTimeThreshold, 0); gd.addNumericField("Max_Time_Threshold (frames)", settings.maxTimeThreshold, 0); gd.addSlider("Steps", 1, 20, settings.optimiserSteps); gd.addNumericField("Blinking_rate", settings.blinkingRate, 2); String[] plotNames = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) ClusteringSettings.OptimiserPlot.values()); gd.addChoice("Plot", plotNames, plotNames[settings.getOptimiserPlot().ordinal()]); if (altKeyDown) gd.addCheckbox("Optimise_blinking", inputOptimiseBlinkingRate); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; settings.minDistanceThreshold = gd.getNextNumber(); settings.maxDistanceThreshold = gd.getNextNumber(); settings.minTimeThreshold = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); settings.maxTimeThreshold = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); settings.optimiserSteps = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); settings.blinkingRate = gd.getNextNumber(); settings.setOptimiserPlot(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); if (altKeyDown) { optimiseBlinkingRate = inputOptimiseBlinkingRate = gd.getNextBoolean(); } if (gd.invalidNumber()) return false; if (settings.minDistanceThreshold < 0) settings.minDistanceThreshold = 0; if (settings.maxDistanceThreshold < settings.minDistanceThreshold) settings.maxDistanceThreshold = settings.minDistanceThreshold; if (settings.minTimeThreshold < 0) settings.minTimeThreshold = 0; if (settings.maxTimeThreshold < settings.minTimeThreshold) settings.maxTimeThreshold = settings.minTimeThreshold; if (settings.optimiserSteps < 0) settings.optimiserSteps = 1; if (settings.blinkingRate < MIN_BLINKING_RATE) { IJ.error(gd.getTitle(), "Blinking rate must be above " + MIN_BLINKING_RATE); return false; } if (settings.minDistanceThreshold == settings.maxDistanceThreshold && settings.minTimeThreshold == settings.maxTimeThreshold) { IJ.error(gd.getTitle(), "Nothing to optimise"); return false; } SettingsManager.saveSettings(globalSettings); return true; } private int timeInFrames2(double timeInSeconds) { return (int) Math.round(timeInSeconds / exposureTime); } private int timeInFrames(ClusteringSettings settings) { if (settings.getTimeUnit() == TimeUnit.FRAME) return (int) settings.getTimeThreshold(); return (int) Math.round(settings.getTimeThreshold() / exposureTime); } private double timeInSeconds(ClusteringSettings settings) { if (settings.getTimeUnit() == TimeUnit.SECOND) return settings.getTimeThreshold(); return settings.getTimeThreshold() * exposureTime; } /** * Runs the tracing algorithm using distances and time thresholds between min and max with the configured number * of steps. Steps are spaced using a logarithmic scale. * <p> * Returns a list of [distance,time,N traces] * * @param peakResults * @param minDistanceThreshold * @param maxDistanceThreshold * @param minTimeThreshold * @param maxTimeThreshold * @param optimiserSteps * @return a list of [distance,time,N traces,blinking rate] */ public List<double[]> runTracing(MemoryPeakResults peakResults, double minDistanceThreshold, double maxDistanceThreshold, int minTimeThreshold, int maxTimeThreshold, int optimiserSteps) { return runTracing(new TraceManager(peakResults), minDistanceThreshold, maxDistanceThreshold, minTimeThreshold, maxTimeThreshold, optimiserSteps); } /** * Runs the tracing algorithm using distances and time thresholds between min and max with the configured number * of steps. Steps are spaced using a logarithmic scale. * <p> * Returns a list of [distance,time,N traces] * * @param manager * @param minDistanceThreshold * @param maxDistanceThreshold * @param minTimeThreshold * @param maxTimeThreshold * @param optimiserSteps * @return a list of [distance,time,N traces,blinking rate] */ public List<double[]> runTracing(TraceManager manager, double minDistanceThreshold, double maxDistanceThreshold, int minTimeThreshold, int maxTimeThreshold, int optimiserSteps) { dThresholds = getIntervals(minDistanceThreshold, maxDistanceThreshold, optimiserSteps); tThresholds = convert(getIntervals(minTimeThreshold, maxTimeThreshold, optimiserSteps)); int total = dThresholds.length * tThresholds.length; ArrayList<double[]> results = new ArrayList<double[]>(total); IJ.showStatus("Optimising tracing (" + total + " steps) ..."); if (debugMode) IJ.log("Optimising tracing ..."); int step = 0; for (double d : dThresholds) for (int t : tThresholds) { IJ.showProgress(step++, total); int n = manager.traceMolecules(d, t); results.add(new double[] { d, t, n, getBlinkingRate(manager.getTraces()) }); if (debugMode) { summarise(manager.getTraces(), manager.getTotalFiltered(), d, t); } } if (debugMode) IJ.log("-=-=-=-"); IJ.showStatus(""); IJ.showProgress(1.0); return results; } private double getBlinkingRate(Trace[] traces) { SummaryStatistics stats = new SummaryStatistics(); for (Trace trace : traces) stats.addValue(trace.getNBlinks()); double blinkingRate = stats.getMean(); return blinkingRate; } private double[] getIntervals(double min, double max, int optimiserSteps) { if (max < min) { double tmp = max; max = min; min = tmp; } double range = max - min; if (range == 0) return new double[] { min }; double[] values = new double[optimiserSteps + ((min != 0) ? 1 : 0)]; int j = 0; if (min != 0) values[j++] = min; // Build a set of steps from min to max // Calculate a factor so that: // f^steps = range + 1 // => factor^n is in bounds [1:range+1] when n <= steps final double f = Math.pow(range + 1, 1.0 / optimiserSteps); // Set the first increment, i.e. f^1 double x = f; for (int i = 0; i < optimiserSteps; i++) { // Set the value starting from min. // This is equivalent to: values[i] = min + Math.pow(f, i+1) - 1 // Note that the bounds is [1:range+1] and so 1 is subtracted values[j++] = min + x - 1; x *= f; } return values; } private int[] convert(double[] intervals) { TIntHashSet set = new TIntHashSet(intervals.length); for (double d : intervals) set.add((int) Math.round(d)); set.remove(0); // Do not allow zero int[] values = set.toArray(); Arrays.sort(values); return values; } /** * Find the contour that intersects zero on the fractional difference plot. * Find the point on the contour nearest the origin. * * @param results */ private boolean findOptimalParameters(List<double[]> results) { // This method only works if there are many results and if the results // cover enough of the search space to go from above zero (i.e. not enough traces) // to below zero (i.e. too many traces) int maxx = tThresholds.length; int maxy = dThresholds.length; // -------- // Find zero crossings using linear interpolation zeroCrossingPoints = new ArrayList<double[]>(); // -------- // Pass across all time points boolean noZeroCrossingAtT0 = false; boolean noZeroCrossingAtTN = false; for (int x = 0; x < maxx; x++) { // Find zero crossings on distance points double[] data = new double[maxy]; for (int y = 0; y < maxy; y++) { int i = y * maxx + x; double[] result = results.get(i); data[y] = result[2]; } double zeroCrossing = findZeroCrossing(data, dThresholds); if (zeroCrossing > 0) zeroCrossingPoints.add(new double[] { tThresholds[x], zeroCrossing }); else if (x == 0) noZeroCrossingAtT0 = true; else if (x == maxx - 1) noZeroCrossingAtTN = true; } // If there were not enough zero crossings then the ranges are wrong if (zeroCrossingPoints.size() < 3) { IJ.log(String.format("Very few zero crossings (%d). Increase the optimisation space", zeroCrossingPoints.size())); return false; } // -------- // Use relative distances to find the zero crossing with the smallest distance from origin // and set this as the optimal parameters // -------- double minD = Double.MAX_VALUE; final double maxTimeThresholdInFrames = settings.maxTimeThreshold; // The optimiser works using frames so convert back to the correct units double convert = (settings.getTimeUnit() == TimeUnit.SECOND) ? exposureTime : 1; for (double[] point : zeroCrossingPoints) { double dx = point[0] / maxTimeThresholdInFrames; double dy = point[1] / settings.maxDistanceThreshold; double d = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (d < minD) { minD = d; settings.distanceThreshold = point[1]; settings.setTimeThreshold(point[0] * convert); } } // -------- // Add more points to make the plotted line look better when showing the plot. // -------- // Pass across all distance points boolean noZeroCrossingAtD0 = false; boolean noZeroCrossingAtDN = false; double[] tThresholdsD = toDouble(tThresholds); for (int y = 0; y < maxy; y++) { // Find zero crossings on time points double[] data = new double[maxx]; for (int x = 0; x < maxx; x++) { int i = y * maxx + x; double[] result = results.get(i); data[x] = result[2]; } double zeroCrossing = findZeroCrossing(data, tThresholdsD); if (zeroCrossing > 0) zeroCrossingPoints.add(new double[] { zeroCrossing, dThresholds[y] }); else if (y == 0) noZeroCrossingAtD0 = true; else if (y == maxy - 1) noZeroCrossingAtDN = true; } sortPoints(); // -------- // Output a message suggesting if the limits should be updated. // -------- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean reduceTime = false; boolean reduceDistance = false; if (noZeroCrossingAtDN && settings.minTimeThreshold > 1) { sb.append(" * No zero crossing at max distance\n"); reduceTime = true; } if (noZeroCrossingAtTN && settings.minDistanceThreshold > 0) { sb.append(" * No zero crossing at max time\n"); reduceDistance = true; } if (!noZeroCrossingAtD0 && settings.minDistanceThreshold > 0) { sb.append(" * Zero crossing at min distance\n"); reduceDistance = true; } if (!noZeroCrossingAtT0 && settings.minTimeThreshold > 1) { sb.append(" * Zero crossing at min time\n"); reduceTime = true; } if (reduceTime) sb.append(" => Reduce the min time threshold\n"); if (reduceDistance) sb.append(" => Reduce the min distance threshold\n"); if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.insert(0, "\nWarning:\n"); sb.append("\n"); IJ.log(sb.toString()); } // TODO - Fit a function to the zero crossing points. I am not sure what function // is suitable for the asymptotic curve (e.g. 1/x == x^-1), perhaps: // f(x) = a + (bx+c)^n // where // n < 0 // a = Distance asymptote (equivalent to the distance resolution?) // b = Scaling factor // c = Time asymptote //interpolateZeroCrossingPoints(); return true; } private double findZeroCrossing(double[] data, double[] axis) { if (data[0] < 0) return -1; for (int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i] < 0) { double fraction = data[i - 1] / (data[i - 1] - data[i]); return fraction * axis[i] + (1 - fraction) * axis[i - 1]; } } return -1; } private void sortPoints() { // Sort by x coord, then y Collections.sort(zeroCrossingPoints, new Comparator<double[]>() { public int compare(double[] o1, double[] o2) { if (o1[0] < o2[0]) return -1; if (o1[0] > o2[0]) return 1; if (o1[1] < o2[1]) return -1; if (o1[1] > o2[1]) return 1; return 0; } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void interpolateZeroCrossingPoints() { double[] x = new double[zeroCrossingPoints.size()]; double[] y = new double[zeroCrossingPoints.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { double[] point = zeroCrossingPoints.get(i); x[i] = point[0]; y[i] = point[1]; } PolynomialSplineFunction fx = new SplineInterpolator().interpolate(x, y); double minX = x[0]; double maxX = x[x.length - 1]; double xinc = (maxX - minX) / 50; for (minX = minX + xinc; minX < maxX; minX += xinc) { zeroCrossingPoints.add(new double[] { minX, fx.value(minX) }); } sortPoints(); } /** * Build an image using the values within the results to set X,Y and value * * @param results */ private void createPlotResults(List<double[]> results) { int w = 400, h = 400; switch (settings.getOptimiserPlot()) { case NONE: return; case BILINEAR: fp = createBilinearPlot(results, w, h); break; default: fp = createNNPlot(results, w, h); } // Create a calibration to map the pixel position back to distance/time cal = new Calibration(); double xRange = getRange(settings.maxTimeThreshold, settings.minTimeThreshold, origX, w); double yRange = getRange(settings.maxDistanceThreshold, settings.minDistanceThreshold, origY, h); cal.pixelWidth = xRange / w; cal.pixelHeight = yRange / h; cal.xOrigin = origX - settings.minTimeThreshold / cal.pixelWidth; cal.yOrigin = origY - settings.minDistanceThreshold / cal.pixelHeight; cal.setXUnit("frame"); cal.setYUnit("pixel"); showPlot(); } /** * Shows the plot */ private void showPlot() { if (settings.getOptimiserPlot() == OptimiserPlot.NONE) return; // Display the image String title = TITLE + ": | N - N_actual | / N_actual"; ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(title); if (imp != null) { fp.setColorModel(imp.getProcessor().getColorModel()); imp.setProcessor(fp); } else { imp = new ImagePlus(title, fp);; WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(imp); LutLoader lut = new LutLoader();"fire"); WindowManager.setTempCurrentImage(null); } imp.setCalibration(cal); addZeroCrossingPoints(imp); imp.updateAndDraw(); } private void addZeroCrossingPoints(ImagePlus imp) { PolygonRoi roi = null; imp.setRoi(roi); if (zeroCrossingPoints == null || zeroCrossingPoints.isEmpty()) return; Calibration cal = imp.getCalibration(); int nPoints = zeroCrossingPoints.size(); float[] xPoints = new float[nPoints]; float[] yPoints = new float[nPoints]; for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) { double[] point = zeroCrossingPoints.get(i); // Convert to pixel coordinates. xPoints[i] = (float) (cal.xOrigin + (point[0] / cal.pixelWidth)); yPoints[i] = (float) (cal.yOrigin + (point[1] / cal.pixelHeight)); } roi = new PolygonRoi(xPoints, yPoints, nPoints, PolygonRoi.POLYLINE); imp.setRoi(roi); } private FloatProcessor createNNPlot(List<double[]> results, int w, int h) { FloatProcessor fp = new FloatProcessor(w, h); // Create lookup table that map the tested threshold values to a position in the image int[] xLookup = createLookup(tThresholds, settings.minTimeThreshold, w); int[] yLookup = createLookup(dThresholds, settings.minDistanceThreshold, h); origX = (settings.minTimeThreshold != 0) ? xLookup[1] : 0; origY = (settings.minDistanceThreshold != 0) ? yLookup[1] : 0; int gridWidth = tThresholds.length; int gridHeight = dThresholds.length; for (int y = 0, i = 0; y < gridHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gridWidth; x++, i++) { int x1 = xLookup[x]; int x2 = xLookup[x + 1]; int y1 = yLookup[y]; int y2 = yLookup[y + 1]; double[] result = results.get(i); fp.setValue(Math.abs(result[2])); fp.setRoi(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); fp.fill(); } } return fp; } private int[] createLookup(int[] values, int min, int scale) { double[] newValues = toDouble(values); return createLookup(newValues, min, scale); } private double[] toDouble(int[] values) { double[] newValues = new double[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { newValues[i] = values[i]; } return newValues; } private int[] createLookup(double[] values, double min, int scale) { // To allow the lowest result to be plotted, add space at the edge // equal to the next interval if (min != 0 && values.length > 1) { min -= values[1] - values[0]; } int[] lookup = new int[values.length + 1]; double range = values[values.length - 1] - min; double scaleFactor = scale / range; for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { lookup[i] = (int) Math.round(scaleFactor * (values[i - 1] - min)); } lookup[values.length] = scale; return lookup; } private FloatProcessor createBilinearPlot(List<double[]> results, int w, int h) { FloatProcessor fp = new FloatProcessor(w, h); // Create lookup table that map the tested threshold values to a position in the image int[] xLookup = createLookup(tThresholds, settings.minTimeThreshold, w); int[] yLookup = createLookup(dThresholds, settings.minDistanceThreshold, h); origX = (settings.minTimeThreshold != 0) ? xLookup[1] : 0; origY = (settings.minDistanceThreshold != 0) ? yLookup[1] : 0; int gridWidth = tThresholds.length; int gridHeight = dThresholds.length; for (int y = 0, prevY = 0; y < gridHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0, prevX = 0; x < gridWidth; x++) { // Get the 4 flanking values double x1y1 = results.get(prevY * gridWidth + prevX)[2]; double x1y2 = results.get(y * gridWidth + prevX)[2]; double x2y1 = results.get(prevY * gridWidth + x)[2]; double x2y2 = results.get(y * gridWidth + x)[2]; // Pixel range int x1 = xLookup[x]; int x2 = xLookup[x + 1]; int y1 = yLookup[y]; int y2 = yLookup[y + 1]; double xRange = x2 - x1; double yRange = y2 - y1; for (int yy = y1; yy < y2; yy++) { double yFraction = (yy - y1) / yRange; for (int xx = x1; xx < x2; xx++) { // Interpolate double xFraction = (xx - x1) / xRange; double v1 = x1y1 * (1 - xFraction) + x2y1 * xFraction; double v2 = x1y2 * (1 - xFraction) + x2y2 * xFraction; double value = v1 * (1 - yFraction) + v2 * yFraction; fp.setf(xx, yy, (float) value); } } prevX = x; } prevY = y; } // Convert to absolute for easier visualisation float[] data = (float[]) fp.getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] = Math.abs(data[i]); return fp; } private double getRange(double max, double min, int orig, int w) { double r = max - min; if (r <= 0) r = 1; return r * w / (w - orig); } private void fitTraces(MemoryPeakResults results, Trace[] traces) { // Check if the original image is open and the fit configuration can be extracted ImageSource source = results.getSource(); if (source == null) return; if (! return; FitEngineConfiguration config = (FitEngineConfiguration) XmlUtils.fromXML(results.getConfiguration()); if (config == null) return; // Show a dialog asking if the traces should be refit GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Do you want to fit the traces as a single peak using a combined image?"); gd.addCheckbox("Fit_closest_to_centroid", !fitOnlyCentroid); gd.addSlider("Distance_threshold", 0.01, 3, distanceThreshold); gd.addSlider("Expansion_factor", 1, 4.5, expansionFactor); // Allow fitting settings to be adjusted FitConfiguration fitConfig = config.getFitConfiguration(); gd.addMessage("--- Gaussian fitting ---"); String[] filterTypes = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) DataFilterType.values()); gd.addChoice("Spot_filter_type", filterTypes, filterTypes[config.getDataFilterType().ordinal()]); String[] filterNames = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) DataFilter.values()); gd.addChoice("Spot_filter", filterNames, filterNames[config.getDataFilter(0).ordinal()]); gd.addSlider("Smoothing", 0, 2.5, config.getSmooth(0)); gd.addSlider("Search_width", 0.5, 2.5, config.getSearch()); gd.addSlider("Border", 0.5, 2.5, config.getBorder()); gd.addSlider("Fitting_width", 2, 4.5, config.getFitting()); String[] solverNames = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) FitSolver.values()); gd.addChoice("Fit_solver", solverNames, solverNames[fitConfig.getFitSolver().ordinal()]); String[] functionNames = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) FitFunction.values()); gd.addChoice("Fit_function", functionNames, functionNames[fitConfig.getFitFunction().ordinal()]); String[] criteriaNames = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) FitCriteria.values()); gd.addChoice("Fit_criteria", criteriaNames, criteriaNames[fitConfig.getFitCriteria().ordinal()]); gd.addNumericField("Significant_digits", fitConfig.getSignificantDigits(), 0); gd.addNumericField("Coord_delta", fitConfig.getDelta(), 4); gd.addNumericField("Lambda", fitConfig.getLambda(), 4); gd.addNumericField("Max_iterations", fitConfig.getMaxIterations(), 0); gd.addNumericField("Fail_limit", config.getFailuresLimit(), 0); gd.addCheckbox("Include_neighbours", config.isIncludeNeighbours()); gd.addSlider("Neighbour_height", 0.01, 1, config.getNeighbourHeightThreshold()); gd.addSlider("Residuals_threshold", 0.01, 1, config.getResidualsThreshold()); //gd.addSlider("Duplicate_distance", 0, 1.5, fitConfig.getDuplicateDistance()); gd.addMessage("--- Peak filtering ---\nDiscard fits that shift; are too low; or expand/contract"); gd.addCheckbox("Smart_filter", fitConfig.isSmartFilter()); gd.addCheckbox("Disable_simple_filter", fitConfig.isDisableSimpleFilter()); gd.addSlider("Shift_factor", 0.01, 2, fitConfig.getCoordinateShiftFactor()); gd.addNumericField("Signal_strength", fitConfig.getSignalStrength(), 2); gd.addNumericField("Min_photons", fitConfig.getMinPhotons(), 0); gd.addSlider("Min_width_factor", 0, 0.99, fitConfig.getMinWidthFactor()); gd.addSlider("Width_factor", 1.01, 5, fitConfig.getWidthFactor()); gd.addNumericField("Precision", fitConfig.getPrecisionThreshold(), 2); gd.addCheckbox("Debug_failures", debugFailures); gd.showDialog(); if (!gd.wasOKed()) { source.close(); return; } // Get parameters for the fit fitOnlyCentroid = !gd.getNextBoolean(); distanceThreshold = (float) gd.getNextNumber(); expansionFactor = (float) gd.getNextNumber(); config.setDataFilterType(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); config.setDataFilter(gd.getNextChoiceIndex(), Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()), 0); config.setSearch(gd.getNextNumber()); config.setBorder(gd.getNextNumber()); config.setFitting(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setFitSolver(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); fitConfig.setFitFunction(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); fitConfig.setFitCriteria(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); fitConfig.setSignificantDigits((int) gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setDelta(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setLambda(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setMaxIterations((int) gd.getNextNumber()); config.setFailuresLimit((int) gd.getNextNumber()); config.setIncludeNeighbours(gd.getNextBoolean()); config.setNeighbourHeightThreshold(gd.getNextNumber()); config.setResidualsThreshold(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setSmartFilter(gd.getNextBoolean()); fitConfig.setDisableSimpleFilter(gd.getNextBoolean()); fitConfig.setCoordinateShiftFactor(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setSignalStrength(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setMinPhotons(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setMinWidthFactor(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setWidthFactor(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setPrecisionThreshold(gd.getNextNumber()); // Check arguments try { Parameters.isAboveZero("Distance threshold", distanceThreshold); Parameters.isAbove("Expansion factor", expansionFactor, 1); Parameters.isAboveZero("Search_width", config.getSearch()); Parameters.isAboveZero("Fitting_width", config.getFitting()); Parameters.isAboveZero("Significant digits", fitConfig.getSignificantDigits()); Parameters.isAboveZero("Delta", fitConfig.getDelta()); Parameters.isAboveZero("Lambda", fitConfig.getLambda()); Parameters.isAboveZero("Max iterations", fitConfig.getMaxIterations()); Parameters.isPositive("Failures limit", config.getFailuresLimit()); Parameters.isPositive("Neighbour height threshold", config.getNeighbourHeightThreshold()); Parameters.isPositive("Residuals threshold", config.getResidualsThreshold()); Parameters.isPositive("Coordinate Shift factor", fitConfig.getCoordinateShiftFactor()); Parameters.isPositive("Signal strength", fitConfig.getSignalStrength()); Parameters.isPositive("Min photons", fitConfig.getMinPhotons()); Parameters.isPositive("Min width factor", fitConfig.getMinWidthFactor()); Parameters.isPositive("Width factor", fitConfig.getWidthFactor()); Parameters.isPositive("Precision threshold", fitConfig.getPrecisionThreshold()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { IJ.error(TITLE, e.getMessage()); source.close(); return; } debugFailures = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (!PeakFit.configureSmartFilter(globalSettings, filename)) return; if (!PeakFit.configureDataFilter(globalSettings, filename, false)) return; if (!PeakFit.configureFitSolver(globalSettings, filename, false)) return; // Adjust settings for a single maxima config.setIncludeNeighbours(false); fitConfig.setDuplicateDistance(0); // Create a fit engine MemoryPeakResults refitResults = new MemoryPeakResults(); refitResults.copySettings(results); refitResults.setName(results.getName() + " Trace Fit"); refitResults.setSortAfterEnd(true); refitResults.begin(); // No border since we know where the peaks are and we must not miss them due to truncated searching FitEngine engine = new FitEngine(config, refitResults, Prefs.getThreads(), FitQueue.BLOCKING); // Either : Only fit the centroid // or : Extract a bigger region, allowing all fits to run as normal and then // find the correct spot using Euclidian distance. // Set up the limits final double stdDev = FastMath.max(fitConfig.getInitialPeakStdDev0(), fitConfig.getInitialPeakStdDev1()); float fitWidth = (float) (stdDev * config.getFitting() * ((fitOnlyCentroid) ? 1 : expansionFactor)); IJ.showStatus("Refitting traces ..."); List<JobItem> jobItems = new ArrayList<JobItem>(traces.length); int singles = 0; int fitted = 0; for (int n = 0; n < traces.length; n++) { Trace trace = traces[n]; if (n % 32 == 0) IJ.showProgress(n, traces.length); // Skip traces with one peak if (trace.size() == 1) { singles++; // Use the synchronized method to avoid thread clashes with the FitEngine refitResults.addSync(trace.getHead()); continue; } Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(); double[] combinedNoise = new double[1]; float[] data = buildCombinedImage(source, trace, fitWidth, bounds, combinedNoise, false); if (data == null) continue; // Fit the combined image FitParameters params = new FitParameters(); params.noise = (float) combinedNoise[0]; float[] centre = trace.getCentroid(); if (fitOnlyCentroid) { int newX = (int) Math.round(centre[0]) - bounds.x; int newY = (int) Math.round(centre[1]) - bounds.y; params.maxIndices = new int[] { newY * bounds.width + newX }; } else { params.filter = new ArrayList<float[]>(); params.filter.add(new float[] { centre[0] - bounds.x, centre[1] - bounds.y }); params.distanceThreshold = distanceThreshold; } // This is not needed since the bounds are passed using the FitJob //params.setOffset(new float[] { bounds.x, bounds.y }); int startT = trace.getHead().getFrame(); params.endT = trace.getTail().getFrame(); ParameterisedFitJob job = new ParameterisedFitJob(n, params, startT, data, bounds); jobItems.add(new JobItem(job, trace, centre));; fitted++; } engine.end(false); IJ.showStatus(""); IJ.showProgress(1); // Check the success ... FitStatus[] values = FitStatus.values(); int[] statusCount = new int[values.length + 1]; ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) values))); names.add(String.format("No maxima within %.2f of centroid", distanceThreshold)); int separated = 0; int success = 0; final int debugLimit = 3; for (JobItem jobItem : jobItems) { int id = jobItem.getId(); ParameterisedFitJob job = jobItem.job; Trace trace = jobItem.trace; int[] indices = job.getIndices(); FitResult fitResult = null; int status; if (indices.length < 1) { status = values.length; } else if (indices.length > 1) { //System.out.printf("Multiple fits performed for trace : Job Id = %d\n", id); // Fits are recorded if (a) they succeeded and were close to the target centroid; // or (b) if they failed and started close to the target centroid. // Choose the first OK result. This is all that matters for the success reporting for (int n = 0; n < indices.length; n++) { if (job.getFitResult(n).getStatus() == FitStatus.OK) { fitResult = job.getFitResult(n); break; } } // Otherwise use the closest failure. if (fitResult == null) { final float[] centre = traces[id].getCentroid(); double minD = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int n = 0; n < indices.length; n++) { // Since the fit has failed we use the initial parameters final double[] params = job.getFitResult(n).getInitialParameters(); final double dx = params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] - centre[0]; final double dy = params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] - centre[1]; final double d = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (minD > d) { minD = d; fitResult = job.getFitResult(n); } } } status = fitResult.getStatus().ordinal(); } else { fitResult = job.getFitResult(0); status = fitResult.getStatus().ordinal(); } // All jobs have only one peak statusCount[status]++; // Debug why any fits failed if (fitResult == null || fitResult.getStatus() != FitStatus.OK) { refitResults.addAll(trace.getPoints()); separated += trace.size(); if (debugFailures) { FitStatus s = (fitResult == null) ? FitStatus.UNKNOWN : fitResult.getStatus(); // Only display the first n per category to limit the number of images double[] noise = new double[1]; if (statusCount[status] <= debugLimit) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(); buildCombinedImage(source, trace, fitWidth, bounds, noise, true); float[] centre = trace.getCentroid(); Utils.display( String.format("Trace %d (n=%d) : x=%f,y=%f", id, trace.size(), centre[0], centre[1]), slices); switch (s) { case INSUFFICIENT_PRECISION: float precision = (Float) fitResult.getStatusData(); IJ.log(String.format("Trace %d (n=%d) : %s = %f", id, trace.size(), names.get(status), precision)); break; case INSUFFICIENT_SIGNAL: if (noise[0] == 0) noise[0] = getCombinedNoise(trace); float snr = (Float) fitResult.getStatusData(); IJ.log(String.format("Trace %d (n=%d) : %s = %f (noise=%.2f)", id, trace.size(), names.get(status), snr, noise[0])); break; case COORDINATES_MOVED: case OUTSIDE_FIT_REGION: case WIDTH_DIVERGED: float[] shift = (float[]) fitResult.getStatusData(); IJ.log(String.format("Trace %d (n=%d) : %s = %.3f,%.3f", id, trace.size(), names.get(status), shift[0], shift[1])); break; default: IJ.log(String.format("Trace %d (n=%d) : %s", id, trace.size(), names.get(status))); break; } } } } else { success++; if (debugFailures) { // Only display the first n per category to limit the number of images double[] noise = new double[1]; if (statusCount[status] <= debugLimit) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(); buildCombinedImage(source, trace, fitWidth, bounds, noise, true); float[] centre = trace.getCentroid(); Utils.display( String.format("Trace %d (n=%d) : x=%f,y=%f", id, trace.size(), centre[0], centre[1]), slices); } } } } IJ.log(String.format("Trace fitting : %d singles : %d / %d fitted : %d separated", singles, success, fitted, separated)); if (separated > 0) { IJ.log("Reasons for fit failure :"); // Start at i=1 to skip FitStatus.OK for (int i = 1; i < statusCount.length; i++) { if (statusCount[i] != 0) IJ.log(" " + names.get(i) + " = " + statusCount[i]); } } refitResults.end(); MemoryPeakResults.addResults(refitResults); source.close(); } private ImageStack slices; private float[] buildCombinedImage(ImageSource source, Trace trace, float fitWidth, Rectangle bounds, double[] combinedNoise, boolean createStack) { final int w = source.getWidth(); final int h = source.getHeight(); // Get the coordinates and the spot bounds float[] centre = trace.getCentroid(CentroidMethod.SIGNAL_WEIGHTED); int minX = (int) Math.floor(centre[0] - fitWidth); int maxX = (int) Math.ceil(centre[0] + fitWidth); int minY = (int) Math.floor(centre[1] - fitWidth); int maxY = (int) Math.ceil(centre[1] + fitWidth); // Account for crops at the edge of the image minX = FastMath.max(0, minX); maxX = FastMath.min(w, maxX); minY = FastMath.max(0, minY); maxY = FastMath.min(h, maxY); int width = maxX - minX; int height = maxY - minY; if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { // The centre must be outside the image width and height return null; } bounds.x = minX; bounds.y = minY; bounds.width = width; bounds.height = height; if (createStack) slices = new ImageStack(width, height); // Combine the images. Subtract the fitted background to zero the image. float[] data = new float[width * height]; float sumBackground = 0; double noise = 0; for (PeakResult result : trace.getPoints()) { noise += result.noise * result.noise; float[] sourceData = source.get(result.getFrame(), bounds); final float background = result.getBackground(); sumBackground += background; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] += sourceData[i] - background; } if (createStack) slices.addSlice(new FloatProcessor(width, height, sourceData, null)); } if (createStack) { // Add a final image that is the average of the individual slices. This allows // it to be visualised in the same intensity scale. float[] data2 = Arrays.copyOf(data, data.length); final int size = slices.getSize(); sumBackground /= size; for (int i = 0; i < data2.length; i++) data2[i] = sumBackground + data2[i] / size; slices.addSlice(new FloatProcessor(width, height, data2, null)); } // Combined noise is the sqrt of the sum-of-squares combinedNoise[0] = Math.sqrt(noise); return data; } private double getCombinedNoise(Trace trace) { double noise = 0; for (PeakResult result : trace.getPoints()) { noise += result.noise * result.noise; } // Combined noise is the sqrt of the sum-of-squares return Math.sqrt(noise); } private class JobItem { ParameterisedFitJob job; Trace trace; public JobItem(ParameterisedFitJob job, Trace trace, float[] centre) { this.job = job; this.trace = trace; } public int getId() { return job.getId(); } } }