package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2015 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Contains a population of individuals that may crossover and mutate to evolve. * <p> * For simplicity the individuals have one chromosome sequence. */ /* * An extension would be to have an Individual class that has many Chromosomes, each is allowed to crossover with its * matching pair and then segregation occurs to new individuals. */ public class Population<T extends Comparable<T>> { private List<? extends Chromosome<T>> individuals; private int populationSize = 500; private int failureLimit = 3; private int iteration = 0; // This introduces a dependency on another gdsc.smlm package private TrackProgress tracker = null; /** * Create a population of individuals * * @param individuals * The population of individuals * @throws InvalidPopulationSize * if the population is less than 2 */ public Population(List<? extends Chromosome<T>> individuals) { if (individuals == null) throw new InvalidPopulationSize(0, 1); checkSize(individuals.size()); this.individuals = individuals; } private void checkSize(int size) { if (size < 1) throw new InvalidPopulationSize(0, 1); } /** * @return the individuals */ public List<? extends Chromosome<T>> getIndividuals() { return individuals; } /** * Evolve the population of individuals until convergence of the most fit individual in the population. * <p> * The population will grow until the desired population size by recombination of individual pairs chosen from the * population by the selection strategy. Child sequences will be subject to mutation. The fitness of all the * individuals in the new population is evaluated and convergence checked for the fittest individual. If the initial * population is small (<2 or <Chromosome<T>.length()) then mutation will be used to expand it before recombination. * <p> * The process of grow, evaluate, select is repeated until convergence. * <p> * Note: the subset of individuals selected for the next generation by the selection strategy will be unchanged * (i.e. no mutation). This allows the fittest individuals to remain unchanged. * * @param mutator * @param recombiner * @param checker * @throws InvalidPopulationSize * if the population is less than 2 (this can occur after selection) * @return The best individual */ public Chromosome<T> evolve(Mutator<T> mutator, Recombiner<T> recombiner, FitnessFunction<T> fitnessFunction, SelectionStrategy<T> selectionStrategy, ConvergenceChecker<T> checker) { // Reset the fitness for (Chromosome<T> c : individuals) c.setFitness(null); // Find the best individual grow(selectionStrategy, mutator, recombiner); Chromosome<T> current = evaluateFitness(fitnessFunction); Chromosome<T> previous; boolean converged = false; while (!converged) { previous = current; // Select the best individuals and expand the population if (!select(selectionStrategy)) { current = null; break; } grow(selectionStrategy, mutator, recombiner); // Evaluate the fitness and check convergence current = evaluateFitness(fitnessFunction); converged = checker.converged(previous, current); } if (tracker != null) tracker.status("Converged [%d]", iteration); return current; } private void grow(SelectionStrategy<T> selectionStrategy, Mutator<T> mutator, Recombiner<T> recombiner) { iteration++; start("Grow"); if (individuals.size() >= populationSize) return; ArrayList<Chromosome<T>> newIndividuals = new ArrayList<Chromosome<T>>(populationSize - individuals.size()); // Check for a minimum population size & mutate the individuals to achieve it. // This allows a seed population of 1 to evolve. final int minSize = Math.max(2, individuals.get(0).length()); int target = minSize - individuals.size(); if (target > 0) { if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(individuals.size(), populationSize); int next = 0; int fails = 0; while (newIndividuals.size() < target && fails < failureLimit) { Chromosome<T> c = mutator.mutate(individuals.get(next++ % individuals.size())); if (c != null && !isDuplicate(newIndividuals, c)) { newIndividuals.add(c); fails = 0; if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(newIndividuals.size() + individuals.size(), populationSize); } else { fails++; } } // Combine the lists newIndividuals.addAll(individuals); individuals = newIndividuals; if (individuals.size() < 2) { end(); return; // Failed to mutate anything to achieve a breeding population } } // Now breed the population selectionStrategy.initialiseBreeding(individuals); target = populationSize - individuals.size(); int previousSize = -1; int fails = 0; while (newIndividuals.size() < target && fails < failureLimit) { previousSize = newIndividuals.size(); // Select two individuals for recombination ChromosomePair<T> pair =; Chromosome<T>[] children = recombiner.cross(pair.c1, pair.c2); if (children != null && children.length != 0) { // New children have been generated so mutate them for (int i = 0; i < children.length && newIndividuals.size() < target; i++) { Chromosome<T> c = mutator.mutate(children[i]); if (c == null) continue; // Ignore duplicates if (isDuplicate(newIndividuals, c)) continue; newIndividuals.add(c); } } if (previousSize == newIndividuals.size()) fails++; else { fails = 0; if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(newIndividuals.size() + individuals.size(), populationSize); } } selectionStrategy.finishBreeding(); // Combine the lists newIndividuals.addAll(individuals); individuals = newIndividuals; end(); } /** * Check for duplicates in the current and new populations * * @param newIndividuals * The new population * @param c * The chromosome * @return true if a duplicate */ private boolean isDuplicate(ArrayList<? extends Chromosome<T>> newIndividuals, Chromosome<T> c) { final double[] s = c.sequence(); for (Chromosome<T> i : this.individuals) if (match(i, s)) return true; for (Chromosome<T> i : newIndividuals) if (match(i, s)) return true; return false; } /** * Check if a chromosome matches the sequence * * @param c * The chromosome * @param s * The sequence * @return True if a match */ private boolean match(Chromosome<T> c, double[] s) { final double[] s2 = c.sequence(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) if (s[i] != s2[i]) return false; return true; } /** * Calculate the fitness of the population * * @param fitnessFunction * @return The fittest individual */ private Chromosome<T> evaluateFitness(FitnessFunction<T> fitnessFunction) { start("Score"); Chromosome<T> best = null; T max = null; // Subset only those with no fitness score (the others must be unchanged) ArrayList<Chromosome<T>> subset = new ArrayList<Chromosome<T>>(individuals.size()); long count = 0; for (Chromosome<T> c : individuals) { final T f = c.getFitness(); if (f == null) { subset.add(c); } else { if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(++count, individuals.size()); if (f.compareTo(max) < 0) { max = f; best = c; } } } fitnessFunction.initialise(subset); for (Chromosome<T> c : subset) { final T f =; c.setFitness(f); if (f != null && f.compareTo(max) < 0) { max = f; best = c; } if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(++count, individuals.size()); } fitnessFunction.shutdown(); end(); return best; } /** * Select a subset of the population * * @param selection * The selection strategy * @return True if a valid population was selected (size>=1) */ private boolean select(SelectionStrategy<T> selection) { start("Select"); individuals =; end(); return !individuals.isEmpty(); } /** * Get the population size limit to achieve when growing the population * * @return the populationSize */ public int getPopulationSize() { return populationSize; } /** * Set the population size limit to achieve when growing the population * * @param populationSize * the population size to set */ public void setPopulationSize(int populationSize) { checkSize(populationSize); this.populationSize = populationSize; } /** * Get the number of failed recombinations/mutations to allow before the stopping attempts to grow the population * * @return the failure limit */ public int getFailureLimit() { return failureLimit; } /** * Set the number of failed recombinations/mutations to allow before the stopping attempts to grow the population * * @param failureLimit * the failure limit */ public void setFailureLimit(int failureLimit) { this.failureLimit = failureLimit; } /** * @return the tracker */ public TrackProgress getTracker() { return tracker; } /** * Set a tracker to allow the progress to be followed * * @param tracker * the tracker to set */ public void setTracker(TrackProgress tracker) { this.tracker = tracker; } /** * Get the iteration. The iteration is increased each time the population grows as part of the [grow, evaluate, * select] cycle. * * @return the iteration */ public int getIteration() { return iteration; } private void start(String stage) { if (tracker != null) { tracker.status(stage + " [%d]", iteration); tracker.progress(0); } } private void end() { if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(1); } }