package gdsc.smlm.results; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import gdsc.core.logging.TrackProgress; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.Gaussian2DFunction; import; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; /** * Trace localisations through a time stack to identify single molecules */ public class TraceManager { /** * Set the mode used to search backwards in time */ public enum TraceMode { //@formatter:off /** * Search the latest localisations first. This is equivalent to a downwards search. When a localisation is found * no more time points will be searched. */ LATEST_FORERUNNER{ public String getName() { return "Latest forerunner"; }}, /** * Search the earliest localisations first. This is equivalent to a depth first search. When a localisation is * found no more time points will be searched. */ EARLIEST_FORERUNNER{ public String getName() { return "Earliest forerunner"; }}, /** * Search all time points within the distance threshold. This is slower as all time points are searched. It is * equivalent to single-linkage clustering with a time constraint on joined localisations. */ SINGLE_LINKAGE{ public String getName() { return "Single linkage"; }}; //@formatter:on @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } /** * Gets the name. * * @return the name */ abstract public String getName(); } private MemoryPeakResults results; private Localisation[] localisations; private Localisation[] endLocalisations; private int[] index, endIndex; private int[] maxT; private int totalTraces; private int totalFiltered; private float dThresh2, dExclusion2; private TrackProgress tracker = null; private int activationFrameInterval = 0; private int activationFrameWindow = 0; private double distanceExclusion = 0; private boolean filterActivationFrames = false; private TraceMode traceMode = TraceMode.LATEST_FORERUNNER; private int pulseInterval = 0; /** * The distance between the localisation and its assigned forerunner. * <p> * Set in {@link #findForerunner(int, int, int)} and {@link #findAlternativeForerunner(int, int, int, int, int[])}. */ private float minD; private class Localisation { int t, endT, id, trace; float x, y; public Localisation(int id, int t, int endT, float x, float y) { if (endT < t) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("End time (%d) is before the start time (%d)", endT, t)); this.t = t; this.endT = endT; = id; this.x = x; this.y = y; } public float distance2(Localisation other) { final float dx = x - other.x; final float dy = y - other.y; return dx * dx + dy * dy; } } private class Assignment { int index; float distance; int traceId; public Assignment(int index, float distance, int traceId) { this.index = index; this.distance = distance; this.traceId = traceId; } } /** * @param results * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if results are null or empty */ public TraceManager(final MemoryPeakResults results) { initialise(results); } private void initialise(final MemoryPeakResults results) { if (results == null || results.size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Results are null or empty"); this.results = results; // Assign localisations localisations = new Localisation[results.size()]; int id = 0; for (PeakResult result : results.getResults()) { localisations[id] = new Localisation(id, result.getFrame(), result.getEndFrame(), result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION], result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]); id++; } totalTraces = localisations.length; // Sort by start time Arrays.sort(localisations, new Comparator<Localisation>() { public int compare(Localisation o1, Localisation o2) { return o1.t - o2.t; } }); // The algorithm assumes minT is positive if (localisations[0].t < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lowest start time is negative"); // Build a second localisations list sorted by end time endLocalisations = Arrays.copyOf(localisations, totalTraces); Arrays.sort(endLocalisations, new Comparator<Localisation>() { public int compare(Localisation o1, Localisation o2) { return o1.endT - o2.endT; } }); // Create a look-up table of the starting index in each localisations array for each possible time point // This allows looping over all localisations for a given t using: // for (int i=index[t]; i<index[t+1]; i++) int maxT = localisations[totalTraces - 1].t; index = new int[maxT + 2]; int t = -1; for (int i = 0; i < localisations.length; i++) { while (t < localisations[i].t) index[++t] = i; } index[maxT + 1] = totalTraces; maxT = endLocalisations[totalTraces - 1].endT; endIndex = new int[maxT + 2]; t = -1; for (int i = 0; i < endLocalisations.length; i++) { while (t < endLocalisations[i].endT) endIndex[++t] = i; } endIndex[maxT + 1] = totalTraces; // TODO - Assign a more efficient localisation representation using a grid } /** * Trace localisations across frames that are the same molecule. * <p> * Any spot that occurred within time threshold and distance threshold of a previous spot is grouped into the same * trace as that previous spot. The resulting trace is assigned a spatial position equal to the centroid position of * all the spots included in the trace. * <p> * See Coltharp, et al. Accurate Construction of Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM) Images for * Quantitative Measurements (2012). PLoS One. 7(12): e51725. DOI: * <p> * Note: The actual traces representing molecules can be obtained by calling {@link #getTraces()} * * @param distanceThreshold * @param timeThreshold * @return The number of traces */ public int traceMolecules(final double distanceThreshold, final int timeThreshold) { if (timeThreshold <= 0 || distanceThreshold < 0) return totalTraces = localisations.length; totalTraces = totalFiltered = 0; dThresh2 = (float) (distanceThreshold * distanceThreshold); dExclusion2 = (distanceExclusion >= distanceThreshold) ? (float) (distanceExclusion * distanceExclusion) : 0; if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(0); // Used to track the highest frame containing spots for a trace maxT = new int[localisations.length + 1]; int[] traceIdToLocalisationsIndexMap = new int[localisations.length + 1]; // Initialise the first traces using the first frame int nextIndex = index[localisations[0].t + 1]; //findNextStartTimeIndex(0); for (int index = 0; index < nextIndex; index++) { localisations[index].trace = addTrace(index, traceIdToLocalisationsIndexMap, maxT); } Assignment[] assigned = new Assignment[10]; // Now process the remaining frames, comparing them to previous frames while (nextIndex < localisations.length) { if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(nextIndex, localisations.length); final int currentIndex = nextIndex; final int t = localisations[currentIndex].t; nextIndex = index[t + 1]; int pastT = FastMath.max(t - timeThreshold, 0); if (pulseInterval > 0) { // Support for splitting traces across pulse boundaries. Simply round the // previous timepoint to the next pulse boundary. Assume pulses start at t=1 int intervalBoundary = 1 + pulseInterval * ((t - 1) / pulseInterval); if (pastT < intervalBoundary) pastT = intervalBoundary; } final int pastEndIndex = endIndex[pastT]; final int currentEndIndex = endIndex[t]; // If no previous spots within the time threshold then create new traces if (pastEndIndex == currentEndIndex) { for (int index = currentIndex; index < nextIndex; index++) { localisations[index].trace = addTrace(index, traceIdToLocalisationsIndexMap, maxT); } continue; } // Check the allocated buffer is larger enough if (assigned.length < nextIndex - currentIndex) { assigned = new Assignment[nextIndex - currentIndex]; } // Process all spots from this frame. Note if a spot is allocated to an existing trace. int assignedToTrace = 0; for (int index = currentIndex; index < nextIndex; index++) { int traceId = findForerunner(index, pastEndIndex, currentEndIndex); if (traceId == 0) { localisations[index].trace = addTrace(index, traceIdToLocalisationsIndexMap, maxT); } else { // Tentatively assign assigned[assignedToTrace++] = new Assignment(index, minD, traceId); } } if (assignedToTrace > 1) { // Check if duplicate allocations are made. Each trace can only // be allocated one localisation so in the event of a multiple // allocation then only the closest spot should be allocated int[] dualAllocation = new int[assignedToTrace]; int[] ignore = new int[assignedToTrace]; int ignoreCount = 0; // Only check for duplicates if two assignments are remaining boolean reSort = true; for (int i = 0; i < assignedToTrace - 1; i++) { // If the distance is negative then this can be skipped as it was a new trace // (allocated in a previous loop). if (assigned[i].distance < 0) continue; // Sort the remaining allocations by their distance if (reSort) { reSort = false; Arrays.sort(assigned, i, assignedToTrace, new Comparator<Assignment>() { public int compare(Assignment o1, Assignment o2) { if (o1.distance < o2.distance) return -1; if (o1.distance > o2.distance) return 1; return 0; } }); // Check for new traces (allocated in a previous loop). These have distance <0 so will // be sorted to the front. if (assigned[i].distance < 0) continue; } int dualAllocationCount = 0; for (int j = i + 1; j < assignedToTrace; j++) { // Dual allocation if (assigned[i].traceId == assigned[j].traceId) dualAllocation[dualAllocationCount++] = j; } // This trace has been taken so ignore when finding alternatives ignore[ignoreCount++] = assigned[i].traceId; if (dualAllocationCount > 0) { // Re-allocate the other spots for (int a = 0; a < dualAllocationCount; a++) { final int j = dualAllocation[a]; final int index = assigned[j].index; int traceId = findAlternativeForerunner(index, pastEndIndex, currentEndIndex, ignoreCount, ignore); if (traceId == 0) { traceId = addTrace(index, traceIdToLocalisationsIndexMap, maxT); // Mark to ignore assigned[j].distance = -1; } else { // Indicate that the distances have changed and a re-sort is needed reSort = true; assigned[j].distance = minD; } assigned[j].traceId = traceId; } } // Ensure nothing can be sorted ahead of this trace assignment assigned[i].distance = -1; } } // Assign the localisations for (int i = 0; i < assignedToTrace; i++) { localisations[assigned[i].index].trace = assigned[i].traceId; maxT[assigned[i].traceId] = localisations[assigned[i].index].endT; } } if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(1.0); return getTotalTraces(); } private int addTrace(int index, int[] traceIdToLocalisationsIndexMap, int[] maxT) { if (filterActivationFrames) { // Count the number of traces that will be filtered // (i.e. the time is not within an activation window) if (outsideActivationWindow(localisations[index].t)) totalFiltered++; } int traceId = ++totalTraces; traceIdToLocalisationsIndexMap[traceId] = index; maxT[traceId] = localisations[index].endT; return traceId; } private boolean outsideActivationWindow(int t) { return t % activationFrameInterval > activationFrameWindow; } /** * @return The traces that have been found using {@link #traceMolecules(double, int)} */ public Trace[] getTraces() { PeakResult[] peakResults = results.toArray(); // No tracing yet performed or no thresholds if (totalTraces == localisations.length) { if (filterActivationFrames) { ArrayList<Trace> traces = new ArrayList<Trace>(); for (int index = 0; index < totalTraces; index++) { PeakResult peakResult = peakResults[localisations[index].id]; if (!outsideActivationWindow(peakResult.getFrame())) traces.add(new Trace(peakResult)); } return traces.toArray(new Trace[traces.size()]); } else { Trace[] traces = new Trace[localisations.length]; for (int index = 0; index < traces.length; index++) traces[index] = new Trace(peakResults[localisations[index].id]); return traces; } } if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(0); // Build the list of traces Trace[] traces = new Trace[getTotalTraces()]; int n = 0; //for (int index = 0; index < localisations.length; index++) // if (localisations[index].trace == 0) // System.out.printf("error @ %d\n", index); // Since the trace numbers are allocated by processing the spots in frames, each frame can have // trace number out-of-order. This occurs if re-allocation has been performed, // e.g. [1,2,2,1,3] => [1,2,5,4,3] when spots in group 1 are reallocated before spots in group 2. TIntHashSet processedTraces = new TIntHashSet(traces.length); for (int index = 0; index < localisations.length; index++) { if (tracker != null && index % 256 == 0) tracker.progress(index, localisations.length); final int traceId = localisations[index].trace; if (processedTraces.contains(traceId)) continue; processedTraces.add(traceId); if (filterActivationFrames && outsideActivationWindow(localisations[index].t)) continue; PeakResult peakResult = peakResults[localisations[index].id]; Trace nextTrace = new Trace(peakResult); nextTrace.setId(traceId); final int tLimit = maxT[traceId]; // Check if the trace has later frames if (tLimit > localisations[index].t) { for (int j = index + 1; j < localisations.length; j++) { if (localisations[j].t > tLimit) { //for (; j < localisations.length; j++) // if (localisations[j].trace == traceId) // System.out.printf("missed %d\n", j); break; } if (localisations[j].trace == traceId) nextTrace.add(peakResults[localisations[j].id]); } } //// DEBUG: Check the trace does not contain two localisations from the same time frame. //// This should be handled by the findAlternativeForerunner code. //int[] time = new int[nextTrace.size()]; //int count = 0; //for (PeakResult p : nextTrace.getPoints()) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // if (time[i] == p.peak) // { // System.out.printf("Trace %d contains multiple localisations from the same frame: %d\n", n + 1, // p.peak); // break; // } // time[count++] = p.peak; //} traces[n++] = nextTrace; } if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(1.0); return traces; } /** * Convert a list of traces into peak results. The centroid of each trace is used as the coordinates. * The standard deviation of positions from the centre is used as the width. The amplitude is the average from all * the peaks in the trace. * * @param traces * @return the peak results */ public static MemoryPeakResults toCentroidPeakResults(final Trace[] traces) { int capacity = 1 + ((traces != null) ? traces.length : 0); MemoryPeakResults results = new MemoryPeakResults(capacity); if (traces != null) { for (int i = 0; i < traces.length; i++) { PeakResult result = traces[i].getHead(); if (result == null) continue; final float[] centroid = traces[i].getCentroid(); final float sd = traces[i].getStandardDeviation(); final float background = 0; final float signal = (float) traces[i].getSignal(); final float[] params = new float[] { background, signal, 0, centroid[0], centroid[1], sd, sd }; final int endFrame = traces[i].getTail().getEndFrame(); results.add(new ExtendedPeakResult(result.getFrame(), result.origX, result.origY, result.origValue, 0, 0, params, null, endFrame, i + 1)); } } return results; } /** * Convert a list of traces into peak results. The signal weighted centroid of each trace is used as the * coordinates. The weighted localisation precision is used as the width. The amplitude is the average from all * the peaks in the trace. * <p> * If the trace is empty it is ignored. If the trace contains one spot then the result is passed through unchanged. * <p> * Note: If the calibration is null then a default calibration is 100nm per pixel and gain 1. * * @param traces * @return the peak results */ public static MemoryPeakResults toCentroidPeakResults(final Trace[] traces, final Calibration calibration) { int capacity = 1 + ((traces != null) ? traces.length : 0); MemoryPeakResults results = new MemoryPeakResults(capacity); results.setCalibration(calibration); if (traces != null) { final double nmPerPixel, gain; final boolean emCCD; if (calibration != null) { nmPerPixel = calibration.getNmPerPixel(); gain = calibration.getGain(); emCCD = calibration.isEmCCD(); } else { nmPerPixel = 100; gain = 1; emCCD = true; } // Ensure all results are added as extended peak results with their trace ID. for (int i = 0; i < traces.length; i++) { if (traces[i] == null || traces[i].size() == 0) continue; PeakResult result = traces[i].getHead(); if (traces[i].size() == 1) { results.add(new ExtendedPeakResult(result.getFrame(), result.origX, result.origY, result.origValue, 0, result.noise, result.params, null, 0, traces[i].getId())); continue; } traces[i].sort(); traces[i].resetCentroid(); float sd = (float) (traces[i].getLocalisationPrecision(nmPerPixel, gain, emCCD) / nmPerPixel); float[] centroid = traces[i].getCentroid(); float background = 0; double noise = 0; for (PeakResult r : traces[i].getPoints()) { noise += r.noise * r.noise; background += r.getBackground(); } noise = Math.sqrt(noise); background /= traces[i].size(); double signal = traces[i].getSignal(); float amplitude = (float) (signal / (2 * Math.PI * sd * sd)); float[] params = new float[] { background, amplitude, 0, centroid[0], centroid[1], sd, sd }; int endFrame = traces[i].getTail().getEndFrame(); results.add(new ExtendedPeakResult(result.getFrame(), result.origX, result.origY, result.origValue, 0, (float) noise, params, null, endFrame, traces[i].getId())); } } return results; } /** * Convert a list of traces into peak results setting the trace ID into the results. * <p> * If the trace is empty it is ignored. * * @param traces * @param calibration * @param b * @return the peak results */ public static MemoryPeakResults toPeakResults(final Trace[] traces, final Calibration calibration) { return toPeakResults(traces, calibration, false); } /** * Convert a list of traces into peak results setting the trace ID into the results. * <p> * If the trace is empty it is ignored. * * @param traces * @param calibration * @param newId * Set to true to use a new ID for each trace * @return the peak results */ public static MemoryPeakResults toPeakResults(final Trace[] traces, final Calibration calibration, boolean newId) { int capacity = 1 + ((traces != null) ? traces.length : 0); MemoryPeakResults results = new MemoryPeakResults(capacity); results.setCalibration(calibration); if (traces != null) { // Ensure all results are added as extended peak results with their trace ID. int id = 0; for (Trace trace : traces) { if (trace == null || trace.size() == 0) continue; final int traceId = (newId) ? ++id : trace.getId(); for (PeakResult result : trace.getPoints()) { results.add(new ExtendedPeakResult(result.getFrame(), result.origX, result.origY, result.origValue, 0, result.noise, result.params, null, 0, traceId)); } } } return results; } /** * Convert a list of traces into peak results. The signal weighted centroid of each trace is used as the * coordinates. The weighted localisation precision is used as the width. The amplitude is the average from all * the peaks in the trace. * <p> * Uses the title and bounds from the constructor peak results. The title has the word 'Traced Centroids' appended. * * @param traces * @return the peak results */ public MemoryPeakResults convertToCentroidPeakResults(final Trace[] traces) { return convertToCentroidPeakResults(results, traces); } /** * Convert a list of traces into peak results. The signal weighted centroid of each trace is used as the * coordinates. The weighted localisation precision is used as the width. The amplitude is the average from all * the peaks in the trace. * <p> * Uses the title and bounds from the provided peak results. The title has the word 'Traced Centroids' appended. * * @param source * @param traces * @return the peak results */ public static MemoryPeakResults convertToCentroidPeakResults(MemoryPeakResults source, final Trace[] traces) { MemoryPeakResults results = toCentroidPeakResults(traces, source.getCalibration()); results.copySettings(source); // Change name results.setName(source.getSource() + " Traced Centroids"); // TODO - Add the tracing settings return results; } /** * Convert a list of traces into peak results. * <p> * Uses the title and bounds from the constructor peak results. The title has the word 'Traced' appended. * * @param traces * @return the peak results */ public MemoryPeakResults convertToPeakResults(final Trace[] traces) { return convertToPeakResults(results, traces); } /** * Convert a list of traces into peak results. * <p> * Uses the title and bounds from the provided peak results. The title has the word 'Traced' appended. * * @param source * @param traces * @return the peak results */ public static MemoryPeakResults convertToPeakResults(MemoryPeakResults source, final Trace[] traces) { MemoryPeakResults results = toPeakResults(traces, source.getCalibration()); results.copySettings(source); // Change name results.setName(source.getSource() + " Traced"); // TODO - Add the tracing settings return results; } /** * From the given index, move forward to a localisation with a new start time frame. If no more frames return * the number of localisations. * * @param index * @return The index of the next time frame */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int findNextStartTimeIndex(int index) { final int t = localisations[index].t; while (index < localisations.length && localisations[index].t <= t) { index++; } return index; } /** * From the given index, move forward to a localisation with a start time beyond the time threshold. If no more * frames return the number of localisations. * * @param index * @return The index of the next time frame */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int findNextStartTimeIndex(int index, final int timeThreshold) { final int t = localisations[index].t + timeThreshold; while (index < localisations.length && localisations[index].t <= t) { index++; } return index; } /** * From the given index, move backward to the earliest localisations within the time threshold * * @param index * @param timeThreshold * @return The index of the earliest localisation within the time threshold */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int findPastTimeIndex(int index, final int timeThreshold) { final int t = localisations[index].t - timeThreshold; while (index > 0) { index--; if (localisations[index].t < t) { index++; // Set back to within the time threshold break; } } return index; } /** * Find the earliest forerunner spot (from pastIndex to currentIndex) that is within the distance threshold of the * given spot. In the event that multiple forerunner spots from the same frame are within the distance, assign the * closest spot. * * @param index * The index of the spot * @param pastIndex * The index of the earliest forerunner spot * @param currentIndex * The index of the first spot in the same frame (i.e. end of forerunner spots) * @return The assigned trace */ private int findForerunner(final int index, final int pastIndex, final int currentIndex) { if (dExclusion2 == 0) return findForerunnerNoExclusion(index, pastIndex, currentIndex); return findForerunnerWithExclusion(index, pastIndex, currentIndex); } /** * Find the earliest forerunner spot (from pastIndex to currentIndex) that is within the distance threshold of the * given spot. In the event that multiple forerunner spots from the same frame are within the distance, assign the * closest spot. * * @param index * The index of the spot * @param pastIndex * The index of the earliest forerunner spot * @param currentIndex * The index of the first spot in the same frame (i.e. end of forerunner spots) * @return */ private int findForerunnerNoExclusion(final int index, final int pastIndex, final int currentIndex) { Localisation spot = localisations[index]; if (traceMode == TraceMode.EARLIEST_FORERUNNER) { for (int i = pastIndex; i < currentIndex; i++) { final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= dThresh2) { minD = d2; int trace = endLocalisations[i].trace; // Search all remaining spots that end in this time frame and pick the closest int nextIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT + 1]; for (int ii = i + 1; ii < nextIndex; ii++) { final float dd2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[ii]); if (dd2 < minD) { minD = dd2; trace = endLocalisations[ii].trace; } } return trace; } } } else if (traceMode == TraceMode.LATEST_FORERUNNER) { for (int i = currentIndex; i-- > pastIndex;) { final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= dThresh2) { minD = d2; int trace = endLocalisations[i].trace; // Search all remaining spots in this time frame and pick the closest int previousIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]; //// DEBUG //int previousIndex = i; //// Look for the index for the previous time-frame //while (previousIndex > 0 && endLocalisations[previousIndex-1].t == endLocalisations[i].t) // previousIndex--; //if (previousIndex != endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]) //{ // System.out.printf("Error when tracing: %d != %d\n", previousIndex, // endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]); //} for (int ii = i; ii-- > previousIndex;) { final float dd2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[ii]); if (dd2 < minD) { minD = dd2; trace = endLocalisations[ii].trace; } } return trace; } } } else // traceMode == TraceMode.SINGLE_LINKAGE { // Find the closest spot minD = dThresh2; int minI = -1; for (int i = pastIndex; i < currentIndex; i++) { final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= minD) { minD = d2; minI = i; } } if (minI == -1) return 0; return endLocalisations[minI].trace; } return 0; } /** * Find the earliest forerunner spot (from pastIndex to currentIndex) that is within the distance threshold of the * given spot. In the event that multiple forerunner spots from the same frame are within the distance, assign the * closest spot. * <p> * This method respects the exclusion distance. No spot can be assigned if a the next closest spot is within the * exclusion distance. * * @param index * The index of the spot * @param pastIndex * The index of the earliest forerunner spot * @param currentIndex * The index of the first spot in the same frame (i.e. end of forerunner spots) * @return */ private int findForerunnerWithExclusion(final int index, final int pastIndex, final int currentIndex) { Localisation spot = localisations[index]; // Check that the next farthest spot is above the exclusion distance float nextMinD = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; int currentT; if (traceMode == TraceMode.EARLIEST_FORERUNNER) { currentT = endLocalisations[pastIndex].t; for (int i = pastIndex; i < currentIndex; i++) { final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= dThresh2) { minD = d2; int trace = endLocalisations[i].trace; // Search all remaining spots that end in this time frame and pick the closest int nextIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT + 1]; for (int ii = i + 1; ii < nextIndex; ii++) { final float dd2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[ii]); if (dd2 < minD) { nextMinD = minD; minD = dd2; trace = endLocalisations[ii].trace; } } return (nextMinD > dExclusion2) ? trace : 0; } // If the same frame else if (currentT == endLocalisations[i].t) { // Store the minimum distance to the next spot in the same frame if (d2 < nextMinD) { nextMinD = d2; } } else { // New time frame so reset the distance to the next spot in the same frame nextMinD = d2; } currentT = endLocalisations[i].t; } } else if (traceMode == TraceMode.LATEST_FORERUNNER) { currentT = endLocalisations[currentIndex].t; for (int i = currentIndex; i-- > pastIndex;) { final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= dThresh2) { minD = d2; int trace = endLocalisations[i].trace; // Search all remaining spots in this time frame and pick the closest int previousIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]; //int previousIndex = i; //// Look for the index for the previous time-frame //while (previousIndex > 0 && endLocalisations[previousIndex-1].t == endLocalisations[i].t) // previousIndex--; //if (previousIndex != endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]) //{ // System.out.printf("Error when tracing: %d != %d\n", previousIndex, // endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]); //} for (int ii = i; ii-- > previousIndex;) { final float dd2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[ii]); if (dd2 < minD) { nextMinD = minD; minD = dd2; trace = endLocalisations[ii].trace; } } return (nextMinD > dExclusion2) ? trace : 0; } // If the same frame else if (currentT == endLocalisations[i].t) { // Store the minimum distance to the next spot in the same frame if (d2 < nextMinD) { nextMinD = d2; } } else { // New time frame so reset the distance to the next spot in the same frame nextMinD = d2; } currentT = endLocalisations[i].t; } } else // traceMode == TraceMode.SINGLE_LINKAGE { // Find the closest spot minD = dThresh2; int minI = -1; for (int i = pastIndex; i < currentIndex; i++) { final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= minD) { minD = d2; minI = i; } } if (minI == -1) return 0; if (dExclusion2 > 0) { // Check all spots in the same frame int previousIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[minI].endT]; int nextIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[minI].endT + 1]; for (int i = previousIndex; i < nextIndex; i++) { if (i == minI) continue; final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= nextMinD) { nextMinD = d2; } } } return (nextMinD > dExclusion2) ? endLocalisations[minI].trace : 0; } return 0; } /** * Find the earliest forerunner spot (from pastIndex to currentIndex) that is within the distance threshold of the * given spot. In the event that multiple forerunner spots from the same frame are within the distance, assign the * closest spot. * <p> * Do not assigned to the specified trace to ignore. * * @param index * The index of the spot * @param pastIndex * The index of the earliest forerunner spot * @param currentIndex * The index of the first spot in the same frame (i.e. end of forerunner spots) * @param ignoreCount * The count of traces to ignore * @param ignore * The traces to ignore * @return The assigned trace */ private int findAlternativeForerunner(final int index, final int pastIndex, final int currentIndex, final int ignoreCount, final int[] ignore) { if (dExclusion2 == 0) return findAlternativeForerunnerNoExclusion(index, pastIndex, currentIndex, ignoreCount, ignore); return findAlternativeForerunnerWithExclusion(index, pastIndex, currentIndex, ignoreCount, ignore); } /** * Find the earliest forerunner spot (from pastIndex to currentIndex) that is within the distance threshold of the * given spot. In the event that multiple forerunner spots from the same frame are within the distance, assign the * closest spot. * <p> * Do not assigned to the specified trace to ignore. * * @param index * The index of the spot * @param pastIndex * The index of the earliest forerunner spot * @param currentIndex * The index of the first spot in the same frame (i.e. end of forerunner spots) * @param ignoreCount * The count of traces to ignore * @param ignore * The traces to ignore * @return */ private int findAlternativeForerunnerNoExclusion(final int index, final int pastIndex, final int currentIndex, final int ignoreCount, final int[] ignore) { Localisation spot = localisations[index]; if (traceMode == TraceMode.EARLIEST_FORERUNNER) { for (int i = pastIndex; i < currentIndex; i++) { if (ignore(i, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= dThresh2) { minD = d2; int trace = endLocalisations[i].trace; // Search all remaining spots in this time frame and pick the closest int nextIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT + 1]; // int nextIndex = i; // // Look for the index for the next time-frame // for (int tt = endLocalisations[i].endT + 1; tt < endIndex.length; tt++) // { // nextIndex = endIndex[tt]; // if (nextIndex != i) // break; // } for (int ii = i + 1; ii < nextIndex; ii++) { if (ignore(ii, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float dd2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[ii]); if (dd2 < minD) { minD = dd2; trace = endLocalisations[ii].trace; } } return trace; } } } else if (traceMode == TraceMode.LATEST_FORERUNNER) { for (int i = currentIndex; i-- > pastIndex;) { if (ignore(i, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= dThresh2) { minD = d2; int trace = endLocalisations[i].trace; // Search all remaining spots in this time frame and pick the closest int previousIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]; //int previousIndex = i; //// Look for the index for the previous time-frame //while (previousIndex > 0 && endLocalisations[previousIndex-1].t == endLocalisations[i].t) // previousIndex--; //if (previousIndex != endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]) //{ // System.out.printf("Error when tracing: %d != %d\n", previousIndex, // endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]); //} for (int ii = i; ii-- > previousIndex;) { if (ignore(ii, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float dd2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[ii]); if (dd2 < minD) { minD = dd2; trace = endLocalisations[ii].trace; } } return trace; } } } else // traceMode == TraceMode.SINGLE_LINKAGE { // Find the closest spot minD = dThresh2; int minI = -1; for (int i = pastIndex; i < currentIndex; i++) { if (ignore(i, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= minD) { minD = d2; minI = i; } } if (minI == -1) return 0; return endLocalisations[minI].trace; } return 0; } /** * Find the earliest forerunner spot (from pastIndex to currentIndex) that is within the distance threshold of the * given spot. In the event that multiple forerunner spots from the same frame are within the distance, assign the * closest spot. * <p> * This method respects the exclusion distance. No spot can be assigned if a the next closest spot is within the * exclusion distance. * <p> * Do not assigned to the specified trace to ignore. * * @param index * The index of the spot * @param pastIndex * The index of the earliest forerunner spot * @param currentIndex * The index of the first spot in the same frame (i.e. end of forerunner spots) * @param ignoreCount * The count of traces to ignore * @param ignore * The traces to ignore * @return */ private int findAlternativeForerunnerWithExclusion(final int index, final int pastIndex, final int currentIndex, final int ignoreCount, final int[] ignore) { Localisation spot = localisations[index]; // Check that the next farthest spot is above the exclusion distance. // Note: It is assumed that the spots to ignore have already been assigned following the // exclusion distance rules. So it should be impossible for any ignore spots to be closer than // the exclusion distance (otherwise they could not be assigned and ignored). float nextMinD = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; int currentT; if (traceMode == TraceMode.EARLIEST_FORERUNNER) { currentT = endLocalisations[pastIndex].t; for (int i = pastIndex; i < currentIndex; i++) { if (ignore(i, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= dThresh2) { minD = d2; int trace = endLocalisations[i].trace; // Search all remaining spots in this time frame and pick the closest int nextIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT + 1]; // int nextIndex = i; // // Look for the index for the next time-frame // for (int tt = endLocalisations[i].endT + 1; tt < endIndex.length; tt++) // { // nextIndex = endIndex[tt]; // if (nextIndex != i) // break; // } for (int ii = i + 1; ii < nextIndex; ii++) { if (ignore(ii, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float dd2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[ii]); if (dd2 < minD) { nextMinD = minD; minD = dd2; trace = endLocalisations[ii].trace; } } return (nextMinD > dExclusion2) ? trace : 0; } // If the same frame else if (currentT == endLocalisations[i].t) { // Store the minimum distance to the next spot in the same frame if (d2 < nextMinD) { nextMinD = d2; } } else { // New time frame so reset the distance to the next spot in the same frame nextMinD = d2; } currentT = endLocalisations[i].t; } } else if (traceMode == TraceMode.LATEST_FORERUNNER) { currentT = endLocalisations[currentIndex].t; for (int i = currentIndex; i-- > pastIndex;) { if (ignore(i, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= dThresh2) { minD = d2; int trace = endLocalisations[i].trace; // Search all remaining spots in this time frame and pick the closest int previousIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]; //int previousIndex = i; //// Look for the index for the previous time-frame //while (previousIndex > 0 && endLocalisations[previousIndex-1].t == endLocalisations[i].t) // previousIndex--; //if (previousIndex != endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]) //{ // System.out.printf("Error when tracing: %d != %d\n", previousIndex, // endIndex[endLocalisations[i].endT]); //} for (int ii = i; ii-- > previousIndex;) { if (ignore(ii, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float dd2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[ii]); if (dd2 < minD) { nextMinD = minD; minD = dd2; trace = endLocalisations[ii].trace; } } return (nextMinD > dExclusion2) ? trace : 0; } // If the same frame else if (currentT == endLocalisations[i].t) { // Store the minimum distance to the next spot in the same frame if (d2 < nextMinD) { nextMinD = d2; } } else { // New time frame so reset the distance to the next spot in the same frame nextMinD = d2; } currentT = endLocalisations[i].t; } } else // traceMode == TraceMode.SINGLE_LINKAGE { // Find the closest spot minD = dThresh2; int minI = -1; for (int i = pastIndex; i < currentIndex; i++) { if (ignore(i, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= minD) { minD = d2; minI = i; } } if (minI == -1) return 0; if (dExclusion2 > 0) { // Check all spots in the same frame int previousIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[minI].endT]; int nextIndex = endIndex[endLocalisations[minI].endT + 1]; for (int i = previousIndex; i < nextIndex; i++) { if (i == minI) continue; if (ignore(i, ignoreCount, ignore)) continue; final float d2 = spot.distance2(endLocalisations[i]); if (d2 <= nextMinD) { nextMinD = d2; } } } return (nextMinD > dExclusion2) ? endLocalisations[minI].trace : 0; } return 0; } private boolean ignore(int i, int ignoreCount, int[] ignore) { for (int j = 0; j < ignoreCount; j++) if (localisations[i].trace == ignore[j]) return true; return false; } /** * @return the tracker */ public TrackProgress getTracker() { return tracker; } /** * @param tracker * the tracker to set */ public void setTracker(TrackProgress tracker) { this.tracker = tracker; } /** * @return the activationFrameInterval */ public int getActivationFrameInterval() { return activationFrameInterval; } /** * Set the interval at which the activation laser is used. These form staging points for the traces. * * @param activationFrameInterval * the activationFrameInterval to set */ public void setActivationFrameInterval(int activationFrameInterval) { this.activationFrameInterval = activationFrameInterval; resetFilterActivationFramesFlag(); } /** * @return the activationFrameWindow */ public int getActivationFrameWindow() { return activationFrameWindow; } /** * Set the window after the activation pulse that will be used for traces. Any trace that does not start within this * window will be discarded. * * @param activationFrameWindow * the activationFrameWindow to set */ public void setActivationFrameWindow(int activationFrameWindow) { this.activationFrameWindow = activationFrameWindow; resetFilterActivationFramesFlag(); } private void resetFilterActivationFramesFlag() { filterActivationFrames = (activationFrameInterval > 1 && activationFrameWindow > 0); } /** * Filter the traces that start during an activation frame. * * @param traces * @param activationFrameInterval * the interval at which the activation laser is used * @return the filtered traces */ public Trace[] filterTraces(Trace[] traces, int activationFrameInterval) { Trace[] newTraces = new Trace[traces.length]; int n = 0; for (Trace trace : traces) { PeakResult r = trace.getHead(); if (r != null && (r.getFrame() % activationFrameInterval) == 1) { newTraces[n++] = trace; } } return Arrays.copyOf(newTraces, n); } /** * @return the trace mode * @see gdsc.smlm.results.TraceManager.TraceMode */ public TraceMode getTraceMode() { return traceMode; } /** * @param traceMode * the trace mode to set * @see gdsc.smlm.results.TraceManager.TraceMode */ public void setTraceMode(TraceMode traceMode) { this.traceMode = traceMode; } /** * @return the pulse interval */ public int getPulseInterval() { return pulseInterval; } /** * Set a pulse interval. Traces will only be created by joining localisations within each pulse. * * @param pulseInterval * the pulse interval */ public void setPulseInterval(int pulseInterval) { this.pulseInterval = FastMath.max(0, pulseInterval); } /** * @return the distanceExclusion */ public double getDistanceExclusion() { return distanceExclusion; } /** * Set the minimum distance the next candidate spot must be in the same frame, i.e. choose localisations * closer than the distance threshold but no other spots are closer than this distance exclusion * <p> * If less that the tracing distance threshold this value is ignored. * * @param distanceExclusion * the distance exclusion */ public void setDistanceExclusion(double distanceExclusion) { this.distanceExclusion = distanceExclusion; } /** * @return the total traces from the last call of {@link #traceMolecules(double, int)} */ public int getTotalTraces() { return totalTraces - totalFiltered; } /** * Return the number of traces that were filtered since the trace was first activated outside the configured * activation window. * * @return the total filtered from the last call of {@link #traceMolecules(double, int)} */ public int getTotalFiltered() { return totalFiltered; } /** * Find the neighbour for each result within the given time and distance thresholds. The neighbour with the * strongest signal is selected. * * @param distanceThreshold * @param timeThreshold * @return A list of traces containing the molecule and neighbour. If no neighbour is found then the trace will * contain a single result */ public Trace[] findNeighbours(final double distanceThreshold, final int timeThreshold) { if (distanceThreshold <= 0 || timeThreshold <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Distancet and time thresholds must be positive"); Trace[] neighbours = new Trace[results.size()]; final PeakResult[] peakResults = results.toArray(); final float dThresh2 = (float) (distanceThreshold * distanceThreshold); if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(0); // Initialise int nextIndex = 0; // Now process all the frames, comparing them to previous and future frames while (nextIndex < localisations.length) { if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(nextIndex, localisations.length); final int currentIndex = nextIndex; final int t = localisations[currentIndex].t; // Look for the index for the next time-frame for (int tt = t + 1; tt < index.length; tt++) { nextIndex = index[tt]; if (nextIndex != currentIndex) break; } final int pastEndIndex = endIndex[FastMath.max(t - timeThreshold, 0)]; final int currentEndIndex = endIndex[t]; final int futureIndex = FastMath.max(nextIndex, index[FastMath.min(t + 1 + timeThreshold, index.length - 1)]); // Process all spots from this frame. for (int index = currentIndex; index < nextIndex; index++) { final Localisation l = localisations[index]; float maxSignal = 0; int neighbour = -1; // Look back for (int i = pastEndIndex; i < currentEndIndex; i++) { if (l.distance2(endLocalisations[i]) < dThresh2) { float signal = peakResults[endLocalisations[i].id].getSignal(); if (maxSignal < signal) { maxSignal = signal; neighbour = endLocalisations[i].id; } } } // Look forward for (int i = nextIndex; i < futureIndex; i++) { if (l.distance2(localisations[i]) < dThresh2) { float signal = peakResults[localisations[i].id].getSignal(); if (maxSignal < signal) { maxSignal = signal; neighbour = localisations[i].id; } } } // Assign Trace trace = new Trace(peakResults[]); if (neighbour > -1) trace.add(peakResults[neighbour]); neighbours[index] = trace; } } if (tracker != null) tracker.progress(1.0); return neighbours; } /** * Collect all peak results with the same ID into traces. IDs of zero are ignored. * * @param results * @return The traces */ public static Trace[] convert(MemoryPeakResults results) { if (results == null || results.size() == 0) return new Trace[0]; List<PeakResult> list = results.getResults(); // Find the max trace ID int max = 0; for (PeakResult result : list) if (max < result.getId()) max = result.getId(); if (max == 0) return new Trace[0]; if (max < 10000) { Trace[] traces = new Trace[max + 1]; for (PeakResult result : list) { final int id = result.getId(); if (id > 0) { if (traces[id] == null) { traces[id] = new Trace(); traces[id].setId(id); } traces[id].add(result); } } // Consolidate to remove empty positions int count = 0; for (int i = 1; i < traces.length; i++) if (traces[i] != null) traces[count++] = traces[i]; return Arrays.copyOf(traces, count); } else { // Use a map when the size is potentially large TIntObjectHashMap<Trace> map = new TIntObjectHashMap<Trace>(); for (PeakResult result : list) { final int id = result.getId(); if (id > 0) { Trace trace = map.get(id); if (trace == null) { trace = new Trace(); trace.setId(id); map.put(id, trace); } trace.add(result); } } // Extract the traces Trace[] traces = map.values(new Trace[map.size()]); Arrays.sort(traces); return traces; } } }