package gdsc.smlm.function; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.MathContext; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.UnivariateFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.SimpsonIntegrator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.UnivariateIntegrator; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ExponentialDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.Well19937c; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.utils.DoubleEquality; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.Gaussian2DFunction; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.GaussianFunctionFactory; public class SCMOSLikelihoodWrapperTest { private double[] photons = { 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10, 100, 1000 }; DoubleEquality eqPerDatum = new DoubleEquality(2, 0.01); DoubleEquality eq = new DoubleEquality(3, 0.001); static String[] NAME; static { Gaussian2DFunction f1 = GaussianFunctionFactory.create2D(1, 1, 1, GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_FIXED, null); NAME = new String[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) NAME[i] = f1.getName(i); } // Compute as per Numerical Recipes 5.7. // Approximate error accuracy in single precision: Ef // Step size for derivatives: // h ~ (Ef)^(1/3) * xc // xc is the characteristic scale over which x changes, assumed to be 1 (not x as per NR since x is close to zero) private final double h_ = 0.01; //(double) (Math.pow(1e-3f, 1.0 / 3)); private int[] testx = new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }; private int[] testy = new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }; // Do not test zero background since this is an edge case for the likelihood function private double[] testbackground_ = new double[] { 0.1, 1, 10 }; private double[] testsignal1_ = new double[] { 15, 55, 105 }; private double[] testangle1_ = new double[] { (double) (Math.PI / 5), (double) (Math.PI / 3) }; private double[] testcx1_ = new double[] { 4.9, 5.3 }; private double[] testcy1_ = new double[] { 4.8, 5.2 }; private double[][] testw1_ = new double[][] { { 1.1, 1.4 }, { 1.1, 1.7 }, { 1.5, 1.2 }, { 1.3, 1.7 }, }; private double[] testbackground, testsignal1, testangle1, testcx1, testcy1; private double[][] testw1; private int maxx = 10; // Simulate per pixel noise private float VAR = 57.9f; private float G = 2.2f; private float G_SD = 0.2f; private float O = 100f; private float[] var, g, o, sd; public SCMOSLikelihoodWrapperTest() { int n = maxx * maxx; var = new float[n]; g = new float[n]; o = new float[n]; sd = new float[n]; RandomGenerator rg = new Well19937c(30051977); PoissonDistribution pd = new PoissonDistribution(rg, O, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_EPSILON, PoissonDistribution.DEFAULT_MAX_ITERATIONS); ExponentialDistribution ed = new ExponentialDistribution(rg, VAR, ExponentialDistribution.DEFAULT_INVERSE_ABSOLUTE_ACCURACY); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { o[i] = (float) pd.sample(); var[i] = (float) ed.sample(); sd[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(var[i]); g[i] = (float) (G + rg.nextGaussian() * G_SD); } } @Test public void fitFixedComputesGradientPerDatum() { functionComputesGradientPerDatum(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_FIXED); } @Test public void fitCircleComputesGradientPerDatum() { functionComputesGradientPerDatum(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_CIRCLE); } @Test public void fitFreeCircleComputesGradientPerDatum() { functionComputesGradientPerDatum(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_FREE_CIRCLE); } @Test public void fitEllipticalComputesGradientPerDatum() { functionComputesGradientPerDatum(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_ELLIPTICAL); } @Test public void fitNBFixedComputesGradientPerDatum() { functionComputesGradientPerDatum(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_FIXED); } @Test public void fitNBCircleComputesGradientPerDatum() { functionComputesGradientPerDatum(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_CIRCLE); } @Test public void fitNBFreeCircleComputesGradientPerDatum() { functionComputesGradientPerDatum(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_FREE_CIRCLE); } @Test public void fitNBEllipticalComputesGradientPerDatum() { functionComputesGradientPerDatum(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_ELLIPTICAL); } private void functionComputesGradientPerDatum(int flags) { Gaussian2DFunction f1 = GaussianFunctionFactory.create2D(1, maxx, maxx, flags, null); // Setup testbackground = testbackground_; testsignal1 = testsignal1_; testangle1 = testangle1_; testcx1 = testcx1_; testcy1 = testcy1_; testw1 = testw1_; if (!f1.evaluatesBackground()) { testbackground = new double[] { testbackground[0] }; } if (!f1.evaluatesSignal()) { testsignal1 = new double[] { testsignal1[0] }; } if (!f1.evaluatesShape()) { testangle1 = new double[] { 0 }; } // Position is always evaluated boolean noSecondWidth = false; if (!f1.evaluatesSD0()) { // Just use 1 width testw1 = new double[][] { testw1[0] }; // If no width 0 then assume we have no width 1 as well noSecondWidth = true; } else if (!f1.evaluatesSD1()) { // No evaluation of second width needs only variation in width 0 so truncate testw1 = Arrays.copyOf(testw1, 2); noSecondWidth = true; } if (noSecondWidth) { for (int i = 0; i < testw1.length; i++) { testw1[i][1] = testw1[i][0]; } } if (f1.evaluatesBackground()) functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND); if (f1.evaluatesSignal()) functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL); if (f1.evaluatesShape()) functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE); functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION); functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION); if (f1.evaluatesSD0()) functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD); if (f1.evaluatesSD1()) functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD); } private void functionComputesTargetGradientPerDatum(Gaussian2DFunction f1, int targetParameter) { int[] indices = f1.gradientIndices(); int gradientIndex = findGradientIndex(f1, targetParameter); double[] dyda = new double[indices.length]; double[] a; SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper ff1; int n = maxx * maxx; int count = 0, total = 0; RandomDataGenerator rdg = new RandomDataGenerator(new Well19937c(30051977)); for (double background : testbackground) for (double signal1 : testsignal1) for (double angle1 : testangle1) for (double cx1 : testcx1) for (double cy1 : testcy1) for (double[] w1 : testw1) { a = createParameters(background, signal1, angle1, cx1, cy1, w1[0], w1[1]); // Create y as a function we would want to move towards double[] a2 = a.clone(); a2[targetParameter] *= 1.1; f1.initialise(a2); double[] data = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Simulate sCMOS camera double u = f1.eval(i); data[i] = rdg.nextPoisson(u) * g[i] + rdg.nextGaussian(o[i], sd[i]); } ff1 = new SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper(f1, a, data, n, var, g, o); // Numerically solve gradient. // Calculate the step size h to be an exact numerical representation final double xx = a[targetParameter]; // Get h to minimise roundoff error double h = h_; // ((xx == 0) ? 1 : xx) * h_; final double temp = xx + h; doNothing(temp); h = temp - xx; for (int x : testx) for (int y : testy) { int i = y * maxx + x; a[targetParameter] = xx; ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, a), dyda, i); // Evaluate at (x+h) and (x-h) a[targetParameter] = xx + h; double value2 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, a), i); a[targetParameter] = xx - h; double value3 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, a), i); double gradient = (value2 - value3) / (2 * h); boolean ok = Math.signum(gradient) == Math.signum(dyda[gradientIndex]) || Math.abs(gradient - dyda[gradientIndex]) < 0.1; //logf("[%s-%s]/2*%g : %g == %g\n", "" + value2, "" + value3, h, gradient, // dyda[gradientIndex]); if (!ok) Assert.assertTrue(NAME[targetParameter] + ": " + gradient + " != " + dyda[gradientIndex], ok); ok = eqPerDatum.almostEqualComplement(gradient, dyda[gradientIndex]); if (ok) count++; total++; } } double p = (100.0 * count) / total; logf("Per Datum %s : %s = %d / %d (%.2f)\n", f1.getClass().getSimpleName(), NAME[targetParameter], count, total, p); Assert.assertTrue(NAME[targetParameter] + " fraction too low per datum: " + p, p > 90); } @Test public void fitFixedComputesGradient() { functionComputesGradient(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_FIXED); } @Test public void fitCircleComputesGradient() { functionComputesGradient(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_CIRCLE); } @Test public void fitFreeCircleComputesGradient() { functionComputesGradient(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_FREE_CIRCLE); } @Test public void fitEllipticalComputesGradient() { // The elliptical function gradient evaluation is worse DoubleEquality tmp = eq; eq = eqPerDatum; functionComputesGradient(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_ELLIPTICAL); eq = tmp; } @Test public void fitNBFixedComputesGradient() { functionComputesGradient(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_FIXED); } @Test public void fitNBCircleComputesGradient() { functionComputesGradient(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_CIRCLE); } @Test public void fitNBFreeCircleComputesGradient() { functionComputesGradient(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_FREE_CIRCLE); } @Test public void fitNBEllipticalComputesGradient() { // The elliptical function gradient evaluation is worse DoubleEquality tmp = eq; eq = eqPerDatum; functionComputesGradient(GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NB_ELLIPTICAL); eq = tmp; } private void functionComputesGradient(int flags) { Gaussian2DFunction f1 = GaussianFunctionFactory.create2D(1, maxx, maxx, flags, null); // Setup testbackground = testbackground_; testsignal1 = testsignal1_; testangle1 = testangle1_; testcx1 = testcx1_; testcy1 = testcy1_; testw1 = testw1_; if (!f1.evaluatesBackground()) { testbackground = new double[] { testbackground[0] }; } if (!f1.evaluatesSignal()) { testsignal1 = new double[] { testsignal1[0] }; } if (!f1.evaluatesShape()) { testangle1 = new double[] { 0 }; } // Position is always evaluated boolean noSecondWidth = false; if (!f1.evaluatesSD0()) { // Just use 1 width testw1 = new double[][] { testw1[0] }; // If no width 0 then assume we have no width 1 as well noSecondWidth = true; } else if (!f1.evaluatesSD1()) { // No evaluation of second width needs only variation in width 0 so truncate testw1 = Arrays.copyOf(testw1, 2); noSecondWidth = true; } if (noSecondWidth) { for (int i = 0; i < testw1.length; i++) { testw1[i][1] = testw1[i][0]; } } double fraction = 90; if (f1.evaluatesBackground()) functionComputesTargetGradient(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND, fraction); if (f1.evaluatesSignal()) functionComputesTargetGradient(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL, fraction); if (f1.evaluatesShape()) functionComputesTargetGradient(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE, fraction); functionComputesTargetGradient(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION, fraction); functionComputesTargetGradient(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION, fraction); if (f1.evaluatesSD0()) functionComputesTargetGradient(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD, fraction); if (f1.evaluatesSD1()) functionComputesTargetGradient(f1, Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD, fraction); } private void functionComputesTargetGradient(Gaussian2DFunction f1, int targetParameter, double threshold) { int[] indices = f1.gradientIndices(); int gradientIndex = findGradientIndex(f1, targetParameter); double[] dyda = new double[indices.length]; double[] a; SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper ff1; int n = maxx * maxx; int count = 0, total = 0; RandomDataGenerator rdg = new RandomDataGenerator(new Well19937c(30051977)); for (double background : testbackground) for (double signal1 : testsignal1) for (double angle1 : testangle1) for (double cx1 : testcx1) for (double cy1 : testcy1) for (double[] w1 : testw1) { a = createParameters(background, signal1, angle1, cx1, cy1, w1[0], w1[1]); // Create y as a function we would want to move towards double[] a2 = a.clone(); a2[targetParameter] *= 1.3; f1.initialise(a2); double[] data = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Simulate sCMOS camera double u = f1.eval(i); data[i] = rdg.nextPoisson(u) * g[i] + rdg.nextGaussian(o[i], sd[i]); } ff1 = new SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper(f1, a, data, n, var, g, o); // Numerically solve gradient. // Calculate the step size h to be an exact numerical representation final double xx = a[targetParameter]; // Get h to minimise roundoff error double h = h_; // ((xx == 0) ? 1 : xx) * h_; final double temp = xx + h; doNothing(temp); h = temp - xx; ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, a), dyda); // Evaluate at (x+h) and (x-h) a[targetParameter] = xx + h; double value2 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, a)); a[targetParameter] = xx - h; double value3 = ff1.likelihood(getVariables(indices, a)); double gradient = (value2 - value3) / (2 * h); boolean ok = Math.signum(gradient) == Math.signum(dyda[gradientIndex]) || Math.abs(gradient - dyda[gradientIndex]) < 0.1; //logf("[%s-%s]/2*%g : %g == %g\n", "" + value2, "" + value3, h, gradient, // dyda[gradientIndex]); if (!ok) Assert.assertTrue( NAME[targetParameter] + ": " + gradient + " != " + dyda[gradientIndex], ok); ok = eq.almostEqualComplement(gradient, dyda[gradientIndex]); if (ok) count++; total++; } double p = (100.0 * count) / total; logf("%s : %s = %d / %d (%.2f)\n", f1.getClass().getSimpleName(), NAME[targetParameter], count, total, p); Assert.assertTrue(NAME[targetParameter] + " fraction too low: " + p, p > threshold); } private double[] getVariables(int[] indices, double[] a) { double[] variables = new double[indices.length]; for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { variables[i] = a[indices[i]]; } return variables; } private int findGradientIndex(Gaussian2DFunction f, int targetParameter) { int i = f.findGradientIndex(targetParameter); Assert.assertTrue("Cannot find gradient index", i >= 0); return i; } private void doNothing(double f) { } double[] createParameters(double... args) { return args; } void log(String message) { System.out.println(message); } void logf(String format, Object... args) { System.out.printf(format, args); } double P_LIMIT = 0.999999; @Test public void cumulativeProbabilityIsOneWithRealDataForCountAbove8() { for (double mu : photons) { // Determine upper limit for a Poisson double max = new PoissonDistribution(mu).inverseCumulativeProbability(P_LIMIT); // Determine lower limit double sd = Math.sqrt(mu); double min = (int) Math.max(0, mu - 4 * sd); // Map to observed values using the gain and offset max = max * G + O; min = min * G + O; cumulativeProbabilityIsOneWithRealData(mu, min, max, mu > 8); } } private void cumulativeProbabilityIsOneWithRealData(final double mu, double min, double max, boolean test) { double p = 0; // Test using a standard Poisson-Gaussian convolution //min = -max; //final PoissonGaussianFunction pgf = PoissonGaussianFunction.createWithVariance(1, 1, VAR); UnivariateIntegrator in = new SimpsonIntegrator(); p = in.integrate(20000, new UnivariateFunction() { public double value(double x) { double v; v = SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper.likelihood(mu, VAR, G, O, x); //v = pgf.probability(x, mu); //System.out.printf("x=%f, v=%f\n", x, v); return v; } }, min, max); //System.out.printf("mu=%f, p=%f\n", mu, p); if (test) { Assert.assertEquals(String.format("mu=%f", mu), P_LIMIT, p, 0.02); } } @Test public void instanceLikelihoodMatches() { for (double mu : photons) instanceLikelihoodMatches(mu, mu > 8); } private void instanceLikelihoodMatches(final double mu, boolean test) { // Determine upper limit for a Poisson int limit = new PoissonDistribution(mu).inverseCumulativeProbability(P_LIMIT); // Map to observed values using the gain and offset double max = limit * G; double step = 0.1; int n = (int) Math.ceil(max / step); // Evaluate all values from (zero+offset) to large n double[] k = Utils.newArray(n, O, step); double[] a = new double[0]; double[] gradient = new double[0]; float var[] = newArray(n, VAR); float g[] = newArray(n, G); float o[] = newArray(n, O); NonLinearFunction nlf = new NonLinearFunction() { public void initialise(double[] a) { } public int[] gradientIndices() { return new int[0]; } public double eval(int x, double[] dyda, double[] w) { return 0; } public double eval(int x) { return mu; } public double eval(int x, double[] dyda) { return mu; } public boolean canComputeWeights() { return false; } public double evalw(int x, double[] w) { return 0; } public int getNumberOfGradients() { return 0; } }; SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper f = new SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper(nlf, a, k, n, var, g, o); double total = 0, p = 0; double maxp = 0; int maxi = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double nll = f.computeLikelihood(i); double nll2 = f.computeLikelihood(gradient, i); double nll3 = SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper.negativeLogLikelihood(mu, var[i], g[i], o[i], k[i]); total += nll; Assert.assertEquals("computeLikelihood @" + i, nll3, nll, nll * 1e-10); Assert.assertEquals("computeLikelihood+gradient @" + i, nll3, nll2, nll * 1e-10); double pp = FastMath.exp(-nll); if (maxp < pp) { maxp = pp; maxi = i; //System.out.printf("mu=%f, e=%f, k=%f, pp=%f\n", mu, mu * G + O, k[i], pp); } p += pp * step; } // Expected max of the distribution is the mode of the Poisson distribution. // This has two modes for integer input counts. We take the mean of those. // // Note that the shift of VAR/(G*G) is a constant applied to both the expected and // observed values and consequently cancels when predicting the max, i.e. we add // a constant count to the observed values and shift the distribution by the same // constant. We can thus compute the mode for the unshifted distribution. double lambda = mu; double mode1 = Math.floor(lambda); double mode2 = Math.ceil(lambda) - 1; double kmax = ((mode1 + mode2) * 0.5) * G + O; // Scale to observed values //System.out.printf("mu=%f, p=%f, maxp=%f @ %f (expected=%f %f)\n", mu, p, maxp, k[maxi], kmax, kmax - k[maxi]); Assert.assertEquals("k-max", kmax, k[maxi], kmax * 1e-3); if (test) { Assert.assertEquals(String.format("mu=%f", mu), P_LIMIT, p, 0.02); } // Check the function can compute the same total double delta = total * 1e-10; double sum, sum2; sum = f.computeLikelihood(); sum2 = f.computeLikelihood(gradient); Assert.assertEquals("computeLikelihood", total, sum, delta); Assert.assertEquals("computeLikelihood with gradient", total, sum2, delta); // Check the function can compute the same total after duplication f =, a); sum = f.computeLikelihood(); sum2 = f.computeLikelihood(gradient); Assert.assertEquals("computeLikelihood", total, sum, delta); Assert.assertEquals("computeLikelihood with gradient", total, sum2, delta); } private float[] newArray(int n, float val) { float[] a = new float[n]; Arrays.fill(a, val); return a; } private abstract class BaseNonLinearFunction implements NonLinearFunction { double[] a; String name; BaseNonLinearFunction(String name) { = name; } public void initialise(double[] a) { this.a = a; } public int[] gradientIndices() { return new int[1]; } public double eval(int x, double[] dyda, double[] w) { return 0; } public double eval(int x, double[] dyda) { return 0; } public boolean canComputeWeights() { return false; } public double evalw(int x, double[] w) { return 0; } public int getNumberOfGradients() { return 1; } } @Test public void canComputePValue() { final double n2 = maxx * maxx * 0.5; //@formatter:off canComputePValue(new BaseNonLinearFunction("Linear") { public double eval(int x) { return a[0] * (x-n2); } }); canComputePValue(new BaseNonLinearFunction("Quadratic") { public double eval(int x) { return a[0] * (x-n2) * (x-n2); } }); canComputePValue(new BaseNonLinearFunction("Linear+C") { public double eval(int x) { return 10 * a[0] + (x-n2); } }); canComputePValue(new BaseNonLinearFunction("Gaussian") { public double eval(int x) { return 100 * FastMath.exp(-0.5 * Math.pow(x - n2, 2) / (a[0] * a[0])); } }); //@formatter:on } private void canComputePValue(BaseNonLinearFunction nlf) { System.out.println(; int n = maxx * maxx; double[] a = new double[] { 1 }; // Simulate sCMOS camera nlf.initialise(a); RandomDataGenerator rdg = new RandomDataGenerator(new Well19937c(30051977)); double[] k = Utils.newArray(n, 0, 1.0); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double u = nlf.eval(i); if (u > 0) u = rdg.nextPoisson(u); k[i] = u * g[i] + rdg.nextGaussian(o[i], sd[i]); } SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper f = new SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper(nlf, a, k, n, var, g, o); double oll = f.computeObservedLikelihood(); double oll2 = 0; double[] op = new double[n]; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { op[j] = SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper.likelihood((k[j] - o[j]) / g[j], var[j], g[j], o[j], k[j]); oll2 -= Math.log(op[j]); } System.out.printf("oll=%f, oll2=%f\n", oll, oll2); Assert.assertEquals("Observed Log-likelihood", oll2, oll, oll2 * 1e-10); double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double mina = 0; for (int i = 5; i <= 15; i++) { a[0] = (double) i / 10; double ll = f.likelihood(a); double llr = f.computeLogLikelihoodRatio(ll); BigDecimal product = new BigDecimal(1); double ll2 = 0; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { double p1 = SCMOSLikelihoodWrapper.likelihood(nlf.eval(j), var[j], g[j], o[j], k[j]); ll2 -= Math.log(p1); double ratio = p1 / op[j]; product = product.multiply(new BigDecimal(ratio)); } double llr2 = -2 * Math.log(product.doubleValue()); double q = f.computeQValue(ll); System.out.printf("a=%f, ll=%f, ll2=%f, llr=%f, llr2=%f, product=%s, p=%f\n", a[0], ll, ll2, llr, llr2, product.round(new MathContext(4)).toString(), q); if (min > ll) { min = ll; mina = a[0]; } // Only value if the product could be computed. Low ratios cause it to becomes // too small to store in a double. if (product.doubleValue() > 0) Assert.assertEquals("Log-likelihood", llr, llr2, llr * 1e-10); } Assert.assertEquals("min", 1, mina, 0); } }