package gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear; import java.util.Arrays; import gdsc.core.utils.DoubleEquality; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FisherInformationMatrix; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitStatus; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FunctionSolverType; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.MLEFunctionSolver; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.WLSEFunctionSolver; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.linear.EJMLLinearSolver; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.gradient.GradientCalculator; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.gradient.GradientCalculatorFactory; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.stop.ErrorStoppingCriteria; import gdsc.smlm.function.ChiSquaredDistributionTable; import gdsc.smlm.function.NonLinearFunction; import gdsc.smlm.function.PoissonCalculator; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This is an adaption of the C-code contained in the CcpNmr Analysis Program: * CCPN website ( * The CCPN code was based on Numerical Recipes. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Uses Levenberg-Marquardt method to fit a nonlinear model with coefficients (a) for a * set of data points (x, y). */ public class NonLinearFit extends LSEBaseFunctionSolver implements MLEFunctionSolver, WLSEFunctionSolver { protected static final int SUM_OF_SQUARES_BEST = 0; protected static final int SUM_OF_SQUARES_OLD = 1; protected static final int SUM_OF_SQUARES_NEW = 2; protected EJMLLinearSolver solver = new EJMLLinearSolver(); protected GradientCalculator calculator; protected StoppingCriteria sc; protected double[] beta = new double[0]; protected double[] da; protected double[] ap = new double[0]; protected double[][] covar; protected double[][] alpha; protected double initialLambda = 0.01; protected double lambda; protected double[] sumOfSquaresWorking; protected double initialResidualSumOfSquares; protected NonLinearFunction func; protected double[] lastY_fit; protected double ll = Double.NaN; /** * Default constructor * * @param func * The function to fit */ public NonLinearFit(NonLinearFunction func) { this(func, null); } /** * Default constructor * * @param func * The function to fit * @param sc * The stopping criteria */ public NonLinearFit(NonLinearFunction func, StoppingCriteria sc) { this(func, sc, 3, 1e-10); } /** * Default constructor * * @param func * The function to fit * @param sc * The stopping criteria * @param significantDigits * Validate the Levenberg-Marquardt fit solution to the specified number of significant digits * @param maxAbsoluteError * Validate the Levenberg-Marquardt fit solution using the specified maximum absolute error */ public NonLinearFit(NonLinearFunction func, StoppingCriteria sc, int significantDigits, double maxAbsoluteError) { super(func); this.func = func; init(sc, significantDigits, maxAbsoluteError); } @Override protected void preProcess() { super.preProcess(); ll = Double.NaN; } private void init(StoppingCriteria sc, int significantDigits, double maxAbsoluteError) { setStoppingCriteria(sc); solver.setEqual(new DoubleEquality(significantDigits, maxAbsoluteError)); } protected boolean nonLinearModel(int n, double[] y, double[] a, boolean initialStage) { // The NonLinearFunction evaluates a function with parameters a but only computes the gradient // for m <= a.length parameters. The parameters can be accessed using the gradientIndices() method. final int[] gradientIndices = f.gradientIndices(); final int m = gradientIndices.length; if (initialStage) { lambda = initialLambda; for (int j = a.length; j-- > 0;) ap[j] = a[j]; sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_BEST] = calculator.findLinearised(n, y, a, alpha, beta, func); initialResidualSumOfSquares = sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_BEST]; if (calculator.isNaNGradients()) { //System.out.println("Bad initial gradients"); return false; } } // Set previous using the current best fit result we have sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_OLD] = sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_BEST]; // Solve the gradient equation A x = b: // A = Hessian matrix (alpha) // x = Parameter shift (output da) // b = Gradient vector (beta) if (!solve(a, m)) return false; // Update the parameters. Ensure to use the gradient indices to update the correct parameters updateFitParameters(a, gradientIndices, m, da, ap); sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_NEW] = calculator.findLinearised(n, y, ap, covar, da, func); if (calculator.isNaNGradients()) { //System.out.println("Bad working gradients"); return false; // Stop now //lambda *= 10.0; // Allow to continue } else if (sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_NEW] < sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_OLD]) { accepted(a, ap, m); } else { increaseLambda(); } return true; } /** * Called when there was a successful improvement of the fit. The lambda parameter should be reduced. * * @param a * The old fit parameters * @param ap * The new fit parameters * @param m * the number of fitted parameters (matches gradient indicies length) */ protected void accepted(double[] a, double[] ap, int m) { decreaseLambda(); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = m; j-- > 0;) alpha[i][j] = covar[i][j]; for (int j = m; j-- > 0;) { beta[j] = da[j]; } for (int j = a.length; j-- > 0;) { a[j] = ap[j]; } sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_BEST] = sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_NEW]; } protected void decreaseLambda() { lambda *= 0.1; } protected void increaseLambda() { lambda *= 10.0; } /** * Solve the gradient equation A x = b: * * * <pre> * A = Hessian matrix (alpha) * x = Parameter shift (output da) * b = Gradient vector (beta) * </pre> * * The Hessian and gradient parameter from the current best scoring parameter set are assumed to be in alpha and * beta. The lambda parameter is used to weight the diagonal of the Hessian. * * @param a * the current fit parameters * @param m * the number of fit parameters * @return true, if successful */ protected boolean solve(double[] a, final int m) { createLinearProblem(m); return solve(covar, da); } /** * Creates the linear problem. * <p> * The Hessian and gradient parameter from the current best scoring parameter set are assumed to be in alpha and * beta. These are copied into the working variables covar and da. The lambda parameter is used to weight the * diagonal of the Hessian. * * @param m * the number of fit parameters */ protected void createLinearProblem(final int m) { for (int i = m; i-- > 0;) { da[i] = beta[i]; for (int j = m; j-- > 0;) covar[i][j] = alpha[i][j]; covar[i][i] *= (1 + lambda); } } /** * Solves (one) linear equation, a x = b * <p> * On input have a[n][n], b[n]. On output b replaced by x[n]. * <p> * Note: Any zero elements in b are not solved. * * @return False if the equation is singular (no solution) */ protected boolean solve(double[][] a, double[] b) { // 04-May-2017 // EJMLLinearSolver was updated to use the pseudoInverse to create a solution // when the matrix is singular. Thus we no longer check for zeros. // If the gradient vector is very small set to zero so that this is ignored. // TODO - At what level should gradients be ignored (i.e. the parameter has no effect?). // Note that analysis on a test dataset showed no difference in results. Those that are caught // for bad gradients must therefore go on to fail on peak filtering criteria. At least this // gives the option of not filtering. //for (int i = b.length; i-- > 0;) // if (Math.abs(b[i]) < 1e-16) // b[i] = 0; // TODO // Q. Do we need a better qr decomposition that uses the largest Eigen column first. // There is a version from Apache commons math. // We could assess the magnitude of each value in the gradient vector and rearrange. return solver.solve(a, b); } /** * Update the fit parameters. Note that not all parameters are fit and therefore the gradients indices are used to * map the fit parameters to the parameters array. * <p> * This method can be overridden to provide bounded update to the parameters. * * @param a * the current fit parameters * @param gradientIndices * the gradient indices (maps the fit parameter index to the parameter array) * @param m * the number of fit parameters * @param da * the parameter shift * @param ap * the new fit parameters */ protected void updateFitParameters(double[] a, int[] gradientIndices, int m, double[] da, double[] ap) { for (int j = m; j-- > 0;) ap[gradientIndices[j]] = a[gradientIndices[j]] + da[j]; } private FitStatus doFit(int n, double[] y, double[] y_fit, double[] a, double[] a_dev, StoppingCriteria sc) { final int[] gradientIndices = f.gradientIndices(); sc.initialise(a); if (!nonLinearModel(n, y, a, true)) return (calculator.isNaNGradients()) ? FitStatus.INVALID_GRADIENTS_IN_NON_LINEAR_MODEL : FitStatus.SINGULAR_NON_LINEAR_MODEL; sc.evaluate(sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_OLD], sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_NEW], a); while (sc.areNotSatisfied()) { if (!nonLinearModel(n, y, a, false)) return (calculator.isNaNGradients()) ? FitStatus.INVALID_GRADIENTS_IN_NON_LINEAR_MODEL : FitStatus.SINGULAR_NON_LINEAR_MODEL; sc.evaluate(sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_OLD], sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_NEW], a); } if (!sc.areAchieved()) { if (sc.getIteration() >= sc.getMaximumIterations()) return FitStatus.TOO_MANY_ITERATIONS; return FitStatus.FAILED_TO_CONVERGE; } if (a_dev != null) { // Copy the diagonal from the current solution alpha (so we do not // recompute it if inversion fails) final double[] I = new double[beta.length]; for (int i = I.length; i-- > 0;) I[i] = alpha[i][i]; if (!computeDeviations(a_dev)) { // Matrix inversion failed. In order to return a solution // return the reciprocal of the diagonal of the Fisher information // for a loose bound on the limit //final double[] I = calculator.fisherInformationDiagonal(n, a, f); Arrays.fill(a_dev, 0); for (int i = gradientIndices.length; i-- > 0;) a_dev[gradientIndices[i]] = FisherInformationMatrix.reciprocalSqrt(I[i]); } } value = sumOfSquaresWorking[SUM_OF_SQUARES_BEST]; // Compute fitted data points if (y_fit != null) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) y_fit[i] = func.eval(i); } return FitStatus.OK; } /** * Compute the parameter deviations using the covariance matrix of the solution * * @param a_dev * the a dev * @return true, if successful */ private boolean computeDeviations(double[] a_dev) { // Call the invert method directly on alpha if (!solver.invertSymmPosDef(alpha)) return false; setDeviations(a_dev, alpha); return true; } /** * Uses Levenberg-Marquardt method to fit a nonlinear model with coefficients (a) for a * set of data points (x, y). * <p> * It is assumed that the data points x[i] corresponding to y[i] are consecutive integers from zero. * * @param y * Set of n data points to fit (input) * @param y_fit * Fitted data points (output) * @param a * Set of m coefficients (input/output) * @param a_dev * Standard deviation of the set of m coefficients (output) * @return The fit status */ public FitStatus computeFit(double[] y, double[] y_fit, final double[] a, final double[] a_dev) { int n = y.length; final int nparams = f.gradientIndices().length; // Create dynamically for the parameter sizes calculator = GradientCalculatorFactory.newCalculator(nparams, isMLE()); // Initialise storage. // Note that covar and da are passed to EJMLLinerSolver and so must be the correct size. beta = new double[nparams]; da = new double[nparams]; covar = new double[nparams][nparams]; alpha = new double[nparams][nparams]; ap = new double[a.length]; // Store the { best, previous, new } sum-of-squares values sumOfSquaresWorking = new double[3]; if (isMLE()) { // We must have positive data y = ensurePositive(n, y); // Store the function values for use in computing the log likelihood lastY = y; if (y_fit == null) { // Re-use space if (lastY_fit == null || lastY_fit.length < y.length) lastY_fit = new double[y.length]; y_fit = lastY_fit; } else { lastY_fit = y_fit; } } final FitStatus result = doFit(n, y, y_fit, a, a_dev, sc); this.evaluations = this.iterations = sc.getIteration(); return result; } private static double[] ensurePositive(int n, double[] y) { if (hasNegatives(n, y)) { final double[] y2 = new double[n]; for (int i = n; i-- > 0;) { if (y[i] < 0) y2[i] = 0; else y2[i] = y[i]; } y = y2; } return y; } private static boolean hasNegatives(int n, final double[] y) { for (int i = n; i-- > 0;) if (y[i] < 0) return true; return false; } /** * Used for debugging * * @param format * @param o */ void printf(String format, Object... o) { System.out.printf(format, o); } /** * @param initialLambda * the initial lambda for the Levenberg-Marquardt fitting routine */ public void setInitialLambda(double initialLambda) { this.initialLambda = initialLambda; } /** * @return the initialLambda */ public double getInitialLambda() { return initialLambda; } /** * @return the initialResidualSumOfSquares */ public double getInitialResidualSumOfSquares() { return initialResidualSumOfSquares; } /** * Set the non-linear function for the {@link #fit(int, double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double)} * method * * @param sc */ public void setNonLinearFunction(NonLinearFunction func) { if (func != null) this.f = func; } /** * Set the stopping criteria for the {@link #fit(int, double[], double[], double[], double[], double[], double)} * method * * @param sc */ public void setStoppingCriteria(StoppingCriteria sc) { if (sc == null) sc = new ErrorStoppingCriteria(); = sc; } /** * Checks if set to perform Maximum Likelihood Estimation assuming Poisson model. * * @return true if is set to perform MLE */ public boolean isMLE() { return type == FunctionSolverType.MLE; } /** * Sets to true to perform Maximum Likelihood Estimation assuming Poisson model. * <p> * This modifies the standard LVM as described in Laurence & Chromy (2010) Efficient maximum likelihood estimator. * Nature Methods 7, 338-339. The input data must be Poisson distributed for this to be relevant. * * @param mle * true to perform Maximum Likelihood Estimation */ public void setMLE(boolean mle) { if (mle) type = FunctionSolverType.MLE; else { type = (func.canComputeWeights()) ? FunctionSolverType.WLSE : FunctionSolverType.LSE; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.BaseFunctionSolver#computeValue(double[], double[], double[]) */ @Override public boolean computeValue(double[] y, double[] y_fit, double[] a) { final int n = y.length; final int nparams = f.gradientIndices().length; // Create dynamically for the parameter sizes calculator = GradientCalculatorFactory.newCalculator(nparams, isMLE()); if (isMLE()) { // We must have positive data y = ensurePositive(n, y); // Store the function values for use in computing the log likelihood lastY = y; if (y_fit == null) { // Re-use space if (lastY_fit == null || lastY_fit.length < y.length) lastY_fit = new double[y.length]; y_fit = lastY_fit; } else { lastY_fit = y_fit; } } value = calculator.findLinearised(n, y, y_fit, a, func); return true; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.fitting.nonlinear.LSEBaseFunctionSolver#getTotalSumOfSquares() */ @Override public double getTotalSumOfSquares() { if (type == FunctionSolverType.LSE) return super.getTotalSumOfSquares(); throw new IllegalStateException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.fitting.WLSEFunctionSolver#getChiSquared() */ public double getChiSquared() { if (type == FunctionSolverType.WLSE) // The weighted MLE will produce the chi-squared return value; throw new IllegalStateException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.fitting.MLEFunctionSolver#getLogLikelihood() */ public double getLogLikelihood() { if (type == FunctionSolverType.MLE && lastY != null) { // The MLE version directly computes the log-likelihood ratio. // We must compute the log likelihood for a Poisson MLE. if (Double.isNaN(ll)) ll = PoissonCalculator.logLikelihood(lastY_fit, lastY); return ll; } throw new IllegalStateException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.fitting.MLEFunctionSolver#getLogLikelihoodRatio() */ public double getLogLikelihoodRatio() { if (type == FunctionSolverType.MLE) // The MLE version directly computes the log-likelihood ratio return value; throw new IllegalStateException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.fitting.MLEFunctionSolver#getQ() */ public double getQ() { if (type == FunctionSolverType.MLE) // Value will be the log-likelihood ratio for the MLE. // Wilks theorum states the LLR approaches the chi-squared distribution for large n. return ChiSquaredDistributionTable.computeQValue(value, getNumberOfFittedPoints() - getNumberOfFittedParameters()); if (type == FunctionSolverType.WLSE) // Value will be the Chi-squared return ChiSquaredDistributionTable.computeQValue(value, getNumberOfFittedPoints() - getNumberOfFittedParameters()); throw new IllegalStateException(); } }