package gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.regression.SimpleRegression; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import gdsc.core.ij.BufferedTextWindow; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.match.AUCCalculator; import gdsc.core.match.BasePoint; import gdsc.core.match.Coordinate; import gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult; import gdsc.core.match.FractionalAssignment; import gdsc.core.match.ImmutableFractionalAssignment; import gdsc.core.match.RankedScoreCalculator; import gdsc.core.utils.FastCorrelator; import gdsc.core.utils.Maths; import gdsc.core.utils.RampedScore; import gdsc.core.utils.Settings; import gdsc.core.utils.Statistics; import gdsc.core.utils.StoredData; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2014 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import gdsc.smlm.engine.DataFilter; import gdsc.smlm.engine.DataFilterType; import gdsc.smlm.engine.FitEngineConfiguration; import gdsc.smlm.filters.MaximaSpotFilter; import gdsc.smlm.filters.Spot; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitConfiguration; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.Gaussian2DFunction; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.GaussianFunctionFactory; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.GaussianOverlapAnalysis; import gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.ResultsMatchCalculator.PeakResultPoint; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.GlobalSettings; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.SettingsManager; import gdsc.smlm.ij.utils.ImageConverter; import gdsc.smlm.results.MemoryPeakResults; import gdsc.smlm.results.PeakResult; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntObjectProcedure; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntProcedure; import gnu.trove.procedure.TObjectProcedure; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.Prefs; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.Overlay; import ij.gui.Plot; import ij.gui.Plot2; import ij.gui.PlotWindow; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.plugin.WindowOrganiser; import ij.text.TextWindow; /** * Filters the benchmark spot image created by CreateData plugin to identify candidates and then assess the filter. */ public class BenchmarkSpotFilter implements PlugIn { public static final String TITLE = "Filter Spot Data"; private static FitConfiguration fitConfig; private static FitEngineConfiguration config; private static double search = 1; private static double minSearch = 1; private static double maxSearch = 1; private static double border = 1; private static boolean[] batchPlot; private static String[] batchPlotNames; private static String[] SELECTION; private static int selection = 2; static { fitConfig = new FitConfiguration(); config = new FitEngineConfiguration(fitConfig); batchPlot = new boolean[BatchResult.getNumberOfScores()]; batchPlotNames = new String[batchPlot.length]; for (int i = 0; i < batchPlot.length; i++) batchPlotNames[i] = BatchResult.getScoreName(i); SELECTION = new String[3]; SELECTION[0] = BatchResult.getScoreName(0); SELECTION[1] = BatchResult.getScoreName(1); SELECTION[2] = BatchResult.getScoreName(0) + "+" + BatchResult.getScoreName(1); } private static final String[] MATCHING_METHOD = { "Single", "Multi", "Greedy" }; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final int METHOD_SINGLE = 0; private static final int METHOD_MULTI = 1; private static final int METHOD_GREEDY = 2; private static double sAnalysisBorder = 2; private static boolean hardBorder = true; private static int matchingMethod = METHOD_MULTI; /** * The last border used in analysis */ static Rectangle lastAnalysisBorder; private static double upperDistance = 1.5; private static double lowerDistance = 0.5; private static double upperSignalFactor = 2; private static double lowerSignalFactor = 1; private static boolean filterRelativeDistances = true; private static boolean scoreRelativeDistances = true; private double matchDistance; private double lowerMatchDistance; private static double recallFraction = 100; private static boolean showPlot = true; private static boolean rankByIntensity = false; private static boolean showFailuresPlot = false; private static boolean showTP = false; private static boolean showFP = false; private static boolean showFN = false; private static boolean sDebug = false; private static boolean batchMean = true; private static boolean batchGaussian = true; private static boolean batchCircular = false; private static boolean batchMedian = false; private boolean extraOptions, debug = false, batchMode = false; private long time = 0; // Cache batch results private static Settings batchSettings = null; private static ArrayList<BatchResult[]> cachedBatchResults = new ArrayList<BatchResult[]>(); private static int id = 1; private static BufferedTextWindow summaryTable = null, batchSummaryTable = null; private ImagePlus imp; private MemoryPeakResults results; private CreateData.SimulationParameters simulationParameters; private static TIntObjectHashMap<PSFSpot[]> actualCoordinates = null; private static int lastId = -1; //private static boolean lastRelativeDistances = false; private WindowOrganiser windowOrganiser; public static String tablePrefix, resultPrefix; // Used by the Benchmark Spot Fit plugin private static int filterResultsId = 0; static BenchmarkFilterResult filterResult = null; public class BenchmarkFilterResult { public final int simulationId; public final int id = ++filterResultsId; public TIntObjectHashMap<FilterResult> filterResults; public FitEngineConfiguration config; public MaximaSpotFilter spotFilter; public double auc; double[] r, p, j, c; int maxIndex; int fractionIndex; public double[][] cumul; public StoredData stats; public double auc2; public double slope; public double[] i1; public double[] i2; public double[] intensity; public boolean relativeDistances; public long time; public BenchmarkFilterResult(TIntObjectHashMap<FilterResult> filterResults, FitEngineConfiguration config, MaximaSpotFilter spotFilter) { this.simulationId =; this.filterResults = filterResults; this.config = config; this.spotFilter = spotFilter; } } private static class BatchResult { public double auc, j, p, r; public long time; public DataFilter dataFilter; public double param; public double search; public BatchResult(BenchmarkFilterResult filterResult, DataFilter dataFilter, double param, double search) { if (filterResult != null) { this.auc = filterResult.auc; this.j = filterResult.j[filterResult.maxIndex]; this.p = filterResult.p[filterResult.maxIndex]; this.r = filterResult.r[filterResult.maxIndex]; this.time = filterResult.time; } this.dataFilter = dataFilter; this.param = param; = search; } public double getScore(int i) { if (i == 0) return auc; if (i == 1) return j; if (i == 2) return p; if (i == 3) return r; if (i == 4) return time / 1e6; return 0; } public static String getScoreName(int i) { if (i == 0) return "AUC"; if (i == 1) return "Max Jaccard"; if (i == 2) return "Precision (at Max Jaccard)"; if (i == 3) return "Recall (at Max Jaccard)"; if (i == 4) return "Time (ms)"; return ""; } public static int getNumberOfScores() { return 5; } public String getName() { return String.format("%s:%s", dataFilter.toString(), Utils.rounded(search)); } } public class ScoredSpot implements Comparable<ScoredSpot> { final boolean match; double[] scores; double score; // Total intensity of spots we matched private double intensity; final float background; final Spot spot; int fails; public ScoredSpot(boolean match, double score, double intensity, Spot spot, float background) { this.match = match; = spot; this.background = background; this.fails = 0; add(score, intensity); } public ScoredSpot(boolean match, Spot spot, float background) { this.match = match; = spot; this.background = background; this.fails = 0; } public ScoredSpot(boolean match, Spot spot, float background, int fails) { this.match = match; = spot; this.background = background; this.fails = fails; } /** * Adds the result to the scored spot * * @param d * the d * @param score * the score * @param intensity * the intensity */ void add(double score, double intensity) { if (scores == null) { scores = new double[] { score }; this.score = score; this.intensity = intensity; } else { final int size = scores.length; scores = Arrays.copyOf(scores, size + 1); scores[size] = score; this.score += score; this.intensity += intensity; } } public double getScore(int i) { return (scores != null && i < scores.length) ? scores[i] : 0; } /** * Get the score * * @return The score */ double getScore() { return score; } /** * Get the opposite of the score. * * @return the anti-score */ public double antiScore() { // The use of partial scoring mimicks using multiple distance // thresholds and taking an average of scores. // For a single experiment at a single distance threshold a spot can // match 0, 1 or more actual results. This would be: // 0 = TP=0 ,FP=1 // 1 = TP=1 ,FP=0 // 2+ = TP=2+,FP=0 (because it doesn't 'not match' anything) // So for now I will use FP (anti-score) in the range 0-1. // Only ever allow an anti-score in the range 0-1 return FastMath.max(0, 1 - score); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ public int compareTo(ScoredSpot o) { if (spot.intensity > return -1; if (spot.intensity < return 1; return 0; } /** * Gets the intensity of the spot without the background. * * @return the intensity */ public float getIntensity() { return spot.intensity - background; } } public class FilterResult { final int frame; final RankedScoreCalculator calc; final FractionClassificationResult result; final ScoredSpot[] spots; final PSFSpot[] actual; final boolean[] actualAssignment; public FilterResult(int frame, RankedScoreCalculator calc, FractionClassificationResult result, ScoredSpot[] spots, PSFSpot[] actual, boolean[] actualAssignment) { this.frame = frame; this.calc = calc; this.result = result; this.spots = spots; this.actual = actual; this.actualAssignment = actualAssignment; } } /** * Used to allow multi-threading of the PSF overlap computation. */ private class OverlapWorker implements Runnable { volatile boolean finished = false; final BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs; final TIntObjectHashMap<ArrayList<Coordinate>> originalCoordinates; final TIntObjectHashMap<PSFSpot[]> coordinates; public OverlapWorker(BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs, TIntObjectHashMap<ArrayList<Coordinate>> originalCoordinates) { = jobs; this.originalCoordinates = originalCoordinates; this.coordinates = new TIntObjectHashMap<PSFSpot[]>(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { try { while (true) { Integer job = jobs.take(); if (job == null || job.intValue() < 0) break; if (!finished) // Only run if not finished to allow queue to be emptied run(job.intValue()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { finished = true; } } private void run(int frame) { if (Utils.isInterrupted()) { finished = true; return; } showProgress(); // Extract the data PSFSpot[] actual = getCoordinates(originalCoordinates, frame); coordinates.put(frame, actual); if (actual.length == 0) return; // Here we approximate the PSF as a Gaussian adjusted for square pixels. // Determine spots (1) that have an overlap with other spots (2). // In practice this will be any spot within 2SD1 + 2SD2. // Pre-compute the adjusted pixel widths for each PSF double[] sa = new double[actual.length]; double[] sa2 = new double[actual.length]; for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { sa[i] = PSFCalculator.squarePixelAdjustment(actual[i].peakResult.getSD() * simulationParameters.a, simulationParameters.a) / simulationParameters.a; sa2[i] = 2 * sa[i]; } double[] allParams = new double[1 + 6 * actual.length]; final int flags = GaussianFunctionFactory.FIT_SIMPLE_NS_NB_FIXED; for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { // Bounding rectangle for the spot. This serves as the reference frame 0,0 final float cx = actual[i].getX(); final float cy = actual[i].getY(); GaussianOverlapAnalysis overlapAnalysis = null; // Check for overlap int offset = 0; for (int j = 0; j < actual.length; j++) { if (i == j) continue; final double dx = (actual[j].getX() - cx); final double dy = (actual[j].getY() - cy); final double d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; final double threshold = sa2[i] + sa2[j]; if (d2 <= threshold * threshold) { // These overlap. // Initialise a Gaussian2D function for i if (overlapAnalysis == null) { double[] params = new double[7]; params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = actual[i].peakResult.getSignal(); params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = cx; params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = cy; params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = sa[i]; overlapAnalysis = new GaussianOverlapAnalysis(flags, null, params, 2); } // Accumulate the function for j allParams[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = actual[j].peakResult.getSignal(); allParams[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = actual[j].peakResult.getXPosition(); allParams[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = actual[j].peakResult.getYPosition(); allParams[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = allParams[offset + Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = sa[j]; offset += 6; } } if (offset != 0) { final double[] overlapParams = Arrays.copyOf(allParams, 1 + offset); overlapAnalysis.add(overlapParams, false); actual[i].backgroundOffset = (float) overlapAnalysis.getWeightedbackground(); // This is not currently used. // Computation of this would depend on how a filter is estimating the signal. // The offset should be computed with the same method to create a 'fair' signal offset. //actual[i].intensityOffset = ? } } } /** * Return an array of PSF spots for the given time point. Returns an empty array if there are no coordinates. * * @param coords * @param t * @return The array list */ public PSFSpot[] getCoordinates(TIntObjectHashMap<ArrayList<Coordinate>> coords, Integer t) { ArrayList<Coordinate> list1 = coords.get(t); if (list1 != null) { PSFSpot[] list2 = new PSFSpot[list1.size()]; int i = 0; for (Coordinate c : list1) { PeakResultPoint p = (PeakResultPoint) c; list2[i++] = new PSFSpot(p.getTime(), p.getX(), p.getY(), p.peakResult); } return list2; } else { return new PSFSpot[0]; } } } /** * Used to allow multi-threading of the fitting method */ private class Worker implements Runnable { volatile boolean finished = false; final BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs; final ImageStack stack; final MaximaSpotFilter spotFilter; final float background; final TIntObjectHashMap<FilterResult> results; float[] data = null; long time = 0; public Worker(BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs, ImageStack stack, MaximaSpotFilter spotFilter, float background) { = jobs; this.stack = stack; this.spotFilter = spotFilter.clone(); this.results = new TIntObjectHashMap<FilterResult>(); this.background = background; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { try { while (true) { Integer job = jobs.take(); if (job == null || job.intValue() < 0) break; if (!finished) // Only run if not finished to allow queue to be emptied run(job.intValue()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { finished = true; } } private void run(int frame) { if (Utils.isInterrupted()) { finished = true; return; } showProgress(); // Extract the data data = ImageConverter.getData(stack.getPixels(frame), stack.getWidth(), stack.getHeight(), null, data); // Use this code to subtract the background before filtering. This produces different results // from using the raw data. //float background = this.background; //if (background != 0) //{ // for (int i = stack.getWidth() * stack.getHeight(); i-- > 0;) // data[i] -= background; //} //background = 0; long start = System.nanoTime(); Spot[] spots = spotFilter.rank(data, stack.getWidth(), stack.getHeight()); time += System.nanoTime() - start; // Debug the candidates // if (debug && frame == 5) // { // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.append(spotFilter.getDescription()).append("\n"); // for (int i = 0; i < spots.length; i++) // { // sb.append(String.format("Fit %d [%d,%d = %.1f]\n", i, spots[i].x, spots[i].y, spots[i].intensity)); // } // System.out.print(sb.toString()); // } // Score the spots that are matches PSFSpot[] actual = actualCoordinates.get(frame); if (actual == null) actual = new PSFSpot[0]; // We do not remove results at the border from analysis. // We can just mark them to contribute less to the score. // TODO - Create a Tukey window weighting from the border to the edge. // The type of weighting could be user configurable, e.g. Hard, Tukey, Linear, etc. final double[] actualWeight = new double[actual.length]; final double[] spotsWeight = new double[spots.length]; double actualLength = actual.length; double spotsLength = spots.length; if (lastAnalysisBorder.x > 0) { actualLength = spotsLength = 0; final int analysisBorder = lastAnalysisBorder.x; final int xlimit = lastAnalysisBorder.x + lastAnalysisBorder.width; final int ylimit = lastAnalysisBorder.y + lastAnalysisBorder.height; for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { final PSFSpot c = actual[i]; actualWeight[i] = 1; if (c.getX() < analysisBorder || c.getX() > xlimit || c.getY() < analysisBorder || c.getY() > ylimit) // TODO - better weighting actualWeight[i] = 0; actualLength += actualWeight[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < spots.length; i++) { final Spot s = spots[i]; spotsWeight[i] = 1; if (s.x < analysisBorder || s.x > xlimit || s.y < analysisBorder || s.y > ylimit) // TODO - better weighting spotsWeight[i] = 0; spotsLength += spotsWeight[i]; } // TODO - option for hard border to match the old scoring. // Create smaller arrays using only those with a weighting of 1. if (hardBorder) { PSFSpot[] actual2 = new PSFSpot[actual.length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) if (actualWeight[i] == 1) { actualWeight[j] = 1; actual2[j++] = actual[i]; } actual = Arrays.copyOf(actual2, j); Spot[] spots2 = new Spot[spots.length]; j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spots.length; i++) if (spotsWeight[i] == 1) { spotsWeight[j] = 1; spots2[j++] = spots[i]; } spots = Arrays.copyOf(spots2, j); // Update lengths actualLength = actual.length; spotsLength = spots.length; } } else { Arrays.fill(actualWeight, 1); Arrays.fill(spotsWeight, 1); } ScoredSpot[] scoredSpots = new ScoredSpot[spots.length]; FractionClassificationResult result; RankedScoreCalculator calc = null; // Store the count of false positives since the last true positive int fails = 0; final int nActual = actual.length; final boolean[] actualAssignment = new boolean[nActual]; if (actual.length > 0) { SpotCoordinate[] predicted = getCoordinates(spots); // Use the distance to the true location to score the candidate final RampedScore score = new RampedScore(lowerMatchDistance, matchDistance); final RampedScore signalScore = (upperSignalFactor > 0) ? new RampedScore(lowerSignalFactor, upperSignalFactor) : null; // Candidates may be close to many localisations. In order to compute the signal // factor correctly we have computed the signal offset for each spot with overlapping PSFs. // This is used to raise the spot intensity when computing the signal factor. // Compute assignments ArrayList<FractionalAssignment> fractionalAssignments = new ArrayList<FractionalAssignment>( predicted.length * 3); final double dmin = matchDistance * matchDistance; final int nPredicted = predicted.length; for (int j = 0; j < nPredicted; j++) { final float x = predicted[j].getX(); final float y = predicted[j].getY(); // Any spots that match for (int i = 0; i < nActual; i++) { final double dx = (x - actual[i].getX()); final double dy = (y - actual[i].getY()); final double d2 = dx * dx + dy * dy; if (d2 <= dmin) { final double d = Math.sqrt(d2); double s = score.score(d); final double intensity = getIntensity(actual[i]); if (signalScore != null) { // Adjust intensity using the surrounding PSF contributions //final double rsf = intensity / (predicted[j].spot.intensity - background); final double rsf = (actual[i].backgroundOffset + intensity) / (predicted[j].spot.intensity - background); // Normalise so perfect is zero final double sf = Math.abs((rsf < 1) ? 1 - 1 / rsf : rsf - 1); s *= signalScore.score(sf); } s = RampedScore.flatten(s, 256); double distance = 1 - s; if (distance == 0) { // In the case of a match below the distance and signal factor thresholds // the distance will be 0. To distinguish between candidates all below // the thresholds just take the closest. // We know d2 is below dmin so we subtract the delta. distance -= (dmin - d2); } // Store the match fractionalAssignments.add(new ImmutableFractionalAssignment(i, j, distance, s)); } } } FractionalAssignment[] assignments = fractionalAssignments .toArray(new FractionalAssignment[fractionalAssignments.size()]); calc = new RankedScoreCalculator(assignments); // Assign matches double tp = 0; double fp; final double[] predictedScore = new double[nPredicted]; if (matchingMethod == METHOD_GREEDY) { // Spots can match as many actual results as they can, first match wins int nA = nActual; for (FractionalAssignment a : assignments) { final int i = a.getTargetId(); if (!actualAssignment[i]) { final int j = a.getPredictedId(); actualAssignment[i] = true; final double intensity = getIntensity(actual[i]); final double tpScore = a.getScore() * actualWeight[i]; if (scoredSpots[j] == null) scoredSpots[j] = new ScoredSpot(true, tpScore, intensity, spots[j], background); else scoredSpots[j].add(tpScore, intensity); tp += tpScore; predictedScore[j] += tpScore; if (--nA == 0) break; } } } else if (matchingMethod == METHOD_MULTI) { // Spots can match as many actual results as they can. Matching is iterative // so only the best match is computed for each spot per round. int nA = nActual; // Flag to indicate a match was made boolean processAgain = true; OUTER: while (processAgain) { processAgain = false; final boolean[] predictedAssignment = new boolean[nPredicted]; for (FractionalAssignment a : assignments) { final int i = a.getTargetId(); if (!actualAssignment[i]) { final int j = a.getPredictedId(); if (!predictedAssignment[j]) { actualAssignment[i] = true; predictedAssignment[j] = true; processAgain = true; final double intensity = getIntensity(actual[i]); final double tpScore = a.getScore() * actualWeight[i]; if (scoredSpots[j] == null) scoredSpots[j] = new ScoredSpot(true, tpScore, intensity, spots[j], background); else scoredSpots[j].add(tpScore, intensity); tp += tpScore; predictedScore[j] += tpScore; if (--nA == 0) break OUTER; } } } } } else { // matchingMethod == METHOD_SINGLE // Spots can match only one actual result final boolean[] predictedAssignment = new boolean[nPredicted]; int nP = nPredicted; int nA = nActual; for (FractionalAssignment a : assignments) { final int i = a.getTargetId(); if (!actualAssignment[i]) { final int j = a.getPredictedId(); if (!predictedAssignment[j]) { actualAssignment[i] = true; predictedAssignment[j] = true; final double tpScore = a.getScore() * actualWeight[i]; scoredSpots[j] = new ScoredSpot(true, tpScore, getIntensity(actual[i]), spots[j], background); tp += tpScore; predictedScore[j] = tpScore; if (--nA == 0 || --nP == 0) break; } } } } // Compute the FP. // Note: The TP score is the match score multiplied by the weight of the actual spot. // Although a predicted point can accumulate more than its weight for TP matches (due // to multiple matching and the fuzzy border), no predicted point can score less than // its weight. This means: // TP + FN = nActual // TP + FP >= nPredicted (due to fuzzy border) // // Note: This score scenario is the same as if using a hard border exclusion and // multi-matching where TP can be above 1 but FP is not. // // This does mean that a spot in the border that matches a result in the image // can have a high TP score and very low FP score. Hopefully this has little effect // in practice. fp = spotsLength; for (int j = 0; j < predictedScore.length; j++) { if (predictedScore[j] > spotsWeight[j]) predictedScore[j] = spotsWeight[j]; fp -= predictedScore[j]; } result = new FractionClassificationResult(tp, fp, 0, actualLength - tp); // Store the number of fails (negatives) before each positive for (int i = 0; i < spots.length; i++) { if (scoredSpots[i] == null) { scoredSpots[i] = new ScoredSpot(false, spots[i], fails++); } else { scoredSpots[i].fails = fails++; if (scoredSpots[i].match) { //if (fails > 60) // System.out.printf("%d @ %d : %d,%d\n", fails, frame, scoredSpots[i].spot.x, // scoredSpots[i].spot.y); fails = 0; } } } } else { // No results. // All spots are false positives result = new FractionClassificationResult(0, spotsLength, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < spots.length; i++) { scoredSpots[i] = new ScoredSpot(false, spots[i], fails++); } } if (debug) { System.out.printf("Frame %d : N = %d, TP = %.2f, FP = %.2f, R = %.2f, P = %.2f\n", frame, actualLength, result.getTP(), result.getFP(), result.getRecall(), result.getPrecision()); } results.put(frame, new FilterResult(frame, calc, result, scoredSpots, actual, actualAssignment)); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private double getOffsetIntensity(final PSFSpot p) { // Use the amplitude as all spot filters currently estimate the height, not the total signal final double intensity = p.peakResult.getAmplitude() + p.backgroundOffset; return intensity; } private double getIntensity(final PSFSpot p) { // Use the amplitude as all spot filters currently estimate the height, not the total signal final double intensity = p.peakResult.getAmplitude(); return intensity; } private SpotCoordinate[] getCoordinates(Spot[] spots) { SpotCoordinate[] coords = new SpotCoordinate[spots.length]; for (int i = 0; i < spots.length; i++) coords[i] = new SpotCoordinate(i, spots[i]); return coords; } private class SpotCoordinate extends BasePoint { Spot spot; public SpotCoordinate(int id, Spot spot) { // Centre ion the middle of the pixel super(spot.x + 0.5f, spot.y + 0.5f); = spot; } } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.PlugIn#run(java.lang.String) */ public void run(String arg) { SMLMUsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); extraOptions = Utils.isExtraOptions(); batchMode = "batch".equals(arg); simulationParameters = CreateData.simulationParameters; if (simulationParameters == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No benchmark spot parameters in memory"); return; } imp = CreateData.getImage(); if (imp == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No benchmark image"); return; } results = CreateData.getResults(); if (results == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No benchmark results in memory"); return; } if (!showDialog()) return; // Clear old results to free memory if (filterResult != null) { filterResult.filterResults.clear(); filterResult.filterResults = null; filterResult = null; } // For graphs windowOrganiser = new WindowOrganiser(); if (batchMode) { // Batch mode to test enumeration of filters final double sd = simulationParameters.s / simulationParameters.a; final int limit = (int) Math.floor(3 * sd); double[] searchParam = getRange(minSearch, maxSearch, 1); // Continuous parameters double[] pEmpty = new double[0]; double[] mParam = (batchMean) ? getRange(limit, 0.05) : pEmpty; double[] gParam = (batchGaussian) ? getRange(limit, 0.05) : pEmpty; // Less continuous parameters double[] cParam = (batchCircular) ? getRange(limit, 0.5) : pEmpty; // Discrete parameters double[] medParam = (batchMedian) ? getRange(limit, 1) : pEmpty; setupProgress(imp.getImageStackSize() * searchParam.length * (mParam.length + gParam.length + cParam.length + medParam.length), "Frame"); ArrayList<BatchResult[]> batchResults = new ArrayList<BatchResult[]>(cachedBatchResults.size()); config.setDataFilterType(DataFilterType.SINGLE); for (double search : searchParam) { // Run all, store the results for plotting. // Allow re-use of these if they are cached to allow quick reanalysis of results. config.setSearch(search); if (batchMean) batchResults.add(addToCache(DataFilter.MEAN, mParam, search)); if (batchGaussian) batchResults.add(addToCache(DataFilter.GAUSSIAN, gParam, search)); if (batchCircular) batchResults.add(addToCache(DataFilter.CIRCULAR_MEAN, cParam, search)); if (batchMean) batchResults.add(addToCache(DataFilter.MEDIAN, medParam, search)); } IJ.showProgress(-1); IJ.showStatus(""); if (Utils.isInterrupted()) return; // Analysis options GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Choose performance plots:"); for (int i = 0; i < batchPlot.length; i++) gd.addCheckbox(batchPlotNames[i], batchPlot[i]); gd.addChoice("Selection", SELECTION, SELECTION[selection]); gd.addCheckbox("Show_plots", showPlot); gd.addCheckbox("Plot_rank_by_intensity", rankByIntensity); gd.addCheckbox("Show_failures_plots", showFailuresPlot); gd.addCheckbox("Show_TP", showTP); gd.addCheckbox("Show_FP", showFP); gd.addCheckbox("Show_FN", showFN); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; for (int i = 0; i < batchPlot.length; i++) batchPlot[i] = gd.getNextBoolean(); selection = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); showPlot = gd.getNextBoolean(); rankByIntensity = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFailuresPlot = gd.getNextBoolean(); showTP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFN = gd.getNextBoolean(); // Plot charts for (int i = 0; i < batchPlot.length; i++) plot(i, batchResults); // Store in global singleton filterResult = analyse(batchResults); } else { // Single filter mode setupProgress(imp.getImageStackSize(), "Frame"); filterResult = run(config, filterRelativeDistances); } IJ.showProgress(-1); IJ.showStatus(""); getTable(false).flush(); if (filterResult == null) return; // Store a clone of the config filterResult.config = filterResult.config.clone(); // Debugging the matches if (debug) addSpotsToMemory(filterResult.filterResults); if (showFailuresPlot) showFailuresPlot(filterResult); if (showPlot) showPlot(filterResult); if (isShowOverlay()) showOverlay(imp, filterResult); windowOrganiser.tile(); } private BatchResult[] addToCache(DataFilter dataFilter, double[] param, double search) { for (BatchResult[] batchResult : cachedBatchResults) { if (batchResult == null || batchResult.length == 0) continue; if (batchResult[0].dataFilter == dataFilter && batchResult[0].search == search) return batchResult; } BatchResult[] batchResult = run(dataFilter, param, search); cachedBatchResults.add(batchResult); return batchResult; } private void plot(int i, ArrayList<BatchResult[]> batchResults) { if (!batchPlot[i]) return; Color[] colors = new Color[] {, Color.gray,,, Color.magenta }; String name = batchPlotNames[i]; String title = TITLE + " Performance " + name; Plot plot = new Plot(title, "Relative width", name); final double scale = 1.0 / config.getHWHMMin(); for (BatchResult[] batchResult : batchResults) { if (batchResult == null || batchResult.length == 0) continue; float[][] data = extractData(batchResult, i, scale); int colorIndex = batchResult[0].dataFilter.ordinal(); plot.setColor(colors[colorIndex]); colors[colorIndex] = colors[colorIndex].darker(); plot.addPoints(data[0], data[1], null, (batchResult.length > 1) ? Plot.LINE : Plot.CIRCLE, batchResult[0].getName()); } plot.setColor(; plot.addLegend(null); if (name.contains("Time")) plot.setAxisYLog(true); PlotWindow pw = Utils.display(title, plot); plot.setLimitsToFit(true); // Seems to only work after drawing if (Utils.isNewWindow()) windowOrganiser.add(pw); } private float[][] extractData(BatchResult[] batchResult, int index, double scale) { float[][] data = new float[2][batchResult.length]; for (int i = 0; i < batchResult.length; i++) { data[0][i] = (float) (batchResult[i].param * scale); data[1][i] = (float) batchResult[i].getScore(index); } return data; } private BenchmarkFilterResult analyse(ArrayList<BatchResult[]> batchResults) { // Support z-score of AUC and Max. Jaccard combined. // For this wee need the statistics of the population of scores. double[][] stats = getStats(batchResults); double max = 0; DataFilter dataFilter = null; double search = 0; double param = 0; for (BatchResult[] batchResult : batchResults) { if (batchResult == null || batchResult.length == 0) continue; double[][] data = extractData(batchResult, selection, stats); int maxi = 0; for (int i = 0; i < batchResult.length; i++) { if (data[1][maxi] < data[1][i]) maxi = i; } if (max < data[1][maxi]) { max = data[1][maxi]; dataFilter = batchResult[0].dataFilter; search = batchResult[0].search; param = data[0][maxi]; } } if (dataFilter != null) { // Convert the absolute distance to be relative to the PSF width param = Maths.round(param / config.getHWHMMin(), 0.001); final double hwhmMax = config.getHWHMMax(); // Convert absolute search distance to relative config.setSearch(Maths.round(search / hwhmMax, 0.001)); if (filterRelativeDistances) { // If relative distances were specified then we can use the input values config.setBorder(border); } else { // Otherwise we must adjust the input values to convert the absolute values to relative config.setBorder(Maths.round(border / hwhmMax, 0.001)); } // Run the filter using relative distances config.setDataFilter(dataFilter, param, 0); BenchmarkFilterResult result = run(config, true, true); getTable(true).flush(); return result; } return null; } private double[][] getStats(ArrayList<BatchResult[]> batchResults) { if (selection < 2) return null; double[][] stats = new double[2][2]; for (int index = 0; index < stats.length; index++) { Statistics s = new Statistics(); for (BatchResult[] batchResult : batchResults) { if (batchResult == null || batchResult.length == 0) continue; for (int i = 0; i < batchResult.length; i++) { s.add(batchResult[i].getScore(index)); } } stats[index][0] = s.getMean(); stats[index][1] = s.getStandardDeviation(); } return stats; } private double[][] extractData(BatchResult[] batchResult, int index, double[][] stats) { double[][] data = new double[2][batchResult.length]; for (int i = 0; i < batchResult.length; i++) { data[0][i] = batchResult[i].param; data[1][i] = getScore(batchResult[i], index, stats); } return data; } private double getScore(BatchResult batchResult, int index, double[][] stats) { if (stats == null) return batchResult.getScore(index); // Z-score of all metrics combined double z = 0; for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) z += (batchResult.getScore(i) - stats[i][0]) / stats[i][1]; return z; } private double[] getRange(final double min, final double max, final double interval) { double[] param; int c = (int) ((max - min) / interval) + 2; param = new double[c]; param[0] = min; int i = 0; while (param[i++] < max) { param[i] = min + i * interval; } return (i < c) ? Arrays.copyOf(param, i) : param; } private double[] getRange(final int limit, final double interval) { double[] param; int c = (int) (limit / interval); param = new double[c]; for (int i = 1; i <= c; i++) { param[i - 1] = i * interval; } return param; } private BatchResult[] run(DataFilter dataFilter, double[] param, double search) { progressPrefix = new BatchResult(null, dataFilter, 0, search).getName(); BatchResult[] result = new BatchResult[param.length]; config.setSearch(search); for (int i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { config.setDataFilter(dataFilter, param[i], 0); BenchmarkFilterResult filterResult = run(config, false); if (filterResult == null) return null; result[i] = new BatchResult(filterResult, dataFilter, param[i], search); } return result; } private boolean showDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addHelp(About.HELP_URL); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Finds spots in the benchmark image created by CreateData plugin.\n"); final double sa = getSa() / simulationParameters.a; sb.append("PSF width = ").append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.s / simulationParameters.a)) .append(" px (sa = ").append(Utils.rounded(sa)).append(" px). HWHM = ") .append(Utils.rounded(sa * Gaussian2DFunction.SD_TO_HWHM_FACTOR)).append(" px\n"); sb.append("Simulation depth = ").append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.depth)).append(" nm"); if (simulationParameters.fixedDepth) sb.append(" (fixed)"); sb.append("\n \nConfigure the spot filter:"); gd.addMessage(sb.toString()); if (batchMode) { // Support enumeration of single spot filters gd.addCheckbox("Mean", batchMean); gd.addCheckbox("Gaussian", batchGaussian); gd.addCheckbox("Circular", batchCircular); gd.addCheckbox("Median", batchMedian); gd.addSlider("Min_search_width", 1, 4, minSearch); gd.addSlider("Max_search_width", 1, 4, maxSearch); gd.addCheckbox("Filter_relative_distances (to HWHM)", filterRelativeDistances); } else { String[] filterTypes = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) DataFilterType.values()); gd.addChoice("Spot_filter_type", filterTypes, filterTypes[config.getDataFilterType().ordinal()]); String[] filterNames = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) DataFilter.values()); gd.addChoice("Spot_filter", filterNames, filterNames[config.getDataFilter(0).ordinal()]); gd.addCheckbox("Filter_relative_distances (to HWHM)", filterRelativeDistances); gd.addSlider("Smoothing", 0, 2.5, config.getSmooth(0)); gd.addSlider("Search_width", 1, 4, search); } gd.addSlider("Border", 0, 5, border); gd.addCheckbox("Hard_border", hardBorder); gd.addMessage("Scoring options:"); gd.addCheckbox("Score_relative_distances (to HWHM)", scoreRelativeDistances); gd.addSlider("Analysis_border", 0, 5, sAnalysisBorder); gd.addChoice("Matching_method", MATCHING_METHOD, MATCHING_METHOD[matchingMethod]); gd.addSlider("Match_distance", 0.5, 3.5, upperDistance); gd.addSlider("Lower_distance", 0, 3.5, lowerDistance); gd.addSlider("Signal_factor", 0, 3.5, upperSignalFactor); gd.addSlider("Lower_factor", 0, 3.5, lowerSignalFactor); gd.addSlider("Recall_fraction", 50, 100, recallFraction); if (!batchMode) { gd.addCheckbox("Show_plots", showPlot); gd.addCheckbox("Plot_rank_by_intensity", rankByIntensity); gd.addCheckbox("Show_failures_plots", showFailuresPlot); gd.addCheckbox("Show_TP", showTP); gd.addCheckbox("Show_FP", showFP); gd.addCheckbox("Show_FN", showFN); } if (extraOptions) gd.addCheckbox("Debug", sDebug); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; fitConfig.setInitialPeakStdDev(Maths.round(sa)); if (batchMode) { batchMean = gd.getNextBoolean(); batchGaussian = gd.getNextBoolean(); batchCircular = gd.getNextBoolean(); batchMedian = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (!(batchMean || batchGaussian || batchCircular || batchMedian)) return false; minSearch = gd.getNextNumber(); maxSearch = gd.getNextNumber(); filterRelativeDistances = gd.getNextBoolean(); } else { config.setDataFilterType(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); config.setDataFilter(gd.getNextChoiceIndex(), Maths.round(Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()), 0.001), 0); filterRelativeDistances = gd.getNextBoolean(); search = gd.getNextNumber(); } border = gd.getNextNumber(); hardBorder = gd.getNextBoolean(); scoreRelativeDistances = gd.getNextBoolean(); sAnalysisBorder = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); matchingMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex(); upperDistance = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); lowerDistance = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); upperSignalFactor = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); lowerSignalFactor = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); recallFraction = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); if (!batchMode) { showPlot = gd.getNextBoolean(); rankByIntensity = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFailuresPlot = gd.getNextBoolean(); showTP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFP = gd.getNextBoolean(); showFN = gd.getNextBoolean(); } if (extraOptions) debug = sDebug = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (gd.invalidNumber()) return false; if (lowerDistance > upperDistance) lowerDistance = upperDistance; if (lowerSignalFactor > upperSignalFactor) lowerSignalFactor = upperSignalFactor; if (batchMode) { // Clear the cached results if the setting changed Settings settings = new Settings(, filterRelativeDistances, //search, maxSearch, // Ignore search distance for smart caching border, scoreRelativeDistances, sAnalysisBorder, hardBorder, matchingMethod, upperDistance, lowerDistance, upperSignalFactor, lowerSignalFactor, recallFraction); if (!settings.equals(batchSettings)) { cachedBatchResults.clear(); } batchSettings = settings; // Analysis during batch mode will always be done with absolute distances. // However we must ensure the border distance is // relative (if requested) so that the results are consistent with single-filter mode. if (filterRelativeDistances) { final double hwhmMax = config.getHWHMMax(); config.setBorder(Maths.round(border * hwhmMax, 0.001)); } else { config.setBorder(Maths.round(border, 0.001)); } } else { config.setSearch(Maths.round(search, 0.001)); config.setBorder(Maths.round(border, 0.001)); // Single filter ... // Allow more complicated filters to be configured GlobalSettings settings = new GlobalSettings(); settings.setFitEngineConfiguration(config); if (!PeakFit.configureDataFilter(settings, null, false)) return false; } int analysisBorder; if (scoreRelativeDistances) { // Convert distance to PSF standard deviation units final double hwhmMax = config.getHWHMMax(); matchDistance = upperDistance * hwhmMax; lowerMatchDistance = lowerDistance * hwhmMax; analysisBorder = (int) (sAnalysisBorder * hwhmMax); } else { matchDistance = upperDistance; lowerMatchDistance = lowerDistance; analysisBorder = (int) (sAnalysisBorder); } if (analysisBorder > 0) { lastAnalysisBorder = new Rectangle(analysisBorder, analysisBorder, imp.getWidth() - 2 * analysisBorder, imp.getHeight() - 2 * analysisBorder); } else { lastAnalysisBorder = new Rectangle(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); } return true; } private double getSa() { final double sa = PSFCalculator.squarePixelAdjustment(simulationParameters.s, simulationParameters.a); return sa; } /** The total progress. */ private int progress, stepProgress, totalProgress; private String progressPrefix; private void setupProgress(int total, String prefix) { totalProgress = total; stepProgress = Utils.getProgressInterval(totalProgress); progressPrefix = prefix; progress = 0; } /** * Show progress. */ private synchronized void showProgress() { if (progress % stepProgress == 0) { //if (Utils.showStatus(String.format("%s: %d / %d", progressPrefix, progress, totalProgress))) if (Utils.showStatus(progressPrefix)) IJ.showProgress(progress, totalProgress); } progress++; } private BenchmarkFilterResult run(FitEngineConfiguration config, boolean relativeDistances) { return run(config, relativeDistances, false); } private BenchmarkFilterResult run(FitEngineConfiguration config, boolean relativeDistances, boolean batchSummary) { if (Utils.isInterrupted()) return null; MaximaSpotFilter spotFilter = config.createSpotFilter(relativeDistances); // Extract all the results in memory into a list per frame. This can be cached if (lastId != // || lastRelativeDistances != relativeDistances) { // Always use float coordinates. // The Worker adds a pixel offset for the spot coordinates. TIntObjectHashMap<ArrayList<Coordinate>> coordinates = ResultsMatchCalculator .getCoordinates(results.getResults(), false); actualCoordinates = new TIntObjectHashMap<PSFSpot[]>(); lastId =; //lastRelativeDistances = relativeDistances; // Store these so we can reset them final int total = totalProgress; final String prefix = progressPrefix; // Spot PSFs may overlap so we must determine the amount of signal overlap and amplitude effect // for each spot... IJ.showStatus("Computing PSF overlap ..."); final int nThreads = Prefs.getThreads(); final BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(nThreads * 2); List<OverlapWorker> workers = new LinkedList<OverlapWorker>(); List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { OverlapWorker worker = new OverlapWorker(jobs, coordinates); Thread t = new Thread(worker); workers.add(worker); threads.add(t); t.start(); } // Process the frames totalProgress = coordinates.size(); stepProgress = Utils.getProgressInterval(totalProgress); progress = 0; coordinates.forEachKey(new TIntProcedure() { public boolean execute(int value) { put(jobs, value); return true; } }); // Finish all the worker threads by passing in a null job for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { put(jobs, -1); } // Wait for all to finish for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { try { threads.get(i).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } actualCoordinates.putAll(workers.get(i).coordinates); } threads.clear(); IJ.showProgress(-1); IJ.showStatus(""); setupProgress(total, prefix); } if (!batchMode) IJ.showStatus("Computing results ..."); final ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack(); float background = 0; if (spotFilter.isAbsoluteIntensity()) { // To allow the signal factor to be computed we need to lower the image by the background so // that the intensities correspond to the results amplitude. // Just assume the background is uniform. double sum = 0; for (PeakResult r : results) sum += r.getBackground(); background = (float) (sum / results.size()); } // Create a pool of workers final int nThreads = Prefs.getThreads(); BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(nThreads * 2); List<Worker> workers = new LinkedList<Worker>(); List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { Worker worker = new Worker(jobs, stack, spotFilter, background); Thread t = new Thread(worker); workers.add(worker); threads.add(t); t.start(); } // Fit the frames for (int i = 1; i <= stack.getSize(); i++) { put(jobs, i); } // Finish all the worker threads by passing in a null job for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { put(jobs, -1); } // Wait for all to finish for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { try { threads.get(i).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } threads.clear(); if (Utils.isInterrupted()) return null; if (!batchMode) { IJ.showProgress(-1); IJ.showStatus("Collecting results ..."); } TIntObjectHashMap<FilterResult> filterResults = new TIntObjectHashMap<FilterResult>(); time = 0; for (Worker w : workers) { time += w.time; filterResults.putAll(w.results); } // Show a table of the results BenchmarkFilterResult filterResult = summariseResults(filterResults, config, spotFilter, relativeDistances, batchSummary); if (!batchMode) IJ.showStatus(""); return filterResult; } /** * Add all the true-positives to memory as a new results set * * @param filterResults */ void addSpotsToMemory(TIntObjectHashMap<FilterResult> filterResults) { final MemoryPeakResults results = new MemoryPeakResults(); results.setName(TITLE + " TP " + id++); filterResults.forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure<FilterResult>() { public boolean execute(int peak, FilterResult filterResult) { for (ScoredSpot spot : filterResult.spots) { if (spot.match) { final float[] params = new float[] { 0, spot.getIntensity(), 0,,, 0, 0 }; results.addf(peak,,, spot.getIntensity(), 0d, 0f, params, null); } } return true; } }); MemoryPeakResults.addResults(results); } /** * Histogram the number of negatives preceeding each positive. * * @param filterResult * the filter result * @return */ private double[][] histogramFailures(BenchmarkFilterResult filterResult) { final StoredData data = new StoredData(); filterResult.filterResults.forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure<FilterResult>() { public boolean execute(int peak, FilterResult filterResult) { for (ScoredSpot spot : filterResult.spots) { if (spot.match) { data.add(spot.fails); } } return true; } }); double[][] h = Maths.cumulativeHistogram(data.getValues(), true); filterResult.cumul = h; filterResult.stats = data; return h; } private void showFailuresPlot(BenchmarkFilterResult filterResult) { double[][] h = filterResult.cumul; StoredData data = filterResult.stats; String xTitle = "Failures"; final int id = Utils.showHistogram(TITLE, data, xTitle, 1, 0, 0); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) windowOrganiser.add(id); String title = TITLE + " " + xTitle + " Cumulative"; Plot2 plot = new Plot2(title, xTitle, "Frequency"); double xMin = (data.size() == 0) ? 1 : h[0][0]; double xMax = (data.size() == 0) ? 1 : h[0][h[0].length - 1] + 1; double xPadding = 0.05 * (xMax - xMin); plot.setLimits(xMin - xPadding, xMax, 0, 1.05); plot.setColor(; plot.addPoints(h[0], h[1], Plot2.BAR); PlotWindow pw = Utils.display(title, plot); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) windowOrganiser.add(pw); } private void put(BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs, int i) { try { jobs.put(i); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected interruption", e); } } private BenchmarkFilterResult summariseResults(TIntObjectHashMap<FilterResult> filterResults, FitEngineConfiguration config, MaximaSpotFilter spotFilter, boolean relativeDistances, boolean batchSummary) { BenchmarkFilterResult filterResult = new BenchmarkFilterResult(filterResults, config, spotFilter); // Note: // Although we can compute the TP/FP score as each additional spot is added // using the RankedScoreCalculator this is not applicable to the PeakFit method. // The method relies on all spot candidates being present in order to make a // decision to fit the candidate as a multiple. So scoring the filter candidates using // for example the top 10 may get a better score than if all candidates were scored // and the scores accumulated for the top 10, it is not how the algorithm will use the // candidate set. I.e. It does not use the top 10, then top 20 to refine the fit, etc. // (the method is not iterative) . // We require an assessment of how a subset of the scored candidates // in ranked order contributes to the overall score, i.e. are the candidates ranked // in the correct order, those most contributing to the match to the underlying data // should be higher up and those least contributing will be at the end. // TODO We could add some smart filtering of candidates before ranking. This would // allow assessment of the candidate set handed to PeakFit. E.g. Threshold the image // and only use candidates that are in the foreground region. double[][] cumul = histogramFailures(filterResult); // Create the overall match score final double[] total = new double[3]; final ArrayList<ScoredSpot> allSpots = new ArrayList<BenchmarkSpotFilter.ScoredSpot>(); filterResults.forEachValue(new TObjectProcedure<FilterResult>() { public boolean execute(FilterResult result) { total[0] += result.result.getTP(); total[1] += result.result.getFP(); total[2] += result.result.getFN(); allSpots.addAll(Arrays.asList(result.spots)); return true; } }); double tp = total[0], fp = total[1], fn = total[2]; FractionClassificationResult allResult = new FractionClassificationResult(tp, fp, 0, fn); // The number of actual results final double n = (tp + fn); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); double signal = (simulationParameters.minSignal + simulationParameters.maxSignal) * 0.5; // Create the benchmark settings and the fitting settings sb.append(imp.getStackSize()).append("\t"); final int w = lastAnalysisBorder.width; final int h = lastAnalysisBorder.height; sb.append(w).append("\t"); sb.append(h).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(n)).append("\t"); double density = (n / imp.getStackSize()) / (w * h) / (simulationParameters.a * simulationParameters.a / 1e6); sb.append(Utils.rounded(density)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(signal)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.s)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.a)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.depth)).append("\t"); sb.append(simulationParameters.fixedDepth).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.gain)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.readNoise)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.b)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.b2)).append("\t"); // Compute the noise double noise = simulationParameters.b2; if (simulationParameters.emCCD) { // The b2 parameter was computed without application of the EM-CCD noise factor of 2. //final double b2 = backgroundVariance + readVariance // = simulationParameters.b + readVariance // This should be applied only to the background variance. final double readVariance = noise - simulationParameters.b; noise = simulationParameters.b * 2 + readVariance; } sb.append(Utils.rounded(signal / Math.sqrt(noise))).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(simulationParameters.s / simulationParameters.a)).append("\t"); sb.append(config.getDataFilterType()).append("\t"); //sb.append(spotFilter.getName()).append("\t"); sb.append(spotFilter.getSearch()).append("\t"); sb.append(spotFilter.getBorder()).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(spotFilter.getSpread())).append("\t"); sb.append(config.getDataFilter(0)).append("\t"); final double param = config.getSmooth(0); final double hwhmMin = config.getHWHMMin(); if (relativeDistances) { sb.append(Utils.rounded(param * hwhmMin)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(param)).append("\t"); } else { sb.append(Utils.rounded(param)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(param / hwhmMin)).append("\t"); } sb.append(spotFilter.getDescription()).append("\t"); sb.append(lastAnalysisBorder.x).append("\t"); sb.append(MATCHING_METHOD[matchingMethod]).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(lowerMatchDistance)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(matchDistance)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(lowerSignalFactor)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(upperSignalFactor)); resultPrefix = sb.toString(); // Add the results sb.append("\t"); // Rank the scored spots by intensity Collections.sort(allSpots); // Produce Recall, Precision, Jaccard for each cut of the spot candidates double[] r = new double[allSpots.size() + 1]; double[] p = new double[r.length]; double[] j = new double[r.length]; double[] c = new double[r.length]; double[] truePositives = new double[r.length]; double[] falsePositives = new double[r.length]; double[] intensity = new double[r.length]; // Note: fn = n - tp tp = fp = 0; int i = 1; p[0] = 1; FastCorrelator corr = new FastCorrelator(); double lastC = 0; double[] i1 = new double[r.length]; double[] i2 = new double[r.length]; int ci = 0; SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression(false); for (ScoredSpot s : allSpots) { if (s.match) { // Score partial matches as part true-positive and part false-positive. // TP can be above 1 if we are allowing multiple matches. tp += s.getScore(); fp += s.antiScore(); // Just use a rounded intensity for now final double spotIntensity = s.getIntensity(); final long v1 = (long) Math.round(spotIntensity); final long v2 = (long) Math.round(s.intensity); regression.addData(spotIntensity, s.intensity); i1[ci] = spotIntensity; i2[ci] = s.intensity; ci++; corr.add(v1, v2); lastC = corr.getCorrelation(); } else fp++; r[i] = (double) tp / n; p[i] = (double) tp / (tp + fp); j[i] = (double) tp / (fp + n); // (tp+fp+fn) == (fp+n) since tp+fn=n; c[i] = lastC; truePositives[i] = tp; falsePositives[i] = fp; intensity[i] = s.getIntensity(); i++; } i1 = Arrays.copyOf(i1, ci); i2 = Arrays.copyOf(i2, ci); final double slope = regression.getSlope(); sb.append(Utils.rounded(slope)).append("\t"); addResult(sb, allResult, c[c.length - 1]); // Output the match results when the recall achieves the fraction of the maximum. double target = r[r.length - 1]; if (recallFraction < 100) target *= recallFraction / 100.0; int fractionIndex = 0; while (fractionIndex < r.length && r[fractionIndex] < target) { fractionIndex++; } if (fractionIndex == r.length) fractionIndex--; addResult(sb, new FractionClassificationResult(truePositives[fractionIndex], falsePositives[fractionIndex], 0, n - truePositives[fractionIndex]), c[fractionIndex]); // Output the match results at the maximum jaccard score int maxIndex = 0; for (int ii = 1; ii < r.length; ii++) { if (j[maxIndex] < j[ii]) maxIndex = ii; } addResult(sb, new FractionClassificationResult(truePositives[maxIndex], falsePositives[maxIndex], 0, n - truePositives[maxIndex]), c[maxIndex]); sb.append(Utils.rounded(time / 1e6)); // Calculate AUC (Average precision == Area Under Precision-Recall curve) final double auc = AUCCalculator.auc(p, r); // Compute the AUC using the adjusted precision curve // which uses the maximum precision for recall >= r final double[] maxp = new double[p.length]; double max = 0; for (int k = maxp.length; k-- > 0;) { if (max < p[k]) max = p[k]; maxp[k] = max; } final double auc2 = AUCCalculator.auc(maxp, r); sb.append("\t").append(Utils.rounded(auc)); sb.append("\t").append(Utils.rounded(auc2)); // Output the number of fit failures that must be processed to capture fractions of the true positives if (cumul[0].length != 0) { sb.append("\t").append(Utils.rounded(getFailures(cumul, 0.80))); sb.append("\t").append(Utils.rounded(getFailures(cumul, 0.90))); sb.append("\t").append(Utils.rounded(getFailures(cumul, 0.95))); sb.append("\t").append(Utils.rounded(getFailures(cumul, 0.99))); sb.append("\t").append(Utils.rounded(cumul[0][cumul[0].length - 1])); } else sb.append("\t\t\t\t\t"); BufferedTextWindow resultsTable = getTable(batchSummary); resultsTable.append(sb.toString()); // Store results filterResult.auc = auc; filterResult.auc2 = auc2; filterResult.r = r; filterResult.p = p; filterResult.j = j; filterResult.c = c; filterResult.maxIndex = maxIndex; filterResult.fractionIndex = fractionIndex; filterResult.cumul = cumul; filterResult.slope = slope; filterResult.i1 = i1; filterResult.i2 = i2; filterResult.intensity = intensity; filterResult.relativeDistances = relativeDistances; filterResult.time = time; return filterResult; } private boolean isShowOverlay() { return (showTP || showFP || showFN); } private void showOverlay(ImagePlus imp, BenchmarkFilterResult filterResult) { final Overlay o = new Overlay(); //int tp = 0, fp = 0, fn = 0, nn = 0; filterResult.filterResults.forEachValue(new TObjectProcedure<FilterResult>() { public boolean execute(FilterResult result) { final int size = result.spots.length; float[] tx = null, ty = null, fx = null, fy = null; if (showTP) { tx = new float[size]; ty = new float[size]; } if (showFP) { fx = new float[size]; fy = new float[size]; } int t = 0, f = 0; for (ScoredSpot s : result.spots) { if (s.match) { if (showTP) { tx[t] = + 0.5f; ty[t++] = + 0.5f; } } else { if (showFP) { fx[f] = + 0.5f; fy[f++] = + 0.5f; } } } //tp += t; //fp += f; if (showTP) SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(result.frame, o, tx, ty, t,; if (showFP) SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(result.frame, o, fx, fy, f,; if (showFN) { // We need the FN ... final PSFSpot[] actual = result.actual; final boolean[] actualAssignment = result.actualAssignment; //nn += actual.length; final float[] nx = new float[actual.length]; final float[] ny = new float[actual.length]; int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) { if (!actualAssignment[i]) { nx[n] = actual[i].getX(); ny[n++] = actual[i].getY(); } } //fn += n; SpotFinderPreview.addRoi(result.frame, o, nx, ny, n, Color.yellow); } return true; } }); //System.out.printf("TP=%d, FP=%d, FN=%d, N=%d (%d) %d\n", tp, fp, fn, tp + fn, results.size(), nn); imp.setOverlay(o); } private void showPlot(BenchmarkFilterResult filterResult) { double[] r = filterResult.r; double[] p = filterResult.p; double[] j = filterResult.j; double[] c = filterResult.c; int fractionIndex = filterResult.fractionIndex; int maxIndex = filterResult.maxIndex; double auc = filterResult.auc; double auc2 = filterResult.auc2; double slope = filterResult.slope; double[] i1 = filterResult.i1; double[] i2 = filterResult.i2; double[] intensity = filterResult.intensity; double[] rank = new double[intensity.length]; final double topIntensity = (intensity.length == 1) ? 0 : intensity[1]; for (int i = 1; i < rank.length; i++) { if (rankByIntensity) rank[i] = topIntensity - intensity[i]; else rank[i] = i; } String title = TITLE + " Performance"; Plot2 plot = new Plot2(title, (rankByIntensity) ? "Relative Intensity" : "Spot Rank", ""); double[] limits = Maths.limits(rank); plot.setLimits(limits[0], limits[1], 0, 1.05); plot.setColor(; plot.addPoints(rank, p, Plot2.LINE); //plot.addPoints(rank, maxp, Plot2.DOT); plot.setColor(; plot.addPoints(rank, r, Plot2.LINE); plot.setColor(; plot.addPoints(rank, j, Plot2.LINE); // Plot correlation - update the scale to be 0-1? plot.setColor(Color.yellow); plot.addPoints(rank, c, Plot2.LINE); plot.setColor(Color.magenta); plot.drawLine(rank[fractionIndex], 0, rank[fractionIndex], Maths.max(p[fractionIndex], r[fractionIndex], j[fractionIndex], c[fractionIndex])); plot.setColor(; plot.drawLine(rank[maxIndex], 0, rank[maxIndex], Maths.max(p[maxIndex], r[maxIndex], j[maxIndex], c[maxIndex])); plot.setColor(; plot.addLabel(0, 0, "Precision=Blue, Recall=Red, Jaccard=Black, Correlation=Yellow"); PlotWindow pw = Utils.display(title, plot); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) windowOrganiser.add(pw); title = TITLE + " Precision-Recall"; plot = new Plot2(title, "Recall", "Precision"); plot.setLimits(0, 1, 0, 1.05); plot.setColor(; plot.addPoints(r, p, Plot2.LINE); //plot.setColor(Color.magenta); //plot.addPoints(r, maxp, Plot2.LINE); plot.drawLine(r[r.length - 1], p[r.length - 1], r[r.length - 1], 0); plot.setColor(; plot.addLabel(0, 0, "AUC = " + Utils.rounded(auc) + ", AUC2 = " + Utils.rounded(auc2)); PlotWindow pw2 = Utils.display(title, plot); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) windowOrganiser.add(pw2); title = TITLE + " Intensity"; plot = new Plot2(title, "Candidate", "Spot"); double[] limits1 = Maths.limits(i1); double[] limits2 = Maths.limits(i2); plot.setLimits(limits1[0], limits1[1], limits2[0], limits2[1]); plot.addLabel(0, 0, String.format("Correlation=%s; Slope=%s", Utils.rounded(c[c.length - 1]), Utils.rounded(slope))); plot.setColor(; plot.addPoints(i1, i2, Plot.DOT); if (slope > 1) plot.drawLine(limits1[0], limits1[0] * slope, limits1[1], limits1[1] * slope); else plot.drawLine(limits2[0] / slope, limits2[0], limits2[1] / slope, limits2[1]); PlotWindow pw3 = Utils.display(title, plot); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) windowOrganiser.add(pw3); } private double getFailures(double[][] cumul, double fraction) { int i = 0; final double[] sum = cumul[1]; while (sum[i] < fraction && i < sum.length) i++; return i; } private void addResult(StringBuilder sb, FractionClassificationResult matchResult, double c) { addCount(sb, matchResult.getTP()); addCount(sb, matchResult.getFP()); sb.append(Utils.rounded(matchResult.getRecall())).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(matchResult.getPrecision())).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(matchResult.getJaccard())).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(c)).append("\t"); } private static void addCount(StringBuilder sb, double value) { // Check if the double holds an integer count if ((int) value == value) { sb.append((int) value); } else { // Otherwise add the counts using at least 2 dp if (value > 100) sb.append(IJ.d2s(value)); else sb.append(Utils.rounded(value)); } sb.append("\t"); } private BufferedTextWindow getTable(boolean batchSummary) { if (batchSummary) { if (batchSummaryTable == null || !batchSummaryTable.isVisible()) { TextWindow table = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Batch", createHeader(), "", 1000, 300); table.setVisible(true); batchSummaryTable = new BufferedTextWindow(table); } return batchSummaryTable; } else { if (summaryTable == null || !summaryTable.isVisible()) { TextWindow table = new TextWindow(TITLE, createHeader(), "", 1000, 300); table.setVisible(true); summaryTable = new BufferedTextWindow(table); } return summaryTable; } } private String createHeader() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "Frames\tW\tH\tMolecules\tDensity (um^-2)\tN\ts (nm)\ta (nm)\tDepth (nm)\tFixed\tGain\tReadNoise (ADUs)\tB (photons)\tb2 (photons)\tSNR\ts (px)\t"); sb.append( "Type\tSearch\tBorder\tWidth\tFilter\tAbs.Param\tRel.Param\tDescription\tA.Border\tMatching\tlower d\td\tlower sf\tsf"); tablePrefix = sb.toString(); sb.append("\tSlope\t"); sb.append("TP\tFP\tRecall\tPrecision\tJaccard\tR\t"); sb.append("TP\tFP\tRecall\tPrecision\tJaccard\tR\t"); sb.append("TP\tFP\tRecall\tPrecision\tJaccard\tR\t"); sb.append("Time (ms)\t"); sb.append("AUC\tAUC2\t"); sb.append("Fail80\tFail90\tFail95\tFail99\tFail100"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Updates the given configuration using the latest settings used in benchmarking. * * @param pConfig * the configuration * @return true, if successful */ public static boolean updateConfiguration(FitEngineConfiguration pConfig) { if (filterResult == null) return false; double scaleSearch = 1; double scaleSmooth = 1; if (!filterResult.relativeDistances) { // Distance were absolute. Convert using the HWHM so they are relative // to the configured fitting width. scaleSearch = 1 / pConfig.getHWHMMax(); scaleSmooth = 1 / pConfig.getHWHMMin(); } FitEngineConfiguration config = filterResult.config; pConfig.setDataFilterType(config.getDataFilterType()); final int nFilters = config.getNumberOfFilters(); for (int n = 0; n < nFilters; n++) { pConfig.setDataFilter(config.getDataFilter(n), config.getSmooth(n) * scaleSmooth, n); } pConfig.setSearch(config.getSearch() * scaleSearch); pConfig.setBorder(config.getBorder() * scaleSearch); return true; } }