package gdsc.smlm.results.filter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamAsAttribute; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField; import gdsc.core.match.FractionClassificationResult; import gdsc.core.match.FractionalAssignment; import gdsc.core.match.RankedScoreCalculator; import gdsc.core.utils.NotImplementedException; import gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFitResult.FitResult; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Filter a multi-path set of peak results into accepted/rejected. */ public class MultiPathFilter implements Cloneable { /** * Stores the results that were accepted when filtering a multi-path result. Also stores the fit result that was * used to select the results. */ public class SelectedResult { /** The results. */ final public PreprocessedPeakResult[] results; /** The fit result. */ final public FitResult fitResult; /** * Instantiates a new selected result. * * @param results * the results * @param fitResult * the fit result */ public SelectedResult(PreprocessedPeakResult[] results, FitResult fitResult) { this.results = results; this.fitResult = fitResult; } } /** * Allows storage of results that have been selected during multi-path filtering. */ public interface SelectedResultStore { /** * Add a selected result to the store. * * @param selectedResult * the selected result */ void add(SelectedResult selectedResult); /** * Checks if is fit. Any candidate that has already been fit will not be stored. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @return True if the candidate has been fit */ boolean isFit(int candidateId); /** * Checks if is valid. * <p> * Return true if this candidate should definitely be filtered. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @return true, if is valid */ boolean isValid(int candidateId); /** * A result that passed the primary filter. * * @param result * the result */ void pass(PreprocessedPeakResult result); /** * A result that passed the minimal filter. * * @param result * the result */ void passMin(PreprocessedPeakResult result); } /** * Allow tracking of candidates that have been fit. */ private class SimpleSelectedResultStore implements SelectedResultStore { /** The is fit. */ boolean[] isFit; /** The is valid. */ boolean[] isValid; /** * Instantiates a new simple selected result store. */ SimpleSelectedResultStore() { isFit = new boolean[0]; isValid = new boolean[0]; } /** * Instantiates a new simple selected result store. * * @param totalCandidates * the total candidates */ SimpleSelectedResultStore(int totalCandidates) { isFit = new boolean[totalCandidates]; isValid = new boolean[totalCandidates]; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#add(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter. * SelectedResult) */ public void add(SelectedResult selectedResult) { final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results = selectedResult.results; if (results == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { if (results[i].isNewResult()) isFit[results[i].getCandidateId()] = true; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#isFit(int) */ public boolean isFit(int candidateId) { return isFit[candidateId]; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#isValid(int) */ public boolean isValid(int candidateId) { return isValid[candidateId]; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#pass(gdsc.smlm.results.filter. * PreprocessedPeakResult) */ public void pass(PreprocessedPeakResult result) { //// If we are debugging //if (result.getFrame() == 46 && result.getCandidateId() == 70) //{ // System.out.println("Follow this..."); //} // This an existing result or candidate. Mark as valid so candidates will be processed isValid[result.getCandidateId()] = true; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#passMin(gdsc.smlm.results.filter. * PreprocessedPeakResult) */ public void passMin(PreprocessedPeakResult result) { // Passing the minimal filter does not mean it is valid. This would be used to store // a fit estimate during processing for this candidate. } /** * Resize. * * @param totalCandidates * the total candidates */ public void resize(int totalCandidates) { if (isFit.length < totalCandidates) { isFit = new boolean[totalCandidates]; isValid = new boolean[totalCandidates]; } else { for (int i = 0; i < totalCandidates; i++) { isFit[i] = false; isValid[i] = false; } } } } /** * Used to return default behaviour for acceptAny/acceptAll. */ private static class NullSelectedResultStore implements SelectedResultStore { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#add(gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter. * SelectedResult) */ public void add(SelectedResult selectedResult) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#isFit(int) */ public boolean isFit(int candidateId) { // Make sure non-candidate fits are ignored. return true; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#isValid(int) */ public boolean isValid(int candidateId) { return false; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#pass(gdsc.smlm.results.filter. * PreprocessedPeakResult) */ public void pass(PreprocessedPeakResult result) { } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.filter.MultiPathFilter.SelectedResultStore#passMin(gdsc.smlm.results.filter. * PreprocessedPeakResult) */ public void passMin(PreprocessedPeakResult result) { } } /** The null selected result store. */ private static NullSelectedResultStore nullSelectedResultStore = new NullSelectedResultStore(); /** * Allows signalling of results that have been selected during multi-path filter scoring. */ public interface FractionScoreStore { /** * Add the unique Id of a result that was selected * * @param uniqueId * the unique id */ void add(int uniqueId); } /** * Used to return default behaviour */ private static class NullFractionScoreStore implements FractionScoreStore { public void add(int uniqueId) { } } /** The null fraction result store. */ private static NullFractionScoreStore nullFractionScoreStore = new NullFractionScoreStore(); /** The null fraction result store. */ private static NullCoordinateStore nullCoordinateStore = new NullCoordinateStore(); /** The direct filter to apply to the results. */ final IDirectFilter filter; /** * The minimal direct filter to apply to the results. * <p> * This is applied if the result fails the primary filter. It is used to indicate that the result achieves a minimum * set of criteria. */ final IDirectFilter minFilter; /** * The residuals threshold to consider the residuals Quadrant Analysis (QA) score of a single for doublet fitting. * The score should range from 0 to 1. A score equal or above 1 will ignore doublet fitting. */ @XStreamAsAttribute final public double residualsThreshold; /** * Create a new MultiPathFilter. * * @param filter * the direct filter for filtering the results * @param residualsThreshold * The residuals threshold to consider a single fit for doublet fitting */ public MultiPathFilter(IDirectFilter filter, double residualsThreshold) { this(filter, null, residualsThreshold); } /** * Create a new MultiPathFilter. * * @param filter * the direct filter for filtering the results * @param minFilter * the minimal direct filter for filtering the results * @param residualsThreshold * The residuals threshold to consider a single fit for doublet fitting */ public MultiPathFilter(IDirectFilter filter, IDirectFilter minFilter, double residualsThreshold) { this.filter = filter; this.minFilter = minFilter; this.residualsThreshold = residualsThreshold; } /** * Return a deep copy of this object with a copy of the configured filters. * * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ @Override public MultiPathFilter clone() { return new MultiPathFilter(copy(filter), copy(minFilter), residualsThreshold); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (obj == this) { return true; } //if (!MultiPathFilter.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) if (!(obj instanceof MultiPathFilter)) { return false; } final MultiPathFilter other = (MultiPathFilter) obj; if (this.residualsThreshold != other.residualsThreshold) { return false; } if ((this.filter == null) ? (other.filter != null) : !this.filter.equals(other.filter)) { return false; } if ((this.minFilter == null) ? (other.minFilter != null) : !this.minFilter.equals(other.minFilter)) { return false; } return true; } private IDirectFilter copy(IDirectFilter f) { return (f == null) ? null : f.copy(); } /** * Gets the filter. * * @return the filter */ public IDirectFilter getFilter() { return copy(filter); } /** * Gets the minimal filter. * * @return the minimal filter */ public IDirectFilter getMinimalFilter() { return copy(minFilter); } /** * Called before the accept method is called for PreprocessedPeakResult. This calls the setup() method in the * DirectFilter. * <p> * This should be called once to initialise the filter before processing a batch of results. * * @see #accept(PreprocessedPeakResult) */ public void setup() { filter.setup(); if (minFilter != null) minFilter.setup(); } /** * Called before the accept method is called for PreprocessedPeakResult. The flags can control the type of filtering * requested. Filters are asked to respect the flags defined in this class. This calls the setup(int) method in the * DirectFilter. * <p> * This should be called once to initialise the filter before processing a batch of results. * * @param flags * Flags used to control the filter * @see #accept(PreprocessedPeakResult) */ public void setup(final int flags) { filter.setup(flags); if (minFilter != null) minFilter.setup(flags); } /** * Filter the peak result. This calls the accept() method in the DirectFilter. * * @param peak * The peak result * @return true if the peak should be accepted, otherwise false to reject. */ public boolean accept(final PreprocessedPeakResult peak) { return filter.accept(peak); } /** * Filter the peak result. This calls the accept() method in the minimal DirectFilter. * * @param peak * The peak result * @return true if the peak should be accepted, otherwise false to reject. */ private boolean minAccept(final PreprocessedPeakResult peak) { return minFilter.accept(peak); } /** * Filter a multi-path set of peak results into a set that are accepted. * <p> * Any existing or new results must pass the {@link #accept(PreprocessedPeakResult)} method. Any other * results are assumed to be candidates that were fitted but will not be validated unless required. * <p> * Note that new results may not be for the candidate identified by the MultiPathFitResult. This can * happen when multi-fitting has fit another candidate that previously did not have a result. The * SelectedResultStore is used to determine if that result has been fit already. If not it is added * to the output list. * <p> * The SelectedResultStore will be passed any result that passes the configured filters. * * @param multiPathResult * the multi path result * @param validateCandidates * Set to true to validate the candidates * @param store * the store * @param subset * @return The new peak results that are accepted (and any valid candidates if found); or null */ final public PreprocessedPeakResult[] accept(final MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult, boolean validateCandidates, SelectedResultStore store) { return accept(multiPathResult, validateCandidates, store, false); } /** * Filter a multi-path set of peak results into a set that are accepted. * <p> * Any existing or new results must pass the {@link #accept(PreprocessedPeakResult)} method. Any other * results are assumed to be candidates that were fitted but will not be validated unless required. * <p> * Note that new results may not be for the candidate identified by the MultiPathFitResult. This can * happen when multi-fitting has fit another candidate that previously did not have a result. The * SelectedResultStore is used to determine if that result has been fit already. If not it is added * to the output list. * <p> * The SelectedResultStore will be passed any result that passes the configured filters. * * @param multiPathResult * the multi path result * @param validateCandidates * Set to true to validate the candidates * @param store * the store * @param precomputed * True if this is a subset with pre-computed validation results * @return The new peak results that are accepted (and any valid candidates if found); or null */ final private PreprocessedPeakResult[] accept(final MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult, boolean validateCandidates, SelectedResultStore store, boolean precomputed) { final int candidateId = multiPathResult.candidateId; // Ensure we don't have to check the store in acceptAll/acceptAny if (store == null) store = nullSelectedResultStore; // The aim is to obtain a new result for the current candidate Id. // acceptAll/acceptAny will return all new results, even if they do not match the candidate. // So we check the candidate Id and return when we have a new result for the candidate. // We accept the doublet fit over the single fit if we are performing doublet fitting. // If nothing matches then pick the result with the most new results, or use the default // order we processed the fits. boolean doDoublet = false; // Filter multi-fit // Accept all and then check if we can perform a doublet fit // final PreprocessedPeakResult[] multiResults = acceptAll(candidateId, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), // validateCandidates, store); // if (multiResults == null) // { // // The fit was not accepted. However it may have been rejected for being too wide // // and is suitable for a doublet fit. // doDoublet = isSuitableForDoubletFit(multiPathResult, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), false); // } // else // { // doDoublet = (residualsThreshold < 1 && multiPathResult.getMultiQAScore() > residualsThreshold); // } // Accept any and then check if we can perform a doublet fit final PreprocessedPeakResult[] multiResults = acceptAny(candidateId, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), validateCandidates, store, precomputed); doDoublet = isSuitableForDoubletFit(multiPathResult, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), false); final PreprocessedPeakResult[] multiDoubletResults; if (doDoublet) { multiDoubletResults = acceptAnyDoublet(multiPathResult, validateCandidates, store, candidateId); if (multiDoubletResults != null) { // Check we have a new result for the candidate if (contains(multiDoubletResults, candidateId)) return multiDoubletResults; } } else { multiDoubletResults = null; } // Check if the multi result is to the correct candidate. if (multiResults != null && contains(multiResults, candidateId)) return multiResults; // We reached here with: // a multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a doublet multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate doDoublet = false; // Filter single-fit final PreprocessedPeakResult[] singleResults = acceptAll(candidateId, multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult(), validateCandidates, store, precomputed); if (singleResults == null) { // The fit was not accepted. However it may have been rejected for being too wide // and is suitable for a doublet fit. doDoublet = isSuitableForDoubletFit(multiPathResult, multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult(), true); } else { // The single fit is OK. doDoublet = (residualsThreshold < 1 && multiPathResult.getSingleQAScore() > residualsThreshold); } // We reached here with: // a multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a doublet multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a single fit that is eligible for doublet fitting, it may be null (if it passed without width filtering) final PreprocessedPeakResult[] singleDoubletResults; if (doDoublet) { // We must validate the spot without shift filtering. Doublets may drift further than single spot candidates. filter.setup(DirectFilter.NO_SHIFT); singleDoubletResults = acceptAny(candidateId, multiPathResult.getDoubletFitResult(), validateCandidates, store, precomputed); filter.setup(); if (singleDoubletResults != null) { // Check we have a new result for the candidate if (contains(singleDoubletResults, candidateId)) return singleDoubletResults; } } else { singleDoubletResults = null; } // Check if the single result is to the correct candidate. if (singleResults != null && contains(singleResults, candidateId)) return singleResults; // We reached here with: // a multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a multi doublet fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a single fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a doublet fit that failed or matched a different candidate return rank(multiResults, multiDoubletResults, singleResults, singleDoubletResults); } /** * Allows results to be ranked */ private class ResultRank implements Comparable<ResultRank> { /** The results. */ final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results; /** The default rank (when the count of new result is the same). */ final int rank; /** The count of new results. */ final int count; /** * Instantiates a new result rank. * * @param results * the results * @param rank * the rank */ public ResultRank(PreprocessedPeakResult[] results, int rank) { this.results = results; this.rank = rank; if (results == null) { // Negative so null results are ranked below not-null results with no new results count = -1; } else { count = countNewResult(results); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ public int compareTo(ResultRank o) { final int result = o.count - count; if (result != 0) return result; return rank - o.rank; } } /** * Rank the results. It is assumed that each result is either null or has results that do not match the current * candidate Id. In this case we will return the result that has the highest number of new results. In the event of * a tie we order as multi then single, with doublet results ahead of non-doublet results. Results are discounted if * null. * * @param multiResults * the multi results * @param multiDoubletResults * the multi doublet results * @param singleResults * the single results * @param singleDoubletResults * the doublet results * @return the preprocessed peak result[] */ private PreprocessedPeakResult[] rank(PreprocessedPeakResult[] multiResults, PreprocessedPeakResult[] multiDoubletResults, PreprocessedPeakResult[] singleResults, PreprocessedPeakResult[] singleDoubletResults) { if (multiResults == null && multiDoubletResults == null && singleResults == null && singleDoubletResults == null) return null; final ResultRank[] rank = new ResultRank[4]; //rank[0] = new ResultRank(multiResults, 1); //rank[1] = new ResultRank(multiDoubletResults, 2); //rank[2] = new ResultRank(singleResults, 3); //rank[3] = new ResultRank(singleDoubletResults, 4); rank[0] = new ResultRank(multiDoubletResults, 1); rank[1] = new ResultRank(multiResults, 2); rank[2] = new ResultRank(singleDoubletResults, 3); rank[3] = new ResultRank(singleResults, 4); Arrays.sort(rank); return rank[0].results; } /** * Filter a multi-path set of peak results into a set that are accepted. * <p> * Any existing or new results must pass the {@link #accept(PreprocessedPeakResult)} method. Any other * results are assumed to be candidates that were fitted but will not be validated unless required. * <p> * Note that new results may not be for the candidate identified by the MultiPathFitResult. This can * happen when multi-fitting has fit another candidate that previously did not have a result. The * SelectedResultStore is used to determine if that result has been fit already. If not it is added * to the output list. * <p> * The method returns the the same results as {@link #accept(MultiPathFitResult, boolean)} but includes the * FitResult that the data originated from. * <p> * The SelectedResultStore will be passed any result that passes the configured filters. It will not be passed the * returned SelectedResult as the results will be duplicates of those passed to the store individually. They * may also contain validated candidates. The returned results must thus be filtered for new results (e.g. not * existing or candidate results). * * @param multiPathResult * the multi path result * @param validateCandidates * Set to true to validate the candidates * @param store * the store * @return The results that are accepted; or null */ final public SelectedResult select(final MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult, boolean validateCandidates, SelectedResultStore store) { final int candidateId = multiPathResult.candidateId; // Ensure we don't have to check the store in acceptAll/acceptAny if (store == null) store = nullSelectedResultStore; // The aim is to obtain a new result for the current candidate Id. // acceptAll/acceptAny will return all new results, even if they do not match the candidate. // So we check the candidate Id and return when we have a new result for the candidate. // We accept the doublet fit over the single fit if we are performing doublet fitting. // If nothing matches then pick the result with the most new results, or use the default // order we processed the fits. boolean doDoublet = false; // Filter multi-fit // Accept all and then check if we can perform a doublet fit // final PreprocessedPeakResult[] multiResults = acceptAll(candidateId, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), // validateCandidates, store); // if (multiResults == null) // { // // The fit was not accepted. However it may have been rejected for being too wide // // and is suitable for a doublet fit. // doDoublet = isSuitableForDoubletFit(multiPathResult, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), false); // } // else // { // doDoublet = (residualsThreshold < 1 && multiPathResult.getMultiQAScore() > residualsThreshold); // } // Accept any and then check if we can perform a doublet fit final PreprocessedPeakResult[] multiResults = acceptAny(candidateId, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), validateCandidates, store); doDoublet = isSuitableForDoubletFit(multiPathResult, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), false); final PreprocessedPeakResult[] multiDoubletResults; if (doDoublet) { multiDoubletResults = acceptAnyDoublet(multiPathResult, validateCandidates, store, candidateId); if (multiDoubletResults != null) { // Check we have a new result for the candidate if (contains(multiDoubletResults, candidateId)) return new SelectedResult(multiDoubletResults, multiPathResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult()); } } else { multiDoubletResults = null; } // Check if the multi result is to the correct candidate. if (multiResults != null && contains(multiResults, candidateId)) return new SelectedResult(multiResults, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult()); // We reached here with: // a multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a doublet multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate doDoublet = false; // Filter single-fit final PreprocessedPeakResult[] singleResults = acceptAll(candidateId, multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult(), validateCandidates, store); if (singleResults == null) { // The fit was not accepted. However it may have been rejected for being too wide // and is suitable for a doublet fit. doDoublet = isSuitableForDoubletFit(multiPathResult, multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult(), true); } else { // The single fit is OK. doDoublet = (residualsThreshold < 1 && multiPathResult.getSingleQAScore() > residualsThreshold); } // We reached here with: // a multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a doublet multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a single fit that is eligible for doublet fitting, it may be null (if it passed without width filtering) final PreprocessedPeakResult[] singleDoubletResults; if (doDoublet) { // We must validate the spot without shift filtering. Doublets may drift further than single spot candidates. filter.setup(DirectFilter.NO_SHIFT); singleDoubletResults = acceptAny(candidateId, multiPathResult.getDoubletFitResult(), validateCandidates, store); filter.setup(); if (singleDoubletResults != null) { // Check we have a new result for the candidate if (contains(singleDoubletResults, candidateId)) return new SelectedResult(singleDoubletResults, multiPathResult.getDoubletFitResult()); } } else { singleDoubletResults = null; } // Check if the single result is to the correct candidate. if (singleResults != null && contains(singleResults, candidateId)) return new SelectedResult(singleResults, multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult()); // We reached here with: // a multi fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a multi doublet fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a single fit that failed or matched a different candidate // a doublet fit that failed or matched a different candidate final PreprocessedPeakResult[] result = rank(multiResults, multiDoubletResults, singleResults, singleDoubletResults); if (result == null) return null; //@formatter:off if (result == multiResults) return new SelectedResult(multiResults, multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult()); if (result == multiDoubletResults) return new SelectedResult(multiDoubletResults, multiPathResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult()); if (result == singleResults) return new SelectedResult(singleResults, multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult()); return new SelectedResult(singleDoubletResults,multiPathResult.getDoubletFitResult()); //@formatter:on } private boolean isSuitableForDoubletFit(MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult, FitResult fitResult, boolean singleQA) { // Check there is a fit result if (fitResult == null || fitResult.status != 0 || fitResult.results == null) return false; // Check if the residuals score is below the configured threshold if (residualsThreshold >= 1) return false; // Check the other results are OK. Candidates are allowed to fail. New and existing results must pass. for (int i = 1; i < validationResults.length; i++) if ((fitResult.results[i].isNewResult() || fitResult.results[i].isExistingResult()) && validationResults[i] != 0) return false; if (validationResults[0] == 0) { // The peak was valid so check the residuals return ((singleQA) ? multiPathResult.getSingleQAScore() : multiPathResult.getMultiQAScore()) > residualsThreshold; } // Check if it failed due to width if (!DirectFilter.anySet(validationResults[0], DirectFilter.V_X_SD_FACTOR | DirectFilter.V_X_SD_FACTOR)) return false; // Get the first spot final PreprocessedPeakResult firstResult = fitResult.results[0]; // Check the width is reasonable given the size of the fitted region. //@formatter:off if ( firstResult.getXSDFactor() < 1 || // Not a wide spot firstResult.getXSD() > multiPathResult.width || // width covers more than the region firstResult.getYSDFactor() < 1 || // Not a wide spot firstResult.getYSD() > multiPathResult.height // width covers more than the region ) return false; //@formatter:on // Check the quadrant analysis on the fit residuals if (((singleQA) ? multiPathResult.getSingleQAScore() : multiPathResult.getMultiQAScore()) < residualsThreshold) return false; // We must validate the spot without width filtering. Do not change the min filter. filter.setup(DirectFilter.NO_WIDTH); try { if (!filter.accept(firstResult)) // This is still a bad single result, without width filtering return false; } finally { // reset filter.setup(); } return true; } /** * Select a set of peak results. * <p> * The number of consecutive rejections are counted. When the configured number of failures is reached all * remaining results are rejected. * <p> * A selected result will be stored for each MultiPathFitResult that is assessed, even if the fitting failed. In * this case the list of accepted results will be null. * <p> * The SelectedResultStore can be used to track results that pass validation. If this is null then the default * behaviour is to track fitted candidates that pass validation. These will be processed even if the fail count has * been reached. * <p> * The coordinate store is used to check for duplicates. * * @param multiPathResults * the multi path results * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param setup * Set to true to run the {@link #setup()} method * @param store * the store (can be used to track results that pass validation) * @param coordinateStore * the coordinate store (can be null) * @return the results */ public void select(final IMultiPathFitResults multiPathResults, final int failures, boolean setup, SelectedResultStore store, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { if (setup) setup(); if (store == null) store = new SimpleSelectedResultStore(multiPathResults.getTotalCandidates()); if (coordinateStore == null) coordinateStore = nullCoordinateStore; // // Debugging the results that are scored // out = null; // if (debugFilename != null && multiPathResults.getFrame() == 46) // { // try // { // out = new, "UTF-8"); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // } // } // Note - this could be made iterative. Any pass through the data may store estimates // using the SelectedResultStore and used to determine if int failCount = 0; final int total = multiPathResults.getNumberOfResults(); //while (multiPathResults.begin()) //{ coordinateStore.clear(); for (int c = 0; c < total; c++) { final MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult = multiPathResults.getResult(c); //if (multiPathResult == null) //{ // multiPathResults.complete(c); // // Ignore this but do not count it as a failure // continue; //} final boolean evaluateFit = failCount <= failures; if (evaluateFit || store.isValid(multiPathResult.candidateId)) { // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.write(String.format("[%d] %d : %d %b %b\n", multiPathResults.getFrame(), // multiPathResult.candidateId, failCount, store.isValid(multiPathResult.candidateId), // isNewResult(accept(multiPathResult, true, null)))); // // // todo - Write out the full set of initial and fitted parameters for the results... // } // catch (Exception e) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // finally // { // out = null; // } // } // } // Assess the result if we are below the fail limit or have an estimate final SelectedResult selectedResult = select(multiPathResult, true, store); boolean newResult = false; if (selectedResult != null) { int size = 0; final PreprocessedPeakResult[] result = selectedResult.results; final int[] ok = new int[result.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ok.length; i++) { if (result[i].isNewResult()) { newResult = true; // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.write(String.format("[%d] %d : %.2f %.2f\n", multiPathResults.getFrame(), // multiPathResult.candidateId, result.results[i].getX(), // result.results[i].getY())); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // finally // { // out = null; // } // } // } // TODO - Check for duplicates if (result[i].isNotDuplicate() || !coordinateStore.contains(result[i].getX(), result[i].getY())) { coordinateStore.addToQueue(result[i].getX(), result[i].getY()); ok[size++] = i; } // else // { // double[] tmp = coordinateStore.find(result[i].getX(), result[i].getY()); // System.out.printf("Duplicate [%d] %.2f,%.2f == %.2f,%.2f\n", multiPathResult.candidateId, // result[i].getX(), result[i].getY(), tmp[0], tmp[1]); // } } } if (size != 0) { coordinateStore.flush(); // This has valid results so add to the output subset only those that are new if (size == ok.length) { store.add(selectedResult); } else { final PreprocessedPeakResult[] filtered = new PreprocessedPeakResult[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { filtered[i] = result[ok[i]]; } store.add(new SelectedResult(filtered, selectedResult.fitResult)); } } else { // Add the selected result but with no new results (due to duplicates) store.add(new SelectedResult(null, selectedResult.fitResult)); } } else { // This failed. Just return the single result store.add(new SelectedResult(null, multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult())); } if (evaluateFit) { if (newResult) { // More results were accepted so reset the fail count failCount = 0; } else { // Nothing was accepted, increment fail count failCount++; } } } else { // This was rejected, increment fail count failCount++; } multiPathResults.complete(c); } // multiPathResults.end(); //} // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.write(String.format("[%d] %s\n", multiPathResults.getFrame(), "# selected = ?")); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // finally // { // out = null; // } // } // // Close here to only do the first frame // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // } // } } @XStreamOmitField private int[] validationResults; @XStreamOmitField private boolean failExisting; @XStreamOmitField private boolean failNew; /** * Check all new and all existing results are valid. Returns the new results. * <p> * New results and validated candidates that fail the primary filter can be filtered using the minimal filter and * sent to the store. The store can be used to determine if a fit for a different candidate has been performed * already. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @param fitResult * the results * @param validateCandidates * Set to true to validate the candidates * @param store * the store * @return The new results that pass the filter */ public PreprocessedPeakResult[] acceptAll(int candidateId, final FitResult fitResult, boolean validateCandidates, SelectedResultStore store) { return acceptAll(candidateId, fitResult, validateCandidates, store, false); } /** * Check all new and all existing results are valid. Returns the new results. * <p> * New results and validated candidates that fail the primary filter can be filtered using the minimal filter and * sent to the store. The store can be used to determine if a fit for a different candidate has been performed * already. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @param fitResult * the results * @param validateCandidates * Set to true to validate the candidates * @param store * the store * @param precomputed * True if this is a subset with pre-computed validation results * @return The new results that pass the filter */ public PreprocessedPeakResult[] acceptAll(int candidateId, final FitResult fitResult, boolean validateCandidates, SelectedResultStore store, boolean precomputed) { if (fitResult == null || fitResult.results == null) return null; final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results = fitResult.results; getValidationResults(precomputed, results); // All new and existing results should be valid int count = 0; final int[] ok = new int[results.length]; // Support for testing using the minimal filter. // Note: We do not check the store is not null. This is private method // and we send in a null store if necessary. final boolean minimalFilter = minFilter != null; failExisting = false; failNew = false; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { if (results[i].isNewResult()) { if (results[i].getCandidateId() != candidateId) { // This is new result for a different candidate. // If a fit has already been accepted (or we don't know) // then it should be ignored. if (store.isFit(results[i].getCandidateId())) continue; } if (validationResults[i] == 0) { ok[count++] = i; } else { failNew = true; if (minimalFilter) { if (minAccept(results[i])) store.passMin(results[i]); } } } else if (results[i].isExistingResult()) { if (validationResults[i] != 0) failExisting = true; } else if (validateCandidates) { // Optionally candidates must pass if (validationResults[i] == 0) { ok[count++] = i; } else { if (minimalFilter) { if (minAccept(results[i])) store.passMin(results[i]); } } } } // All new results must pass // All existing results must pass if (count == 0 || failNew || failExisting) return null; // Return the new results final PreprocessedPeakResult[] filtered = new PreprocessedPeakResult[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { filtered[i] = results[ok[i]]; store.pass(filtered[i]); } return filtered; } private void getValidationResults(boolean precomputed, final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results) { validationResults = new int[results.length]; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { if (precomputed) { if (results[i].getValidationResult() != 0) { //System.out.println("Ignored"); validationResults[i] = results[i].getValidationResult(); continue; } } validationResults[i] = filter.validate(results[i]); } } /** * Check any new and all existing results are valid. Returns the new results * <p> * New results and validated candidates that fail the primary filter can be filtered using the minimal filter and * sent to the store. The store can be used to determine if a fit for a different candidate has been performed * already. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @param fitResult * the results * @param validateCandidates * Set to true to validate the candidates * @param store * the store * @return The new results that pass the filter */ public PreprocessedPeakResult[] acceptAny(int candidateId, final FitResult fitResult, boolean validateCandidates, SelectedResultStore store) { return acceptAny(candidateId, fitResult, validateCandidates, store, false); } /** * Check any new and all existing results are valid. Returns the new results * <p> * New results and validated candidates that fail the primary filter can be filtered using the minimal filter and * sent to the store. The store can be used to determine if a fit for a different candidate has been performed * already. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @param fitResult * the results * @param validateCandidates * Set to true to validate the candidates * @param store * the store * @param precomputed * True if this is a subset with pre-computed validation results * @return The new results that pass the filter */ public PreprocessedPeakResult[] acceptAny(int candidateId, final FitResult fitResult, boolean validateCandidates, SelectedResultStore store, boolean precomputed) { if (fitResult == null || fitResult.results == null) return null; final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results = fitResult.results; // Validate the results getValidationResults(precomputed, results); return acceptAnyInternal(candidateId, fitResult, validateCandidates, store); } /** * Check any new and all existing results are valid. Returns the new results * <p> * New results and validated candidates that fail the primary filter can be filtered using the minimal filter and * sent to the store. The store can be used to determine if a fit for a different candidate has been performed * already. * * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @param fitResult * the results * @param validateCandidates * Set to true to validate the candidates * @param store * the store * @return The new results that pass the filter */ private PreprocessedPeakResult[] acceptAnyInternal(int candidateId, final FitResult fitResult, boolean validateCandidates, SelectedResultStore store) { if (fitResult == null || fitResult.results == null) return null; final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results = fitResult.results; // Results are already in the validationResults array // Any new and all existing results should be valid int count = 0; final int[] ok = new int[results.length]; // Support for testing using the minimal filter // Note: We do not check the store is not null. This is private method // and we send in a null store if necessary. final boolean minimalFilter = minFilter != null; failExisting = false; failNew = false; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { if (results[i].isNewResult()) { if (results[i].getCandidateId() != candidateId) { // This is new result for a different candidate. // If a fit has already been accepted (or we don't know) // then it should be ignored. if (store.isFit(results[i].getCandidateId())) continue; } // Any new result that pass are OK if (validationResults[i] == 0) { ok[count++] = i; } else { failNew = true; if (minimalFilter) { if (minAccept(results[i])) store.passMin(results[i]); } } } else if (results[i].isExistingResult()) { // All existing results must pass if (validationResults[i] != 0) failExisting = true; } else if (validateCandidates) { // Optionally candidates must pass if (validationResults[i] == 0) { ok[count++] = i; } else { if (minimalFilter) { if (minAccept(results[i])) store.passMin(results[i]); } } } } // All existing results must pass if (count == 0 || failExisting) return null; // Return the new results final PreprocessedPeakResult[] filtered = new PreprocessedPeakResult[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { filtered[i] = results[ok[i]]; store.pass(filtered[i]); } return filtered; } /** * Check any new and all existing results within the multi-doublet fit results are valid. Returns the new results. * Coordinate shift filter is disabled for the doublet results. * <p> * New results and validated candidates that fail the primary filter can be filtered using the minimal filter and * sent to the store. The store can be used to determine if a fit for a different candidate has been performed * already. * * @param multiPathResult * the multi path result * @param validateCandidates * Set to true to validate the candidates * @param store * the store * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @return The new results that pass the filter */ private PreprocessedPeakResult[] acceptAnyDoublet(final MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult, boolean validateCandidates, SelectedResultStore store, final int candidateId) { final FitResult multiDoubletFitResult = multiPathResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult(); if (multiDoubletFitResult == null || multiDoubletFitResult.results == null) return null; // Doublets may drift further than single spot candidates. // We must validate the doublet spot without shift filtering. // Note: Only disable shift for the doublet results. // doublets = len(multi-doublet) - len(multi) + 1 final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results = multiDoubletFitResult.results; final int nDoublets = results.length - multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult().results.length + 1; filter.setup(DirectFilter.NO_SHIFT); validationResults = new int[results.length]; for (int i = 0; i < nDoublets; i++) { validationResults[i] = filter.validate(results[i]); } filter.setup(); for (int i = nDoublets; i < results.length; i++) { validationResults[i] = filter.validate(results[i]); } return acceptAnyInternal(candidateId, multiDoubletFitResult, validateCandidates, store); } /** * Checks if there is the given candidate in the results. * * @param results * the results * @param candidateId * the candidate id * @return true, if there is the given candidate */ private boolean contains(final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results, final int candidateId) { for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) if (results[i].getCandidateId() == candidateId) return true; return false; } /** * Counts the number of new results in the results. * * @param results * the results * @return The count */ private int countNewResult(final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results) { int c = 0; if (results != null) { for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) if (results[i].isNewResult()) c++; } return c; } /** * Check if the results contain a new result * * @param results * the results * @return True if a new result */ private boolean isNewResult(final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results) { if (results != null) { for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) if (results[i].isNewResult()) return true; } return false; } /** * Filter a set of multi-path results into a set of results. * <p> * The coordinate store is used to check for duplicates. * * @param results * the results * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param subset * True if a subset (the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed fits before the * current candidate) * @param coordinateStore * the coordinate store (can be null) * @return the filtered results */ final public PreprocessedPeakResult[] filter(final MultiPathFitResults[] results, final int failures, boolean subset, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { setup(); final SimpleSelectedResultStore store = new SimpleSelectedResultStore(); if (coordinateStore == null) coordinateStore = nullCoordinateStore; final ArrayList<PreprocessedPeakResult> list = new ArrayList<PreprocessedPeakResult>(results.length); for (int k = 0; k < results.length; k++) { final MultiPathFitResults multiPathResults = results[k]; // Debugging the results that are scored // out = null; // if (debugFilename != null && multiPathResults.getFrame() == 46) // { // try // { // out = new, "UTF-8"); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // } // } int failCount = 0; int lastId = -1; final int length = multiPathResults.getNumberOfResults(); store.resize(multiPathResults.getTotalCandidates()); coordinateStore.clear(); for (int c = 0; c < length; c++) { final MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult = multiPathResults.getResult(c); // Include the number of failures before this result from the larger set if (subset) { failCount += (multiPathResult.candidateId - (lastId + 1)); lastId = multiPathResult.candidateId; } final boolean evaluateFit = failCount <= failures; if (evaluateFit || store.isValid(multiPathResult.candidateId)) { // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.write(String.format("[%d] %d : %d %b %b\n", multiPathResults.frame, // multiPathResult.candidateId, failCount, store.isValid(multiPathResult.candidateId), // isNewResult(accept(multiPathResult, true, null)))); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // finally // { // out = null; // } // } // } // Evaluate the result. // This allows storing more estimates in the store even if we are past the failures limit. final PreprocessedPeakResult[] result = accept(multiPathResult, true, store); boolean newResult = false; if (result != null) { for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (result[i].isNewResult()) { newResult = true; // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.write(String.format("[%d] %d : %.2f %.2f\n", multiPathResults.frame, // multiPathResult.candidateId, result[i].getX(), result[i].getY())); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // finally // { // out = null; // } // } // } // TODO - Check for duplicates if (result[i].isNotDuplicate() || !coordinateStore.contains(result[i].getX(), result[i].getY())) { coordinateStore.addToQueue(result[i].getX(), result[i].getY()); // if (store.isFit[result[i].getCandidateId()] && // result[i].getCandidateId() != multiPathResult.candidateId) // System.out.printf("Fitted candidate %d [%d] %f,%f ([%d])\n", // multiPathResults.frame, multiPathResult.candidateId, result[i].getX(), // result[i].getY(), result[i].getCandidateId()); list.add(result[i]); // This is a new fitted result store.isFit[result[i].getCandidateId()] = true; } // else // { // double[] tmp = cstore.find(result[i].getX(), result[i].getY()); // System.out.printf("Duplicate %d [%d] %f,%f == %f,%f (%b [%d])\n", // multiPathResults.frame, multiPathResult.candidateId, result[i].getX(), // result[i].getY(), tmp[0], tmp[1], store.isFit[result[i].getCandidateId()], // result[i].getCandidateId()); // // So we can see them // //list.add(result[i]); // } } } coordinateStore.flush(); } if (evaluateFit) { if (newResult) { // More results were accepted so reset the fail count failCount = 0; } else { // Nothing was accepted, increment fail count failCount++; } } } else { // This was rejected, increment fail count failCount++; } multiPathResults.complete(c); } // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.write(String.format("[%d] %s\n", multiPathResults.getFrame(), "# selected = ?")); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // finally // { // out = null; // } // } // // Close here to only do the first frame // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // } // } } return list.toArray(new PreprocessedPeakResult[list.size()]); } /** * Create a subset of multi-path results, i.e. all those that pass the filter. * <p> * The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of failures is reached all * remaining results for the frame are rejected. * <p> * If the subset flag is set to true the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed fits before the * current candidate, assuming candidates start at zero and increment. * <p> * All results are validated with the filter and the result set in the PreprocessedPeakResult. This can be reset * using {@link #resetValidationFlag(MultiPathFitResults[])}. This result is used when scoring a subset allowing * results to be ignored from duplicate validation. * * @param results * a set of results to analyse * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param subset * True if a subset (the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed fits before the * current candidate) * @return the filtered results */ public MultiPathFitResults[] filterSubset(final MultiPathFitResults[] results, final int failures, boolean subset) { final MultiPathFitResults[] newResults = new MultiPathFitResults[results.length]; int size = 0; setup(); for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { final MultiPathFitResult[] newMultiPathResults = filter(results[i], failures, false, subset); if (newMultiPathResults != null) newResults[size++] = new MultiPathFitResults(results[i].frame, newMultiPathResults, results[i].totalCandidates, results[i].nActual); } return Arrays.copyOf(newResults, size); } /** * Reset validation flag. * * @param results * the results */ public static void resetValidationFlag(final MultiPathFitResults[] results) { if (results == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) resetValidationFlag(results[i]); } /** * Reset validation flag. * * @param multiPathFitResults * the multi path fit results */ public static void resetValidationFlag(IMultiPathFitResults multiPathFitResults) { if (multiPathFitResults == null) return; final int size = multiPathFitResults.getNumberOfResults(); for (int c = 0; c < size; c++) resetValidationFlag(multiPathFitResults.getResult(c)); } /** * Reset validation flag. * * @param multiPathResult * the multi path result */ public static void resetValidationFlag(MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult) { if (multiPathResult == null) return; resetValidationFlag(multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult()); resetValidationFlag(multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult()); resetValidationFlag(multiPathResult.getDoubletFitResult()); resetValidationFlag(multiPathResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult()); } /** * Reset validation flag. * * @param fitResult * the fit result */ public static void resetValidationFlag(FitResult fitResult) { if (fitResult == null || fitResult.results == null) return; final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results = fitResult.results; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) results[i].setValidationResult(0); } /** * Create a subset of multi-path results, i.e. all those that pass the filter. * <p> * The number of consecutive rejections are counted. When the configured number of failures is reached all * remaining results for the frame are rejected. * <p> * If the subset flag is set to true the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed fits before the * current candidate, assuming candidates start at zero and increment. * * @param multiPathResults * the multi path results * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param subset * True if a subset (the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed fits before the * current candidate) * @return the filtered results */ public MultiPathFitResult[] filter(final IMultiPathFitResults multiPathResults, final int failures, boolean subset) { return filter(multiPathResults, failures, true, subset); } /** * Create a subset of multi-path results, i.e. all those that pass the filter. * <p> * The number of consecutive rejections are counted. When the configured number of failures is reached all * remaining results for the frame are rejected. * <p> * If the subset flag is set to true the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed fits before the * current candidate, assuming candidates start at zero and increment. * * @param multiPathResults * the multi path results * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param setup * Set to true to run the {@link #setup()} method * @param subset * True if a subset (the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed fits before the * current candidate) * @return the filtered results */ private MultiPathFitResult[] filter(final IMultiPathFitResults multiPathResults, final int failures, boolean setup, boolean subset) { if (setup) setup(); int failCount = 0; int lastId = -1; int size = 0; final MultiPathFitResult[] newMultiPathResults = new MultiPathFitResult[multiPathResults.getNumberOfResults()]; final SimpleSelectedResultStore store = new SimpleSelectedResultStore(multiPathResults.getTotalCandidates()); // if (multiPathResults.getFrame() == 12) // System.out.println("Debug"); for (int c = 0; c < newMultiPathResults.length; c++) { final MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult = multiPathResults.getResult(c); // Include the number of failures before this result from the larger set if (subset) { failCount += (multiPathResult.candidateId - (lastId + 1)); lastId = multiPathResult.candidateId; } final boolean evaluateFit = failCount <= failures; if (evaluateFit || store.isValid(multiPathResult.candidateId)) { // Evaluate the result. // This allows storing more estimates in the store even if we are past the failures limit. final PreprocessedPeakResult[] result = accept(multiPathResult, false, store); // Note: Even if the actual result failed, the candidate may have passed and so // the entire multi-path result should be retained. // Also note that depending on the filter, different results can be selected and pushed through // the store to set them valid. So we must push everything through the store to ensure nothing // is removed that could be used. checkIsValid(multiPathResult.getSingleFitResult(), store); checkIsValid(multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult(), store); filter.setup(DirectFilter.NO_SHIFT); checkIsValid(multiPathResult.getDoubletFitResult(), store); // Fix to only disable shift filtering for the doublet results... final FitResult multiDoubletFitResult = multiPathResult.getMultiDoubletFitResult(); if (multiDoubletFitResult != null && multiDoubletFitResult.results != null) { // Note: Only disable shift for the doublet results. // doublets = len(multi-doublet) - len(multi) + 1 final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results = multiDoubletFitResult.results; final int nDoublets = results.length - multiPathResult.getMultiFitResult().results.length + 1; checkIsValid(results, store, 0, nDoublets); filter.setup(); checkIsValid(results, store, nDoublets, results.length); } else { filter.setup(); } // This has valid results so add to the output subset newMultiPathResults[size++] = multiPathResult; if (evaluateFit) { if (isNewResult(result)) { // More results were accepted so reset the fail count failCount = 0; } else { // Nothing was accepted, increment fail count failCount++; } } } else { // This was rejected, increment fail count failCount++; } multiPathResults.complete(c); } if (size != 0) return Arrays.copyOf(newMultiPathResults, size); return null; } private void checkIsValid(FitResult fitResult, SimpleSelectedResultStore store) { if (fitResult == null || fitResult.results == null) return; final PreprocessedPeakResult[] results = fitResult.results; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { // Validate everything final int r = filter.validate(results[i]); results[i].setValidationResult(r); // Mark as valid in the store if (r == 0) store.isValid[results[i].getCandidateId()] = true; } } private void checkIsValid(PreprocessedPeakResult[] results, SimpleSelectedResultStore store, int lower, int upper) { for (int i = lower; i < upper; i++) { // Validate everything final int r = filter.validate(results[i]); results[i].setValidationResult(r); // Mark as valid in the store if (r == 0) store.isValid[results[i].getCandidateId()] = true; } } /** * Score a set of multi-path results. Filter each multi-path result. Any output results that are * new results are assumed to be positives and their assignments used to score the results per frame. * <p> * The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of failures is reached all * remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results are ordered by the frame. * <p> * Note: The fractional scores are totalled as well as the integer tp/fp scores. These are returned in the positives * and negatives fields of the result. * * @param results * a set of results to analyse * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param n * The number of actual results * @return the score */ public FractionClassificationResult fractionScore(final MultiPathFitResults[] results, final int failures, final int n) { return fractionScore(results, failures, n, false, null, null, null); } /** * Score a subset of multi-path results. The subset should be created with * {@link #filterSubset(MultiPathFitResult[], int)}. * <p> * Filter each multi-path result. Any output results that are new results are assumed to be positives and * their assignments used to score the results per frame. * <p> * The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of failures is reached all * remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results are ordered by the frame. * <p> * Note: The fractional scores are totalled as well as the integer tp/fp scores. These are returned in the positives * and negatives fields of the result. * * @param results * a set of results to analyse * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param n * The number of actual results * @return the score */ public FractionClassificationResult fractionScoreSubset(final MultiPathFitResults[] results, final int failures, final int n) { return fractionScore(results, failures, n, true, null, null, null); } /** * Score a set of multi-path results. Filter each multi-path result. Any output results that are * new results are assumed to be positives and their assignments used to score the results per frame. * <p> * The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of failures is reached all * remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results are ordered by the frame. * <p> * Note: The fractional scores are totalled as well as the integer tp/fp scores. These are returned in the positives * and negatives fields of the result. * <p> * The coordinate store is used to check for duplicates. * * @param results * a set of results to analyse * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param n * The number of actual results * @param assignments * the assignments * @param scoreStore * the score store * @param coordinateStore * the coordinate store (can be null) * @return the score */ public FractionClassificationResult fractionScore(final MultiPathFitResults[] results, final int failures, final int n, List<FractionalAssignment[]> assignments, FractionScoreStore scoreStore, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { return fractionScore(results, failures, n, false, assignments, scoreStore, coordinateStore); } /** * Score a subset of multi-path results. The subset can be created with * {@link #filterSubset(MultiPathFitResult[], int)}. * <p> * Filter each multi-path result. Any output results that are new results are assumed to be positives and * their assignments used to score the results per frame. * <p> * The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of failures is reached all * remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results are ordered by the frame. * <p> * Note: The fractional scores are totalled as well as the integer tp/fp scores. These are returned in the positives * and negatives fields of the result. * <p> * The coordinate store is used to check for duplicates. * * @param results * a set of results to analyse * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param n * The number of actual results * @param assignments * the assignments * @param scoreStore * the score store * @param coordinateStore * the coordinate store (can be null) * @return the score */ public FractionClassificationResult fractionScoreSubset(final MultiPathFitResults[] results, final int failures, final int n, List<FractionalAssignment[]> assignments, FractionScoreStore scoreStore, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { return fractionScore(results, failures, n, true, assignments, scoreStore, coordinateStore); } String debugFilename; /** * Sets the debug file for scoring. * * @param filename * the new debug file */ public void setDebugFile(String filename) { debugFilename = filename; } /** * Score a set of multi-path results. * <p> * If the subset flag is set to true the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed fits before the * current candidate, assuming candidates start at zero and increment. The validationResult property of the * PreprocessedPeakResult will be used; if non-zero then the peak will not be validated and will be counted as a * fail. * <p> * Filter each multi-path result. Any output results that are new results are assumed to be positives and * their assignments used to score the results per frame. * <p> * The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of failures is reached all * remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results are ordered by the frame. * <p> * Note: The fractional scores are totalled as well as the integer tp/fp scores. These are returned in the positives * and negatives fields of the result. * <p> * The coordinate store is used to check for duplicates. * * @param results * a set of results to analyse * @param failures * the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected * @param n * The number of actual results * @param subset * True if a subset (the candidate Id will be used to determine the number of failed fits before the * current candidate) * @param allAssignments * the assignments * @param scoreStore * the score store * @param coordinateStore * the coordinate store (can be null) * @return the score */ private FractionClassificationResult fractionScore(final MultiPathFitResults[] results, final int failures, final int n, final boolean subset, List<FractionalAssignment[]> allAssignments, FractionScoreStore scoreStore, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) { final double[] score = new double[4]; final ArrayList<FractionalAssignment> assignments = new ArrayList<FractionalAssignment>(); final SimpleSelectedResultStore store = new SimpleSelectedResultStore(); if (scoreStore == null) scoreStore = nullFractionScoreStore; if (coordinateStore == null) coordinateStore = nullCoordinateStore; final boolean save = allAssignments != null; setup(); for (int k = 0; k < results.length; k++) { final MultiPathFitResults multiPathResults = results[k]; // // Debugging the results that are scored // out = null; // if (debugFilename != null && multiPathResults.getFrame() == 46) // { // try // { // out = new, "UTF-8"); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // } // } // Reset fail count for new frames int failCount = 0; int lastId = -1; final int length = multiPathResults.multiPathFitResults.length; int nPredicted = 0; store.resize(multiPathResults.totalCandidates); coordinateStore.clear(); for (int c = 0; c < length; c++) { final MultiPathFitResult multiPathResult = multiPathResults.multiPathFitResults[c]; // Include the number of failures before this result from the larger set if (subset) { failCount += (multiPathResult.candidateId - (lastId + 1)); lastId = multiPathResult.candidateId; } final boolean evaluateFit = failCount <= failures; if (evaluateFit || store.isValid(multiPathResult.candidateId)) { // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.write(String.format("[%d] %d : %d %b %b\n", multiPathResults.frame, // multiPathResult.candidateId, failCount, store.isValid(multiPathResult.candidateId), // isNewResult(accept(multiPathResult, true, null, subset)))); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // finally // { // out = null; // } // } // } // Assess the result if we are below the fail limit or have an estimate final PreprocessedPeakResult[] result = accept(multiPathResult, true, store, subset); boolean newResult = false; if (result != null) { // For all the results that were returned, check if any are classified results // and store the classifications for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { if (result[i].isNewResult()) { newResult = true; // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.write(String.format("[%d] %d : %.2f %.2f\n", multiPathResults.frame, // multiPathResult.candidateId, result[i].getX(), result[i].getY())); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // finally // { // out = null; // } // } // } if (result[i].ignore()) { // Q. should this be passed to the scoreStore? } else { // TODO - Check for duplicates if (result[i].isNotDuplicate() || !coordinateStore.contains(result[i].getX(), result[i].getY())) { coordinateStore.addToQueue(result[i].getX(), result[i].getY()); scoreStore.add(result[i].getUniqueId()); final FractionalAssignment[] a = result[i].getAssignments(nPredicted++); if (a != null && a.length > 0) { //list.addAll(Arrays.asList(a)); assignments.addAll(new DummyCollection(a)); } // This is a new fitted result store.isFit[result[i].getCandidateId()] = true; } } } } coordinateStore.flush(); } if (evaluateFit) { if (newResult) { // More results were accepted so reset the fail count failCount = 0; } else { // Nothing was accepted, increment fail count failCount++; } } } else { // This was rejected, increment fail count failCount++; } } final FractionalAssignment[] tmp = score(assignments, score, nPredicted, save, multiPathResults.nActual); if (save) allAssignments.add(tmp); // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.write(String.format("[%d] %s\n", multiPathResults.frame, Arrays.toString(score))); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // finally // { // out = null; // } // } // // Close here to only do the first frame // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // } // } } // if (out != null) // { // try // { // out.close(); // } // catch (Exception ee) // { // } // } // Note: We are using the integer positives and negatives fields to actually store integer TP and FP return new FractionClassificationResult(score[0], score[1], 0, n - score[0], (int) score[2], (int) score[3]); } /** * Score the assignments (TP/FP) and then clear the list. * * @param assignments * The assignments * @param score * Scores array to accumulate TP/FP scores * @param nPredicted * The number of predictions * @param save * Set to true to save the scored assignments * @param nActual * The number of actual results in the frame * @return the fractional assignments */ private FractionalAssignment[] score(final ArrayList<FractionalAssignment> assignments, final double[] score, final int nPredicted, boolean save, int nActual) { if (assignments.isEmpty()) return null; final FractionalAssignment[] tmp = assignments.toArray(new FractionalAssignment[assignments.size()]); final RankedScoreCalculator calc = new RankedScoreCalculator(tmp, nActual, nPredicted); final double[] result = calc.score(nPredicted, false, save); score[0] += result[0]; score[1] += result[1]; score[2] += result[2]; score[3] += result[3]; assignments.clear(); return calc.getScoredAssignments(); } /** * Create a dummy collection that implements toArray() without cloning for the addAll() method in ArrayList. */ private class DummyCollection implements Collection<FractionalAssignment> { /** The a. */ final FractionalAssignment[] a; /** * Instantiates a new dummy collection. * * @param a * the a */ DummyCollection(final FractionalAssignment[] a) { this.a = a; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#size() */ public int size() { return a.length; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#isEmpty() */ public boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#contains(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean contains(Object o) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#iterator() */ public Iterator<FractionalAssignment> iterator() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#toArray() */ public Object[] toArray() { return a; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#toArray(java.lang.Object[]) */ public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) { return a; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#add(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean add(FractionalAssignment e) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#remove(java.lang.Object) */ public boolean remove(Object o) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#containsAll(java.util.Collection) */ public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#addAll(java.util.Collection) */ public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends FractionalAssignment> c) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#removeAll(java.util.Collection) */ public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#retainAll(java.util.Collection) */ public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.util.Collection#clear() */ public void clear() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } /** * To XML. * * @return An XML representation of this object */ public String toXML() { return XStreamWrapper.toXML(this); } /** * Create the filter from the XML representation. * * @param xml * the xml * @return the filter */ public static MultiPathFilter fromXML(String xml) { try { return (MultiPathFilter) XStreamWrapper.fromXML(xml); } catch (ClassCastException ex) { //ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }