package gdsc.smlm.results; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.Gaussian2DFunction; import gdsc.smlm.tsf.TaggedSpotFile.FitMode; import gdsc.smlm.tsf.TaggedSpotFile.FluorophoreType; import gdsc.smlm.tsf.TaggedSpotFile.IntensityUnits; import gdsc.smlm.tsf.TaggedSpotFile.LocationUnits; import gdsc.smlm.tsf.TaggedSpotFile.ROI; import gdsc.smlm.tsf.TaggedSpotFile.Spot; import gdsc.smlm.tsf.TaggedSpotFile.Spot.Builder; import gdsc.smlm.tsf.TaggedSpotFile.SpotList; import gdsc.smlm.tsf.TaggedSpotFile.ThetaUnits; /** * Saves the fit results to file using the Tagged Spot File (TSF) format. * <p> * Write out a TSF file assuming the results are in the standard GSDC SMLM format (intensity in counts, angles in * degrees). * <p> * To satisfy the format the calibration must be set including the amplification (electrons/count) and camera bias. The * bias is removed from the background. If amplification is not strictly positive then the calibration gain will be * written to the TSF 'electron conversion factor' field. * * @author Alex Herbert */ public class TSFPeakResultsWriter extends AbstractPeakResults { public static final float SD_TO_FWHM_FACTOR = (float) (2.0 * Math.sqrt(2.0 * Math.log(2.0))); /** * Application ID assigned to GDSC SMLM ImageJ plugins */ public static final int APPLICATION_ID = 4; private FileOutputStream out = null; private String filename = null; private int size = 0; private AtomicInteger id; private FitMode fitMode = FitMode.ONEAXIS; private boolean canComputePrecision, isEmCCD; private double nmPerPixel, gain; private float bias; private int boxSize = 0; public TSFPeakResultsWriter(String filename) { this.filename = filename; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.smlm.results.AbstractPeakResults#begin() */ public void begin() { out = null; size = 0; bias = 0; canComputePrecision = false; if (calibration != null) { if (calibration.hasBias()) bias = (float) calibration.getBias(); if (calibration.hasNmPerPixel() && calibration.hasGain() && calibration.hasEMCCD()) { canComputePrecision = true; nmPerPixel = calibration.getNmPerPixel(); gain = calibration.getGain(); isEmCCD = calibration.isEmCCD(); } } id = new AtomicInteger(); try { out = new FileOutputStream(filename); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed to write open TSF file: " + filename); e.printStackTrace(); closeOutput(); return; } // Write the offsets used in the TSF format try { DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(out); dos.writeInt(0); dos.writeLong(0); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failed to write TSF offset fields"); e.printStackTrace(); closeOutput(); } } private void closeOutput() { if (out == null) return; try { out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore exception } finally { out = null; } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.results.PeakResults#isActive() */ public boolean isActive() { return out != null; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.results.PeakResults#add(int, int, int, float, double, float, float[], float[]) */ public void add(int peak, int origX, int origY, float origValue, double error, float noise, float[] params, float[] paramsStdDev) { if (out == null) return; Spot.Builder builder = Spot.newBuilder(); builder.setMolecule(id.incrementAndGet()); builder.setChannel(1); builder.setFluorophoreType(1); builder.setFrame(peak); builder.setXPosition(origX); builder.setYPosition(origY); setBackground(builder, params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]); builder.setIntensity(params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]); builder.setX(params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]); builder.setY(params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]); setWidth(params, builder); if (canComputePrecision) { double s = (params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] + params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]) * 0.5 * nmPerPixel; float precision = (float) PeakResult.getPrecision(nmPerPixel, s, params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] / gain, noise / gain, isEmCCD); builder.setXPrecision(precision); builder.setYPrecision(precision); } builder.setError(error); builder.setNoise(noise); builder.setOriginalValue(origValue); if (paramsStdDev != null) addNewParamsStdDev(builder, paramsStdDev); Spot spot =; writeResult(1, spot); } @Override public void add(PeakResult result) { final float[] params = result.params; Spot.Builder builder = Spot.newBuilder(); builder.setMolecule(id.incrementAndGet()); builder.setChannel(1); builder.setFluorophoreType(1); builder.setFrame(result.getFrame()); builder.setXPosition(result.origX); builder.setYPosition(result.origY); setBackground(builder, params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]); builder.setIntensity(params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]); builder.setX(params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]); builder.setY(params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]); setWidth(params, builder); if (result.hasPrecision()) { // Use the actual precision float precision = (float) result.getPrecision(); builder.setXPrecision(precision); builder.setYPrecision(precision); } else if (canComputePrecision) { // Compute precision double s = (params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] + params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]) * 0.5 * nmPerPixel; float precision = (float) PeakResult.getPrecision(nmPerPixel, s, params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] / gain, result.noise / gain, isEmCCD); builder.setXPrecision(precision); builder.setYPrecision(precision); } if (result.hasId()) builder.setCluster(result.getId()); builder.setError(result.error); builder.setNoise(result.noise); if (result.hasEndFrame()) builder.setEndFrame(result.getEndFrame()); builder.setOriginalValue(result.origValue); if (result.paramsStdDev != null) addNewParamsStdDev(builder, result.paramsStdDev); Spot spot =; writeResult(1, spot); } /** * Sets the background. * * @param builder * the builder * @param background * the background */ private void setBackground(Builder builder, float background) { // Q. Should we ensure this is always positive? // Since it "should be linearly proportional to the number of photons in the background" // then we assume that it cannot be negative. if (background > bias) builder.setBackground(background - bias); else builder.setBackground(0f); } /** * Sets the width. Convert the X/Y widths used in GDSC SMLM to the single width and shape parameters used in TSF. * * @param params * the params * @param builder * the builder */ private void setWidth(float[] params, Spot.Builder builder) { if (params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] == params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]) { builder.setWidth(SD_TO_FWHM_FACTOR * params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD]); } else { FitMode newFitMode = FitMode.TWOAXIS; builder.setWidth(SD_TO_FWHM_FACTOR * (float) Math.sqrt(Math.abs(params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] * params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]))); builder.setA(params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] / params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]); if (params[Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE] != 0) { newFitMode = FitMode.TWOAXISANDTHETA; builder.setTheta(params[Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE]); } if (fitMode.getNumber() < newFitMode.getNumber()) fitMode = newFitMode; } } /** * Adds the params std dev assuming a new builder. * * @param builder * the builder * @param paramsStdDev * the params std dev */ private void addNewParamsStdDev(Builder builder, float[] paramsStdDev) { // Note: paramsStdDev for X/Y could be set into the X/Y Precision field. for (int i = 0; i < paramsStdDev.length; i++) builder.addParamsStdDev(paramsStdDev[i]); } public void addAll(Collection<PeakResult> results) { if (out == null) return; Spot[] spots = new Spot[20]; int count = 0; Spot.Builder builder = Spot.newBuilder(); for (PeakResult result : results) { final float[] params = result.params; builder.setMolecule(id.incrementAndGet()); builder.setChannel(1); builder.setFluorophoreType(1); builder.setFrame(result.getFrame()); builder.setXPosition(result.origX); builder.setYPosition(result.origY); setBackground(builder, params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]); builder.setIntensity(params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]); builder.setX(params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]); builder.setY(params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]); setWidth(params, builder); if (result.hasPrecision()) { // Use the actual precision float precision = (float) result.getPrecision(); builder.setXPrecision(precision); builder.setYPrecision(precision); } else if (canComputePrecision) { // Compute precision double s = (params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] + params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]) * 0.5 * nmPerPixel; float precision = (float) PeakResult.getPrecision(nmPerPixel, s, params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] / gain, result.noise / gain, isEmCCD); builder.setXPrecision(precision); builder.setYPrecision(precision); } if (result.hasId()) builder.setCluster(result.getId()); else builder.clearCluster(); builder.setError(result.error); builder.setNoise(result.noise); if (result.hasEndFrame()) builder.setEndFrame(result.getEndFrame()); else builder.clearEndFrame(); builder.setOriginalValue(result.origValue); addParamsStdDev(builder, result.paramsStdDev); spots[count++] =; // Flush the output to allow for very large input lists if (count >= spots.length) { writeResult(count, spots); if (!isActive()) return; count = 0; } } writeResult(count, spots); } /** * Adds the params std dev assuming an existing builder (allowing re-use of the space). * * @param builder * the builder * @param paramsStdDev * the params std dev */ private void addParamsStdDev(Builder builder, float[] paramsStdDev) { // Note: paramsStdDev for X/Y could be set into the X/Y Precision field. if (paramsStdDev == null) { if (builder.getParamsStdDevCount() != 0) builder.clearParamsStdDev(); return; } // Reuse the space if (builder.getParamsStdDevCount() == paramsStdDev.length) { for (int i = 0; i < paramsStdDev.length; i++) builder.setParamsStdDev(i, paramsStdDev[i]); } else { builder.clearParamsStdDev(); addNewParamsStdDev(builder, paramsStdDev); } } private synchronized void writeResult(int count, Spot... spots) { // In case another thread caused the output to close if (out == null) return; size += count; try { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { spots[i].writeDelimitedTo(out); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failed to write Spot message"); closeOutput(); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.PeakResults#size() */ public int size() { return size; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.PeakResults#end() */ public void end() { // Get the offset to the SpotList message long offset = 0; try { // The offset is the amount to skip forward after reading the int // magic number (4 bytes) and long offset (8 bytes) //out.flush(); offset = out.getChannel().position() - 12; } catch (IOException e) { // This is bad. System.err.println("Failed to determine offset for SpotList message"); e.printStackTrace(); closeOutput(); return; } // Record the SpotList message SpotList.Builder builder = SpotList.newBuilder(); builder.setApplicationId(APPLICATION_ID); builder.setNrSpots(size); // Add the standard details the TSF supports. We use extensions to add GDSC SMLM data. if (name != null) { builder.setName(name); } if (source != null) { builder.setNrPixelsX(source.width); builder.setNrPixelsY(source.height); builder.setNrFrames(source.frames); builder.setSource(singleLine(source.toXML())); } if (bounds != null) { ROI.Builder roiBuilder = builder.getRoiBuilder(); roiBuilder.setX(bounds.x); roiBuilder.setY(bounds.y); roiBuilder.setXWidth(bounds.width); roiBuilder.setYWidth(bounds.height); builder.setRoi(; } if (calibration != null) { if (calibration.hasNmPerPixel()) builder.setPixelSize((float) calibration.getNmPerPixel()); if (calibration.hasExposureTime()) builder.setExposureTime(calibration.getExposureTime()); if (calibration.hasReadNoise()) builder.setReadNoise(calibration.getReadNoise()); if (calibration.hasBias()) builder.setBias(calibration.getBias()); if (calibration.hasEMCCD()) builder.setEmCCD(calibration.isEmCCD()); if (calibration.hasAmplification()) builder.setAmplification(calibration.getAmplification()); if (calibration.hasGain()) { builder.setGain(calibration.getGain()); // Use amplification if present (as this is the correct electrons/count value), otherwise use gain if (calibration.hasAmplification()) { double ecf = calibration.getAmplification(); double qe = calibration.getGain() / ecf; builder.addEcf(ecf); builder.addQe(qe); } else { builder.addEcf(calibration.getGain()); builder.addQe(1); } } } if (configuration != null && configuration.length() > 0) { builder.setConfiguration(singleLine(configuration)); } // Have a property so the boxSize can be set if (boxSize > 0) builder.setBoxSize(boxSize); builder.setLocationUnits(LocationUnits.PIXELS); builder.setIntensityUnits(IntensityUnits.COUNTS); builder.setThetaUnits(ThetaUnits.DEGREES); builder.setFitMode(fitMode); FluorophoreType.Builder typeBuilder = FluorophoreType.newBuilder(); typeBuilder.setId(1); typeBuilder.setDescription("Default fluorophore"); typeBuilder.setIsFiducial(false); builder.addFluorophoreTypes(; SpotList spotList =; try { spotList.writeDelimitedTo(out); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Failed to write SpotList message"); e.printStackTrace(); return; } finally { closeOutput(); } // Note: it would be good to be able to use the ability to write to any output stream. However // the TSF format requires a seek at the end of writing to record the offset. seek() is not // supported by OutputStream. It is supported by: RandomAccessFile, RandomAccessStream (for input). // Write the offset to the SpotList message into the offset position RandomAccessFile f = null; try { f = new RandomAccessFile(new File(filename), "rw");; f.writeLong(offset); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed to record offset for SpotList message"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (f != null) { try { f.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } private String singleLine(String text) { return text.replaceAll("\n *", ""); } /** * Gets the box size. * * @return the box size (in pixels) of rectangular box used in Gaussian fitting */ public int getBoxSize() { return boxSize; } /** * Sets the box size. * * @param boxSize * the box size (in pixels) of rectangular box used in Gaussian fitting */ public void setBoxSize(int boxSize) { this.boxSize = boxSize; } }