package gdsc.smlm.engine; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.ranking.NaNStrategy; import gdsc.core.threshold.AutoThreshold; import gdsc.core.threshold.AutoThreshold.Method; import gdsc.core.threshold.FloatHistogram; import gdsc.core.threshold.Histogram; import gdsc.core.utils.NoiseEstimator; import gdsc.core.utils.Statistics; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Provide methods to estimate parameters of the data. Data is partitioned into foreground and background using * thresholding. The background region must be a minimum fraction of the total data. If this is not achieved then the * estimates are made using all the data. */ public class DataEstimator { private final int ESTIMATE_LARGE_ENOUGH = 0; private final int ESTIMATE_BACKGROUND = 1; private final int ESTIMATE_NOISE = 2; private final int ESTIMATE_THRESHOLD = 3; private final int ESTIMATE_BACKGROUND_SIZE = 4; final private float[] data; private Histogram h; final int width, height; private float fraction = 0.25f; private int histogramSize = 2048; private AutoThreshold.Method thresholdMethod = Method.DEFAULT; private float[] estimate = null; /** * Create a new DataEstimator * * @param data * The data * @param width * The width of the data * @param height * The height of the data */ public DataEstimator(float[] data, int width, int height) { if (data == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input data must not be null"); if (data.length < width * height) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input data must not be smaller than width * height"); = data; this.width = width; this.height = height; } /** * Gets a clone of the data * * @return the data (or null) */ public float[] getData() { return data.clone(); } /** * Checks if the background region is large enough to produce estimates. * * @return true, if there is a background */ public boolean isBackgroundRegion() { getEstimate(); return estimate[ESTIMATE_LARGE_ENOUGH] == 1; } /** * Gets the background. This is the mean of the data in the background region. * * @return the background */ public float getBackground() { getEstimate(); return estimate[ESTIMATE_BACKGROUND]; } /** * Gets the noise. This is the standard deviation of the data in the background region. * * @return the noise */ public float getNoise() { getEstimate(); return estimate[ESTIMATE_NOISE]; } /** * Gets the threshold for the background region. * * @return the noise */ public float getThreshold() { getEstimate(); return estimate[ESTIMATE_THRESHOLD]; } /** * Gets the size of the background region. * * @return the size */ public float getBackgroundSize() { getEstimate(); return estimate[ESTIMATE_BACKGROUND_SIZE]; } private void getEstimate() { if (estimate == null) { estimate = new float[5]; if (h == null) { h = FloatHistogram.buildHistogram(data.clone(), true); h = h.compact(histogramSize); } // Threshold the data final float t = estimate[ESTIMATE_THRESHOLD] = h.getAutoThreshold(thresholdMethod); // Get stats below the threshold Statistics stats = new Statistics(); for (int i = h.minBin; i <= h.maxBin; i++) { if (h.getValue(i) >= t) break; stats.add(h.h[i], h.getValue(i)); } // Check if background region is large enough estimate[ESTIMATE_BACKGROUND_SIZE] = stats.getN(); if (stats.getN() > fraction * data.length) { // Background region is large enough estimate[ESTIMATE_LARGE_ENOUGH] = 1; } else { // Recompute with all the data stats = new Statistics(data); } estimate[ESTIMATE_BACKGROUND] = (float) stats.getMean(); estimate[ESTIMATE_NOISE] = (float) stats.getStandardDeviation(); } } /** * Estimate the noise in the all the data * * @param method * the method * @return the noise */ public float getNoise(NoiseEstimator.Method method) { NoiseEstimator ne = new NoiseEstimator(data, width, height); return (float) ne.getNoise(method); } /** * Get the percentile value of the data * * @param percentile * The percentile * @return the percentile value */ public float getPercentile(double percentile) { // Check the input if (percentile <= 0) percentile = Double.MIN_NORMAL; if (percentile > 100) percentile = 100; // The data should not have NaN so we ignore them for speed. final Percentile p = new Percentile(percentile).withNaNStrategy(NaNStrategy.FIXED); final int size = width * height; final double[] values = new double[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) values[i] = data[i]; return (float) p.evaluate(values); } /** * Gets the fraction of the data size that the background region must achieve to be used. * * @return the fraction */ public float getFraction() { return fraction; } /** * Sets the fraction of the data size that the background region must achieve to be used. * * @param fraction * the new fraction */ public void setFraction(float fraction) { this.fraction = fraction; this.estimate = null; } /** * Gets the threshold method. * * @return the threshold method */ public AutoThreshold.Method getThresholdMethod() { return thresholdMethod; } /** * Sets the threshold method. * * @param thresholdMethod * the new threshold method */ public void setThresholdMethod(AutoThreshold.Method thresholdMethod) { this.thresholdMethod = thresholdMethod; this.estimate = null; } /** * SGet the size of the histogram used to compute the threshold * * @return the histogram size */ public int getHistogramSize() { return histogramSize; } /** * Set the size of the histogram used to compute the threshold * * @param histogramSize * the histogram size */ public void setHistogramSize(int histogramSize) { this.histogramSize = histogramSize; this.estimate = null; this.h = null; } }