package gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Choice; import java.awt.Point; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.utils.TurboList; import gdsc.core.utils.TurboList.SimplePredicate; import gdsc.smlm.engine.DataFilter; import gdsc.smlm.engine.FitEngineConfiguration; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitConfiguration; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitSolver; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.GlobalSettings; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.SettingsManager; import; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImageListener; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.WindowManager; import ij.gui.DialogListener; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.gui.ImageWindow; import ij.gui.NonBlockingGenericDialog; import; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.text.TextWindow; import ij.util.StringSorter; /** * This plugin loads configuration templates for the localisation fitting settings */ public class ConfigurationTemplate implements PlugIn, DialogListener, ImageListener { /** * Describes the details of a template that can be loaded from the JAR resources folder */ static class TemplateResource { final String path; final String tifPath; final String name; final boolean optional; TemplateResource(String path, String name, boolean optional, String tifPath) { this.path = path; = name; this.optional = optional; this.tifPath = tifPath; } @Override public String toString() { String text = String.format("path=%s, name=%s, optional=%b", path, name, optional); if (tifPath != null) text += ", tifPath=" + tifPath; return text; } } private static class Template { GlobalSettings settings; final boolean custom; final File file; long timestamp; // An example image from the data used to build the template String tifPath; public Template(GlobalSettings settings, boolean custom, File file, String tifPath) { this.settings = settings; this.custom = custom; this.file = file; timestamp = (file != null) ? file.lastModified() : 0; // Resource templates may have a tif image as a resource if (tifPath != null) { this.tifPath = tifPath; } // Templates with a file may have a corresponding tif image else if (file != null) { tifPath = Utils.replaceExtension(file.getPath(), ".tif"); if (new File(tifPath).exists()) this.tifPath = tifPath; } } public void update() { // Check if we can update from the file if (file != null) { if (file.lastModified() != timestamp) { GlobalSettings settings = SettingsManager.unsafeLoadSettings(file.getPath(), false); if (settings != null) { this.settings = settings; timestamp = file.lastModified(); } } } } /** * Save the settings to file * * @param file * * @return true, if successful, False if failed (or no file to save to) */ public boolean save(File file) { boolean result = false; if (file != null) { result = SettingsManager.saveSettings(settings, file.getPath()); } return result; } public boolean hasImage() { return tifPath != null; } public ImagePlus loadImage() { if (!hasImage()) return null; Opener opener = new Opener(); opener.setSilentMode(true); // The tifPath may be a system resource or it may be a file File file = new File(tifPath); if (file.exists()) { // Load directly from a file path return opener.openImage(tifPath); } // IJ has support for loading TIFs from an InputStream Class<ConfigurationTemplate> resourceClass = ConfigurationTemplate.class; InputStream inputStream = resourceClass.getResourceAsStream(tifPath); if (inputStream != null) { return opener.openTiff(inputStream, Utils.removeExtension(file.getName())); } return null; } } private static LinkedHashMap<String, Template> map; private static boolean selectStandardTemplates = true; private static boolean selectCustomDirectory = false; private static String configurationDirectory; // Used for the multiMode option private static ArrayList<String> selected; private String TITLE; private static String template = ""; private static boolean close = true; private ImagePlus imp; private int currentSlice = 0; private TextWindow resultsWindow, infoWindow; private int templateId; private String headings; private TIntObjectHashMap<String> text; static { // Maintain the names in the order they are added map = new LinkedHashMap<String, ConfigurationTemplate.Template>(); String currentUsersHomeDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); configurationDirectory = currentUsersHomeDir + File.separator + "gdsc.smlm"; // Q. What settings should be in the template? FitConfiguration fitConfig = new FitConfiguration(); FitEngineConfiguration config = new FitEngineConfiguration(fitConfig); fitConfig.setPrecisionUsingBackground(true); config.setFailuresLimit(1); // LSE fitConfig.setFitSolver(FitSolver.LVM); config.setDataFilter(DataFilter.MEAN, 1.2, 0); fitConfig.setCoordinateShiftFactor(1.2); fitConfig.setSignalStrength(35); fitConfig.setMinPhotons(30); fitConfig.setMinWidthFactor(1 / 1.8); // Original code used the reciprocal fitConfig.setWidthFactor(1.8); fitConfig.setPrecisionThreshold(45); addTemplate("PALM LSE", config); // Add settings for STORM ... config.setResidualsThreshold(0.4); config.setFailuresLimit(3); addTemplate("STORM LSE", config); config.setResidualsThreshold(1); config.setFailuresLimit(1); // Change settings for different fit engines fitConfig.setFitSolver(FitSolver.MLE); config.setDataFilter(DataFilter.GAUSSIAN, 1.2, 0); fitConfig.setCoordinateShiftFactor(1.2); fitConfig.setSignalStrength(32); fitConfig.setMinPhotons(30); fitConfig.setMinWidthFactor(1 / 1.8); // Original code used the reciprocal fitConfig.setWidthFactor(1.8); fitConfig.setPrecisionThreshold(47); addTemplate("PALM MLE", config); // Add settings for STORM ... config.setResidualsThreshold(0.4); config.setFailuresLimit(3); addTemplate("STORM MLE", config); config.setResidualsThreshold(1); config.setFailuresLimit(1); fitConfig.setModelCamera(true); fitConfig.setCoordinateShiftFactor(1.5); fitConfig.setSignalStrength(30); fitConfig.setMinPhotons(30); fitConfig.setMinWidthFactor(1 / 1.8); // Original code used the reciprocal fitConfig.setWidthFactor(1.8); fitConfig.setPrecisionThreshold(50); addTemplate("PALM MLE Camera", config); // Add settings for STORM ... config.setResidualsThreshold(0.4); config.setFailuresLimit(3); addTemplate("STORM MLE Camera", config); loadStandardTemplates(); } /** * Adds the template using the configuration. This should be used to add templates that have not been produced using * benchmarking on a specific image. Those can be added to the /gdsc/smlm/templates/ resources directory. * * @param name * the name * @param config * the config */ private static void addTemplate(String name, FitEngineConfiguration config) { GlobalSettings settings = new GlobalSettings(); settings.setFitEngineConfiguration(config.clone()); addTemplate(name, settings, false, null, null); } /** * Load standard templates (those not marked as optional). */ private static void loadStandardTemplates() { TemplateResource[] templates = listTemplates(true, false); loadTemplates(templates); } /** * List the templates from package resources. * * @param loadMandatory * Set to true to list the mandatory templates * @param loadOptional * Set to true to list the optional templates * @return the templates */ static TemplateResource[] listTemplates(boolean loadMandatory, boolean loadOptional) { // Load templates from package resources String templateDir = "/gdsc/smlm/templates/"; Class<ConfigurationTemplate> resourceClass = ConfigurationTemplate.class; InputStream templateListStream = resourceClass.getResourceAsStream(templateDir + "list.txt"); if (templateListStream == null) return new TemplateResource[0]; BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(templateListStream)); String line; ArrayList<TemplateResource> list = new ArrayList<TemplateResource>(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\*"); try { while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { // Skip comment character if (line.length() == 0 || line.charAt(0) == '#') continue; String template = line; boolean optional = true; // Mandatory templates have a '*' suffix int index = template.indexOf('*'); if (index >= 0) { template = p.matcher(template).replaceAll(""); optional = false; } if (optional) { if (!loadOptional) continue; } else { if (!loadMandatory) continue; } // Check the resource exists String path = templateDir + template; InputStream templateStream = resourceClass.getResourceAsStream(path); if (templateStream == null) continue; // Create a simple name String name = Utils.removeExtension(template); // Check if an example TIF file exists for the template String tifPath = templateDir + name + ".tif"; InputStream tifStream = resourceClass.getResourceAsStream(tifPath); if (tifStream == null) tifPath = null; list.add(new TemplateResource(path, name, optional, tifPath)); } } catch (IOException e) { } return list.toArray(new TemplateResource[list.size()]); } /** * Load templates from package resources. * * @param templates * the templates */ static int loadTemplates(TemplateResource[] templates) { if (templates == null || templates.length == 0) return 0; int count = 0; Class<ConfigurationTemplate> resourceClass = ConfigurationTemplate.class; for (TemplateResource template : templates) { // Skip those already done if (map.containsKey( continue; InputStream templateStream = resourceClass.getResourceAsStream(template.path); if (templateStream == null) continue; GlobalSettings settings = SettingsManager.unsafeLoadSettings(templateStream, true); if (settings != null) { count++; addTemplate(, settings, false, null, template.tifPath); } } return count; } private static void addTemplate(String name, GlobalSettings settings, boolean custom, File file, String tifPath) { map.put(name, new Template(settings, custom, file, tifPath)); } /** * Get the template configuration * * @param name * The name of the template * @return The template */ public static GlobalSettings getTemplate(String name) { Template template = map.get(name); if (template == null) return null; template.update(); return template.settings; } public static ImagePlus getTemplateImage(String name) { Template template = map.get(name); if (template == null) return null; return template.loadImage(); } static void clearTemplates() { map.clear(); } /** * Save template configuration. If an existing template exists with the same name it will be over-written. If an * existing template was loaded from file it will be saved back to the same file, or optionally a different file. * * @param name * The name of the template * @param settings * The template settings * @param file * The file to save the template (over-riding the file the template was loaded from) * @return true, if successful */ public static boolean saveTemplate(String name, GlobalSettings settings, File file) { Template template = map.get(name); if (template == null) { addTemplate(name, settings, true, file, null); return true; } template.settings = settings; if (file != null) return; if (template.file != null) return; return true; } /** * Check if this is a custom template, i.e. not a standard GDSC SMLM template * * @param name * The name of the template * @return True if a custom template */ public static boolean isCustomTemplate(String name) { Template template = map.get(name); return (template == null) ? null : template.custom; } /** * Get the names of the available templates. * * @return The template names */ public static String[] getTemplateNames() { return getTemplateNames(false); } /** * Get the names of the available templates * * @param includeNone * Set to true to include [None] in the list of names * @return The template names */ public static String[] getTemplateNames(boolean includeNone) { int length = (includeNone) ? map.size() + 1 : map.size(); String[] templateNames = new String[length]; int i = 0; if (includeNone) templateNames[i++] = "[None]"; for (String name : map.keySet()) templateNames[i++] = name; return templateNames; } /** * Get the names of the available templates that have an example image. * * @return The template names */ public static String[] getTemplateNamesWithImage() { TurboList<String> templateNames = new TurboList<String>(map.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Template> entry : map.entrySet()) if (entry.getValue().hasImage()) templateNames.add(entry.getKey()); return templateNames.toArray(new String[templateNames.size()]); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.plugin.PlugIn#run(java.lang.String) */ public void run(String arg) { SMLMUsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); if ("images".equals(arg)) { showTemplateImages(); return; } TITLE = "Template Configuration"; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addCheckbox("Select_standard_templates", selectStandardTemplates); gd.addCheckbox("Select_custom_directory", selectCustomDirectory); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return; selectStandardTemplates = gd.getNextBoolean(); selectCustomDirectory = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (selectStandardTemplates) loadSelectedStandardTemplates(); if (selectCustomDirectory) loadTemplatesFromDirectory(); } private void loadSelectedStandardTemplates() { final TemplateResource[] templates = listTemplates(false, true); if (templates.length == 0) return; MultiDialog md = new MultiDialog("Select Templates", new MultiDialog.BaseItems() { public int size() { return templates.length; } public String getFormattedName(int i) { return templates[i].name; } }); md.addSelected(selected); md.showDialog(); if (md.wasCanceled()) return; selected = md.getSelectedResults(); if (selected.isEmpty()) return; // Use list filtering to get the selected templates TurboList<TemplateResource> list = new TurboList<TemplateResource>(Arrays.asList(templates)); list.removeIf(new SimplePredicate<TemplateResource>() { public boolean test(TemplateResource t) { return !(selected.contains(; } }); int count = loadTemplates(list.toArray(new TemplateResource[list.size()])); IJ.showMessage("Loaded " + Utils.pleural(count, "standard template")); } private void loadTemplatesFromDirectory() { // Allow the user to specify a configuration directory String newDirectory = Utils.getDirectory("Template_directory", configurationDirectory); if (newDirectory == null) return; configurationDirectory = newDirectory; // Search the configuration directory and add any custom templates that can be deserialised from XML files File[] fileList = (new File(configurationDirectory)).listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File arg0, String arg1) { return arg1.toLowerCase().endsWith("xml"); } }); if (fileList == null) return; // Sort partially numerically String[] list = new String[fileList.length]; int n = 0; for (File file : fileList) { if (file.isFile()) { list[n++] = file.getPath(); } } list = StringSorter.sortNumerically(list); int count = 0; for (String path : list) { GlobalSettings settings = SettingsManager.unsafeLoadSettings(path, false); if (settings != null) { count++; File file = new File(path); String name = Utils.removeExtension(file.getName()); addTemplate(name, settings, true, file, null); } } IJ.showMessage("Loaded " + Utils.pleural(count, "custom template")); } private void showTemplateImages() { TITLE = "Template Example Images"; String[] names = getTemplateNamesWithImage(); if (names.length == 0) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No templates with example images"); return; } // Follow when the image slice is changed ImagePlus.addImageListener(this); NonBlockingGenericDialog gd = new NonBlockingGenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("View the example source image"); gd.addChoice("Template", names, template); gd.addCheckbox("Close_on_exit", close); gd.hideCancelButton(); gd.addDialogListener(this); // Show the first template template = ((Choice) (gd.getChoices().get(0))).getSelectedItem(); showTemplateImage(template); gd.showDialog(); template = gd.getNextChoice(); close = gd.getNextBoolean(); ImagePlus.removeImageListener(this); if (close) { if (imp != null) imp.close(); closeResults(); closeInfo(); } } private void showTemplateImage(String name) { ImagePlus imp = getTemplateImage(name); if (imp == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "Failed to load example image for template: " + name); } else { this.imp = displayTemplate(TITLE, imp); if (Utils.isNewWindow()) { // Zoom a bit ImageWindow iw = this.imp.getWindow(); for (int i = 7; i-- > 0 && Math.max(iw.getWidth(), iw.getHeight()) < 512;) { iw.getCanvas().zoomIn(0, 0); } } createResults(this.imp); showTemplateInfo(name); } } /** * Display the template image in an image window with the specified title. If the window exists it will be reused * and the appropriate properties updated. * * @param title * the title * @param templateImp * the template image * @return the image plus */ public static ImagePlus displayTemplate(String title, ImagePlus templateImp) { ImagePlus imp = Utils.display(title, templateImp.getStack()); imp.setOverlay(templateImp.getOverlay()); imp.setProperty("Info", templateImp.getProperty("Info")); imp.setCalibration(templateImp.getCalibration()); return imp; } public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) { if (e != null && e.getSource() instanceof Choice) { template = ((Choice) (e.getSource())).getSelectedItem(); showTemplateImage(template); } return true; } public void imageOpened(ImagePlus imp) { } public void imageClosed(ImagePlus imp) { } public void imageUpdated(ImagePlus imp) { if (imp != null && imp == this.imp) { updateResults(imp.getCurrentSlice()); } } /** * Creates a results window showing the localisation results from a template image. This will be positioned next to * the input template image plus if it is currently displayed. * * @param templateImp * the template image * @return the text window */ public TextWindow createResults(ImagePlus templateImp) { if (TITLE == null) TITLE = templateImp.getTitle(); templateId = templateImp.getID(); currentSlice = 0; headings = ""; text = new TIntObjectHashMap<String>(); Object info = templateImp.getProperty("Info"); if (info != null) { // First line is the headings String[] lines = info.toString().split("\n"); headings = lines[0].replace(' ', '\t'); // The remaining lines are the data for each stack position StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int last = 0; for (int i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { // Get the position String[] data = lines[i].split(" "); int slice = Integer.parseInt(data[0]); if (last != slice) { text.put(last, sb.toString()); last = slice; sb.setLength(0); } sb.append(slice); for (int j = 1; j < data.length; j++) { sb.append('\t').append(data[j]); } sb.append('\n'); } text.put(last, sb.toString()); } return updateResults(templateImp.getCurrentSlice()); } /** * Update the results window using the current selected slice from the template image. * * @param slice * the slice * @return the text window */ public TextWindow updateResults(int slice) { if (slice == currentSlice || text == null) return resultsWindow; currentSlice = slice; if (resultsWindow == null || !resultsWindow.isVisible()) { resultsWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Results", headings, "", 450, 250); // Put next to the image ImagePlus imp = WindowManager.getImage(templateId); if (imp != null && imp.getWindow() != null) { ImageWindow iw = imp.getWindow(); Point p = iw.getLocation(); p.x += iw.getWidth(); resultsWindow.setLocation(p); } } resultsWindow.getTextPanel().clear(); String data = text.get(slice); if (!Utils.isNullOrEmpty(data)) resultsWindow.append(data); return resultsWindow; } public void closeResults() { if (resultsWindow != null) resultsWindow.close(); } /** * Show the info from the template. * * @param name * the name */ private void showTemplateInfo(String name) { GlobalSettings settings = getTemplate(name); if (settings == null || Utils.isNullOrEmpty(settings.getNotes())) return; if (infoWindow == null || !infoWindow.isVisible()) { infoWindow = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Info", "", "", 450, 250); // Put underneath the results window if (resultsWindow != null) { Point p = resultsWindow.getLocation(); p.y += resultsWindow.getHeight(); infoWindow.setLocation(p); } } infoWindow.getTextPanel().clear(); // Text window cannot show tabs infoWindow.append(settings.getNotes().replace('\t', ',')); } private void closeInfo() { if (infoWindow != null) infoWindow.close(); } }