package gdsc.smlm.results; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Set; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.Gaussian2DFunction; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2013 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Stores peak results in memory. The PeakResults interface add methods are thread safe as they are synchronized. There * are equivalent non-.synchronized methods. */ public class MemoryPeakResults extends AbstractPeakResults implements Cloneable, Iterable<PeakResult> { private static LinkedHashMap<String, MemoryPeakResults> resultsMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, MemoryPeakResults>(); private static final Runtime s_runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); private static int byteSize = 0; private static int byteSizeWithDeviations = 0; private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 96; private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE_WITH_DEVIATIONS = 144; private ArrayList<PeakResult> results; private boolean sortAfterEnd; public MemoryPeakResults() { results = new ArrayList<PeakResult>(1000); } public MemoryPeakResults(int capacity) { results = new ArrayList<PeakResult>(capacity); } /** * @param name * The name of the results * @return Get the named results (or null if they do not exist) */ public static MemoryPeakResults getResults(String name) { return resultsMap.get(name); } /** * @param name * The name of the results * @return The removed results (or null if they do not exist) */ public static MemoryPeakResults removeResults(String name) { return resultsMap.remove(name); } /** * Add the results to memory. The name is taken from the results. * * @param results */ public static void addResults(MemoryPeakResults results) { if (results == null) throw new NullPointerException("Results must not be null"); results.trimToSize(); resultsMap.put(results.getName(), results); } /** * @return A set of the available named results held in memory */ public static Set<String> getResultNames() { return resultsMap.keySet(); } /** * @return A collection of the results held in memory */ public static Collection<MemoryPeakResults> getAllResults() { return resultsMap.values(); } /** * Count the number of result sets in memory */ public static int getResultsMemorySize() { return resultsMap.size(); } /** * Return true if there are no non-empty results in memory */ public static boolean isMemoryEmpty() { if (resultsMap.isEmpty()) return true; for (MemoryPeakResults r : resultsMap.values()) if (!r.isEmpty()) return false; return true; } /** * Count the total number of results in memory */ public static int countMemorySize() { int size = 0; for (MemoryPeakResults r : resultsMap.values()) { size += r.size(); } return size; } /** * Estimate the total size of results in memory */ public static long estimateMemorySize() { long memorySize = 0; for (MemoryPeakResults r : resultsMap.values()) { memorySize += estimateMemorySize(r.getResults()); } return memorySize; } /** * Clear the results from memory */ public static void clearMemory() { resultsMap.clear(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.results.PeakResults#begin() */ public void begin() { // Q. Should a new array be allocated if the previous one was very large? if (results.size() > 10000) results = new ArrayList<PeakResult>(1000); else results.clear(); } /** * Add a result. Synchronized. * * {@inheritDoc} * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.results.PeakResults#add(int, int, int, float, double, float, float[], float[]) */ public synchronized void add(int peak, int origX, int origY, float origValue, double chiSquared, float noise, float[] params, float[] paramsStdDev) { results.add(new PeakResult(peak, origX, origY, origValue, chiSquared, noise, params, paramsStdDev)); } /** * Add a result. Not synchronized. * * @param peak * the peak (e.g. frame number) * @param origX * the original X position * @param origY * the original Y position * @param origValue * the original value * @param error * the error * @param noise * the noise * @param params * the parameters * @param paramsStdDev * the parameters standard deviation (or null) */ public void addf(int peak, int origX, int origY, float origValue, double error, float noise, float[] params, float[] paramsStdDev) { results.add(new PeakResult(peak, origX, origY, origValue, error, noise, params, paramsStdDev)); } /** * Add all results. Synchronized. * * {@inheritDoc} * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.results.PeakResults#addAll(java.util.Collection) */ public synchronized void addAll(Collection<PeakResult> results) { this.results.addAll(results); } /** * Add all results. Not synchronized. * */ public void addAllf(Collection<PeakResult> results) { this.results.addAll(results); } /** * Add a result. Not synchronized. * * @param result * the result */ @Override public void add(PeakResult result) { results.add(result); } /** * Add a result. Synchronized. * * @param result */ public synchronized void addSync(PeakResult result) { results.add(result); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.results.PeakResults#size() */ public int size() { return results.size(); } /** * @see {@link java.util.ArrayList#trimToSize() } */ public void trimToSize() { results.trimToSize(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.results.PeakResults#end() */ public void end() { if (isSortAfterEnd()) sort(); } /** * Sort the results */ public void sort() { Collections.sort(results); } /** * @return The peak results */ public List<PeakResult> getResults() { return results; } /** * Gets the bounds. * * @param calculate * Set to true to calculate the bounds if they are null or zero width/height * @return the bounds of the result coordinates */ public Rectangle getBounds(boolean calculate) { if ((bounds == null || bounds.width == 0 || bounds.height == 0) && calculate) { bounds = new Rectangle(); Rectangle2D.Float b = getDataBounds(); // Round to integer bounds.x = (int) Math.floor(b.x); bounds.y = (int) Math.floor(b.y); int maxX = (int) Math.ceil(b.x + b.width); int maxY = (int) Math.ceil(b.y + b.height); // For compatibility with drawing images add one to the limits if they are integers // Q. Is this still necessary since drawing images has been re-written to handle edge cases? //if (maxX == b.x + b.width) // maxX += 1; //if (maxY == b.y + b.height) // maxY += 1; bounds.width = maxX - bounds.x; bounds.height = maxY - bounds.y; } return bounds; } /** * Gets the data bounds. * * @return the bounds of the result coordinates */ public Rectangle2D.Float getDataBounds() { if (isEmpty()) return new Rectangle2D.Float(); float minX = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minY = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; float maxX = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxY = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (PeakResult result : results) { if (minX > result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]) minX = result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]; if (maxX < result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]) maxX = result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]; if (minY > result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]) minY = result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]; if (maxY < result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]) maxY = result.params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]; } return new Rectangle2D.Float(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY); } /** * Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper * sequence). * * <p> * The returned list iterator is <a href="#fail-fast"><i>fail-fast</i></a>. * * @see java.util.List#listIterator() */ public ListIterator<PeakResult> listIterator() { return results.listIterator(); } /** * Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence. * * <p> * The returned iterator is <a href="#fail-fast"><i>fail-fast</i></a>. * * @see java.util.List#iterator() * @return an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence */ public Iterator<PeakResult> iterator() { return results.iterator(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see gdsc.utils.fitting.results.PeakResults#isActive() */ public boolean isActive() { return true; } /** * @param sortAfterEnd * True if the results should be sorted after the {@link #end()} method */ public void setSortAfterEnd(boolean sortAfterEnd) { this.sortAfterEnd = sortAfterEnd; } /** * @return True if the results should be sorted after the {@link #end()} method */ public boolean isSortAfterEnd() { return sortAfterEnd; } /** * Convert the size in bytes into a string * * @param memorySize * @return The memory size string */ public static String memorySizeString(long memorySize) { return memorySize < 10000 * 1024 ? memorySize / 1024L + "K" : memorySize / 1048576L + "MB"; } /** * Return an estimate of the memory size taken by PeakResult objects. * <p> * Note: This is just a guess based on measured sizes for the objects in memory. * * @param size * @param includeDeviations * @return The memory size */ public static long estimateMemorySize(List<PeakResult> results) { long memorySize = 0; if (results != null && results.size() > 0) { boolean includeDeviations = results.get(0).paramsStdDev != null; memorySize = MemoryPeakResults.estimateMemorySize(results.size(), includeDeviations); } return memorySize; } /** * Return an estimate of the memory size taken by PeakResult objects. * <p> * Note: This is just a guess based on measured sizes for the objects in memory. * * @param size * @param includeDeviations * @return The memory size */ public static long estimateMemorySize(int size, boolean includeDeviations) { if (byteSize == 0) { // Comment out to speed up the code //byteSize = (int) (measureSize(10000, false) / 10000); //byteSizeWithDeviations = (int) (measureSize(10000, true) / 10000); //System.out.printf("Size = %d, Size with deviations = %d", byteSize, byteSizeWithDeviations); // Check just in case the estimate is bad if (byteSize <= 0) byteSize = DEFAULT_SIZE; if (byteSizeWithDeviations <= 0) byteSizeWithDeviations = DEFAULT_SIZE_WITH_DEVIATIONS; } return size * ((includeDeviations) ? byteSize : byteSizeWithDeviations); } // The following code can be used to determine the memory size of an object. // Taken from: public static long measureSize(int size, boolean includeDeviations) { // Warm up all classes/methods we will use runGC(); usedMemory(); // Array to keep strong references to allocated objects final int count = 1000; Object[] objects = new Object[count]; long heap1 = 0; // Allocate count+1 objects, discard the first one for (int i = -1; i < count; ++i) { Object object = null; // Instantiate your data here and assign it to object object = new PeakResult(0, 1, 2, 3.0f, 4.0, 5.0f, new float[7], (includeDeviations) ? new float[7] : null); if (i >= 0) objects[i] = object; else { object = null; // Discard the warm up object runGC(); heap1 = usedMemory(); // Take a before heap snapshot } } runGC(); long heap2 = usedMemory(); // Take an after heap snapshot: long memorySize = Math.round(((double) (heap2 - heap1)) / count); //System.out.println("'before' heap: " + heap1 + ", 'after' heap: " + heap2); //System.out.println("heap delta: " + (heap2 - heap1) + ", {" + objects[0].getClass() + "} size = " + memorySize + // " bytes"); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) objects[i] = null; objects = null; runGC(); return memorySize * size; } /** * Run the garbage collector multiple times to free memory */ public static void runGC() { // It helps to call Runtime.gc() // using several method calls: for (int r = 0; r < 4; ++r) _runGC(); } private static void _runGC() { long usedMem1 = usedMemory(), usedMem2 = Long.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; (usedMem1 < usedMem2) && (i < 500); ++i) { runGCOnce(); Thread.currentThread(); Thread.yield(); usedMem2 = usedMem1; usedMem1 = usedMemory(); } } public static void runGCOnce() { s_runtime.runFinalization(); s_runtime.gc(); } public static long usedMemory() { return s_runtime.totalMemory() - s_runtime.freeMemory(); } public static long totalMemory() { return s_runtime.totalMemory(); } public static long freeMemory() { return s_runtime.freeMemory(); } /** * Shallow copy this set of results. To create new object references use {@link #copy()}. * * @see java.lang.Object#clone() */ @Override public MemoryPeakResults clone() { try { return (MemoryPeakResults) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // This should not happen so ignore } return null; } /** * Copy the results. Create new objects for the properties (avoiding a shallow copy) but does not * deep copy all of the peak results. Allows results to be resorted but not modified. */ public MemoryPeakResults copy() { MemoryPeakResults copy = clone(); if (copy != null) { // Deep copy the objects if (bounds != null) copy.bounds = new Rectangle(bounds); if (calibration != null) copy.calibration = calibration.clone(); if (results != null) copy.results = new ArrayList<PeakResult>(results); } return copy; } /** * @return True if empty */ public boolean isEmpty() { return results.isEmpty(); } /** * Convert to an array. * * @return the peak result array */ public PeakResult[] toArray() { return results.toArray(new PeakResult[size()]); } /** * Convert to an array reusing the space if provided. * * @param array * the array (can be null) * @return the peak result array */ public PeakResult[] toArray(PeakResult[] array) { if (array == null) return toArray(); return results.toArray(array); } /** * Gets the head position in the set of results. * * @return the head */ public PeakResult getHead() { if (isEmpty()) return null; return results.get(0); } /** * Gets the tail position in the set of results. * * @return the tail */ public PeakResult getTail() { if (isEmpty()) return null; return results.get(size() - 1); } /** * Checks if all results have a stored precision value. * * @return true, if all results have a stored precision value */ public boolean hasStoredPrecision() { for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { if (!results.get(i).hasPrecision()) return false; } return true; } /** * Checks for null results in the store. * * @return true, if null PeakResult object(s) exist */ public boolean hasNullResults() { for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { if (results.get(i) == null) return true; } return false; } /** * Removes the null results from the store. */ public void removeNullResults() { ArrayList<PeakResult> list = new ArrayList<PeakResult>(size()); // Use an iterator to take advantage of the fail-fast thread safety for (PeakResult e : results) { if (e != null) list.add(e); } this.results = list; } }