package gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins; import gdsc.core.utils.UnicodeReader; import gdsc.smlm.utils.XmlUtils; import gdsc.smlm.Version; import ij.IJ; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.macro.ExtensionDescriptor; import ij.macro.Functions; import ij.macro.MacroExtension; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * Contains help dialogs for the GDSC ImageJ plugins */ public class About implements PlugIn, MacroExtension { private static String TITLE = "GDSC SMLM ImageJ Plugins"; public static String HELP_URL = ""; private static String YEAR = "2016"; enum ConfigureOption { //@formatter:off INSTALL{ public String getName() { return "Install"; }}, REMOVE{ public String getName() { return "Remove"; }}, EDIT{ public String getName() { return "Edit & Install"; }}; //@formatter:on @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } /** * Gets the name. * * @return the name */ abstract public String getName(); } public void run(String arg) { SMLMUsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); if (arg.equals("about")) { showAbout(); return; } if (arg.equals("uninstall")) { showUnintallDialog(); return; } if (arg.equals("toolset")) { installResource("/macros/toolsets/SMLM Tools.txt", "macros", "toolsets" + File.separator + "SMLM Tools.txt", "SMLM toolset", "Select the toolset from the ImageJ 'More Tools' menu to load buttons on to the ImageJ menu bar.", ConfigureOption.INSTALL, ConfigureOption.REMOVE); return; } if (arg.equals("config")) { int result = installResource("/gdsc/smlm/plugins.config", "plugins", "smlm.config", "SMLM Tools Configuration", "The configuration file is used to specify which plugins to display on the SMLM Tools window. Creating a custom file will need to be repeated when the available plugins change.", ConfigureOption.INSTALL, ConfigureOption.EDIT, ConfigureOption.REMOVE); // If install/remove was successful then reload the GDSC SMLM Panel if it is showing. if (result != -1 && SMLMTools.isFrameVisible()) { SMLMTools.closeFrame(); new SMLMTools(); } return; } if (arg.equals("ext")) { setupExtensions(); return; } showAbout(); } public static void showUnintallDialog() { IJ.showMessage(TITLE, "To uninstall this plugin, move the SMLM jar out\n" + "of the plugins folder and restart ImageJ."); } public static void showAbout() { // Locate the README.txt file and load that into the dialog. Include revision Class<About> resourceClass = About.class; InputStream readmeStream = resourceClass.getResourceAsStream("/gdsc/smlm/README.txt"); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); String helpURL = HELP_URL; String version = Version.getVersion(); String buildDate = Version.getBuildDate(); BufferedReader input = null; try { // Read the contents of the README file input = new BufferedReader(new UnicodeReader(readmeStream, null)); String line; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains("http:")) { helpURL = line; } else { if (line.equals("")) line = " "; // Required to insert a line in the GenericDialog msg.append(line).append("\n"); } } } catch (IOException e) { // Default message msg.append("GDSC SMLM Plugins for ImageJ\n"); msg.append(" \n"); msg.append("Copyright (C) ").append(YEAR).append(" Alex Herbert\n"); msg.append("MRC Genome Damage and Stability Centre\n"); msg.append("University of Sussex, UK\n"); } finally { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } // Build final message msg = new StringBuilder(msg.toString().trim()); if (version != Version.UNKNOWN || buildDate != Version.UNKNOWN) msg.append("\n \n"); if (version != Version.UNKNOWN) msg.append("Version : ").append(version).append("\n"); if (buildDate != Version.UNKNOWN) msg.append("Build Date : ").append(buildDate).append("\n"); if (helpURL != null) msg.append("\n \n(Click help for more information)"); GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage(msg.toString()); gd.addHelp(helpURL); gd.hideCancelButton(); gd.showDialog(); } /** * @param resource * @param ijDirectory * @param destinationName * @param resourceTitle * @param notes * @param options * @return -1 on error, 0 if installed, 1 if removed */ private static int installResource(String resource, String ijDirectory, String destinationName, String resourceTitle, String notes, ConfigureOption... options) { Class<About> resourceClass = About.class; InputStream toolsetStream = resourceClass.getResourceAsStream(resource); if (toolsetStream == null) return -1; String dir = IJ.getDirectory(ijDirectory); if (dir == null) { IJ.error("Unable to locate " + ijDirectory + " directory"); return -1; } EnumSet<ConfigureOption> opt = EnumSet.of(options[0], options); GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); String filename = dir + destinationName; boolean fileExists = new File(filename).exists(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Configure resource '").append(resourceTitle).append("' at:\n \n").append(filename); if (notes != null) sb.append("\n \n").append(XmlUtils.lineWrap(notes, 80, 0, null)); gd.addMessage(sb.toString()); // Configure the options String[] choices = new String[3]; ConfigureOption[] optChoices = new ConfigureOption[choices.length]; int count = 0; if (opt.contains(ConfigureOption.INSTALL)) { choices[count] = ConfigureOption.INSTALL.toString(); if (fileExists) choices[count] += " (overwrite)"; optChoices[count] = ConfigureOption.INSTALL; count++; } if (opt.contains(ConfigureOption.EDIT)) { choices[count] = ConfigureOption.EDIT.toString(); if (fileExists) choices[count] += " (overwrite)"; optChoices[count] = ConfigureOption.EDIT; count++; } if (opt.contains(ConfigureOption.REMOVE) && fileExists) { choices[count] = ConfigureOption.REMOVE.toString(); optChoices[count] = ConfigureOption.REMOVE; count++; } if (count == 0) return -1; choices = Arrays.copyOf(choices, count); gd.addChoice("Option", choices, choices[0]); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return -1; ConfigureOption choice = optChoices[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()]; if (choice == ConfigureOption.REMOVE) { try { new File(filename).delete(); return 1; } catch (SecurityException e) { IJ.error("Unable to remove existing file"); } return -1; } // Read the file LinkedList<String> contents = new LinkedList<String>(); BufferedReader input = null; try { // Read input = new BufferedReader(new UnicodeReader(toolsetStream, null)); String line; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { contents.add(line); } } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("Unable to install " + resourceTitle + ".\n \n" + e.getMessage()); return -1; } finally { close(input); } if (choice == ConfigureOption.EDIT) { // Allow the user to edit the file contents gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Edit the file contents before install:"); sb.setLength(0); for (String line : contents) sb.append(line).append("\n"); gd.addTextAreas(sb.toString(), null, 20, 80); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasOKed()) { contents.clear(); String text = gd.getNextText(); for (String line : text.split("\n")) contents.add(line); } } // Install the file BufferedWriter output = null; try { // Write FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); for (String content : contents) { output.write(content); output.newLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { IJ.error("Unable to install " + resourceTitle + ".\n \n" + e.getMessage()); } finally { close(output); } return 0; } private static void close(BufferedReader input) { if (input != null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } private static void close(BufferedWriter output) { if (output != null) { try { output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } private void setupExtensions() { Functions.registerExtensions(this); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.macro.MacroExtension#handleExtension(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[]) */ public String handleExtension(String name, Object[] args) { if (name == null) return ""; if (name.equals("getNumberOfSpecies")) { return TraceDiffusion.getNumberOfSpecies(args); } if (name.equals("getD")) { return TraceDiffusion.getD(args); } if (name.equals("getF")) { return TraceDiffusion.getF(args); } if (name.equals("getSpecies")) { return TraceDiffusion.getSpecies(args); } return ""; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see ij.macro.MacroExtension#getExtensionFunctions() */ public ExtensionDescriptor[] getExtensionFunctions() { ArrayList<ExtensionDescriptor> list = new ArrayList<ExtensionDescriptor>(3); list.add(ExtensionDescriptor.newDescriptor("getNumberOfSpecies", this, MacroExtension.ARG_NUMBER + MacroExtension.ARG_OUTPUT)); list.add(ExtensionDescriptor.newDescriptor("getD", this, MacroExtension.ARG_NUMBER, MacroExtension.ARG_NUMBER + MacroExtension.ARG_OUTPUT)); list.add(ExtensionDescriptor.newDescriptor("getF", this, MacroExtension.ARG_NUMBER, MacroExtension.ARG_NUMBER + MacroExtension.ARG_OUTPUT)); list.add(ExtensionDescriptor.newDescriptor("getSpecies", this, MacroExtension.ARG_NUMBER, MacroExtension.ARG_NUMBER + MacroExtension.ARG_OUTPUT, MacroExtension.ARG_NUMBER + MacroExtension.ARG_OUTPUT)); return list.toArray(new ExtensionDescriptor[list.size()]); } }