package gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import gdsc.core.ij.Utils; import gdsc.core.utils.Statistics; import gdsc.core.utils.StoredDataStatistics; import gdsc.core.utils.TextUtils; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GDSC SMLM Software * * Copyright (C) 2014 Alex Herbert * Genome Damage and Stability Centre * University of Sussex, UK * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitConfiguration; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitFunction; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitSolver; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FitStatus; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.FunctionSolver; import gdsc.smlm.fitting.Gaussian2DFitter; import gdsc.smlm.function.gaussian.Gaussian2DFunction; import gdsc.smlm.ij.plugins.CreateData.BenchmarkParameters; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.GlobalSettings; import gdsc.smlm.ij.settings.SettingsManager; import gdsc.smlm.ij.utils.ImageConverter; import gdsc.smlm.results.Calibration; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.Prefs; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.plugin.WindowOrganiser; import ij.text.TextWindow; /** * Fits the benchmark image created by CreateData plugin. */ public class BenchmarkFit implements PlugIn { private static final String TITLE = "Benchmark Fit"; private static int regionSize = 3; private static double psfWidth = 1; private static double lastS = 0; private static boolean offsetFitting = true; private static double startOffset = 0.5; private static boolean comFitting = false; private static boolean backgroundFitting = true; private static boolean signalFitting = true; private static boolean showHistograms = false; private static boolean saveRawData = false; private static String rawDataDirectory = ""; private static int histogramBins = 100; private static TextWindow summaryTable = null, analysisTable = null; private static final String[] NAMES = new String[] { "dB (photons)", "dSignal (photons)", "dAngle (deg)", "dX (nm)", "dY (nm)", "dSx (nm)", "dSy (nm)", "Time (ms)", "dActualSignal (photons)", "dSax (nm)", "dSay (nm)" }; private static final int TIME = 7; private static final int ACTUAL_SIGNAL = 8; private static final int ADJUSTED_X_SD = 9; private static final int ADJUSTED_Y_SD = 10; private static boolean[] displayHistograms = new boolean[NAMES.length]; static { for (int i = 0; i < displayHistograms.length; i++) displayHistograms[i] = true; } private FitConfiguration fitConfig; private ImagePlus imp; private CreateData.BenchmarkParameters benchmarkParameters; private double[] answer = new double[7]; private Rectangle region = null; private AtomicInteger comValid = new AtomicInteger(); // Used to store all the results for cross-method comparison private double[][] results; private long[] resultsTime; public class BenchmarkResult { /** * The parameters used to create the data */ final BenchmarkParameters benchmarkParameters; /** * The actual parameters (with XY position adjusted for the region size) */ final double[] answer; /** * The string description of the parameters used to create and then fit the data */ final String parameters; /** * Results conversion factors */ final double[] convert; /** * The results of fitting the data. Results are only stored if fitting was successful. */ final double[][] results; /** * The time for fitting the data. */ final long[] resultsTime; public BenchmarkResult(BenchmarkParameters benchmarkParameters, double[] answer, String parameters, double[] convert, double[][] results, long[] resultsTime) { this.benchmarkParameters = benchmarkParameters; this.answer = answer; this.parameters = parameters; this.convert = convert; this.results = results; this.resultsTime = resultsTime; } } /** * Store all the results from fitting on the same benchmark dataset */ public static LinkedList<BenchmarkResult> benchmarkResults = new LinkedList<BenchmarkFit.BenchmarkResult>(); /** * Used to allow multi-threading of the fitting method */ private class Worker implements Runnable { volatile boolean finished = false; final BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs; final Statistics[] stats = new Statistics[NAMES.length]; final ImageStack stack; final Rectangle region; final double[][] xy; final FitConfiguration fitConfig; final double sa; double[] data = null; private double[] lb, ub = null; private double[] lc, uc = null; public Worker(BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs, ImageStack stack, Rectangle region, FitConfiguration fitConfig) { = jobs; this.stack = stack; this.region = region; this.fitConfig = fitConfig.clone(); this.xy = getStartPoints(); for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) stats[i] = (showHistograms || saveRawData) ? new StoredDataStatistics() : new Statistics(); sa = getSa(); createBounds(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { try { while (true) { Integer job = jobs.take(); if (job == null || job.intValue() < 0) break; if (!finished) // Only run if not finished to allow queue to be emptied run(job.intValue()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { finished = true; } } private void run(int frame) { if (Utils.isInterrupted()) { finished = true; return; } showProgress(); // Extract the data data = ImageConverter.getDoubleData(stack.getPixels(frame + 1), stack.getWidth(), stack.getHeight(), region, data); final int size = region.height; final int totalFrames = benchmarkParameters.frames; // Get the background and signal estimate final double b = (backgroundFitting) ? getBackground(data, size, size) : answer[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] + benchmarkParameters.bias; final double signal = (signalFitting) ? getSignal(data, b) //: benchmarkParameters.p[frame]; : answer[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]; // Find centre-of-mass estimate if (comFitting) { getCentreOfMass(data, size, size, xy[xy.length - 1]); double dx = xy[xy.length - 1][0] - answer[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION]; double dy = xy[xy.length - 1][1] - answer[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION]; if (dx * dx + dy * dy < startOffset * startOffset) comValid.incrementAndGet(); } double[] initialParams = new double[7]; initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = b; initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = signal; initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = psfWidth; // Subtract the bias final double bias = benchmarkParameters.bias; if (fitConfig.isRemoveBiasBeforeFitting()) { // MLE can handle negative data initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] -= bias; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] -= bias; } if (fitConfig.isApplyGainBeforeFitting()) { final double gain = 1.0 / fitConfig.getGain(); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) data[i] *= gain; // Update all the parameters affected by gain initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] *= gain; initialParams[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] *= gain; } double[][] bounds = null; double[][] result = new double[xy.length][]; long[] time = new long[xy.length]; int c = 0; int resultPosition = frame; for (double[] centre : xy) { long start = System.nanoTime(); // Do fitting final double[] params = initialParams.clone(); params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = centre[0]; params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = centre[1]; fitConfig.initialise(1, size, size, params); FunctionSolver solver = fitConfig.getFunctionSolver(); if (solver.isBounded()) bounds = setBounds(solver, initialParams, bounds); else if (solver.isConstrained()) setConstraints(solver); final FitStatus status =, null, params, null); if (isValid(status, params, size)) { // Subtract the fitted bias from the background if (!fitConfig.isRemoveBiasBeforeFitting()) params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] -= bias; if (fitConfig.isApplyGainBeforeFitting()) { final double gain = fitConfig.getGain(); // Update all the parameters affected by gain params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] *= gain; params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] *= gain; } result[c] = params; time[c] = System.nanoTime() - start; // Store all the results for later analysis results[resultPosition] = params; resultsTime[resultPosition] = time[c]; c++; } else { //System.out.println(status); } resultPosition += totalFrames; } addResults(stats, answer, benchmarkParameters.p[frame], sa, time, result, c); } /** * Set background using the average value of the edge in the data * * @param data * @param maxx * @param maxy * @return The background */ private double getBackground(double[] data, int maxx, int maxy) { return Gaussian2DFitter.getBackground(data, maxx, maxy, 1); } private double[][] setBounds(FunctionSolver solver, double[] params, double[][] bounds) { if (bounds == null) { double[] lower = null; double[] upper = null; // Check the bounds if (params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] < lb[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]) { lower = lb.clone(); lower[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] - Math.abs(lb[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] - params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]); if (fitConfig.isMaximumLikelihoodFitting() && lower[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] < 0) lower[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = 0; } if (params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] > ub[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]) { upper = ub.clone(); upper[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] + Math.abs(ub[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] - params[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND]); } if (params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] < lb[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]) { if (lower == null) lower = lb.clone(); lower[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] - Math.abs(lb[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] - params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]); if (fitConfig.isMaximumLikelihoodFitting() && lower[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] < 0) lower[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = 0; } if (params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] > ub[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]) { if (upper == null) upper = ub.clone(); upper[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] + Math.abs(ub[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] - params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]); } if (lower == null) lower = lb; if (upper == null) upper = ub; bounds = new double[][] { lower, upper }; } solver.setBounds(bounds[0], bounds[1]); return bounds; } private void createBounds() { if (ub == null) { ub = new double[7]; lb = new double[7]; // Background could be zero so always have an upper limit ub[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = Math.max(0, 2 * benchmarkParameters.getBackground() * benchmarkParameters.gain); if (!fitConfig.isRemoveBiasBeforeFitting()) { lb[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] += benchmarkParameters.bias; ub[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] += benchmarkParameters.bias; } double signal = benchmarkParameters.getSignal() * benchmarkParameters.gain; lb[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = signal * 0.5; ub[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = signal * 2; ub[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = 2 * regionSize + 1; ub[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = 2 * regionSize + 1; lb[Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE] = -Math.PI; ub[Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE] = Math.PI; double wf = 1.5; double s = benchmarkParameters.s / benchmarkParameters.a; lb[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = s / wf; ub[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = s * wf; lb[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = s / wf; ub[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = s * wf; if (fitConfig.isApplyGainBeforeFitting()) { final double gain = 1.0 / fitConfig.getGain(); // Update all the parameters affected by gain lb[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] *= gain; lb[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] *= gain; ub[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] *= gain; ub[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] *= gain; } } } private void setConstraints(FunctionSolver solver) { if (uc == null) { lc = new double[7]; uc = new double[7]; Arrays.fill(lc, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); Arrays.fill(uc, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY); lc[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = 0; lc[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = 0; } solver.setConstraints(lc, uc); } private boolean isValid(FitStatus status, double[] params, int size) { if (status != FitStatus.OK) { return false; } // Reject fits that are outside the bounds of the data if (params[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] < 0 || params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] < 0 || params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] < 0 || params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] > size || params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] > size) { return false; } // Q. Should we do width bounds checking? if (fitConfig.isWidth0Fitting()) { if (params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] < lb[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] || params[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] > ub[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD]) { return false; } } if (fitConfig.isWidth1Fitting()) { if (params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] < lb[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] || params[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] > ub[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]) { return false; } } return true; } } /** * Add the results to the statistics * * @param stats * @param answer * @param photons * @param sa * @param time * @param result * @param c * Count of the number of results */ private static void addResults(Statistics[] stats, double[] answer, double photons, double sa, long[] time, double[][] result, int c) { // Store the results from each run for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { addResult(stats, answer, photons, sa, result[i], time[i]); } } /** * Add the given results to the statistics * * @param stats * @param answer * @param photons * @param sa * @param result * @param time */ private static void addResult(Statistics[] stats, double[] answer, double photons, double sa, double[] result, long time) { for (int j = 0; j < result.length; j++) { stats[j].add(result[j] - answer[j]); } stats[7].add(time); stats[8].add(result[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] - photons); stats[9].add(result[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] - sa); stats[10].add(result[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] - sa); } public void run(String arg) { SMLMUsageTracker.recordPlugin(this.getClass(), arg); if ("analysis".equals(arg)) { if (benchmarkResults.isEmpty()) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No benchmark results in memory.\n \n" + TextUtils.wrap( "Run the Fit Benchmark Data plugin and results will be stored for comparison analysis.", 60)); return; } runAnalysis(); } else { if (CreateData.benchmarkParameters == null) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No benchmark parameters in memory.\n \n" + TextUtils.wrap( "Run the " + CreateData.TITLE + " plugin in benchmark mode with a fixed number of photons per localisation.", 60)); return; } benchmarkParameters = CreateData.benchmarkParameters; imp = CreateData.getImage(); if (imp == null || imp.getStackSize() != benchmarkParameters.frames) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No benchmark image to match the parameters in memory"); return; } if (!showDialog()) return; run(); } } private boolean showDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addHelp(About.HELP_URL); final double sa = getSa(); gd.addMessage( String.format("Fits the benchmark image created by CreateData plugin.\nPSF width = %s, adjusted = %s", Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.s / benchmarkParameters.a), Utils.rounded(sa))); // For each new benchmark width, reset the PSF width to the square pixel adjustment if (lastS != benchmarkParameters.s) { lastS = benchmarkParameters.s; psfWidth = sa; } final String filename = SettingsManager.getSettingsFilename(); GlobalSettings settings = SettingsManager.loadSettings(filename); fitConfig = settings.getFitEngineConfiguration().getFitConfiguration(); fitConfig.setNmPerPixel(benchmarkParameters.a); gd.addSlider("Region_size", 2, 20, regionSize); gd.addNumericField("PSF_width", psfWidth, 3); String[] solverNames = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) FitSolver.values()); gd.addChoice("Fit_solver", solverNames, solverNames[fitConfig.getFitSolver().ordinal()]); String[] functionNames = SettingsManager.getNames((Object[]) FitFunction.values()); gd.addChoice("Fit_function", functionNames, functionNames[fitConfig.getFitFunction().ordinal()]); gd.addCheckbox("Offset_fit", offsetFitting); gd.addNumericField("Start_offset", startOffset, 3); gd.addCheckbox("Include_CoM_fit", comFitting); gd.addCheckbox("Background_fitting", backgroundFitting); gd.addMessage("Signal fitting can be disabled for " + FitFunction.FIXED.toString() + " function"); gd.addCheckbox("Signal_fitting", signalFitting); gd.addCheckbox("Show_histograms", showHistograms); gd.addCheckbox("Save_raw_data", saveRawData); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; regionSize = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); psfWidth = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); fitConfig.setFitSolver(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); fitConfig.setFitFunction(gd.getNextChoiceIndex()); offsetFitting = gd.getNextBoolean(); startOffset = Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); comFitting = gd.getNextBoolean(); backgroundFitting = gd.getNextBoolean(); signalFitting = gd.getNextBoolean(); showHistograms = gd.getNextBoolean(); saveRawData = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (!comFitting && !offsetFitting) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No initial fitting positions"); return false; } if (regionSize < 1) regionSize = 1; if (gd.invalidNumber()) return false; // Initialise the correct calibration Calibration calibration = settings.getCalibration(); calibration.setNmPerPixel(benchmarkParameters.a); calibration.setGain(benchmarkParameters.gain); calibration.setAmplification(benchmarkParameters.amplification); calibration.setBias(benchmarkParameters.bias); calibration.setEmCCD(benchmarkParameters.emCCD); calibration.setReadNoise(benchmarkParameters.readNoise); calibration.setExposureTime(1000); if (!PeakFit.configureFitSolver(settings, filename, false)) return false; if (showHistograms) { gd = new GenericDialog(TITLE); gd.addMessage("Select the histograms to display"); gd.addNumericField("Histogram_bins", histogramBins, 0); double[] convert = getConversionFactors(); for (int i = 0; i < displayHistograms.length; i++) if (convert[i] != 0) gd.addCheckbox(NAMES[i].replace(' ', '_'), displayHistograms[i]); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; histogramBins = (int) Math.abs(gd.getNextNumber()); for (int i = 0; i < displayHistograms.length; i++) if (convert[i] != 0) displayHistograms[i] = gd.getNextBoolean(); } return true; } private double getSa() { final double sa = PSFCalculator.squarePixelAdjustment(benchmarkParameters.s, benchmarkParameters.a) / benchmarkParameters.a; return sa; } /** The total progress. */ int progress, stepProgress, totalProgress; /** * Show progress. */ private synchronized void showProgress() { if (progress % stepProgress == 0) { if (Utils.showStatus("Frame: " + progress + " / " + totalProgress)) IJ.showProgress(progress, totalProgress); } progress++; } private void run() { // Initialise the answer. Convert to units of the image (ADUs and pixels) answer[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = benchmarkParameters.getBackground() * benchmarkParameters.gain; answer[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = benchmarkParameters.getSignal() * benchmarkParameters.gain; answer[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = benchmarkParameters.x; answer[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = benchmarkParameters.y; answer[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = benchmarkParameters.s / benchmarkParameters.a; answer[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = benchmarkParameters.s / benchmarkParameters.a; // Set up the fit region. Always round down since 0.5 is the centre of the pixel. int x = (int) benchmarkParameters.x; int y = (int) benchmarkParameters.y; region = new Rectangle(x - regionSize, y - regionSize, 2 * regionSize + 1, 2 * regionSize + 1); if (!new Rectangle(0, 0, imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()).contains(region)) { // Check if it is incorrect by only 1 pixel if (region.width <= imp.getWidth() + 1 && region.height <= imp.getHeight() + 1) { Utils.log("Adjusting region %s to fit within image bounds (%dx%d)", region.toString(), imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); region = new Rectangle(0, 0, imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()); } else { IJ.error(TITLE, "Fit region does not fit within the image"); return; } } // Adjust the centre & account for 0.5 pixel offset during fitting x -= region.x; y -= region.y; answer[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] -= (region.x + 0.5); answer[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] -= (region.y + 0.5); // Configure for fitting fitConfig.setBackgroundFitting(backgroundFitting); fitConfig.setNotSignalFitting(!signalFitting); fitConfig.setComputeDeviations(false); final ImageStack stack = imp.getImageStack(); // Create a pool of workers int nThreads = Prefs.getThreads(); BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Integer>(nThreads * 2); List<Worker> workers = new LinkedList<Worker>(); List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++) { Worker worker = new Worker(jobs, stack, region, fitConfig); Thread t = new Thread(worker); workers.add(worker); threads.add(t); t.start(); } final int totalFrames = benchmarkParameters.frames; // Store all the fitting results results = new double[totalFrames * getNumberOfStartPoints()][]; resultsTime = new long[results.length]; // Fit the frames totalProgress = totalFrames; stepProgress = Utils.getProgressInterval(totalProgress); progress = 0; for (int i = 0; i < totalFrames; i++) { // Only fit if there were simulated photons if (benchmarkParameters.p[i] > 0) { put(jobs, i); } } // Finish all the worker threads by passing in a null job for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { put(jobs, -1); } // Wait for all to finish for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { try { threads.get(i).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } threads.clear(); if (comFitting) Utils.log(TITLE + ": CoM within start offset = %d / %d (%s%%)", comValid.intValue(), totalFrames, Utils.rounded((100.0 * comValid.intValue()) / totalFrames)); IJ.showProgress(1); IJ.showStatus("Collecting results ..."); // Collect the results Statistics[] stats = new Statistics[NAMES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < workers.size(); i++) { Statistics[] next = workers.get(i).stats; for (int j = 0; j < next.length; j++) { if (stats[j] == null) stats[j] = next[j]; else stats[j].add(next[j]); } } workers.clear(); // Show a table of the results summariseResults(stats); // Optionally show histograms if (showHistograms) { IJ.showStatus("Calculating histograms ..."); int[] idList = new int[NAMES.length]; int count = 0; double[] convert = getConversionFactors(); boolean requireRetile = false; for (int i = 0; i < NAMES.length; i++) { if (displayHistograms[i] && convert[i] != 0) { // We will have to convert the values... double[] tmp = ((StoredDataStatistics) stats[i]).getValues(); for (int j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++) tmp[j] *= convert[i]; StoredDataStatistics tmpStats = new StoredDataStatistics(tmp); idList[count++] = Utils.showHistogram(TITLE, tmpStats, NAMES[i], 0, 0, histogramBins, String.format("%s +/- %s", Utils.rounded(tmpStats.getMean()), Utils.rounded(tmpStats.getStandardDeviation()))); requireRetile = requireRetile || Utils.isNewWindow(); } } if (count > 0 && requireRetile) { idList = Arrays.copyOf(idList, count); new WindowOrganiser().tileWindows(idList); } } if (saveRawData) { String dir = Utils.getDirectory("Data_directory", rawDataDirectory); if (dir != null) saveData(stats, dir); } IJ.showStatus(""); } private void saveData(Statistics[] stats, String dir) { rawDataDirectory = dir; for (int i = 0; i < NAMES.length; i++) { saveStatistics((StoredDataStatistics) stats[i], NAMES[i]); } } private void saveStatistics(StoredDataStatistics stats, String title) { String filename = rawDataDirectory + title.replace(" ", "_") + ".txt"; BufferedWriter out = null; try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename); out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8")); //out.write(title); //out.newLine(); double[] data = stats.getValues(); Arrays.sort(data); for (double d : data) { //out.write(Utils.rounded(d, 4)); // rounded out.write(Double.toString(d)); out.newLine(); } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { if (out != null) { try { out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } private void put(BlockingQueue<Integer> jobs, int i) { try { jobs.put(i); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected interruption", e); } } /** * @return The starting points for the fitting */ private double[][] getStartPoints() { double[][] xy = new double[getNumberOfStartPoints()][]; int ii = 0; if (offsetFitting) { if (startOffset == 0) { xy[ii++] = new double[] { answer[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION], answer[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] }; } else { // Fit using region surrounding the point. Use -1,-1 : -1:1 : 1,-1 : 1,1 directions at // startOffset pixels total distance final double distance = Math.sqrt(startOffset * startOffset * 0.5); for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x += 2) for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y += 2) { xy[ii++] = new double[] { answer[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] + x * distance, answer[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] + y * distance }; } } } // Add space for centre-of-mass at the end of the array if (comFitting) xy[ii++] = new double[2]; return xy; } private int getNumberOfStartPoints() { int n = (offsetFitting) ? 1 : 0; if (startOffset > 0) n *= 4; return (comFitting) ? n + 1 : n; } /** * Sum the intensity above background to estimate the signal * * @param data * @param b * background * @return The signal */ public static double getSignal(double[] data, double b) { double s = 0; for (double d : data) s += d; // Subtract the background per pixel and ensure at least 1 photon in the signal return Math.max(1, s - b * data.length); } /** * Get the centre of mass of the data * * @param data * @param maxx * @param maxy * @param com * The centre-of-mass */ public static void getCentreOfMass(double[] data, int maxx, int maxy, double[] com) { com[0] = com[1] = 0; double sum = 0; for (int y = 0, index = 0; y < maxy; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < maxx; x++, index++) { final double value = data[index]; sum += value; com[0] += x * value; com[1] += y * value; } } for (int i = 2; i-- > 0;) { com[i] /= sum; } } private void summariseResults(Statistics[] stats) { createTable(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Create the benchmark settings and the fitting settings sb.append(benchmarkParameters.getMolecules()).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.getSignal())).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.s)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.a)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(getSa() * benchmarkParameters.a)).append("\t"); // Report XY in nm from the pixel centre sb.append(Utils.rounded(distanceFromCentre(benchmarkParameters.x))).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(distanceFromCentre(benchmarkParameters.y))).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.a * benchmarkParameters.z)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.gain)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.readNoise)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.getBackground())).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.b2)).append("\t"); // Compute the noise double noise = benchmarkParameters.b2; if (benchmarkParameters.emCCD) { // The b2 parameter was computed without application of the EM-CCD noise factor of 2. //final double b2 = backgroundVariance + readVariance // = benchmarkParameters.getBackground() + readVariance // This should be applied only to the background variance. final double readVariance = noise - benchmarkParameters.getBackground(); noise = benchmarkParameters.getBackground() * 2 + readVariance; } sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.getSignal() / Math.sqrt(noise))).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.precisionN)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.precisionX)).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(benchmarkParameters.precisionXML)).append("\t"); sb.append(region.width).append("x"); sb.append(region.height).append("\t"); sb.append(Utils.rounded(psfWidth * benchmarkParameters.a)).append("\t"); sb.append(fitConfig.getFitFunction().toString()); if (fitConfig.getFitFunction() == FitFunction.FIXED) { // Only fixed fitting can ignore the signal if (!signalFitting) sb.append("NS"); } if (!backgroundFitting) sb.append("NB"); sb.append(":").append(PeakFit.getSolverName(fitConfig)); if (fitConfig.getFitSolver() == FitSolver.MLE && fitConfig.isModelCamera()) { sb.append(":Camera\t"); // Add details of the noise model for the MLE sb.append("EM=").append(fitConfig.isEmCCD()); sb.append(":G=").append(fitConfig.getGain()); sb.append(":N=").append(fitConfig.getReadNoise()); } else sb.append("\t"); // Convert to units of the image (ADUs and pixels) double[] convert = getConversionFactors(); // Store the results for fitting on this benchmark dataset BenchmarkResult benchmarkResult = new BenchmarkResult(benchmarkParameters, answer, sb.toString(), convert, this.results, this.resultsTime); if (!benchmarkResults.isEmpty()) { // Clear the results if the benchmark has changed if (benchmarkResults.getFirst() != benchmarkResults.clear(); } benchmarkResults.add(benchmarkResult); // Now output the actual results ... sb.append("\t"); final double recall = (stats[0].getN() / (double) getNumberOfStartPoints()) / benchmarkParameters.getMolecules(); sb.append(Utils.rounded(recall)); for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { if (convert[i] != 0) sb.append("\t").append(Utils.rounded(stats[i].getMean() * convert[i], 6)).append("\t") .append(Utils.rounded(stats[i].getStandardDeviation() * convert[i])); else sb.append("\t0\t0"); } summaryTable.append(sb.toString()); } /** * Get the factors to convert the ADUs/pixel units in the statistics array into calibrated photons and nm units. Set * the conversion to zero if the function does not fit the specified statistic. * * @return The conversion factors */ private double[] getConversionFactors() { final double[] convert = new double[NAMES.length]; convert[Gaussian2DFunction.BACKGROUND] = (fitConfig.isBackgroundFitting()) ? 1 / benchmarkParameters.gain : 0; convert[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL] = (fitConfig.isNotSignalFitting() && fitConfig.getFitFunction() == FitFunction.FIXED) ? 0 : 1 / benchmarkParameters.gain; convert[Gaussian2DFunction.SHAPE] = (fitConfig.isAngleFitting()) ? 180.0 / Math.PI : 0; convert[Gaussian2DFunction.X_POSITION] = benchmarkParameters.a; convert[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_POSITION] = benchmarkParameters.a; convert[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD] = (fitConfig.isWidth0Fitting()) ? benchmarkParameters.a : 0; convert[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD] = (fitConfig.isWidth1Fitting()) ? benchmarkParameters.a : 0; convert[TIME] = 1e-6; convert[ACTUAL_SIGNAL] = convert[Gaussian2DFunction.SIGNAL]; convert[ADJUSTED_X_SD] = convert[Gaussian2DFunction.X_SD]; convert[ADJUSTED_Y_SD] = convert[Gaussian2DFunction.Y_SD]; return convert; } private double distanceFromCentre(double x) { x -= 0.5; final int i = (int) Math.round(x); x = x - i; return x * benchmarkParameters.a; } private void createTable() { if (summaryTable == null || !summaryTable.isVisible()) { summaryTable = new TextWindow(TITLE, createHeader(false), "", 1000, 300); summaryTable.setVisible(true); } } private void createAnalysisTable() { if (analysisTable == null || !analysisTable.isVisible()) { analysisTable = new TextWindow(TITLE + " Combined Analysis", createHeader(true), "", 1000, 300); analysisTable.setVisible(true); } } private String createHeader(boolean extraRecall) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(createParameterHeader() + "\tRecall"); if (extraRecall) sb.append("\tOrigRecall"); for (int i = 0; i < NAMES.length; i++) { sb.append("\t").append(NAMES[i]).append("\t+/-"); } return sb.toString(); } private String createParameterHeader() { return "Molecules\tN\ts (nm)\ta (nm)\tsa (nm)\tX (nm)\tY (nm)\tZ (nm)\tGain\tReadNoise (ADUs)\tB (photons)\tb2 (photons)\tSNR\tLimit N\tLimit X\tLimit X ML\tRegion\tWidth\tMethod\tOptions"; } private void runAnalysis() { benchmarkParameters = benchmarkResults.getFirst().benchmarkParameters; final double sa = getSa(); // The fitting could have used centre-of-mass or not making the number of points different. // Find the shortest array (this will be the one where the centre-of-mass was not used) int length = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (BenchmarkResult benchmarkResult : benchmarkResults) if (length > benchmarkResult.results.length) length = benchmarkResult.results.length; // Build a list of all the frames which have results int[] valid = new int[length]; int j = 0; int[] count = new int[benchmarkResults.size()]; for (BenchmarkResult benchmarkResult : benchmarkResults) { int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < valid.length; i++) if (benchmarkResult.results[i] != null) { c++; valid[i]++; } count[j++] = c; } final int target = benchmarkResults.size(); // Check that we have data if (!validData(valid, target)) { IJ.error(TITLE, "No frames have fitting results from all methods"); return; } // Get the number of start points valid for all the results final int totalFrames = benchmarkParameters.frames; final double numberOfStartPoints = (double) (length / totalFrames); createAnalysisTable(); // Create the results using only frames where all the fitting methods were successful j = 0; for (BenchmarkResult benchmarkResult : benchmarkResults) { final double[] answer = benchmarkResult.answer; Statistics[] stats = new Statistics[NAMES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) stats[i] = new Statistics(); for (int i = 0; i < valid.length; i++) { if (valid[i] < target) continue; addResult(stats, answer, benchmarkParameters.p[i % totalFrames], sa, benchmarkResult.results[i], benchmarkResult.resultsTime[i]); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(benchmarkResult.parameters); // Now output the actual results ... sb.append("\t"); final double recall = (stats[0].getN() / numberOfStartPoints) / benchmarkParameters.getMolecules(); sb.append(Utils.rounded(recall)); // Add the original recall sb.append("\t"); final double recall2 = (count[j++] / numberOfStartPoints) / benchmarkParameters.getMolecules(); sb.append(Utils.rounded(recall2)); // Convert to units of the image (ADUs and pixels) final double[] convert = benchmarkResult.convert; for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { if (convert[i] != 0) sb.append("\t").append(Utils.rounded(stats[i].getMean() * convert[i], 6)).append("\t") .append(Utils.rounded(stats[i].getStandardDeviation() * convert[i])); else sb.append("\t0\t0"); } analysisTable.append(sb.toString()); } } private boolean validData(int[] valid, int target) { for (int i = 0; i < valid.length; i++) if (valid[i] == target) return true; return false; } }