package references; import java.util.List;import java.util.Collection; @SuppressWarnings("all") class MethodCall extends Parent { void target() { } void method() { target(); foo(); } } class Parent { void foo() { } } //Overloading in class hierarchy class C1 { void fun(String a) { } } class C2 extends C1 { void fun(Object a) { } void method() { fun(""); } } //Overloading between class and interface interface I1 { void bar(String s); } class D1 { void bar(Object j){} } abstract class D2 extends D1 implements I1 { void method(){ bar(""); } } abstract class D3 implements I1 {} interface I2 { void bar(int i); } abstract class D4 extends D3 implements I2{ void method(){ bar(""); } } class D5 extends D1 { void bar(Object j){} } class D6 extends D5 { void method(){ bar(""); } } interface I3 extends I1 {} class D7 implements I3 { void method(){ bar(""); } } //default methods class ADefault { public void defaultMethod() {} } interface IDefault { default void defaultMethod(){ } } class CDefault extends ADefault implements IDefault { void fun(){ defaultMethod(); } } class Outer { void func() { } class Inner { void a() { func(); // this is not resolved properly } } } class NumericalPromotion{ void num(long l){ num(1+2); } } class VariableArity { void varargs(int a, String... s){} void bar() { varargs(1, ""); varargs(1, "", ""); varargs(1, new String[] {""}); varargs(1); varargs(); } void varargs(String... s); } class Autoboxing { void fun1(Integer i){} void fun2(Object i){} void fun3(int i){} void fun4(Boolean b){} void fun5(char c, Object... o){} void bar(){ fun1(1); fun2(1); fun3(new Integer(2)); fun4(true); fun5('c', 1, 2l, 3.0f); } } class GenericErasure<T extends CharSequence> { void fun(T charseq) { fun(""); T var; fun(var); } } class OverloadingAutoboxing { abstract void process(int i); abstract void process(Integer i); void overloading(int int1, Integer integer1) { process(int1); process(integer1); } abstract void process2(Integer i); abstract void process2(int i); void overloading2(int int1, Integer integer1) { process2(int1); process2(integer1); } abstract void process3(int i); abstract void process3(Object o); void overloading3(int int1, Integer integer1) { process3(int1); process3(integer1); } } class VarargsMostSpecific { void varargs(String first, String second, Object... objects) { } void varargs(String... strings) { } void varargs_usage() { varargs("", "", new Object()); varargs("", "", ""); } void varargs2(Object... objects) { } void varargs2(String string, String... strings) { } void varargs_usage_2() { varargs2("", "", new Object()); varargs2("", "", ""); } } class GenericClass { class NestedGenericClass<T> { private NestedGenericClass(T argument) { } private void genericMethod(T argument) { } } class ComplexNestedGenericClass<T extends java.util.Collection<Object>> { private ComplexNestedGenericClass(T argument) { } private void complexGenericMethod(T argument) { } } class U extends java.util.ArrayList<Object> { } public void test() { NestedGenericClass<List<Object>> nestedGenericClass = new NestedGenericClass<List<Object>>(new java.util.ArrayList<Object>()); nestedGenericClass.genericMethod(new java.util.LinkedList<Object>()); ComplexNestedGenericClass<List<Object>> complexNestedGenericClass = new ComplexNestedGenericClass<List<Object>>(new java.util.ArrayList<Object>()); complexNestedGenericClass.complexGenericMethod(new java.util.LinkedList<Object>()); ComplexNestedGenericClass v1 = new ComplexNestedGenericClass(new java.util.ArrayList<Object>()); ComplexNestedGenericClass<U> v2 = new ComplexNestedGenericClass<U>(new U()); ComplexNestedGenericClass<? extends List<Object>> v3 = new ComplexNestedGenericClass<List<Object>>(new java.util.ArrayList<Object>()); } } class VarArgsNotInvoked { void varargs3(String s, Object... o){} void varargs3(String s){} void varargs4(Object... o){} void varargs4(){} void test() { varargs3(""); varargs4(); } } class MyVarArgs { void varargs5(Object o) {} void varargs6(String s, Object... o) {} } class MyVarArgsTest extends MyVarArgs { void varargs5(String s, Object... o) {} void varargs6(Object o) {} void test() { varargs5(null); varargs5(""); varargs6(null); varargs6(""); } } class HidingOfStaticMethod { static class A<T> { static <E> void of(E e1, E e2) { } static void by(Object o1, Object o2) { } } static class B<T> extends A<T> { static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> void of(E e1, E e2) { } static void by(Object o1, Object o2) { } void tstFromB() {"hello", "world"); // call to, as is hidden B.of("hello", "world"); // explicit call to B.of() B.of(new C(), new C()); // call to inherited method A.of() through B } } static class C {} void tstFromOutsideHierarchy() {"hello", "world"); // explicit call to A.of()"hello", "world"); // explicit call to B.of() A.of("hello", "world"); // explicit call to A.of() B.of("hello", "world"); // explicit call to B.of() B.of(new C(), new C()); // call to inherited method A.of() through B } } class ParametrizedCall { <T extends B> void foo() {} void tst() { foo(); this.<C>foo(); } static class B {} static class C extends B {} } class variadicGenericMethods { class S<T> { } static <T> S<T> to(T... values) {return null;} static <T> S<T> to(T t) {return null;} void fun() { String[] strings = new String[12]; String string = ""; to(string); to(strings); from(string); from(strings); } static <T> S<T> from(T t) {return null;} static <T> S<T> from(T... values) {return null;} } public static final class Builder<B> { public <T extends B> Builder<B> putAll() { Class<? extends T> type; T value; cast(type, value); return this; } private static <B, T extends B> T cast(Class<T> type, B value) { return null; } } class Predicate<S> { public static <T> Predicate<T> in(Collection<? extends T> inParam) { return null; } } class Maps<V> { private boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super V> valuePredicate) { return true; } public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> collection) { return removeIf(; } } class MostSpecificArgType { class Parent<A> {} class Child<B> extends Parent<B> {} private <K> void myMethod(Parent<K> c){} private <T> void myMethod(Child<T> c){} void plop() { myMethod(new Child<String>()); } } class OUTER { class A { void bar() { B<Integer> b = new B<>();; } private Integer add(Integer a, Integer b) { return a + b; } } class B<U> { void foo(java.util.function.BinaryOperator<U> op) { } } }