class A { void foo() { int i,j,k,l = 0; A a = new A(); for (i = 0; i< 10; j++) { // Noncompliant [[sc=5;ec=8]] {{This loop's stop condition tests "i" but the incrementer updates "j".}} } for (i = 0; i< 10; i++) { // Compliant } for (i = 0; k< 10 && l<10 ; l++) { // Compliant condition is using one of the incrementer } for (i = 0; k< 10 && l<10 ; i++, j++, l++) { // Compliant } for (i = 0; k< 10 ; i++, j++, l++) { // Noncompliant {{This loop's stop condition tests "k" but the incrementer updates "i, j, l".}} } for (i = 0; k< 10 && l<10; i++, j++) { // Noncompliant {{This loop's stop condition tests "k, l" but the incrementer updates "i, j".}} } for (i = 0; k< 10; i+= 2) { // Noncompliant {{This loop's stop condition tests "k" but the incrementer updates "i".}} } for (i = 0; i< 10; i+= 2) { // Compliant } for (i = 0; i< 10; a.myField+= 2) { // Noncompliant {{This loop's stop condition tests "i" but the incrementer updates "myField".}} } for (i = 0; i< 10; a.myField++) { // Noncompliant {{This loop's stop condition tests "i" but the incrementer updates "myField".}} } for(i = 0; i<10; foo()){} for (; !; l++) {} // Noncompliant {{This loop's stop condition tests "a" but the incrementer updates "l".}} for (; foo(); l++) {} // Noncompliant {{This loop's stop condition tests "foo()" but the incrementer updates "l".}} // bar is unknown for (; bar(); l++) {} // Noncompliant {{This loop's stop condition tests "bar" but the incrementer updates "l".}} for (; ( !=null; h = p) {} // Compliant for (; new A().foo(); l++) {} // Noncompliant {{This loop's stop condition tests "foo()" but the incrementer updates "l".}} for (Enumeration serverIds = db.serverTable.keys(); serverIds.hasMoreElements();){} // Compliant for (ExecutionState current = state; !current.equals(this); current = current.parentState) {} // Compliant for (Integer integer = 0; integer.longValue() < 100L ; integer += 1) {} // Compliant for (int i = 2; ; i++) { // Compliant if (someCondition(i)) { return something; } } } int myField; class ExecutionState { ExecutionState parentState; } }