import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import; import; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; public class A { private final static int MAX_LOOP = 42; public void fairHandling() { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); try {; } finally { stream.close(); } } public void wrongHandling() { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Noncompliant [[flows=wrongHandling]] {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} flow@wrongHandling {{FileInputStream is never closed}}; } public void toleratedHandling() { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); stream.write('c'); } public void extendedIgnoredType() { FastByteArrayOutputStream stream = new FastByteArrayOutputStream(); // Compliant stream.write('c'); } private static class FastByteArrayOutputStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream { } public void whileLoopHandling() { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Noncompliant [[flows=while]] {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} flow@while {{FileInputStream is never closed}} while(needsMore()) { stream = new FileInputStream("myFile");; stream.close(); } return; } public void wrongLoopHandling() { int i = 0; FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("WhileFile"); // Noncompliant [[flows=loop1]] {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} flow@loop1 {{FileInputStream is never closed}} while(needsMore()) { i += 1; stream = new FileInputStream("WhileFile"+i); // Noncompliant [[flows=loop2]] {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} flow@loop2 {{FileInputStream is never closed}} } stream.close(); } public void correctHandling() { try (FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile");) {; } } public void russianDollsVariable() { InputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(stream); in.close(); } public void russianDolls() { BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("myFile")); in.close(); } public void openedRussianDolls() { BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("myFile")); // Noncompliant [[flows=dolls]] {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} flow@dolls {{FileInputStream is never closed}}; } public void overwrite() { InputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Noncompliant [[flows=overwrite]] {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} flow@overwrite {{FileInputStream is never closed}} stream = new FileInputStream("otherFile"); stream.close(); } public Closeable getStream() { InputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); return stream; } public Closeable getStreamDirect(String myFile) { return new FileInputStream(myFile); } public void creationWithinIFs(boolean test) { Reader reader3 = new FileReader(""); // Noncompliant [[flows=creation1]] {{Close this "FileReader".}} flow@creation1 {{FileReader is never closed}} if (test) { reader3 = new FileReader(""); // Noncompliant [[flows=creation2]] {{Close this "FileReader".}} flow@creation2 {{FileReader is never closed}} } else { reader3 = new FileReader(""); // Noncompliant [[flows=creation3]] {{Close this "FileReader".}} flow@creation3 {{FileReader is never closed}} } } public void closeWithinIFs(boolean test) { Reader reader = new FileReader(""); // Noncompliant [[flows=ifs]] {{Close this "FileReader".}} flow@ifs {{FileReader is never closed}} if (test) { reader.close(); } } public void conditionalCreation(boolean test) { BufferedWriter bw; if (test) { bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("")); // Noncompliant [[flows=cc1]] {{Close this "FileWriter".}} flow@cc1 {{FileWriter is never closed}} } else { bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(""));// Noncompliant [[flows=cc2]] {{Close this "FileWriter".}} flow@cc2 {{FileWriter is never closed}} } return; } public void conditionalClose(boolean test) { FileInputStream fis; // Not closed in else branch if (test) { fis = new FileInputStream(""); fis.close(); } else { fis = new FileInputStream(""); // Noncompliant [[flows=conClose]] {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} flow@conClose {{FileInputStream is never closed}} } } public void arrayOfStreams() { InputStream[] streams = new InputStream[2]; streams[0] = new FileInputStream("MyFile"); streams[0].close(); } public void closePrimary(String fileName) throws IOException { InputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(fileName); // Noncompliant {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} BufferedInputStream bufferIn = new BufferedInputStream(fileIn); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(bufferIn, "UTF-16");; // can fail fileIn.close(); } public void closeSecondary(String fileName) throws IOException { InputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(fileName); // Noncompliant {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} BufferedInputStream bufferIn = new BufferedInputStream(fileIn); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(bufferIn, "UTF-16");; // can fail bufferIn.close(); } public void closeTertiary(String fileName) throws IOException { InputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(fileName); // Noncompliant {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} BufferedInputStream bufferIn = new BufferedInputStream(fileIn); Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(bufferIn, "UTF-16");; // can fail reader.close(); } public void forLoopHandling(int maxLoop) { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Noncompliant [[flows=for]] {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} flow@for {{FileInputStream is never closed}} for(int i = 0; i < maxLoop; i++) { stream = new FileInputStream("myFile");; // can fail stream.close(); } return; } public void forEachLoopHandling(List<Object> objects) { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Noncompliant [[flows=for2]] {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} flow@for2 {{FileInputStream is never closed}} for(Object object : objects) { stream = new FileInputStream("myFile");; stream.close(); } return; } public void methodDispatch(List<Object> objects) { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Compliant since can be closed in method call dispatch(stream); } public InputStream methodReturned(List<Object> objects) { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Compliant since resource is returned (and can be closed elsewhere) return stream; } public int delegateCreatedStream(String fileName) { return process(new JarFile(fileName)); // Compliant since JAR file could be closed in method process } private InputStream instantiatedStream; public void initializeStreamToField(String fileName) { instantiatedStream = new FileInputStream(fileName); // Compliant since instantiatedStream can be closed elsewhere } public void wrappedAccess(InputStream stream) { Reader reader = InputStreamReader(stream); // Compliant since stream can be closed elsewhere, and thus reader; } public String readUTF() throws IOException { return new DataInputStream(instantiatedStream).readUTF(); // Compliant since instantiatedStream can be closed elsewhere } public void readDelegate(Delegate delegate) { Reader reader = InputStreamReader(; // Compliant since obtained stream can be closed elsewhere, and thus reader; } private Delegate response; protected void writeEventStream(Payload payload) throws IOException { PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(response.outputStream()); try (Stream<?> stream = (Stream<?>) payload.rawContent()) { stream.forEach(item -> { String jsonOrPlainString = (item instanceof String) ? (String) item : TypeConvert.toJson(item); printStream .append("data: ") .append(jsonOrPlainString.replaceAll("[\n]", "\ndata: ")) .append("\n\n") .flush(); }); } } public void correctHandlingOfJarFile(String fileName) { JarFile jar = null; try { jar = new JarFile(fileName); jar.entries(); } finally { closeJar(jar); } } public void getDirectivesFromFile(File aFile) { BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(aFile)); // Noncompliant {{Close this "FileReader".}}; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } } public InputStream getStreamAsNewInstanceArgument(@Nonnull String obj) throws IOException { String key = getKey(Obj); try { lock(); Path path = getCacheCopy(key); if (path == null) { return ull; } return new DeleteFileOnCloseInputStream(new FileInputStream(path.toFile()), path); } finally { unlock(); } } public void checkPath(String fileName) throws IOException { new FileInputStream(fileName).close(); // Compliant, but unlikely; check correct retrieval of value passed to method invocation. } public void justToBeAbleToUseVerify() { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Noncompliant {{Close this "FileInputStream".}}; return; } public void forLoopHandling(int maxLoop) { Reader reader = null; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOOP; i++) { reader = new FileReader(""); // Noncompliant {{Close this "FileReader".}} } reader.close(); } public void forEachLoopHandling(List<Object> objects) { Writer writer = null; for (Object object : objects) { writer = new FileWriter(""); // Noncompliant {{Close this "FileWriter".}} } writer.close(); } public void methodDispatch(List<Object> objects) { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Compliant since can be closed in method call dispatch(stream); } public InputStream methodReturned(List<Object> objects) { FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream("myFile"); // Compliant since resource is returned (and can be closed elsewhere) return stream; } public void doWhile() { j = 0; FileInputStream fis = null; do { fis = new FileInputStream(""); // Noncompliant {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} j++; } while (j < MAX_LOOP); fis.close(); } void whileLoopWithCounter() { int j = 0; InputStream is = null; while (j < MAX_LOOP) { is = new FileInputStream(""); // Noncompliant {{Close this "FileInputStream".}} j++; } is.close(); } void switchMultipleOpen() { Writer w7; switch (enumValue) { case A: w7 = new FileWriter(""); break; default: w7 = new FileWriter(""); } w7.close(); } void russianDollInTryHeader() { try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("")) { // Compliant - JLS8 - 14.20.3 : try-with-resources fw.write("hello"); } catch (Exception e) { // ... } } void foo() { try { file = new; try { // do something with the file... } finally { file.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Handle exception } } public void useFileSystem() { final FileSystem defSystem = FileSystems.getDefault(); // Compliant - default file system cannot be closed defSystem.getRootDirectories(); } public void methodNamedClose() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("/tmp/foo"); // Compliant - used as parameter of close method try { } finally { close(is); } } public void unknownMethodNamedClose() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("/tmp/foo"); // Compliant - used as parameter of close method try { } finally { Foo.close(is); } } public void methodNamedCloseQuietly() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("/tmp/foo"); // Compliant - used as parameter of closeQuietly method try { } finally { closeQuietly(new FileInputStream("/tmp/foo"), is); } } public void unknownMethodCloseQuietly() throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("/tmp/foo"); // Compliant - used as parameter of closeQuietly method try { } finally { Foo.closeQuietly(is); } } private static void closeQuietly(FileInputStream ... streams) { // supposedly close the input streams } private static void close(FileInputStream fis) { // supposedly close the input stream } void activateDeferredProfile(File file) throws Exception { FileInputStream fis1, fis2; if ((fis1 = new FileInputStream(file)) == null) { // Compliant - fis is closed... throw new Exception(); } fis1.close(); // close the file if ((fis2 = new FileInputStream(file)) == null) { // compliant, fis2 is closed, no exceptions in between open and close throw new Exception(); } try { fis2.close(); // try to close the file } catch (IOException e) { // fis2 is not closed throw new Exception(); } } }