package foo; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; class Utilities { private static String magicWord = "magic"; private static String string = magicWord; // coverage private String otherWord = "other"; public Utilities() { } private void registerPrimitives(final boolean type) { register(Boolean.TYPE, new Toto()); } private void register(final Class<?> clazz, final Object converter) { otherWord = ""; } private String getMagicWord() { // Noncompliant [[sc=18;ec=30]] {{Make "getMagicWord" a "static" method.}} return magicWord; } private static String getMagicWordOK() { return magicWord; } private void setMagicWord(String value) { // Noncompliant {{Make "setMagicWord" a "static" method.}} magicWord = value; } private static void setMagicWordOK(String value) { magicWord = value; } private String getClassName() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } private void checkClassLoader() throws IllegalArgumentException { if (getClass().getClassLoader() != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("invalid address type"); } } private String getOtherWord() { return otherWord; } private int getOtherWordLength() { return otherWord.length(); } private String getOtherWord2() { return this.otherWord; } private String getOtherWord3() { return super.toString(); } private void setOtherWord(String value) { otherWord = value; // coverage otherWord = value; } private int useOnlyArguments(int a, int b) { // Noncompliant return a + b; } private String methodOnlyOnArgument(Object obj) { // Noncompliant return (obj == null ? null : obj.toString()); } private String attributeOnArgument(Utilities obj) { // Noncompliant return obj.otherWord; } class Inner { public Inner(String a, String b) { } public final String getMagicWord() { return "a"; } public String getOuterOtherWord() { return Utilities.this.getOtherWord(); } } static class Nested { private String getAWord() { // Noncompliant {{Make "getAWord" a "static" method.}} return "a"; } } public void publicMethod() { } public int localAccessViasClass() { // Compliant return Integer.valueOf(otherWord); } private Utilities.Inner createInner() { // Compliant because there is a reference to an inner, non-static class return new Utilities.Inner("", ""); } private Utilities.Nested createNested() { // Noncompliant return new Utilities.Nested(); } private Unknown unknown() { // Compliant because we should not make any decision on an unknown class return new Unknown("", ""); } private Map newMap() { // Noncompliant return new HashMap(); } private static final int BOOLEAN_TYPE = 1; private void writeAnyClass(final Class<?> clazz) { // Noncompliant int primitiveType = 0; if (Boolean.TYPE.equals(clazz)) { primitiveType = BOOLEAN_TYPE; } } private <T> int sizeOfMap(Map<T> map) { // Noncompliant return map.size(); } private void callMethodOfStaticClass() { // Noncompliant new FooBar().myHash(); } } class UtilitiesExtension extends Utilities { public UtilitiesExtension() { } private void method() { // Compliant publicMethod(); } } class SerializableExclusions implements Serializable { private void writeObject( out) throws IOException {} private void readObject( in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {} private void readObjectNoData() throws ObjectStreamException {} private void other() {} // Noncompliant private void recursive() { // Noncompliant recursive(); } private void delegateOther() { // Compliant since other() is not static (although it should...) other(); } } static class FooBar { enum MyEnum{ FOO; } private void plop() { // Noncompliant enum is static and enum constants are static Object o = MyEnum.FOO; } int myHash() { return hashCode(); } } static class FooBarQix { private int instanceVariable; public void instanceMethod() {} private void foo() { // Compliant: foo cannot be static because it references a non-static method new Plop(){ void plop1(){ instanceMethod(); } }; } private void init() { // Compliant: foo cannot be static because it references a non-static field new Plop(){ void plop1(){ instanceVariable = 0; } }; } } class Plop { Plop(){} void plop1(){} } class SuperClass { public int bar; } class EnclosingInstance extends SuperClass { interface I { boolean gul(); } private int foo; private void foo1() { // Compliant: use of 'EnclosingInstance.this' new I() { @Override public boolean gul() { return == 0; } }; } private void foo2() { // Compliant: use of 'EnclosingInstance.super' new I() { @Override public boolean gul() { return == 0; } }; } private void foo3() { // Compliant: use of 'EnclosingInstance.this' with fully qualified name new I() { @Override public boolean gul() { return == 0; } }; } private void foo4() { // Compliant: use of 'EnclosingInstance.super' with fully qualified name new I() { @Override public boolean gul() { return == 0; } }; } }