class A { private void f() { new Byte("").toString(); // Noncompliant [[sc=5;ec=17]] {{Call the static method Byte.toString(...) instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Short(0).toString(); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method Short.toString(...) instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Integer(0).toString(); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method Integer.toString(...) instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Long(0).toString(); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method Long.toString(...) instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Float(0).toString(); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method Float.toString(...) instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Double(0).toString(); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method Double.toString(...) instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Character('a').toString(); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method Character.toString(...) instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Boolean(false).toString(); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method Boolean.toString(...) instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Integer(0).toString(0); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method Integer.toString(...) instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Integer(0).compareTo(0); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new Boolean(false).compareTo(true); // Noncompliant {{Call the static method instead of instantiating a temporary object to perform this to string conversion.}} new RuntimeException("").toString(); // Compliant Integer.toString(0); // Compliant new Integer(0).getClass().toString(); // Compliant new int[0].toString(); // Compliant new Integer.Foo().toString(); // Compliant foo++; // Compliant new Integer(0).this; // Compliant (foo).toString(); // Compliant foo(); } }