package; import; import; import; public class UnusedPrivateMethod { private UnusedPrivateMethod() {} private UnusedPrivateMethod(int a) {} // Noncompliant public UnusedPrivateMethod(String s) { init(); } private void init() { } private void writeObject( out) throws { // this method should not be considered as dead code, see Serializable contract } private void readObject( in) throws, ClassNotFoundException { // this method should not be considered as dead code, see Serializable contract } private Object writeReplace() throws { // this method should not be considered as dead code, see Serializable contract return null; } private Object readResolve() throws { // this method should not be considered as dead code, see Serializable contract return null; } private void readObjectNoData() throws { // this method should not be considered as dead code, see Serializable contract } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int unusedPrivateMethod() { return 1; } private int unusedPrivateMethod(int a, String s) { // Noncompliant {{Remove this unused private "unusedPrivateMethod" method.}} return 1; } private void varargs(String first, String second, Object... objects) { } private void varargs(String... strings) { } public void usage() { varargs("", "", new Object()); varargs("", "", ""); // should resolve to 'String...' and not 'String, Object...' } public enum Attribute { ID("plop", "foo", true); Attribute(String prettyName, String type, boolean hidden) { } private Attribute(String name) { } // Noncompliant Attribute(String prettyName, String[][] martrix, int i) { // Noncompliant {{Remove this unused private "Attribute" constructor.}} } } private class A { A(int a) {} private A(){} private <T> T foo(T t) { return null; } public void bar() { foo(""); } } } class OuterClass { private static <T> void genericMethod(T argument) { new Object() { private void unused() { // Noncompliant {{Remove this unused private "unused" method.}} } }; } private static <T extends java.util.List<String>> void complexGenericMethod(T argument) { } class NestedGenericClass<T> { private NestedGenericClass(T argument) { // Compliant } private void genericMethod(T argument) { // Compliant } } class ComplexNestedGenericClass<T extends java.util.Collection<Object>> { private ComplexNestedGenericClass(T argument) { } private void genericMethod(T argument) { } } public void test() { genericMethod("string"); complexGenericMethod(new java.util.ArrayList<String>()); new NestedGenericClass<java.util.List<Object>>(new java.util.ArrayList<Object>()).genericMethod(new java.util.LinkedList<Object>()); new ComplexNestedGenericClass<java.util.List<Object>>(new java.util.ArrayList<Object>()).genericMethod(new java.util.LinkedList<Object>()); } } class Lambdas { void method(){ IntStream.range(1, 5) .map((x)-> x*x ) .map(x -> x * x) .map((int x) -> x * x) .map((x)-> x*x ) ; } } class ReturnTypeInference { private void foo(java.util.List<String> l) {} void test() { java.util.List<String> l; foo(; } }