import static java.lang.Boolean.*; class A { void foo() { A a1 = new A(); // Noncompliant {{Remove this object instantiation and use "A.class" instead.}} new B().getClass(); // Noncompliant {{Remove this object instantiation and use "B.class" instead.}} a1.getClass(); new A().bar().getClass(); // Compliant Class clazz = A.class; // Compliant getClass(); // Compliant new C().getClass(); // Noncompliant {{Remove this object instantiation and use "C.class" instead.}} A a2 = new C(); // Noncompliant [[sc=12;ec=19]] {{Remove this object instantiation and use "C.class" instead.}} a2.getClass(); A a3 = new A(); // Compliant; a3.getClass(); // Compliant D d = new D(); // Compliant d.getClass(null); new E() { // Noncompliant {{Remove this object instantiation and use "E.class" instead.}} }.getClass(); E e = new E() { // Noncompliant {{Remove this object instantiation and use "E.class" instead.}} }; e.getClass(); new I() { // Noncompliant {{Remove this object instantiation and use "I.class" instead.}} @Override public void foo() { } }.getClass(); I i = new I() { // Noncompliant {{Remove this object instantiation and use "I.class" instead.}} @Override public void foo() { } }; i.getClass(); new F().getClass(); // Noncompliant {{Remove this object instantiation and use "F.class" instead.}} F<A> f1 = new F<A>(); // Noncompliant {{Remove this object instantiation and use "F.class" instead.}} f1.getClass(); this.getClass(); // Compliant B b = new A().bar(); b.getClass(); // Compliant } B bar() { return new B(); } void pom(A a) { a.getClass(); // Compliant } } class B { } class C extends A { void foo() { super.getClass(); // Compliant } } class D { String getClass(Object obj) { return ""; } } abstract class E { } class F<T> { T foo() { TRUE.getClass(); return null; } } interface I { void foo(); }