import; import; import; import java.util.List; class Foo { private static final int MY_CONST; static { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} [[sc=3;ec=4]] MY_CONST = 0; } public enum MyEnum { A { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} }, B, C(42) { // Compliant }; int value; MyEnum(int value) { this.value = value; } } private Foo() { // Compliant } public void bar() throws Exception { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} class InnerClass { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } } void doStuff(boolean test, MyEnum myEnum, List myList) { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} if (test) System.out.println(); if (test) { // Compliant } else { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } switch (myEnum) { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} case A: break; default: break; } do { // Compliant } while(test); while (test) { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } for (Object object : myList) { // Compliant } synchronized (myList) { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } try { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } catch(Exception e) { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("")) { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } finally { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } Closeable c = new Closeable() { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} @Override public void close() throws IOException { } }; Closeable c2 = new Closeable() { // Compliant @Override public void close() throws IOException { } }; LABEL: { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} myMethod(); } } public void myMethod() { // Compliant if(something) { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} executeTask(); } else { // Compliant doSomethingElse(); } if( param1 && param2 && param3 && something3 && something4) { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} executeAnotherTask(); } } { // Compliant System.out.println("static intializer"); } public void foo() { { // Compliant } } } class Bar extends Foo { // Compliant } class ReBar extends sonar.Foo { // Compliant } abstract class Dul implements Closeable { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } class Goo<T> { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } abstract class MyList<E> implements List<E> { // Noncompliant {{Move this left curly brace to the end of previous line of code.}} } @Properties( { // Compliant }) class Exceptions { int[] numbers = new int[] { 0, 1 }; // Compliant } /** <p>An annotation on a constructor that shows how the parameters of that constructor correspond to the constructed object's getter methods. For example: <blockquote> <pre> public class Point { @ConstructorProperties({"x", "y"}) public Point(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } private final int x, y; } </pre> </blockquote> The annotation shows that the first parameter of the constructor can be retrieved with the {@code getX()} method and the second with the {@code getY()} method. Since parameter names are not in general available at runtime, without the annotation there would be no way to know whether the parameters correspond to {@code getX()} and {@code getY()} or the other way around.</p> @since 1.6 */ @Documented @Target(CONSTRUCTOR) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface ConstructorProperties { /** <p>The getter names.</p> @return the getter names corresponding to the parameters in the annotated constructor. */ String[] value(); }