import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; class A { public void foo(URL url) throws Exception { Map<URL, Integer> sites = new HashMap<>(); // Noncompliant [[sc=5;ec=22]] {{Use the URI class instead.}} Set<URL> otherSites = new HashSet<>(); // Noncompliant {{Use the URI class instead.}} URL homepage = new URL(""); // Compliant homepage.equals(url); // Noncompliant [[sc=5;ec=25]] {{Use the URI class instead.}} homepage.hashCode(); // Noncompliant {{Use the URI class instead.}} homepage.getPath(); // Compliant Map<URI, URL> uriToUrl = new HashMap<>(); // Compliant Map uriToUrl2 = new Hashmap(); // Compliant Map<> uriToUrl3 = new Hashmap<>(); // Compliant } }