/* * $Id: ActionRedirect.java 513602 2007-03-02 02:50:23Z pbenedict $ * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.struts.action; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.struts.config.ForwardConfig; import org.apache.struts.util.ResponseUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * <p> A subclass of {@link ActionForward} which is designed for use in * redirecting requests, with support for adding parameters at runtime. <br/> * An {@link ForwardConfig} (or subclass) can be passed to the constructor to * copy its configuration: </p> <p> * <pre> * public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, * ActionForm form, * HttpServletRequest request, * HttpServletResponse response) * throws Exception { * ActionRedirect redirect = * new ActionRedirect(mapping.findForward("doRedirect")); * redirect.addParameter("param1","value1"); * redirect.addParameter("param2","2"); * redirect.addParameter("param3","3.0"); * return redirect; * } * </pre> * </p> * * @version $Rev: 513602 $ $Date: 2007-03-02 03:50:23 +0100 (Fri, 02 Mar 2007) $ */ public class ActionRedirect extends ActionForward { // ----------------------------------------------------- Manifest constants /** * <p>Default allocation size for string buffers.</p> */ private static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 256; // ----------------------------------------------------- Static variables /** * <p>Commons logging instance.</p> */ protected static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ActionRedirect.class); // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance variables /** * <p>Holds the redirect parameters. Each entry is either a String or a * String[] depending on whether it has one or more entries.</p> */ protected Map parameterValues = null; /** * <p>Holds the anchor value.</p> */ protected String anchorValue = null; // ----------------------------------------------------- Constructors /** * <p>Construct a new instance with redirect set to true and initialize * parameter lists.</p> */ public ActionRedirect() { setRedirect(true); initializeParameters(); } /** * <p>Construct a new instance with the specified path and initialize * parameter lists.</p> * * @param path Path for this instance */ public ActionRedirect(String path) { super(path); setRedirect(true); initializeParameters(); } /** * <p>Construct a new instance with the specified values and initialize * parameter lists.</p> * * @param name Name of this instance * @param path Path for this instance * @param module Module prefix, if any */ public ActionRedirect(String name, String path, String module) { super(name, path, true); setModule(module); initializeParameters(); } /** * <p>Construct a new instance with a {@link ForwardConfig} object to copy * name, path, contextRelative, and arbitrary property values from.</p> * * @param baseConfig the {@link ForwardConfig} to copy configuration * values from */ public ActionRedirect(ForwardConfig baseConfig) { setName(baseConfig.getName()); setPath(baseConfig.getPath()); setModule(baseConfig.getModule()); setRedirect(true); inheritProperties(baseConfig); initializeParameters(); } // ----------------------------------------------------- Private methods /** * <p>Initializes the internal objects used to hold parameter values.</p> */ private void initializeParameters() { parameterValues = new HashMap(); } // ----------------------------------------------------- Public methods /** * <p>Adds the object's toString() to the list of parameters if it's not * null, or an empty string with the given fieldName if it is.</p> * * @param fieldName the name to use for the parameter * @param valueObj the value for this parameter * @return The ActionRedirect instance this method is called on */ public ActionRedirect addParameter(String fieldName, Object valueObj) { String value = (valueObj != null) ? valueObj.toString() : ""; if (parameterValues == null) { initializeParameters(); } //try { value = ResponseUtils.encodeURL(value); //} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uce) { // this shouldn't happen since UTF-8 is the W3C Recommendation // String errorMsg = "UTF-8 Character Encoding not supported"; // LOG.error(errorMsg, uce); // throw new RuntimeException(errorMsg, uce); // } Object currentValue = parameterValues.get(fieldName); if (currentValue == null) { // there's no value for this param yet; add it to the map parameterValues.put(fieldName, value); } else if (currentValue instanceof String) { // there's already a value; let's use an array for these parameters String[] newValue = new String[2]; newValue[0] = (String) currentValue; newValue[1] = value; parameterValues.put(fieldName, newValue); } else if (currentValue instanceof String[]) { // add the value to the list of existing values List newValues = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList((Object[]) currentValue)); newValues.add(value); parameterValues.put(fieldName, newValues.toArray(new String[newValues.size()])); } return this; } /** * <p>Adds an anchor to the path. Technically, the anchor value is * just stored for later and will be added to the path in getPath(). * Note that this is a considerably simpler method than the * addParmaeter method because aside from encoding the value, there * isn't really anything to do. Passing in null is fine because that * is the value that will be checked for later to determine whether * to append an anchor to the path or not.</p> * * @param anchorValue The anchor to append to the path * @return The ActionRefirect instance this method is called on */ public ActionRedirect setAnchor(String anchorValue) { this.anchorValue = ResponseUtils.encodeURL(anchorValue); return this; } /** * <p>Get the original path without the parameters added at runtime.</p> * * @return the original path as configured. */ public String getOriginalPath() { return super.getPath(); } /** * <p>Get the path for this object, including any parameters that may have * been added at runtime.</p> * * @return The path for this object. */ public String getPath() { // get the original path and the parameter string that was formed String originalPath = getOriginalPath(); String parameterString = getParameterString(); String anchorString = getAnchorString(); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(originalPath); if ((parameterString != null) && (parameterString.length() > 0)) { // the parameter separator we're going to use String paramSeparator = "?"; // true if we need to use a parameter separator after originalPath boolean needsParamSeparator = true; // does the original path already have a "?"? int paramStartIndex = originalPath.indexOf("?"); if (paramStartIndex > 0) { // did the path end with "?"? needsParamSeparator = (paramStartIndex != (originalPath.length() - 1)); if (needsParamSeparator) { paramSeparator = "&"; } } if (needsParamSeparator) { result.append(paramSeparator); } result.append(parameterString); } // append anchor string (or blank if none was set) result.append(anchorString); return result.toString(); } /** * <p>Forms the string containing the parameters * passed onto this object thru calls to addParameter().</p> * * @return a string which can be appended to the URLs. The * return string includes a leading hash * mark (#). */ public String getAnchorString() { String retVal = ""; if (anchorValue != null) { retVal = "#" + anchorValue; } return retVal; } /** * <p>Forms the string containing the parameters passed onto this object * thru calls to addParameter().</p> * * @return a string which can be appended to the URLs. The return string * does not include a leading question mark (?). */ public String getParameterString() { StringBuffer strParam = new StringBuffer(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); // loop through all parameters Iterator iterator = parameterValues.keySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { // get the parameter name String paramName = (String) iterator.next(); // get the value for this parameter Object value = parameterValues.get(paramName); if (value instanceof String) { // just one value for this param strParam.append(paramName).append("=").append(value); } else if (value instanceof String[]) { // loop through all values for this param String[] values = (String[]) value; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { strParam.append(paramName).append("=").append(values[i]); if (i < (values.length - 1)) { strParam.append("&"); } } } if (iterator.hasNext()) { strParam.append("&"); } } return strParam.toString(); } // ----------------------------------------------------- toString() /** * <p>Return a string description of this object.</p> * * @return a string containing the original path for this object and the * parameters it currently holds */ public String toString() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); result.append("ActionRedirect ["); result.append("originalPath=").append(getOriginalPath()).append(";"); result.append("parameterString=").append(getParameterString()).append("]"); result.append("anchorString=").append(getAnchorString()).append("]"); return result.toString(); } }