import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; class Foo { void foo() { int a = 0; // Compliant a = 0; // Compliant System.out.println(a); // Compliant System.out.println(a = 0); // Noncompliant [[sc=26;ec=27]] {{Extract the assignment out of this expression.}} System.out.println(a += 0); // Noncompliant [[sc=26;ec=28]] {{Extract the assignment out of this expression.}} System.out.println(a == 0); // Compliant a = b = 0; // Compliant a += foo[i]; // Compliant _stack[ index = 0 // Noncompliant ] = node; while ((foo = bar()) != null) { // Compliant } if ((plop = something) != null) { // Compliant } if ((a = b = 0) != null) { // Noncompliant } while ((foo = bar()) == null) { // Compliant } while ((foo = bar()) <= 0) { // Compliant } while ((foo = bar()) < 0) { // Compliant } while ((foo = bar()) >= 0) { // Compliant } while ((foo = bar()) > 0) { // Compliant } while ((a = foo()).foo != 0) { // Compliant } while ((a += 0) > 42) { // Compliant } a + 0; (a = foo()) + 5; // Noncompliant while (null != (foo = bar())) { // Compliant } } @MyAnnotation(name="toto", type=Type.SubType) // Compliant void bar(){ eventBus.register((NextPlayer) event -> isPlaying = !isPlaying); eventBus.register((NextPlayer) event -> {isPlaying = !isPlaying;}); eventBus.register((NextPlayer) event -> {if(isPlaying = !isPlaying) return false;}); // Noncompliant } void sonarJava1516() { Set<Integer> ids; while ((ids = getNextIds()).size() > 0) { // Compliant"Result: {}", ids); } } void sonarJava1516_bis(List<Integer> ids) { Integer a; while (!ids.isEmpty()) { int x = (a = ids.remove(0)) + 5; // Noncompliant } } }