import com.inetpsa.tst.HashFunction; import com.inetpsa.tst.SipHashFunction; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @Annotation(title = "plop", value = 51) final class A { // All compliant int a = 0; int b = 1; int c = -1; int d = 2; // Noncompliant [[sc=11;ec=12]] {{Assign this magic number 2 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} int e = 42; // Noncompliant [[sc=11;ec=13]] {{Assign this magic number 42 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} long aLong = 12L; // Noncompliant [[sc=16;ec=19]] {{Assign this magic number 12L to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} double aDouble = 12.3d; // Noncompliant [[sc=20;ec=25]] {{Assign this magic number 12.3d to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} float aFloat = 12.3F; // Noncompliant [[sc=18;ec=23]] {{Assign this magic number 12.3F to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} String string = "string"; String strDouble = "123.3d"; boolean bool = true; class A1 { long a = 0; long b = 1; long c = -1; } class A2 { double a = 0.0d; double b = 1.0d; double c = -1.0d; } class A3{ float a = 0.0f; float b = 1.0f; float c = -1.0f; } private static final int CONSTANT = 42; private static final MyType MY_TYPE = new MyType() { int magic = 42; // Compliant, in final type (it is not checkstyle like) }; public enum MyEnum { INSTANCE1(100), // Compliant INSTANCE2 { // Compliant void method() { System.out.println(42); // Noncompliant {{Assign this magic number 42 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} } }; MyEnum(int value) { } } final int myConst = 0; // Compliant because final final BigInteger bi = new BigInteger("16a09e667f3bcc908b2fb1366ea957d3e3adec17512775099da2f590b0667322a", 16); // Compliant, class constructor final Object[] p1 = new Object[42]; // Noncompliant {{Assign this magic number 42 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} static final Object[] p2 = new Object[42]; // Noncompliant {{Assign this magic number 42 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} byte[] method() { final int foo = 42; // Compliant, because final final long[] la = {3L, 4L}; // Compliant, array initialisation final long[] lan = new long[] {3L, 4L}; // Compliant, array initialisation long[] array = new long[] {42}; // Noncompliant {{Assign this magic number 42 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} final Object[] o1 = new Object[42]; // Noncompliant {{Assign this magic number 42 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} Object[] o2 = new Object[42]; // Noncompliant {{Assign this magic number 42 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} final char[] c = new char[1024]; // Noncompliant {{Assign this magic number 1024 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} final List<Object> a = new ArrayList<>(42); // Compliant, class constructor final Long l = new Long(3L); // Compliant, class constructor final ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(8); // Compliant, method usage return new byte[4096]; // Noncompliant {{Assign this magic number 4096 to a well-named constant, and use the constant instead.}} } private static final ThreadLocal<char[]> T = new ThreadLocal<char[]>() { @Override protected char[] initialValue() { return new char[1024]; // Compliant (known limitation), inside a final class (considered as Object) } }; @Override public int hashCode() { return 42; // Compliant } int nothing; } interface I { int VALUE = 42; // Compliant }