import; class A { void method() { throw new MyRuntimeException(); //Compliant runtime exception throw new IllegalStateException(); //Compliant runtime exception throw new MyCheckedException(); // Noncompliant [[sc=11;ec=35]] {{Remove the usage of the checked exception 'MyCheckedException'.}} throw new IOException(); // Noncompliant {{Remove the usage of the checked exception 'IOException'.}} throw new MyError(); // Compliant not an exception } } class MyRuntimeException extends RuntimeException {} class MyCheckedException extends Exception {} class MyError extends Error {} interface MyInterface { void foo() throws MyCheckedException; void bar(); void qix() throws IOException; } class B implements MyInterface { static { try { throw new MyCheckedException(); // Noncompliant {{Remove the usage of the checked exception 'MyCheckedException'.}} } catch (Exception e) { } } public void foo() throws MyCheckedException { throw new MyCheckedException(); // Compliant } public void bar() { throw new MyCheckedException(); // Noncompliant {{Remove the usage of the checked exception 'MyCheckedException'.}} } public void qix() throws IOException { throw new MyCheckedException(); // Noncompliant {{Remove the usage of the checked exception 'MyCheckedException'.}} } }