class A { public int getVector()[] { /* ... */ } // Noncompliant [[sc=25;ec=26]] {{Move the array designators "[]" to the end of the return type.}} public int[] getVector() { /* ... */ } // Compliant public int[] getMatrix()[] { /* ... */ } // Noncompliant {{Move the array designators "[]" to the end of the return type.}} public int[][] getMatrix() { /* ... */ } // Compliant public int foo()[][][][] { /* ... */ } // Noncompliant {{Move the array designators "[]" to the end of the return type.}} public int bar()[] { /* ... */ } // Noncompliant {{Move the array designators "[]" to the end of the return type.}} public int qix() [] { /* ... */ } // Noncompliant {{Move the array designators "[]" to the end of the return type.}} public int[] goo() { /* ... */ } // Compliant } interface B { int foo()[]; // Noncompliant {{Move the array designators "[]" to the end of the return type.}} int[] bar(); // Compliant }