package; import; import; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.chrono.HijrahDate; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.OptionalLong; public class SerializableBaseClass implements Serializable { } public class SerializableClass extends SerializableBaseClass { static HijrahDate staticAttr0; String attr0; NonSerializableClass attr1; Optional<String> attr2a; // Compliant, as Optional is not serializable (another rule accounts for non serializable fields) OptionalLong attr2b; // Compliant, as Optional is not serializable (another rule accounts for non serializable fields) HijrahDate attr3; // Noncompliant [[sc=14;ec=19]] {{Make this value-based field transient so it is not included in the serialization of this class.}} Clock attr4; // Compliant, as Clock is not a value-based class LocalDateTime attr5; // Noncompliant [[sc=17;ec=22]] {{Make this value-based field transient so it is not included in the serialization of this class.}} transient Optional<String> attr6; transient Clock attr7; transient HijrahDate attr8; HijrahDate[][] attr9; // Noncompliant [[sc=18;ec=23]] {{Make this value-based field transient so it is not included in the serialization of this class.}} List<LocalDateTime> attr10; // Noncompliant [[sc=23;ec=29]] {{Make this value-based field transient so it is not included in the serialization of this class.}} List<LocalDateTime[]> attr11; // Noncompliant [[sc=25;ec=31]] {{Make this value-based field transient so it is not included in the serialization of this class.}} Map<String, LocalDateTime> attr12; // Noncompliant [[sc=30;ec=36]] {{Make this value-based field transient so it is not included in the serialization of this class.}} List<String> attr13; Class<LocalDateTime> attr14; public LocalDateTime meth() { return null; } public void doSomething() { LocalDateTime var = null; Serializable obj = new Serializable() { private String attr1; NonSerializableClass attr2; Optional<String> attr3; // Compliant, as Optional is not serializable LocalDateTime attr4; // Noncompliant [[sc=21;ec=26]] {{Make this value-based field transient so it is not included in the serialization of this class.}} }; } } class NonSerializableClass { String attr1; Optional<String> attr2; // Compliant, as this class is not serializable LocalDateTime attr3; // Compliant, as this class is not serializable } class SerializableWithSpecialMethods implements Serializable { HijrahDate attr1; // Compliant, as the class implements the serialiazion methods private void writeObject( stream) throws IOException { } private void readObject( stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { } } enum MyEnum implements Serializable { VAL1, VAL2; String attr1; HijrahDate attr2; // Noncompliant [[sc=14;ec=19]] {{Make this value-based field transient so it is not included in the serialization of this class.}} } public @interface MyAnnotation { String CONSTANT = ""; String elem1(); HijrahDate elem2(); // Noncompliant [[sc=14;ec=19]] {{Make this value-based field transient so it is not included in the serialization of this class.}} }