class A { void f() { System.exit(0); // Noncompliant {{Remove this call to "exit" or ensure it is really required.}} int a = System.exit(0); // Noncompliant [[sc=13;ec=24]] {{Remove this call to "exit" or ensure it is really required.}} System.gc(); // Compliant System.exit[0]; // Compliant exit(); // Compliant Runtime.getRuntime().exit(); // Noncompliant [[sc=5;ec=30]] {{Remove this call to "exit" or ensure it is really required.}} Runtime.getRuntime().foo; // Compliant Runtime.getRuntime().foo(); // Compliant Runtime.getRuntime()++; // Compliant Runtime.getRuntime().halt(12); // Noncompliant {{Remove this call to "halt" or ensure it is really required.}} } public static void main(String[] args) { Runtime.getRuntime().halt(12); // Compliant Runtime.getRuntime().exit(); // Compliant System.exit(0); // Compliant } }