class A { A(A otherA, B b) { privateMethod(); finalMethod(); this.privateMethod(); this.finalMethod(); otherA.privateMethod(); otherA.finalMethod(); b.nonFinalPublicMethod(); staticMethod(); } private void privateMethod() {} public final void finalMethod() {} public static void staticMethod() {} } class B extends A { B(B otherB) { nonFinalPublicMethod(); // Noncompliant {{Remove this call from a constructor to the overridable "nonFinalPublicMethod" method.}} this.nonFinalPublicMethod(); // Noncompliant otherB.nonFinalPublicMethod(); unknownMethod().nonFinalPublicMethod(); } public void nonFinalPublicMethod() {} } class SuperClass { public final void finalMethod() {} public void nonFinalPublicMethod() {} } class SubClass extends SuperClass { SuperClass() { super.finalMethod(); super.nonFinalPublicMethod(); // Compliant } } final class FinalClass { FinalClass() { nonFinalPublicMethod(); } public void nonFinalPublicMethod() {} } class OuterClass { public void nonFinalPublicMethod() {} class InnerClass { InnerClass() { nonFinalPublicMethod(); } } } class D { public D(String s) { } public class C extends D { C() { super(null); // Compliant } } } public class Parent { public Parent () { doSomething(); // Noncompliant } public void doSomething () { // not final; can be overridden } } public class Child extends Parent { private String foo; public Child(String foo) { super(); // leads to call doSomething() in Parent constructor which triggers a NullPointerException as foo has not yet been initialized = foo; } public void doSomething () { System.out.println(; } } public class Foo { public Foo() { register(Foo.class); // Noncompliant Class<?> type = null; register(type); // Noncompliant this.<A>register(B.class); // Noncompliant } public <T> void register(Class<? extends T> type) { } } class Extra { class Easy { } class A<K, V> { A(B b) { foo(; // Noncompliant } void foo(Easy easy) { } } class B { I<? extends Easy> bar() { return null; } } interface I<T> { T qix(); } } abstract class E { private final MyInterface myInterface1; private final MyInterface myInterface2; public E() { myInterface1 = new MyInterface() { @Override public String foo() throws Exception { return doInBackground(); // Compliant } }; myInterface2 = () -> doInBackground(); // Compliant } protected abstract String doInBackground() throws Exception; interface MyInterface { String foo() throws Exception; } } class F { public F(){ yaml = memoize(() -> loadYamlConfig("_config.yml")); // Compliant data = memoize(() -> getResourceList() // Compliant .stream() .filter(path -> path.startsWith("_data/")) .collect(toMap(Site::nameWithoutExtension, this::readYaml)) ); } private Map<String, Object> loadYamlConfig(String configFile) { return emptyMap(); } public Set<String> getResourceList() { return resourceList.get(); } } class G{ G(int value) { this.profileActivator = new ProfileActivator() { public void activate() throws Exception { activateDeferredProfile(); // Compliant } }; ProfileDeferralMgr.registerDeferral(this.profileActivator); } void activateDeferredProfile() throws Exception{ } }