import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; class A { int[] size = new int[4]; private void foo(Collection myCollection, Collection myCollection2, A foo, ByteArrayOutputStream baot) { boolean b; int i; b = myCollection.size() == 0; // Noncompliant {{Use isEmpty() to check whether the collection is empty or not.}} [[sc=9;ec=33]] b = myCollection.size() != 0; // Noncompliant b = myCollection.size() > 0; // Noncompliant b = myCollection.size() >= 1; // Noncompliant b = myCollection.size() < 1; // Noncompliant b = myCollection.size() <= 0; // Noncompliant [[sc=9;ec=33]] b = 0 == myCollection.size(); // Noncompliant b = 0 != myCollection.size(); // Noncompliant b = 0 < myCollection.size(); // Noncompliant b = 1 <= myCollection.size(); // Noncompliant b = 1 > myCollection.size(); // Noncompliant b = 0 >= myCollection.size(); // Noncompliant b = myCollection.size() == +0; // Compliant - corner case should be covered by another rule b = myCollection.size() == myCollection2.size(); // Compliant b = foo instanceof Object; // Compliant b = myCollection.size() == 3; // Compliant b = myCollection.size() < 3; // Compliant b = myCollection.size() > 3; // Compliant b = 0 < 3; // Compliant b = 1 + 1 < 3; // Compliant b = myCollection.isEmpty(); b = !myCollection.isEmpty(); b = myCollection.size() == 1; b = 1 + 1 == 0; // Compliant b = foo.size[0] == 0; // Compliant b = size() == 0; // Compliant b = == 0; // Compliant b = foo.col().size() == 0; // Noncompliant b = baot.size() == 0; // Compliant b = foo.size() == 0; // Compliant i = myCollection.size() & 0; // Compliant } private int bar() { return 0; } private Collection col() { return new ArrayList<>(); } private int size() { return 0; } } class MyCollection<E> extends ArrayList<E> { boolean foo() { return size() == 0; // Compliant } class MyInnerClass { Collection myCollection; boolean bar() { return myCollection.size() == 0; // Noncompliant } } }