class A { void symbolSetToNull() { Object a = new Object(); a = null; // flow@npe {{a is assigned null}} a.toString(); // Noncompliant [[flows=npe]] {{NullPointerException might be thrown as 'a' is nullable here}} flow@npe {{a is dereferenced}} } void combined(Object a) { Object b = new Object(); if (a == null) { // flow@comb {{...}} b = a; // flow@comb {{b is assigned null}} b.toString(); // Noncompliant [[flows=comb]] flow@comb {{b is dereferenced}} } } void relationship(boolean a, boolean b) { if(a < b) { // flow@rel {{...}} if(b > a) { // Noncompliant [[flows=rel]] {{Change this condition so that it does not always evaluate to "true"}} flow@rel {{Condition is always true}} } } } }