import; import; import; import unknownPackage.MyUnknownClass; class A { public void foo() throws Exception { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(""); byte[] buffer = new byte[1000]; long skipValue = 12L;; // Noncompliant [[sc=8;ec=12]] {{Check the return value of the "read" call to see how many bytes were read.}} is.skip(skipValue); // Noncompliant getInputStream().read(buffer); // Noncompliant getInputStream().skip(skipValue); // Noncompliant // return values are used int i; int l; i=; // Compliant l = is.skip(skipValue); // Compliant // methods not overriding the skip/read from InputStream MyInputStream mis = new MyInputStream(); mis.skip(); // compliant mis.skip(true); // compliant mis.skip('c'); // compliant mis.skip(0L, 0L); // Compliant; // Compliant, null); // Compliant, 0, 0); // Compliant // same signature but no subtype of InputStream MyClass mc = new MyClass();; // Compliant mc.skip(skipValue); // Complian read(buffer); // compliant skip(skipValue); // compliant MyUnknownClass.unknownMethod(); // Compliant } private InputStream getInputStream() throws Exception { return new FileInputStream(""); } private int read(byte[] bytes) { return 0; } private long skip(long value) { return 0L; } } class MyClass { public int read(byte[] bytes) { return 0; } public long skip(long value) { return 0L; } } class MyInputStream extends InputStream { @Override public int read() { return 0; } public long read(byte[] bytes, Object o) { return 0L; } public int read(long value) { return 0; } public int skip() { return 0; } public boolean skip(boolean value) { return value; } public long skip(char value) { return 0L; } public long skip(long v1, long v2) { return 0L; } }