package utils; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import alien4cloud.utils.FileUtil; /** * Use this class to export all ES index as JSON for the UI tests. */ public class ExportESIndex { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String pathToAlien = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.alien"; String pathToData = "src/test/webapp/e2e/_data"; // Delete images first FileUtil.delete(Paths.get(pathToData + "/images")); FileUtil.copy(Paths.get(pathToAlien + "/images"), Paths.get(pathToData + "/images")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/imagedata/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/imagedatas.json")); // Application export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/application/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/applications.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/applicationenvironment/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/applicationenvironments.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/applicationversion/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/applicationversions.json")); // Components export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/csar/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/csars.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/csargitrepository/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/csargitrepositories.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/toscaelement/indexedartifacttype/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/indexedartifacttypes.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/toscaelement/indexedcapabilitytype/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/indexedcapabilitytypes.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/toscaelement/indexeddatatype/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/indexeddatatypes.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/toscaelement/indexednodetype/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/indexednodetypes.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/toscaelement/indexedrelationshiptype/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/indexedrelationshiptypes.json")); // Topology templates export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/topologytemplate/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 100,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/topologytemplates.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/topologytemplateversion/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 100,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/topologytemplateversions.json")); // Topologies export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/topology/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 100,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/topologies.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/deploymenttopology/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 100,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/deploymenttopologies.json")); // Users and groups export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/user/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 100,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/users.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/group/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 100,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"bool\" : {\"must_not\":{\"term\": { \"name\": \"ALL_USERS\"}}}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/groups.json")); // Suggestion entry export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/suggestion/suggestionentry/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/suggestionentry.json")); export("curl -X POST \"http://localhost:9200/suggestion/simplesuggestionentry/_search?pretty=true\" -d '{\"from\" : 0, \"size\" : 1000,\"sort\": { \"_uid\": { \"order\": \"asc\" }},\"query\" : {\"match_all\" : {}}}' | grep _source", Paths.get(pathToData + "/simple_suggestionentry.json")); } private static void export(String command, Path targetFile) throws IOException { ExecReturn execReturn = RuntimeExec.execCommand(command, null); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(targetFile.toFile()); fw.write("[" + System.lineSeparator()); for (int i = 0; i < execReturn.getResultLines().length; i++) { String line = execReturn.getResultLines()[i]; line = line.trim(); line = line.replaceAll("\"_source\":", ""); line = " " + line; if (i < execReturn.getResultLines().length - 1) { if (!line.endsWith(",")) { line = line + ","; } } else { if (line.endsWith(",")) { line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1); } } line = line + System.lineSeparator(); fw.write(line); } fw.write("]"); fw.close(); } }