package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import alien4cloud.dao.IGenericSearchDAO; import alien4cloud.dao.model.GetMultipleDataResult; import alien4cloud.exception.AlreadyExistException; import alien4cloud.exception.NotFoundException; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.ArtifactSupport; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.Orchestrator; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.OrchestratorConfiguration; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.OrchestratorState; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.locations.Location; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.locations.LocationSupport; import; import alien4cloud.orchestrators.plugin.IOrchestratorPluginFactory; import alien4cloud.utils.MapUtil; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Manages orchestrators */ @Slf4j @Service public class OrchestratorService { public static final String[] ENABLED_STATES = new String[] { OrchestratorState.CONNECTED.toString(), OrchestratorState.CONNECTING.toString(), OrchestratorState.DISCONNECTED.toString() }; @Resource(name = "alien-es-dao") private IGenericSearchDAO alienDAO; @Inject private OrchestratorFactoriesRegistry orchestratorFactoriesRegistry; @Inject private LocationService locationService; /** * Creates an orchestrator. * * @param name The unique name that defines the orchestrator from user point of view. * @param pluginId The id of the plugin used to communicate with the orchestrator. * @param pluginBean The bean in the plugin that is indeed managing communication. * @return The generated identifier for the orchestrator. */ public synchronized String create(String name, String pluginId, String pluginBean) { Orchestrator orchestrator = new Orchestrator(); // generate an unique id orchestrator.setId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); orchestrator.setName(name); orchestrator.setPluginId(pluginId); orchestrator.setPluginBean(pluginBean); // by default clouds are disabled as it should be configured before being enabled. orchestrator.setState(OrchestratorState.DISABLED); orchestrator.setAuthorizedUsers(new ArrayList<String>()); orchestrator.setAuthorizedGroups(new ArrayList<String>()); // get default configuration for the orchestrator. IOrchestratorPluginFactory orchestratorFactory = getPluginFactory(orchestrator); OrchestratorConfiguration configuration = new OrchestratorConfiguration(orchestrator.getId(), orchestratorFactory.getDefaultConfiguration()); ensureNameUnicityAndSave(orchestrator);; return orchestrator.getId(); } /** * Save the orchestrator but ensure that the name is unique before saving it. * * @param orchestrator The orchestrator to save. */ private synchronized void ensureNameUnicityAndSave(Orchestrator orchestrator) { ensureNameUnicityAndSave(orchestrator, null); } /** * Save the orchestrator but ensure that the name is unique before saving it. * * @param orchestrator The orchestrator to save. */ public synchronized void ensureNameUnicityAndSave(Orchestrator orchestrator, String oldName) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(oldName) || !Objects.equals(orchestrator.getName(), oldName)) { // check that the orchestrator doesn't already exists if (alienDAO.count(Orchestrator.class, QueryBuilders.termQuery("name", orchestrator.getName())) > 0) { throw new AlreadyExistException("a cloud with the given name already exists."); } }; } /** * Delete an existing orchestrator. * * @param id The id of the orchestrator to delete. */ public void delete(String id) { // delete all locations for the orchestrator Location[] locations = locationService.getOrchestratorLocations(id); if (locations != null) { for (Location location : locations) { locationService.delete(id, location.getId()); } } // delete the orchestrator configuration alienDAO.delete(OrchestratorConfiguration.class, id); alienDAO.delete(Orchestrator.class, id); } /** * Get the orchestrator matching the given id * * @param id If of the orchestrator that we want to get. * @return An instance of the orchestrator. */ public Orchestrator get(String id) { return alienDAO.findById(Orchestrator.class, id); } /** * Get the orchestrator matching the given id or throw a NotFoundException * * @param id If of the orchestrator that we want to get. * @return An instance of the orchestrator. */ public Orchestrator getOrFail(String id) { Orchestrator orchestrator = alienDAO.findById(Orchestrator.class, id); if (orchestrator == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Orchestrator [" + id + "] doesn't exists."); } return orchestrator; } /** * Get multiple orchestrators. * * @param query The query to apply to filter orchestrators. * @param from The start index of the query. * @param size The maximum number of elements to return. * @param authorizationFilter authorization filter * @return A {@link GetMultipleDataResult} that contains Orchestrator objects. */ public GetMultipleDataResult<Orchestrator> search(String query, OrchestratorState status, int from, int size, FilterBuilder authorizationFilter) { Map<String, String[]> filters = null; if (status != null) { filters = MapUtil.newHashMap(new String[] { "status" }, new String[][] { new String[] { status.toString() } }); } return, query, filters, authorizationFilter, null, from, size); } /** * Get the location support information for a given orchestrator. * * @param orchestratorId The id of the orchestrator for which to get location support information. * @return location support information. */ public LocationSupport getLocationSupport(String orchestratorId) { Orchestrator orchestrator = getOrFail(orchestratorId); IOrchestratorPluginFactory orchestratorFactory = getPluginFactory(orchestrator); return orchestratorFactory.getLocationSupport(); } /** * Get the artifact support information for a given orchestrator. * * @param orchestratorId The id of the orchestrator for which to get location support information. * @return artifact support information. */ public ArtifactSupport getArtifactSupport(String orchestratorId) { Orchestrator orchestrator = getOrFail(orchestratorId); IOrchestratorPluginFactory orchestratorFactory = getPluginFactory(orchestrator); return orchestratorFactory.getArtifactSupport(); } /** * Get the orchestrator plugin factory for the given orchestrator. * * @param orchestrator The orchestrator for which to get the orchestrator plugin factory. * @return An instance of the orchestrator plugin factory for the given orchestrator. */ public IOrchestratorPluginFactory getPluginFactory(Orchestrator orchestrator) { return orchestratorFactoriesRegistry.getPluginBean(orchestrator.getPluginId(), orchestrator.getPluginBean()); } public List<Orchestrator> getAllEnabledOrchestrators() { return alienDAO.customFindAll(Orchestrator.class, QueryBuilders.termsQuery("state", ENABLED_STATES)); } public List<Orchestrator> getAll() { return alienDAO.customFindAll(Orchestrator.class, null); } }