package; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import lombok.Setter; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.PropertyDefinition; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty; @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor(suppressConstructorProperties = true) @ApiModel("Request to validate that a property value is matching a given definition.") public class PropertyValidationRequest { @NotEmpty @ApiModelProperty(value = "Value to set for the property.", required = true) private String value; @NotEmpty @ApiModelProperty(value = "Id of the property to set.", required = true) private String definitionId; @NotEmpty @ApiModelProperty(value = "The actual property definition to validate the property against.", required = true) private PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition; }