package alien4cloud.utils; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; public final class CollectionUtils { private CollectionUtils() { } /** * Add the content of the 'source' Set to the 'target' set and return the union set. * * If 'source' is null then a new set is created and returned. * If 'target' is null then no content is added to the 'source' Set or newly created set. * * @param source The Set to merge in the target Set. * @param target The Set in which the source set will be merged (through addAll). * @return The target Set with addition of source Set elements, or a new Set (including content of source set) if target was null. */ public static <T> Set<T> merge(Set<T> source, Set<T> target) { Set<T> merged = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); if (target != null) { merged.addAll(target); } if (source != null) { merged.addAll(source); } return merged.isEmpty() ? null : merged; } /** * <p> * Add the content of the 'source' Map to the 'target' set and return the union Map. * </p> * <p> * If 'source' is null then a new Map is created and returned. If 'target' is null then no content is added to the 'source' Map or newly created Map. * </p> * * @param source The Map to merge in the target Map. * @param target The Map in which the source Map will be merged (through addAll). * @param override If an key from the source map already exists in the target map, should it override (true) or not (false) the value. * @return The target Map with addition of source Map elements, or a new Map (including content of source set) if target was null. */ public static <T, V> Map<T, V> merge(Map<T, ? extends V> source, Map<T, V> target, boolean override) { if (target == null) { target = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); } if (source != null) { for (Entry<T, ? extends V> entry : source.entrySet()) { if (override || !target.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { target.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } return target.isEmpty() ? null : target; } /** * Merge two lists, the merge is performed based on the contains method so elements presents both in source and target are not added twice to the list. * * @param source The source list. * @param target The target list. * @return A list that represents the merged collections. */ public static <T> List<T> merge(List<T> source, List<T> target) { List<T> merged = target == null ? new ArrayList<T>() : target; if (source == null) { return merged; } for (T t : source) { if (!merged.contains(t)) { merged.add(t); } } return merged; } /** * Remove all elements from a collection starting from a given index. * * @param from The index from which to remove elements. */ public static void clearFrom(List list, int from) { list.subList(from, list.size()).clear(); } /** * Ensure that the values within the list are unique * * @param value * @return a new List */ public static void ensureUnitictyOfValues(List<Object> value) { Set<Object> set = Sets.newHashSet(value); value.clear(); value.addAll(set); } }