package alien4cloud.paas.policies; //import alien4cloud.common.AlienConstants; //import alien4cloud.model.components.AbstractPropertyValue; //import alien4cloud.model.deployment.DeploymentSetup; //import alien4cloud.paas.exception.AvailabilityZoneConfigurationException; //import alien4cloud.paas.function.FunctionEvaluator; //import alien4cloud.paas.model.PaaSNodeTemplate; //import alien4cloud.paas.model.PaaSTopology; //import alien4cloud.tosca.normative.NormativeBlockStorageConstants; //import; //import; //import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; // //import java.util.Collection; //import java.util.List; //import java.util.Map; /** * Policy implementation that updates a topology to inject some availability zones to some nodes by setting them in a given property. */ public class AvailabiltyZoneHAPolicy { // FIXME Implement AZ H.A. Policy // /** // * Allocate availability zones to nodes which have HA policy in a topology // * // * @param topology the parsed topology to consider // * @param deploymentSetup the deployment setup // * @param cloudResourceMatcherConfig the resource matching configuration for this cloud // * @return A map of compute node id --> Alien Availability Zone // */ // public Map<String, AvailabilityZone> processAllocation(PaaSTopology topology, DeploymentSetup deploymentSetup, // CloudResourceMatcherConfig cloudResourceMatcherConfig) { // Map<String, AvailabilityZone> haComputeMap = Maps.newHashMap(); // if (topology.getVolumes() != null && !topology.getVolumes().isEmpty()) { // Map<String, AvailabilityZone> paaSResourceIdToAvz = MappingUtil.getReverseMapping(cloudResourceMatcherConfig.getAvailabilityZoneMapping()); // List<PaaSNodeTemplate> volumes = topology.getVolumes(); // for (PaaSNodeTemplate volume : volumes) { // PaaSNodeTemplate compute = volume.getParent(); // String avzId = getAvailabilityZone(volume); // if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(avzId)) { // AvailabilityZone avz = paaSResourceIdToAvz.get(avzId); // AvailabilityZone existingAvz = haComputeMap.put(compute.getId(), avz); // if (avz != null && existingAvz != null && !existingAvz.equals(avz)) { // log.warn("Cannot manage this use case : [" + compute.getId() // + "] have multiple volumes on different zones, only one availability zone will be selected"); // } // } // } // } // Map<String, List<PaaSNodeTemplate>> groups = topology.getGroups(); // if (groups != null) { // for (Map.Entry<String, List<PaaSNodeTemplate>> groupEntry : groups.entrySet()) { // if (deploymentSetup.getAvailabilityZoneMapping() == null) { // throw new AvailabilityZoneConfigurationException(groupEntry.getKey(), "Need at least 1 availability zone configured to process allocation"); // } // Collection<AvailabilityZone> availabilityZones = deploymentSetup.getAvailabilityZoneMapping().get(groupEntry.getKey()); // if (availabilityZones == null || availabilityZones.isEmpty()) { // throw new AvailabilityZoneConfigurationException(groupEntry.getKey(), "Need at least 1 availability zone configured to process allocation"); // } // Map<AvailabilityZone, Integer> availabilityZoneRepartition = Maps.newHashMap(); // for (AvailabilityZone availabilityZone : availabilityZones) { // availabilityZoneRepartition.put(availabilityZone, 0); // } // for (PaaSNodeTemplate compute : groupEntry.getValue()) { // AvailabilityZone existingAvz = haComputeMap.get(compute.getId()); // if (existingAvz != null) { // Integer existingCount = availabilityZoneRepartition.get(existingAvz); // if (existingCount == null) { // log.warn(groupEntry.getKey(), "Attention AVZ mapping has been changed, the AVZ " + existingAvz.getId() // + " injected by the existing volume is no longer valid for this compute " + compute.getId()); // } else { // availabilityZoneRepartition.put(existingAvz, existingCount + 1); // } // } // } // for (PaaSNodeTemplate compute : groupEntry.getValue()) { // AvailabilityZone existingAvz = haComputeMap.get(compute.getId()); // if (existingAvz == null) { // haComputeMap.put(compute.getId(), getLeastUsedAvailabilityZone(availabilityZoneRepartition)); // } // } // } // } // return haComputeMap; // } // // public List<AllocationError> validateAllocation(Map<String, AvailabilityZone> allocation, PaaSTopology topology, DeploymentSetup deploymentSetup, // CloudResourceMatcherConfig cloudResourceMatcherConfig) { // List<AllocationError> allocationErrors = Lists.newArrayList(); // Map<AvailabilityZone, String> avzToPaaSResourceId = cloudResourceMatcherConfig.getAvailabilityZoneMapping(); // for (PaaSNodeTemplate compute : topology.getComputes()) { // if (compute.getGroups() != null && compute.getGroups().size() > 1) { // for (String groupId : compute.getGroups()) { // allocationErrors.add(new AllocationError(AllocationErrorCode.NODE_BELONG_TO_MULTIPLE_HA_GROUPS, groupId, compute.getId())); // } // } // } // // for (Map.Entry<String, List<PaaSNodeTemplate>> groupEntry : topology.getGroups().entrySet()) { // String groupId = groupEntry.getKey(); // List<PaaSNodeTemplate> groupComputes = groupEntry.getValue(); // Map<AvailabilityZone, Integer> repartitionMap = Maps.newHashMap(); // if (deploymentSetup.getAvailabilityZoneMapping() == null || !deploymentSetup.getAvailabilityZoneMapping().containsKey(groupId)) { // throw new AvailabilityZoneConfigurationException(groupId, "Ask to validate allocation on a topology with invalid deployment setup"); // } // for (AvailabilityZone matchedZone : deploymentSetup.getAvailabilityZoneMapping().get(groupId)) { // repartitionMap.put(matchedZone, 0); // } // for (PaaSNodeTemplate groupCompute : groupComputes) { // AvailabilityZone allocatedZone = allocation.get(groupCompute.getId()); // if (allocatedZone == null) { // allocationErrors.add(new AllocationError(AllocationErrorCode.NODE_NOT_ALLOCATED, groupId, groupCompute.getId())); // break; // } else if (!areStoragesInTheZone(groupCompute.getStorageNodes(), avzToPaaSResourceId.get(allocatedZone))) { // allocationErrors.add(new AllocationError(AllocationErrorCode.NODE_HAS_VOLUME_NOT_IN_THE_SAME_ZONE, groupId, groupCompute.getId())); // break; // } // Integer existingCount = repartitionMap.get(allocatedZone); // if (existingCount == null) { // allocationErrors // .add(new AllocationError(AllocationErrorCode.NODE_HAS_ALLOCATED_ZONE_NOT_IN_DEPLOYMENT_SETUP, groupId, groupCompute.getId())); // } else { // repartitionMap.put(allocatedZone, existingCount + 1); // } // } // int mostUsed = 0; // int leastUsed = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // for (Map.Entry<AvailabilityZone, Integer> availabilityZoneRepartitionEntry : repartitionMap.entrySet()) { // if (availabilityZoneRepartitionEntry.getValue() > mostUsed) { // mostUsed = availabilityZoneRepartitionEntry.getValue(); // } // if (availabilityZoneRepartitionEntry.getValue() < leastUsed) { // leastUsed = availabilityZoneRepartitionEntry.getValue(); // } // } // if (mostUsed - leastUsed > 1) { // allocationErrors.add(new AllocationError(AllocationErrorCode.ZONES_NOT_DISTRIBUTED_EQUALLY, groupId, null)); // } // } // return allocationErrors; // } // // private boolean areStoragesInTheZone(List<PaaSNodeTemplate> storageNodes, String zoneToCheck) { // for (PaaSNodeTemplate volume : storageNodes) { // String volumeAVZ = getAvailabilityZone(volume); // if (volumeAVZ != null && !volumeAVZ.equals(zoneToCheck)) { // return false; // } // } // return true; // } // // AvailabilityZone getLeastUsedAvailabilityZone(Map<AvailabilityZone, Integer> availabilityZoneRepartition) { // AvailabilityZone leastUsed = null; // int leastUsedCount = 0; // for (Map.Entry<AvailabilityZone, Integer> repartitionEntry : availabilityZoneRepartition.entrySet()) { // if (leastUsed == null || leastUsedCount > repartitionEntry.getValue()) { // leastUsed = repartitionEntry.getKey(); // leastUsedCount = repartitionEntry.getValue(); // } // } // availabilityZoneRepartition.put(leastUsed, leastUsedCount + 1); // return leastUsed; // } // // String getAvailabilityZone(PaaSNodeTemplate volume) { // Map<String, AbstractPropertyValue> volumeProperties = volume.getNodeTemplate().getProperties(); // if (volumeProperties != null && volumeProperties.containsKey(NormativeBlockStorageConstants.VOLUME_ID)) { // String allVolumeIds = FunctionEvaluator.getScalarValue(volumeProperties.get(NormativeBlockStorageConstants.VOLUME_ID)); // if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(allVolumeIds)) { // int indexOfAvzAndIdSeparator = allVolumeIds.split(",")[0].indexOf(AlienConstants.STORAGE_AZ_VOLUMEID_SEPARATOR); // // TODO for the moment we suppose we do not manage HA for node with scaling policy // if (indexOfAvzAndIdSeparator > 0) { // return allVolumeIds.substring(0, indexOfAvzAndIdSeparator); // } // } // } // return null; // } }