package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.AbstractPropertyValue; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.FilterDefinition; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.PropertyDefinition; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.ScalarPropertyValue; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.CapabilityType; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.NodeType; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import alien4cloud.deployment.matching.plugins.INodeMatcherPlugin; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.constraints.IMatchPropertyConstraint; import alien4cloud.model.deployment.matching.MatchingConfiguration; import alien4cloud.model.deployment.matching.MatchingFilterDefinition; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.locations.LocationResourceTemplate; import alien4cloud.model.orchestrators.locations.LocationResources; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.Capability; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.NodeTemplate; import alien4cloud.tosca.normative.IPropertyType; import alien4cloud.tosca.normative.ToscaType; import; import; import; /** * Default implementation of INodeMatcherPlugin to be used when no matching plugin has been defined. */ @Slf4j @Component public class DefaultNodeMatcher implements INodeMatcherPlugin { // TODO initialize default matching configuration based on parsing a yaml file within a4c for nodes like Compute etc. /** * Match a node against a location. * * @param nodeTemplate The node template to match. * @param nodeType The node type that defines the type of the node template to match. * @param locationResources The resources configured for the location against which we are matching the nodes. */ public List<LocationResourceTemplate> matchNode(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, NodeType nodeType, LocationResources locationResources, Map<String, MatchingConfiguration> matchingConfigurations) { List<LocationResourceTemplate> matchingResults = Lists.newArrayList(); List<LocationResourceTemplate> matchedServices = matchServices(nodeTemplate, nodeType, locationResources); matchingResults.addAll(matchedServices); List<LocationResourceTemplate> matchedOnDemands = matchedOnDemands(nodeTemplate, nodeType, locationResources, matchingConfigurations); matchingResults.addAll(matchedOnDemands); return matchingResults; } /** * Match a node against the services provided by a location. * * @param nodeTemplate The node template to match. * @param nodeType The node type that defines the type of the node template to match. * @param locationResources The resources configured for the location against which we are matching the nodes. */ private List<LocationResourceTemplate> matchServices(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, NodeType nodeType, LocationResources locationResources) { // TODO perform service matching // check if the node template candidate has any specified operation or relation operations if so reject service matching for this node as it is not // possible to execute operations on services return Lists.newArrayList(); } /** * Match a node against the on demand resources provided by a location. * * @param nodeTemplate The node template to match. * @param nodeType The node type that defines the type of the node template to match. * @param locationResources The resources configured for the location against which we are matching the nodes. */ private List<LocationResourceTemplate> matchedOnDemands(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, NodeType nodeType, LocationResources locationResources, Map<String, MatchingConfiguration> matchingConfigurations) { /* * TODO Refine node matching by considering specific matching rules for the node. If no constraint is specified in a matching configuration then equals * constraint is applied. */ List<LocationResourceTemplate> matchingResults = Lists.newArrayList(); List<LocationResourceTemplate> candidates = locationResources.getNodeTemplates(); for (LocationResourceTemplate candidate : candidates) { String candidateTypeName = candidate.getTemplate().getType(); NodeType candidateType = locationResources.getNodeTypes().get(candidateTypeName); // For the moment only match by node type if (isValidCandidate(nodeTemplate, nodeType, candidate, candidateType, locationResources.getCapabilityTypes(), matchingConfigurations)) { matchingResults.add(candidate); } } // TODO Sort the matching results to get the best match for the driver. return matchingResults; } /** * Checks if the type of a LocationResourceTemplate is matching the expected type. * * @param nodeTemplate The node template to match. * @param nodeType The type of the node template to match. * @param candidateType The type of the candidate node. * @param candidate The candidate location resource. * @param capabilityTypes Map of capability types that may be used by the candidateType. * @return True if the candidate is a valid match for the node template. */ private boolean isValidCandidate(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, NodeType nodeType, LocationResourceTemplate candidate, NodeType candidateType, Map<String, CapabilityType> capabilityTypes, Map<String, MatchingConfiguration> matchingConfigurations) { // Check that the candidate node type is valid if (!isCandidateTypeValid(nodeTemplate, candidate, candidateType)) { return false; } // The matchingConfigurations can be null when the associate orchestrator is disabled if (matchingConfigurations == null) { return false; } // Check that the note template properties are matching the constraints specified for matching. MatchingConfiguration matchingConfiguration = matchingConfigurations.get(candidateType.getElementId()); if (matchingConfiguration == null) { return true; } // create a node filter based on all properties configured on the candidate node return isTemplatePropertiesMatchCandidateFilters(nodeTemplate, matchingConfiguration, candidate, candidateType, capabilityTypes); } private boolean isTemplatePropertiesMatchCandidateFilters(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, MatchingConfiguration matchingConfiguration, LocationResourceTemplate candidate, NodeType candidateType, Map<String, CapabilityType> capabilityTypes) { // check that the node root properties matches the filters defined on the MatchingConfigurations. if (!isTemplatePropertiesMatchCandidateFilter(nodeTemplate.getProperties(), matchingConfiguration.getProperties(), candidate.getTemplate().getProperties(), candidateType.getProperties())) { return false; } if(matchingConfiguration.getCapabilities() == null) { // no constraints on capabilities. return true; } // check that the properties defined on the capabilities matches the filters configured for the capabilities for (Map.Entry<String, MatchingFilterDefinition> capabilityMatchingFilterEntry : matchingConfiguration.getCapabilities().entrySet()) { FilterDefinition filterDefinition = new FilterDefinition(); Capability candidateCapability = candidate.getTemplate().getCapabilities().get(capabilityMatchingFilterEntry.getKey()); CapabilityType capabilityType = capabilityTypes.get(candidateCapability.getType()); Capability templateCapability = nodeTemplate.getCapabilities().get(capabilityMatchingFilterEntry.getKey()); if (templateCapability != null && !isTemplatePropertiesMatchCandidateFilter(templateCapability.getProperties(), capabilityMatchingFilterEntry.getValue().getProperties(), candidateCapability.getProperties(), capabilityType.getProperties())) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Add filters from the matching configuration to the node filter that will be applied for matching only if a value is specified on the configuration * template. * * @param nodeTemplateValues The properties values from the node template to match. * @param sourceFilters The filtering map (based on constraints) from matching configuration. * @param propertyValues The values defined on the Location Template. * @param propertyDefinitions The properties definitions associated with the node. */ private boolean isTemplatePropertiesMatchCandidateFilter(Map<String, AbstractPropertyValue> nodeTemplateValues, Map<String, List<IMatchPropertyConstraint>> sourceFilters, Map<String, AbstractPropertyValue> propertyValues, Map<String, PropertyDefinition> propertyDefinitions) { for (Map.Entry<String, List<IMatchPropertyConstraint>> filterEntry : sourceFilters.entrySet()) { AbstractPropertyValue candidatePropertyValue = propertyValues.get(filterEntry.getKey()); AbstractPropertyValue templatePropertyValue = nodeTemplateValues.get(filterEntry.getKey()); if (candidatePropertyValue != null && candidatePropertyValue instanceof ScalarPropertyValue && templatePropertyValue != null && templatePropertyValue instanceof ScalarPropertyValue) { try { IPropertyType<?> toscaType = ToscaType.fromYamlTypeName(propertyDefinitions.get(filterEntry.getKey()).getType()); // set the constraint value and add it to the node filter for (IMatchPropertyConstraint constraint : filterEntry.getValue()) { constraint.setConstraintValue(toscaType, ((ScalarPropertyValue) candidatePropertyValue).getValue()); try { constraint.validate(toscaType, ((ScalarPropertyValue) templatePropertyValue).getValue()); } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { return false; } } } catch (ConstraintValueDoNotMatchPropertyTypeException e) { log.debug("The value of property for a constraint is not valid.", e); } } } return true; } /** * Checks if the type of a LocationResourceTemplate is matching the expected type. * * @param nodeTemplate The node template to match. * @param candidateType The type of the candidate node. * @param candidate The candidate location resource. * @return True if the candidate type matches the node template type, false if not. */ private boolean isCandidateTypeValid(NodeTemplate nodeTemplate, LocationResourceTemplate candidate, NodeType candidateType) { return candidateType.getElementId().equals(nodeTemplate.getType()) || (candidateType.getDerivedFrom() != null && candidateType.getDerivedFrom().contains(nodeTemplate.getType())); } }