package alien4cloud.paas.function; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.definitions.*; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.AbstractInheritableToscaType; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.types.AbstractToscaType; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import; import; import alien4cloud.common.AlienConstants; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.Capability; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.NodeTemplate; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.Requirement; import org.alien4cloud.tosca.model.templates.Topology; import alien4cloud.paas.IPaaSTemplate; import alien4cloud.paas.exception.NotSupportedException; import alien4cloud.paas.model.InstanceInformation; import alien4cloud.paas.model.PaaSNodeTemplate; import alien4cloud.paas.model.PaaSRelationshipTemplate; import alien4cloud.paas.model.PaaSTopology; import; import alien4cloud.tosca.ToscaUtils; import alien4cloud.tosca.normative.ToscaFunctionConstants; import alien4cloud.tosca.normative.ToscaType; import alien4cloud.utils.AlienUtils; import alien4cloud.utils.MapUtil; import alien4cloud.utils.PropertyUtil; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; /** * Utility class to process functions defined in attributes or operations input level: * ex:<br> * * <pre> * attributes: * url: "http://get_property: [the_node_tempalte_1, the_property_name_1]:get_property: [the_node_tempalte_2, the_property_name_2 ]/super" * </pre> */ @Slf4j @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public final class FunctionEvaluator { /** * Post process / enrich instance information by parsing all function in attributes and replacing them with real values * * @param instanceInformations the instance information to post process * @param topology the topology * @param paaSTopology the pass topology */ public static void postProcessInstanceInformation(Map<String, Map<String, InstanceInformation>> instanceInformations, Topology topology, PaaSTopology paaSTopology) { // parse attributes for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, InstanceInformation>> nodeInstanceId : instanceInformations.entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, InstanceInformation> nodeInstanceNumber : nodeInstanceId.getValue().entrySet()) { if (nodeInstanceNumber.getValue().getAttributes() != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> attributeEntry : nodeInstanceNumber.getValue().getAttributes().entrySet()) { PaaSNodeTemplate nodeTemplate = paaSTopology.getAllNodes().get(nodeInstanceId.getKey()); Map<String, IValue> nodeTemplateAttributes = nodeTemplate.getIndexedToscaElement().getAttributes(); IValue attributeValue = nodeTemplateAttributes.get(attributeEntry.getKey()); if (attributeValue != null) { String parsedAttribute = FunctionEvaluator.parseAttribute(attributeEntry.getKey(), attributeValue, topology, instanceInformations, nodeInstanceNumber.getKey(), nodeTemplate, paaSTopology.getAllNodes()); attributeEntry.setValue(parsedAttribute); } } } } } } /** * Parse an attribute value that can be : {@link ConcatPropertyValue} / {@link AttributeDefinition} * * @param attributeId * @param attributeValue * @param topology * @param runtimeInformations * @param currentInstance * @param basePaaSTemplate * @param builtPaaSTemplates * @return */ public static String parseAttribute(String attributeId, IValue attributeValue, Topology topology, Map<String, Map<String, InstanceInformation>> runtimeInformations, String currentInstance, IPaaSTemplate<? extends AbstractToscaType> basePaaSTemplate, Map<String, PaaSNodeTemplate> builtPaaSTemplates) { if (attributeValue == null) { return null; } // handle AttributeDefinition type if (attributeValue instanceof AttributeDefinition) { String runtimeAttributeValue = extractRuntimeInformationAttribute(runtimeInformations, currentInstance, Lists.newArrayList(basePaaSTemplate), attributeId); if (runtimeAttributeValue != null) { if (!runtimeAttributeValue.contains("=Error!]") && !runtimeAttributeValue.equals("")) { return runtimeAttributeValue; } } return ((AttributeDefinition) attributeValue).getDefault(); } // handle concat function if (attributeValue instanceof ConcatPropertyValue) { StringBuilder evaluatedAttribute = new StringBuilder(); ConcatPropertyValue concatPropertyValue = (ConcatPropertyValue) attributeValue; for (IValue concatParam : concatPropertyValue.getParameters()) { // scalar type if (concatParam instanceof ScalarPropertyValue) { // scalar case evaluatedAttribute.append(((ScalarPropertyValue) concatParam).getValue()); } else if (concatParam instanceof PropertyDefinition) { // Definition case // TODO : ?? what should i do here ?? currently returns default value in the definition evaluatedAttribute.append(((PropertyDefinition) concatParam).getDefault()); } else if (concatParam instanceof FunctionPropertyValue) { // Function case FunctionPropertyValue functionPropertyValue = (FunctionPropertyValue) concatParam; List<? extends IPaaSTemplate> paasTemplates = getPaaSTemplatesFromKeyword(basePaaSTemplate, functionPropertyValue.getTemplateName(), builtPaaSTemplates); switch (functionPropertyValue.getFunction()) { case ToscaFunctionConstants.GET_ATTRIBUTE: evaluatedAttribute.append(extractRuntimeInformationAttribute(runtimeInformations, currentInstance, paasTemplates, functionPropertyValue.getElementNameToFetch())); break; case ToscaFunctionConstants.GET_PROPERTY: evaluatedAttribute.append(extractRuntimeInformationProperty(topology, functionPropertyValue.getElementNameToFetch(), paasTemplates)); break; case ToscaFunctionConstants.GET_OPERATION_OUTPUT: String defaultValue = "<" + functionPropertyValue.getElementNameToFetch() + ">"; evaluatedAttribute.append(extractRuntimeInformationOperationOutput(runtimeInformations, currentInstance, paasTemplates, functionPropertyValue, defaultValue)); break; default: log.warn("Function [{}] is not yet handled in concat operation.", functionPropertyValue.getFunction()); break; } } } return evaluatedAttribute.toString(); } // handle functions. For now, only support Get_OPERATION_OUTPUT on attributes scope if (attributeValue instanceof FunctionPropertyValue) { FunctionPropertyValue function = (FunctionPropertyValue) attributeValue; switch (function.getFunction()) { case ToscaFunctionConstants.GET_OPERATION_OUTPUT: List<? extends IPaaSTemplate> paasTemplates = getPaaSTemplatesFromKeyword(basePaaSTemplate, function.getTemplateName(), builtPaaSTemplates); return extractRuntimeInformationOperationOutput(runtimeInformations, currentInstance, paasTemplates, function, null); default: return null; } } return null; } private static String extractRuntimeInformationOperationOutput(Map<String, Map<String, InstanceInformation>> runtimeInformations, String instanceId, List<? extends IPaaSTemplate> nodes, FunctionPropertyValue function, String defaultValue) { String outputRQN = AlienUtils.prefixWith(AlienConstants.OPERATION_NAME_SEPARATOR, function.getElementNameToFetch(), new String[] { function.getInterfaceName(), function.getOperationName() }); // return the first found for (IPaaSTemplate node : nodes) { String nodeName = node.getId(); if (runtimeInformations.get(nodeName) != null) { Map<String, String> outputs; // get value for an instance if instance number found if (runtimeInformations.get(nodeName).containsKey(instanceId)) { outputs = runtimeInformations.get(nodeName).get(instanceId).getOperationsOutputs(); } else { outputs = runtimeInformations.get(nodeName).entrySet().iterator().next().getValue().getAttributes(); } String formatedOutputName = ToscaUtils.formatedOperationOutputName(nodeName, function.getInterfaceName(), function.getOperationName(), function.getElementNameToFetch()); if (outputs.containsKey(formatedOutputName)) { return outputs.get(formatedOutputName); } } } log.warn("Couldn't find output <{}> in nodes <{}>", outputRQN, nodes.toString()); return defaultValue; } /** * Extract property value from runtime informations * * @param topology * @param propertyOrAttributeName * @param nodes * @return */ private static String extractRuntimeInformationProperty(Topology topology, String propertyOrAttributeName, List<? extends IPaaSTemplate> nodes) { AbstractPropertyValue propertyOrAttributeValue; NodeTemplate template = null; for (IPaaSTemplate node : nodes) { String nodeName = node.getId(); template = topology.getNodeTemplates().get(nodeName); if (template != null && template.getProperties() != null) { propertyOrAttributeValue = template.getProperties().get(propertyOrAttributeName); if (propertyOrAttributeValue != null) { return getScalarValue(propertyOrAttributeValue); } } } log.warn("Couldn't find property <{}> of node <{}>", propertyOrAttributeName, nodes); return "[" + nodes + "." + propertyOrAttributeName + "=Error!]"; } /** * Return the first matching value in parent nodes hierarchy * * @param runtimeInformations * @param currentInstance * @param nodes * @param propertyOrAttributeName * @return runtime value */ private static String extractRuntimeInformationAttribute(Map<String, Map<String, InstanceInformation>> runtimeInformations, String currentInstance, List<? extends IPaaSTemplate> nodes, String propertyOrAttributeName) { Map<String, String> attributes = null; // return the first found for (IPaaSTemplate node : nodes) { String nodeName = node.getId(); // get the current attribute value if (runtimeInformations.get(nodeName) != null) { // get value for an instance if instance number found if (runtimeInformations.get(nodeName).containsKey(currentInstance)) { attributes = runtimeInformations.get(nodeName).get(currentInstance).getAttributes(); } else { attributes = runtimeInformations.get(nodeName).entrySet().iterator().next().getValue().getAttributes(); } if (attributes.containsKey(propertyOrAttributeName)) { return attributes.get(propertyOrAttributeName); } } } log.warn("Couldn't find attribute <{}> in nodes <{}>", propertyOrAttributeName, nodes.toString()); return "<" + propertyOrAttributeName + ">"; // value not yet computed (or won't be computes) } /** * Return the paaS entities based on a keyword. This latest can be a special keyword (SELF, SOURCE, TARGET, HOST), or a node template name * * @param basePaaSTemplate The base PaaSTemplate for which to get the entity name * @param keyword The * @param builtPaaSTemplates * @return a list of PaaSTemplate(relationship or node) resulting from the evaluation */ public static List<? extends IPaaSTemplate> getPaaSTemplatesFromKeyword(IPaaSTemplate<? extends AbstractToscaType> basePaaSTemplate, String keyword, Map<String, PaaSNodeTemplate> builtPaaSTemplates) { switch (keyword) { case ToscaFunctionConstants.SELF: return Lists.<IPaaSTemplate> newArrayList(basePaaSTemplate); case ToscaFunctionConstants.HOST: return getWithParentsNodes(getHostNode(basePaaSTemplate)); case ToscaFunctionConstants.SOURCE: return getWithParentsNodes(getSourceNode(basePaaSTemplate, builtPaaSTemplates)); case ToscaFunctionConstants.TARGET: return getWithParentsNodes(getTargetNode(basePaaSTemplate, builtPaaSTemplates)); default: // FIXME if the keyword is in fact the name of a relationship?? return Lists.<IPaaSTemplate> newArrayList(getPaaSNodeOrFail(keyword, builtPaaSTemplates)); } } /** * Evaluate a get_property function type * * @param functionParam The property function of type {@link FunctionPropertyValue} to evaluate * @param basePaaSTemplate The base PaaSTemplate in which the parameter is defined. Can be a {@link PaaSRelationshipTemplate} or a {@link PaaSNodeTemplate}. * @param builtPaaSTemplates A map < {@link String}, {@link PaaSNodeTemplate}> of built nodetemplates of the processed topology. Note that these * {@link PaaSNodeTemplate}s should have been built, thus referencing their related parents and relationships. * @return the String result of the function evalutation */ public static String evaluateGetPropertyFunction(FunctionPropertyValue functionParam, IPaaSTemplate<? extends AbstractInheritableToscaType> basePaaSTemplate, Map<String, PaaSNodeTemplate> builtPaaSTemplates) { List<? extends IPaaSTemplate> paaSTemplates = getPaaSTemplatesFromKeyword(basePaaSTemplate, functionParam.getTemplateName(), builtPaaSTemplates); for (IPaaSTemplate paaSTemplate : paaSTemplates) { String propertyValue = getPropertyFromTemplateOrCapability(paaSTemplate, functionParam.getCapabilityOrRequirementName(), functionParam.getElementNameToFetch()); // return the first value found if (propertyValue != null) { return propertyValue; } } return null; } private static String serializeComplexPropertyValue(Object value) { try { if (value instanceof String) { return (String) value; } else if (value instanceof ComplexPropertyValue) { return JsonUtil.toString(((ComplexPropertyValue) value).getValue()); } else { return JsonUtil.toString(value); } } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { return null; } } private static String getPropertyValue(Map<String, AbstractPropertyValue> properties, Map<String, PropertyDefinition> propertyDefinitions, String propertyAccessPath) { if (properties == null || !properties.containsKey(propertyAccessPath)) { String propertyName = PropertyUtil.getPropertyNameFromComplexPath(propertyAccessPath); if (propertyName == null) { // Non complex String defaultValue = PropertyUtil.getDefaultValueFromPropertyDefinitions(propertyAccessPath, propertyDefinitions); if (defaultValue != null) { return defaultValue; } else { return null; } } else { // Complex PropertyDefinition propertyDefinition = propertyDefinitions.get(propertyName); if (propertyDefinition == null) { return null; } else if (ToscaType.isSimple(propertyDefinition.getType())) { // It's a complex path (with '.') but the type in definition is finally simple return null; } else if (properties != null) { AbstractPropertyValue rawValue = properties.get(propertyName); if (!(rawValue instanceof PropertyValue)) { throw new NotSupportedException("Only support static value in a get_property"); } Object value = MapUtil.get(((PropertyValue) rawValue).getValue(), propertyAccessPath.substring(propertyName.length() + 1)); return serializeComplexPropertyValue(value); } else { return null; } } } else { AbstractPropertyValue abstractPropertyValue = properties.get(propertyAccessPath); if (abstractPropertyValue == null) { return null; } else if (!(abstractPropertyValue instanceof PropertyValue)) { throw new NotSupportedException("Not a property value " + abstractPropertyValue); } else if (abstractPropertyValue instanceof ScalarPropertyValue) { return getScalarValue(properties.get(propertyAccessPath)); } else { try { return JsonUtil.toString(((PropertyValue) abstractPropertyValue).getValue()); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { return null; } } } } /** * Find a property from a template or capability / requirement if a name is provided * first find in capability, and then in requirement if no found. * * @param paaSTemplate * @param capabilityOrRequirementName * @param elementName * @return */ private static String getPropertyFromTemplateOrCapability(IPaaSTemplate<? extends AbstractInheritableToscaType> paaSTemplate, String capabilityOrRequirementName, String elementName) { // if no capability or requirement provided, return the value from the template property if (StringUtils.isBlank(capabilityOrRequirementName)) { return getPropertyValue(paaSTemplate.getTemplate().getProperties(), paaSTemplate.getIndexedToscaElement().getProperties(), elementName); } else if (paaSTemplate instanceof PaaSNodeTemplate) { // if capability or requirement name provided: // FIXME how should I know that the provided name is capability or a requirement name? NodeTemplate nodeTemplate = (NodeTemplate) paaSTemplate.getTemplate(); AbstractPropertyValue propertyValue = null; Map<String, Capability> capabilities = nodeTemplate.getCapabilities(); Map<String, Requirement> requirements = nodeTemplate.getRequirements(); // Find in capability first if (capabilities != null && capabilities.get(capabilityOrRequirementName) != null && capabilities.get(capabilityOrRequirementName).getProperties() != null) { propertyValue = capabilities.get(capabilityOrRequirementName).getProperties().get(elementName); } // if not found in capability, find in requirement if (propertyValue == null) { if (requirements != null && requirements.containsKey(capabilityOrRequirementName) && requirements.get(capabilityOrRequirementName).getProperties() != null) { propertyValue = requirements.get(capabilityOrRequirementName).getProperties().get(elementName); } } if (propertyValue instanceof ComplexPropertyValue) { return serializeComplexPropertyValue(((ComplexPropertyValue) propertyValue).getValue()); } else { return getScalarValue(propertyValue); } } log.warn("The keyword <" + ToscaFunctionConstants.SELF + "> can not be used on a Relationship Template level's parameter when trying to retrieve capability / requiement properties. Node<" + paaSTemplate.getId() + ">"); return null; } private static PaaSNodeTemplate getPaaSNodeOrFail(String nodeId, Map<String, PaaSNodeTemplate> builtPaaSTemplates) { PaaSNodeTemplate toReturn = builtPaaSTemplates.get(nodeId); if (toReturn == null) { throw new FunctionEvaluationException(" Failled to retrieve the nodeTemplate with name <" + nodeId + ">"); } return toReturn; } private static PaaSNodeTemplate getHostNode(IPaaSTemplate<? extends AbstractToscaType> basePaaSTemplate) { if (basePaaSTemplate instanceof PaaSNodeTemplate) { // TODO Must review this management of host PaaSNodeTemplate template = (PaaSNodeTemplate) basePaaSTemplate; return template.getParent() != null ? template.getParent() : template; } throw new BadUsageKeywordException("The keyword <" + ToscaFunctionConstants.HOST + "> can only be used on a NodeTemplate level's parameter. Node<" + basePaaSTemplate.getId() + ">"); } private static PaaSNodeTemplate getSourceNode(IPaaSTemplate<? extends AbstractToscaType> basePaaSTemplate, Map<String, PaaSNodeTemplate> builtPaaSTemplates) { if (basePaaSTemplate instanceof PaaSRelationshipTemplate) { return getPaaSNodeOrFail(((PaaSRelationshipTemplate) basePaaSTemplate).getSource(), builtPaaSTemplates); } throw new BadUsageKeywordException("The keyword <" + ToscaFunctionConstants.SOURCE + "> can only be used on a Relationship level's parameter. Node<" + basePaaSTemplate.getId() + ">"); } private static PaaSNodeTemplate getTargetNode(IPaaSTemplate<? extends AbstractToscaType> basePaaSTemplate, Map<String, PaaSNodeTemplate> builtPaaSTemplates) { if (basePaaSTemplate instanceof PaaSRelationshipTemplate) { return getPaaSNodeOrFail(((PaaSRelationshipTemplate) basePaaSTemplate).getRelationshipTemplate().getTarget(), builtPaaSTemplates); } throw new BadUsageKeywordException("The keyword <" + ToscaFunctionConstants.TARGET + "> can only be used on a Relationship level's parameter. Node<" + basePaaSTemplate.getId() + ">."); } private static List<PaaSNodeTemplate> getWithParentsNodes(final PaaSNodeTemplate paaSNodeTemplate) { List<PaaSNodeTemplate> toReturn = Lists.newArrayList(); PaaSNodeTemplate parent = paaSNodeTemplate; while (parent != null) { toReturn.add(parent); parent = parent.getParent(); } return toReturn; } /** * Get the scalar value * * @param propertyValue the property value * @throws alien4cloud.paas.exception.NotSupportedException if called on a non ScalarPropertyValue * @return the value or null if the propertyValue is null */ public static String getScalarValue(AbstractPropertyValue propertyValue) { if (propertyValue == null) { return null; } else if (propertyValue instanceof ScalarPropertyValue) { return ((ScalarPropertyValue) propertyValue).getValue(); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Property value is not of type scalar"); } } public static Map<String, String> getScalarValues(Map<String, AbstractPropertyValue> propertyValues) { if (propertyValues == null) { return null; } Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, AbstractPropertyValue> propertyValueEntry : propertyValues.entrySet()) { properties.put(propertyValueEntry.getKey(), getScalarValue(propertyValueEntry.getValue())); } return properties; } public static boolean isGetAttribute(FunctionPropertyValue function) { return ToscaFunctionConstants.GET_ATTRIBUTE.equals(function.getFunction()); } public static boolean isGetOperationOutput(FunctionPropertyValue function) { return ToscaFunctionConstants.GET_OPERATION_OUTPUT.equals(function.getFunction()); } /** * Check if the given property value is a TOSCA get_input function. * * @param propertyValue The property value to evaluate. * @return True if the property is a TOSCA get_input function, false if not. */ public static boolean isGetInput(AbstractPropertyValue propertyValue) { return propertyValue instanceof FunctionPropertyValue && isGetInput((FunctionPropertyValue) propertyValue); } public static boolean isGetInput(FunctionPropertyValue function) { return ToscaFunctionConstants.GET_INPUT.equals(function.getFunction()); } }